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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1919)
L PLATTSMOUTII CEMI-WEEKLY " TOUxttfAl , ;r: tvto. THURSDAY. AUGUST 21. IS 19. S&iPQBTiOT .ANNOUNCEMENT Films Developed FREE! While most everything else has been going vip in price, we 3re pleased to tell you that by our improved methods in handling our Kodak finishing, we are now able to develop your films FREE, providing that you or der prints made from all good exposures. The same HIGH CLASS work and PROMPT SER VICE will be maintained, which has made us one of the largest KODAK finishers in the country. Send us your films and tell your friends about our FREE developing. Thank you. Olson Photograph Company, Plattsmouth, Nebraska PURCHASES THE A. 0, U. W, HALL New Order of Knights of Columbus to Be Housed in Building; on Chicago Avenue. From Wodm-f da v'jt Pally. The local council of the Kn'srhts i.f 'olum!i;s. which was organize! niy a ihort time a'-r has ;rwn to such rirr.iherl'.ip as to make neces sary the seetTins of a huiltliiii? that couM saiic-factori'.y hoti-e the order and accordingly the council is con fiudins th nei.tinf ions which will give them th.e ownership of the hall rn t'l icaro avenue owned by the A. 0. r. W. lad.o of this city. Thl ha!l N pr.rtictih'rly aiinpted to the r.e of the enlor as it is provhie.l w ;h a l ire n.hlv l-all and ante rooms en he c:u.d floor while th; lirst floor is eiuipjel for a banquet ha!! and Pr ocial c;at l.erinr?. The Ki-iclits of t'ci-.iiu'-u- which lias a l:;r:; a"d rctive mvmber-l'.ip in tlie c i' ir 1 1. -i city is constantly rtiv.i!;:; ;::il no.v rank.; anions the !.ir..-f fraierijal orders in the city. The local ordor has b, en ni- etinsr in the r. John's :-ch.ool buiidi.i but tl.i; arrancement vas far from sat-i-f-.r'ory and i:i order to have a i:;.:re sni';.hif hi me it was decided to Make tie tircha-e of th- A. O. I". . biiil 1 i u -r wliiii is Well located r'-id -a.-y .f s:rte-s fri in ail sections i f the city. It i; eypc'ed that the forreil transfer ri' flu- property will h-- c id nrr ve-k s,pd tlie new ord er :'..- the con'r il of flic build inr a: id remove their lode proper ty t i' -- tiH- lior.i. Since Ms " .;i !.d.:t i :t the Knights t f oltinibus has .crown info the 1. TeitcsT f'ltho'ic eru..r in the world ;-ud hi;- its pm iKbi-r.hip is limited to those ef the Rcm-in Catholic l.iifh. its work f-r ::ood not Ik en ton fined t thi .--ct a'otie. During tlte war with Germany the Knight cf 'oI:iri;l,n-! jierformed a fcreat ser vice ii; their wi rk with the Anieri i.:n l".peditic!i:.r l'orcf s in France ."i"! Germany ard their representa tives abroad were con-tantly op. tlie x ill after tile welfare of the fold' rs r-u" r'-: s of their re-li-:i'iiis belief. The order operated rcrent,,n halls at the more im portant American centralization e Poultry yj J 7 K r m W A N T A car lead of live poultry, to be delivered at poultry car near Bar- IijTSton Freight Depot, Plattsmouth. Ucbr., oa Thursday, Aug. 21, one day only, for Wiiich we will pay in cash as follows: ilcr.s. per lb. 25c Springs, per lb. 26c E'jrk-. per lb. 20c 0'd Inciters, per lb. 13c Beef Hides, per lb. 2ic Hcne Hides, each $11.00 Remember the date, we will b$ on hand rain cr shine and take al! naiketable poultry offered for sale. W. E. KEENEY. OR. H. G. LEOPOLD 0ESTE0PATHIC FHYSICXAI? Jp-lnl Altralla to 1JIm- ml U'onci ACUTK IilSEASKS TKEATED Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitt.1 Night Calls Answered After Honrt and Sundays by Appointment 1:30 a. m. to 12:00 1:30 p. m. to 6:3 711 "'Tw ' Plattsmouth, Neb points where the men were able to meet and have the full use of the halls for writing letters home or in enjoying: entertainment provided for them by the Iv. cf C". and associated war work societies. They were al so very active in athletic work and ftaped many vefy successful meets in the army abroad. The society al so saw to it that the soldiers were provided with smokes and many dainties which came to the men free of cost a.; the officers in charge of the K. or ( work abroad had set the seal of disapproval on the sell ing of articles to the soldiers where the funds procuring then: had been donated by the people of the United States. CIIAI7GE IN TIME AT SHOPS. "rom Wednesday's Pai!y. Commencing' this morning the fieit;ht car repair department of the nurlingtou shops enters upon a nine-hour schedule :"cr working u intf to the large amount -f business. The men will coiamfiice work at 7::;u a. m.. and quit at ".::.) inste id of at S and o'clock as they have been during the pa-1 few months. The employes: cf the upholstery department ot the shops 'have beeti having considerable difficulty in the last f.'-.v days in getting the ques tion of the women workers s-rtlei ynt i.-facf nrily and as a result of the condition of t bint's a number of the men mp'oyed there have laid of!" from work until the qtuMion is Sfttled. It seems that the v.o:un employed as helpers are rect'vir.g Wiies equal to that of the t-kiil- d mechanic who have. spent several years in 'earning their trade and this is not at all satisfactory to th0 mechanics and ;,s a result a number have laid off in protest to tli;- em ployment f the women under the present wage fcale. AUTOTIOBIIES FOR SALE. Two new llu inobiies. $l.iO').'oi each. One ufiv $1085. oa. 25-5tdtvv Mode! 00 Overland T. 11. VOLLOCK. Garaue I'ancv stationery at this oTir nifi- or i it r,u in;i;i i: In the I ,:-t ri' t i ,,, t , t of I 'as -. N.-hi a-i;a. Tell ItiMoii. -!.iii,t.Mf. v.-. .Mailha J::! h. ti. I fmlant. To the I efeii-lunt. Maltha Iliiion Von arc hereto- n. Mined tnat on lie Tth day of 2 J :, v. 1 '. i !. 'ainuf' thd I is petition jn t he 1'isiij.t lo-art of th-- 'onnfv of 'ass. Nel ra.-k.i. the .,h,,.i and praer ..f u hi. li is fo .-t a-i.".- t,,. l.on.K of ttiatritiioii v cvisili',' hel v. i a plair.tiif and defendant: that he lc Ki:i an ;.l,-olut- .Mmo-... from .p.. f.-ridant and the care. n-tod and daeatlon of l-aul l;i!lo,i. a Ininor of t he ane of sil.-i veais, llie i-.s if said marriaije t,, r.-s id ; n with plain- Ill ami j.r sii. l, ..ti er im,.! fiitthi-r h- .- . ,s ja.-t al, I ,e in i ne premie ,-. Yon me re-pMied to answer -aid p " ' or i,i...e Monday the Mil i . - ' I i !,, hil'i. or yo u- d- fault uui i,L- inter. ,1 therein. TKI.l, Itn.I.DN'. I h' a i n t it:'. Y. ,. l.-r::i:i:T.-. '.. '- Airy, fr i- I 'la in I i I,'. on IVtiilon rr VpiM.iiitmrut of Vlniiiiilralri. I lo- Mat- of Nel.raska. fa I . s s In the 'o.M'V 'oi-f. Coll 11- In the tiia 1 1 r of t h i-h's.-n ha deceneed stat.- of lloi.i v ,. n-.i.lins finil (,n,lir the petition of vln-e .loro-on. T,:;,vieK t..t s, ,i , j,, is. Iiatee, ol s,,i, estate may he urani.-d to Alice .lohrison. as Admi n isl i a t ri x ' l.h r, .1. Tict .-'.-plemher 1 ,. 1 ltl' at tea oh;.,. 1: ;. m.. is a ss j lor oca. i,,- yi,i p.-titioa. when all p't.-o'is i :t(i.-l.d in s-,,1.1 rn.itt. r may rrppe.ip .11 ;. I'ountx foarl to I,,, held in and for said county, and show cans 'Vhv II'.- t-ravep ,.(- ,,. titioner should ii'd he manic. 1: :, r,, that notice of t he .endeie or said petit ion arid tho lu-at-ia-- the,. - f ,. five li o all person in terested In said la alter l,v luilili.-ddri a copy ..f f Ii i 4 or. I -i- in tho I l a 1 1 s i iioi ; t n .lonrnal. a seml-w e,-i, v ney. s.ii p or printed in said co.inty. for three suc cessive uteks. prior to .said day or heariiiir. I'iited Aniist 1.",. ltd:,. AI.I.KN .1. IM'KSiiV. (.-.air iih-v,. Coiinlv .ludue. i iM i: or m it ti ui in- '1111.1: In l.he Idstilel Court of the County of i.'ass. Neloaka. Netlie M. llouic I'lainlilT. vs At, I. jah Har ris et al. I x-ff-iid.-i n t s. lo the del. -rid. nils. Al.ilah Harris- Mrs. Ahijah H;irris. Jirst real n.-ime ot,- Icnown: tli unknown heirw. device. s. let-ateps, personal reiireseritali ve ami till other perMons Interested In the estate of Aldjali Harris, d.-eensed; th li ri i no w li heirs. :.- i a es. . : t-e:;. soinil reei ,f enta 1 1 v.' ami all oilier er-o-s n 1 e; ...e.l (! , estate of ir. .Mdj.ili Harris, first real name un known: ten I'M. in (tloek for'v- li..l in liie t-lty of I 'I a t tsirioii t l. s coiin'y. S'.-I.r.iskn: all nernori.s l.-ilin!iitr any i.:ttre-r. of nrrv kind in id real estate or any pirf tl-rcof i'l tl'e unknown owners and the un known claimants of Lot ten 10 in l;!. k fnitv-Hvo K" in tie' Cite ot , l'lilt-i) u 1 1;. Cass Nel.ra.'ka , I Yen ;.rid r.i;'!i nf yon ait- hereby n-ti.'b-.l t i . : i r on tin- 11th dav of AiiKU.-il,! A. I . t ! 1 9. pb.i:iti:Y ill-.-.! suit in p. rson- iin-. , sicl In X i - estate "i in the .'niity nl t a sr. -SeiirasKa. ne- tiiv liistn.t ('unit of fas.-; fount v. Ni'-i Na in y Ja-;-ou. decensed: Mitriltu cause of tin i i- inlvi'i.-f possession by l-rnska. l" !ii't 1-hiititiIVs: title lo 1 1 o ; , i i :ti'i ri i ' with IClius ti:i-risflvps ai.! their f-i -aiitorst for mure following ticsi ri bed lot, tn-wit, Lot t ic i ; I, I 1 1 . 1 i.iiDwn a-- Marii:! fjibbs; than ten yiurs prior t the commence ll.ii ie. Lio.-I; forty-five ;T.). in tli-:iias ;i!!s: the unknown heirs, devi- ( merit of said suit and to enjoin each 'Cilv of ! Ma 1 1 sinou t h, Cass county. No- ...... I.;:. I is. poist-nnl repi -soutati ves :snd all of on iiom having or claini- l-t'ii'sUa. because of her adverse ms- J i i r a i ot 1 .: persons Interest d in the s; jv ritiht. title, lien or interest, !mssioii. I.;- In is. if and la r ura n t oi s, . , s i t c ot M.nitta ' i n 1 "i , also known either l'.--;il in- c i n i t a ble. in or t any for tsi.j.-.' t!:.':i ten year.-: prior to tie a. J!,n,i u tiiPbs. ii . -t ea s, .1 : the mi- lami, or any pari thereof; require"i:i-:ii-, iin r.i of said suit; and io known heirs. dcvN-'os. 1"jraoe, per- on to set forth your riuht. title. enjoin e.oh and all of voa from ha - . s ona I rc o-. a t a 1 i v es and all other iiaiin. lien or -i.u-rest therein, if any, ; lnr or la iiui:n any r.-;lit. title, lien or , persons i r i T -i .--! d in the csiate of either le-al oi- cm: Ha hie, and to have : mlcn st. either Ical or eq n i la hie. :i i:!,is iliM.s, ,ii , i;:::ed ; lianiel S. liar- nle same adjudged inferior to the title I hi- to taiil land or anv part thereof: lo . u,-, :,lso K:i.-,N-n ns 1 . .S. llarnest; f)1- plaintift's and for general equitahie li-'iuire 'n'l l' --'ct fortn your rilit. title, claim, lien or int i si ineiein, ii nty. either l;;al or eiinitatile. and to have the .-ane a .! .i ud s.; ed inferior io the title of pl-iintiM and for ,min'r;tl ei I! i ta Me re! I !'. This notice is made pursuant t" the I order of t he court. Vmi are to answer s.iei pe tition on or Ik fere Moadav the t 1 1 !av of Hi-1'ili-r. r.ll'i. or voir default will he d'.ilv therein. NKTTIi: M. .VoOKi:. I'laijitiu". Jd!N .M. l.i:VlA. als-lw. Atty. for J 'la in t id". itimcn )i' iiKAiuxc ca frtitioi f-r p jmI til iin-111 (if Atli.iliilstritlor. The Slat" of Nchraska, i 'ass 101 1 1 1 the fo only l "in: 1,1 the matter of tl: estate of Wil- 1 i;i i i .Ml. iii. il'.ri-.iM'ii: i n ii-; th.e petition of irtcr that ji.Pii in :.-t rat io of said estat-- i:,av he raet.d to .losejh Si.radr-r, as A . I in i ti i.-' r:i 1 or ; IM deled. Tiiat ; t -la cr Mil A. 1 . 1 :i l :i. al ln 1" o'ehul; a in. is is-si.-:nd for ), a: it. sa id pi-lMioii. when all persons hi teres ted in said mailer in. iv a;.pea." at a 'otuity t'oiirt to te lieid in ami for snid umiil ". ami ! o .v caiis-- wl.v ti.- prayer of petitioner should iet i..- mauled:- and that iio ti. e of I ! 1- lidoii. of sa.d petltien ar,.l the l.t.-ri'i,' th.-iiof h. t;i.-ti i o all ;., tso-is I. 1.1 I st'd Ml ...lid lllltter I t-u ill is.ii: a op' "I tl is otd-M :i tie 1 :att sei..;tii .limn...!, a em i - w ef 1. -v i.i u spa; ir print ed in sai.5 couiit ., for three sin i . -si e n ts prior lo sa i .' da v f In nri;i-'. I : ted this 7th day of August A." H. 1 :K'. ai.i.k.v t. r.i:;:.-' n. (Seaii all-::w. '.iu;.t Jndue. niuiiit : ni-.:;i. nail Notice r I'roliaJ- tr ill I:, t t o. "..i..i : of h'.i.-s i .inii t. Nh I riisUa. t..t.- of N.-l. i aska. "..nuty of l'a-s. In si . ' 11.. : . : : on I T 1 1 ' f ..I !:';.-m I .ai-.i . f i . a.Ui.- hi- ! : ' !. .1 in t he ,1. ce.l-cd : II ef i:. i !i - i I .1 :io ' I 'a T. ' I e , , j i a 1 'hat t ti i .1 in this em: i t on t A ii ;!! I. 1 ' i ''. and pi. : i -i he '.ih dav d , to he the . 1 ' s i n last will a :.d l - t.n:i .!. i . ;.-.!. may a .id T el OI dej I... proved .Hid Ii liOVen, - the hist 'AI.l and : . - t: ii, .-at of K:'. 'i I 'a I. that said i as ! l l: : i.-n : ' -,. a''nilt.-d to ;o...i'- . ;-.'.'l tin- a.'.iai'ii iiat.o'i of said estate he -Rallied to 1 h II. 1 a l; ii;i-!', IU i'Airl.1 1 ; It i.s h. rch" oti'. ' -d you jiti i aii i-ii.-.n.- :i. !- -tid ..i m..:t:r. ii... and do a r at the 'oi.r.:y t . , t ! I e i ' . 1 . ; and for -.11 on -I v, oi: i; hi; 'i day if Au.t.t t A. iJ 't'l' . at '" i. '..(',; a. ' i . I sh.ny e.-n:-' if ., .'. -,- title h, v. ' ; T ; . p!.l V. . ot f i. :n : si o-.-ld i.. t he laa-iinl, ami t ., ; ; .! I . l t t ; ' .,, y o ! ,.1 . - lit...-! h .11 ! . lea : a t .- r. of iavi i i:i p. i .-.oi- : i i i i l:;:itti-!- : ; puh; - i ;i -i a ...... ui t. -; ii the Iha tt.-!iiu::t .. Jo:r:..l. a . -n. i-wi h ! -. i.." ;i.-r tin. fed in .-...! ei u t . 1 .. I- t - V. . . e W e .s- l.-l" i" mi.l th.v of j..:lll. W :t:;. -- I.' v i I. d f t a A. in' covri. li. i.- r.'i:i. til o a y o : At,-: n ai.:.i:n .i. !:i:k 'u:;t ' .1 1. !.; . . ' in it i : n J.t:. oi 1 1 of t v. j.u: In J i of I'.l-s. I ! -:t i 1 1, s - tll.-'i ::.-l -I - - I -1 '. e I :.h'... . I ;. . -. P. i .-..'...! ,i tl. ' . .a r, . s .. . s;i I hi : ! i. i: s. I : - i : pre- . 1 1 :. d i-i t ! i-'.. .: h Id, as i'. l'ar ' i h -. x s . . I.e.',- and i ii :. i L at. .. 'a ii ov :i lal iea- ol 1 I f. :,. To ; i -. :'. !,!. itds. ti... . . ! - a l e. s-. .. i -. . : : 1 . . i I 1.I..1 r I i tie .-hili of ' .:-'.: t h-.- tt a !. no-. i i . ic. i t i . 1 : I I ... r p. r.. 1 i- .. ui-;.. ' k . now n i.t i i-.-, i i : h- . . ' . I . .i .;:a 1 1 . i I e.- c a- :, ; 1 olf-cr l-ets.U'S ial.'I'.'Si t .. e ;. te of s'.ii'.i i .1. i'nilhe.d. tie ; h :. I : : II.-". ih-v,..ees, ... i : .--,1.1.1 ,-,i;t 'Ml.iliiis ri-p I I ; . ! - s I I. ! . -1 . d I .1 I II' of Aill.-I li 'll..M.-lil. il.eeas- t ... ,ii...y. t: heir.-, il'-vis.-es. 1. u i- 1 . . I . i- or-.. I i . 'r, .-. n I a I i -, cs ji ud ' ! r e. A r.n .-...s i.iiei. e 1 in the ..-tate ol i: Ii i A. 'I 'iuiim ml. ii, i rasci!; t li re. "a h ! s. ili-l i. Je.-lte. .-, pet -i.:i re;.i" -ei.lativcs and all other -o,,-; inter.-, t.-d i-i tie .-.state of .11 S. T" v', o.! the liil- .1, ,.:.o. -i 1 . ii d.-'.-JsOes. ieaiees, p. t - Mit:;'! i' ; ; ni.iihi.v and all other per- .-.'! . mt.-r. j te.j '1 ti e estate of A;l- r,i- Ih T.oviis. nd. d. ij.-a.-. .l: the ii'i- k l.oWII h :rs. i Vices. legate. S. pef- so.-ial r.-pi i sen I ii 1 1 . es and all otio-r p"l-ri.ti-- i :i t r s i .-.I in tl." .-late of Anna A. V' -WiM !-i', deeeised; John 1' I i ii: s-ar.-h .1. '; at ; ! .1 1 1 ; tie- n r. 1. in.v.-n i,.ii-. .-.. - c.-. h---i.e-. personul l.;i rt -filial i s- ,n, d all nth r i.-l.-ons iii hii'sh .1 ia I '. .st.ity of .John Catnu helh ,i. ;;.;.., I; the liliktiowtl lleils. d-:V-is.-cs, . I, ., personal representatives and al! i."i son i r: t . rc-te.i In I e . '.ili' of ."-.iraii .1. I'atnnhell, deeiased; Win. C. M-ioi.s. Mrs. Win. C. .Moons, iirst n nl nam.- i, u i; now n ; tho nnknov n I eir.--. d.-visi Ii u-.itf-i's, i.i rsotiiil re; i 1,1 ;iies iiid all other person.-; 1 .-t-ttf..i in th. .slat.- of Win C. Moor is. ,t ..'.1.M.1I; tie heirs!, devisees, 1 v.ih-i s. personal represen tatives end all otie-r persons interest ed in the estate of Mis. Win. I". Moons. lust n..l lo.nie 1.11k rio'vn, deceased; Knhard 1 1. Adams; Maiarei Adatn.-: tie- ii'iktiim :i he,rs, dev i.-c. s, legatees, f.-r.-oiial represent 11 1 i vc.-s and all othel pel. sons iiit.iesied in the estate of ii. Alain:--, defeased; the 11 1 kii'Hui .-in. .', leuat.-c.s-. por .".:ial 1 '.l oseetat i es and all oili.-r l e' -sons inl.-rested in lie- estate of Mar- K.-irr-t Adams, ihieased; Alexander ;l Ihiri.'tt: A. I.. ISiii iir-rt. iirst 1 e.i I iiani. iirknowii, ui;- .vliyaiider H. liar roll; li.c iiiiki'invii loiis, vis-.-. If?.;, at.-cs. peisonal 1 epi ,-si n t a I i ves ;tt j. II olhir persons interested in the estati of Al.xiunli r II. ihiinett l e( cil s ed ; the IMlKfov.-ii I . lis. i!,isees. .'litt et'S. pcr- 01. ill npiesentatlves and all otli-.r p.-r.-ons I'il.iested in the estate or A. I - Ihirn.-I. Iirst r ill nam,, unknown. le cis-cn ; l-.veni,.' .SWimJell: Swi'l dell, tir.-1 real name unknown, hashnnd of Lv.-lf-iio Swindell: the ntiknovn heirs, devisees, le'.ratees-. personal re ) i''"'ti';it I'. e-i and ail other persons i i lerestcl in the eslate of Kv.-ijn.. Swin dell, dec. as. d: the unknow n heirs, devisees. p u;, t..(.s, personal topics, In lives and ail ot,r poisons inler- sW.l in th- etilate of Swindell, Iirst lea! cam-- u n k no w n, decease. I ; Hiiiim I. Adains: '.-i t ha 1 1 rn; Adiitna; the iiiikl'.ow n hells, levi.-. t s. Icvrutf-f , ptls-oioil rt-pr. nlalivcs and all oth er peo-iiiM inlei I in th"- estate jf Ililam I . Adaiiii. .hi i s., : known hi lis. ,1,-vis. es, legatees, per sonal repn st ntallv.-s and all olh "r persons inteicstcd In the isim I 'atharirie A.lalns. dt ccjisiil: Sar.di I . . , . tel.... ii i . '--. ii. iseesto; ti,e n;i- k now ii heirs. . . t s-. vutee. p, r scni.l repl-.s. . .uf IVt,.. I ."out- I'll. : . -I ell estate of S-uuh,. .h-.-cas.-.l ; t n n k no v. ri !.cir. I"'VM'I-., I .t f'. .,, ,.".l'll leseiitutives and all other p-i-sop I. fi sted in li,.- .slat,. ,,f ii(Ve 1 , .1 . . i . i.i i n- H v .... ... . i on ii .i a i k son : . ant v i . i. ...... i .,. .i... . - leKatees, ptrsoniil rei.resentati ves ar.'i .,. ..ii, iii. ki, own ii- ru . e I n Ii !i. ! eit-.oits i ii 1 i'i-i's-1 i'l in the stale I' .!o! it J,!l-Ksiiii, dci-ei'sid; the km., i i us-, i!ev:"- ;; iiici-s, per- i. ri :-. i, in '. ive.s ii ml all other '.uii 1 !;: i :iest : the unknown lien s, iii-i-i'.-, lc. . ices, i-Msonal rcpresctita- i-.i-s ai.d .J! other persons interested -sti,t..- of Daniul llarnest. ie- a: e. tl 1. 11 lc now 11 hen s, devisee." ill personal i 1 present a t Iv s and p. 1 soils interested ill the i h ;-t;.. e e' . , :i N. liaintst, lifirasiil; liii a .lane j ; t h v 1 i '. ;re. also known 1 i'l.a let li .h'-ie I .'1 lie rid ire :. Will. T .:t'.ri!-'.: I1;.- nnUnown heirs, di-vi-: 11 ::. ,- .ii. ... . personal represent;! -tes rail .11 other persons interested in llie "si.t.. of i:i;;i .lane I :t herid-.e, ah; koi- is 1-:! iai h. t h .lane hti.t-r-;.i.;e, .iii.,-. ..1: the uiilvnovvn heirs, iii-. ;.- s. h-::tes. piis.iial r.prescn-ti.tic.-.s- iii.i other persons- interest- , .1 11 tie 1 - lil.. of Win. T. I-:t heridsCe, .In Hi-el; Iii, ,i,-i. Sji iff l'ellovvs: Hush 11 Mow s- ,lelheri 1 1. 1'orhes: the i. ho. 1 e,. . -- .levise.-s. legatees, t - er - .-. -...! I. iesei !:ities aiai :ll oilier pi r sors iiilere-i .1 la the .-late ..f Adel !. 1; ! . i'i... . iieceas.d: idivr l Ty "r: : Mis. . h:y.r 1'. Tv.-'ei. Iirst r f 1 i:;'ie e ! '-. Too. 11 : the litikliown heirs, a viso. ;. h; i!e. s. p.-isonal repleselita rivis and al oiler persons i n t "res i ed ;,, I!.-- ist.ili of Oliver I'. 'r.'..--on. de- . eas.- i: t;.e 1 ; 1 1 K , 1 o w : 1 i:eiis. ie isi , ,,,1 h- it. 1 s. p. 1 . a.l lii.i-'i'.'ii I at i v-s al! other 1.. . sii: ; interested in . st.-il-- - I" M,". oliv-'i- l". Tyson, tiist 1. 11.11 o. a ii li now n. deceased : St. I.e.'. ...r ie .!:; Miry A. Ih-ek: the 1111 , . o 1 I . :i , !". isei s, lel-at. es. Jier-..o- .1 r. ;.r. . :;t;iti-.i s- nul all other per- hit.!.,..,) ill the est. to of St. 1 i- la . deceased; the unknown ,1. ir . ! 1 , s, . "., personal ti i--. s. ii t a : ' . s and ail oiler persons in t re. 1 - d 'ti e c-tat" of .Miirv A. llei ii, ,.. .1: ". .1: ih.i.i. ! .M-lli"-. also know n a- I ,1 1 1 . I .M.-ilvoiv: Mafihii A. Mrllvov k:,..wii as A. MeII-or; t .. ,11 iai'iv. 11 heir-, ih is. es. legatees, p.-i-,.rii re; r.-.-eiili' lives and all other T .is ins ini r. ted in the estate of ;.:!i'. I M I ! vo , also known as lan-e-i r.'i-1 1 vol ih cea-ed; the unknown ' ,r.-. ..- is. -. 1. -; ii.-.-.-, personal rep . 1 . , l .' I i es and aM ntln r persons in-t- re.-led in l' e eslale of Martha A. 5! -llvo-.-. ito !:.,ow:i as Martini A. Mcll- oct til .-ed: the llllktloWII lieitS, ,'..;.:. ! .-ate.s'. pt-rsoriiil represen t.i'ive; ami .,'1 other persons inter, si ,.1 ia I...- . -!. I- 1 f .N'oah K. llohps, . i - . -i ; I ! ' , -1 k !! . 1 W '1 i.l II ", . IcV i sees, hiiiii.-s. p. i.-oaal : tpre.-etii a 1 1 ves and .. ' ! .-t ... r ; t sons lull re.-t, d in t'pe , ;.t. t-- of A' s. .v.. all Ih Hohhs. lust :,.ii,i.. i(i:i,iini'. n, ih-teasod; Mirh- 1 !' It ii 11 .1,. also known as M. E. . .a?. in : M r.-. .Mi'tael i;. Ihimi'.n. first . .1: 1. ;-i!.. ii'd. riowri : the unknown . ,-s. ,1.. . --, . s. ,;iit.-.s. p. S, .111,1 rep- -, ; ',-,. :..ll ail otier 'f! sons' itl t . 1 .-,! i't t : e est ate of M i'o.K I I'.. t : ?i 1: ... ::!-o kitewa a; M. I'.. Hannin. .'. .a- ..; I :. : :. Uti'.v.'ii heirs, devisees, t '-.U-.t'. ;; n ; -.- en t . t i vi s and otl.e: p.;.;-o;s : nt ei e.-te.l ill t he t : 1 M.s. Michitel J-.. 1 tan run. nisi n 1:. known, oe, . a seil : the U'l- l ei!. O'Vi-eeS. 1- t'llt'-l-N, pcl- pi .-. . -it ; a.', a 1 : oil-., r per- t . d hi the . stale of John r- ta . ... . i i .-.-.I; M.irr Kit -'-rahl. I..', i. Iht i.r'!. il' i riisi .l; tl ir.-. .! -v is- . s, l-i;iltees. . i ii t i in .I a . I i.'.iti r . iv ed : 'i I he csta te of ,:;.:. :..-.!- d; IMward .1. I.!.; r -. t'lf'.-.-i-;,;,!. !-is wife; ..t . i : - . i, 1 1 .1 I : h I v is. t;. le.-ste-s. :. .lives Mid all other i a ti.- i -t..t.- .f lal .1. ... .-. .-. t ! ; I he i.n- i . . r . i -i a I i es. pel - ! i : -. - i - : . id .1. i'ihi,!'!. :. I -.; .h ?. .,:,.l ii'l otlt.-r !.'r d ; :i i : . . "t.,'i' of M.t rv t- .-s l . .': i: l-'ili'.rterald; : .d. hi.. i ; c . the ei - ' vi.- h i.i. s. .cr hliii - a ad ii 1 ! o her per il n tl-- , i ate of .1 on a i. . . t.s. -! . i he unknown :. I. - at. es. personal l"t P- ! a 1 1 ot .er i.- rsoiis- i n - i ;!:! of '.: a' h'i'.f.- ihi ' t I I r .. hh . h v : s . -t. !i . s :. ;. d i-. ; I '. ' id : 1 : . -ed ; W dharn I'a'il Fitx- " i ; ; 1 i '.' n I Kir zue r.i hi, ".ttt i it known: Mary l.'l i.ihi; t ! .e it a n " ti heirs-. 'at s. ;. isoiiiil r. i lsei.- ti i . .; h. : r , i sons i n t er's t--i .te of Lillian Fitii . its.-d: li 1 1 1 k now n heirs, .it.. -. personal repres.-n- .- i tier peisi'lis titrc-t- i of She h.ei d leikt . di - : r i. ... n hell ' . d.-Vis. es. .a t . . i i.i. ' et: . i . -. ,. t 'i . a ! i ( r.-s-. :ir a t r v es an 1 li nl ! ; ,.,. -,i;;- i li l e r. .-1 ed ill til -;.i!t !' i l,.'e. di e. ; scd ; Mr. ii'hl i'.i.i;i. 1. '.viiiow: I.hjvd I . Ih-ll ... (i. - .low. r; Al:c- Sam-: V i X 1 iii in Sii. .-: Mi-. .'i'Iiarn Sate. Iirst r a I iii.ine t: iik no'.' ii : Karl Saie: Mrs Kjl S tiisi i-. ;. i ot fi tin known: 'hai S;.;;. ; .Mrs. t'l-avl s S.iue. filst real ).:ate 1. 1. !. n-ivv n! rtiiil S iltc, widow A 1 1. ,-rt ."'a.i : Mrs. Sa-j... lust r i.l i;i ii"- unknown: lininiii Sato 1 ot i.e.- K'm i.i Siivic. r . .: 1 it. true oth.r tl.a iifii a Sa." m.kii" .vt: : John I 'oe. ilrt ii. i n.iii'c itnkiiov.'ti. hushund of Emm Si l- I 'oe: the ill known lu lls, leVi . s. l.-.ttcr s, i-isonal represent a t i ve ; i..l ai! olh.r p.-rsons interested ill tli i li te of H.-irvcv W. Sitfe. ilri i-iis, d Ii.. nakiiowii l .iis. devisees-, legate, ei-ona! leor siaf.tiv.s and all oth ;i.r: on. i ut I', s i i in lie state of -:a ,i tut II. Sii.;,-. liit-eiiscd: John Duke Vii.s. John li.ik e. :ir.-t real name un ki-own: Citi.iles lmke; Mrs. CharU- h .kc, ttrst re j i name unknown; Law rime 1 1 o t 1 1 i 1 1 ; Kmily A. ilorniiiM; th I'd 1 ow i ii v. ih-.-i i i hed propel ty. to-wit ".a tin net a1-; I'nrty (Ch) rods norlii if tlie so.nhwest collier of tin" soiiihAcst tiiiaiti r of the southeast earlt-r of Section 1. Township 1! Norlii Canue j::, cast of the lith 1'. M in the Ooanlv ot Ciiss, Xclnaskii: theri- lioitii Nil roihs; thence east S(l rods iii'iice soiiin i., loos; liicnte west o - rods; tl.ciiee soi.tli ::f rods; tlieiicc west !"i rods lo the place of I ,!'-: i li n I II ami known iis lots ., , and in ili 'ml l h v.-est it'iarler of the soul kcast 'lUiiit.-r of said Section 13, and lots I'l. L'.;. tlie west 3 Hires of lot Ihs ht -ii and l-,t "-ti, in the southwest Hiarl.r of the southeast tiiiarter of saiil Section Ih all in Township li N'oith llatiai. l::. east of tho lith I". M io Ih. Connie of Cass, Nehraska; and :.ll p. i.s'.ns ha vine: or claiming any in- tt ri si of nay kind In to h.u.I real cstnte or inv part thereof; und th. tin I: uowii ard the unknown Li i, ii.mis t,i coiiim.-iu iti'-r iin rod 'mi Hi of the ."..i:l hvvesl corner of the sou I hv, est muiiler of llie southeast oiiuitir of .Section 1. Township 1- Norlh Kanue f;. cast of the 6th I. M.. in the County ol Cass, Nehraska: thence north Ml rods; thence tast 81) rods; thence oitii Mi rods: thence west - rods-; thence south .".0 rods: thence v. est is i(,,s to the- idace of hoBin Hint.', and known as lots :1S, r.7 nritl ,r,S ia the northwest ouatter of the south- last oii.iru-r of said Section 1 -i and lots .'I. ".';.. l', the wt s( three acres of lot '-. I'd -t an. I lot "ai. in the Mouth west Miartei of tlie soutiieast UilItef of raid Section i:;, all In Township 1 '', North 1.;ik;c cast of the tith P. "M.. in llie Connie ,,f Cass. Ni-hraska: Yon are ta reh'. not Hletl thai on the -Hi day of Aiitrust. I'JK. plainlllTs til ed their suit j. the listriot Court of I he Count v of Cass. Nehraska. to riulet I la i n I i lYs titl to the ahove rloscrlhed Ixnu. to-wit; Coinmencini? thirty rods icrih wf the solllliWest i-olfier of the southwest quarter of the southeast punter of Section l:'.. Township 1 -. North iiniiL',. i;:. ast of the lith I". 211.. in the Counlv of Cass. Nehraska: thence rlh Ml rods: thence enst SO rods; t.t.-rne si-nil: .".() rotJs: I'lence west tods; then. .. south :: fod'j" thetu-e West s .-,,.is i i t,,. pi. ice "f Le innliiir, and ' -:.iw t, its p.; :. .,7 ami s in the 1.1 . : t-.-est quarter or the souliieasi tnt.rtf.r oi- c.:.i sc.-iiuii 1: iitoi loia "4 z:.. ?r., the v.tst threu acres of lot 28, lot lT and lot it". in the southwest it f of the son t iio.-;st quarter of 'said Section 1"., all in Township 1 J, North L'an-r. l:;. cast of It .th l". M.. t-.-7i-f. This notice is made pursuant to tln , the court. You are re'iuired ,., ;illSutl- said iet:tion on or hefore Moieh'c. S. I'teml cr U, 1U13. or your default will dulv entered tliereia. OTTO H. Si'in'It.MAX. CIIAIM.ES C. 1'AUMEI.E, si w. s.iuiv, I-. . . , w . I'laiiuni s. v.. a. r:oi5i:uTSON', aT-.-.w. Atty. for I 'la in tiffs:. i.i:ii. Mnt'E To Mis. John Snyder, fust real name onkuown. wife of Snyder; San ford . Sprat'.en. if livinir, if deceas ed, his unknown heirs, devisees, lea- ltcts personal retiresontati ves and all other persons interest etl in his estate. Win. H. Spiiitlin, if living, if deceas ed, his unknown heirs, devisees, ik. p. representatives and itll -. th. r nelsons interested in his estate; I W'ni. M. Sprath ii. if living, if deceas- . d. his unknown ht irs. devisees, lejra ti es. personal representatives and all dliir persons; interested in his estate; 1 Thomas .1 . Miller, if living, if deccas- i.l.d. l is iM.kno'.vn heirs, devisee.-, Iesa lees, i.ersona retires, it t a i iv.-s alio an other persons interested in his estate she en known heirs, personal repieseii tativis and all oil er persons interest- i tl in the estate of Addie 1. nines, de feased; the unknown owners and un known claimants of the southwest quarter ol the northwest quarter (SAV , NW'i i; the northwest quarter of t'.e j-oii ; h w est qiiiirler INY i SvV'jl the lo-rth half of the southwest quar- t.T of I he southwest quart .- i.N1-. .S 'i SW' ,) all .of Section iilinleen l!l. I'ov nstdo ttn i'ii). North llruif-e four-i.-en liii. east of the 1. M., Cass -oiuitv. oi :isk;i. and all persons i hi'tn in;- anv interest of any kind in -said ra! -.slat.-, or anv pail thereof: Voa and each of von are herchv- no- tiiid thai oti ihe J"il!i day of .In I v. Id a p.-iitio;. w.,s hh d ill the Ins- irut I'., ih of t js;i ctu'.i.ty. Nebraska in which II. K. Cotn.r ai.d I. AV. Comer ... ere phi im iff s. and Mrs. .John Snyder, ir-! lea name uti it.ull li. wile "i aohn h-r: Sa.foid W. Spratleti. il iivin,',. if oet t-Ki ii. I.i.- unknown heirs i -Vi-e. S. h-il.llCt -. ln-i-S'illiil represen- t.-ttiv. s and all . r p. isoiis i'l'.'icst c.l in his estate: Win. II. Spiiitlin. it iivi.ii--, if d. t -cased, his unknown licit lc v. is. t s. es. p.- is.qial l epresen ti. lives and all nil i r ; . rsons interost- .-.1 in i;is .stii'-; Win. li. Spratlen. if iiviiur. if used, his unknown heirs levif. es, i.;;;itci s, I'crM' re nest n liitiv es itn,l all (.t,,. r ;ici sons interest ed in his tsiii-.e: Thornns J. Mill.-!-, if Mvi'.t;. if dei-east ,!, his unknown heirs. ..ievi-te.-. legatees. i-rsnal Icprestn- t.u.its :.nd ii':! persons interested in i. is estate; the unknown heirs, person al 1 1 : : sen i a 1 1 v. s ami all other per sons interested in the itale of Addie liili.ics. Pleased: the unknowi owners nr.,1 unknown tlaimants of the sonlh- .v'esr ji i : itii of the northwest q::artei SW'i NW'i i; the northwest quarter ,f 1 1 ,- southw-st quarter (XW, SW 't. i he : orlii half of the southwest 'itiurler c " ti e si uthvvtst i;iiaiKr (N t, SW', s A ' i, nil of Sett ion nineteen i in i. Tuw-isliip ten (lu. North lian foiiilecn I4, cast of the th I'. M. Cass county, .Wl.iaska; and all per sons t I;i im iijr any interest of i-riy kind in mi i.J .-;il -.state or any part there of, were defendants. 'The oljet t pi aver of which p 'ilJon ;,r.- to o-aitt the title in the plain-l-.Ts, !i. 1. Conor mi. I I. V. "omcr. to tiie southwest oiii.rtcr of the north west .mailer iSW'i .NW',1 the north west q .aiier of the southwest iiiart-r i.W. ', SW'.i. the north half of tlie ouailer ,f the southwest Uitrt' r ( N -l SW SW'., all of Sec tion nineteen tl9. Township ten (101, North K:uii-e fourteen 114), east of 'l.e tith 1". M., county, Nehraska, said pi.iinlitt's have hiid the tiiiil. tien. riottu ions, exclusive ami .idvtise possession thereof and every pait and paict! lutfeof for more than ten years last past prior to the coin-iii.-n . t-nicnt of said action. and for eqtlitaMc relief. You and each of you are further no tilled that yon are required to an swer sitid pe-itioii on or hefore Mou i'.iv, the lith dav of Sept en: her, ll. II. '. CO.MKl:. C. Y. ChJIKi:, 1 'lain tills. C. A. K.WIA jJS-lvv Attorney. i.i:;ti. MiTiti-: To W iliiai.i le nnclt. if living, if de ceased, lis unknown heirs, devisees legatees-, ptrsoniil reprtsentati ves and al! other persons interested in the es tate of William lh-nnett: all persons intci t sted in the estate of Jackson O. 'Jld ia 111. .i.-L-i iiscd, including' creditors and da una :it You i'litl ej'.ch of you are hereby no tilled that :i Ihe ll'th day of July, HM.'. a petition was tiled in the IJis trict Court of Cass county, Nebraska, in which V. J. HoedcUer was plain- 1 1 iT ami William Dennett, if living, if deceased, his unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, persiuial representatives and :ill other persons interested in the es tate of Willinm Dennett and all per sons interested in the estate of Jack son i. Oldham, deceased. including creditors and clainuuit, were defen dant j. The object and prayer of which pe tition are to quiet the title in tlie plaintiff. W. !. Doedekcr, to Lot two CM in the southwest iuarter of the southwest iiarter (SW, SW1,) of Section nineteen ( I'Jl anil Lot one 1) in the southeast quarter of the south west tpiarter ISl-i'i SW'i) of Section thirty Ctm; and trie west half of the northwest tiiiarter (W"a NW!4l and the west half of the southwest nunr- ter (WV, SW'.I of Section thirty CiOK all in Township eleven (11), North Dance fourteen (11). east of the btll Al.. Cass counti. Nenrasha. because siiid plait. tiff hiis had the actual, open. notorious, exclusive and atlverse pos session thereof, and every part ami narcel thereof for more than ten years last least prior to the commencement of said action, and for equitable re lief. You ami each of you are runner notified that yon are required to an swer said petition on or before Mon day, tho diy of September, 11. w. l. liUtii'J.ivr.ii. I'lnintiff. C. A. KAWLS. jl-l-Cw Attorney. i,i:cai, Mint'i: To William ltennett, if living, if de ceased, his unknown heirs, tlevisees legatees, personal representatives ami all other persons interested 111 tlie es- Inte of William Menticii; " Shepard. if JivliiK. if deceased, ins un known heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives ami all other persons interested in- the estate of Wm. II. Shepard: John 11. Liurnliam. if livlnr. if deceased. Ills uiiKIiown iiitim, .i... o.,... 1.0.-. r,.es oersoiial reiuesenta- tives and all other persons lnteresieu in the estate of John If. Buruham: You anil each or you arc iieiroy notified that on the 21st day or July, ID l!i, a petition was tiled in the Uln- rict Court of Cass county, .xeuraaitd, in which Anna White, formerly Anna oiiiik: Catherine Criipen. rormenj ntheriiiA Yoiinir; Viola Wiley, form- rlv Viola Young; Isnbelle Young, uur- .... vimmr 1....1 Arthur 10UI1E. were cfeinhints. itml v illlam i.enneii. ii living, if tteeeusetl. ins unKriowu iienf,, .i io.,., i,.u Tiersonal reuresen- tatives'and all 6th ir persons Inter- 25m' Ths Hind You Ea-ie Always Boagat, cni i la use for over thixty years, has bcrr.c ' and has bce.i nuJ -; , J ifi RTrrinl citnumirt.n Allow All Counterfeits, Imitations x-xperiments tnat trme witb c What is CAStCel Castoria is a harmless substitute ior Castor C - i):ops and Soothing Syrups. It is pl-Ji,i . - neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic . . t aee is its guarantee. For more thsn thi':: - - ?eer in constant use for the relief of Ccuf-tlr-.-' ..." ' V.-'incl Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying I'cv . ; ILcrsfrcm, and by regulatiner the Stomach - . - ' " the assimilation of Food; giving healthy 'Ihe Children's Panacea The Mothers Jri.a-i. 3EHUINE CASTOR I A Bears the Use For Over Th3 Kind You Havo Aiways 3r.ught TH K C C NTAUP O W A , N F M VO4K rirv esl.-d in lite .stale of William Ceil - nett: Win. II. Si.tpitr.i, if iiviie-, ii ;- c aseti. his link iiovvn heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives a mi all otlt.r i.tist.ns Interested iii tiie st.-ir.- of Wm. 1 1. Sl.epard: John H Uui rihani, if living:, if deecast d, his un':r.own heirs, devisees. I craters. ,'! s'ljiKi I rt pi -: .-iitii 1 1 ves and a!! i-il.i r ;-. rsous interesled in the state ol .loiin II. liui nhum, were defendants. j ne ami prayer or wim-ti pe - fit ion ure to quiet the title in the :i.:i i.itifi s. Akiiil White, formerly Anna ley, i;' if dieascl, the i.nU'.ovvn Vu'injf: Catherine Capen. formerly j heirs. d--vi .-s. le--;. t - s, p.-i.-.n.-.l rep C&therine Vinini,'; Viola Wiley, form- I i t-s.-n t ti ! i yes and .-ill otmr p.-rs..'is in erly Viola Younjc: Isabel le Youns, j t rested 1:i the state of .In.n s. I a r H.irton Younx ami Arthur Yuuii-, to) ley; Saiirion ihirtriini, if livit, ;. if .ie. Lot four IM in the southeast quarter l ceased, tn,. uitknovvn heirs, devisee:-;. f the southwest quarter SE4 SWi: J leKUtees. l . ;.r.-s . :.t;i ' . v es an i Lot five 1 5) in the northeast quarter I nil other rsons Interested ii t he s if the southwest quarter IN'LU SW'.,); tate of Si';!iieii Diirtriuri: Alary Jam Lot foiirtceii (Hi in the noitinitst' I.urtium. if livinu. if sc. I. ;' e qparter of the southeast quarter (NK'j j unknown In ivs. .:. v .s. es. l.-ir.i t. es, per SlO1,); Lot fifteen (l"i) in tlie north-! s-mal rt pi es en-m i es and .i i 1 mi i r ei vesr quiirtcr of the southeast quarter j sons inleicsTe l in the est.ite of il.try i.WY'i SIC 1 4 l ; the south half of the . .Lute 1 !m- ; :i: : the i .uknou n o.vr.eis soil I heasl quarter IS1... SK',i. iill inii.nd uhl.iiov.n claim. Mils td the north Sect ion thirteen (lo). Tovvtiohip eleven' eat quarter iXi;1, i of Sect'on n.m llli. North liange thirteen ii'.). tast teen (1!i Tow iisiiip tv.-ce il-i. N'orio f tlie 6lh 1'. il.; also tlie west half Larie thirt-n (1: I. e.i-t of the .itii f ti e jtoutnwcst quailer (W U SU't ) f Section iiiteeu llsi. Township leven (11), North l:anK" fourteen III) ast of the Clh 1'. il.. Cass county, Ne braska, because said plaintiffs have had the actual, open, notorious, ex clusive and adverse possession tl.ere- f, and every part and parcel thereof for more than ten years last past prior to the commencement of said action, and for equitable relief. You ami each of von lire lurliier not tiled that you are required to an- vvt-r saitl petition on or before JIoii- lay, the Sth day of Septembe r, lDli. ANNA WJllTJ Ktrmerly Anna Young- CATUKDIXIC UAPICN. Kormerlv Catherine Young VIOLA WIL1CY. l-'ormerlv Viola Youiio tSADICLLIC YOl'NCr, IICDTON YllliNC, AKTJILK YOL'N'H, I iaintilTs. A. I: AW LS. Attorney. AU'i'ii'ic Tf tiie unknown heirs, devisees. letCiitt'Cs, personal representatives, ami ail other persons interested in the estate of lianiel N. Destor: Miss Mary .lane Jloore, if li v in ir. if deceased, the unknown heirs, devisees, "eiiatees, per sonal l enresont it i ves a'ml all other persons interested in llie estate of Miss Alary Jane Moore: John S. hurlity, 'f Iivi'ir. if deceased, the unknown ".eirs. tlevisees, legatees, personal rep resentatives and all other persons in terested in the estate of John .S. Hur ley; Salmon Dtirtrum, if living-, if de ?e"ased, tlie unknown heirs, tlevisees, etjatees. personal representatives and ill other persons interested in tlie es tate of Salmon Durtrum: Alary Jane Hurtrum, if living, if deceased, the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives and ali other J. Persons Interested in the estate of Mary Jane Uurtruin: the unknown owners unknown claimants of the north east quarter (NIC') of Section nine teen I !!. Township twelve (l-'l. .Noi 'i; Hanse thiileen (lo, east of the lith 11 1 P. M.. ;ass countv. Nebraska, ami alii other persons claiiiiin-r any interest of1.?, any kiml in said real estate, or any part thereof: You and each of ymj are Iiertli.v no tified that on the 12th day of July, 1 1) 1 3 , a petition was iiled in the Iis- I HAVE THE GENUINE FOR THRASHING B ii U TELEPHONE 138 r . , . ........ .r '.V-vf-jt "" :4 V, i ::cvvCJ " v,cen '"'. lure cf . -.!' his iet' 113 iifar.-y. 7-u t.V.5. '' arc Ltt --s- y e. ... a Li.. no one to do C.-i and 44 Jr,t-a. and enda; ip.e V T, '' ;' . r j ' i i ' K. l fc' I L. Signature oi" 1 1 vr ; tii. i Com i Cn-s ;i,;.. ., . , ;.(ci. ti.. I' I .-t o. c ..ui, i H'-.-ior. 1 1 j y il. le -..r aiid I'l.i'i !'.', -. : . ri- ti. mils. ; ;,, i;, j h.n.v. n i.e,is. !". ,.--ei s. , li pi t s. i, ; ii t i , . ? : :.:id i,l ! pel s"ii-c i n I . i --: .1 in ti.t oia ! i : r. ' I X. !!-:,r: M.-- M.i.-v Jn:,. un ' . i - .dooi-.-. ii i:.i.,:r. ii ;, , , K.'.i'U.i ; , it-. le vi --.-., Jsona! rej r.-setMii; ive.- 1 1 i n I a .1 o t ! 1 1 r i i p-i sons mtci-t il m 'Miss .Mary .lane .Moore; .I'd ..- ji;li I '. At.. ( 'a.-s count.-. X- ei iis'ua, ami a. I other persons claiming iiav int. -re. t of anv kind in said real estate, or any part there -f. w.-ie ii' f einla a ! s. The r ai. i piatcr or who', pe tition are to qii,et the title i.l th plaintifis. Ada ih i: sto. Charh: K. li.stor, (luv li. Ilesior and l-'raitt-i.- M. Hcst'ir to the n u th.-ast ouarter N IC 1 1 of s. twelv tion nirK-letii (li'i. Township l 1.1, North Datiue thirteen ( 1 ; i east of tlie ;:h I'. -vi.. a-s t .unity. .c- ! braska, l carse saitl p'.iiati'fs have hotl the aciuai. open, n .torn., is. tiu- j s:v; arm a.iverse possession ih-rco:. ami every part and parcel thereof f. r more tli.-in ten years Inst past pr ior to the en. n: . ii'-einen t of said action, and for equitable relief. Yor; and each of yoi ai" farther tioli'it.i That voq a i e required to an swer said petition mi or I t f Mon day the Iirst day "f S. t.t . in It i . I'.'iy. ADA I :. HK.r.iil:. ciiALi.Ks k. i:i:sTor:. (Jl'Y II. DKSTol:. fi:ancis ai. DicsToi:. l'ia in tiffs. C. A. DAUI.S. jlt-Otv. Attorney. :o:- W. A. ROBERTSON, im Lawj'er. v East of Riley Hotj!. Coaies Elock, Second Floor. J Don't forget us wlien you -I- want meat or groceries for I harvest. We can l;:Ke care of J you. just phone No. -1, ami we - will have your order Up. 1 1 ATT ic SON. t V 9 V UU Vi U VA. 5 r