The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 25, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    .n-r TWO.
MONDAY, AUGUST 25, 1919.
p,,- '-f,:-
y vt r..mten.s IjPluid Trannd
n"J "u
2 ai
K AVcicJabfcTlrepaP onf ca
1 ;.tthoStnm'v-!i';andOawuSOl J
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't, J
. f (nl nor
lit tv.
frZitnynrn low
i' ITnervfiM?
i andFcwristocssand
I; LossofSleip i
I'resixitinfi therefrom-1
fSr-Sinllc Srtnatnreei
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
From I'riJay's Daily.
Once there w a land flov.ins
vith milk and honey and also spark
ling liquors that brought forth
many thirsty souls to partake of the
various brews and decoctions pro
duced from the aforesaid liquors,
and men gathered together quaffing
the grape juices (but not the brand
endorsed by William Jennings) and
they would grow merry and sing.
IJut soon a great drouth swept over
the land and the kibosh was laid
upon all refreshments which could
not pass the V2 of one per ceut
standard, and the users cf the well
known Martini and Manhattan we're
se'n loudly calling for the once de
spised ginger ale and cherry clie-jr.
This condition of affairs was a sore
trial to many arid various plans
were devised whereby the thirsty
Toti ntc solicitnl aixl vucd to he
mice a member of the Federa
tion :
Because it is Hip only body of m:r.
in the state' standing together it
defense of all the. people hinh or
low ami of ALr, PliOPERTV
li;r and little and arainst al!
"class"' legislation and all slate
socialism, in the framing" of a
brr.ska. m
Treatise it r.iust be supported by
the interest and contributions of
the every-day plain people to live
and continue the battle. It lias no
"endowment" on which to rely.
Numbers have already shown
their appreciation of the work
the Federation has undertaken by
takinr a membership and con
tributinir. WHY HOT YOU?
Whether you have a home, a farm,
a job, a shop, a store or a profes
sion, you arc vifally interested in
a square deal for all as against ad
vantage to be given to any
"class" of the people.
Member $ 1.00
Contributing- Member. 5.00
Sustaining Member 25.00
II. M. DAVKS Secretary,
Orel, Nebraska.
Enclosed find 5 for n
membership in NT II II XKW-XK-UUASKA
The New-Nebraska Federation
O. G. SMITH, President,
Kearney, Neb.
HORACE M. DAVIS, Secretary,
Ord, Neb.
FoiInfants sgfl Hdrcn.
Mnth&rc ?(mf That
signature , j
01 AW
Thirty Year
thktucomn'. -
niii-ht refresh themselves and yet
escape the penalties of the law
which mad3 the former pastimes a
grave ofense: The change brought
with it a new character, the "boot
legger." who flitting about during
the still watches of the night
brought to the thirsty bottles of the
ccrn juice as well as strange prep
arations of tobacco juice and red
pepper for which many pieces of
silver were demanded rnd gratefully
given. A few days ago a Platts
mouth gentleman received notice
that a C. O. I. package was await-
1 nig Mini at too express ciuce ana
hastening there- he fouu.1 a box
whose shape and general appear
ance indicated that' it contained
glassware and in the form cf a
bottle. The charges of 57c was
paid and the possessor of the pick
age withdrew to "a cjukt spot where
he was safe from the tight of the
thirsty public and opened the pack
age. Behold, there lay on a pack
ing of excelsior, a tcmnting bottle
with the label "Sunny iJro;t'.;"' thor;,
( li. The heart vi our fellow citizen
exulted as he beheld vision;- --.o'
journeys among the joy lad on
dreams produced by the forbiaden
spirits, and ho csrefrjiy drew the
ccrk and quaffed of the beverage
and found not the desired joy water
but ginger ale.
From Fri'lay'f Dally.
East evening the members of the
Epworth League gathered in a pic
n'c party at the rifle range north of
the city and the occasion proved one
of ihe moct pleasant social affairs
ika the society has enjoyed during
the-; r.u miner season. The members
were conveyed to the scene of the
picnic by automobile and the ride
ni the cool of the evening was most
delightful to everyone and on reach
ing the grounds they found the
committee in charge had arranged
a most delightful time for them.
Games of all kinds were enjoyed by
the members of the party which
produced much merriment and de
light. The members of the party
had however not gathered for mere
games as was shown when the de
licious and tempting array of good
tilings were produced from numer
ous, well filled baskets and the mem
bers of the picnic party invited to
dispose cf them. There was noth
ing omitted from the menu that,
mirht tempt the merry party and
they sooa made the dainties disap
pear and topped the feast with a
vast array of delicious ice cold
watermelons. As the shadows of
evening gathered over the scene 01
-festivity the members cf the party
regretfully returned homeward feel
ing that they certainly had exper
ienced the end of a perfect day in
the way of enjoyment.
The Best Physic.
: .
When you want a pleasant physic
try Chamberlaiu'3 Tablets. They
are easy to take and mild and gentie
in effect. They are highly prized by
people who have become acquainted
with their good qualities. They r
ly cost a quarter.
Otftce Supplies? Tlfat's wnere
thine. The Journal Prlnterv "'"
e Gftitona
ft? 4 7
Bears tiw
f J. Use
Jf For Svsr
From Thursday's Dally.
The many old friends of Rev. J.
D. "?L", Euekner, pastor ei the !Mcth
odist i .church of -urora v, iil fcc
pleased to learn of the expression of
esteem passed by the fourth quarter
ly conference of biie church at
Aurora, when they requested the
retention of Rev. r.uckner at Aurora
for his ninth year of service there.
Rev. Buckner was the pustor of the
Methodist church in this city sever
al years ago and during his pastor
ate the church made much progress.
At the tirae of hiSj service here the
congregation was housed in the
building on South Sixth street and
the plans for the erection of the
new church were prepared. Rev.
Buckner had an active part in the
reduction of the debt on the church
here and has for years been one of
the most active figures in the church
work in the state.
mm, m mm
People Astonished Ey Eig Improve
ment Shown Sy E. G. Bates
After He Takes Tanlac.
"A number of people who ride my
car every day have asked me what
I've been doing to cause such a
wonderful change in my condition,
and all the beys who work for the
company say they never saw ne
looking 'so well." faid E. G. Bates,
a popular street car motorman, liv
ing at 1108 Xorth Park street.
Bloomingtcn, Illinois, in relating his
experience with Tanlac, recently.
"Well, it is astonishing." he con
tinued, "how Tanlac has put me on
my feet when I was completely
down and out and nothing else ever
did me the least bit of good. I cer
tainly dd feel thankful and every
body will agree with me that I have
the best of reasons for praising Tan
lac when I tell them, I hadn't been
able to eat a meal in ten years with
out suffering agony afterwards. I
would almost double up with cramp
ing pains caused by the gas on my
stomach and. I would get so dizzy
and blind that. if I hadn't ii ad .some
thing to hold on to I would, have
fallen off my car. If I ventured tc
eat anything except somethius. ery
llgbt I would have to lay off. for a
week it net my work was just a rg
and a burden to me for years. I w;s
so b3c!ly constipated that 1 had to
take a laxative every night, and I
took so much strong medicine for
indigent ian that my stomach w;:- in
terrible shape. I got in suli a b.d
fix that I couldn't stay on my run
more Than half the'time and when I
did 'work T was so weak and run
down I hat I was in misery all the
"I knew very well I couldn't go
much longer unless I got something
to lu-!p me. but I was at a lc:-s to
know what to do. It was abjut thi
time that I heard rome of the be;?
talking about what a great medicine
Tanlac was. I also noticed in the
paperi where it had ('.mo some good
work, so I bcu?ht a bottle, and it
beats the world the way it kelps a
man when he's down and out. .T;i?t
a few doses stopped gas forming on
my stomach. Then I quit having
cramps and dizy spells and was ro
much pleased that I took care never
to miss a dose of Tanlac. So I stuck
right to the treatment and now I
never fed a sign of my old troubles.
I am now on my run every day and.
as I said, all the boys say they never
Eaw me looking better. But no
wonder I'm looking better, I haven't
missed eating a big meal three times
a day since right soon after I start
ed 0:1 Tanlac. and I am, never both
ered a particle with cramps, dizzi
ness, constipation or anything else.
In fact, I am as well and strong n I
could wish to be, and I'm here to tell
you that's a great change, for I was
doubtful' about ever being any bet
ter. So it. is that I have the best of
reasons for feeling thankful and I
will always boost Tanlac for the
good health I new enjoy."
Tanlac is sold in Plattsmouth by
T. G. Fricko & Co., in Alvo by Alvo
Drug Co., in Avoca by O. E. Copeu,
in South Bend by E. Sturzenegger,
in Greenwood by K. F. Smith, in
Weeping Water by Meier Drug Co.,
In Elmwood by L. A. Tyson, In
Murdock by II. V. McDonald, in
Louisville by Blake's Pharmacy, in
Eagle by F. W. Bloomenkamp, in
Union by E. W. Keedy, in NTehawka
by D. D. Adams and in Murray by
Meier Drug Co."'
Six young pigs, pure bred Ches
ter .'.Whites'; ' "als"6onc old Chester
White boar. Fred Kaffenberger,
phone 3002. . aS-2wdaw
Good mare, going on six years
old. Cheap if taken soon. Call at
former O. P. Monrce store, lwkd&w
The Ladies' Home Missionary so
city of the Methodist church met
yesterday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. It. B. Hayes on Park' hill in
their regular business meeting and
ali:o as a part of the pleasant after
noon tendered a farewell to the
treasurer of the society. Mrs. George
A. Kaffenberger, who is soon to
leave for Lincoln to make her home
in the future. After the regular
business of the society had been dis
posed of the ladies presented Mrs.
Kaffenberger with a very handsome
Japanese luncheon set as a token of
the lov.? and esteem in which site
has been held by her associates in
the church work during her years
of service to them as treasurer of
their, organization. At a suitable
hour the ladies some twenty-four in
number enjoyed a most delicious
picnic supper on the beautiful lawn
cf the Hayes home, which was very
oleaing to the members of the so
?iety and their guests who were
present. At the close of the pleasant
afternoon the ladies departed home
ward wishing Mrs. Kaffenberger
success and happiness in her home
in the capital city.
Don C. Rhoden of Murray was in
the city today for a few hours look
ing after some matters of business.
nr.nKit !' iu:AKi-i
in Petition tVr .1 innMiitmrut
tit Administrator.
Stat" if Nebraska, Cass county.
In t'i County Court,
in tiif matter of the
es-tato of Wil-
Ma'.i A Hun, tleceaseJ:
On ltMilintr tliH petition
of Carter
rii-ii viiiir that :i('.ni i n if, trat ion Of
aitl estate may V..e niTiteii to
li :;!'.!, iirf Administrator:
oiiloreil. That September 8th A. T.
'.:. at ten (I'D o'eloek a. in. is nt?--iiiiici;
for hearing said petition, when
ill persons interested in said matter
lav appear at a Cmmty Court to tie
'ield hi and for s;iid eoitnly. and slioti'
ouse why the prayer of petitioner
-houid not he granted: and that 110
;iee of the penden. y of paid petition
nd the hearing thereof be given to
lit p.-rsnns interested in said matter
by ppl.Iisliin? a eopy of this ordir i;i
olii' I'hittsr.ioiith .1 1 irn: 1. a semi-w.-ok-
'y p.. ws pa per printed
"or three suecessive
in ' sn id county.
weeks prior to
u id day of h.-arinic.
I i( this 7th dav
Sea 1) 11-Ow.
Of August A
J. tm:i:son'.
Co u n t y J n ri g
tt:iii:n t.r- m:r.iNt;
nnl !!,- of ?'roli:tt- f Will
la. the County Court of . tass eoun-
. Nebraska.
S. te of Nebraska. County of Cas:-,
To tmtsoiis Interested in the
st: te of Kllen I : n:ilei oceeasod:
(i.i read in;- :), vtition of ii. I.
;i:iil.ei. :iavin:T that the instrument
i.'-d in this eon-.-t fit the .".tit day of
V..i.iP-i. l:'i''. ;i:oi l .irpei t in :; to t the
ii.-t will and I cs'.oT-.-.i ut of th said
'..o.-.i':oi!. may he proved and allowed,
met recorded as the Uiu win nil tts
j'lr.eut of KNmi !aniher. deceased;
! ;it sail! in.-1 1 iinient be jiiiinitted to
-.loiiiiie. a nd ti'i administration of t-.'id
s;;-p- l' prian'ted to I1.. 15. J.'aniher, as
x l; is h.-rchv order d that you and
til persons inter-.-ted in said matter.
r.;iy. und do jvjpcar at the County
;;;t to lie held ill. ar l lor said eoun--v.
ori the :,'!; Jay of August A. U.
Vi!! t ?( i'loi a. ni.. to show ea.use
f an.' there bv v.iiy the prayer of tie
'titiotor should not be granted, and
b;'t notice of tht .(im!":;i-v of suid pe-
it it'll : mi tl;:.l. the h;'r;n- thereof be
Tivt-ii t all persons Interested in s-aid
natter by r u bl i.-:!-; i: sr '.'ony Of this
riier in tiie Plattsmouth Journal, a
.. -in i-u i i'li I y new s;irpee printed in t-T;id
on sty. for three suecssive weeks
ri' r to said da of bearing.
Witness ui v hand, and seal of paid
'on', tins ."111 day of Ausust l.
Stall a-::w. County Judge.
-MiTICi: (if M !T I'tltt
I :i t he I list riot 'mi rt (
if Cass. Xebraska.
Tel: Hi!lo:i. i-laintiiT. vs.
im twn-:
the County
Martha HU
ion. I )cf erotant.
To tiie lefe;ntant. Vartha l'illon:
Vm are herebv not hied that on tin
7lh day of liny, l!)i'i. plaintiff filed hi.
netition in the liistriet Court Of t i
I'nuntv t'if Cas.-:. Ntluaska. the ohjt-et
and prayer of which is to set aside tli.:
bonds of matrimony existing between
idainlilT and defenda n I : that he be
:rih an absolute- divorce front de
fendant and the care, custody and
ducalion of l'aul Hillon. a minor of
the aire of sixteen years, the issue of
snfd marriajie now residing with plain
till and for such other and further re
lief as may be just and equitable
the tuvinist'S.
You are required to answer said pe
tition on or before Monday the 6th
day of October. I!tl9, or your default
'.ill be duly entered therein.
w. a. hojm;iits()N.
iJI-lvv Attv. for Plaintiff.
iitm:ii ay invin.i
i l't-titlon tnr Aiiolotmrnt
Al in in intra! ri.
Tiie State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In fit County Court.
In thi matter of the estate of'Henry
Ki k en ha i deceased :
On -leading and tilitiK: the lotitioti of
Alice Johnson, praying- that adminis
tration of said estate may be granted
to Alice Johnson, as Administratrix;
Ordered. That September 15 A. P.
19 tii at ten o'clock a. in.. i assigned
for heaiinu said petition, when all
persons Interested in said matter may
appear at a County Court to be held
In and for said county, and show cause
why the prayer of petitioner Hhould
not lie granted: ar.d that notice of the
netidencv of said petition ami the liear
ir:i thereof be tfiven to all persons in
terested in sail matter by publishing
a copy of this order in the Plattsmouth
Journal, a semi-weekly newspaper
printed in st'd county, for three suc-
iiea ring.
wceKs, prior to saiu nay oi
August 1.-,. 1i.
IS-.lw. County Judg
mti i-: k st i r to nnr.T titi.m
In the District Court of the County
of Cass, Nebraska.
Nettle M. Moore, Plaintiff, vs. Abi
J;jb Harris et al. Defendants.
To the defendants, Abijah ' Harris:
Mrs. Abljah Harris, first real name tin
known; the unknown heirs, devisees.
lra:atep, personal representatives anil
all other persons interested in the
estate of Abljah Harris, deceased; the
unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and all other
persons interested in the estate of
Mrs. Abi.iah Harris, first real name un
known: Lot ten nn. in Block fortv
tive (45) in the City of Plattsmouth.
Cpss county. Nebraska: all persons
crla Imine: any interest of any kind in I
liald real estate or any part thereof,
and the unknown owners and the un
known ih iinatils of Lot ten (101 in
l-;iuck forty-lie (4.". in the Cit of
i'iat tsmout h. Cass counly, Nebraska:
You and each of you arc hereby no
tified that on the llth day of August,
A. D. J!M9, plaintiff filed her suit in
the District Court oT ass" Oovuity. Ne
braska, to quiet plalrftl it's title to the
followinpr described lot, tto-.-wit. Lot ten
(10) in Uioek forty-five (l.r,, in the
City of Plattsmouth, Cass County, Ne
braska, because of her adverse pos
session, bv herself and her k ran, tors.
for more than ten years prior to the
commencement of said suit; and to j
enjoin each and all of you from hav- j
inis or claiming any risht, title, lien or j
interest, either leal or equitable, inj
or to said land or any part thereof: to
require you to set forth your right, f
titie, claim, lien or Interest therein, if;
any, either lepal or equitable, and to i
have the same adjudged inferior to
the title of plaintiff and for general'
equitable relief. . i
This notice is mane pursuant, iu un
order of the court.
You are required to answer said pe
tition on or before Monday the ;th
dav of October. 1J1!, or your default
will be duly entered therein.
ais-lw. Atty. for Plaintiff.
In the District Court of the
of Cass, Nebraska.
Otto II. Scliurman. Charles C. I'ar
niele and James W. Sage, Plaintiffs, vs.
The X'nknown Heirs, Devisees, Lega
tees, Personal Representatives
and all
other persons interested
in tne estate
of lleorge
Fairfield,' deceased, et al.
To the defendants, the urknown
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep
: seiitativcs and all other persons in
terested in the estate of George V.
Kairtitld. deceased; tiie unknown heirs,
devisees, legatees, personal represen
tatives and all other persons interest
ed in the estate of Sarah J. -Fairfield,
deceased; the unknown heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal representatives and
ail other persons interested in the
estate of Alfred If. Townsend. deceas
ed; tiie unknown heirs, devisees, lega
tees, personal representatives and all
other persons interested in the estate
of Ann A. Townsend. deceased: the
unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and all other
persons- interested in the estate of
John S. Townsend. deceased; the un
known heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and all other per
sons interested in the estate of An
nie K. Townsend, deceased: the un
known heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and all) other per
sons interested in the estate of Anna
. Townsend, deceased: Jo'ui Camp
bell; .Sarah .). Campbell; the unknown
lu-irs, devisees, legatees, personal rep
resentatives and all oih, r persons iu
tcresled in the e.-tale of John Camp
bell, deceased; the unknown heir, dev
isees, legatees, personal representatives
and ail other persons interested in the
estate of Sam 1 1 J. Campbell, deceased;
Wr.i. C. Moores: Mrs. V.'m. C. Moores.
first real name unknown; the unknown
heirs, d'-visees. legatees, personal rep
refr. ntatives and all other persons in
terested in the estate of Wm. C.
A'ooies. deceased: tie unknown heirs,
devisees, legatees, personal represen
tatives and all other persons interest
ed in the ( state of Mrs. Wm. C. Moores.
tirst. real name unknown, deceased;
Kfchard H. Adams; Margaret Adams;
the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees,
pi rsonnl rcrresciitativi s and all other
persons 'Interested iu the estate of
Uichard-H. Adams, deceased: the un
known lit irs. devisees, legatees, per
sonal l presetiiut i ves and all e ther per
sons interested in the estate of Mar
garet Adams, deceased; Alexander H.
Harnett: A. L. Harnett, first leal name
unknown, wife of Alexander II. Har
nett: the unknown heirs, devisees, leg
atees, iKTsvrial repret-enta fives and all
other persons interested In" the estate
of Alexander II. Harnett deceased; the
unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per-s-inal
rt presentat Ives and all other
persons, interested in the estate of A.
L. Ha,rneJt. tirst real name unknown,
.ieeea-p'd : liveliue Swindell: Swin
dell, tirst real name unknown, husband
of Kvolifie Swindell; the unknown
loirs, t'levisees, legatees, personal rep
' rcseiitat t ves and all other persons in
terested in the estate of Kveline Swin
dell, deceased: the unknown heirs,
devisees, legatees, personal represen
tatives and all other persons infer-
ested ill the estate of Swindell,
tirst real liame unknown. deceased:
Hiram D. Adams; Catharine Adams:
the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees,
personal representative;? "anil all oth
er persons interested in the estate of
liirar.i U. Adams, deceased; the un
known heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and a other
prisons- interested in the c.ate of
Ca t h i ine Adams. deceased: Sarah
Peeson; Oliver 11. Hecson: the un
known heirs, devisees," legatees, per
sonal representatives and all other
persons interested In the estate of
Sarah Itecson, deceased; tin- unknown
heirs, devisees-, legatees, pcisonai rep
rest ntati ves and all other persons in
terested in the estate of Oliver H.
Efesoii, deceased: John Jackson: Nancy
Jackson: the unknown heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal representatives and
ail other persons interested in the
estate of John Jackson, deceased; the
unknown . heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and all other
persons interested in the estate of
Nancy Jackson. deceased: Maritta
Simpson, intermarried with Klias
Gibbs and known as Mariett Oibbs;
Klias Cibbs; the unknown heirs, devi
sees, legatees, personal representatives
and all other persons interested in the
estate of Maritta Simpson, also known
as Mariett Cibbs, deceased; the un
known heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and all other
persons hite-rested in the estate of
Klias Cibbs, deceased: Daniel S. Har
nest. also known as D. S. Harnest;
Ann N. Harnest; the unkrown heirs,
devisees, legatees, personal representa
tives and nil other persons interested
in the estate of Daniel S. Harnest. tie
ceased; the unknown heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal representatives and
all other, persons interested in the
estate of Ann N. Harnest, deceased;
Kliza Jane Kthoridgo. also known as
Kli.abeth Juno Ktheridge;. Wm. T
Ktherttlge: the unknown, heirs, devi
sees, legatees. personal representa
tives and all other persons interested
in the estate of Eliza Jane Ktheridge,
.also known as KI izubeth Jane Kther
idge, deceased: the unknown heirs,
devisees, legatees, personal represen
tatives and all other persons Interest
ed in the estnte of Wm. T. Ktheridge,
til-ceased: Kunice Sage Fellows; liush
O. Fellows: Adelbert D. Forbes; the
unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sona representatives and ail other per
sons Interested In the estate of Adel
bert D. Forbes, tleeeased; Oliver V. Ty
son; Mrs. Oliver lT. Tyson, first real
name unknown: tht unknown heirs,
devisees, legatees, personal representa
tives and all other persons interested
in the estate of Oliver V. Tyson, de
ceased; the unknown heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal representatives and
ail other persons Interested Iu the
estate of Mrs. Oliver U. Tyson, first
real name unknown, deceased; St.
Ledger FJeck; Mary A. Heck; the un
known heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and all other per
sons interested in the estate of St.
Ledger Beck, deceased; the unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep
resentatives and all other persons in
terested in the estnte of Mary A. Beck,
deceased; Daniel Mcllvoy,. also known
as Daniel Aiciivory: Marin.i . aicuvuy
also known as Martha --A.,-LMcIlvory;
the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees.
personal representatives and all other
persons Interested in tne estate ot
Daniel Mcllvoy, also known as Dan
iel Mcllvory, deceased; the unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees, rersonal rep
resentatives and all other persons In
terested in the estate of Martha A. Mc
llvoy. also known as Martha A. Mcll
vory, deceased; the. unknown heirs,
devisees, legatees, personal represen
tatives and all other persons interest
ed In the estate of Noah II. Hobbs, do-
oti& of the retLdmill
is jksr$i
Farmers State
ceased: the unknown heirs, devisees.
Legatees, personal representatives and
all other persons interested in the
estate of Mrs. Noali 11. Hobbs, tirst
real name unknown, deceased; Mich
ael K. I'.annin. also known as M. K.
Haniiin: Mrs. Michael K. Bannin. first
real "name unknown: the" unknown
heirs, devisees-, legatees, persona? rep
resentatives and till other persons In
terested in the estate of Michael K.
Hannin. also known as M. K. I'.annin,
deceased; the unknown heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal representatives and
I all other persons interested in
estate of Mrs. Michael K. Bannin. first ;
real name unknown, deceased: the uu-j
known heirs, 'devisees, legatees, per-;
sonal representatives and till other !e r-J
sons interested In tiie estate of John
Fitzgerald, deceased: Mary Fitzgerald,
widow of John Fitzgerald, deceased;
the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees.
pt rsonal representatives and all other
persons interested in the estate of
Mary Fitzgerald, deceased: Kdward J.
Fitzgerald: Mary Fitzgerald, his wife;
the unkiiou n heirs, devisees, legatees,
personal representatives and all other
persons interested in the estate of Kd
ward J. Fitzgerald, deceased: the un
known heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and all other per
sons interested in t lie estate of Mary
Fitzgerald, deceased: John Fitzgerald;
Zorue Fitzgerald, his wife: tiie nu-kuo-.
heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and all other tier
sons interested in the estate of John
Fitzgerald. deceased: the unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep
resentatives and all other persons in
terested iu the estate of Zorae Fitz
gerald, deceased: William Paul Fitz
gerald: Mrs. William Paul Fitzgerald, j
tirst real name unknown; Mary Lil-!
lian Fitzgerald; the unknown heirs.
devisees, legatees, personal
tatives and all other persons interest
ed in the estate of Mary Lillian Fitz
gerald, deceased: the unknown heirs,
devisees, legatees, personal represen
tatives and all other persons interest
ed in the estate of Shepherd Duke, de
ceased; the unknown heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal representatives and
all other persons interested in the
estate of Levina Duke, deceased; Mrs.
Klla Cooper, widow; Lloyd D. Ben
nett, widower: .Mice Sate; William
Sa ge ;
a ge.
Airs. William Sige, first real
unknown: Karl S.-gc: Mrs. liar!
first real name unknown: Charles
Mrs. Charles Sage, first real
unknown: Martha Sage, widow;
Albert Sage; Mrs. Albert Sage, first
real name unknown: Kmma Sage Doe,
n-c Lntma Sage, real name oth,;r than
Kmma Sage unknown: John Doe. first
real name unknown, husband of Lnima
Sage Doe; the. unknown heirs, devi
sees, legatees, personal representatives
and all otiier persons interested in the
estate of Harvey W. Sage, deceased;
the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees,
personal representatives and all other
persons interested in the estate of Ku
gene H. Sage, deceased: John Duke:
Mrs. John Duke, first real name un
known; Charles Duke; Mrs. Charles
Duke, first real nairte unknown: Law
rence Horning: Kmily A. Horning; the
following described property, to-wit:
Commencing thirty to) rods north
of the southwest corner of the
southwest quarter of the southeast
quarter of Section 13. Township 12,
North Kange IS. east of the 6th P. M.,
in the County of Cass. Nebraska: thence
north 80 rods: thence east 80 rods;
Ihence south 00 rods; thence west Z
rotis; thenee south :!0 rods; thence
.vest -Is rods to the place of beginning,
and known as lots SS, 57 and !iS, in
the northwest quarter of the southeast
quarter of said Section IS, and lots
-I. 25, 26, the west 3 acres of lot 2b.
lot 2!) ami lot DC, in the southwest
quarter of the southeast quarter of
said Section 1", all in Township 12,
North P.ange 13. east of the 6th P. M., I
in the County of Cass, Nebraska; and!
all persons having or claiming any in- j
n 0
at mM 3' M mit
to ibr
t crest of anv kind in ar.d to
e.-tat.' or any .ti t thereof;
unknown owners ar.d the
cl. ipi:mt of t-oi'.i niciicing
north of the southwest corn
s.ii.l real
and toe
r of the
S'lti I !: vv'Cf t con iter
quarter of Section
.Mil l li l.'angc 1 :". i ;
of the southeast
1.!. Township 12.
i ast of the it!i P. M.,
Cass. Nebraska: tht urn
t hence east M rods;
rods; thence west 82
in I he ( 'mint y of
north Ml rod-:
tl etice sunt Ii .Ml
rods: thence south
v est 4 n rods to t Ii
ning. und known as
o0 rods: theme
place of begin-
lots ,TN, f,7 and ;.S
lifter of the i-outh-Section
1 :t and lots
tliite acres of lot
the.jr the northwest on:
; east quarter of said
j 2 I, 2"i. 2. the west
I'd -' and lot :.ii. in the southwest
quarter of the southeast quarter of
said Section 1:!, all in Township 12.
North Kange l:!, east of the dtli P. M..
in the County of Cass. Nebraska:
Von are hereby notified that on tho
Mb day of August. 1 i 1 0. plaintllls til
ed their suit in tiie District t'oirt of
the County of Cass. Nebraska, to quiet
plaintiffs' title to the above described
land, to-wit: Commencing thirty rods
north of the southwest corner of the
southwest quarter of the southeast
quarter of Section Hi. Township 12,
North Kuntio 1:1, ast of the th P. Sl..
in the Counts- of Ctss. Nebraska: thence
north S'l rods: thence east 80 rods;
tin nee south ."ill roils: thence west :J2
rods; theme south ::a rods: Ihence west
IN fods, to the pi. ice of beginning, and
known as - lots :;s, f7 ami ." in thu
northwest quarter of the southeast
quarter of said Section Hi. and lots 2-1,
2,". 2fi, the west three acres of lot 2S,
lot 2i and lot f.ii in. the southwest
quarter of tie- southeast quarter f
said Section HI, all in Township 1 z.
North Hangc HI. cast ef the llth I M .
tin tlio 'County of Cass. Nebraska, be
cause of their .-iilvelsi luissesu I...
j , henisci ves and their grantors for more
than ten years prior to the eormieiioo
ment of said suit nnd to enjoin each
ami all of you from having or claim
ing any right, title, lien or Interest,
cither legal or equitable, in or to any
land, or any part thereof; to require
you to set forth your right, title,
claim, lien or intenst therein, if tiny'.
ither legal or equitable, and to have
the same adjudged inferior to the 'title,
of plaintiffs and for general eouila I.:.'
This tioiic.
order of the
is ni.i'.fe pursuant to (he
court. You are rt-ouire,!
to answer said petition
Monday, September 22.
mi or bcfoii.
22. l:l!, or vout
entered therein.
default will be duly
OTTi I f . Sl'liniM.W.
. A. Lol'.KItTSON,
Atty. for Plaintiffs.
. Lawyer.
Est ot Riley Hora:.
Coates Elock.,
Second Floor.
Dou't forget us when you
want meat or groceries for
harvest. We can take care of
you. Just phone. No. 4. and we
will have your order up.