The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 01, 1919, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 1. 1919.
mi a
e Girts
Does Your Bank Meet With the
Following Requirements?
Are the depositors protected by the Depositors Guaranty Fund
oi iLc- State of Nebraska? .
Has it proven to you that it is able and willing to take care of
j ou and k;an you xajney in "hard times" us well as when money
is? plentiful?
Are its officers and directors persons of ample financial means,
iiid are they conservative and proven practical bankers?
Do the officers and directors own the majority of the Capital
Stock in the bank, so that by their investment they are sufficiently
interested to do their best at all times, and look after the interests
cf their customers "through thick and thin"?
Are you given courteous treatment and prompt service and
made to feel welcome, and shown that your business is appre
ciated? If your bank meets with the above conditions, we
suggest that you continue doing your business where you
are at the present time, as you "make no mistake in stay
ing with" an established, reliaoie banking institution,
which hits proved to have lu&de jrood.
Rut should you be considering making a change in
your bunking connections, we hhall be glad to have you
call and talk matters over with us. We will treat you right.
Where You Feel at Home
Under the present management for the past ten years.
Conducting a Good Hostelry.
One is in luck if he comes into
Murdoch at a late hour and succeeds
in finding a place to sleep, as the
one hotel conducted by W. O. Gilles
pie and wife, cud which is a popu
lar institution with the traveling
and transient population, is general
ly well filled by the time dusk
spreads its mantle over the earth
New Home Hearing- Completion
The elegant new home of Mr. and
Mrs. Jesse Landholm, which has been
under construction for some time
is now nearing completion and will
in a short time be ready for occu
pancy. The house, which is modern -
throughout, has a pipeless hot air!
fnrn.K. in th hsrmpnt Tno u o Merchuats and Farmers Interested
will be lighted by electricity from a
H. A. Gast. the shoe repairer, has
leen enjoying a good business cf
Louis Neirzcl was looking after
some business matters in Lincoln or
la:-1 Thursday.
Gust P.ackemeyer was a visitor in
Louisville last Thursday, attending
the soldier boys' reception and clso
the carnival in the evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Gust Nelson, from
near Alvo, were guests for dinner on
last Sunday, cf their friends Mr. and
Mrs. Fred C'ardes. driving over in
their car and enjoying the good fel
lowship of their friends. .
Mrs. M. Inhelder and Mrs. Harold
Hulbert and son. of Pierce, who
have been visiting in Murdock for
some time past, guests of relatives
and friends here, departed for their
home in the north last Tuesday.
Mrs. Henry Kelly returned to her
home in Lincoln last Monday even
ing after a two weeks' visit with
relatives here.
Rev. Schwab, pastor of the Evan
gelicrrel:ureh was a visitor in the
county seat, Tuesday, where be was
looking after some business matters
and calling on friends for the day.
He made the trip by auto.
After having visited in Murdock
for the past week, Mrs. Bernard
Schmidt, of Hastings, returned to
her home in the west a few days ago.
Mrs. Schmidt was a guest of rela
tives here and enjoyed her visit very
While in Louisville during the
frst part of the week Edward Thin:-
i gan became interested in the shoot
I there and carried away a fine water-
and the star3 come out. This is due private plant also located in .the
to the fact that these good people basement. . Bath and toilet, as well
are conducting an excellent place as water over the building is sup-
both from the eating and sleeping plied from a pressure tank and the
j standpoint. They certainly know sewage is cared for by a cess pool
how to conduct a good hotel and are on the adjoining lot. The building
not laying down on their-knowledge, is beautifully finished within and it
but are providing the public with, a presents an excellent outside ap-
good place to take temporary or per- pearance. A. P. Landblade, of
mancut residence. Stromsburg, is the builder, while,
the decorating is being done by Max
Is Kept Humping These Days Dusterboff. thus assuring the best of
Mat Thimgan, the contractor and workmanship in each line.
owner of the planing mill is kepi su
busy these days that he can scarcely
find time to turn around. He has
just completed two large contracts, j
one of the buildings being the mac-j
nificent country home of Fred Rau. ;
some two miles north and a halfj
mile east of Murdock. This is toj
be an elegant residence, with an
the modern conveniences including
heat, bath and electric lights just
as good as any of the city homes.
The other is the new home of Con
rad P.aumgartner, northwest of the
in New Enterprise Officers
Have Been Elected.
There has been some talk for
many months past about the organi
zation of a new bank ior the city
of Murdock. Most of the towns of
the size of this one have had two
banks for some time and the move
to organize another one here has
borne fruit in the getting together
of a number of merchants and farm
ers of the community and organiz
ing what will be known as the Farm
ers and Merchants Rank of Murdock,
The paid up capital has been plac
eu at $15,000.00. which is divided
GtJ If fi TflH! Q UflMC iEto 1G00 shares and is held by a
ft III Fit I U JL O fllmiL large number of people.
Under the "articles of incorpora
tion, there is authoriiatiou for tho
New Residence Property of Murdock ' issuance of $35,000.00 additional
Eank3r Assuming Goodly stock from time to time as the busi
Proportioto Now v j ness done by the new institution may
seem to warrant it.' The incorpora-
The workmen employee in the tors and stockholders are all men of
erection of the new home of Henry :mucn wealth and business acumen,
. Tool are making every minute a!uJ it is predicted that they will
John Bourke. of-Weeping Warerv
and William Bourke, of Wabash,
were in Murdock on last Thur3da
evening, coming to look after some
business matt err- in the city.
Lacey McDonald, the efficient rur
al mail carrier, gets out in the
morning about seven o'clock, thus
giving the farmers along his rouie
their mail and daily papers at an
er.rly hour, and leaving the remain
der of the day for other work.
George Oehlerking. Henry Meier
jurgen and Arthur Fiornemeier were
melon as a prize, which he gave to
Miss Margurite McDonald for her
birthday party.
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Kuehn and two
children, Miss Evelyn and son Harold
all of Hurchard, who have been vis
iting in Murdock over Sunday and
Monday, - departed Monday afternoon
for their home. They were hccoiii
panied by Mrs. Art Ward, who visii
ed at their home for the remainder
of the week.
Miss Lea Schmidt has accepted a
position with the Penterman Bron.
all passengers for the west one day j store at Elm wood and commenced
tiie first of the week, going out to
Grant to enjoy the Frontier Day,
celebration in miniature, which was
in progress last Tuesday and to look
over the country that is creating so
nnich interest anions land buyer-5,
and in which many (.'ass county peo
ple are trsdli -g.
Harry Gillespie. v. ho is looking
uTtcr the store oi' H. V. McDonald
while that g'-ntU-iian r.nd wife, with
their daughter. Mrs. Harry Gilles
pie, are visiting at the home of Gale
McDoinsUI. closed up the Ktore for
short time Tuesday evening and
attended the carnival at Louisville.
Mr. and Mrs. McDonald Tind. daugh
ter will visit at Hastings. McCook
aud Stanton beore returning home.
upon her new duties last week. Mis
Schmidt is a very capable young
woman and one who will be of greai
assistance to the firm for which the
works. The store is indeed fortu
nate in being able to secure her ser
vices. Robert Williams, the blacksmith,
has been one of the busiest men in
the city of late, having more- than
he could do sharpening plow shares
during the time the ground was so
hard, and while fall plowing was on
in full blast. Since the rain, bow
ever a share lasts much lougeru.d
as much of the fall plowing work i:
done, he will have some time to de
vote to the other work that has been
piling up on him during the rush. '
city, which mases ior tins geniifuidi theK1 davs anf, are ljUshin . - , T
, . - auCVVfU HWIaJ CX1C Ulf lUUUlfc,-
and his family a most comfortable , (he Wf,rk forward to earlv comple. j M j3 conteniplateti 1o open the
place or auoae ana eunauce;, BrM.ij jti The carpenter work, which is r,f ,0 h.w,ir institution
in charge of Frank Melving, is going for business on October 1st, and
forward rapidly. Messrs. Kenneth wbile tlje transaction of business
'and Richard Tool, sons of Mr. Tool . ui ,,.
and is well supplied with facilities !. kept fcusy witn the 6hlngiing . now iTla,itHnn will not. he in its
own home until some time later, as
the drawing of plans and erection
the value of his farm.
Having completed these contracts.
iVir. IHlIilfiaii i Mill iia3 t ivii v v.
lor doing tne worn in un, nuc m and other work about the piace.. a
bert possible manner, as well as not : H Dt,pner( of Lincoln, is also em
having to await on window and uoorjploved ou lhe structure.' while" the'of tne new building it is contemplat
frames and such like materials. as:i,umbing work ,g jn charge of tho;e(1 to put up to house the busines?
he cuts and fashions his own. there- j Hinian Plumbing company, also of will take considerable time.
1 . .;.. - 4 V. l.ncf nf 41-ArL'THOTiellin '
:,y lUMMin, . ; ' jthe capital city. The wiring is be- Three locations are under con
as weil as eliminating aeiays. ne
is able to furnish estimates on work
on very short notice and is pleaded
to do so.
Entertained at Tinner Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tool enter
tained at dinner at their home lasL ,)r5ck conslri
Sunday a number of relatives and
ing looked after by Mr. Jamieson. gyration as a suitable site for the
of Omaha. The building will be new building, viz, the eld site where
lighted by an independent lighting Harry Davis bad the postoffice some
plant and the heating will be of the'timc 6ince another just south across
(most approved hot air type. Water the' street where Oscar McDonald was
J pressure will be supplied by air com- in business for a long time, and the
pression. lhe ouiiaiug. wncn is oi;third that betweenL. Neitzel's and
uction, will make a
commodious and. elegant, residence
J. Baur's places of business, which
was lately used as a picture show.
menus, an oi wnom enjojeu for Mr Tool and bis family. 0. . g by was the
pieasani nine. i m ffli!e ,he SD ediuess of the workmen. UifQ nt i,b nnpr.imi hv Mr P. a.
m - I Oil V V H W fc. - J - - - -
Crink. who is now deceased. Any
one of the three sites will make an
ideal location.
. . . . i , r
about the lestive noaru ere 3ir. auu u w-n be gomc Ume yet before the
Mrs. Jacob Goehry. Miss Thelma 11
Kelly, Miss Mary Goehry. of Roches
ter, N. Y.. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Goehr
and their little son. Erhart. of Bur
chard, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Burt anJ
children, of Lincoln, Misses Helenc
Uahn and Katluryn Goehry of Omaha.
new residence
is ready
Have Storage Cave Well Along
P. H. Kelly, who has bwen build
ing a cave for storage purpose for
Oscar McDonald, proprietor of the
soft drink emporium, is getting along
nicely, having completed the exca
vation work, lined it w;ith building
tile and turned a concrete-arched
roof over it. as well as placed steps
leading thereto. Now Charles Iseu
hut will build a connecting areaway
between the cave tnd the building
proper of sufficient size to afford
storage room for Mr. McDonald's
winter supply of coal. ,
Just received a new assortment of Regal Caps
browns, greys and plaids
$1.50 to $3.00
Fall Hals nobby styles in all colors. Now is the time
to pick out your hat or cap while assortment is good.
Why not have a new "lid" for the Fair next week.
lurdock Mercantile Go.
JERRY E. McHUGH, Manager
' Celebrates Thirteenth Birthday '
At her home in Murdock the first
of the week. Marguerite McDonald
celebrated. with her many littit
friends. the passing of her 13th
mile stone, with appropriate
games and the having of a good
hue generally. Miss Marguerite war
joined by the crowd of young peo
ple at an early hour and the time
fairly fiew amidst the mirth, and
pleasure that continued unabated
till late in the day. After the var
ious games were over and the young
sters were tired out from having so
good a time, a luncheon was served
which greatly refreshed them ami
was enjoyed by all present. As tin-
time of departure drew near at haii'.i
the children expressed their best
wishes to the young hostess and tin
hope that she would enjoy many
happy years to tome, all filled with
;ood deed?, and be a blessing to all
whom she might meet. Those in at
tendance at the party were Miss?.-
Florence Thimgan. Marvel Amgwert.
Mary Rr.Hh,' Mildred Sorick, Hilde
gard I'.tmmgart tier, Hazel Uauer.
Mary Isabel Tool, Irene McDonald.
f lltinrictlti on I TntK Runr unit T t.ut r :ublic schools open, this morning
himron tni uct -iii ti, i, . t ! for t he ver.r 's wor k. It is understood
The officers elected to father the
new institution over the days of it?
infancy are Henry Backeineyer, pres
ident; N. L. Pothast. of Syracuse,
vice-president; G. Pothast, of Syra
cuse, cashier. The board of direc
tors is composed of Henry Eacke
meyer, N. L. Pothast, G. Pothast.
Louis Neitzel, Otto Miller, Emil Mil
ler. The organization of the new bank
will be instrumental in bringing
two more families to Murdock to
reside, for the accomodation of whoiu
two new residence properties will
be constructed in addition to the
erection of the bank building itseif,
and will thus greatly improve the
town in more ways than one.
It is not believed the new iustitu-
Help Hard to Obtain.
Max DusterhofT. the decorator an l
painter, is kept exceedingly busy at
the present time, and can scarcely j mm m iu auy way iiueci me uuw
find time to get the work done that j ness of the bank already here, as
ir.r.l: Cnii!rpts for. an well as ! " eu JU 1UK a. KUUU uu&iiie&s aim
being forced to turn down come jobs 'giving its patrons excellent service
all on account of the lack of help.
Besides the work in his own terri
tory he is asked to go Uf Klmwood
and other nearby towns to do paint
ing and decorating work, but is not
able to secure help, which he could
tire in the work he has engaged.
Jlurdock Schools Open Today.
While the entire quota of teach
its had not bceu secured up to Sat-
and will continue to go on doing so.
William Stachetzki, the machinist
at the Edward Thimgan garage, is
suffering from a number of boils,
which have made their appearance
on the back of his reck, and which
do not add to his well feeling.
Misses Catherine and Margaret
Tool, daughters of Mr. aud Mrs. A.
J. Tool, will depart soon for Lincoln,
unlay of' last, week, the Muriiock where one of the young ladies will
and Alias Ethel Jones, a feuest
Had to Fix Their Car
A. V. Cosgrove, of San Francisco,
'together with his family, were visi
tors in Murdock for a short
that every position with the excep
tion of one has now. been filled.
attend the high school and the other,
who has had two years in the state
university, will begin upon her third
year there.
Raymond Fisher, of Lincoln, who
is a student of the state university,
at Lincoln, was a visitor in Murdock
last Thursday, being compelled to of Elm wood for their day of outing
!dnn n ii:ivn finme reimirs Tv.adf. my'at the state fisheries, and a very
Had Nice Time at Fisheries
Last Fridav was the day selected
the 'members of the Masonic lor time, being a guest at ,the
I.. . . - , r.i'tinni fif A J Tnnl jiTid fumilv for a
tim lodge ana the uruer oi eastern oiar. -- --- v
snort time prioF to me opening ci
the next term at the state iustitu-
I . . .. .- tinn
- r-r 1 1 - i- 1 ..Inncnnt . I -1 AT , IRr T nP nf''HVll I. I " w '
tneir car. i ney were uriving iron j i'iwoui. ua. .-
Lansing. Michigan, to their home iu : The morning looked rather threat-
the west and expect to arrive thers en ing but the day proved
about the first of October. Mr. : delightful one
fiiK-rnivo has iiist rptnrni'il frnin hers Of the order
, , ,. 1 ,.. -..toxi'anre and pninvpd the ! teud school in Omaha during the
France, where he was working us a.ere in attendance ana enjojeu mtj
Kniehts of Oolumbus secretarv. and occasion very much. Among them comin0 winter.
were Dr. . Hornteck and family and
Daniel Cornemeicr, who has been
' t .1 A i fro .u
Verv C1U(1UJCU IU I li It Ui. UtUllO fc t a a
A number cf mem-Jau implement Uouse, has returned
from Murdock from a visit tn the wist and will at-
was met at Lansing by the family.
There they purchased a Reo touring others whose names we failed to get
car and are making the trip home j
in it himself, his" wife and their twoM-X-J-II-H- H'V's'V
daughters. They gave Omaha a
good roasting on account of the con
dition of the roads leading out of
the city.
August Panska and family attend
ed the soldiers' and sailors' day eels1
t oration at Lo'uisTille Thursday.
Plastering, Stucco, Mason, 2
and all kinds oi concrete
work. Strictly first class. 4.
Kurdock, Hcb.
Henry A. Guttanianu made a busi
ness trip to Burlington, Colorado.
during the past week, where he was
looking after the seeling of a yast
acreage to wheat there. . j
George Mills, son of James Mills,
was laid up for a few days ,by an
injury which he received to one of
his knees, but which i getting along
nicely at this writing-.
John Sclieel, who resides north of
town, was a viuitor ia Plattsmouth
We sell International, Waterloo Boy and Parriott
Tractors the best. We are agents for the Interna
tional, G. M. C. and Patriot Trucks and Buirk Auto
mobiles. -
Our Machine Shop
is especially well equipped to handle all kinds of Au
tomobile repairing as well as general machine repair
ing of all kinds.
last Friday, driving down in his new
Ruick roadster, to bring his sister.
Miss Rose Scheel home. Miss Scheel
had been attendiBg the teachers in
stitute in the county seat, and on
the way home thesr stopped in Louis
ville and enjoyed the carnival and
home coming celebration.
Louis Keil and Raise Meisinger,
of near Cedar Creek, were visitors
in Murdock last Friday looking after
the purchase of a teani of horses,
but not finding what they wanted,
they went to Springfield, in Sarpy
county, where they succeeded in
making a purchase.
Mrs. Jay Hitchcock and daughter.
Olga Mary, of Havelock. spent sever
al days here this week, guests of L.
Neitzel and wife -
James Mills was called to Omaha
last Wednesday, wbere he was look
ing after some business matters, go
ing up on the Rock Island and re
turning on the evening train.
Harvey Schwab and William II.
Meyer? were attending the Chautau-'
cjua at K!i:iv,oid both Tuesday ar.l
Wed IK-.: day evenings and pronounce!
the talent airong the best, being ve:
svell pleased with the lectures given
as well as with the other entertain
ment provided.
Mrs. Anna Curt and children, of
Lincoln, who are visiting in Mur
dock, with friends and relatives, and
Miss Mary Goehry who is a guest at
the home of her parents, Sir. and
Mrs. Jacob Goehry, from Rochester,
X. Y., together with Mr: and Mrs.
j Goehry and Miss Thelma Kelly, were
entertained ut dinner last Wednes
day at the home of Mrs. Goetz.
Win. Gehrts and James Mills were
visitors in Omaha last Tuesday, at
which place they were called to
look after some- , business matters.
They went up'inthe car of Mr.
Gehrts and returned home in the
CuHaflhst? "Things'!
and Make All Kinds of Mill Work at My
Planing Mill
Planing iiliiE
located in north part of Murdock, Nebraska
Automobiles and Accessories
Mitchell, Dodge and Ford
Cars, Fordson Tractors
and Cushman fifiotors
Our machine shop is especially well equipped
with modern machinery and first-class workmen. We
are ready to do all kinds of repair work, including
acetyline welding.
Phone 35-0
Murdock, Neb.