The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 08, 1919, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5
MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 8. 1919. PLATTKMoirrn son-wrEKrr jouhnal. PAGE FIVE. Ma Ak M k i PREPARED EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE JOURNAL. Does Your Bank Meet With the Following Requirements? Are the depositors protected by the Depositors Guaranty Fund of the State of Nebraska? Has it proven to you that it is able and willing to take care or" you ami loan you iiiney in "hard times" as well as when money is plentiful? Are its officers ami directors persons of ample financial means, and ::re they conservative and proven practical bankers? Io the oiiicers and directors own the majority of the Capital Stock in the bank, so that by their investment they are sufficiently interested to do their best at all times, and look after the interests of their customers "through thick and thin"? Are you given courteous treatment and prompt service and made to feel welcome, and shown that your business is appre ciated? If your bank meets with the above conditions, we suggest that you continue doing your business where you are at the present time, as you make no mistake in stay ing with" an established, reliaoie banking institution, which has proved to have made good. P.ut should you be considering making a change in yuiir banking connections, we shall Ik? glad to have you call and talk matters over with us. We will treat you right. COKDIALIA YOLKS THE B&?4K OF MURDOCH, Where You Feel at Home I'tuier the present management for the past ten years. 11KNKY A. TOOL. President JAXETTK A. GUTHMAXN. Vico-I'rcs. HEX KY A. GUTHMAXN, Cashier now about l Herman Smith and wife, who has 'been visiting for some time at Hast- ings, returned home a few days ago. i ! Fred and Otto Lake were attend ing the funeral of their mother, who passed away a short time since at her late home at Weepin on last Sunday. Carl Schneider, Fred Kupke and Otto Wtitrnian, who are attending 1 j 1 ' . I u'linul at Concordia, Kansas, depart- . 1 i e - 1 . !,.. T...-!..,- II. P. Denning and family wore James Barry and W. O. Gillespie lur luu "lBL "u"""-'' - enjovinsr tliL societv of their friends ' made a visit at Arriba. during the past week, where they The fall plowing is completed. John Gakemeier arrived home from the western portion of the state last Thursday. Plattsmouth on Monday of last week and found the office of the county judge closed on account of it being Labor day, so being unable to get in touch with either the judge or his obliging clerk, Miss White, they were compelled to return home in a state of single blessedness. Fri day morning this couple concluded Will Consider Lighting- Proposition At the next meeting of the town ; they would try again, and went to board of Murdock. which will be Lincoln, where they visited the state held at an early date, there will be fair, and at the same time secured a sonic parties present from Lincoln license and were united in mar- 1- ill . I . . l...rrtrt bn .1 a 1. rrr T'li tit w -rs s lit ls clir r Kaii Jul"e H A Gact was a visitor at vuo w11 piace utiui i uu uuui u m aoc. ucj uc ntuc cnwm, the state fair last Wednesday where proposition of furnishing electric it.-and were endeavoring to keep it he did not go up in an aeroplane. lights for Murdock. The juice will from their friends until after the be supplied over a transmission line ceremony nau oeen pertormeu ior coming from the capital city via J some days, but close friends could Greenwood. Murdock is in need of not keep the secret and so the cat this service and steps will be taken . is out of the bag- They will make to secure the lighting of the city if their home in Murdock and eventual- C. L. Miller was visiting at the state fair last Thursday and says it was up to standard or a little better. Prof. Burwell lias been secured for the position of principal of the Murdock schools, thus completing the quota of teachers. Miss Olive Burke, one ot the local j.St Saturday night and Sunday town. The Journal unites with their teachers, is kept away by reason of jerrv McIIugh, Robert Williams and, many friends in extending congratu lations and best wishes for their fu ture happiness and success. possible. Some One Caught the Fish i ly will build a home of their own in the city, thus adding to the attrac tive new residences that grace the receiving treatment in a hospital at Harold Tool sojourned at the "shack" Omaha at present. on the Platte river taking with them John W. Reasoner and A. D. Mc- all the known allurements with Wright, both of Ashland, wre look- which to endeavor " to induce some ing after some business matters in of the finny tribe in the river to Murdock one day this last week. take hold ami be lifted out to a of place of safety (?) but even the Miss Esther Smith, daughter suckers were too wise and so their efforts were futile. They secured, however, the assistance of an expert Would Locate in Murdock J. II. Buck, of Neiigh, and anoth er man were in Murdock last. Friday, endeavoring to purchase the black smith shop of Robert Williams, and while Mr. Williams is doing an ex cellent business, the offer of a good While the ne- the matter fisherman who. for a paltry sum of . price was tempting silver, delivered some of tie fish negotiations were pendin had caught, and they managed to 'of a place to live was thought of. Water nav; a nsu suPPer despite the fact; and after a canvass of the city it that luck was against them. i was lounct . mat tne oniy vacant place in the entire city is the old postotfice building. Just what the of prospective purchasers will do re- Cars Have Collision the O street road south few evenings since, while mains to be seen, but Mr. Williams were looking after some land. cleaned up on their corn, having and seeing the new things at ttu Ltate fair Wednesday of ia t week. W. O. Gillespie and family were visitors at the state fair for a day this week and found the annual meet fully up to or a little ahead of former ones. George Yandenberg, H. U". Tool. Harry Gillespie ind Lacy McDonald v.-ere spending the day Wednesday at the state fair and report it the big gest thing ever. August Panska and family were attending the state fair last Tues day, where they enjoyed the ooc hion to the limit, seeing things the past year has brought out and uoi ir.g the progress of the age. Louis Neitzcl and wife were taking in the state fair last Wednesday. humble bees, which immediately de Colorado. they go to take up tneir work. Albert Then, wno nas oeen Mrs. at the Saint Elizabeth hospital in Both the elevators have entirely 1 1-inc)M' for some time, arrived home r' about a week since, and is leeling shipped the last they had in store ajSrea,l m.proveu as a resuu ei .... i ireai iiifiu. On town a passing over a culvert a large tour-j is kept so busy he hasn't time to ing car and a Ford came together, j worry about whether the deal may the fender of the large car catching t fall through on account of lack cf a the front wheel of the Ford car and place to live. tearing it off. The wheel was thrown Miss Ruth Sorrick will teach what is known as the Zoo school for the coming year. Miss Sorrick is an accompli.-bed young lady and withal an excellent instructor. She will make a success of thi. school. H. Kell. who has been in the !. ing the product-.; of th :tale on i-iarcd tew days ago. and are now filled toi the brim with wheat, and more to come. John Amgwert has been troubled with rheumatism for the past, few days, interfering with his work, but . ' v .... v . f . ... . ..v . . . - ' . f ' ' m . . ' j It-it so miicn improved inursaav. , ..,,:., ;otv lor some time past constructing that lie deemed himself able to take .. ? , . ia cold storage cave tor O-car Mc a dav off am: attend the state fair. , ,, , , . . .,..: .. ... i Donald, has completed his portion ct in company with his family. I , , . . . . ; . ,- ' the work, and departed last I- nda William Westfall was limping ff , , , t uaveiock. i . . .- 1 arouuii m til weeh. on-aecouiii 01 ua - n,.,,.-,. MnvurinrciMi Bornemeier accompanied-II. A. Gnrh- ui.1 nn to Burlington, Colorado, : good distance from the car and the casing and inner tube were neither one found. The impact of the c.;J Visits Friends at Murdock John Cook, of Beaver City, who formerly lived near town, was a . . i . . ...... lission turned the Ford completely I visitor in .Murdock tor a short time around, the occupants being given last Friday, where he drove in his the shaking up of their lives, but! car from Lincoln, he having been in otherwise no great damage was dor.o. ! the capital city attending the state other car never stopped, but fair. He was on his way to Elm- wood to visit his brother George. jar.d from there went on to Platts mouth to visit another brother, C. ! E. Cook. John, who has made his About to ytars or so Ago. K. II. 1 home in the west for a number of The made haste to get out of the coun try as soon as possible. Sells Farm for Nice Profit. ing come in contact with a nest of state of war to exi .t" be- exhibitioii. the auto races and the ;t ween themselves and Mr. Westfall. I first of last week, where they the arc- interested in some land, and went ! maneuvers which would .This resulted in the ultimate exter- ' 1(J(,k th( oomurv over as wt,n. have shocked one nearly to death a ! m jilat ion of the bees, while Mr. WVst- few years ago. but which are already I faji came out regarded as commonplace sights. Henry iteickman. Herman Smith and II. A. C.uthmann and families' much the worse for Rev. Howard Tool and family, of Lincoln, were visiting in the city the battle. j;i!.t weoiif -nests at the home ol John Bauer and wife, with their. Arthur J. Tool and family, w ho i? children, are visiting in the neiii-:a Lrotiier of Rev. Tool, and also vis- weie among those who attended the j borluiod of Murdock, Alvo and Eag'.e, ning with other friends here. Uite fair last Tue: day and found ; driving down in their car, and ar- J The see. ling season is keeping KMue forty thousand there. a big j visiting at the homes of Fred Mini- j William Gehrts busy furnishing the crowd, but of such size as to aliord . chau, near Eagle and William West-; rai nhi- machinery and also looking letter getting about than when the!fan between Murdock and Alvo. Mr. (after the marketing of traclors. H-j crowds increased to over 70.000 thojjau,,r ., family are making their !las just disposed of one to the pr:- ihomo near Pipestone, Minn., where Gut!'-, they have lived for the past few years. Jerry McIIugh. manager of the MuruocI; Mercantile Miller purchased a farm of eighty j years, has prospered and likes the ,,,, -M.,-,:,, acres, paving 175 per acre lor t lit-, couuu une ne lesiues veiy wen. land. This is his third year to tarm ; e nau uriven co wuuuiu irum 111.1 the land and he has received two ( home at Beaver City in his car and good crops and one partial crop, ar. l during his stay here was a guest at r.ov. has sold the farm for $300 per ( the home ot Henry A. tool. , acre, clearing $125 per acre in ad- ; r. dition to having the use of t in? ' NATION WIDE CAMPAIGN OF land. The advance netted Mr. Mi!- THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH ler exactly $10,000 more than hej e Ti... ..ioi.t,- --rni iloin -i Fim Saturday's Daily. pretty well on so small a tract. The place wa meier. who is an excellent judge of) land and who knows the worth of a farm. day following. Aiiusi Ruge and li A maun were visiting in Plattsmouth one day !a-t week, where they were looking after some matters in the probate court r!-.tiv to the si tiling of the estate of the late Fred Ruge. Y'.'iiiie there, they also looked after the traiiEactie.n of some other busi ness as well. r. LcuHi'eii and August Kuue were meeting with the county com iiiissioners at the county seat last Tuesday, where they were consider ing the matler of having bridge replaced northeast of town, which has been out for some time, and which make? it very inconvenient. for tiie children attending school. Making Improvements gressive farmers. Klemme brothers.! The Murdock Mutual telephone west of town. J company is making some needed im- People in the neighborhood of provements. 'which include almost a Murdock are wondering when they 'reorganization of their plant. They ab'e to net more sugar as : re bringing the cables into the ot- comnanv. was!will he I ..... : .. .1 f.-..,.i a visitor in the capital ciiy one day! the 25 cent allowance does not go hce iro:n tue iear, ihmv.iu i ..". during the past week, together with i very far. The Murdock .Mercantile the front, and making tneir in ( rangements. t.ii fn. ntv While there the chli- comnanv was aide to uet only one racuau; nom n. . -. iouows ren took their parents down the line, sack during the past week. the street. When they shall have showing them all the uonders that Joseph F. Gust in was in the cily gotten the changes completed they were on exhibition at the fair, and last Friday evening from his home'wi!! have the plant in much better -living the elder members of the near Murdock, and was looking al- condition for service . c 1 . fnn'itv a mrrrv time generally. Jer-itcr some business matters. While neieioioie uo.u here he met the representative of Kenneth Tool, h rank and Koy uor the Journal and arranged -to have they, Al Bowers and Diller Utt are the paper pav hini semi-weekly ' ma king the changes for the com- There will be a regional confer- i i- A-ut Cake- " "l" ""'"1"'" uuiiin. - - i . . ., . , . , .... : "i ine episcopal ciuircu ai irumy Cathedral. Omaha, Thursday, Sept 11th. The Rt. Rev. Dr. Hulse, Bishop of Cuba, will preside. The Rev. A. H. Lord of Milwaukee, Mr. Philip Knapp. a prominent layman of the church, and a noted woman member of the central committee, together with Bishop Hulse will ad dress the conference. In the ah Felice of the Dean, the Rev. W. S Leete will be in charge of the ar- The program is as than it has Laccv McDonald Holy Eucharist in the ry could not stand but cue day and hud to hasten back to his work, while Mrs. McIIugh and the children remained for the week and been visiting with friends in Lin coin as well as enjoying the fair. have , visit.s. t Will Have Plenty of Flour Soon The Munlock Mercantile Co. will have pauy. Will Bring Clicer to Home Word comes of the arrival at Onia- 9:00 A. M Cathedral. 10 A. M. Conference (held in the auditorium of the parish house at 17 1C Dodge St.) a. The Diocesan committee. b. Parochial organization. c. Woman's share in the campaign. 2 P. M. Conference. Before the general convention. a. The Unification of the Church's activities. b. Facing the problem The Sur- YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR Staple and Fancy Only High-Grade Merchandise Handled Also Pure Foods and Canned Goods. Chase & San borns and Advo Coffee, Barrington Hall and Instant Coffee. Fresh Fruits at all time in season. Blue Hill Creamery Butter. We specialize on Good Cream Cheete always fresh. iiraek Mercantile Go, JERRY E. fVlcHUCH, manager car load of "Gooch's Host" ha of a wee blue eyed baby girl, who flour arrive about September 15th. is making Jesse J-aminoim anu vwie ey. The. daughter arrived c. The Campaign of education This will sell for $'J.1(). Iictter tele- both happy phone your orders early. 'a few days since and the mother and IlitMe one are doing nicely. The Will Have Plenty of Flour Soon 'father is so happy be would whistle The Munlock Mercanl ib: Co. will about his work constantly, if the have a car load of "Gooch's Pest" .smile on his face would only feavo two or three day conferences in cv- flni. -..rrivo hniit Pont pi n li'.r 1 T.t h lnno- ononirh for him lO OUCKer UP: Va,, " m.oaiuu. This will sell for 10. Better tele- his lips to start. The- little Miss phone your orders early. , Landholm will grace the new home ' which her parents are just having The Lecture Course a Go finished. - All members of the guarantee' . committee for the lecture course will; Returns from Visit in West ! Vnrnfdi inl pnnfprpncins j ... ... . ........ . . After the General Convention. a. The Budget. b. The campaign of education- workers I 4 p. m. Conference for and leaders. S P. M. Mass meeting in the ca thedral with addresses. In this connection. Mrs. Itae F. Patterson and Mrs. J. T. Begley at a meeting of the Women's auxiliary nlon nmot t tho Miirilnrk Mpfcnn- Ilarrv V McDonald and family. , , tcr fr on Thursday afternoon were ap- t le company s store Tuesday, Sep- who have been touring the west iort . x i i i u,., pointed delegates. Every member tembcr 9th. to consider matters rela- the past week or more, arrived home ..... tive to the lecture course fo tho last Sunday, having enjoyed their, coming year. The course as now ar- trip to the fullest extent. While! ranged, will consist of tive numbers, away they saw, some very good coun-J try with an abundance of crops and Better Mail Service spent considerable time at Elsie, N- Tho new train which was a short braska, as well as other places. Mr. of St. Luke's Parish is earnestly urged to attend. TO ATTEND ENCAMPMENT. Frntn Saturday's Dally. Tomorrow evening Mr. and Mrs. time since instituted on the Itock McDonald was operator and agent jonn fight and Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Island, running from Omaha west, for the Burlington at Elsie before he (jenn cf this city will leave Omaha has been designated as a mail train, came to Murdock to live and thcy,over tlie Northwestern railroad for thus giving Murdock an added mail met a number of old time friends , Columbus. Ohio, where they will at tend the annual encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic which is to be held in that city during the to what she had before. The trains and enjoyed their stay greatly. which carry mail now are No. ii 7 . ar-j riving at 5:ni p. m. from Omaha, i Endeavored to Slil) One Over and No. 3S. which arrives from the Many friends of William Stacket- J coming week. The party will travel j west at 12:1S. just a few minutes sky and Miss Marjorie Burdick have on the special train arranged for the ( after the noon hour. The new train, noted with pleasure their devotion ' accommodat ion of the G. A. R. and which is Xo. 33. arrives at S:02 a. to each other and have wondered if sons of veterans and their families, in. from the east, and gives us much there was not going to be a wedding and they are anticipating a most better mail accomodations. soon. And there was. They visited delightful trip and one filled with DEALERS IN ALL KINDS m l & i V 4 We sell International, Waterloo Boy and Parriott Tractors the best. We are agents for the Interna tional, G. M. C. and Patriot Trucks and Buick Auto mobiles. Our Machine SSiop is especially well equipped to handle all kinds of Au tomobile repairing as well as general machine repair ing of all kinds. in7nn UU L IVUa MURDOCK, NEBRASKA the greatest of interest, in meeting with their old comrades in arms who they served with during the dark clays of the civil war. There are quite a number from this city who will attend the encampment, Hon. R. B. Windham and daughter. Miss Ilermia, Mrs. M. A. Street and An bury' Jacks and daughter, having al ready proceeded to the Ohio city to take part in the gathering of the old veterans and their families. It is expected that the Columbus en campment will be the largest in point of attendance of any in recent years. bonds of holy wedlock by Rev. L. W. Scott pastor of the church. The only attends at the wedding being the immediate family of the pastor. The newly weds returned to their home in Council Bluffs immediately after the ceremony. Mrs. Chris Metzger and children of Omaha are in the city enjoying a visit at the home of County Attor ney and Mrs. A. G. Cole, for a few days. "Riders of the Purple Sage." 'good story that you will fiud on sale at the Journal office. MARRIED AT PARSONAGE. fmm Saturday's lailv. This afternoon at the parsonage of the Christian church occurred the marriage of Mr. Arthur Pike of Council Bluffs, Iowa, and Miss Stella M. Wilson of Pacific Junction. The young people were united in the -I- Plastering. Stucco, Mason, l and all kinds of concrete 4 .t. work. Strictly first class. J HT. MOSMULLER. Murdock, Neb. 2 CONTRACTOR and BUILDER WE CARRY A FULL STOCK OF HATE ft and Make All Kinds of Mill Work at My Planing Mill ESTIMATES FURNISHED ON ALL. KINKS OF WORK! Planing Eliil located in north part of Murdock, Nebraska ED. THIMGAN Automobiles and Accessories AGENCY FOR Mitchell, Dodge and Ford Cars, Fordson Tractors and Cushman EViotors Our machine shop is especially well equipped with modern machinery and first-class workmen. We are ready to do all kinds of repair work, including acetyline welding. WE CARRY A LARGE LINE OF ALL KINDS OF TIRES! ED. U. TlIiiAl, fllurdock, Neb. Phone 35-B