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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1919)
C " ! f - I '"Mt'tllM t PLATTSSIOTJTH GEMI-WEEKLY JOUSAI. .nz two. MONDAY. AUGUST 18. 1919. r f.N.Tii-i -" -yet Contts ISFIuid rr.vrrj N JlincraLKoTNAHOOTic. K L -nrrrrJT ::3 . 5-! W J- vl RLTUKJTS FRO;.! VISIT TO CHICAGO JIABKETS Fn'"i Fridays Pally. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. reae return . '1 Ha; -a-.i evening from Chicago litre they have l ?on for the pa;t eek i?:tir.5 the wholesale millinery 1 c :.. (s of the windy city and select ing the stock for th millinery store r Mr:?. Pease in thi city. They f tind. that the fall a::i v.-: nt or styles ar: i r.ft'erinsrs of the wholesale houi- ccr.ipriii's sri:ie of the njost focau tifn! ar.I attractive styles which r.-ve lfer. i!iOvn for Hevera". seasons aiw! the ::;illi!:ery lines reflecting ti .- r. n ral spirit of expansion ine f tl:e close of the conditions is I for one of th? greatest Ficciu in the history of millinery. Th ili?pIay.- secured by Mr. and !rs. . a'-e r ratirsf so'ne r.f the ti; --t arii-tic i.:id Lcauiiful creation? in the nillinery world and they will ': :n a pc-it'on in a few weeks to to the Plattsniouth public the portyni; y of vie inir and purchas ing the latest offerings of the larp-r.-t wholesale houses in the east. While in Chiraaro the raillinery houff r Gkp brothers and Fisk :::.ted an'! the cream of their fill and winter line secured as well as the extensive line of ornaments ard triinmine Jiandied by Pprigle Krot her. which i. probably one of th !arj:,1!! outfittir??' houses in the v,. Th general styles for the ti-n;:n Ea"nn point to a preat p-op-i:ljrity cf the hand made soft hats v. hiie th f?'hr hats continue to I.- ore of the features of the fall trad . M:?5 rtlt- Morrison of Oi: r.12". Mho was with Mrs. Pease last s'-aon .s trininer. accompanied th'-ui I'.-t'.k to thi- city and will Ilho' cliiirt-e of the work this year for the l'ea-. millinery establish V. -it. Mi?s .MoTion Is an aceoru plihed workman and her excellent work !ac .-e;i-on ave-tlie Platts iiouth ladies the fullest opportunity of j'veurin th- latest styles of the sea'-?n. The f irinal opening of the fall season will Le held at the Pease store during the coming two weeks. Flag at th ctin." . ! ::-.-r.orr'r,!.Sti I- - M 111 14 ! A helpful Remedy fcr . f Censlipalion and Dwnrijx-. l-sr i'i i will be reduced if you tiy our 40c special bacon. This bacon is sugar cured and is nice light sides. Please do not ask us to slice it. This price is by the piece. We have the agency for Burns' Betsy TRY IT IT'S GOOD! TELEPHONE 1 Mothers Know That Genuine ur.toria p n SZEKS TO SECURE OITICE. From Fridar's Dallv. In the various filings for the posi tion of delegare to the constitution al convention of tit..- stale of Ne br:i:lia. MaJe with the secretary of state, appear? the name of one of the old resident? of ("ass county. Hon. John A. Davits, who is now a resident of Be yd county. Mr. I'avies durinti his residence in this county was one of the active lead ers in republican politics and ht-ld the, positions of county sittorney as well as state representative Mr. Davies has Tr.ainta'r.ed a close in-trr":-t on the affairs of ti e state ard -hotld if chosen to the constitution al convention make an' able mem ber. H. Floyd i?tonc and wif.- cai..e in this l.iornir.s from t'ne farm near Cedar Creek and spent the day h-re visiting with the relatives and friftids in this city. oMi':it iii;iti.. on I'cllli-Jit f'-r .iMtuln.vl of ilmitiif rntwr. Tie State of N-Oi:.ska. ui:lv l.i t! I'",:intv t'ulirt. in tii. n. alt'.- of ti.'.' O.tiUv 'f 1 in in . 1 : in. !' i i'i'.M 'l : in re-s-t:v.'jr t he Kt'ti: ;! i f 'artcr M'-w. urn'. :t. tl .it :nTiiiri!!-tratin of -a;-t r-.-late irav' ! sr.Tii.-.l to Jo.-ci i rml.-r .m i in t it i.- i ru t fv : Ti'ieil. Tli.'U p''i"iiiir Mh -. 19ir. af ten 4 '.:- k n. tit. f sitriil for h:irii!ir -a.'l ri.t.tiori. when all i-rsons Jr -fert-ste.J In vhM mutter tnav a:i''3r at a I'.mn'y "iirt to he hr-lt! in arnl for nail countv, an-l hhow t-mise why tie y.ray-r f petitioner t.honi.1 r.nt he trrai:l'-l: anil tl'St no li. . oi the jx-ii.ltiicy r sai.l ; t'.tinn uii,! Hie l.arint: thereof te Civel to nil pi ! .-n int-i 't'.I in said matter !v futMi-iiiri a '!- of this onier fp t!it i'lattsnix'itl. .l"iirti.-l. a '!iii-vtf k- lv ie,v.iar"-' liiate.l in ael louiity for tln-e siii i. .lve v.nks prior to sill'' IlilV ft -MII1. I;it-.r ths T t It tliiv of AusuM -. L i r 1 1. .uli:n .t. i:kks'v. ( all-;;". County JuKO. oiiiii:i:' or iit:iui nn! tle- f I'nihnlr of Will ! :i the fonnty 'omt of I'asj c-onn t. Nehra-ka. Stale of Nel.ra.;;a, I'oiiii'y of Ci.s n. : To iiil o-m sons rii-ie-t.-(l in the .t:it' of i:!len li.Uiihei. ilecea e.l : tin n-aillnsr tfie iietitoin of I'. H. rniher. 1'iavlns tliat the instrutni :it l'l'il in this eoiiit n the .".th lay of .ii2tist. 'j'. anil fiii !oi tinir to !. tT.i llat will ami tt-stumeiit f the sjiiil Ross NO. 4 OR 5 f 1 1 r. i ti-j (Vr SSB J h' Over iln'i'Hsri!. may le proveit and allowed, mid reiora-fil as the lust will and tes taraint of Kl!en 1aniher. (!cC"an(l; that said instrument he ii.iniit'.ed to r ioh.ite, and the administration of said estate he i;i nted to li. I', loaniher, as i .VM U! or; It is hereby ordered that you and nil i-tisons interested In said matter, may. and do appear at the County tourt to he 1 "Id in and for said coun ty, on the "tli day of .jp-ust A. 1 . 1!'J. at 70 oVlook a. ni.. to .show cause if anv there by why the prayer of tiu petit ;on- r should not be granted, and that notice of the pendency Of said pe tition nod that the hearing thereof be liiveo to all pe rsons intt rested in said nintler bv puhiihinr a copy of this order in "the l'iattsnmutfv Journal, a penii-weekly newspaper printed in said coiiiitv, for three ureessive weeks prior lo said day of bearing. Witness ii iv 'band, and seal of said loiirt. this ."tii day of August A. b. 1 If I V. ALLEN .1. BEKSON, (Seal a7-3w. County Judy MlTlfK OK St IT TO ((IIKT TITI.l'. In the lM.-tiict Court of Hie County of Cjss. Nebraska. fill.) it. Sihurm.'tn. Cliarles C. l'ar mele ami Jame:i W. Saw, Plaintiffs, vs. Tiie rnkmnvn Heirs. iJeviseeS, iA'fja-t.-es. J'ersonal Kepi eentatives and a!l tier peisons interested in the estate of Ueorye W. Fairfield, deceased, et al. 1 eferid.itils. To the detendants. the unknown irs. devisees, l-.'atees. personal rep resentatives ar.d all other persons i;i t rest-d i'i the estate of tleore V. Faiiiie'd. .Ii'(i-a?cu; the unknown heirs, devisees, lejra t '.es, personal represen tatives and ii M other jiersons interest e.i in the estate of Sarah J. Fairfield, deceased: tin- unknown heirs, ilevisees, legatees, personal representatives and all otiier pei-sor.s interested in the estate o! Alfred It. Towns. nd. .ieeeas ei!: the up.kumvn h.eirs. devisees, letra ti s. pel son. il representatives and all other persons interested in t lie estate ol' Ann A. Townseiid. deceased; the unknoun heirs, Oevisevs. h uat-i s, per sonal rep, r s.r t:it ives and ail other p-1'.-oti- intereti-l in tin- estate of .lo'wt S. Town :end. iif. ci.sfil; the on i;noWii I rrs. (ievisi-es. legatees, )iei' . n n : rep; e.-, ntatives and all oth r jer-.-!, s nit li -led i'i tie state of An nie K. Towns, ml, deceased: the or; known !ieir-. ib-visees, leiratees. per so:i;il i epresi-ntatives jmd all other per sons interested i:l the estate of Anna A. Town.-end. decease,'; John Car.Ki bnl; Sa:-ah .1. '.n m i Id 1 ; the unknown !; irs.'ts. Ii-ji. te s. personal iej : si ::t:,t ' es a. id all other person jn-t-r-ted in tie '.-..(l'- ;' John I "a nip -deieased; ti-- iiiikt;ov.-n heirs, ilcv iees. l i-s. personal representatives i-.v all . stale of Sara Win. ' Ji' .iis: it;;! n:n;i II- irS. lieVKeeS lis i.-il'-res 'amphi il. e l in e 1 : . Mo ores, unknow n orial rep rso is in- .1. s; :.T i s.' Win. i i:r.k:"w:i; the r. 1 -at"-, per. ml .tii other t" res- !:t U i". . t n sled :'-i l ; : ;,!."! d. c ased; d-v ist-.-s. !--".it'i-., !atics ami a ! I ut: ed In the .- i .1 1-' " f ii st r- d I et.'.te d PI. . ti unknown l.eii s, t ei' repi esep- er pei sons int- rest- Mrs. Win. . Moo res. i; '. know n. deceased ; i ; li ! a i d 1 !. .'":.tris ; 1 1 . " ii p k :io n n i i - i r Margaret A!:m:is; it -: in'.-', It t p-r.-otn' pi -. s,-i:t rsons int--rt t - t ; i!. .ein-.s known i t-i: s. !-vi .-oti.t! I pi . m :, ni, --is rest i in ACS illl'l .111 otlli'l ill the 'state of b-ceast'd; the on es. IfirateeS, pOl- i s a : : Ce ased : 1 all other p-"'--slate of M:tf .Mexaiider il. i'lst real name if...-;- 1 1. . 1. Vi :, , traret Adams, ii, c.-; ! 'a rm ! ! : A. 1 .. Ha ri ti a U ii'iivii. v : I of n 1 1 ; tie unknown ;. t T" rs oiia: repi ii ! e r persons i 1 1 " r of Ai"und-r II. I'. it. I ,e. r I ii t 1 1 i '. es and ; 1 i r.. sir-. I in the estate .. i ii' r t il.ciasi d ; 1 1 e ) 'ci S. leir;! -.. pel ves nd sill o-lor 11 It K T.OW li I t I i S. tl sonal rel" e.., i.tai ersors in tel.s : 'd in fe tittt Ot A. 1 h.-nri't. tirst re.ii name unl;:iown. '!. .-! : Kvi-ilr. s'.vin'i-ll; Swi i- U. tirst r I n.ri iiiikniiii'p. hesham S" i oie ; I ; 'hi- link now ' u iti s, , r.-onal ri ' and ail otiier persons In of i-A 1 . m ' . e i I ' s , lie v i .- I t , j .. es I (Tl Ste.j j II t I ii-lh ! e,.;..J. t-su-.te ot l. line sivln s ! : the unk iit.wii lei i s 'iat''c-. I'.-r.: mal epres.-i d " I t': tl Ves . ti"l i itrst It .i M ;!. r .it-oi;v ll.te: i l M.Hl'ic'.. -I t as.-,; ; Ada ; I t-a tees. a:l oth st,ite ..f t i .- Pil ls'. T "I' ll ..!! stat" j V i : w , . t'a t l a l i lie oi-ViseeS. ! i irs. in I . In tiie uiikiiov personal li'pK yct.'atiV.- r p.-rsor. : inti-rt .-t.d i '. I it a in I '. Ada ms. de. knovn cit s, di -, i -"es, soiial i . , o i-s. - n ; a t i ves : ! sijjis illtel :i d in "atli.'.rine Adams. ,, Mees"Ti; Oliver !l. Ki kliou n luirs'. d i-v i.-ees, sonal repres. ;ind the s.'d ; er;at. b n n I tie '.-as rsoli Sat a the r:: l"'::ltei s. Ter- and t he : t ill l IX son in; i-le- till l n state o u n kn ." : S-j i n h iti -sun. i e, , ; h. i: ' "Vise. s. l,.--i. i s. persona! r t'per pel so:: s in -,' n i i i i 1 i !:' itivc d !-i . tire ii : t 1 d lit t . a.-'-'l: .li.'hii .l;i-ksoii: N';i,.,' l- unknown heirs, devisees Isiaial r- pi ese n t a t i ves i I at. :i r.-ons lnti r st d in t ! ate f J. I n .laiks'il, deci ased ; t i, iinkJiowti in-iis. , 'vi.-ics', le-rateis. per- sii'iitl n i l es.-n ta 1 i ves and all . rsoiis i nt eres t-tl in the estate of 'anc- .lai ksoti. di '.eased : Mar'tf; s5inin.-oti. i n it riiiai i ied with i'.'.i:'. 'Sit-i-s 't.d known as Marhtt tiili- Kiias Cibi-s; t:.i i;,i!i,iivn heirs. deJ s :. ,f w.i Set s, pei soinil represen:.'1 live a'l other i t i sons inti rested in ti t state of Marit ta Simpson, ais'o know a as M.ii h U iliiibs. '.ceased: the n Known ions, devisees, lcnaieis, i,,r- snnal if,i"s n la : i ves and all oth oeisi.ns interested in the estate Kitas Cibbs. deieasitl ; laniel s. Har pist, also know. i its I . S. Harm ft Ann N. Marnesf. the unknown heirs ,!e isces. Ii'icatei-s, personal leprestnta ll.'es and all otl-r irsons interest.... in the estate of lianicl S. llartieyi. ! cr ased : ti " unknown heirs, devise, -i !e-.::,fi.s. ; li! oit-cr n so-iitl I epi vsen t a t i ves and ! interested in tin A tin N. Harm st. '.ccease. "Stat" uf Kli-a Jam 1 .1 li.i hi t n Kthel i tw: i.tniTiii'.rf, iiiso Known as Jane I ;t herid ,', :. Win. I lie unknown heirs, devi sees, legatees. personal represent."! -tlv. s snd all oil er ,ci s,iin mtereste.l n the estrde uf l.iiza Jan.- Ktin-ridp' also knouu as Klizabeth Jane i:tl,-! .ee, dec.ased: the unknown heirs. devise, s. iratees. i.i rsniia I . iiresen. 'itlia.J and :-. I ottii'i' in-rsons interest ii in ti e e-tate of Wm. T. KtheridKe. Iliji-e.i. l.lillMd MRU 1" (I ,)1V.; Kush i . l-.-nous: Adeiherl I. Forbes;' thi unauown news. : ViSee. lenatees, per- .-onai n i io'i tnaiives ami all other p sons iiiti-res't ,j in tiie estate of Ad. - te-I I J '. r ot pes. deceased ; Oliver IT Tf .Mrs. Oliver I . Tyson, first l . al Ki'iie unnriov.ii: the unknown heirs b visei ti-i-atccs. iM'iynrial i en rev en I a- tives and a!! nelsons i n t i-resi ...I n tl" :. t- or o:i-r I . T.vson. tle e.isd: il;o unknown Iieirs. ! '"at"i'. pci-sim;i representatives ill er peiM.n imi'i esf-d in stale of Mrs. Oliver C Tv..n and t tie tirst St. 011- if-al ii'itnt litiknown. deceased; te,!:;er ihk; Mary A. Keck: the Kl:otv I, (-irs. fiev li.ees. leiratees per sorat ripreseiilati ves and all oliier ner. sons inten-stf d in the i -t ate of St Ledger Keck, dtceased; the unkmiv. n iieirs. devisees, legatees. Personal r..o. resenta 1 1 v. and all other persons n- tej-fsicd in the estate of Marv A. Keck iiM'fjjcl: Knni.l iclvo,-. also known as i;:ni..l Mi-llvoiv; Maltha A M,.i.-,..- " known :. Marti. a A.'- the unknown I irs. is. as i ....' eisoini repies.-nlatives snd nil titliei' '-fof;s iuti nested in th,; esfnte of Daniel .iclhuy. also known is lnn iel Mellvore. .j.-easeil : the umU ., lelrs. tlHvi.'ocf, lesatees. nn. rt-ser datives and all other nersom .. eitsted in th.; estate of Martlm A Me. Ilvoy, also kiii.wn as- Martha A. Mell- vort . Jeeease-i ; the unknown heirs devisees. Iciratccy, persona! represen ta'ives and j-'l ol'.i-r persons Interest - ni in ine esi.i:e or .Noah st. lie of Noah K. llnhha ,. ee.-seo. ne ot! Known I tits. !-visees. I iratees, p. rsonal representatives and I an "tner persons intererted in the r - estet. or ins. Noah Ft. Hobhs. tiest llvin-;. if deceased, his unknown heirs real unkno wn, deceased: Mil U- dev. isees. leiratees personal represen i F. H .nnin. also known tlJ ix. jj t:, t ; ve.s nilii all other persons interest Krtnnln: Mrs. Jicliael K. "Fannin, first re i in his estate- Wm H. Spratlen. if rei name unknown: the unknown living, if decease'd. his' unknown heirs. M isf f s, h tees, nersonat rep- r sei.i i i ves ami aii other persons in-te:-e-td iTi tiie islatii of Michael K. also known as M. K. Kannin, dot easel, the jnknown ii irs, devisees. cef. ptisonal representatives ar.d oi! otiier persons interestel In the etati "f M. Michael K. Hannln, first real HT'ine unknown, deceased; te un known heir.-', devisees, legatees, per- sonal i epreseiitat i es and all other per ! s'lns ip'; rest ill In tie estate of John j Kit? r.dd. deceased: Mary Fitzgerald, v. idou- of John Fit ztrera Id. deceased; the 'unknown heirs, devisees, lealees, representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of M.-ii-v I'itzs eraKI. deceased: KdwarU J. i'it',:rer:ih!: Mary Fitzgerald, his wife: tiie unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other per-ons interested in the estate of Kd ward J. Fitzserald. deceased; the un known kVirs. legatees, per sonal rep'esenta t ives and all other ner sous iiitere-ted in tiie estate of Maiv FitzLi-e-ald. d-eeas-d: John Fitztrerald; Zorae Fitzeiiiid. ! is wife; the un hrsov'n hiis. le isees. legatees, per sonal repi escntal iv, s and all other per sons interested in the estate of John Fitzirei aid. let-eased:' the unknown .eirs. devisees, legatees, personal rep resent o t ives ami all other persons in terested in tiie esi.-ite of Zorae Fitz tr.inhi, deetased: William J'aul Fitz e;.r:ild: .Mrs. William Caul Fitzserald. Prst real name unknown; Mary Kil ,hn Fi i zor;. Id ; the unknown heirs, d. visccs, ! siito's, personal rcpresen lativcs and all ti i- persons ititeiest ed ,u ti:e estate' of JIary Lillian Fitz--reii-hl, deceased; tin; unknown iieirs. 1,-vi-i c s . lee.,it,.es. personal and all other persons interest ed in 'he estate of Shepherd Duke, de ceased: the unknown heirs, devisees, iejiitees. personal representatives and :;.l other - pel sons interested in the state of hcvhi.i deceased; Mrs. i:r,.i tl'' ( J. S.i : li a :ue Sa-e. Sae ; mi no- ""oopi r, widow; Lloyd 1 . leii-wi.i-.wer. Alice Sape; William Mrs. William Saue. first real unknown: Karl Sace; Mrs. Karl tirst real nam- unknown: Charles Mrs. Claries Sare, first real unknown: Martha Sape, widow; Albert aue: Mrs. Albert Savre. tirst :eal :i::ine unknown; Kninia Sae loc, r- e Km"ia Sane, r. al name other than Kinma S.i'e unknown: John loe. tiist ial nnini- unknown, husband of I'mma S,i:-e I in.-; tiie UuknoWil iieirs. devise.-.. , trr.t.-es. personal representatives and al! ott er persons interested in tiie i-staii- of llarvtv W. Sasre. deceased; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees. per-' p.-rs. e n e M nal r'pi t .-'entatives and all other us interested 1,1 the estate of Fu ll. Sasc. lieciosed: Jotin Uuke: John i'lke. lust real name un n : ':. Miles 1 ,;ke: Mrs. dairies, Orst r-al nan icme Hornin": hin' t'ulapv.'in deseri bed ciu.i'en. in;; tt Irty f th- southwest -uiith i . ; q ua rt r ' unknown; Kaw . A . 1 1 o r n i im ; the property, to-wit: :',1 rods north . corner of tiie of the southeast l. Township 1 2. ait r t . th- i 1 1 !::! - l::. a.-t ef tiie rtiii 1. M.. 1'ii'iiity of i'as, Nehiaska: ti.ence y.i reds: t'.inee east ii rods: soiitn rods: thence west r, .' soutii :,0 rods: thence lOil wn - to the place a's ids :: s t -;i.:.t t nr i.f .-aid Section of hesrinnintf, .7 and as. in the southeaf J:!, and lots m it 1 .''. tl"- west :: a.-res of lot ' i;:id I'd ."6. in the so"thWest ; of tlis- southeast ouarter of ;ietin 1::. ai! in Township 1 Kat tS'f !'!. e.-i-t of the lith T M.. '. i-ntv of Cass, Nebraska: ami sons h'vinir i r laiminu' any in- ; t : 1 1 all i ' - t of a lit' kind in ami to said real -'.:' cr .in p.i i t thereof; iu.1 tie o-.v n i . .'. ii. ; s r.l the unknown in r ::" roos corner of tiie the southeast L ; a mi' ,.f ni niei; i: ..! th. i.Mest o ti r : i i ! 1 n it i ''unit '' so re ; . s- o 1 1 1 1 lie m -:: ..west l.ll! el of ect, on 1 i ". O' t of Ca- i. 's: Tl.otn ."'i rods se,tit ;( Township 1 2. of ti..- '".th 1 M.. Nebraska: thence e ast M rods ; fhe-i,-" wes-t ,n rods: t hence p: ii-.- of becin ts .".7 and S if-r oi the south ction '. an'l lots :a e acn s of lot in ti - sonthwest ,,11 u i ; a i t . r of 'i, IS t ti e , :,;. ' known a-- 1 ". i !-e northwest I'ttar ast onai ter of s.-i i S. -. -.'!. the cr t s. '.,: '. and lo; :. I . i ;- r ;' t .' e s.,. t : M-i :'"! all .'I'lli: I.. 'I'?e 1 .;. .;1st i. ; in 'on n i of i ; i T Township 1-. the Cth 1". M., Nebraska : N " a.'--" hen '!'.' not hie, t da- of Ai:ust. ISK'. 1 that on the til- plaintiffs d tt't lr s-"if in t', t ' "op ni y of ss Pi-tri'-l Court r Xi ln.isk.i, to ipiiet hi int i : s' till ami. to-wit: to '" n 1 1... a hove ili -i 1 i I ed in-ncinir thirty rods , :r , ! th.- so,; i h Wes t corner of thi ll o southeast Township 12. tiie : t il 1. M.. braska: thence east SO rods: iicm tvesi .',1 uthv e.ll tl' '( i th t ! it- l-ll! st i uiti ? er of of Set t ion 1 :;. ".alise 1... ea-t of 'ountvof Cass. N Ml i ,1s t 1 11 ( il : i' ' l mis ; t ! : t I s : c.p: I , v.. n ,;s i : t ' in 1 mi;.';' of a e - out 0 r of Is; I hence vv st hcirinninp. ami and i' in tiie the southeast t 1 .- p at ;..ts :;. iu.1 1 t -r of aid Sittion 1". and lots J4. L'li. ' he V l'. est thri-e acres of lot -"oj in the sonthwe: t ami lot i. : i t. r of t h. lid Stction 1 :' rth Itan"," i : lia 'ieintv i ii. se of ti.ejr i 'ii: evcs and south' i'st i.'.iarter '. .11 in Townshiii 1 J :. east of ti.e ;th I'. M of 'ass. Nebraska, be adverse possession by ti.e'r grantors for nicfi .in t,:i ;.fars pr.r to ti e cimnictiif ;o t, ml i "f s ; , II of id suit ;. oil ti i ami to en.irdn eaci n nai imc or la itn t -; a-v 1-i.iit, title.. Inn or interest rU'iit. tlth'.. :--.-'.! or tiuitai'le any part tlif re set forth voni in r to anv ! a u ! you ' t ' i i im. eli i.i-r 1' f; to retiuirc . i-iii-l:t. title or tiierein. if ar.v 1 or eeuitahle. ami to havi '. sa'ni ail iutii'eil inferior to the title "f plaintiffs ami for ueneial enuitabit relief "1" i-i-s . notice is in.i.lf- pursuant to the older of tin- court. You are reouirei' to an-wer said petition on or before Momlav. Sciitember '2-'. !!!. or your default will lie dult- entered therein. OTTO H Si'lll'KMAN. t'ii. I; KKS C. I'-VKMELi;, JAM li.S W. SAO K. PlaintiiTs. W. A. liOFiKKTSoX. ai-'iw. Attv. for I'laintifls. l.KiAl. MTICB To Mis. John Snyder, tirst leal name wife of John Snyder; San feid W. Suiaiten If livlntr. it deceas ed I iu .i..i ...vr, i "iri di-visees. leica tei s. personal representatives and all other persons Interested In his estate; Wm II Si. ratlin If livintT. If deceas- e! l is miki.r.u n i,,.im dev isc-es. lejia t'es. personal representatives and all it her t-ersne.i u.i.resfcil in liis estate; Wm. II Siuatlen if livins'. if deceas "d. bis unknown heirs, devisees, lea- it-is. i t. o i-o,.n t n t i ves and nil ni! .1- r, icons ihincdcl in Ids estate Thomas J. Miiicr. if livine.. if deceas ed. I, is imbiintt'n .lr. eV sees, ll-u.l tei .-. ix-rsoiu t i-r.r..K.ti t a t i ves and ail flier pervoiis interested in i'is estati the unknown I.iirs. personal represen tatives and all other peruons interest eo in in,, estate of Adtiie '.roues, oe e.'ised: the unknown owners and tin mown laimariU of tiie southwest liai-tii- or ti, .,rii,,.,.vi miarter (SAV NWi.i: Him i. .of hwfvt miarter of Co southwest mmrtiT (NW ft bW U ) . th" north half of ttie southwest quar ter i f the soutlnvf st (iiiarlcr ( N S SW',1 all .f Section nineteen 19K Township ten fit). North Ktinfee four teen ili). ,i,st 0f ti!e 6th 1 il.. Cass county., Neb'rurka. and all persons li.iiiiiir an" interest of any kind in Kind teal estate, or anv part thereof: Yon and inch of vou are hereby no tied that on the "llbl'i day of July, 1 J : . a petition was tiled in the ins Court of Cass county. Nebraska, loli H. F. Comer j iui W. Comer plimtiiTs. nnd Mrs. John Snyder, real n.-iine unknown, wife ot Snviler! Sinif.od W. Spratletl, if t ii l :i v 1 vere tirst Jo u n 1 vintr. , if det eased his unknown heirs. dw isees, eratecs oersonal represen tat ives and all other persons Interest d in hfs estate- w tl. Spratlin, If j Next Time Buy Tim to Re-tirf UUUU JUUUIVIiXT UUUJLI VilJUUIli iirc L9 Plattsmouth, devisees, legatees, personal represen tatives and all other persons interest ed in his estate; Thomas J. Miller, if living, if deceased, his unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal represen ts lives and al! persons interested in his estate: tiie unknown heirs, person al representatives and all otiier per sons interested in the estate of Addie nits', deceased: tiie unknown owners and, unknown claimants of the south west quarter of tiie quarter tSW'i NW'i): the northwest quarter of the southwest" quarter (XV!4 SW :,i: the rortii half of the southwest liiarter n the southwest quarter (X t SW'4 SW',1. all of Section nineteen (KM. ToM'iship ten (lllj. North Kaiiu fourteen il-Jj, east of tiie 6th I'. M Cass county, Nebraska: and all per son. claiming any interest of any kind in said real estate or any part tnere- f. veie defendants. The object and prayer of which Ve tltion ai.- to quiet the title in the plain ti.Ts, H. F. Comer and "5. W. Comer, to the southwest quarter of the north west ..uarttr iSU 'i NW'gl the north west quarter of the southwest quarter (NW'i SU'i4l; the north half of the southwest uiarter of the southwest quarter ( N 1 SW'i su'!,i, all of Sec tion nineteen K'. Township ten (10i. North Kan ire fourteen 1 1 , east of the titJi J. Al., '."ass county, Nebraska. I.e. a use said plaintiffs have had the aitnal. open, notorious, exclusive and airvtrse possession thereof and every p-art and parcel thereof for more than ten years last past prior to the' com mencement f said action, and for equitable relief. You and each of you are further no tified that ton are require! to an swer snid petition on or before Mon- dav, the Joth (.ay of September, K'19. H. F. CUMK11, O. W. COMF1:. Plaintiffs. C. A. IiAWLS. j.'S-lw Attorney. Ti William Dennett, if living, if de ceased, his unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other persons Interested in the es tate of William Kennett: all persons interested in the estate of Jackson C oldhani. deceased, including- creditors and claimants: You and each of you are hereby no tified that on the l"th day of July, K'K'. a petition was tiled in tho Uis-' trict Court f Cass county, Nebraska, in which W. O. toedeker was plain tiff and William ' Bennett, if livinjr, if deceased, his unknown heirs, devisees, lesratees. personal representatives and all other persons Interested in the es tate of William Itennett and all per sons interested ill the estate of Jack son O. Obinam, deceased. inciuaing creditors and claimants, were defen dants. The object and prayer of which pe tition are to qnii"t the title in the plaintiff. W. C Hoed. kt r. to Kot two i?i in the southwest quarter of the south west miarter 1SW SW'i) of Section nineteen (19) and Lot one (1) in the southeast quarter of the south west ouarter (Sl.'i SW'i) of iseetion thittv t::a: and tne west half of the northwest ouarter OV-i NW'i) and the west half of tiie southwest quar ter (Wa SAVU of Hectlon thirty !30). all in Township eleven (11), North Itanire fourteen fib, east of the 6th 1. M.. Cass count. Nebraska, because said plair.tifT has bad the actual, open, notorious, exclusive and advere pon sesslon tiiereof. and -every part and parcel thereof for more than ten years last past prior to the commencement of said action, and for equitable re lief. You and each of you are further notified that you are required to an swer said petition on or before Mon day, the lotli lay or sepiemoer, isia. W. li. BOM)KK.EK, Plaintiff. C. A. HAWKS, JU-Cw - Attorney. LEGAL NUTICK2 To William Bennett, if living, if de ceased, unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and alt otiier persons interested in tne es- tato of William Bennett: wm. h. Shepard. if living, if deceased, his un known heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives iind all other persons interested in tne estate ot Wm. H. Shepard; John II. Burnham. If livinp. if deceased, his unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representa tives ar.d all other persons interested in the estate of John II. Burnham: You and each of you are ijcreny notified that on the 21st day of July, 1S1!i, a petition was hied in tne ois- trict tourt ot Lass county, iveoraaha, in which Anna White, formerly Anna Younjr: Catherine Gapen. formerly Catherine Young: Viola Wiley, form erly Viola Young; Isabelle Young, isur- ton Young ana Arinur lountc, wcie defendants, and William Bennett, ir living, if deceased, his unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal represen tatives and" all other persons Inter ested tri the estate of William Ben nett: Wm. 11. Shepard, If living. l-de- ceased. his unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and ji." fjeWJL i r f.u"' ' Vr jP"' TIRES A remarkable Product. Every tire worth snoro than it costs. The O ver- size No n - Sk i d Fabric; The Bij Fisk Cord; The Red Top, Extra Ply, Heavy Tread, ail other persons interested in tiie estate of Wm. H. Shepard: John II. Kurnham. if Ilvinpr. if deceased, ills unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of John li. Kurnham. were defendants. Tin.- object and prayer or which pe tition are to quiet the title in the plaintiffs, Anna White, formerly Anna Young; Catherine Gapen. formerly Catherlne Youner: Viola Wiley, form erly Viola Youiifr: Jsabelle Younjf. Iiurton Tounic and Arthur Younc to Kot four (4) in the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter S,K'i .SWfil; Kot live (5 in the northeast quarter if the south west quarter (XEii SW'i); Ixt fourteen (14 1 in the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter (NE',4 SK'4; Kot lifteen (15) in the north west quarter of the southeast quarter NW4 SEV.): the soutii half of the southeast quarter (rf'.i SK'i), all in Section thirteen (13). Township eleven (11). North Hanse thirteen 13), cast of tiie tSth P. M.; also the west half of the southwest quarter CW'fc SW',1) of Section eighteen (IS), Township eleven (11), North Kansre fourteen (14) east of the 6th I. M., Cass county, Ne braska, because said plaintiffs have had the actual, open, notorious, ex clusive and adverse possession there of, and every part and parcel thereof for more than ten years last past prior to the commencement of said action, and for equitable relief. You and each of you are further notified that you are required to an swer said petition on or before Mon day, the S tii dm' of September. 19K). ANNA WHITE, Formerlv Anna Young CATilEliIXE OAPKN, Formerlv Catherine Young VIOLA WILEY'. Formerlv Viola Young 1SAKFKKE YOFNU. KCKTON YOFNO. AKT11UH YOUNG. Plaintiffs. C. A KAWLS, Attorney. LECJAL XOTICE To the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives, and j all otiier persons interested In the estate of lianiel N. Bestor: Miss Mary Jane Moore, if living, if deceased, the unknown heirs, devisees. legatees, per sonal representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of Miss Alary Jane Moore; John y. Harley, if living, it ueceaseJ. the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep resentatives and ail other persons in terested In the estate' of John S. Par ley: Salmon Burtrum, if living, if de ceased, the unknown Iieirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other persons Interested In the es tate of Salmon Burtrum; Mary Jane Burtrum, if living. If deceased, the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of Mary Jane Burtrum; the unknown owners and unknown claimants of the north east quarter (XE'i) of Section nine teen (19). Township twelve (li). North flange thirteen (lo), east of the 6th V. M.,- Cass county, Nebraska, and all other persons claiming-any interest of any kind in said real estate, or any part thereof: Y'ou and each of you are heretiy no tified that on the 12th day of Julv, 1819, a petition was filed in the IMs trlct Court of Vass county, Nebraska,! In which Ada It. Beetor, Charles K. Irasliii I HAVE. THE GENUINE iiro.i80 FOR THRASHING! TELEPHONE 138 Nebraska Keistor, Guy H. Ktstor and Francis M. Bestor. wire plaintiffs, and the '.in known heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal repj esentati vesr and ail oth persons interested in the estate of Pani'l N. Pa-sior: Miss Mary Jane vio. i ', i .' living, if deceased, the un known bells, dcvisci s, legatees, per sonal 1 1 p res. ii ta t i ves and all other persons interested in the estate of Miss Mary Jane Moore: John S. Iiar iey, if living, if deceased, tiie unknown Iieirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep resentatives and aii oth"r persons In terested in the estate of Jonu S. Har ley; Salmon Burtrum. if llvir:.-. if de ceased. Hie unknown heirs. dc i.-ce. lesratees. personal n-presi ives ahl all other persons Interested in th" es tate of Salmon Burtrum: Mary Jane Burtrum. if living. If deceased. T;e unknown hiiis, devisees, lecrati-es. per sonal representatives and all other per sons Interested in the estate of Mary Jane Burtrum: the unknown owners and unknown . hi;inauts of the north- eas; quarter i.m.'4 ot section nine teen (19. Township twelve tl2. North lianse thirteen (1C). east of the Cth P. M., Cass county, Nebraska, and all other persons ciaiminir any intern t of any kind In said real estate, or any part thereof, were defendants. Th- object ami prier of which pe tition are to quiet tho title in tho plaintiffs. Ada K. K. .-tor, I'l .-irln K. i.'tstor, Guy H. Bestor' and Francis M. Bestor to the northeast quarter (NE1, t of Section nineteen (l:). Township twelve (12). North Kanee thirteen ( 1 :: east of the Cth P. M.. Gass county. Ne braska, bet a use said plaintiffs have had the actual, open, notorious, exclu sive and adverse possession thereof. and every port Bn.j parcel thereof for more than ten years last past prior to the cotntnenci nient of said action, and for equitable relief. You and each of you are further notified that vou are required to an swer sai.l petition on or before Mon day the tirst day of September, ADA K. DESTOII. CHAKKFS K. BKSTOK. OI" Y H. BKSToK. FP.ANCIS M. BFSTOK. Plaintiffs. c A. i:avks, JH-jw. Attorney. :o: T T T r - - . i I W. A. ROBEKTSON, Lawyer. East of Riley Hotj!. Coates Elock, Second Floor. .i. Don't forget us when vou ,- want meat or groceries for J harvest. We can take care of you, just phone No. -I, and we .t. J will have your order up. HATT & SON". E3 I- V ir