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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1919)
r-rl 'I PLATTSKOUTH DEMI-WEEKLY JOUENAI THURSDAY. AUGUST 14. 1019. I r WHO GETS THEE MONEY YOU EAR.Nv ; ' ilrfii."''i. may he proved mi'l alUiwei!, i t lid recorded f s the last will Jt ml t'-s-nnitnt r" Kiler I a n iher. deceased ; I that said Inst rum-nt lit- mlmitted to probate. anl ti.- ai m in im fa t ion of said state l'f i,iant-il to li. Ll. Daintier, as executor: It is hereby ordered that you and l ; 1 11 persons interested in said matter, I nuiv. and ! appear at the e'o'inty ; to. lit t be held in and I'M' said coim I t ti the 3!tli 'lay of Aiisiist A. 1. I lit'l't. at 10 n'rlni'k :i. m.. to show cuuse i i,- inv iI.itc hv whv tin' nraver of the petitioiur should not be si a nli'il. and 1 1 at notice of the pendency of said pe tition and tlii't tie Inarms thereof bo triv-n to all persons interested In said matter by pu tilishint a copy of this oi-ilei- in tie I'l.iiismouui journal, a. soin i - i ; 1 v newspaper printed in said county, for three succcssie weeks prior to raid day of hearing. Witness my hand, and seal of paid eo'irt, this iav of August A. 1 . 1 a 1 :. AI.L.KN .r. ukksow (Seal) aT-:;w. e'ounty Judc. THE POINT IS HOW MUCH DO YOU SAVE.? put IT IN THE KAN K, THE THAT MONEY THIS YOUNG MAN PUTS N THE BANK EACH EACH PAY DAY, IS NOT ONLY MAKING . : BALANCE GROW, BUT IT IS ALSO BUILDING HIS SELF LIANCE AND HIS CHARACTER. HIS BOSS IS WATCHING HIM, TOO, BECAUSE. THE BOY WITH THE BANKING HABIT IS ALWAYS ON THE JOB AND IS THE FIRST TO GET PROMOTED. COME IN AND START YOUR BANK ACCOUNT TODAY. Farmers State Bank PLATTSMOIJTH. NEBRASKA TOWEL SHOWER FOR MISSMATTIEURSON! i.- that il in iti ;.' ! ra.-- p.irt ol I iti! iI'!:-.lay'jj I'a.Iv. Anot i.v 'tli.'at ful la-.- :i.iJ?i..bur lit Id m I'-K-rr. S;:inriljy ianj;!itt ri". Ilc-dames, li. i i Oii.;ih:t. J. K. Ki ! e 1 social reason ttik ic rf .Mrs. v. as given event of the uiic Sarah K. This fle by the 12. Andrews f flltnv. ooel. K-wa. a very ; Hair Mit ti. t'tre of v. j r h id - r.vl ;.!it.s Julia Kerr arul v?s clirvri'iiTu: por'Ii party. The w;;.. ill h.iwr of .M1-S Larson ai.d was in the na il. driveway nicely ;u rive ii'.vertieincrit fur 'the eitv. In in am'.ni; ma nr. or. t'ie Sliiall p.llrilU .'lUlfl'. ;ili': tin- aven'Ks w. re ireat-.'l in .'! iiiuilar iiianner to tlio one on Chi cago avenue it w on 1.1 not 1-e l"iiij beiVM- we would" have some of the ha'.' ilrivoways in t ho Hate aibl t!;.r wouh! be a :-!vp!i'l r.dver-t!s;-n-(.!?f f r the tity. 'i he la!it- iooki'i- after the -work certainly de .erve a world of credit for their ef forts, v. hic h h;.ve produced . jd ndid rf suits. ATTRACTS HUCII ATTENTION !.-..n a level !. d h shower. en ni u!f The perch very cozy j the w i : it!: :li -: i ai. . r ! lr r.. e of chairs, roekers. rt; ; iz- and was prettily 1 i h t -.l.i p;1 lini'rns. plea.-Mre .s !:-riveJ in pri-jrc -i vc rook, there he- alile.--. From At i OH v!o.- !ir.!. ti-h: Tuesday's I 'ally. t!." po .liiliic di-nlay e law-, slow 1 seatot: ' oi' and aniina!' ; vvasonr i ' i thi. eity tit" i no li.- inu: the op" the tiiii'.renl is w.-n Trii has a - lie I here i and ae.d ;,anie tio." :i of Durir.i; tlie eveniim th v. or, invi'cd out on the lawn. t he !. rid -( o-he was li. a child once iranies and ron.p in :uestd Hero told ihe iniht more. Varion-: which children '.': ?n ninth riiorriinrnt. were par ticipated in and j. revoked much en- j lr.i.i ii in t!:' n'ty (!. p "Il ee ln:.-y copy of lie 'Tl'Si tO t and g-.ivea he spirt.-nan e'f thiiti the n - lit im the scaMUis when lh,y witii the rod and K'-sn. tiie laws is exhihited at writing dsirles and those ynient and lauh'er. The frnests ihn repaired to tlie living room I1'1"- v.h:r th'J hridc-to-he was s-hover-1 with many hand-ini" towels. Painty re fre-hr-i'Mits were then served. A few moments devejted to a very pleasant social time and v.ritincr rocips for the hride-to-he. and then the piie-.J ili.-persed. d--edarini: !n:teses lo he iiie:s.t i- ee!P tit entertainer?. led n t: n ,i t.v an ;'? h i lofiAin i over ca n The one in- e'.c ; !ip Mini i: ot' mit ! ut ii:t titi.i:. In the I'istriit i.'ourt !" the County of C.i-s. Nebraska. iitlo II. hurnia ii. t'liat les 1'ar n: !e anrl JameJ au. 1 'lain tiffs, vs. The rnk:iown Heirs. levisees. I.ea, l'ei.-oiial Kepresentatives and all other persons interested in the est.oe of Seo;-;. V. Kail lieid, deeeased, et al, 1 el'el.;ants. i,, tie .Kfen.l.TlllS. the tlllklKiWII lieiis. leisees. Ii c.ues. personal lt p-fM-nlathi-s and all other persons t. rested in the estate of lleor-.- V. . Ka;:iin'. de. eased: ti:e unknown heirs, divi-ieis. legatees, petsorial represen tatives and all otior persons Interest ed i'l the stale of Sarah .1. KaiMiebl. deeeasid; the nn'.nown heirs, ilevisies, bu.ilee-. personal l ept esc n 1 a t i Ves and ;i 1 I t.lher peiso-.i KllefeSted ill tl.C ,-I.H of Alfred 11 ToWIiselld. lifcrip- id. tie unknown hens-, devisees, lera t e S. pe I'M :i J 1 ll i'I'i e: l.i r pi i it Ani ni II tl ' Tli s' ma I el : l.lio W M.aa' see Lie I K mm sot.latives and all interi stcd in the estate nwnseiid. it. eea.i-il : the wa heirs, i.evr , s. l-i;al'ts. pel -i !! n t a t i ves and all other is i n ler.-vt id in 1 1 .state of S. Tow n.-eie!. ilin iiMil: the iiti II lulls. ileVI.-ees, Nuatees. pi I -t epi . iitat i e s ; nd all t h r J'ei -nli n. ted hi estate of .n- :. Timv n. i nd. ib-e.-ased: the nri ii .':rs d.- i-e.. legatees. lii'V- I j ! i .-ii I a I i es and all i ! t l'i r I i w n.- in! .'aial. .!. v I '.ill '. . il i l.i'. 1 .- 1 s a:d e-t.l HI I' I -I i t ; .-. . b .1 in lh I.-. . a ".'I'll ib -. al. I all e i si i I tie in:' I i rson . I s estate ther M-I-of Anna II : I S t''. A : i ; Inhn .! 1' Tl ' t1 . 1 I T I I 1.1 es! I. lone i ll. !:. Win f ' U :ii v 1 1 ; t I amp- l ; : n o w n una! ! li-is- i'i s in li t'.imii .ir. ib-v- i.tatUt s I in ti- li ee.lse I . . .Moul i s. r. e k r. ot n li -. I I - ! le t a 1 1 . .- d in s. i', i I .-.i ' l lid a'l i.-I.H. it . I I. a .fd H. A i unknown ! or:. 1 1 ri pn : ! I V I S 111 t -.r i Il :j.l l-i . pel-Oil. il (TI- .. i d ail ' !(! pi i .-on.-; i -the e-t.Ue of Will. '. a.-'d: ti.-- unknown l.eii-. ,lii . s. 1 els i!::, I llpl'e -e II- ot I il l I t "11S j II t el l s t- Mrs Win. i". M. or.-s. le' !. ! iV. I'.. lie I .1: I'd i i iiis : M i u.i 1 1 t .'. da :n -: erso: K:. I..11 1: t'.uv.'n sm .il : j oi:-4 s i:.;n t t I : le; I 11. 11 i'i : . pi in! 'ii A. It W IT. ' lie i; ; P'TSI pet si . n i ! '. ." n i. !.. if-. .1. . .-1 ii :i '. 1 1 i s a r . : iTe.-t.-d in Lie : Ail.i.n-. d"i .i'I 'i: s. .lev i. I .-. !"- 1 te. ,-it a t i - a a', all .! .i in tie e.1 ate deee.iM-d; A!ea i . 1 ".a i n-t i . t r-1 i I t .', !' '..1 le !ef il.. '.. ;. !.. ! s. if. l i;i : ! T pi -i I ta t i ei -' 1 ; i f i I If: t id i .1 I i .". ill mi.':' state of t' e n n i -, .-:-- ' . r in - of Mar id. 1' M. Ital'l, 1 :a .'- ! I'd a!i II. !! !:.irr . 'ii-V ..- res. riiei. i :v ' l I - .: 1:1 tl.e 1 i .1 oa vv i n 1 1 1 i mil. no it i.i-i a-. -. 1:1 ! and al! h.e e.-lale t ' 11 . . 1" ot! 'I'l.V'l. . . ': i r : .1. Vis A VERY EEAUTirUL SPOT Kri'i.'i Tni-sday'.o leilly .!i'pii. -.i' ri :: or traveling aioii: C'hicaeo; avenue cam: ft fail to iiari!!'-d 1 y th" appearance tf t!i- tiarkin-r a the Te-n'h street in tersection of the avenii: There is a M.nall piece of p.rkinir located there that tl.e ladis of that locality have certainly made an ohject of I'eauty and one that add to the L.ppeiraneo .f tin- city. Mr--. ! arh-s Troop itl:i-r ladies wl aiity ha 11. w ers oimr.ti f m:iit!M; i Pi-Ill Ion f -r iMtluf mriil of ili.ii:iKiralor. Ti.- l-i i In :: Ml I1 II. Ml, .id M l ad -late I 'on t v I I l.i 1 1 !' A i : in. t i ;.d. pi : -I a ! i ri ii. I I a.-k: '..lil't. I I i .-.1 : i . . I W 1 1 - I!'. s Ii' " I I am' all i t.v f. t: us a i pea r in iTiid .- whv ibl ii. d of lie tl'- I e: t -":is bli-i at ! - 1 1 v. t ; : 1 i I e 1 day i.'ltl i 1 i.i-i l a a tin p. t ; : b i. f '.. i i' i j ; , ', tb.t aiti'i i !i is t ra t ion of Pi. i I ,. ;: t. d ! .lo. epil . V I r i i I ; ; .-. 1 1 : : . I" ; That .! !! A. I . ;n ili o'i l'ii''K a. in. is in ir h-arin-r said petition, when iiit'-rested in said matter at a 'minty 'onit to be for said eouiitv. and sl.o'.v the U .1 '. . I pe t it ion I c be i anied: and that im l - tiiii in'v of said p titi oi i'li1.;.' thereof le i-.-.-n lo i at '-res i in said matter n:r a a -pv of lid- order In m. th Journal, a set.i i -w f(k - r ai i n i . 1 in s a ee, e-i lit: t ri -1 1 ii:. ,P l.-.e. i.ihvs ested i I irst ll I I ii a 'r tl.e IHO pa-rsopa i r pet s 'iUell! HUH ii: 1 : '. ' !) - I! an lives ;i ! ii: ti. i. n p.-r: III i.e. I.IIO -'- e 1 i I.I I .1 'I ' I. .- I the .1 1 , IV A.:: ; no w n I i.;o. ' i in! I-. a: I ei. s. I - ' A I ' I - . i i i . ' . - li nl. to.. ,v ll. 1. li .-a i el .lib:!, !!( ! it ktii'W ti . i.-l il - .'. i : M.. I : e i ' ::d ' 1 ot' ee jM-i-oris ia ii ta'e of Cweliiie Su i:i- : I io- 'ilk le'V. n I ! s. .-. t ei sonal rem i -n- 1 1 ol i:e i- pi i - oi s i:i 1 r est.lte of Swilnlt ! I: , e n i' II ' W 1 ' . oeee" .- ' ' ; i iv - : I a t !.a i : i.e Ala::.";. ii- ii S. ip-visi e.-. lel'Uiel li t a 1 1 '. Sli d Tl-'. lie . i. -.- . I 1 1 i .- le.l a'l'-. : .' I . ! '.!. iTat : 1 11 and al! the ,-sta i-.-.l. te. -. 'id ai! tie ot 1 te .l r: l: b if h d t! a f l ie : to lir I he d.ies much lo of that feet ion end a imaih'T re-hle in that ;e planted tin small park aad carefully tended it t !: result ii surpri . ir 1 Kiiiiiiin.r ami .ing. It sets rfl" i:; - I V" in-, day i id inn t v. s prior to of Ai rust A. L. ; ;i 1. 1 -1 . a 'id -la a l:r.o . I : e a : t ! e i es. b '.':.i'i s, per es ai.d ail oti.. l.l t h-' il:.l" ' ;-'.. 1; tie iiuki.nv. , tee-. Tie I OIill i 1.1 - - nod all ! i i r li'T-n'ii i i I tl'- 1 -t.lle of IliVel II i a . , 1 ; liin .1 a i k - on . NaT.. I uiiii ii'1'.l'ii lo il' ". di vi.- e liisotia! I'e .: i-.--.oi a t i vi a pei's ns iiiti-o .-li-'l in 1 .li l n J o '.-son. del -eased , lie i-i ev, . ::,i,',-.-', p.-r es a nd all ot I e in the e.-late o! I. , . a '..I: .Via n 1 1 i i I iid with KK1: Mai i' tt (Mi!..-- I'it'O'.II l.eirs, VI- -l--,-I. n I erf .. !-,, i-l' I l.i: - : t i . He' l.l' i .- led ' I! AI.l.K.V t r.KKSnV. a 'o it n l y J ihIko. n nml olia-- af I 111 the 'oii::!y ' H. N'l.ia-1. a 'tar.- of N.-bi ni;itii r.ilml" of ill a . To e.-t ,h Ml I i l. i: tiled A 111: I. la.-t on lit y listed r" t. d Kl b ii I 'a n i ner. d ; dinir li.i p.-titbii , I'lMviim that 1 1 Ji ll i - a-oii rl on the i .i i :. and ioi -port in ill and testament of tl. in 1 1 1 e e. a -.-.I : d I:, i:. i list ri'inent lh day of to be I!-.- ha id Thrasninfr I HAVE THE GENUINE Cherokee liif FOR lili . legate. -. piisonal ; a present a 1 1 all i.ll r I'l-r.-i-ns interested in t : of M nilta Simpson, also knov. i M,:iii It (oi.'os. deieas. il: the on ' fi h.eir.-. isees, 1 --Ta t ee--. pel' il H'lH'i'M lilalivi'i and all otbe in- int'-re.-ti d in the estate o H i's, eee.-asi i; i'.ini'.l Jlar- . al-o l:i.oAn as I . S. U.irn. sl I i ' i ri.--1 : me nioxiiown lens i"';.ui i s, pi'i'-i'iiial i pi es, i.t; nd ;' U oil. I lief--oiis- iiiteiesti eslate of lianiel S. Ifartiest, ii the unknown heirs, devi-ei -. pe'l-i.nal representatives and d pet S' i:i:.o io -I. A i. n .- i tiva s in 1 1 i . as. b t.-. it. . -. all other -tate of Kli;:a .l.i: i:!'.al.i t ., t:tl . ri'li S'-e . b' live- and In tie eslati a iso 1; no w n id -''. ib-i I ; 1 1 de l - ( I t ex. t : 1 t i v e - and a'l ot it. d in lie - I a I il"i , .'."il; I hi n i i i. r. llov. Adelbi-n unknown heirs, devisees. pi - e ll ! a t l ves and .-io-- int. re sled in I" 1 t I V l'i. l i e-. .1. e son . A! i s. Hi vcr I ' iini'i" iinktiown: tl .1 in thi lll'l 1-ilSf l known in Win. 'I It s. .ill VI- pl es.'Iil ill teres! ed -;t liel ld.ia n' l.llier- unknown h i i personal I . .-en-ier pefsori intetcsl r U ni T. Kt hei ide. .sae I-el Ions; Itush I . Km h. s ; t h s. Iriin te. s, rier a II ot her pi r persons inti-reste Ann X. Hat pest, lit he rid '. also .le I.e :t liel idi,'. :. 1 be II II I. IIO W II hi t ;-. pel son.i I r e ll nlber pi n mis of lili .I Jane - Klizahetli .li. legatees, personal rep-j devisees, tesatees, iiersoual reirespn- irtnoa (inu nn uiiii-i iiui sons inipre&L- hairs. i'i visf.-n. r.-.-eiitalives and. all other persons in ti rested in the a blate of Alleluia I K. i'.. ,,.:,. ..i-. i-.,-.iv-ii us f !: l-Iannin. dee.-ased; t .e nriknown heirs, devisees, I lena'eos. pet sonal representatives and nil other persons interested in the estate of Alis. Jdiohael I:. Llannin, nrsl real name t'liUriowu. deea-ated; the un known hehs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives and all other per sons interest, d In the a-state of John Kit z;rerald. deea-ased: Alary Kitjrerald, widow of John Kitzirerald. aleeeased; liie nriknow n heirs, uevtsa-es, leKaiees, t ; n:e i.'orin Personal renreseiitatl ves and all ither , aiuarter or tli persons interested in the estate of Mary Kitzverahl, deceased: IOdward .1. Ki tap-era Id: Mary Kltzserahl, his wife; the nriknown heirs, aleviseesi. legatees. ra-pi esa-ntatives and all other persons iiit. ri steil in the e-.state of Kd ward J. Kip'.erald. deeeased: the un known heirs, devisaes, lepalees, per sonal I i'i'" sentaliva-s and all other per sons: Interested in tha- estate of Alary t-'n ze.era Id. deeensfd: John Kft.serald ; Zoiae i'ite,.laid. his wife: the un known heirs, devisees. Icirata-es. per sonal repi'a-.-.ental ives an"! all othiT per sons inti re-led in the estate of Joliu Kitx-;erald. ibeeased; the unkimwri h.ii--. le-atee. personal rep resentatives rnl all other persons in Iilisled in the estate of .orae Kilz-i-':rald. de. eased: William Kaul Kitz--reiald: .Mrs. William I'aul Kl t zsera M. lirst real inline unknown; Alary Lil lian Kit ZiTa-ra Id : the unknown heirs, .i.-viseas. legatees, personal represen tatives and ail ether iersons interest ad in tie a-state ad" Alary Lillian Kitz u. rail, de.easa-d : the unknown ha-irs. 1 . i - s. legatees. iersonal repfa-seii-iat! f.-' and all ether pa-rsons tnter-t- d in the a-state ot" Sin pberd Duke, ale-.i-'.se.l: the unknown heirs, deviseas. ienate.s. hi sfiinil rcpii'Sil! t a 1 1 ves and all other' nelsons Intera-sted in the ad in bts estate,- Thomas J. Aliller, if living, if aleeeased. his unknown heirs. alevisees, legatees, personal iepresen talives and all persons interested in his estate; the unknown heirs, person al representatives and all other per sons interested in the estate of Addie (rimes, deeeased; the unknown owners and unknown claimants uf the south west apiai'tei of ' the northwest ajuarter t.SYV'4 NW'i; the northwest aiuarter l of the southwest ajuarter (XW'i KW a KHa 1 : I I . S.I C'1 : i a 1 1 1 e Sv i;a-. Sa i; e : ol a 'o l-.v tHt. . b . V. . ra mi- Albel t real e-ime ir-. Ilin'ia Knima S.i : .--. I Jial'le Sa - e I ' ii- . ria lUike, alei-eased; Mrs. willow; Lloyd 1 . Len Aliee Saire; William Mrs. William Si;e. first real i.nkno,'. tt. Karl Saire: Airs. Karl lii: t name unknown: t'liarles Mrs. t'liarles Sage, tirst real or: known: .Martha Sare. vvidow; Sa'e: .Mrs. Albert Sae, first unknown: Km ma MKf Sjsi'. real nauii- other enktiown; John Pup, linl.nowa. husband Of K t he unknown l.eirs. I mi', tha it tirsl mma levi- -i es. I'LM'ris, personal ft-pi csrn t a 1 1 es ,t".d all oiler pet-sons interested in the estate ;' Iiarvev W. Sas;'e. ib-i eased : ;;o unknown hehs. devisees, leqrata'es. lei-onal ri pi e-i nt a t i ves and all other ;-eisn::' inteiested ill ti e estate of lai-.ueiu- il. Na deeeased: John lUike; Mr-, .lei ii h:k". lirst teal name un ka ..'.ii: l i.aib-.- loil.e: 'Airs, t'liarles ' li.e. first real name unknown: Lavv i i :: I lorn i ." ; . Krrily A. llorninu; tin: following des. ri led plfipelty. to-wit: '::l I'.la-l: 1 tie lit I. . i :i ri . ot. i: it a . I 111 v ri. e - :: t; e-t IS in-: thirty e::ii rods north .-'ithw est i oi per of the t oitart"!' "f tue southaast f Se.tieii 1-. Taiw nhtp 1 '. io: - l::. .a.-t of the a'.th T AI.. it. il . ot I'a.-s. Xa braska; thence I'd..; ti.eiiee east Ml rials: e.'h.Oi rods: thetiee west 22 . ia smith :.' rods: tlu iKa- 1- to tie plaee of heir i 11 tl i n IT. vi as lots .".7 and .".. in V. '. . ' after of the southeast of -aid Section Lh and lots :. tie west S a. res of lot js. ail if t- I : rt h I i .. I"' and lot of tl:. r t ion 1. i:an-e 1. a ' Tiity in th main ast al! in 'i' a-t of tl a "ass. Xa- southwest I'.iatter of wnsliip 1 -. rtii 1'. Al.. taska: and ' i s i.r hi ..- t h . : 1 1 -of ki. ' . P.! I t t hi ii i - aid ! i oUil'P'li sin: I i: West 'inner ol '. ;;.., t". l". ea-t of n : i 1 1 lli.'ii' rod.-- : I'.-l ' i ' : i : , : n : : ast ' - I . '. t h ' ! t ; . ! I i !.' in: land, pert'- -mil :. .-:!, o-i.-i ' I o it k..O.. I. e.; t iiw a--, lit. : .1' :-: :':. I' x- .a and : r i i , 1 ion i ;-i:t-c L i 'ot: nt v a r I al 11: I ' i laiinitiLr any in ai.d to said real I'.i'f; and I h- Ihi' unknown in,; :in rod corner of t he tbe southeast :. 'i'own-d.ip 1 -'. id ti.e I'. Al.. N.'l.i a-ka : thenee east Ml rods: tin mi' wi'st 3J " rod.-: theme plnee of benin- h-ts .:. .".7 and r,8 liter of the h Seet ion 1 :; and lots es' three ueies of lot t raj. e southwest soalheast iTiatt-r of all in Township 1 east of lie idh 1'. Al.. 1" fas. Xelra-ka: v :iOtitid that on tha is!. plaint ills til- tl.e I 'istria t Court of iss, Xebraska, to unlet til 1 iia I 1-.' of ir sni i n t v i i'Ts' top. to the above described tii-v. it: ( 'omnierieinir thirty rods of the so::thwast a-orni-r af half of the .southwest southwest uuarter (X SW'i SV li 1. all of Seetion nineteen (KM. Township ten (10, North Itane fourteen 14), east of the 6th V. At., Cass county. Nebraska; and all per sons olaimiiis any interest of any kind in said real estate or auy part there of, were defendants. The object anal prayer of which pe tition are to unlet tiie title in the plain tiffs, 11. K. isomer and G. V. Comer, to the southwest uuarter of the north west ajuarter tSW, NW'4 the north west aiuarter of the southwest quarter (NW-4 SW'iK the north half of the southwest uuarter of the southwest luaria r N '-j SW 'j SW '4 I, all of Sec tion nineteen l!Ji. Township ten (ltM, X'urth Kanpe fourteen (U), east of the Oth K. Al., Cass county, Nebraska, haiause said plaintiffs have had the eetual, open, notorious, exclusive anal ailvt-rse possession thereof anal every part and parcel thereof for more than ten years last past priajr to the eom meneament of said action, and for ei.titiible relief. Yam and each of you are further no tified that you are reijuired to an swer said petitinti on or before Alon dav, the 15th dav- of September, 1919. II. K. COAIKH, ii. XV. COM Kit. Plaintiffs. C. A. liAWLe, jJ8-tw Attorney i.i:;i, .ctice To William Bennett, if llviiip, if de-i-i'aseil, his unknown heirs, tievisees. b-:;atees. personal representatives and all otha-r pf-rsans interested in the es tata ad William HennetC. all persons interested in the estate of Jackson ti Oldham, deceased, ineludin? creditors and a la ts : iiui and eacli ol you are liereby no- tilled that on the 1'th day of July, lull, a petition was liled in the Dis trict Court of Cass eountv- Xebraska, in which v. Ct. Iloedeker was plaln- tilT and William Bennett, if living. If .lea casoil, his unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all aither persons itita'resteal in the es tata of William Bennett and all per sons inteu'c-ti-al in t lie estate of Jack son a;, oldham, aleaeasad, incluilin; creditors and elainiauts, were alelen ilant?. '1 hi object and prayer of which pe tit ion tire to apiiet the title in the plaintiff. W. tl. ltoedeker. to Lot two (i'i oi the southwest oiiarler of the southwest iiuarter (SW., SV of See' ion nineteen ( l'.M anal Lot one (1) in tie southeast uuarter of the south- vest iiuarter aSK'i SW, of Section thirty (."Oi; and trie west half of the not th west ipiarter (W'j XW.) and the west half of the siujt Invest aiuar ter tu i; sv. '., of Section thirty toi'i ail in Township eleven (11). North kans" fourteen (Hi. east of the Cth i AI.. -Cass eountj. Xetuaska. because said plnir.tiff l as had the actual, open, not irnms, exclusive and adverse pos session theteof. and every part and par-el thereof for more than ten years last past prior to the commencement aif said action, anal for equitable re lief. You and eai h of you are further ti'.tiiird that you are rerjutred to an swa r salal petition on or before Mon- alaj, the 15tli dav af Septemner. 191S W. J. BOKr-KKKK, I'laintiff. C. A. KAWU jll-Uw Attorney. th -1 li l-e I i es in lh. ! :im 'I !i mill-in, all oti. er .-r : ia- ..r I ';. iu h-iUfr l;. known ia '. b va I s. personal id Jill otl.ev person 1 -late of 111,,-ir I', tl.e unknown leii: tl.e estate a.f a.-ed: a Uivcr I". Ty Tyson. lirst r al iinknovvii heirs l epl esetlta- I 11 t i'l I S I ed Timid, ,le i. ilevisees. ) 1 I smial tepresentatives I'lison- i n tares tad in Mrs. olivet- I". T son. ' on k mil, n, decea-e.l; ek: Al.iry A. Leak: the lis. ilevisees. Iei;at sonal repri sentat i . s an Sons inla-l es 1 ed in the Ledger lie. k. deceased; heir-, ibvisees. h-;ratce-! le.-i nt a 1 1 ves and rill olhei and 1 st t. all aulier pau'-i-state aif St. tha iinkriowii personal reii- persons Pi 's, TELEPHONE 138 I-, ,, , , st;,fe l M.n v A. hi', k, j. cased: len jel Alcllvnv. also knowil as I ..tiiel Mellvoi-s ; Martha A. rd-llvoy nho 1. 00 n 11 ;, Atari ha A. Alellvorv; the niiliiiDW ii l-ii-, 1I1 visi'i s, logatii's, pei-iotial malivi s ntnl all otha-,' p-rsons nt- tested mi the astale aif in'i.iel Mclio,, also known as lan Ul Mi I Ivory, ile.a a.od ; t he unknown .Irs. devisees, legatees, personal rep-ra-sa-ntal i ves and nil oth-r peivcns 111 lirasteil in the estate of .Martha A. Me. ll'.oy. :!! known as .Martha A. Alall vor.v. ilfi"UM-,l: the unknown heirs di-v i.-ccs. legatees, personal represen tatives and all o.hi-r persons Interest ed in li: estate of Xoah U. Hobbs, ale censed; the unknown ha irs, ilevlsei s. U'ata-es. personal representatives and ail other parsons interested in th estate of Mrs. Xoah li. Hohhs. first, rial name unknown, deceased; Alich ne I-:. Maunin. alo known as Al. K Itaiatiin; Airs. Aliehael 10. Bannin. first real name unknown; the unknown 1 - 1 1 h v. ,11 in 'l'i Kan!.--t ! Count t in r; ! efiotl LI. I-".. east of ef Cass. Ni ma 11 s 'li e ni.-: th - Uni.. im v n ii Is: ut!. :d lie Si .11 t p: the soutliaast Township 1-. the htii I. Al.. hraska : tha-nee mi' east SO rods: N; theiica' west :. h ::n i-' il ua 1 ! lot Ilia ! tl I I Se. A Ulil ll 111 tie -I 1 nf ; the , and its "s. .,7 pia 1 tf-r ot aid Section st three lot .".'i in the southa 1 : l: .11 ast .Is: tl.a-nca- wa-s! beu i I) 11 in u. and i'lld f,s in t'ie tha- southeast Lh and lots 1. arras of bit 'J the south wa-s 1st aiuarter of f .'i 1 1 ' : -' in T ownslnp of tiie litil 1'. .f 'ass. Xebraska. adverse possi'ssioti "ii IL" ,: nt th ill-elves a:'.! their grantors for tuor n l u ;i 1 s prior to the a ommenca nt of sail' suit and to enjoin eaa I ali o! v. 01 irotu having or claim iinv null, title. Ion or intata-s r h ii'n I or ilable, in or to r any part tha-reof; to iimiiiii to set forth your right, tilb 1 or ,-itei-est thetein. If any al or equitable, and to hav ti same adi'irlged inferior to the lil! of phiinlifl's a. id for general equitable r-lief. Tl;i s 01 ili'i' ill:' r Ik le nt ic. the is made pursuant to th court. You are reuunei to answaf said petition on or hefoi Mo'idav. Si pleniber 1'-'. 11 1 0. or your detaalt will be dulv- enter. fl therein. liiTU il. SC1HKMAX. CKLKS C. I 'A KA1KLK. JAMKS W. SACK. Plaintiffs. W. A. KOBKKTSOX. lu-.av. Atty. for Plaintiffs. To Mis. John SiiMlor, tirst real name unknonii. wife or John Snyaler: San fa. id W. Soratkii, if living. If deceas !. bis unknown heirs, alevisees. lega tei s. personal renreae nf ati ves aii'l all other pet-sous interested in his estate Win. 11. Smatliii. if living, if deceas ed, his unknown heirs, alevisees. lega tees, personal 1 a tu esentat ives anal all 'her parsons interested in his estate Wm. li. Spratlen. if living. If deceas ed, his unknown heirs, alevisees, t. es. personal 1 a-nieseu t a I i ves and all her Pi I'sui's inta'i esteti ill his estate Thomas J. Miller, if living, if deeeas- I. his unknown ha'irs, alevisees, lega- tiM'S. personal representatives and all other pad'sauis It) t au s t eal in his estate; the unknown heirs, personal represen tatives and .ill otha-r persons Interest- at in 1 hp a'.-tnte of Aalalie lirimes. ele- asad: the unknown owners anal un known a la imams of the sfiuthwest inarter of the northwest aiuarter (SW 't MVi,i; 11, e northwest uuarter of the southwest iniarta-r iNff'i S W,i ) 1 the north half of tha- southwest aiuar ter of lh" Miutiiavest aiuarter (X'i SW SW'il all of Section nineteen (10), Township ten 1 tin. North Kan'-te four- 11 til), east aif the Hth 1. At.. Cass ounty, a hiaska. and all persons hiiming any interest ad' any kind in said raal a-state. or any part thereof: You and each of von are hereby no tified that on the -t'th alay of July, r.'IH. a partition was (ileal iu tiie lis- ict e'ourt of a'uss county. Nebraska, 111 which 11. K. Comer 11 mi e!. W. comer were plaintiffs, ami Airs. John Snyder, fi.-st real name unknown. wife of oiin Snyaler; Sent'ord W. Spratlen, If ivin-f. if ileaa-aseal. his unknown heirs. vi.-ees. leuatees. persauial represen tatives and ali other persons Interest eal ia his istatu Win. II. Spratll.n, if living, if lecaased. his unknown heirs j isea-s, legatees, personal I.F.tiA Ii AenilK To William Bennett, if living. If de-a-easeal, his unknown heirs, devisees, legata-es. personal representatives and other persons interested in the es tate af William Bennett: Wm. H. Shi panl. if living, if aleeeased. his un known l a irs. devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives and ali other persops interested in the a-state of Wm. ll. Shepard; John H. Burnham. if living, if aiea-easeal, iiis unknown heirs, devisees, legatevs. personal representa-tiva-s and all other persons inteiesteai in the e'state of John H. Burnham: You and each of you are hereby notified that on the :11st day aif July, I'.'l'J. a petition was rtled in the l'is trict Tiiurt of Cass county, Nebraska, in which Anna White, formerly Anna Younu: Catherine ejapen. formerly Catherine Young; Viola Wiley, form ally Viola Yamng; Isahelle Voiing:, nur ton Young and Arthur Y'oung. were aiefemla tits, and William Bennett. if living, if di-a-a'aseil, Ii its unknown heirs, lievi-i'es. hi-ataes. personal represen tatives and all other persons inter ested in the estate of William Ben mtt: Win. II. Shepard. if living, if de ceased, his unknown heirs, devisees. legatees, personal rf-prcsenta t ives and all other persons interesteai in the estate of AVm. II. Shepard: John II liumham. if living, if deceased, his unknown heirs. alevisees. legatees pa-rsonal representatives anal all other pa iba.iis interested in the estate of John 11. Burnham. were defendants. The object and prayer of which pe tition are to apiiet the title in the plaintiffs. Anna White, formerly Anna Y'o-ing: Catherine Capen, formerly Catherine Young; Viola Wiley, form erly Viola Y'oung; Isabelle Young. Biiiton Y'oim and Arthur Young, to Lot four ( -1 ) in the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter (SKVi SVY r, ) ; Lot live (a) In the northeast quarter af the southwest quarter (NEU SW u): Lot fourteen a 14 1 in the northeast aiuarter of the southeast quarter (XK'i Si:U): IiOt fifteen (1,1) in the north- wa-st quarter of the southeast aiuarter (XW4 Si:i): the south half or the southeast uuarter (SVfe SKVt). all in Section thirteen (13). Township eleven 1 Mi North Banue thirteen (13). eas of the ilh P. AI. : also the west half of the southwest aiuarter ( V SW1!) of Section eighteen (18). Township eleven all). North Range fourteen (14) aast of the 6th P. M.. Cass eounty, Ne braska, because said plamtltts nave had 1 he actual, open, notorious, ex clusive and adverse possession there of, and every uart and parcel thereof tnr morn than ten vears lasi vu? nrlnr to the commencement or saia .leiion nnd for euuitable reiiei. A'ou and each of you are iuriner notiiied that vou are required to ewer said petition on or ucmic day, the Sth day of September, A IN .X A H IIUI.. Korinerly Anna Young CATHKKINK CAPKN Kormerlv Catherine Young VIOLA WILEY", Kormerly Viola Young ISABELLE YOUNG, Bl.KTON Y'OUNG. ARTHUR YOUNG, Plaintiffs C. A. ItAWLS, Attorney. 1 1 ll WsJ B 1 1 B4 fir a i The Kind You Have Always Bought, and xvmch has been n uob ku wcr imny years, nas borne the ri-nature cf ana has beea B2i!ii ur-'.or Vi. sonal supervision since its infancy. ( uuiYLnuu tiuce us miancy. Allow nn i .na e. A, r : ... m uci.nvc yeU in mis. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-r;oad ' ere but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of H, Snd Children Experience airs ETp-rirnent. c What is CASTORIA Castona is a harmless substitute for Castor 0i', Paregoric Drops and .Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine aor other narcotic suhctarre. Its Hge is its guarantee. For more than thirty vears jt hcs beer in constant us for the relief of Constlpati-r-", !atuienr Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Fever .-..hnsss ari ing therefrcm, and by regulating the Stomach ard Icwe's, aid the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural Ekto. The Children's Panacea Tbe Mother's Frieni. genuine CASTORS A ALWAYS Bears the Sismature cf r In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought counly, NbrH.;kii. tifii-.l 1 .!!'. trk-t tri-t ev.urt cf Ch In winch Ltlw ar.I 't;?rn : wh.s l-lain-tiff anil e'al'-b A. Woolrnan. if living, if dee-enseil. tlip unknown lieirs, 1'evi .re8, lfKatt-e.s, iioiponal t e rireKer.tati vc and all otlier'ij intertstnl in tlio estate of C'aleli A. AVoolnian, Susanna Woulman, if livintr, if iW-fasel. !". liliKlinwii liflls. ir- iFffcs. l.'gal.'Cs, omil i epr-sf ntat i ves and persons intereste-d in the tlj;it r.-l i. .1; I I. e"' i-i v I i. 1 itcit'ir. Lt-Ftor, known sot';' 1 I' all other I 'anirl estate of Mr.u;,-., ritisanna Woolrnan; Ausustus C. Wool- man, if living, if deceased, the un known heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives and all oilier persons .interested in the estate of Augustus C. Woolrnan; the unknown owners ami claimants of tho South east onartcr tljKit of tfeition fight (ill. Township twelve (lit. North liarixe twelve (12), East of the titli k no v.-u uit of Ii dj (iuv Ii Wi'fe iK-irs, ii -, ;, , w,...i .'It. les X. i:.-v if liwiiiir htirs, i lull a ,i - li .1 in l ';'.-. -..iin! . .. I. 1 :. Ut .--t-jr.. i 'i f rl. ii. .-tor tin. I l'i ;i!n i in 1 l.l -. ii n l tl. visei-::, . ira t , ti- -l- iMi.l i-ll i ii, t;:.. t ; .Mi:-- M.irv it' deceased. 1 1. visi t s. 1. at' t .-, .1 .il . . : 1; I . K. MTI -!!! -I'll soi.iM rei.ri-si ntatives ! ' rsur.s interested in Miss Mary .lane Moore: ley, if living, if deceased, lieirs, devisees, legatees, resetitatives and all oti,. terestcd in the Mate of ley; salmon l;i:i t ruin, if ceased, the unknown personal rept .lav u n - l.l ! - other P. M., Cass county, Nebraska, and all leat'-i-s. persons claiming any interest of any all other p. inns int' i '-sti kind in said real estate, or any pai t tate of Sal-nun 1 rt t uni tliereof, were defendants. j Uttrtruiii, if if il and a! tl.e tut o ' John S. I rir t In- :i k tmw ii pels 1 1 ;i 1 r ;.- I- p. i ..., i ti - .Tohn M. !;,.. living, if ile- irs, .lev i.-ees. ie n t ;; t i - a i. i 1 ra t h.- -Mary c m- !, t ' The object and prayer of which pe-I unknown l. irs. .i.-visee-s, li iit.c-, pi r 1 1 1 1 on are f quiet the title in the sonal npi .:. ra 1 1 ves aii'l all otii.r i plaint in. I-.d aril ejiner In the Southeast quarter (SE'ji of Suction eifriit (S). Township twelve 1.12). North llanxc twelve (12). Kast of the Cth P. M.. Cass county. Nebraska, heoaiise said plaintiff has had the actual, open, notorious, exclusive and adverse pos session thereof, and every part and parcel thereof, for more than ten years last prior to the commencement of said action, and for equitable relief. Vou and eaeh of you are further notified that you are required to an swer said petition on or before Mon day the lirst dav of September. 1S19. KDWAKD WKGHNEH. Plaintiff. C. A. IiAWLS, jll-sw20days. Attorney. i sons lMti-rcste.l in tin1 estate ol Mur' Jane Tiiirtrnin; the unknown uw im-i and unknown claimants of the noiih east quarter l.NK'i I of Section nine teen ill'' Township twelve (lJl. North l:ne;e thirteen (1", fast of the Ulh P. M., e'ass county. N braska, atnl ail other pit sons, flaiininv. any irit.t.-t of any kind i'i said teal est.i!., m any part tl.fie 'f. were d fei.da nt . Tie clject tin-i ptuv-r of v.oo:i pe tition are to quiet the till" in th tdaintilfs. ,ic!n ll. llestor. e'hailis K. Ill stor, eluy II. Hi stor and 1'i an. is M J'.estor to the norti.east quarUr i N i; 1 , i of Section n in.: t-en 1J. Township twelve il.'l, North lljiv thirteen it:, east of the 6th I". M.. i'a- co'iuly. .. -I raska, because sai l plaintiff . I:a had the actual, open, notorious, exclu sive and adverse possession thereof, and every putt and parcel thereof f. r more than ton years last past prior the commencement of said tut inu, aid fur cquitahle relief. You and each of you are fnithii notified that on arc re.;i.iie. to :i'i sv rr sr. id petition on i.r lni..i.. Mon day the tirst dav of Sent m her, I'jl'j. ADA li. i:r:srei:. cH.Mii.Ks K. i;i :.-T ii:. elKV il. PKSTdl;. FIlANClrf M. IJKSTMl:. I 'la in 1 1 tl;,. C. A. IIAWLS, Attorney. JM-ow. LKGAIi AOTICK To the tinknov.n heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives, and all other persons interested in llie estai of lianiel N. llestor; Miss Mary Jane Muort', if living, if deceased, the unknown heirs, tievisees, U'fjatees, per sonal representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of Miss Mary Jane Moore: John S. Darley. if living-.' if deceased, the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal tep resentatives and all other persons in terested in the estate of John S. Dar ley; Salmon Uurtrum, if livinp, if de ceased, the unknown lieirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other oers. ns interested in the es tate of Salmon Uurtrum; Mary Jane Uurtrum, if living, if deceased, the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal reDresentati ves and ali other persons interested in the estate of Mary, Jane Uurtrum: the unknown owners; and unknown claimants f the north east ouarter iNKUl of Section nine teen (19. Township twelve (PJ). North llanare thirteen (13). east of the 6th J. j. M., Cass county. Nebraska, tind all . other persons claiming any interest of . V any kind in said real estate, or anyi.J. part thereof: ...U-VM-!..?. A J.?.V-'?- Vou and each of you arc lietetiy no- . . "i- . i .. . . . . ...... Don't forge-t us when jou want iv. eat or proccries for harvest. We can tako curt: of you, jutt iihone No. 4, anil wc will have your order up. HATT & SON. an Mon 1919. til t i V t'v: 1 (l ,1 ..ii ..,..! r.ersntis Interest-' l ou eii i.i hi ,.sii. um. II. Suratlen. if tified that living, i deceased, hia unknown heirs, 1919. a LMUAL MOTIC'K Tn i'iIv. A Woolrnan. if livlne. If deceased, the unknown heirs, aevis.ees. legatees, perstuial represeniainea all other persons interesieu iu me ate of Caleb A. Wooiman; nusauna Woolrnan. if livlnjr. ir cieceasea, me unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives ana an "'f-e. persons interested in tlie esiaie o Susanna Woolrnan; augu&ius n:.n. if llvinir. If deceasea, me uu- i ...... .. l i.c .loi KPM. leiraiees. i'ci lHU H " ' . . . . . . - ... , , llrt ,.ni et-iif e.oii a 1 1 ves anu an uwici " -: . f persons Interestea in nm coiic Augustus C. Woolrnan; the unknown owneis ana uimnown iimoii-.oi the soutlieast quarter or tecuuo hbui (S) . Township twelve tiij. .."'' L mere twelve tl-. c-asi ui '", M.. Cass county. Nebraska, and all persons claiming; any ime'"!- kind in said real estate, or any retresen- thereof. and each of you are hereby no-i on the 23rd day of June.l petition was filed la tne d Farm for Sale by wner 160 ACES 40 acres in alfalfa, 20 acres in excellent creek pasture, 25 acres until lately in clover and alfalfa. Balance bottom land deep rich soil. This farm has been enriched by stock and crop rotation for years. Located in Cass county, V4 miles from proposed State Highway, 20 miles from Lincoln, 32 miles ffoin AJvo, 5 miles from Greenwood. Owner wishes to retire from active farming and will take $250.00 per acre if sold during month of August, 191 9. A 36-year Federal Farm Loan of $9500.00 could be transferred to purchaser. Address pr call F. Rfl. PROUTY, R. F. D., AIvo, Nebraska A ii. rr