The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 08, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3
'2, I. A Si PIATTSIIOuTH SEauTZEZj-T JGTT31SM. riJJX TE3S3 in :a 7Tf :"a r :' : a . b '8 : .a inra ' tBs ;.9 . b ;:o "8 1::8 ; a ::'8';!::n.::.:B::::B":MB ;;;!Bt::b;.::m & B B n K H B a n 1 B H N B fl 3 PASS COUNTY OVER THE COUNTY Monumen '14 t Company M fl M ! NEHAWKA ! News -.:X:W:X-::X-:X:;-:-XX- the carnival grounds. wh.e she had her homo in Lincoln after a visit In this vicinity with her brother. Chris Mookenhaupt and family una with her sister-in-law . Mrs. Catheriu--Erhart and family and wild other relatives and old lime friend-.. While here. Mrs. Albee spent some lime on i JUST RECEIVED A LARGE SHIPMENT OF MONUMENTS FOR FALL DELIVERY! They are now on the floor for inspection. Com U , tained in and let us show you their beauty, and satisfied customers is our motto. h?adstones of all sizes and color. e b Quick delivery S Markers aDd ? a Mi a THE WEW Telephone 177 SEwITH, I PROPRIETOR L'i,:arBZinr:ara7rH"ac INSISTS 01 NAME OF NEMAHA. ! Prison that Nemaha county, Xe ' a 'a:.i!::c n. r,. Hui! num- r i.-Hi'. building at the 1'alt i ir.tre .ipyarrt? t:r.d-r th" d ; r-( lion of the -!: i t-;: T! b.-.ard. as ' ' X . r 1 1 a . ; i ' ' several honor :' the river in Nehraska iiearir.c: Week In fore last one .-iiir.i; !:ia!s of the ,:.: u ho ci-mes frrin d the nam" of 1'i.i-ed named th months aso at.u county that (; to? c":;Tr. iii s'.'pp'ne- i ' -:i r -.i South Carolina e j l ra?a. in liberty bonds, in war sav 1 stamps and other war activities ! exceeded the South Carolina eoun j ty by per cent, and demanded j that the name Nemaha be restored, j The congressman from the First Xe I braska district expects favorable nc I tion. the ves-t-1 to Forsyth in the Lome county to the ' t "-.ned. This char, re r : hom.r of "icia! imn larne hav- DUP.OC-JEESEY SALE. it.g bc-ii l-r-.i:- ht to Co::gr-ss7i.a.n I'.- avis a! i : ;i . !. .oday look ;;p ;!; matter wi-h the chief of s'iipp'nir board. prot-tt!!:r against oh at: ire end bv e-eir:- The Imruc-Jersey Boar sale to be vi'-'eii by Philip Hirz. Wm. Iiummel and Will liirz. will he held at ahe Henry Hirz farm six miles west of Plattsmouth. on Thursday October !th. These hogs are all iinmuned. and contain the very best blood known to this Lreeding. Keep the date and write for catalog later. Mr. and Mrs. l- , M. Massie and Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hoback tnter- .tlrs. I). M. Rutherford and Bidaughter Clara at a six o'clock din- ll I .lllllll.ljt 1 I II. . I . l.. I 1111X11.' IMIt northwest of NYhawka. S. O. Murdoch, of Arapahoe. Ne braska, and V. H. Murdocli 01 Elm wood. Neb., who had been visiting a week or ten days here with their j sister, Mrs. V. S. Norris and other! relatives left Monday for theirj homes. Mrs. I). M. Rutherford, who re signed the management of the Ne- hawka' fck'phunc exchange alter 12 : years service, was checked up Wed Blnesday of this week and left today for Union, where she will visit for some time with relatives anu friends.! Albert Rrandt. a resident of Ne hawka until about eight years ago. came in from his home near ISrush. .Colorado, for a visit this week with relatives and friends here. Mr. (Brandt recently sold 1700 acres of land out there and is said to have cleaned up a pocket full of money. L. E. Hinds and wife, the former emploved at the Sheldon factory as keeper of invoices, resigned his posi tion last Saturday and on Tuesday morning moved to Council Blurts, Iowa, from -whence they came about one month since. We are sorry to lose these worthy people from Ne hawka but country town life didn't appeal to them as they supposed it would, hence they decided to stick to old environments instead of mak inK new ones. the pleasure of meeting a .are;it many . of her old tim- friends. Y. H. Heil, vice-president of the .Home State bank, who has devoted jthe greater part of his time to the care of the hooks of that institution for seme months past, has found it necessary to give up the book work on account of bis eyesight failing under the constant strain. Harvey Kooa, who but recently returned 'from service in ranee, lias he-en m i stalled in the position vacated by iMr. Heil. Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Ran of Man ley have gone 10 Colorado for a va- There Are Parts of Nebraska where they went to attend! the "homecoming" and also o visit Mrs. Trimble's daughter. Mrs. Stewart Vernon Wood etl lrom the anay ;or.ijctay ior a snort visit wiin friends. "Casey" will be remem bered by Lis many friends here as being one of ihe hoys who helped to erect the Trunkenholz elevator. There were a number of auto mishaps reported this week. On Sunday a collision occurred on t) street jut at the south end of Main street in which a car frran Hastings had a ear from Lincoln were .somewhat jammed up. We are informed that no one was hurt. Just at the west end of the Stev ens Creek bridge a large car com ing from Walton ran off the high embankment and turned over. We could not learn the names of the party. but several v. ere injired and one of them died Monday U H WHERE LAND 13 HIGHER THAN IN CASS COUNTY, BUT NOWHERE CAN YOU FIND LAND MORE PRODUCTIVE OR CROPS SAFER. cation and will stay several eek Mr t?:,n hu heen ill wish , , v I " ' -h t . All week there-. has t.een Look over these choice Cass county farms we are offering for sale at prices that are attractive to the pur chaser. Every one cl these lams will he worth more money before spring: 104 acres located at th -d?e(,f a Cn s county town. '4 mil" from elevator. There are 1 a"res in past are ami the balance is all good farm land. The of a good ejuht Toon, hou-.-., big "bari). corn cri'i. hog house and oti.'T small buihlinsfs. cont inuous tream of an' os at Ho of commission tem porarily lor tire or other trouble, but we heard of no other fatalities. FLYERS DROPPED FLOWERS iN OF PRESID ENT C7KZ & Ci B n ra a w rs n R H fj n B M a u a a n x.b - " " : B - a j.B B ' a r:s :ib:.;b.j:e rm :.:s :::: umr fever and has been sullerigg from overwork and felt the nee,! of a good I r' rest. During his absence from the bank, his brother' Joe Ran. of I'tica. (Will look after the business. The many friends of Mr. Rau and wife hope the change will be of creat benefit to him and that he will re turn in the best of condition. j August Pa u tech and his sister. ?drs. Mary Schliefert have received word from their sister, Mrs. William Rehwinkel. of I'urnett. Wisconsin, that their father. Charles I'autsck had recently suffered a stroke of paralysis. On account of his ! vanced years, the family have little ren here are- waiting for further news before going hack to the old home. The edd gentleman is eiirhty- eieht years old and has been re-J Columbus. Ohio. Sept. 4. Coium markahly active. bus today was garbed in her s-how- i on v. : 1 1 wor wiil :r: 1 1 iiraetu make all ri'-al pi a i :. The pric- it thi far:: give pooij to purcha on a n i t io- farm a stock pr: . ::(h; pi r t 1; T K . t fl ; ! w : t h ind t - i' i it the J':ol .e iler ;1 (( acres id coii.-i-'s sprint;, and eultival ion. COLUMBUS GREETS WILSON WITH ACCLADI AS HE ARRIVES i IN CITY. Crowds Along: Railroad Welcome His Soeeial With Cheers. located r.:il s southwest, of Louisville. The "0 acres of god pasture w l T ! i iiinniig water i: lie acr s of ch'ic- farm land. s:!l it a hi-h stat 'I'lo- in.provenie nts consist of a t; tk! tvo-sttrv stoi:' house, a liaen:ent barn f; r z' he-ail of hor.-e.-.. wisii irrinari-s built in above, doiib!" cor:; crib t-i!'! other small building. Tli im irov'ii,i'i!ts c.ul ' i:ot Ik- built under ? 1 " looi 'io. Tiiis i-' an ail around mod farm t;::d is ieiind to be v.-orih more in six months than we are askinr. l'rico j :J 'J. ' ' . 00 per acre. Will i.ive tiood tt rn.s. 4i2 acres six niil-s wt of Plat t smotit h . Nebraska. I'1- miles fro?-: shipping jioint for both c,rain and live stock, aiid 3 mi !:-; from the South urnaha market. This farm cotisisTs of tl'2' acres farm land, of ' acre-, i-. in ; Ifaif.i. We have already put uji 19 b:ir 10-ton stacks of alfalfa, hay o;i tliis farm this j ear, and the third crop is now ready for cutting. The stand is perfect and free of any weeds. The balance of th- farm land lias been needed ciow :i in the last f--w years and i in excellent f-hupe. The improvements consist of a good house, la rue cattle barn. 4.-x'i". horse barn, hog shed 12o feet bang, cattb- she,', uo;d hi- uranary, ccirn cribs, and other building.--. All the land is v.-.-l 1 f-ncd and cross f'-nced. two hie hog pastures fenc..-; hog 'ir-ht. Tio pa.-ture con.-ists of blue gras and clover and is verv hro-. 0.' acre; of it in the bottom. El i't.iintnnf.iifnitit.iiif.i.t.M'i WEEPING WATER Republican ELMWOOD Leader-Echo -esilent Wil cc u viT ry.vide of the peace ..T... T 3 We are permanentl' located in our the old Plattsmouth Garasre buildins: on own home, South Fifth street, where we will be pleased to look after your auto mobile troubles, supply you with your accessory wants, oLs. rrc;,;cs and tires. YOU WELL KNOW OUR POPULAR LINE OF CARS. The Sfudsbaksr Gors snd Trucks MAXWELL CARS AND TRUCKS v e are now prepared to demonstrate either of these cars and can make immediate delivery at once. Call and see us. and let us get acquainted. We will trea.t vou risht. u a South Fifth Street -:- -:- c c a 2 a-. s can b B'.b ' : a "e ::b "n;:.B.: WOLFF. Plattsmouth "C:' B"B"B!B B Chris Miller sold the farm east of On Wednesday Mrs. Perry Colbert town Saturday that he bought two underwent an operation for appen- and a half months ago. for an ad- dickis at Sl- Elizabeth's hopital. vance that netted Chris $-.350. which she has b('t'n troubled for some time put him up with the monev makers with this 'rouble. The operation in real estate. . was successful and Mrs. Colbert is ,.. . ... 'doine verv nicelv at present. is! tore, since Saturdav at the K. I). Clark home have been a nephew. ' D- Kilmer, son-in-law of Mr. Harold Thompson, of Omaha; Mrs. A- W- Ni"iHa. has been Fred Clark and two children of -.'pointed time-keeper for the P. Union, on Saturday, and a daughter- M- railroad at Lincoln. He eommenc-in-law, Mrs. Erne Clark and son. on M.mday of this Week. Mr. and Omar, of Kansas Citv. Mrs- Kilmer am now located in Lin- The Standard Oil (,.; gift of Sir. ;'U" Th;!; r,i' '!' :,oi,ie 5a toward the purchase of Weeping t' Lfu::?- Water's street sprii.ker shows that ' Orra Drumm and family motored their heart is in the right place and '( Elmwood on Tuesday from Eor that they have a proper conception liscue. Mo., and visited over nigl;: of loyalty to the community from' "ith J- ' lreamer and family. They which they draw patronage. , will spend several days visiting here. George Peters, southeast of town. -dr. Irumm says that crops are fine was here Tuesday to have a phy-d- in ni country and that he has corn cian dress an ugly flesh wound in tbat will go 7.". to SO bushels per his forearm which he received while acre. working with the self-starter on his! Wm. Stege has rented his farm southeast of town on which he now iest fashion to greet P ' fon, who opened hh- peaking tour in behalf treaty and the league -f nations. A reception committee met the i president at the Union station, and jctcerted him to an automobile which. ! headed a procession of machines ! along downtown streets. Airplanes here with the all-Americru path finders outfit, flew over the line of march, dropping flowers in the path of the president's machine. i Crowd Greets President. On Hoard President Wilson's Special Train. Kept. 4. -When th" train stopped for a few m nutes at Denison. Ohio. a number of Red Cross workers and some town folks were at the station, and tie presi dent crime out on the platform of his car. He greeted the small crowd i his is extra i- a good spi wa'er th-' pooi' well a: underground uooii pas' '.ire :. ir.n in the p:i" r ar- u !. W el lare under pipes o M-lf W n this p: be fat can t!T t t-riii tor'1 land, e. d wit h. vt rv anywhere. 'I .n b" arrange :'. CJ lilt ot a fleeted by dry weather. There furnishiiit: an al umlanre ef good the improv. merits are the re is a id supplv tank fro;i v.liic-h run rs for ::11 th- live .stock. Lots of ally that close to th" improvement::, could le word;, and it is as "joo'I as any land y,m price of ihb- place j-; sTa.oioi mi and ;:ood wit li' r. I! re These farms are all for immediate sale, possession to be given March 1st, 1920. It is time to do your fall plowinsz so do not lose anv time investigating these good propositions. We wil of these farms at anv time. H nrnnneibone. A f wi.l nr- cr net to show vou nnv PLEASURE TO SHOW CASS COUNTY LAND. IT'S and chatted viih t ie- Ltd Cross inn r'ot f.-i.-liir of to r r. rr i n rn i ir'iV 'f'V "r""1 ir 3 if i l' ; Your Dollar's Opportunity Your dollar's opportunity is now, today! Set it to work for you. Give it the task of multiplying itself. In doing so it will perform its part in the world affairs. Even' man's money should be making use of this opportunity. Farmers, for instance, can not only feed the world; through businesslike handling of their farms and businesslike handling of their in comes they can help to develop the world. Thrift Is Patriotism F2virg i3 a form e f serving. It is one of the biggest forms of national service service to your country. Our lirst presi dent said, "Economy makes happy homes and sound nations." The vay to start riKht is to start right now 1 Saving is as much a habit as srendiri or putting things off. Once formed, it is easy to continue. But un like other habits, it is a good habit. 1 ft -i i fc3 The ay to start riht is . , 3 t I wmrmm ::"-ti!lliH:it til 11 81 WITH US car. It seemed that the engine start ed while George had his hand under the hood. Mr. and Mrs. Omer Schlichtemeier who live nine and a half miles east of town drove in Wednesday morning with Mrs. Schlichtemeier's brothers. Elmer and Norman ef Casper, Wyo ming who were catching the train for home after several days' visit with their sister and family. Mr. and Mrs. P.ert Reed and their daughter, Eula Mae, who have been ; visiting relatives the past two weeks in Missouri at St. Joseph and Cam eron, returned home Monday morn ing. Mr. Reed has been in verv poor health and this was a much needed vacation for him. i As yet only one car accident has . come to our knowledge this weeks while fo many have been going to' the fair. On Wednesday afternoon, while four of our young men. Louie Staton. Carl Smith. F. J. Domingo.' and Sam Reed were on their way to Lincoln in the Staton car which was lives and is moving to the farm' just south of town which he re cently purchased and which is known, s as the McCahe farm. Will is in a way -sort of retiring from farming on , a large scale. Wm. I'.ohn. who farm-: ed the Engh-king farm known as the J. V. Deles Dernier farm is' moving to the Stege farm. John Eidenmiller has a patch of over 3.000 sweet potato plants that1 promises to mane a nig jieiu. joun took up several hills of these jota toes and thy had from twelve to eighteen nice potatoes on each stock. If the weather keeps good ana we do not get a frost for a month John! wi'.l have 150 to 200 bushels and this will make a nice summer's wape for him. A reception was held at the M. E. church last Friday evening in honor of the Dr. J. M. Xeely family who moved to Lincoln this week, where they have purchased a fine residence and where the doctor will workers for a moment. ! An elderly, gray harded r in conversation with the it just before the train pulled ot: Denison. ' Wishes Wilscn Success, j "I wisn you success c . your t ri he said. "It means a great cb al 'me. I lost two hoys in the war an3 have only one left. I am lioki;i' to : you to prevent future wars so he- won't have to go." Another man in the crowd re ' minded the president that Denison had voted against him in the last i presidenial election, hut would he Tor him in 1920. "Oh no." replied the president laughing and shrugging his shoulders. Uf Chilli L hmJ" Chilli I REAL ESTATE Phore 2S INSURANCE g LLTEAYE2 OF EDITH CAVZLL JIU3T DIE WON'T STOP SEIZURE OF PORK EY STATE driven by Sam Reed, they collided practice his profession. A nice sized with a car on O street a few miles crowd had assembled and a very out of Weeping Vv.iter which result- enjoyable evening was spent by all. ed in both cars being damaged, but, The Xeely family have lived here a no one hurt to any extent. j long time and have a host of fast j friends. They will be missed, hut they can be given tne nignesi recom mendation to their new friends and what is our loss will be their gain. wj--:::--: Courier LOUISVILLE Courier The Bank Of Coiiy. Ph-ttsmouth. Nebraska I Mrs. Charles Lau, daughters Miss Helena and Miss Augusta, son Louis and Miss Dora Meisinger drove to Lincoln last Tuesday to attend th? fair. They report all the attrac tions first class and the attendance ood . Mr. and Mrs. Edward Steinkamp came in from their country home I for the carnival one day last week to be present at the chicken dinner given to the soldiers and sailors. Ed ward served in France in the navy and has been honorably discharged. They will move in the near future to the farm near Weeping Water re cently purchased by Ed father, Auoiph Steinkamp. j Mrs. Frank Aluee nas returned to ..... Beacon EAGLE Canton, O.. Sept. 4. Justice Wil liam R. Day of the United States su preme court here today elenied a write asking for i stay of execution in the case of the state of Ohio against the Columbus Packing com pany in which seventy-five tons of pork, said to have been held in vio lation of the law, was weired by the prosecuting attorney of Franklin county. It is said the po-k will he placed on the market and sold at once. Paris. Sept. Georges Gaston , t Quiet!, cu trial before a court mar- ! tial. charged with having had treas- i enable dealings with tne Germans rt and of having bet rayed Eilith ( 'a veil i i to them, was today cs. evicted andly conc'emiied t.o death. j Ljj ARMY HAS NEW BARGAIN SALE t U nine million pounds of evapc-ratcu cu''. -Vs coli storaa : frigera.ti. to carl'aad e fruits are new in a'iu t::u'-t be shipped in . cars, slt-s are limited 7 : fruits from the array's surplus tup ply are available for purchase by municipalities and authorized sill ing agents for distribution to fl 9 Kim the wringer. housewife. vaher. A real Turns help for an 3 the the r'. t. b rrz sij -s r-. . the JJ luiblic. the war department an-jj nounced today. Appl'-s may be se- j cured at $(".44. peaches .at SO.f.O h - f !Y ROSENTHAL. D. MU:: Omaha. Neb. OltlM-'lt li:HIN(i of Will. In the County Cuurt of e'nss ty. Xeluaski). State ,,f ;eliiask:i, e'uuntv f Cuf fs. Chas. Trumble returned from his trip to Colorado Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Trunkenbolz enjoyed a pleasant visit Tuesday from their old friends and neigh bors in Nuckolls county. , Mr. and Mrs. Calvin and son and Mr. and Mrs. Harriot. Roy PiersoPs are this week pack ing their household goods and in tend to leave for their new home in Crete in the near future. Mr. Peirsol has beeif there som time. Mrs. Trimble and son Clyde re turned Thursdav from Fremont To nil I'ersons int-resteO in t!ie es tate of Joseph Koi'bek.. n-r-:isTi : On reaiiinir the petition of Frank Kuuliek eiavititr that the i nst ru tneti ' hietl in this court on the day of September. ami ptirportinir to be the last will an.i t--s!aiii-iu of th- sai't Ueeeii s'it. may iiiuvciI .iticl allowei! aiel re-orlt"l as the last will ami tes tament of Joseph Kouht k. ileeeast-il : that smiiI in.-truno-m may be admitte.1. to probate, and the a it in i n st i n t it" of sa'il estate he srrante-tl to t'ruiik Kon )ek as administrator witT the wi'l annexed : H is- heretiy ordered, that you. and a!l persons i n t erest in spid matter, may. an el bi. appear at the County Court to !'e to ld in and for said coun ty, on the -1 1 li day ol October A. 1 . 1 S t y. at ten o'clock a. m.. to -how cp-i?..-. if any there t-. why the prayer of th petitioner slni'.ilil iiiit he trrante.'. and that notice' of the pendancy of sail pe tition and that tin liearmsr thereof )" iiiyeii to all persons interested in said matter by pn'lishintr u iiinv of this order in the IMattsmoiUh Journal. n Sftn i-we-l:i y newsjiapr print-! in .si ye i I f K i I I i ---3 I a 1 I i 3 ;i-a.;rB":::a ;;" rMtxrK am." .E.::..c:i.::a :, c.i. :a -mzm: a.x:n:: "K.::::b -X-: aira .. 10-20 Titan kerosene burner, with three-bottom plow, delivered $1,300.00 Also the 1 2-25 Huber Light Four tractor with three-bottom plow included, delivered. . . .$1,640.00 WE WILL NOW BE IN A POSITION TO MAKE DELIVERIES ON DODGE BROS. AND CHANDLER CARS. DODGE BROS. CARS AT $1,185.00 Delivered CHANDLER CARS AT $1,975.00 Delivered I. H. C. Trucks DeLaval and Primrose Cream Separators. Used Cars! said ooontv, for three sircce prior to said ila v of hcari: Wit ness court, 1 1) is 191H. i y ;th hand. f'id s-a! of day of SepttmPer A n 0 n R weeks i -i Five-passenger Ford -touring car Monroe roadster, a bargain at Al.l.F.V (Seal) sS-Sw. j. r. -iKsov. Couiry Jul', p Office Supplies? That's where ehine. The Journal Frintery. wr 3 AUTOMOBILES ;::;jB;'i;:i.,:::nu!-a-i.-.--i..:;BK;.n:;:::B1 Si .$250.00 . 450.00 FARM IMPLEMENTS :mrajjKi,c'j2CLKs''j; a a a M d k k (4 h fa ti i a M K b 1 1 G 3 K I It B y i f r Bt P i " a :K'.:Ci:s