The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 01, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    'rz TWO.
tin - I - r--rrn -Titf r. '
. 1: Kot f.tntpnfs 15Fluid r-rarma
t simiialintJwFood b Ec i
- Chccrfulffcs$aadRcstCia-E
:- ?. rv:,v. ?.-w-nhine
Ami" i"
m r J
j and tevcriwin-"
Era Copy of Wrapper.
J. li. fr-js went to Omaba on
Laints Friday.
Miss Myrtle Hanet-a went to Ne
braska City Friday.
Torr. fhase of South OmaLa caice
Friday to visit the Dauers'.
Luvie Barkhurst of Ooiaha arrir
rl Saturday for a visit with rela
tives. A daughter has corue to gladden
tli Itcrje of ir. and Mrs. Charley
Misb Iee Grri-on spent several
days last week with friends in
Mi-fs Kithcr Larsn of I'iatts
:r.;::th is visiTirs hr Pictc-r. Mrs.
i:. i;. Fo. vr.
Vollty Fran-r of Omaha caino
Fri Jay f.r a vi-it with relatives and
frind? in Union. Ta'iiiugron went to iii:-:
h'nir? in Surprise. Xeb.. for a fev,
days visit Friday.
-liss Verna Stt- came down from
Omaba Friday to spend a week with
Miss Ida Reynolds.
Mis .Mary Ai:s-tin went to Walt
l.'.'.l Monday raornin.s: for a week's
vi-:t with relit ive;.
Mus Agnes Hajeck of Plattsmout'i
.-rriver at the O'Donnel! home
Thursday for a visit.
Mr. Clarence Wil'js and Mioses
Viola and I-aura Willis went to
Elm wood. Thursday to the picnic.
Karl Payton. wife and sou canc
It facsimile Sljnatof
Agricultural Trading Center
for Southeast Nebraska and Southwest Iowa
iiijccl i" market change? and
Cji'iK- c-rade JIC.-OO
171. Urand. per bu lT.'XJ
B. B. Ti. Brand
1T1 Prand. per bti
J o . 8 -3
B B. B. Brand, jcr bu 6.09
1S71 lirnsd. p-r bu I7.5i
TS71 Bra-nd. p'.r 1 lbs 29. 1",
ivOSMX RVit. a sujerit r winter
":.-'! 10 Int-bek jKrr acre' more
iiiiliU'i ainuuut, sjrown in Otoe
Your Seed Proicclfon: Our Two Oronds
B. B. B. Bartling's Bt Brand and 1871 Brand
We are Layers of Timothy Seed. The niarket value for new
crop m.ality -eed is aljont.S4.70 jer bushel' o. b. Xebra-ka
eel it not worth that
it you intend to hitll Red Clover Seel. jlca??c' mail or submit us
: rtmjde and c will quote you our be.-t bid: values will Ik- high.
Jicgs will Ie fumid'.ed yu cjn hij) the seed without having to
purchase sack.
Edward Bartling Seed Co.,
Nebraska City -:- -:- -:- Nebraska
For Infants and Children.
Mothers Know That
Genuine Caitoria
Always J .
Bears the Jf
C - 4
Thirty Years
home Thuruay from an extended
visit. in Missouri with relatives.
Misses Wiiina and Leona Keckler
left Thursday for a few day3 Tisit
with friends in Louisville. Nebraska.
Miss Addie Austin came home
Saturday for a visit, from Omaha
where she is employed in clerical
Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Fitch, Fritz
Tigntr and Mrs. Earl Merritt drove
to Nebraska City Saturday after
neon. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Reynolds. Wil
liam and Mis Ida went to Havelock
Thursday. Miss Ida will teach
ihere this yeaT.
Harry Baxter of Murray was here
Friday and met with usual success
:n maiiinsr a contract with I. C.
LaRuc for a Ford.
Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Frans of Au
burn. Neb., arrived in Fnion Thurs
day for several days Tisit with
frienda and relatives.
W. H. Frans and wife returned to
i their honi" in St. Joe. Mo.. Saturday
i after tvo weeks visit sinon? rela
tive and friends here.
H. M. Frans and W. H. Frans and
beir wives enjoyed a trip to I'al
myra Friday, where they visited
the Dr. M. L.. Thomas family.
Mr. Cauady. an uncle of Mrs. West
ley Clark. vfcoe home ij in Kansas
City, is visiting at the hon.e of the
CUrk s in this city for a short time.
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Copenhaver,
Bonnie and Bessie arrived Thursday
from aii extended trip through west
ern Nebraska and parts of Colorado.
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Dixon of
Ix-gan. Iowa, arrived Friday for an
jjxi Ix-ing un?rflrj. we offer
lraka City. Xel.. bags extra :
Kentucky, per bu Sf.O't
P?r buhe! S2 00
Crn bags, each
Bartlin;:' Tankaee. too lhs
Bartling's Tankage, per ton 105.00
Seed Cleaners, freight paid 34.0
peeiers, Cyclone, each
r e. -Tets matle show it
than common rye. We have
cotmiv. Per bushel. . . . : . . S3. J :
Tnucli and some is worth" more.
of A
extended visit with Mr. and Mr.
, . ...
James Roddy, parents of Mrs. Dixon.
Mr. and Mrs. Exa Frans
daughter June. Mrs. Will Clark and
Omer Clark autoed to Murray to
isit the Mark. White family Thurs
day. Misses Wulma and Bona Keckler,
daughters of S. C Keckler and wife,
are visiting for several days in Louis
ville, where tbey are guests of
Miss Emma Harris, It. N., came
Saturday afternoon from Omaha, to
care for Mrs. Ben Roddy, who is ill
at the home of her father, Charles
Mr. and Mrs. Barton and daugh
ters. Miss Daisy and Mrs. Roy
Herbet. of Falls City, came in their
auto Friday to visit friends and
relatives in Union.
It. N. Frans, V. H. Frans and
wife and Misses Zola and Marie
Frans motored to Rock Bluffs Thurs
day to si;end the day with W. P
Hutchison and family.
Rev. T. K. Surface of Humbolt
Nebraska, came Saturday for a visit
with his sister, Mrs. Tom McQulnn
Rev. Surface filled the Methodic
pulpit Sunday .morning.
George Katon. who has been a
Cumberland Gap, Teun., for the past
week, where he was called to look
after some business matters, will
ret7irn in the near future.
E. J. Mougey was a visitor in
Pl-ittsmouth last Friday, where he
was called to looli after some busi
ness matters and visited with
friends as well while there.
Unf Frans. the lumberman, is
havin? constructed on the farm o
Mrs. C.E. Withrow. a large barn
for their use. having the excavations
already made for the foundation.
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Chapman and
Miss Ellen were passengers to Onia
ha Friday for a few days visit, and
incidentally to purchase new light
fixtures for their country home
Mrs. Nancy Garrison of Platts-
mouth came Thursday afternoon for
a visit with friends here, leaving
Sundav for Falls City to spend a few
days before returning to her home
Mrs. J. C. Niday went to Omaha
Friday p. m. to visit her sister. Mrs
GulicL, and fctr daughter Margaret
Niday. Miss Margaret Is employed
as stenographer at the South Omaha
John Sheffield, a fireman on the
Missouri Pacific running betwec
Falls City and Omaha, was a visitor
at hij home ia Union last Sunday
SDtrdins -the time and returning to
his work on Monday.
Rev. T. 71. Surface, ruh.ister of the
Mtthodif-t church at Pawnee City
vvoj a visitor in Cuiou over Sunda:
and filleJ the pulpit at thy Methodist
church while here, through the in
vitation of Rev. Morrison.
Jacob Dye, of Emerson, who hi
be't making his home in the north
west for several years, was a visitor
in Union and vicinity for the past
week, a guest at trie home of hi
brother. Isaac Dye. and other friends.
JoLa F. Bates, of PlatUmoutn
represent in? the J. F. Gorder iniple
ruent houstr. was a business visitor in
Union list Monday, departing in the
afternoon for Weeping Water, whore
he had come business matters to look
Mr. C. E. Yuuns departed Monday
evening for Nebraska City, where
will vikit for some time.' aftu-r
which she will depart for Douglas
wlrere sue will visit at the home of
Frank Piiuly and wife for tome time
before returning home.
The rctr;lar meeting of the M. E
missionary society was held at Miss
Elsie Taylor's home Thursday. A
very pleasing program was siven
and a business meeting followed.
Refreshments consisting of orange
fcherbet and eake was served. There
were twelve present.
Ben Davis, who is with the Cap
ital Bridge company, which concern
is doing some work for the cour-ty
near Avoea, was a visitor in Union
for a short time last Monday wb.i
en route to Murray, where he went
efter a truck for use in their work
et Avoca.
Josephine O'Donnell has resigned
her position as assistant principal
here for the coming year. Mies
O'Donnell reside.s in Fremont and is
highly esteemed because of her
pleasii g personality and rare teach
ing ability, and her resignation is
deeply regretted.
Walter Sana drove over from
Rock BuliTs Thursday to spend the
day with h issister, Mrs. Charles
Garrison ard was accompanied home
by Harlan Sans also from Rock
Bluffs, and Harold Barrows of Mur
ray, both of whom had been visit
ing George Garrieon for several
Frank Bauer. Allison Clarke. Ben
Roddy, Hek Davis and Eugene Roddy
were visitors at the ball same at
Nebraska City - last Sunday, which
the boys pronounced as rotten. They
could see where tha umpire were
he so disposed could have rendered
decuriens more to their way of lock
ing at the matter.
Earl Payton and wife, and 3irs.j
Pavton's brother. Luther Fullerton.
i , . , .J. - n .
, who hav; been visiting in Buffalo,
Mo., with the parents of Mr. Fuller-!
ton and Mrs. Payton, returned home
last Saturday. Mr. Fullerton ill
work here for some two months and
then return to bis home in the south
to enter the schools there for the
Charles Osborne, the efficient mall
clerk, whose run is between Lincoln
and this place, and who ha been as
sisting in the barber shop of Ira
Clarke during the absence of the
regular barber, goes on hi vacation
today and will have two week off
with pay. Mr. Osborne is an excel
lent young man and a capable bar
ber as well as an efficient man in
the position of R. P. O. clerk.
Harold Armstrong and John Fin
kle, who have been working near
Grant, In the western portion of the
state, returned home a week ago in
order to attend the old settlers' re
union, but finding that it bad been
called off were somewhat disappoint
ed. Now that a new date has been
set for the celebration, they are go
ing to await until after the picnic
before returning to the west to re
sume their work.
In the interest of the old settlers
reunion, Mr. and Mrs. Mat McQuinn
C. L. Graves and Ray Frans were In
Plattsmputh one day this week get
ting the machinery started for
succe"ful advertising campaign
Mrs. McQuinn. who is an expert auto
driver, piloted the committee over
tiio intervenine distance between
Union and Plattsmouth and return
They all concede Mrs. McQuinn an
excellent driver.'
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Banning and
son Hollis, Ray Frans and Clifton
Garrison left Union on the 22ud o
July for an extended trip through
the west by auto. At Cheyenne
Wyoming, they took in the Frontier
iava relebration. and Clifton was
obliged to remain there on account
of illnes and later returned to I'd
ion. The remainder of the party
wfnt on through Casper, Wyoming
and the oil fields of Wyoming to
Yellowstone park where they enjoy
ed the great wonders of this garden
of nature. From there they motor
ed on through Montana, Idaho
stopping at Idaho falls and other
r.r.'nts. and takins in Ozden and
I w ' -
Slt Lake City. Utah: back through
Laramie. Wyoming. and Denver
Colorado, home. In all the trip cov
ered 3,041 mils and except when
rained out. the party camped by the
wav and cooked their own meals
Mr. Banning lobt bis suitcase cou-
tainin2 about 575 worth of cloth-
inp and blankets, but as a result
of an advertisement in the paper at
Axtel. Nebraska, has located the
iarue and will receive it immediate
ly Hollis wai u'lfortunate enough
to lose a pockctbook containing $35
otherwise the trip was greatly en
Joyed. an4 extended over four weeks
cf time.
Jletnm to Home in Wett
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Dore. of Grant
who have been visiting at the home
of Mr. Dore's Barents. Robert Dore
and wife, of Nehawka. for a week
were driven to Union by Forest
riinniiiirham. where they took the
train for Omaha, on their way to
their home in the west. 5fr. Dor;
thought it would be a good idea to
have the Cass county news conveyed
in him ceni Lwteklv through the
columns oi tne journal u
ingly ordered the paper sent to his
address in the west. hile he Ukes
this country very well, he also says
wok. a a !r-at country ana ev
erything is going along nicely out
This is His View Point
Readers of the Plattsmouth Jour
nal will note with considerable in
terest no doubt, that the paper ha
recently taboed a part of those heary
editcrials that has been rtinnin
loose low these pjany years, and is
now filling up space with news items
from Union. Nehawka Register.
won. that is the way our friend
looka at the matter. Clad he is oi
erving and" scorns to be sitting up
and taking some notice.
.,,''(.- nv i-r 1l tltIKT TITLE
In the IHftrk-t. Court of the County
of Cap. Nebraska. . ...
Nettie M. Mcxure. K.ainim. ..-
lot. N-jrri, ft at IUfdnUI.
To tie joreriiaaii. au.jhi ... .
Mr. Abijah Harri?. tret real name un
knoim; the unknown heirs, devisee,
lt-.a tt-t- i,,rina I representatives ana
.ti r i.4ntAr interested in the
in-f of Aliiali ilarrif, owru,
unknown Jieir. devisees, tegaiers, T
n.i ncniiilT and all oiter
person 'interested n tte estate o
uK iMir.ii M-arrtK firpt real name ua
known: Lot t-n 10). 5a Block forty.
4 41 in ti e City oi riaiitmoum.
ran inty. Nebraska; at) perrons
tlaiiniii any interest of anr kind in
laid real estate or any part thereof.
anJ the unknown o-.vr.ers ana ine '
known ctaimanis of lt ien "
I--!..- ir r.nv.Hv lii in the City OI
Piatornouth. Ca county. Nebraska.
You nd each of you ar uervvj jv-
tifinl that on tiie lltli day or auz"Ui.
. I. 11. i.laintilT nieo ner mil ia
ite litri:t faurt of Cas cvuaty.
LraKke. to ouift nlatntirs title to the described lo. t-'t, Ll
Hot in mock fortynve "
t.T i'laitkmimih TajjS founij,
DraaKi. oecaute or rnrr
adverse poa-
for more tha ten years prior to the
conmeoutDiefil of sai . w
a,,..u u?i of you from nav-
fiig or claimins any right, title, lien or
I interest, either lepal or equitable. In1
i or to said land or any part thereof; to
r,(UJrc yo,. to fcet fortii your right.
til,c'. r'm. 'n, or internet therein, if
hve tlie tame &l;udgfl inferior to
the title of plaiRtifT and for gener!
euuitable relief.
This notice 1 made pursuant tct the
order of the court.
You ar required to answer said !
tit ton on or btfore Monday tlj 4th
day of October, 1919, or your default
will be duly entrd therein.
a!9-lw. Atty. for Plaintiff.
In the District Court of the County
of Cass. Nebraska.
Otto H. echurman. Charier C P&r
fnele and James rS&fe. Plaiatiffs. vh.
The Unknown Heir. Deviss. Lrs
tees. Personal Representatives and all
otlier persons int-r;ted In, tiie estate
of ;eorpe YV. Fairfield. doceaoo, ct al.
To ttie defendants, the unknown
heirs, devisee, lejfate-fe. personal rep
resentatives and all other persons in
terested in'th estate f Oeorge YV.
Fairfield, deceased; the unknown heirs,
devisees, legatees, personal represen
tatives and all other persons interest
ed in the extate of Sarah J. Fairfield,
deceaxbd; the unknown heirs, devisee,
legatees. perMOHal repreeiitaU ves ad
all otlier pei-tous interested ia ti:
estate of Alfred II. Townsend. deceas
ed: the unknown heirs, devisees, lega
tee, personal representatives aad all
other person interested in the etate
of Ann A. Townsend. deceased; the
unknown heirs, devisees, lesafeij, per
sonal reprectntatives and all ollw-r
peryuns intorested in the c4e of
John S. Townrend. deceased; the uu
kriown Jirirs. devieet. I et at . pT
sunal r pi f eiitatii e and all other jxt
sons intTeKted In the estate of An
nie K. Towusend, deeeated; the un
known heirs, devisees, learatee. T er
sonal representatives and all othr per
sons Interested in the estate of Anna
A. Townfend, deceased; John Camp
bell: Sarah J. Campbell; th" unknown
h-irs. devisees, le(cate-s. personal rep
resentatives and ail other persons iu-J
terestec in the estate of John camp
bell, deceased; the unknown heirs, dev
isees, legatees, personal representatives
and all other persons interested in the
estate of Sarali J. Campbell, debased;
Wm. C. Moores; Mrs. Wm. C. Moore .
first real name unknown; tlie uisknown
heirs, devisees, ltjcatees. personal rep
resentatives and ail other persons u
terested in th- estate of YVm. C.
Moores, deceased: tiie unknown heirs,
devisees, legatees, personal represen
tatives and all oth-r pt-rsons Interest
ed in the estate of Mrs. YVm. C. iloores.
first real name unknown, deceased:
Ricliard H. Adams: Margaret Adams:
the unknown heirn. iiii"r", l'jfaf-e.
personal representative and all tl:r
perrons interested iu tJie estate of
Kichaid H. Adams, deceased: the un
known heir, devisee. Ieratee. per
sonal representati v- and all other per
sons interfst'd in tii- eetate of Mar
garet Adams, deceased; Alexar.dr H.
Harriett; A. 1. tiarnen, nrsi reaii mwr
unknown, wife of Alexander H. Bar
net t: the unknown heirs, dVvis.e. leg
atees, personal representatives and ail
other persons interested In the estate
of Alexander H. Barnett deceased; the
unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and all other
persons interested in the estate of A.
U. Barnet. first real name unknown.
a(aed: Kvelino Swindell; . iwia-d'-ll.
first real name unknown. r.utUnd
of Eveline SwinOeM; the unkaown
helr. devisees, legatees, personal rep
rescntatives aud ail other persons in-
tercsted in the estate of Evtilr tfwin-
deil, deceaed: tiie una now 11 heiri
devisees, legatees, personal r'fpresei-
atives and all otfir persona - inter
eted in tiie estate of " Swindell
fli-Kt real name unknown, deeaed
Hiram I. Adams; Catharine Adam-
the unknown heirs, devisees, .leraiees
personal representatives and all oth
er persons interested la the estate of
Hiram I. Ad2ins. tsecease!: tre un
known heirs, devisees, legate-?, per
sonal representatives and all other
persons interested in the estate of
Catharine Adam. deceased: tfarais
Bceson;' Oliver II. Ueeson: he un
known heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representative and all other
tersons interested in the estate of
farah Beeson, deceased: the unknown
heirs. devis-s. legatees, persoual rep
resentatives atiJ all otlier persons in
terested in the estate of Oliver H
lieeson. deceased: John Jackson: Nancy
Jackson: the unknown heirs, devisee.
legatees, personal representatives and
a'l other persons interested in t
estate of John Jackson, deceased: the
unknown ers. devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and ail other
iK-rsons interested in the estate of
Nancy Jackson. deteafed: MarUta
Simpson. intermarried with K'iaf
Clibbs and known as Mariett -Gieb:
K ias Cibb: tiie unknown heir?, lerS
see. legatees, personal represiBtatires
and all other person mtc-reswd. ia the
estate of Maritta Simpson, als? knoia
ak Manett UibUK. deceased: the wo
known heirs, devisee. !egt-es, per
sonal representatives and all other
persons interekted in the estate of
Klias OiJ-bs. deceased; Laniel S. Hir-
nst, also known as I. Iiarnest
Ann N. Harnest; tN unknown heirs.
devisees, legatees, jersonal representa
tives and all other persons interested
iu the estate of Daniel S. HarresU de
ceased: the unknown heirs, devisee.
legatees, personal represents tivea and
li other persons intereted " in the
estate of Ann N. Hareest, dcreat-ed:
Eliza Jane Etl.eridee. ato kpowu a.
Elizabeth Jane litherlOse:. YVm. T
Etheridge: the unknown hclr. dcvS-
see legatees. personal rcyresyb 'na
tives and all other persona trterestei
in the e-ttate of Eliza Jaae Ltheridg.
als-o known as E!iialth Jane Et!:tr-
ldg-. deceased: ti.r- ukkp n leir.--
devis:fs. legatees, persoual rtprwn
tatives and all other persons interest
ed in the estate of YVm. T. Ethendge.
dtc-a-sed: Eunice Sage Fellows: K-.:sh
O. Keliows; AdelWrt P. Forbes: tiie
unknown heirs, devisee, li-csvets. per
sonal reprcsentativesi and ail other per
sons interested ia the esUate of Adel
bert D. Forbes. deceae4: Oliver l T-
son: Mrs. Oliver t . Tyson. .firt real
name unknown:- the utikuowo teira.,
devisees, legatees, personal repreterta-
tivea and all otlier Ttervons intereted
iu the estate of Oliver U. T)on. de-ct-ased;
t!ie unknown heirs. cevis-t,
legatee?, per? oial repreentaUvs and
all other persons interested la tie
estate of Mrs. -Olives l. T i-on. firt
real name unknown, doeeacd; ivt.
Ledger Beck; Mary A. -Beck; the un
known heirs, devisees, legatees. er-
s-nai representative and all other per
sons interested in th estate of
Ledger Beck, deceased; the uakaewa
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep
resentatives and all ether - per? in
terested in the estate ef Mary A Beck,
Ueceaicd: Daniel Mcllvoy, ah-to krown
as Lanei Mellvorv-: Martha A- Mellvcty
also known as Martha -A.- Mcllvorr;
trie ynKnown ceirs. eTisee. le
persoRal representatives and all othar
persons interested in the twtae ef
Daniel Mcllvoy. also known . as Da a
lei Mel 1 to ry. - deceased; the uituvn
heirs, devisees, legatees, -personal rep
resen tat ires and all other p!rn iu-
terehte-J la the estate cf Martha A. Mt
Ilvoy, also, known as Martha A. Mc.ll
vory. deceased: the anknoa-n heirs.
devisees, legatees. Besconai - represen
tatives ana an otner persons . mteresT-
ed. la the estate of Xo.H R. trleabs, wa-
ceased; the. uakuown heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal reproerttat ies at.d
ail other perseas . laterfstei "ia t
estate of Mrs.-Noah R Hobhi, ,flrt
real name n known. deceas!d:- Micr -
ae 11. -lSannin. aisii known a ikL hi.
Bannin:Mrs. Michael EL'Baunin. first
real name - unknown.; the unknown
heins. devisees, legates, personal, rep
resentative and ali other--prions-in
terested ia the etat .of Michael , U.
Bannin. alto known as - M. EL' Bannin.
deoeased; the unknown hei rs, devUoes,
egatees, peraonai , representatirea . and ;
all other persons " interested in f the
estate of Mrs." Michael . Basnin. first i
real name unknown, deceased.: the m.
known heirs, devisees, legatees, per
MlRitS) JL f i
w a mm r u . r
II1M II Xmmt& A
Farmers State
sonal represeutatives aid ill other per-
sons late rest to la K.e tui oi jw.u,
Kitigeraid. () '): Mary KSt7s,'-raid.
Htir of John K.lzgeralJ. i- eaed :
the unkaown heir. oeviieE, l-st-e.j',r of II- s.,iuii--ust leaner ;
personal reproset'alives and a"! other la:d Set:'-n 3.T. ll :n To;i..!:l;, j-j,
persons intereted ia tiie etat ofioiih iz. .i .f ;,e eth 1'. m!
Mary Fitzgerald, deceased; Kdvrard J.i.n tr.e County of Cass. Nehiaska:
Kitgerald:' Mary Fitzgerald, his ife:j Tmu are ,,.rf on tl -.
the unknown Iveirs, deviiees. legate-, j th ua- of Auirust. JSIV. paint:ft t:!-t-ersonal
representatives and a;.' other! if suit in xhf- li;tr:ct Court of
persona interested in tr.e etite of u-
ward J. I-itzi-ea'..i. deceased:
knin 1-eir. deviees. It rat '-.. 7.-r-soiial
repf eseistalivts acd ail 'itier per
son iateretfd in the estate of Mary
Kitzjteratd. de-eajfed: Jor.n Fitzgerald;
Zorae Fitzgera'id. his ife: the un
known heirs, devisees, legatees, i-er-sonal
representatives aal ail o--r per
sons interested in tn eTAi.; of Jo' c
Kilgera!J. - de-eaed: tr.e vnkti'-Ti
heirs, devisee, legatees, pernona! r!
reentalivt. ard ail otter person in
terested in t;.e estate of Z"-ra- K:?e
gerahl, oeceaserj; William Paj Y.xz
serald: Mrs. Wiiilira Paul F.iz?tr:c.
rifsl rtil tame ucknown; Marj- Lil
iiao FiLsgera'.d: tie Obknown ;,-:rt.
devfsees. legatees, personal ri-rwE-ta
tires and all other p-rirn Interest
ed in the estate of Mary Liilian
dereaed: the unknown heir.,
derrsees. legatees. represen
tatives and all other persor.s lEterest
ed ia te est! of Ji-pherd Livk de
ceased: tl e unknown fc-eir. eevis-ee.
legatees. pers--!al reprrentat:v-! s atic
ail other pers-oias interested :a the
estate of Ievu L3ke- d ec as rtf ; Mrs.
El!a C-jer. wjoow: L..yi i. fi r -netU
wtdower: a;ic irgc; ViliarQ
Sagt: Mr. YYi:;.am a;e. irt rA.
rame ursknowe: IZarl Sage: Mrs.
A&e. first real mio trek a arc; Car e
Sage: Mrs. CTsarie :ge-
aaine u n krx-w :i : Mart? Sr
Altrt age: JCrs. AJt-erl
real narre or.kriowa: E334 S?e 1 -
nee teca Sage, real utt e::! tria,
real nasae uskcown. hcslwc-S of zjiiJ
Sag Ioe: th s:ta4V!: i
sees. legatee, per s-:--t.l rep-frti
and all other pe n ;m:
5:ersT-i ;i it t
estate ef H,n t t Y .
the unknown l:ei-s. :e. in.
iif v.-'"'ii; K.t'.i
-J: iwas LXa.kt. I
person iatere-stea ;
ee H. Sage, o-was-
V, P fl . I . . 1. - .
fnake. first rval -is istT';; Ui- lloroiri. ija;5y .V. ili:-ri,FSJr t'.t
following uesvrite-i fv?ftr. ;-i-:r
Ceuna.en.ciaf tbirty t" ir.Os aort'i
of the iiitS: vf t::-
sotitliwet nerte of s..-t:i...
quarter of etraa I. TvuxtS t i.
in tke cui vf Civk Nanka. t
rods: t?-nfe or-ta Jf rvf.: "
a et y t-j U S" oi ijjti.i.
and known lot X T aaJ i mi
Ui - aud Wt it t Itt tt:xvt.t
airtr cf t i-e sat-e!
North i;t tr is t vf t: t. X.
rn tht Cwi3?ty of Oac. Ne.r-x-.X, -si.
a'l perss Kavs r a.-y -x-
Estate or aar part rSKl. .W
S5k!vwi cwjscrv ax I
c5aira't of tvsrneT-,-it
aurth tf tl- j-vatiiwt-t T-fr r
--tt t-west iHtr t-r i.- :
euarter of Seet.y 11. TV lis ,j
;xo;j i. r- ot t!-e x .
in thrr Cr-iMr of Cjs, Nerkia;
north rei. lt! et !.
thence seviii W r-oi; tirf -.1
west to t!e dc- or c:it-
n-S- ni la as ej ri, apd W
J 1 JL. . .
S&ASl fl M t
i tl.e r...i;;.ve; .ufcrter of tie svuti;-
- i -i
-er ! sa.l .-ti.oii li ;:ul !..t
i z i. :'. -.
. -It -'J a::'i
we-t t!.re a r-s of !.,t
11 .oarir or (.., N-.raska. to -n-h-t
tie to li
iir-:. ,::.:i:.-j-:rj t'.irty !'!
n'.rt i of k.t suuiiiWMt cjrn r of tl .-soati'Ti-et
;'r of tfe soutiea-t
ojarter of s-.k-i 13. Towrship i;,
Xorrr. is. a-t of tl.e .tii I. M'
i.i ti e Co-jnty ot ".-.s. Nebreska: ti.e-,. .
avrth rods: turne east 0 ro3s;
t,..-ri( s-.Ltti "-') f.:-; t!.t.T:- .-t ;,
r.J.-: t'.. r. , rv Is ; t Vi-.-'w-'t
4? r-fi 1 !. p 4 .- t"-i:if. ir.. ;r !
krio". :; a- i -t? ;r :.s ;'.! J
n-.Tt. we-t ..ji.- t- r ...f - ; f ..:;tl..-a.t
i arttr of .-J s-vt:o:j t
r. r. u.e v..-t ;.'i t- ar!-s . f !. t
!tt i : jt 5ii :j tre southwest
jjarter t.f fe ..u-i -i-a'ter ..f
saii .e--.!vr 1 :i -:i 'wi,s!,f. u.
North l:sr?c I.. -t,-t ..f t:.e tti, ) y.
i". tLv '.'fi'v vf a-. Nel-r-ka. i- -rf
t.r ; Jiiiw- p.M-. -v..,;-. ..
t hem Ives t:.- r ftatr.vfc f.r in...:.,
tt-an trr. jat pr i r to t:.e r' tn rr, -:..
re tut of so:j sj:t ar.d to er.'i!i ev .
iT.j all c:f lu 1 I a villi: l-r t
inr ny riaht. t.t:-. !i-n vr i-;ii-;. iegu or vfi!tii'-. in f .-.
lur.C or airy j-t i! .; lo kt .iv
'O'j tt st lui-.h y-vr nj;.t. n:.',
cttim. or iiit.i'M t : ere:t.. If a; .
e:t:r-r legal tr -j :i ita hit.. 1,11a it. j.ii
t- s-afie atijutigeil inlenor to tl,- t it ie
oi auo lo
Wfi'-ml egu.:i!..e
i i .s ..-ue is mud"' ptirsuai.t th
- - r vf ti.e . -1. You a.-e re: liir-.l
;"- m-r n. ,,.,.-
H S'-ril'KMAN. "'
i-Uii TV. SAGE.
..t. e.-rr:t:Tstt.-.
e trr xn iivo.ti:
,l 1. " i '-4 - - ffl i! the t ..ut.f-
t rn. fr'
. 1 c
"; ,
u r.:: n;, ; hi, ! !,
.;' t. t
f-t r :1.
the V i , -. ;
: 1. l; : II -
Y ii trjt ,ri-.:
s" 1 C O
. t X 1 i
J -f'-iA "'
t 1 . a -i" ViL
"""' .
1- -, - v.
-f ;"i .;- -i
t; t
A 1t t'rt';.; o';
! -f hr.r(; i w. ...
IM!. A
41 ' ' t
I KN vp. I'nioii, 'Celt, rili"" Wi
M Cool