TWO. THURSDAY. AUGUST 28, l'Jiy. TLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURUAI. Children ry fos- Fletchers n Eii fri? MmMmm l'hs Hind You Eave Always Sought, and v.aich has been ia us3 for over tliirty years, has borne the sigsciture cf and has beeu mavle under h:s per- i sonal supervision since its infarcy. Allow no one to deceive -cow in l hi?. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-gord " but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the he:hh of Intants and Children Experience agcirst What isCASTORIA Castcria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic a- ctancc. Its age is its guarantee. For asore than thirty -: ,-?'. it has tcec in constant us for the relief of Constipation, I'laitr.i-cy "V7ind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Fever Jennys :iri?Avi therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and I.'ovc's, mis the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and rr.-.: sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's TrieuS. GENUINE CASTOR 1 A ALWAYS Bears the Signature of jf7 Is Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always irw voni city, a N EHAWKA News ?lr. ami Mrs. I lurry rra:i.i and famly of I'nion spent .Monday even ing at the .Malcolm Pollurd home. Mr.;. Martie Wiles, Mrs. George? Siydi-r. Mi:-s Anna and Mr. Andrew Snyder spoilt Sunday afternoon at Malcolm Pollards. .Mr. Malconi 1'oKard has liver, .riously sic1.; f r the last wee!:, is slightly improved. As soon as. he is aide to be nnved he will he talviit. to Hot iu'-ter. Minnesota. , Jj'm LVh-'variz and wife left Wed i' '.-(; j y morning fr a visit with tlteir son 0;to and family at .Irrra. Nohrnska. . O. '!':::'..( " and wife I" Ilol hrook. Xohraska. who came to Ne liawka to attend the funeral of Mrs. John Khresman. departed for their home Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. John Donlnn and eliiidren i'f Weeping Water and Mrs. Hubert Wallace and children of Kansas City spent Tuesday at the Stuart Houch home Mrs. l.nkiu and Mrs. Wal lace are sisters of Mr. Hough. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Hough left Monday !r Kimberly, Idaho, for a visit with tlteir son Stuart, who re cently moved from Maker, OrcgDii, to Kiiiiherly. where he will bo super- inte'.:d"Ut f st hotiU the coming year. Herman Stoll of Xehawka, who purchased lfiO acres of land near (.Irani, Nebraska, in the spring of 1917, and who has since been fann ing it. recently sold the land at an advance in price of $7000. This is eood news to his friends here. Mrs. .1. II. Hhuniann had the nii.--rortune lat Saturday while in Xe t.r.iska City to slip and fall when Ftrppinsr from the car. She was un able to walk for several days. With the aid of a cane she is now able to pet around the house. CARD, OF THANKS. I desire to take this means of re turning to n:y many friends aud patron.--, iuy appreciation of their assistance to nie durini? the past thresh in 7-season and I have endeav ored to deserve the patronage given me by the farmers of this locality, to the best of my ability and trust to receive their pat roups? in the futur.-. i;i;."itv TUIKUOI.F, Cedar Creek, Xeh. OAR OVER TURNED EAR OUNTY FAR! FOKD DRIVEN SY TOUR CEDAR CREEK EOYS ENROUTE TO CITY, DEMOLISHED. STEERiriG GEAR WENT WRONG And as Result the Car Took to the Tall Weeds Moderate Speed Saved the Occupants. FOR SALE Six joutis l's, pure bred ('lie.; tcr Whites; also ono oil Chester White bear. - Fred Kaffenheriier. phone ;'002. aS-2wd.iv Fro::i Meixiay's Dally. While Chris and John True, jr.. Hay Deubam and Clay Stivers, four Cedar Creek younft men were en route to this city last evening short ly after S:00 o'clock, they met with a .serious accident jut a short dist ance from the county farm when the Ford car in which the men were driving- was overturned. The ear goin? at a fair rate of speed when suddenly the steering g'ar refused to work properly and before the car could be checked it had ran tip onto a small embankment alons the road si dp and turned completely over, pinning Chris and John True in the car while the other young men wore thrown quite a distance out of the car. The accident was witness ed by Superintendent Tanis of the county farm and with the assistance of several men the two boys were released from beneath the -.vrecked car. The Ford wa.-. unite badly damaged, as the top was almost : total wreck while the windshield was completely broken, ihe radiu rods and the crank shaft broken, and the body i f the car badly dent ed, and mashed up by the force of the accident. The two True boys were not how ever as badly injured as was at fir.:t feared by the ey witnesses of t lie affair as their chif-f injuries were cuts from small pirticl"S of the broken wind.-hicld as well as num erous bruises sustained in bring cramped beneath the overturned car. Superintendent J. li. Tama had the men brought to the county farm where they were given atten tion "and w!i"n the blood ai d dirt acquired In the accident were wii.-h-ed away it was feund that their in juries were not serious. The party returned last evening to Cedar Cp-ck bing taken to their homes by Ira Bates, who passed rhortly aft;r the accident in his automobile and gave them a lift homeward as their c-.r was so badly damaged as to be past driving:. Office Supplic.3? That's where wr Rhine. The Journal Trintery. 3;ajLiiJiilllJj.'L!iIli'ii'Jb m 3 3 3 3. Your Dollar's Opportunity Your dollar's opportunity is now, today! Set it to work, for you. Give it the task of multiplying itself. In doing so it will perform its part in the world affairs. livery man's money should be making use of this opportunity. Farmers, for instance, can not only feed the world; through businesslike handling of their farms and businesslike handling of their in comes they can help to develop the world. Thrift Is Patriotism Saving is a form of serving. It i3 one of the biggest forms of national service service to your country. Our first president said, "Economy makes happy homes and sound nations." The way to start right i3 to start right now! Saving is as much a habit as spendi ng or putting things off. Once formed, it is . easy to continue. But un like other habits, it is a good habit. 1 In To Saw and Maksr .!I:C 9"rVii4,V' - 8! ill irlM mm Iw! WITH The Bank Of Cointy. Plattsmouth, Nebraska M. FANG EH VISITS IN CITY Frein TiicHily's I'aity. This morning M. I'angr can.e li'iv.ii fri m C):naha in company with J his brother-in-law. William SchaM. to s-peii'l a short -time looking after some t.t er.s ;ii i ! 1 iurt hoir;e.iu regan! to the citizenship papers if Mr. Srhal!. Mr. i'anger is now lo cated in Omaha, having disposed of bis interests in the store at Missouri Valley, Iowa, aud at present, retired from active business and enjoying a rest after his long business career. Mr. Fauger is looking line and he states that lie feels better than he has for many years and that the re tirement from active business lite has proven of much benefit to him. He has just recently purchased a fine modern ladies toggery business in Council lilulfs. which is one of the most mod'Tii stores in that city, and which be has ttirifd over to bis son-in-law. Samuel Collblatt. Mr. and Mr.s. Coldblatt are also living in Omaha, but manage n,,. ;nn. jn Couueil r.tuffs. Mr. Fauger also p ports that bis son, Uen Fauger, is pi-'paring to resume his la w cour.:e at Ihe ('(dumbian uniersity in N'evv Vork. During bis short stay in the cily. Mr. i anger tound time to visit a number of the old rrieml ; hvre wn, were much phased to see him and especially to learn that lie was so improved in health. SCHOOL TEACHERS WITH US Frmii Mniiday's I1illy. The school ma'ams of ('ass county are assembled in county institute in Plattsmouth this week. These you it j; ladies (for school teachers are large ly feminine in gender) will be in our midst the greater part of the week, and it behooves every one of us to do everything we can to make their stay a pleasant one. They are soon to enter upon their year's work and the advance they make through the medium of the county institute will be reflected in later years in the Cass county boys they go out to in struct during the coming year. We can help in maximizing the effect of the instruction muking their show these Plattsmouth Jentally crt more imparted to them by stay pleasant. Let's how town The Lo.iis visiting pedaegs does things, and l anions them an friendlier feeling for the than they may now hold. ROAD IS IMPASSIBLE road loading north from the Leiner farm to the Platte bottom over which the proposed ex tension tu rural route No. 2 was schi'dulcd to follow is in very bad shape and tinder the present condi tions it is impossible for the carrier to make his deliveries. It will be necessary to have this road fixed up before the proposed change can be made in the route as several places along the road it is almost impossi ble to get through with a team and wagon and as the requirements of the government demand that the roads over which the rural route traverses be kept in good shape, it will be up to the residents along the road to tee that steps ar taken to gel. it fixed up. Several of the parties residing in that locality, and who will benefit by the route, have offered to assist in the work and the county will be asked to help in mak ing the nad fit for the use of the rural route carrier. oiuii.k of m:i;i; mi Petition fer A ii.iii ment of tilmiulMlrittor. The State of Nebraska. Cuss county. estate of Wil- In tle ('unity Court. In tin matter of t!f !i;mi .IIin. ileeeased: lu rent! itiu' tlio petition of Carter Albiii. iii:iyi!;ir tliat administration of said ostute may be rant.-il to Joseph Shrin'.i r, ;t.s diiiinistrator; oiuf'i'ol. Tliat September sth .V l. I'.M'.'. at ten ttii o'i lock a. 111. is as sii.eil for hejiriiiv s;iil petition, when ail person- interested in s.m! matter at a oiiilty null lu e for j-;iiil eoniitv. iirnl show the praver of petitioner be granted: mot that no- poiKletn y of heaiina: thereof tis interested in in. iv sippear held in end i-aiisf vhv ho-.ild not li.-e of the and tl; ill p. i si: id petition bo KiVell to said mntter this order in a semi-week-siiid i-oniity. ks prior pn! li.-hnm: n eopy ; t he IMatt' inoiil ii .lo-irna!, ly iev -pa p r priated in I'iiv three sle i-.-siV' Wr -aid ihiv of hearing. Mated this .tli day 191f. . i.i.j :n .1. hKicsov. (Sea! alt-r.w. ("oun'y Ji:la to Of August A. D. Illtllilt f in-il Niilii'i- f I i tie 'omit.. I t . Nf iira.-ha. State Nt lir;:s!i;i, - i?i:i5i; I'riilialc of Will oml of I'ji.-f. ioi:n- unity o f Ca i To eM..b 'n I a nil riod ULT-.: t.-lft .let-en ail per.-oi s intiM-est.d in the of I " 1 1 . 1 1 Mauiher. d.-. -eased : !-ai!in- lie p. tition of I'-. I. .:. pr;-. i:i that the instrument in ill:- ..Milt on the .'.til day of si. li'l'i, d purtMii i inir to be th. v,;i a .id ite-,ta mf n t of the s.itd sed. may h proved and allowed. and r.- onb d av tanient of ii tl:at sal-l i:i-!:i: Vrot-iU -. a i;. t In- the la-t will and tes- -ii Maiii! .biee;tst.l ; iaepf 1,.- a-iniitted to a ii in ir-i-t r; I ion of sai'l I t'j J!. H. I'auiher. as t.i ;e -.. en tor: It is hereby ordered that you and .ii -'C-isi.n:.; in' . rf - t.-d in said matter, 'nav, and do a.p.-ar at the County i o:,: i to be belli in arid for said conn- t v. on th" :-,'ith day of August A. L. 1 '!!, at o'eb.i U a. Pi., to show eausi if an there by why the prayer of lb pet Ciute r should imt be granted, an llat nut iii- of tie pendenev of said po liliiKi .md t lot t the hearing thereof b ci ven to all persons interested in said inatdr In- eiihUslunw a copy of this oi it r in the f e ?-i i - w eel; 1 y i m: III v . for prior l o s i id V it :e ss m emu I. I ! 1 :'. tl. h'lattsmouth Journal. nmi s'hiih i- printed in sal' three siirn-.-sivc weeks da of hearing:. - hand, and seal of lh dav of August A. 1 , S. al l a 7 allkx J. m;i t 'ou nt y SON. J lid go. MITIt K III 1 1 1 the M i .-1 of I 'ass. N.-hi T.-ll i:i!lon. I'laint b -i. I ". i endanl . T t be I 'efr-nda nl 'lMl are herebv n Tib day of AJav. 1 :M peOtieii in the I'minty of Cass SI IT I'llll ii I I 'uni t of ed;a. IT. iiivmn i; the County Martha 1:1- .Mnthii Hillon: titn-d that on tb , plaintilt tiled Iit.s Mi.-triot Court of tht Nebraska, the objeet and ira er of -which is to set aside th bonds or matrimony existing between plaiiitil'f and del -mla n t : that he b triveji an at-solute divoree from d fendant and the rare, custody and education of i'aul Hillon, a minor of the ;r;e of sixteen .years, the issue of raid marriage now residing with plain tiff and for such other and further re Mer us may be just and equitable in the premises. Von are reonired t" answer said pe tition on or before Alonday the 1 1 da v w i 1 ! be Ocfidier. 1 :!!. dulv entered T Khh W. : i -1 u or your default t lier-in. .ll.LMS. I'laint iff. a. i;oi!i:i;tso., Atty. for Plaintiff. ty. i(-:it ok iii.tiii.x; on I'elition or piolnlincnt of tniini"rnrl. 'Ihe t-'tate of Nebraskn, Cass rfttui- ss I -i I l-e Count y Court. In the matter of I lie estate Of Henry Ki Uen ha r-, il'-i -eased : 'ii re;.die and tiling the petition of Alive Johnson. , prayiim' that adminis I ra t ion of said e.-tate may be granted to Ahee Johnson, as Administratrix; ordered, 'I I. at September l.r A. I 1!il!i at ten o'eloi k a. in.. Is assigned for hearing said petition, when all persons interested in said matter may oopeur at a Countv Court to be held in and for said county, and show cause why the prayer of petitioner should not be grunted: and that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hear ins thereof in. given to all persons in forested in said matter by publishing a ropy of this order in the l'lattsmouth Journal, a smii-weekly newspaper printed in said county, for three suc cessive weeks, prior t:i said day of hearing. Mated (Seal) August I.', 1!tn. ALLK.V J. BEESON. uix-;:v. County Judge. uml the unknown owners and th un known claimants of I,ot ten 10 in Block fortv-five (45) in the Cay Of l'lattsmouth. Cass county, Nebraska: You and each of you are hereby no tified that on the 1 Ith day of August, A. I. H'lfi. plaint i'f filed her suit in the Mlstrict Court of Cass county, Ne braska, to uiet plaintiff's title to the following described lot. to-wit. Lot tea MOi in i:iock forty-five (;."), in the Citv- of I 'la 1 1 sniou t h. Cass county, Ne braska, because of her adverse pos - s.-ion. by herself and her grantors, for more than ten yearn prior to the commencement of said suit; and to enj-jin each and all of you from hav ing or claiming any right, title. Hen or interest, either legal or equitable, in or to said land or any part thereof: to require you to set forth your right, title, claim, lien or interest therein, if any, either legal or equitable, and to have the same adjudged inferior to the title of plaintiff and for general equitable relief. This notice is made pursuant to the ortler of the court. You are required to answer said pe tition on or before Monday the tith day of October. l'.UO, or your default will be duly entered therein. NKTTIK Al. MOORK. Plaintiff. JOHN M. LKVHA, als-Iw. Atty. for Plaintiff. Get out of the-treadmill ?---,i"' VXW.t'K .Ml'I'H'K OF M IT TO Ul 1K,T TITI.K In the Misfrict Court of the County of Cass, Nebraska. Nettie M. Moore, Plaintiff, vs. Abi jnli .Harris et al. Mefendants. To the defendants. Abijaii lfarris; Afrs. Abljah Harris, first real name un known: the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and nil other persons interested in the estute of Abijah Harris, deceased; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of Mrs. Abi.iah Harris, first- real name un known: Lot ten (!. in Block fortv five. (45) in the City of Plattsmouth. Oas county, Nebraska: all persons claiming any interest of any kind in said real estate or any part thereof. XOTICK OF SUT TO UlIKT In the Mistrict Court of the County of Cass. Nebraska. Otto If. Scluirman. Charles C. Par mele and James W. Sage, Plaintiffs, vs. The Unknown Heirs, Mevisees, Lega tees, Personal Representatives and all other persons interested in tie estate of C.eorge W. Fairlield, deceased, et al, I re fend ants. To the defendants, the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep resentatives and all other persons in terested in the estate of Oeorge W. Fairfield, deceased; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal represcn tatixes arid all other persons interest ed in the estate of Sarah J. Fairlield. deceased: the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the . slate of Alfred H. Tow iiseiid. deceas ed; the unknown heirs, devisees, lega tees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of Ann A. Townsend, deceased; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of John S. Townsend. deceased: the un known heirs. de lsees. legatees, per sonal representatives and all other per sons interested in the estate of An nie K. Townsend. deceased; the un known heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives and all other per sons interested in the estate of Anna A. Townsend, deceased: John Camp bell: Sarah J. Cnnipl.-cll: the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep resentatives and all other per.-ons in terested in the estate of John Camp bell, deceased; the unknown heirs, dev isees, legatees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of Sarah J. Campbell, deceased; Wm. C. Al'iores; Airs. Win. C. Atoores. first leal iiaiii" unknown; the unknown heirs, devisees, ltgatees. personal rep resentatives and all other persons iu-teie.-tcd in the estate of Win. C. Aloores. deieased: the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal represen tatives : nl all other persons interest ed in the estate of .Mrs. Wm. C. Aloores, first real name unknown, deceased; Richard II. Adams; Alargaret Adams; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of Richard 11. Adams, deceased; the un known heirs, devisees, legatees, per sona! representatives and all other per sons interested In the estate of Mar garet Adams, deceased; Alexander H. Harnett: A. L. Harnett, first real name unknown, wile of Alexander H. Har nett; Hie unknown heirs-, devisees, leg atees, personal representative and all other persotis interested in the estate of Alexander 11. Harnett deceased; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of A. 1 Rarnet. first real name unknown, deceased: Hveliiio Swindell: Swin dell, tirst real name unknown, husband of Kveline Swindell: the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep resentatives and all other persons in terested in the estate of Eveline Swin dell, deceased: the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal represen tatives and all other persons Inter ested in the. estate tif Swindell, tirst real name unknown, deceased; Hiram I . Adams: Catharine Adams: the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all oth er persons interested in the estate of Hiram M. Adams, deceased: the un known heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of Catharine Adams, deceased; Sarah I let-sou: Oliver 11. Heeson: the un known heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives and all oilier persons interested in the estate of Sa rah I'.eeson. deceased; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep resenta t i i cs and ail other persons in lereste.l in the estate of Oliver II. Reeson. dec-eased; John Jackson: Nancy Jackson: the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of John Jackson, deceased; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, por- wioeil reoreseiiiat ives and all other oeisons interested in the estate of Nancy Jackson. deceased: Alaritta Sininson. intermarried with Klias ihls and known as Mariett t5ilbs; Klias Oihhs: the unknown heirs, devi sees, legatees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of Alaritta Simpson, also known as Mariett Oibbs. deceased: the un known heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of Klias Oibbs. deceased: Maniel S. liar nest, also known as 1. S. Harnest: Ann N. Harnest: the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representa tives and all other persons interested in the estate of Manicl S. Hacnest. de ceased; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of Ann N. Harnest. deceased: Kliza Jane IHhcridge, also known as Kli.tbeth .lane Ktheridge:. Win. T Kthoridge: the unknown heirs, devi sees, legatees. personal rf ii f.-t-m a- tives and all other persons Interested in tin- estate of Ktiza Jane Ktheridge, :.lso known as Klizabeth Jane Kther idge. deceased: the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal represen tatives and all other persons interest ed in the estate of Wm. T. Ktheridge. deceased: Kuni'-c Sage Fellows; Rush O. Fellows: Adclbert f. Forbes: the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives and all other per sons interested in the estate of Adel bert P. Forbes, deceased: Oliver U. Ty- - . - ,., . t son: Airs. Oliver i. iyx"u. name unknown: the unknown neirs. devisees, legatees, personal representa tives and all other persons inieresiett In the estate of Oliver V. lyson. tie ceased; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of Mrs. Oliver V. Tyson, first real name unknown, deceased: St. Ledger Beck; Alary A. Peck: the un known heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives and all other per sons interested in the estate or a.t. Ledger Beck, deceased; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep resentatives and all other persons in terested in the estate of Alary A. Beck. deceased: Daniel Mellvoy. also known as Daniel Alcllvory: Martha A. Mellvoy also known as Martha A. Mcllvory; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees. personal representatives and all ottyer persons interested in tne estate ot Han lei Mellvoy. also known as Dan iel Alcllvory. deceased: the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep resentatives and all other persons In terested in the estate of Alai tha A. Me llvoy, al50 known as Martha A. Alcll vory, deceased; -the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal represen tatives and all other persons Interest ed in the estate of Noah R. Hobbs. de- V r- i j. jf Lit w mr & : tl ways ' Vi m .at SOME MEN FIND THEIR DAILY WORK A "GRIND." THAT IS BECAUSE THEY SPEND ALL THEY MAKE AND ARE CON STANTLY WORRIED FOR FEAR THEY WILL BE "FIRED." THE MAN WHO PUTS PARTS OF HIS EARNINGS INTO THE BANK REGULARLY IS HAPPY AND DOES BETTER WORK BE CAUSE HE IS FREE FROM WORRY. COME IN AND OPEN YOUR BANK ACCOUNT TODAY. YdU WILL RECEIVE H INTEREST ON TIME CERTIFICATES. Farmers State Bank PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA .-caved: the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of Airs. Noah R. Hobbs, rir.-t real name unknown, deceased; Alich ael K. I'.annin. also known as Al. K. E'.annin; Airs. -Michael JO. Uatinin, first ral name unknown; i:.e unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep resentatives and all other persons in terested in the estate of Alichael K. Rnnnin. also known as Af. 11 Raiiiiin. deceased: the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the estute of Airs. .Michael K. Bannin, first real name unknown, deceased; the un known heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives and al! other per sons interested in the estate of John Fitzgerald, deceased: Alary Fitzgerald, widow of John Fitzgerald, deceased; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of Mary Fitzgerald, deceased; Kdward J. Fitzgerald: Alary Fitzgerald, his wife; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other persons interested ia the estate of Kd ward J. Fitzgerald, deceased; the un known heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives and all other per sons interest, d in the estate of Alary Fitzgerald, deceased; John Fitzgerald; Zorae Fitzgerald, his wife: the un known heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives and all other tier sons interested in the estate of John Fitzgerald. deceased: the unknown heii-s. devisees, legatees, personal rep resentatives and all other persons in terested in the estate of Zorae Fitz gerald, deceased: William Paul Fitz gerald: Mrs. William Paul Fitzgerald, lirst real name unknown; Alary Lil lian Fitzgerald: the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal represen tatives and all other persons Interest ed in the estate of Alary Lillian Fitz gerald, deceased; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal represen tatives and all other persons Interest ed in the estate of Shepherd lnke, de ceased: the unknown heirs, devisees. legatees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of Levina Make, deceased; Mrs. Klla Cooper, widow; Lloyd M. Hen netl. widower: Alice Sage; William Sage; Airs. William Sage. tirst real name unknown: Karl Sage: Mrs. Karl age. first real name unknown: Charles Sage; Airs. Charles Sage, first real name unknown: Martha Sage, widow; Albert -Sage; Atrs. Albert Sage, tirst real name unknown; Kmma Sage I oe, nee Kmma Sag.-, real name other than Kmma Sag" unknown; John Hoc. first rent name unknown, husband of Kmma Sage Doe; the unknown heirs, devi sees, legatees, personal representatives and all other persons interested In the estate of Harvey W. Sage, deceased; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of Ko- gene u. Sage, .leceaseu: .lotin lJUKe; Airs. John Duke, tirst real name un known: Charles Duke: Airs. Charles Duke, first real name unknown: Law rence Horning; Kmily A. Horning; the following described property, to-wit: Commencing tliirty (.::) rods north of the southwest corner of the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 13, Township 12, North Range It. east of the fith P. Al.. in the County of Cass. Nebraska: thence north Si) rods: thence east HO rods: thenee south 5") rods: thence west 32 rods; thenee south rods: thence west IS rods to the place of beginning, and known as lots 38, ."i7 and 5S, in the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of said Section 1". and lots 24, "G, the west 3 acres of lot l'x, lot 1'9 and lot ."It, in the southwest ijuarlrr of the southeast quarter of said Section 1 :t. all in Township 1J, Noilh Range l.'t. east of the fith P. M.. in the County of Cass, Nebraska; and all persons having or claiming any I it - Iciest of any kino in and to said estate or arc part thereof; and unknown wii.-i s stud claimants of com men a i north ol the southwest southwest i;i;ii ii-r if qiii.rter of Section 1'!. .North Range 1 :!. east of in 1 1 Count y ol 'ass, north Mi rods: then r. t He the ii nk now ii ing ;;u roiis corner of the th" soiltl Township the 1 : P. M Nebraska ; t hem e east Ml I'm Is; west ::j t herir e f be.; in - t arm thenee south .'.ii rods: th. nee r."ls: theme sum . :;u puis West -IS rods to the place i rii'i'-.. and known as bus s. '. in the northwest quarter of the south east ouarler in' said Section 1", and hits Jl. -'."'. 'Jl. the west llin acres of lot l's. lot and ! t .". :. in the southwest quarter lie southeast quarter of said si-f-tiiiii 1::, all in North Range l::. ast of in the County of Cass. You a re h rel 5th .lav ed theii l: Al. th. til- Township the i;n, p. Nebraska : notified that on of August, lt'lti. plaintiff! suit in tie District Court of the County of Cass, Nebraska, to quiet plaintiffs' title to the above described land, to-wit: Commencing- tliirty rods ninth of the southwest corn, r of tie southwest quarter of the southea-l quarter of Scetioi :, Township 1 N'uth Range l :;, ( a.-t f the tith P. Al , in th" Countv of Cass. Nebraska: thenee rth M) rods: thence east Si) rods: in th. -nee south .'.ii rods : tin nee si i li I h 4.s to the pl.ict known as lots ::. northwest quarter is; t hence west :;j to rods; thence west of beginning, and e 7 and ."A in ihe of the southeast quarter of said Section 1;!, and lots 'I, .'fi. the west three acres of ..f 'JS. lot I'D and lot quarter of the said Section 13 North Range I in the County i cause of their i in the soul beast . all in Tow nsh i , - ast of I he tith I '. r Cass, Nebraska, adv.rse possession southwest luarter of 1-. M . themselves and II -ir grantors for more than ten years prior to the commence ment of said suit and to enjoin each ar.d all of yon from having or claim ing any right, title. Inn or interest. eith. r legal or equitable, in or to any land, or any part thereof; to require you to set forth your right, till", claim, lien or int. rest therein. If anyj either legal or equitable, and to hav. tli" same adjudged inferior to tin- title of plaintiffs and for general equitable rel ief. i ins notice is made pursuant ( oio.-i -i mo com t. v on are re. mi to answer said petition on or b .tiontiav, .-sepiein ner , 1 : 1 r or vour default will be duly entered ther.-in. OTTO H. SCH FR MAN. CHART. KS C. PARAIKLI-:. JA.MKS W. SACK. Plaint ills. v. .. RORKRTSoN. Atty. for Plaintiffs. t he ir.d foi e a 7-r. w. W. A. KOEEIiTSflJJ. "I Lawyer. J East of Riley Hots: I" Coatcs Elock, j" Second Floor. .j. I Don't forget us when you J. I- want meat or Groceries for I harvest. We can take care oT .J. k you. just phono No. 4, and wc j. will have your order up. I" HATT & SOX. . Iran I HAVE THE GENUINE FOR THRASHING! mo Km TELEPHONE 138