I'LATTSMOLTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. PAGE FIYE. P. i. t jbi mJU. u i 7T -i -a -r--r- T m ,r n m m e - ray Department Prepared in tte Interest cf the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers If my of tbe ifder of the Jcumal kror of k.t s.ocl.l event or item ot interest in this vici tilt r- ii.ii will mail aie to tbUottire, it will ap pear under this lietUinfr. VY want all newniMraui Editob K-v 1 1 . vosrxfessMC rr 15 I- r" 5 v v con- IK'Xt m I V:, n.cnisclTc Foi:r i r cent Iv.t?re.ct oa time deposits. (hr. ( c ;.rr ; rote etc J ty the Stt Gi - " '" 1 not t 1 j i Make Safe Investments The protection of princi ple should be the first consider ation of every investor. But : always an easy matter for the ordinary investor to determine the safety of the issues one-red him. The character of an invest ment, however, is usually reflected in the concern which cHers it. Invest- There will be a heep .sale ducted at. the livery barn on Saturday. NOTICE -Miss Ogla Minford, teacher of piano. Now enrolling pupils for summer term. A little four year old son of F. 11. Kamge is reported as being sick at :be home of bis parents. Ed Spanglcr, of near Piatts-niout h was a visitor in .Murray for a short time last Wednesday, while on his way to the tractor meet. Jarvis ljiiicatiter. who purchased e farm from Frank Vallery. in the v.tt lat spring, sold iT the other day at an advance of $1,i;oO over the price he paid for it. 1. ('. KhoiWn. the veteran livery man. is just Ht thin time in need of two men. and ran not even get one. Tlii-- seems to be the case every- la Grandpa Davis Feeling Fair Ye. Grandfather I. M. Davis feeling pretty lair, thank you. as is also Father Kami : t Miihurn. on account of the arrival last Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Miihurn of a wee bh;e eyed baby girl, which has come to make her home here and contribute to the turther happiness of the parents and grandparents whose joy knows no bounds. The little one and the mother are s;-1 1 i n j; along nicely and the father and lira ndfat her are ex pected to pull through in due cours-e of time. Visited with Friends Here. Mrs. Blanche Miller and son. Lisle and daughter, Sabula. of Sioux City. Iowa, were visiting in Murray at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ran Min ford last Saturday and Sunday, de parting for Plattsmotith to visit for a short time at the home of A. ('. .Mutz and wiTe. she being a niece of Mr. Mutz. and a daughter of Wil liam Mutz. They were accompanied to l'lattsmouth by Mr. and Mrs. Min ford who took them up in their ear. From l'lattsmouth Mrs. Miller and children went to Arlington. where they visited for a short time before returning to their home at Sioux City. uiiinmiiuiiuuflUiiimmiiiwiunnuiuuiuiiumuiiituuiniHiiiiiiiiiiiuiii:' Electric Light and Power for Happy Farm Life I Are Visiting Parents Here. James Nickels and wife, of ISioom field. where they have been engaged in the hotel business, rented their place July 1st. and have s-ince been visiting for a while. keeentlv thev where a much greater demand than! here is supply. ' 'were at Hot Springs. S. Dak., later Dr !'.. F. krendel ri ports a sou jeoini ug here to visit at the home ef of Countv Commissioner C. F. Harris the former's parents. Wm. Nickels ii.s beii.g roi.hned to his home with ca.-c -i no umiit im. ;'iiu mat ai- a though he :s shov:::g Herman has bten cjiiite sick, some improvement. Sifdl. who purchased he two years ago ii! bus recently sold it of $T.tMi. which is this institution war raiit oar confidence. Sa fc ty Ho i testy Courtesy Service MURRAY rr-.tity Law. STATE BANK All business transactions held in strict confidence Ycur Percnal Dnl it. r t.'i rr.i. v. er i :( ' -j t ..-i. '."i.-s Mae l.-ughridge( ii'-r-. ()pcr.ing for sum- .. :-inl Mi.-s Or;. re s at ; t e home i f !:'.;-t Saturday ev- .:'! a i-.:tlsoi: trac- :. nr. in x r..ii"ii i 'avis !a-t We 1- b'.a: vt r: i. : r or ; .'t r;i'' t'iMh.ci: t erne . (:. -traT : ! ... u-:. SI I it . rai - r v i t -1 .Mr-' .i .: : :' i i : Wtv. rack .-:i. a few das ,'a:i 1: i r c or f '"ari' -tli.oT.. I. M-( r.'.' oris : t o kin. lid M: 1 ; v.v, a. urriv mori: i::g f Mr. and ii!ir Mrs. .let 'r:i(-:.-rived r n .Mr.-. v!; ere they ;.re spfndi:i.4 th I .r t: ru : vr i.e t.. ! ' -.i i . ' I" e .--art-l';. (.V. I: in it. s: ner. Scott, of kU-i:lai:d. Kansas vv i 1 f i hi- wit'-.- ;.re vi.-i'.ing H. 11. w h o at the Fred H: :.. 1 s !!ion ; h 1 i ; -r. w here s ti,e bit1-!:. S- i t T .! in. were visiting in h'.-t Wednesday morn !ii.y w.-r.' looking after ...s., iiriiters. Miss kull: f Topeka. which is near J, I ra. : :i.on--tri'.t : Fn Jii( hi at S-o't 1 is also visiting at the .!!! ! I a - '.ir.-. Flora lieulih. L;it -- t.. ( : " f ' of r.ve l.'-l. a:id ttauthter. a reception and t their home in honor of th'" :" Cj;.'ai:i !. H. (iihi'.'.re on ,.: ;r. ;jv eveiiiui'. at v. h.ich there preren: Dr. atol Mrs. tJ. H. tlil- i....r . Mr. ;.n! Mrs. W. O. Doedek. r. Mr?. .!. A. 'a'ii.r and daughter. Miss Margery Walker. Mrs. Flora Sans a:;d ;. : b ' -r. Mt-'s lieuinb Si.s. t -:: re :;uarter about I'crkir.:; county at an advance i ii:g very well. He mede the pur chase in the spring of 1!17. through Frank Vallery. A. I. Cooper, of Omaha, represent ing the International Tractor coin puny, and John F. I'.ates. of I'latts :::'Uth. were in the city Wednesday, .-topping for dinner at the hotel, while o:: their way to tiie tractor demonstration ;:t the Searl Davis farm. Yor. Scotten are alxe.it as busy as they can weli lie. looking af ter the various jobs they have about t-wn i 1:1 the r-nititry. T !;ey w:ii :.ni.-ti the Ceorge Nickels home in aj : .sort time fclld will then go to I'm I :;.!. ert Good place to ftiush a they hue there. .iol F. Giir.U r w as the triii to- (l- t.ioiis; ra ::. Ic-si Wednesday. 1'iiher tractor with h:m to use !!; d ::n.:ist rat ion He w a- accom pa;;:'.-.'i by en, ployed and wife. They will continue to b" guests here for some little time. The hotel was paying well, but they were working terribly hard and so when the opportunity came to lease the place, they decided they would take a short rest. Expresses Appreciation of Kindness 1 wish to express my appreciation of the kindness of my neighbors and friends who have come and did so many kind acts, and showed by their kindness their friendship during the time I have been crippled as a re sult of the accident that broke my collar bone, and 1 take this method of ex perssing my grateful apprecia tion of the kindly acts. Thank yon all. mv friends. LKE FAklS. a visitor Mill West .. bringing h:m in He wa- Orant Hurruws. who : the Oord'-r stores. of a i u Honor Returned Soldiers At the home of Dr. J. II. Oilmore was held last Sat unlay evening a meetjng in honor of fourteen t-ervice men of tlie Murray neighborhood who have lately returned from the army and navy, and at which was rendered a program. Miss Neva l.atta and Miss Mae I.otighridge sang a number of patriotic songs, which were highly appreciated by all. Hon. Judge James T. Degley. of IMatts tnouth made the address welcoming t!i boys home, while Dr. Oiimore. on behalf of the e.-warriors, being one of their number himself, made reply in appropriate manner. Mrs. V. .1. I'hilpot furnished a cake on which was an American flag, making a very beautiful ciilUfcrpitce at t he table when the assemblage finally was calh d to refreshments of ice 'cream and cake. Were Visitors in Omaha Tuesday evening Dr. 1!. F. Iireii del accompanied l,ee Faris to Omaha where an X-rav picture was taken of his shoulder to ascertain how t Ik injured collar bone was progressing. Lee had slipped recently and because of the increased pain thought he had rehroken the collar bone, but the examination and photo showed it to be getting along all right. George Fdmonston accompanied them, go ing up to have his ear dressed, he having an internal tumor therein. John Faris was also along and tin all returned on the midnight Mis souri Pacific train Tuesdav. Will Soon be Through Threshing Otto Scotten of the firm of Young A- Scotten. who has been im pressed into service in the fields assisting in threshing, had thought he would be through and able to re sume his carpenter work by the en 1 of this week, but the rain has set them back a couple of days and his return will be deferred for u short length of time. Compact -, pli All 1. vl. No Vibration No Noise Endorsed hj Prominent Engineers i;y vo: 'ugeiie Mann. D.tk Marsh. Cha ;:ud Gustav I'.'iui:n. four ni: boys, were visiting at tin tractor show Wednesday afternoon. p.dTiu .!.' on their bievcies and en-I joying the orcusio.i equally as much c.r niore thi'i. the mm present. i!;i last Sunday evening Mr. and Mr.-. Glen Iloedeker gave a supper uxf nctption at their home in i.ui:or of the return of Captain G. II. Gi'.more from service oversea.. There were present t the supper Dr. and .Mrs. G. H. Giluiore. Mr.. Flora Sam- and daughter. Mis. Deuhih Sans. Mrs .1. A. Walker and daughter. Mi.s Margery Walker, and the ho.-t and hoster.s. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. P.oedeher. Visited Murray Friend. Wm. W;!eer and wife, the lat ter sister of Mrs. D. A. Young, have been lure recently visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ynuiu. routing froni their home at More head. Iowa. After spendiug some time here they departed on Monday evening for Flora. Oregon, which is located some forty miles from a railroad, the nearest station thereto being HeGrande. They will visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. Connelly, the later also being a sis ter of Mrs. Wellever. Mr. and Mrs. Young went as far as Omaha with them, returning on the midnight train Monday. RKPOKT OF THE CONDITION ! Tin: MURRAY STATE BANK of Murray. Nebr. ut- r t ti'' in tlif . U.S.- :: 1 t. 1 -tate liisine f Ne- i: Special! i;c: time thy we jtrc fortunate to have a gtKjd 4,'ipply of f;uit iars at tliis time oi the year, but really feel that ue aie too heavily stocked on some varieties, hence the unusual price: Kerr elf-s-eIin?, wi'le niouth jars, quarts, per doz. $1.15 " V, rrllf.n " " 1.35 . . .95 .. 1.00 o!rmig lOllj " Vl gallon " Idti- Mason Jrfi?. fiuartj. per doz. 72 Ci Hon ! 1 j f Wl utt MURRAY, NEBRASKA i: i;s.t'J:-"i: ii - ii n .1 il ;e.Ml I: t . . . . niiaMf liii. seer. I It OS. JltilV IIOIll-. .mini-. et... iiielu.titii; all (.v, riiieent IiimhIs ioiiikiuu i.oi:.---. ! .1 1 ii i t ii re anl ti ,t mi i'.nrt.i ?'.. taxes and i:.t. 't id I I li.e t I olli .Niil M'lial I .il .l Stalt l.ankw t TV.t.U.tl $ i m..::::ii J t;; :n oo . I HVl 1 Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tilson were I'li'ttsmoulh visitors Wednesday if this week. spending a few hours with county seat friends. Preparing to Ke-enter Practice Dr. G. H. Giluiore is preparing to enter practice here again, and has bought a new Ford coupe to attend his country calls in. He expects to resume his nract ice within the com- ing month. Earn and Stock for Sale For Sale. Livery barn, stock, auto ami drav line. Call on D. C. khoden. Passes His 83rd Birthday I'ncle George Shrader. that mighty good old gentleman, who has been for many years a resident of Cass county, has passed his eighty-third milestone in life and is still pretty healthy for one of his years and en joys life a great deal. His son-in-law. Charles Creamer, is fifty-seven years of age. and as their birthday. come very ntar the same date. Mrs. Chas. Creamer celebrated the doub'e birthday occasion at their home on last Sunday by giving one of the finest dinners that one could ever wish for. She extended invitations to all the members of the family and all were present, excepting J. 1. Shrader. who is now living in New York, and Mrs. Jennie Klinim. You will agree with us when we state that this is no small family at that, w hen I hey are all together. There were 120 present on this oc casion, and every one a relative of the others. Each and every one of this large gathering took their part in making the day a pleasant one. the ladies assisting Mrs. Creamer in preparing the big dinner, which was one of the finest that the large gath ering ever had the pleasure of enjoying. Murray Christian Church kegular services at the Christian church each Lord's day. Mission story. 9:4a; Bible school. 10; morn ing worship. 11 and evening worship at S:20 p. in. The evening service is out-of-doors when too warm iu side. Much interest is being shown i. lis - ( and lit. i I iii- i 1 er. ni - T T. I. lie Itel 17:: 1M i , ; to, !' 1 .Jt'.l. !' ;:-.. i 'J.!'. npi:;:; s-t rpl ii fleil-. . I let v i 'I !ia I sul.je t t i.iAf.ii.tTir.i I i;i il ill f II It.l ... -.1 profits l-pis- I lie- k .SjT-.Mit.-j: 1 o.ioo oo t;, iiiiii. no :;.l'4:.s". si;i.ci..i:. I l itiea te-e of hecks Ttfie .! )..?-, t 'asli Im ' on 1st a ml in:; i pltKltol S UllillHllt JMT.M. 1.4 )!'.!'. f 1 1 1 1 i . . 1.::4I.L'4 t:: tn 4 -late "I Xel.lii-.kil 1 C.IT.H ni ("lis" P.ocd. ki-'. C.i.-itiev of 1 1 1 f i ve Minted l.a'ik io lierrPv Kwear liii.l t!i- al-Me Mat-nieiit ts u enrreet Hint true r..i tit tli" report made l tie folate ItanUtii' U'tMiil. w. :. i:okdi;kk!:. . t t--t : 'ashi-r. FISKC XCT.MAK. lir,H..r. fllAS PAKMKLU. Direetor I t ..-.-i t,e() and .-worn lfcie ftlli lit. of At'su.-t. PAV1K C. WKST. i Sett I i Notary i'ut-ii- M en s Men's Overalls AND SHIRTS Staple Overalls and Jumpers $2.00 Heave Blue Overalls and Jumpers 2.25 " Finck's Detroit Special Overalls and Jumpers 2.50 Men's Shirts .... .90 44 Heavy Shirts 1.25 44 H. D. Lee's Unionalls, striped and solid blue 3.50 Don't forget this store closes on Monday, Wed nesday and Friday nights during July and August. All other nights we will serve you as late as you need our service. ' The ervae we ALF GANSEMER, Proprietor SiUntikhhM For Dependable Service Install The '3 LULUiVii Electric Light and Power Riant Everybody knows the advantages of electric liht and electric power. Everybody wants this modern day convenience. The big question is "What plant shall I select?" Take our advice. Select the plant that's silent hc plant that's free from terrific vibration the plant that won't quickly shake itself to pieces. Install the wonder ful Silent Alamo. No Vibration No Noise In the Silent Alamo there is no noise--due to the quiet operation ol the Ide Super Silent Motor with the rotating sleeve valve. There s no severe vibration due to scientific balancing of weight. Thousands of fanners as well as staid old t-ngireer experts have been amazed by this silent plant. Come in and see a demom.trauon. Learn why the Silent Alamo assures years of service. L. H MURRAY, POLS NEBRASKA in the Ijible school this summer, our! i average attendance being around A short program will be given each , Sunday at opening exercises of thej r.ible school. Watch for the an-J nouucenient here. Victor Wehrbeinj will clmr f . Lr- lliu 1. ... .1 . . t oiiiph oi i ur t...iiii ik a I .TOI.i day. We wish to organize our chou again, so all who can sing or are in any way interested. meet at the home of Dr. Jake ISrendcl Saturday night at S Come ami worship with us. C. K. llannan. Minister. M rs. con -i n Siou v Minford has as her guest h r . Mrs. Miller and children, of. ("it v. Iow a. W. R. YOUNG fConlmueii on I'apo G) Journal Want-Adi fa?' AUCTIONEER Alvways Ready for Sale i Dates far or near. RATES SEASONABLE SATISFACTION OR NO PAY! REVERSE ALL. CAIiLS Telephone 1511 Murray Exa'raxc? THE W. H. PULS n a n Co will always carry a complete line of Hardware, Paints, Oils, Farm Implements, Tractors, GASOLINE ENGINES and REPAIRSI We do all kinds of tin work, heating and plumbing, and will also save you money on furniture orders. Come in and get our prices on anything in our line. We will treat you right and save you money. MURRAY NEE F ASK A Phone No. 24 : MtMZMZMzm",Mm:iM mi .';:: ::.m . .. . ; m M .. :..Ji m 'M m ' ' I 15he mm GO." Will Always Carry a Complete Line of DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES WALL PAPER AND SUNDRIES TOILET ARTICLES AND CIGARS If It's in the Drug Line Wc will Look after Your Wants at All Time?; TELEPHONE NO. 2 ii i M eiunumssiou expires Jan. 15,