PLATT3M0 ExH SEaTI-wXEELY JOUBIiAl TKTJE'SDAT. i.UC-n VT 25 1015. f K M d 4 ij ii U FJ 11 n H d H n n 7 rs i:-""i?--r , :b:.S": a: a: a:: a""B ' 3. .v. NEWS FROM ALVO Chris Hoffman left Monday even ing for lc,( (ilaii'l. Kansas. Mr. Oeo. P. Foreman spent the t'.r-t el' tl'.i-i week in Lincoln. Clarence Curyea is i:i Kansas looking after his farm interests. V. S. Jordan was a passenger for Lincoln Monday evening on No. .".7. Mr. ( lias. Koelofsz and baby are visiting her mother, Mrs. Geo. Heed- Live Poultry A car load of live poultry, to te delivered at poultry car near Bur lington Freight Depot, Plaitsmouih, Nebr.. on Thursday. Sept. 4. one day only, for which we will pay in cash as fellows: Kens, per lb. 23c Spring's, per lb. 23c Old Cox. per lb. 15c Luck, per lb. 23c Horse Hides, each $13.C0 Eeef Hides, per lb. 33c We will be on hand rain cr shine and take care of all marketable poultry offered for sale. Yours truly. W. E. KEENLY. SHORTHAND CANKING BOOKKEEPING TELEGRAPHY We have taught these branches of busi ness training for 20 years. Positions for every graduate. 1 Japid promotions. Low t'lition. Students work for beard while; attending. Ask for frea Catalog A. Boyles College. Omaha. Neb. a m TED TIF1ATF3! I 0-20 Titan kerosene burner, with three-bottom plow, delivered $1,300.00 Also the 1 2-25 Huber Light Four tractor with three-bottom plow included, delivered. . . .$1,640.00 WE WILL NOW BE IN A POSITION TO MAKE DELIVERIES ON DODGE BROS. AND CHANDLER CARS. DODGE BROS. CARS AT $1,185.00 Delivered CHANDLER CARS AT $1,975.00 Delivered I. H. C. Trucks DeLaval and Primrose Cream Separators. Used Five-passenger Ford touring car $250.00 Monroe roadster, a bargain at 450.00 JOHN F. AUTOMOBILES K:;Ez;B::.a!:'iB!:!:'i BASE BALL - SUNDAY! AND LABOR DAY The Red Sox vs tlorris Packing Go. OF OMAHA BallPark 3:00 EVERYBODY COME OUT! :w":B3B--B.rB,TB:rB::.BBr "Jim er, in Elruwood and attending Chau tauqua there. Miss Aurel Foreman visited in Omaha from Wednesday until Sun day evening. Henry Itoelfsz of Lincoln, visited relatives and transacted business while here last week. Miss Marie Stroenier visited with .Miss Marjorie Carr last Friday at the latter's home near Kagle. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Curyea and .Mr. and .Mrs. Joe Armstrong motor ed to M unlock Sunday afternoon. Art Klyver and Harvey Hasp pur chased tractors and are getting their fall plowing done iu fine shape. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kirkpatrick and Mr. and Mrs. J. I. House were supper quests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Curyea Friday evening. The ladies H. C. club postponed their meeting from Au; !1 to Aug. 29,. on account of the soldiers and sailors day" at Klinwood. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Curyea. Mrs. Clarence Curyea and daughter. Miss Lillian attended the Chautauqua at Flmwood Thursday evening. Miss Hachel Stander of Louis ville and Miss Marjorie Carr of Kagle were quests of Miss Marie Ptroemer a couple of days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Dale S. Boyles are enjoying a vacation at Kstes Park. Colo., having motored out. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Casey of Lincoln, are also t here. Ivan Armstrong and Walter Vin cent are camping out near Ashland. They were taken over Sunday morn nz by Henn Weaver on his way home to South Bend. ?.Irs. M. C. Keefer returned last Wednesday from a two weeks visit at Litchfield. She is spending this week with her daughter Mrs. Roy Cole at IMattsniouth. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Fox of Chi cago. Illinois, are here for a ten days visit with the latter's grand parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. I. Fore man and other relatives. The Jolly Neighbors Kensington met Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Carl Ganz. Guests of the club were: Mrs. S. C. Boyles, Mrs. Grace Thurreson and Miss Marjorie Carr. Hev. Wm. I. Wagner and wife and sons Ralph and Donald motored f Cars! BORDER, FARM IMPLEMENTS I in Saturday from their home at Lenox, Iowa", to visit friends and at tend to some matters of business. Clifford Stroemer has returned home from several weeks stay at Barneston, with his aunt Mrs. Ehlers, being called home to help care for his mother who has been quite sick. Mrs. Chas. Prouty and daughter. Margaret, returned last week from a two weeks visit at Glenwood, la., and Plattsmouth. Mrs. Prouty re ceived a recent letter from her son Herbert who Is now in Paris, France and is on his 4th trip overseas on troop transports. Rev. C. E. Connell officiated at a very quiet wedding on Thursday aft ernoon Aug. 21. 1919. when Mr. Clyde Allington of Blue Springs, and Miss Grace Hinman of Wymore, were married at the parsonage. They were former parishners of Itev. Connell while he was pastor at Blue Springs. Paul Frohlich of Lincoln visited his daughter Mrs. Chas. Bucknell and family from Wednesday until Monday. His daughter Mrs. Clyde Boyles and with whom he lives and her husband and his parents Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Boyles of Lincoln are sojourning in Colorado, going by auto and ramping out enroute. Mrs. Paul Goehry and little son came in Monday evening from Mur- dock where she had been visiting relatives and friends, fo visit h?r sisters, the Misses Mary and Flor ence Taylor and brothers Elbert and Oliver and Edway Taylor and fam ilv. Mrs. Goehry and son returned to their home at Burchard Wed nesday. Mrs. Ralph Vhley and children of St. Joe. Mo., who have been visit ing her parents Mr. and Mrs. .1. P. Rouse the past two weeks, and her sister Mrs. Myrtle N'ickel left Sun day evening for a week's visit with their sister Mrs. Geo. Babbitt and family, at Albion. Neb. Mr. and Mrs. Rouse are out on the farm keeping house while Mrs. Nickel is gone. Mr. T'hley who spent the past week here has returned to St. Joe. Last Sunday a reunion of the G. P. Foreman family was held at the family home in honor of Mrs. Mable Foreman of Lincoln, who leaves this week to take up her position in the Scotts Bluff's schools. Those pres ent were: Mrs. Mable Foreman and son Charles. Mrs. Ethel Foreman and son Richard of Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Foreman of Valparaiso. Mr. and Mrs. Oris Foreman and childrne of Valparaiso, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. P. Foreman jr.. and children also of Valparaiso, Miss Gladys Har land of Lincoln and Joe Foreman. Charles Foreman. Mr. and Mrs. John Foreman of this place., oTirn In the Cnunly Court of Cass coun ty. Nebraska. In J Iu- matter of the estate of Patil- na Cum mines', deceased. fo all persons interested in said es tate, creditors and heirs at law: You are hereby notified that Frank ;.). clma n lias this 21st day of uRUst, lftlH, tiled a petition in this court alleKlnKT that I'aiilina CumrniiiKs, ite :i resident of Cass county. Nebras ka, died intestate in said county on r about the ... day of lSU'.i. leaving as her sole and only heirs at law her husband. I. N. I'uiniiiinus. her laughter, Minnie Mortenson. and her son, Walter Cumniinjrs, all of leal nttf. That said decedent was the owner of Lots 9 and 10 in IMock St; in the City of I'lattsmouth, CasH county, Nebraska and that the petitioner is now the owner of said real estate and prays for a determination of the time of the death of said decedent. I'aulina Cura ininsrs. and of her heirs at law and iieiree of kinship, and of the riiht of lescent to the real property beiontfins to said deceased in the State of Ne braska. Said matter has been set for lienrin on the r,rd day of September. 1'.U!. at 10:00 o'clock a. in., at the County Court room in I'lattsmouth. in said county, at which time mid place all persons interested in said estate may appear and contest said petition. Kated this 1'lst day of aukusi, lain. ISv the Court. A LLCS J. HKESO.V, w. County Judttf. AllTIC I.T.S OK lNCOHPOHATlOV of The Furnirm I nlon Cooperative . ooeiatioH of ;reenwool, elr. The name of this corporation shall be the Farmers I'nion Cooperative As sociation, of lreeiiwood, Nebr. The principal place of transacting the business of this corporation shall be at Crecn wood, Cass county. Nebr. The business of the corporation shall be the huyii.fc- and selling: for itself or on commission, as well as that of handling a"1' shipping; grain, farm produce, coal, live stock and farm supr plies: to purchase hold, or lease real estate or other property for the use of the corporation in conducting- its busi ness: to direct, own, control, lease or operate Krain elevators, warehouses, storehouses and other buildings and to acquire property in any terminal mar kets necessary in conducting said busi ness: to purchase and to hold stock iw other corporations; to borrow money; to make, execute and deliver convey ances and to secure the same; and to do, perform and carry on the aforesaid business in the State of Nebraska. The amount of the capital stock of this corporation shall be 125,000.00, which shall be divided into 250 shares of J100.00 each. J10.000.00 shall be fully paid in at the time of commence ment of business. This stock shall be non-assessable. The highest amount of Indebtedness to which this corporation shall at any time subject Itself shall not exceed two-thirds of the paid up capital stock. The term of the existence of this corporation shall commence on the lhth day of June A. D. IS 19, and the same shall continue for a term of fifty (50) years from said date, unless sooner dis solved by a majority of the stockhold ers r by operation of law. The business of this corporation shall be conducted by the following board of seven 7 directors until the first annual meeting as provided by its laws.) The seven (7) directors are jonu Dale, John Armstrong, Chas. Martin, Harry V. Bricker. F. H. Goodfellow. O. F. Peters and John w. "Wieiinan. The officers of the corporation are. O. F. Peters, president; John Dale. viee- president; Harry V. Bricker, secretary aad John W. Wiedman. treasurer." J the y 141 1 WE have chosen the Fulton Truck with your satisfaction in mind because after a careful investigation of the entire Truck Market, we are convinced that the Fulton is the best all-round carrier made. In the first place, we were influenced by the remarkable Faltcn Record. We found that Fulton Trucks are hauling economically for hundreds of American industries, including Standard Oil Co., Jones & Laughlin Steel Co., Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., Borden Farm Products Co., Texas Oil Co., etc. Then we were impressed by Fulton Economy. V to 14 miles tohe gallon of gasoline looks u Mi LOCAL NEWS From Tuesday's Pall. Miss Marv Adamson of Lincoln, i I Miss May Lennon of Lincoln, Miss Hilda Holton of Weeping Water and Miss Gladys Ward of Avoca. came in yesterday to attend the teachers institute. All of these ladies will teach in Cass county during the coming year. Mrs. Lula Nevar, who has heen in the city visiting her aunt, Mrs. Frank Brinkman, departed yesterday for Alvo. where she will visit with the family of fount y Commissioner Henry J. Miller for a short time. Mrs. Brinkman accompanied her as far as Omaha. II. F. Coos and William Schmiut mann were passengers this morning for Omaha, where they hope to be able to enjoy a short visit with their nephew. Fred Heitzhausen, who is returning from service overseas with the army of occupation, and who passed through Omaha this morning enroute to Camp Lewis, Washington, for discharge. Mr. Heitzhausen re sides at Portland, Oregon. Everett Ward was among those going to Omaha this afternoon where he goes to meet his friend Elmer Pease of North Platte, who is returning home from Chicago. Mr. Pease was here about a month ago having been, caught at Union CASTOR I A For Infants and Children In Uso for Over 30 Years Always bean the DR. II. C. LEOPOLD 0ESTE0PATHIC PHYSICIAN Special Attention t Diseases of Womet ACUTR DISEASES TREATED Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted Night Calls Answered After Hours and Sundays by Appointment 8:30 a. m. to 12:00 1:30 p. m. to 5:30 ?sT Plattsmouth, Neb "The Matt lxcvor.iical Motor Truck In The World" Is Now On Inhibition At The Shew Rooms (DEALER'S NAME) Come in today and let us snow you the truck that has made Fulton Ovners glad to talk cf their experience. Also ask us to tell ycu about the Fu'ton Pay-While-Using Plan U means increased profits for your K siness. L. Murray with his auto during a severe rain .':torni and was compelled to con tinue his journey to Chicago by train and will now secure the car and return by auto to North Platte. From Monday's Dally. J. 1). Stradley of (Ireenwood was in the city todjy for a fnw hour.; looking after some matters at the court hosue. Andrew Thomsen and wife motor ed down yesterday from (V.iar Creek and visited for a few hours with rel atives and friends here. Frank M. Bestor departed last evening for Imperial, Nebraska, at which place he will spend a shor: time looking over the harvest f til wheat crop on his farm in Chase county. J. W. Tulene departed this morn- ing for Louisville where he will ar range to operate a merry go round in that city during the home coming celebration for the soldiers and sailors. John Palasek departed this after noon for Omaha from where he goes to North Platte. Nebraska, tor a two weeks visit in that city and vicinity with his former comrades in Co. E, 5th Nebraska infantry. Henry Bartling of Nebraska City, former state senator from this dis trict, was in Plattsmouth for a few hours Saturday afternoon having been called here on some business affairs and while here had the op portunity of visiting with a few of his friends. Mr. Bartling is one of Nebraska City's most genial citizens and it is always a pleasure to meet him. From Wednesday's Dally. Fred Terryberry came in this morning from his farm home near Louisville to look after some busi ness matters. Peter Meisinger and wife drove in this morning .from their home near Cedar Creek to look after some trading here for a few hours. Miss Esther Godwin departed this morning for Murray where she will enjoy a visit for a short time with realtives and friends in that place. Charles Reihart of Louisville was in the city yesterday afternoon for a few hourt visiting with Platts- big against the or R miles made by many trucks ! Of course such performance is directly due to the amazing degiee of Efficiency in Con struction of the Truck itself. Fulton's are of the right capacity to haul 80;; of the world's truck tonnage. The exclusive Ful ton Tripie-Koated-Gas Motor is actually solving problems that have baffled other makes of Trucks. The Fulton Truck is right and we are glad to be able to offer it today, as a real hauling achievement, to our local business-men. PULS liiouth friends and looking after ;-ome matters oi! business. Mrs. Dallas Cibfon of Missouri Valley, Iowa, who lias heen visiting i:i this city for a short time depart ed this morning for I'nion. wh?re she will enjoy a visit with relatives in that city. George M. IliM. the Perkins county land man. journeyed to Omaha this morning. where he spnt a few hours looking after some business matters and arrang ing for a large land excursion out to view the Perkins county land bargains. For any itchiness of the skin, for skin rashes, chap, pimples, etc., try Doan's Ointment. tiOc at all drug stores. Stationery at the Journal nffr Cass County UNDER NEW ": -:- Nebraska H. W. SMITH, PROPRIETOR We liave located in Plattsmouth to make our home. We want to ,et acquainted with all Cass county people, and arc looking for business in our line The Monumental Line 1 MAKE YOUR WANTS KNOWN TO US CASS COUNTY Monument Co., Main PLATTSMOUTH Of The B n m LOST. A five months old black and tan wolf hound. Lost, on or about Aug ust 11. 1919. A reward will he paid for the return of same to C. II. Reeves. I'nion, Neb. Phone No. 7-K. Cheapest accident insurance Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil. For burns, scalds, cuts and emergencies. All druggists sell it. 30c and G0e. Office Supplies? That's where we shine. The Journal Prlntery. CHICHESTER S FILLS J jr- THE UUMUKD BKAM. W X.adlrl Aftk j Univlit for 1'IIU In H4 od Hot J metallic bom. seated with Blue Ritihon. llAiM ItltANU P1LI.H, for K ye-rs known as Best. Safest, Alw- KrliaMe SOLO BY DI!GG'3TS EVERYUHE Monument Co. MANAGEMENT Street NEBRASKA 13 It