PlffR FOTTE. nATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEXLY JOITBNAL MONDAY. AUGUST 13, 1919. Because your wife is forty is no The senate is trying to put the shan't in Shantung. :o: sign you cau change her for twenties. two j Cbc plattemoutb journal PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY AX PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Entered at Fostofflcl. Plattsmouth. Neb., aa second-class mall matter In business, politics, or matri tobacco mony, watch your safety valve. -:o:- The man who chews fflotX'AlTydM Good. Fellows, Come -Fill Up Your Pipes wastes a. lot of time looking for a :o:- place ot spit. :o: The more you are a "good fel low," the worse you feel next day. R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE The treasury department decides :o:- that duty must be paid How about bunk? on punk. A woman's thumb is not very big, but tiiere is generally a man under it. A good deal of it. too. is the high cost of politics. :o: Oh, you Plattsmouth electrl: jui what a disappointment! :o: A new Krupp gun shoots about a million times before it wears out. Just like Senator Hiram Johnson's mouth. We hope St. Peter will make the crowd clear out before he reads our record out loud. :o: There is a big quarrel among re publicans as to the best way to avoid doing their duty. :o: Mtrely getting more pay will never folve the cost-of-living prob lem. The main thing is to do more work. :o: - If there was a luxury tax on language republican attacks on the league of nations might be some what profitable. -:o: The wampum they used to strive so strenuously to get and fight each other for is no good now to the mummies. :o: Some Dutchman has said that if you eat sauer kraut twice a day you will live to be 100 years old. We'd sooner die. -:o. Carnegie's joke about dying poor is still funny. A rich man's jokes are always funny. A poor man is a Joke himself. -:o: Probably that republican effort to adjourn the house of representatives for five weeks was intended as a Strategic retreat." :o: We'd do a man a favor. Hut can't quite understand Why he expects we'd cross the street And put it in his hand. :o: Nowadays if a fellow don't agree with his neighbor he is a reaction ary aim an oa?tructionist, and lucky If he is not a liar and porch-climber. :o: And now another prominent actor has married his fifth wife. When ht! meets them all on the goldefi shore what a razzle-dazzle lie will get. :o: Buttermilk, cheest-, sauer-kraut and carrots are said to be sure death to bacilli and microbes. Sounds logical. That ought to kill any thing. :o: ' What is your honest opinion of our three-way light plant? For heavens sake do not express it out loud, just whisper in our ear, or make signs. :o: There is said to have been a de crease in the number of marriages lately. Nobody has the nerve any more to tell young people that "two can live cheaper than one." :o: . No wonder shoes are high when, according to recent revelations, profiteers have taken $175,000,000 more than 'they were entitled to out of leather during the past year. :o: Possibly the worst offender in this whole cost-of-living mess is the weather man. Dad weather has wip ed out 400,000,000 bushels of wheat from the June estimate, and hund reds of millions of bushels of other grain along with it. :o:- The Journal did not Issue a paper Wednesday evening. The light plant was out of commission, again, again, again, and the machinery of the Journal office was closed down all the afternoon We printed both papers today, in order to miss no Is sues for the week. INVESTMENTS Public Service Corporation Paying 7 Can fee had in amount of $100 E PUL FITZGERALD, InvMiment Securities I First National B'ok Bid's, Omaha, Neb. A swallow does not make a sum mer, to be sure, but two or three swallows make some fellows think they are birds. :o: Damage suits for alienation of affections demand too ninrh. Affec tions that can be alienated are not worth anything. :o: The Plattsmouth electric light plant is certainly getting to be a genuine joke. Just about as depend able as a lightning bug. :o: After the next election republic ans in congress may experience the high cost of living down their rec ord of legislative failure. :o: No country man likes to live in a city flat, where the rooms are so small the dog has to wag his tail tip and down instead of sideways. :o: This department has been asked if it Is strong auainst militant sufi'ragetism. Well, er. yes. of course, that is. to some extent in fact as strong as we dare to be. :o: Nothing short of a local lighting and power plant will suit the people of this city, and we have been in formed that the present company are making plans to provide one. :o: The Commercial Club are now be- coming Interested in the lighting plant proposition, and will take the! matter up with the city council am a committee of well selected rctn will be appointed to confer with the officers of the company with but one end and that will be to a better elec tric plant for Plattsmouth. :o: The guy who invented this new alleged near-beer had a mighty hazy Idea or distance. If he were in Plattsmouth today he might try a sip of our city water and become so infatuated with the taste and color and think that he had really dis covered the fountain head of his famous beverage, flowing freely through the mains of our city water plant. - :o: The larger the better, but we are willing to accept what we can get in the way' of a new power plant, but the service must be wonderfully improved "upon. Back up with the old transmission line and give us a plant. We have been informed that the Nebraska Power and Electric Co., are right now planning on a large plant to be located somewhere along tho Missouri river, and if a united effort Is made Plattsmouth may be selected as that site. All you men interested, including the Commercial club, wake up from your, recent slumbers and get busy for Plattsmouth still has plenty of room for advancement, and the lo cating of this large plant in our city will prove a wonderful assist ance, toward a genuine 'manufactur ing city. Now is the 'me to work, and now is the time for assistance fru the oflieials o the lighting company. What do you think about a inu- uiciple light plant. Mr. Taxpayer? Also, an ice plant Mr. Taxpayer? :o: Before abusing any man, pause and count a hundred. If the man is bigger than you are, count a mil lion. . :o: The path of progress winds by the thorn-road, and all along can trace it by the tracks of bleed ing feet. i :o: As a general thing a man is gov erned by his prejudices until he gets married and comes under a new ad ministration. :o: An Illinois man ate forty bananas in forty minutes. Wonder how long it would take that fellow to weed an onion patch? - :o: Get sunshine. music, love and flowers into your system ami me birds wil sing to you and the world look brighter. -:o: If you have water on the brain it doesn't matter whether it is boiled or not. :o: Whether your nose is Grecian, Roman or Pug. keep it out of other people's business. :o:- is assured. A banner fruit crop one The forbidden variety is also plenti ful and luxuriant. :o:- The young lady with a new dia mond engagement ring is not much interested in gloves. :o:- :o:- Seems like some of you fellows whose wives are out of town dress Don't do nothing today just be cause you think you are going to do something tomorrow. :o: Some stars in heaven are mighty high up. and some stars on the stage are mighty low down. :o: .Money talks. Your part of the syndicate is to listen. One fellow smokes, the other spits. :o: In all thee barefoot dancing stunts on the stage the foot ks bare up slicker and get shaved oft ener I clear up above the knee. -:o:- It is better to have callous spot.-- on the palms of your hands than on the seat of vour trousers. :o: Angels are always painted as blonde women. What becomes of all the men and brunettes? :o:- Theophile is the name of the French minister of marine. Sounds like a brand of cheese. : o : All men are born free and equal. and each has everything his own way, until he is a year or two old. :o: t There are no express elevators running to heaven and very few automobiles on the road to right eousness. :o: "Coal men fear the situation will get away from them, and that prices may rise $5 or ?, a ton," says a rep resentative. And how manv dol lars a ton will prices rise if they retain control of the situation? than some of the rest of us do. farmmoohas GAINED 137 POUNDS All Troubles. Overcome By Taking Tanlac. Had Suffered Eight Years. "1 suffered for eight long yeaTs before I found a medicine that would do me any good, but sinct taking j Tanlac I have gained exactly thirty- seven pounds, and all my troubles have been completely .overcoifle." said John N. Moore, a well known and prosperous farmer who lives on H. F. D. No. 4. Empire. III., while in Shorthouse's drug store in Bloom- ington the other day. When I commenced taking Tan lac," he continued, "I had reached the point where I couldn't do any work at all, and was forced to hire a hand to take my place on the farm. had suffered so much and so long with stomach trouble, I was just about down and out so far as health and strength was concerned. Dur ing all 'these years my appetite was very poor, and what little I did manage to eat would cause me worlds of suffering. Gas would form, on my stomach so bad that I could hardly get my breath, and I would have the worst sort of cramp ing spells. I finally got to where I was hardly ever able to retain what I ate. and would actually get nauseated every time I looked at anything to eat. I had fallen off so much, and was so low in health that all my friends were tnlkjnp about the awful condition I was in. I was very nervous all the time and never knew what a good night's sleep was. "I heard about Tanlac, then, and I thought I would give it a trial. Well, sir, my friends and neighbors are talking differently now. They are asking me what in the world have I been taking to make such a big improvement in my condition, and it just does my heart good to tell them that Tanlac did it. It is wonderful the way I have gained in weight and strength. I can go to the field now and do as much hard work as any hand on the farm My stomach ?ecms to be in perfect con dition, and I never have indigestion, and am not bothered with gas form ing after meals. 1 have the best ap petite I ever had in my life. can eat just anything I want. I am free from all that nervousness, too. 1 l . - . I auu bieep just line a noy every night. a Tanlac has done all that for me, and the buyer l and I am as well and hearty now nMarh Klassy KaPS are the I ever v;i in rut' .,. i i 1 ' as I live I will pass the good word Stetson? in the Cap Kingdom along to others who suffer as i did." Made of Priestley's Cravenettal Tanlac is sold in Plattsmouth by f"Uil, : J . j .? P. G. Fricke & Co.. in Alvo by Alvo Uoth lndestr"cto visor, and the Drug Co., in Avoca by o. e. codps. newest shapes. Prices in bouth Bend by E. Sturzcnegger.. in Greenwood by E. F. Smith, In Weeping Water by Meier Drug Co., in Elm wood by L. A. Tyson. in Nowadays a Cap is more than simply a head covering. It is an article of head dress which is receiving the utmost ani attention by the manufacturer and seller. The Velvet tin is twice as big as shown here vm 1 15 c F ever men are "Tom" and "Bill" to each other, it's when good pipes are a-going. If ever good pipes go their best, 'tis when Velvet's in the bowl. For Velvet is a mighty friendly smoke. Kentucky Burley is the leaf that Nature made for pipes. Wholesome and hearty, honest as the day. And Velvet is that same good Burley leaf, brought to mellow middle age. For eight long seasons Velvet "meditates" in wooden hogsheads, throwing off the rawness of "young" tobacco truly "ageing in the wood." Out Velvet comes cool, calm and generous the tobacco Nature made good, kept good and made better. 3 Velvet's sweetness 91 is the sweetness of good tobacco, not "put on like "frosting" on a cake. Its mildness comes from natural ageing not from having the life baked out. Its fragrance is true tobacco fra grance, not a perfume. And Velvet makes an A Number One cigarette. Roll one. As good old Velvet Joe says: "Fill yo' heart with friendly thoughts, Yo' mouth with friendly smoke An' let the old world wag." -the frien dly tobacco BACKACHE IS VERY DISCOURAGING But Not So Bad If You Know How to Reach the Cause; Murdoch- by 1 1. V. McDonald. Louisviile by P.!a!io'.s Pharmacy Eagle by K. W. HIooiueuKamp, I lli'. n l.y K. U . Kely. jn .Vthavvk by n. 1). Adams and iu Murrav 1 Meier Drug Co." $2.25 to $3.50 Sec our front east window EVERYBO: Ore Nothing more discouraging than a constant backache. Lame when you awaken, pains pierce you when you bend or lift. It's hard to work or to rest. Backache often indi cates bad kidneys. Plattsmouth people recommend Doan's Kidney Pills. Read this case:" Mrs. C. C. Burbridge, Vine St.. Plattsmouth, says: "About five years ago. my back caused me a great den I of misery. It ac hed most all the tim- After ! h;-l tki I'-n's KMiiy Pills tor a while, my back felt as strong a- ever. Since then, I have always considered Doan's fine for backache and ' kidney trouble and have recommended them to my neighbors when I have heard them complaining." Price 60c, at all dealers. "Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Burbridge had. Foster Milburn Co., Mfgrs.. Buffalo, N. Y. A California woman asks $l,r.0. 000 for breach of promise. Pay if. Any man who has escaped a woman with that much nerve and self ap preciation is lucky at any price. :o: A bull got crazy mad at two young ladies recently who displayed red i!k" stockings w hile goinar lliruiiv,li l field. Any bull who hadn't an moro sense than " that tl -serves butchering. A specialist on bugology says ev ery crazy man is afraid of a woman. Huh! So are we. and we are only balf crazv. New York wants a curfew bell rang at 2:00 o'clock in the morning. It would be a touching eight to the little innocents hurrying home to the hay at that hour. . :o:- fajtcy stationery at this office. C ASTO R I A For Infants c - In Use for f t Always bc'i the