. - ye i . THURSDAY, AncWST V. 7'JJ'V Cbc plattsmoutb Journal FUIiLISHZB SELII-WEEXLY AT PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA Un'.-re.l at I osto'Tice. IMattsmouth. Neb., as Bcconl-clai mall matter R. A. BATES, Publisher Gus:cr.iriioK pilice $2.00 Vi!li..m II. Taft know.: that the j formation .r a of notions would h.ile-n pi nee. and My: t lie e-onrlii icii t f j so. Certain r--m l: - h:'ii -'liafors dooM ' -s have- t i"' i li.-H- f Imi no' 1. f : ir:ic- :o:- .1 I Tlu' auui:.-l ho.l - d' ser.aiirs l Wa hinton wl." h.iv he: n mi it:-j du:ri.u-ly trying to fin I fault with j flu- of the p au- v. it "a j C-ri: :Miy. s'uo.iM u--t i.t touch ill.. 1 1 ri t i 1 1 i :r :-.. ie. w i ere j 1 !n v iii ti::;' i' ' !'' in i-'ii-j . r .l wool. I i.n Lr 1 - i-Mii-ry ant . :: r c ;.e t iiii !! ! ; e I r;c. !" : ' t : u :o: if th.e Man i! ileijKicra i em e i':" i I t.e ;: i r t he '. . ' o of a pr -idt lit and th" iiii-?-uocrai ;' tc:iat:rs a::.! ri - re.-ioi at ; '. e -. t! so!.li r-; ff ll:--have :;e a-ht di.-aid.d American v. orl.l w..r v ': ! :i!!r ;;s regards ;.d? - ', onate v.ia'i. -ial t rair.it... Hut the ' i rt-i uhlican pr.rty cn:ld have p-jtnted J to au' ther xa'nple :' parry . cirncy in saviv.' t nat ;o: s I.: -:o: If Senator I! ir.i'i really w. n;s ;i i refirendi.nl ti.- Kmmi" "-' na- iot;s. :iT:d doe.- "r. pre.-nt a very inteliiu' "it i ntriutic ensti- tti'ti." he can l!;in a quick, answer Lv resign it: -4 his toira and. reuirnir.'-r to Idaho f.r indica tion. Perlrtp'- iii- relr.r-tar.re is due to a recollection of what happened to Senators Ko-c x- Conklinic and Thonia.s t'oliit r i'l.itt in New York in I 1S1. Cliairttiau Hays fHor- a league of nation-. f-ors the K'iox re.-o'u-ti'-n ii'-.d the other oh.-:truetive tac tics of tiio rcpuhii'.an t (i;a t er.-. favors th' repuidiran plan (f shNrt dealinir v. ith o!d1rrs vdl as th-: partpo r.'.-- that arr t: in th. hudership i:i tl; co-intry's indus trial and icial reccitrur-; :m- in f; (!. f,iirs :.:: aiiythi".? e.i hap 1o ark WiHio i-b. ot. iii- - all things to all men. :o: IHfti the mo.-t unreasonable o poneni of t bo league if nations, will admit that tlcrmany would never have started the war if she hi d believed Enshind would s'ae.d !v France and that the Pnited Stntfs iniuiit ever be drawn into th cinfliet. Threfi rc, with the nations bound by the covenant o the It-au". who will be left to start a war? Or if any nation were left .ut. would ih" dare? Ask any oppo nent of the league of nations. Th' marine and seamen's division of the war ri.sk insurance bureau closes its activities with the record of l aving operated at a net. profit of la. re than ? 1 7.000. 0(). This with the $.,Mtn.n0i appropriated by congress at the outbreak of the world war as a sinkiim fund will be returned to the government. The division has made the record of op erating at a profit and of supplying insurance airainst the submarine danger to men, ships and cargoes at a time when private corporations would accept no risks. I iiiiiiLX i i sit m CCS. INVESTMENTS Public Service Corporation Paying a A v Can be had in amcurdt of $100 PAUL FITZGERALD, Investment Securities First National Bank B!d'ff, 'ri Omaha, Ncb. u I r per yeah in advance HASHED PREACHMENT AND THINKOLOGY ! A Ijoii.c lighter can't li-jil a littl hit. j 1 'i(l ess rs and cnw.s I foreheads. hav hih 'itriosit v r. i. e l I. la.' tlu (..'arden of Kd.-n. It is awful to he a jacna.-s ami hive earache. pur; tied hy v.oina n is a poor spri a t or. Home ir.i'I' ice ireatu l::s Ii,i.:er n;nr;. in n Mind your own hu.-iin.- and u ! -onio to mind. WY'T'ien's tears are c;;;:H"l h huhands and onions. It is fierce for a lo- anned i. :;.:! to have the itch. Th" li' skirt was w,.r?i in Kotio-. No wonder K' i:." hov. led. Xevcr put a $l)n ..-addle on a ?." horse. The Apcstlos were !i i t rmen. not plutocrats. it' TRANSCENDS PARTY IITTERESTc There are plentiful si;;:'.- that thousands of American n'-ii and wdiik ii both within and beyond the pah of politic;:! parties have ap proved and are heeding Provider.! (Wilson's r;'ijic.-t. Hat the lea.-ue o'" nations he not considered as a par itisan issue, l-'ormer President Taft. Kormer Attorney Ceneral Wicker- 'sham and Kormer Senator Uurton Ohio are anions the notable repub- i i licans who are urrinrj rat i!if:it !. of the k-iiKiir by the I'nit'd '"!ute Senate, but they are not alone in this advocacy. Ucports frun every section of the country show tlril imn :. e-. wen-'-n who doubtless have political pt crciiCM tire sulvordii.atir.iT the.-1 ; tl-i-ir love of country; that thir concern for ieace in the world, m." ami hereafter, transcends their ; r;arrl for names and slogans e.' parties. The Icasiii! has been the subject of many indorse r.ienfs !. ot aniat ions representing al!-. : I everv sort of inter-:.-? and activity- commercial, indu.-fial. cconomie. eivic and patriotic. In the mem bership of these organizations there must have been men and voiu?u rd dilTerent and dissident po!itie; 1 views, but they seem to havo been one in their Ie lief that the league of nations is an insurance against war, and one also in their wi-ih to establish it without delay. Hostile senators may continue to attract attention by their vocifir (ous opposition, but their din is ni measure of the league's popularity. There are thousands ttill silent who will express themselves in a voice of thunder when they know t he time ban come. -:o:- H0N0R BUTTONS READY FOR ALL IN WORLD WAR The victory button coinniemcrat ina; service in the world war is now being distributed by the war eb-part-inen te every man enlisted in the American force since April 0, 1917. Two hundred thousand silver but tons have been manufactured for distribution to men wounded in the war. Approximately 500,000 bronze buttons for men who served abroad but who were not wounded, have already been manufactured. Manu facture of the bronze buttons will be continued at the rate eif 2."0.000 a week until all the demand.- are supplied. These buttons can Le- obtained at the various army posts,' recruiting stations and zone supply offices upon presentation of honorable discharge. The war department Is now nc gotiatiemg contracts for the victory ribbon and stars and bars t o be is- ciir.rl t r HinQn whn Kervnrl In uvirlfl war engagements and those who re- j this process no fair-minded citizen ceived citations for valor. Approxi- ( war.tr to do any injustice to tne pro niately 507.000 yards of this ribbon ' ducers. The farmers and gardeners will he manufactured at the rate of la.iidO yards a week. -:o: . REVENUE COLLECTION DISTRICTS REARRANGED Plans for the rearrangement e f the Mty-ie.i.r internal revenue "! - lectinii elMriets have hecn a rni.i't he- ed hy Cuninissioli.T Daniel ( '. Kon- er which will slvo to rai-h state. the e xee id i..n of Nev.nl i. a 1 m rati' collect ton ilirtrict. Th' plans also provide for the e t-ili ih- I nieiil of a permanent per: oiial ser vice headquarters in every impoii- ant city in the country. An executive order signed by the i.i;'nt abolishes t:n collection di-tricts and consolidates them wit'i ten others. If also creates ten ik v. districts in states which do no! mv have separate colWM ion dist rict The ,.rder is efleilive August 1. The pun ore of the thanue i to : erve- th. t; xp:;y. r: more Tu-i-"--! 1 1 by peuing dii.-ioii and. -u ' -; 1 i v : - headquarters it itnporian! eeu, ers and to t:se the collectors' ofiic; a; elearing heu.-s and a e; a: nt i i:; e liter:: for the bureau at Wa:hi:iM- !i-:i. Tiie plan doe- not (any v.ifr i; the appi.Tut men? r.f a large num ber of new employee.-, bu' p-'ov::'.'' for th.'' more ciTee'ivt- utilisation : : !:, present field force and will ma'.e f. r !:igher e!!'.riency. "The- new plan." said l'ini:i!ii'i'" e- lioper. "w hen i:i full opera t io;: . ' ci.nteiarlate'S that tl,e pio;:l? e f ev i ry ror;;i:iunity v to the niimbv'r . of federal taxpayers requires it. hi. all be a-sured that within . j reach is a brau'di revenue- olhce. open at all limes, where the- tax-! payer ca?i eo for blank:-, advice" am! . c.pert assistance in making his ta.xj re turn and payitig his taxes, thus i t sa ving him worries and pcns-.ll i-s. ami relieving the .service of tie! pte.-ent ovcrwhe'lming coiige-tioti in j i tie central collection oniev. ; -:o:- rCOD COST IS FUNDAMENTAL, The declaration made by the rail road brotherhood.-, that either tiiti; wages must be- raised again er tie hive an unpleasant sound te t"a ; rest of the public, but its e-hect should be good. For it involve a i il'.- I "t ;l. I at.' of the southwest O-lar- ; ; . i . f li." i-eat hu . - I eiai I. I : tacit recognition of a fact too ofic.:lsV'.. :.:t of S"iieu nir..te.n i;". Tou n.-liip tin !". N'M-tn J.ane f .u. I - lost, sight of il. r-wt el.it ni.l. the government strike at the root this cost-of-living disease instead haling with mere-, symptoms. ;t get nowhere. The1 same truth i fore-cd home by the IVnnsylvani coal men, who point out that it t- v e'ue.stion of high wages er low -t food either alternative' will .sui t hem. As a mitltr of fact, the I : : t -alternative is bvtter in every v.vy because it is fundamental. Hei:'n' experience has proved tiie futility oi merely raising wages as a mean of maintaining living standard:. When wages are; raised in one occu pation, soon they have to be raise'! in another, and so on, until all have been brought up to the nev staneiard. Hy that time the proec--litis to begin again. And so it gee in an endless round, wages ati'; salaries always trying to reach th, vanishing end of the rainbow i f comfortable living. It is logical enough. As soon as wages are raised in any ind;is!y. the proelucts of that industry e-o.-t more. This means that the niei working in other industries have to pay more of their earnings to buy the products ef this industry. So their wage's have to be raised. Then everybeiily else lias to pay more ii.i the products of that industry. Hut back of all thh symptom treating is the' fundamental indurtr ef agriculture, the industry which exists before all others, on which all others depend. If foodstuffs can be held down, there will not be tie same, need of raising pay in the e.. It er industries. For the basic, need f everybody will he met. And wnen it is met without undue hardship on anybody, the prices of all either commodities are kept, down accord ingly. It is understood, of course, that in and cattlemen and herdsmen must make ' a living. But few people t d.inht tliat the produeers would he assured of adequate returns with- ! out keeping whoU--sale and retail i prices tip to their present level. It ,s , ,)C ri.nieilli,erfl, too. that if ',,,,. ,irit.,.s (r ,)(hpr products could 1(nv(.rrd. ,irodiie-ers would not ' m.(i(, hh a ra(w (f protit ,., : s .ves a on,(r , supply themselves i with the various necessaries and comforts of life. :o: j . i-ttia was given se ve:i days j .o ue- in which to sign the peace i T'.i:. At th.e end of that tune she- I vimt sign or )ier name will be hanged to Kauotria. j The supren.e allied war council h s decided .to igtmre IMhmann liollv.rg's pba t rtand trial for the' .'ormer !c: nuni e'mperer. "Why -!. n't yi-i; siea'.. for xourself, John?" Coventor .ie Kelvie received i ill. i r se v re :lap ein the- wrist riat- u rd lr- m the members of the low- er ho! e of th.e legislature. v i: n iti:ins t.l I e t.l-.isiwl, '.-!SS ,i: II..' ill ll ... e I -.ei; I y urt. I ! e llOi I ! I-:.-late of An- ':i, il. , I-.-..J . aseii: . : . I' s li.l tate: 1, Ii ,:ia..l ti.ai I wri : I I '"l I ; I 1 ' I , t . i mi: :i:ei N. .. . .. a. o: .1 .-.,(!!:::,' . - i - . , with ..i :,' e:et a:' ...I 1 .,- tl.. .. ..in.-; sai'l i , . 1 1 ! ! i I J ' : II.' ; t , i i''! i i -1 1 1 ! 1 1 in i .a 1 1 ' . i. 'i 1 v . a A u .; iisl I -:i. I. er i: l''l-'. " . i . ;o Ii ilay I" I ' iv' all rl.lltn- al'lli.-t s.'t i view to tl.i-ir a.ljust-A- 1;.. I line i. in it i ii la t ien " ;' el a i ii. - . ; l.,'l'- l-i 1 '.I ' lll"lll I ; i-f An;: us? 1 li!:i,. li-i-ite'i l"i- !''.' j nil., veif f 1 1 1 1 Mi" 1 ;, a ml t l-e .--I'll 1 'niirt tins 7l!i 'lay " .i.i.i:n .t r.Ki'"N. County Jiole. 1 1 I of Wl! -:- tl ii !! '"ani -.Inly. J Hf.'. (S.all j I 4 - V l.i:e;i. M.ini. IT .1 .0; li m r. ti i 1 re. lv i : . .,r ' .l.il.n sn 'i' l till' : t. - .! W. .-p.-at'eii. il !'vi"-- lf lakn.iv 1 1 :.-irs. oi . i--ee, -.i i .-..::.il i. " e..-iiOitives aie! a: .ll.t.- Olt'O'-Sleil 111 1 .is e.-tll'..- Sorati'H. if livin-. if "le.-. as :.1l;e..-..-t l.eo-s. .i.-vise . s. b-gi ..-ei'iil r.ir. .-''iitat in i'S aiel a . ? !. i e t'-a :a i is e-ta.- i i' . il .1. i. i I. i -. I" . i i sea! !':!. if 1 i in--.. O" aakii wn t.i Jr.-. le .-.Mi.' i i ' i. O-1 i .1. -. l.-e i- a I.. I -'o - ta Ie -t : 1,111- 1 1 l I 1' 1 ; ' u ill ' ,! X" : , ' -v. : t 1 : vi e. if '!.-. ! . : , I . .- I i '. i lx T : " i i i I . . . . -1 - 1 1 -1 1 i ' ' : ii . . r : .e r.- "li m ' : vi.-e,-.-, : a - I ii 1 i a !"l a 1 in iiis e-ta'.e i ioi :i I i s l Mi .1 111 the . as. .i; t!;. I: ;,. i .- ..tin i I , r i i ".'is latere . t I' .i'.i'. ie ' I l il ies, I.. v M owners iiinl on all 1 1 1 ::ie.vn e a: inn i. : s ,,- i,.,. ; l,w est i, carter (SA NW'.i; the ii'iiliW'-st iiiartiT oi i.uet Iter ( N VV ' I S V ' I I !.... ill. nl" the t.lli I. M.. e.ass j i-i 'ii a i . I a i ai i i NVLiiukii, ami all er.-on an- intei'.-t of any liOnl I" . .( i Vl.'l tilie.l l!i ! :'. i . . t eal itI.iI., "i- a:i. part iiu ii'o. , .nil i o li "f "ii are hereby ii" ;.iat on H e '-th !ay f .InU. a petit:. -n u.is tile.l ill the I :.-- .1 e i "lino . ..-.w. ,-ti v iii'h !l I-', e'eiii.-i a in- 'i. W. .. ... .. ..i ; mi i n - : i ii.l .Mrs. .loan n : !' e one r li.Vi'.er. lost i il nano ..i,L imiu ii. wile i ' ' .lohn Stivil.-i ; Saal.'I'l s-l'iai on. n rvii-,'. if -a.-. :. his eaknown lno.-. ti. vise-..-, legatees. I'l isoaal re jwesea-tativ.-s ai.'i all oi.i..-r ei-"ns in teres. -..I in his i.i.ili', Win. It. fpratlm. . livin-. lf el.-eeasi .!. hi- niikie'Wn hens .l.V.lse.s. legatees. l'l'S'.:i.ll i-.-presen- tiv-s ami ill! on er persons interest ed in his . slate: Wia. H. Sprat ten., :l living, if 'I'-e. a -i-i, hi- unknown h.-ii.-.h visees, l. -atei s. (leisonal n pres. 11 tative s ami all e.ti er persons interest . o j,, I if e.-la'.e. Tliomas .1. Miller. It 'ivi'i- if il.-eeas. el, his I, ll k now n la-ir--. e. -v oc's, legate..-, personal represeti -tal Ives and' ai! pe-r.-ons intert sted in his e.-t;ite: tin- mikiiown heirs, person al representatives and all other I";' solis inle'iesl.-d ia the- e-tale e.f Ael.ilt-i;riiin-. eleee-n.-erl : the niikriowu oXMiei . aml iui1.iii.wii ehiiinaiils- of the south west iinartei m the riorlhwe.-l niiiirtt. (SV.i, NW',): the iiorthwe.-t iiiarlei of th- .-outhwest iuarri r (NW 'i s. ',: the mirtli half e.l the s'ulhwis! (i.i.i!"i- of tie .-out I: west quarter '. SW'i S'i,i. all of Seetioil tiine'ieei ilin. Township' ten (I'M. North ltar;"' toiiit'.ti 111), east of the' nth l '. M l.'ass eoiuity, Nel.iiisUa: iiu.l a" per sons eiaiititi'ig iiin ititi-re-t of iin- knel in said le-al estate "i any l'art tliere o;', v. t re .lefendii n ts. I'll.- ohjeet ami prayer of whie li pe tition aie- to iuiet the title in the plain tiffs, II. I. Corner and 1. W. Coiner, to l!:e- south west nuarler of the north west eiuiirte-r iSW'i NW', I tin- iiDith iH'M eiualter of lie Mill t Ii west '111111''"' l.N'W'., SW4I: the north hiilf ol tie Miittliwest o'liirt.r "f the southwesl liiiirter (NVi SW'.i SW'i). all of Se. -lion 1 i 11 e te'e-ii i;i. Township ten 111", North t:aii"o .,i:rt.en I 111. east ! the (it h I". i;., C;i--s ei.iunty. Nehraska. lie-cause saiil ',!aintifrs have liul the ae-tuui. open, not'.rious. exclusive ami adverse possession Ihere-of ;uni ee-ry part and parcel thereof for more than ten yfars last 'past prior to the e-oni-t'M-neciaent of said action. and l"r egaitiil.le relief. Yoa iind liii-h of yon arc further 11" tilie'.l that von ate ie.iiired to an swer s-iiid petition "n eir liefoi' .M"n dav. the Kith elav "f Sent em her, l'Jl'J. 11 K. cee.Mi-:i:. 1;. w. ccjmi:i:. 1 'la iii tiffs. C. A. KAWI.S. j.lw Attnrney. 1. !-:;. 1. Mi'iifK To Willi.im Ke iinett. if llvinw. tf de 'e'aseel. his unknowii hens, elevisees l Uiitt e-s. personal representatives airl all other persons i 11 1 ere-st -.l in the; es tate of William lSenne-lt; Win. il. Shepard. if living." i f eleei ase-d. Ills', un ktl'iU'M , ll. lot. ep'isies. h sateies,. pei -M.iii'l repr. e ntutive s and "Ii other nei-sons Intel estid in the s'ate 10 W;n. II. Shepard; John ' lOirnhaln. ;l llvinir. if liiieased. his unknown heir--, ilevi.-ees, legatees, persoiiiil repre-seii I -lives and all otter la-rsons ilitere-steo ill tiie esliite of John H. Uurnliiiin: Vein and eaeh of you Ule- lierehy notihed thi't on He- 1 s t day of .I'll', mr.i, a petition uas lileel In he trii-t Court of Cio-s e-oimty. Ne hrii.-ha. in which Anna White, formerly Anna Voui'ir: Catherine eiape-n. formerly Catherine Younu; Viola Wiley, form- ll l i li; ;i s " " ..'-"T "'.. r.worx.. ' l'' trass?' mm vsjll-'.w. mm few?: IM Wl4il4lK? e-ily Viola Voiinir; Isahcdle Young, Itur iii ou.'.e uxii Arthur Younjj. were! 1 1, f n t .-, ami William Bennett. if iviiir. if .It 1 eased, his unknown heirs, devisees, legatees. pe-IMinal re-pre-seli- tative-s ;.nl all other persons inter ste.l ;! est. He of William li.-n- , . ti: V:. II. Si epard, if living, if eie-ea-e., his unkiiowu heirs, devisees, legate-. .-', personal re pre-se n t a t i ves ami ill oil.r persons interested in the stale "f Win. JI. Sheparel; John II. 1:1:1 nh.i:.!. if livinc-. if electa sed. Lis imkm.'W i heirs. d visees. legatees. 'er-en.i 1 re.i-is.:i t a 1 1 ves and all other ; rs"i.s ; .1 lei est e.l ia the estate of j .I01.11 il. r.urnham, uere dt fendants. Ti e ol j. i t and prayer of which - ; ..el .-.r- to .;:iiet the title' in thej .hi in t i . Anna Wiiite. forme-iiy Anna! Vniii'.j; Ci.therine ctapon. formerly! T'atiurine yoni.tr: Viola Wiley, form- I rl .- Vjolii Yoiin: I-abelle Yoiiii'. j Hilton Vn!!ii' and Arthur Voutiir. to! i.nt four 111 01 the southeast eiuartc- f the sou tii west iniarter (SK'i SW1); Lot five (.". in the northeast quarter .I tl.- sunt hwest iiaarteT (Nt;1, SWt): I,, t linn l"'i (li' in t.:e north, ast :; iiil.T of the- s.utl:e:ist iiuart. r i.'K:i -!:'; 1; l..t lilt. , n (!.') in tne nortu-,v..-t "iiiiiiter of thi; seiiiriienst quarter NW4 SK't 1; the south half of the -e.utiieast iiiliirti-f iS's SK'i . all in : hoi thirt.en ll"). Townsliip eleven I .111 v.hii 1 -. 1 ii.-.. 1 1. i 1-1 ..en n:ti t.: r of the 1.U1 P. M . : also the west h;i!f f lie southwest ipiarter eW' SW1,! ef Sect ien t iul.teeu I 1M, 'j . w n s 1; i i .-!eeii ill'. North Kanire fi)i'.rtee:i (14) .list of tie- tii 1. M.. Cass county, Ne hrasha. hee-ause said jdainliffs liave I ii.i the io luai. oiii-n, notorious. e--eliisive and adverse possession there 'll', and everv part and parce-1 the-reef for more thiin ten years last past 5 - (J. LJ ;Z2J7 L-v.e Fulton truck mean profit fr business also. GUR Murray smokespot with Prince Albert it hitn you so fair and square. It's a scuttle full of jimmy pipe and cigarette makin's sunshine and as satisfy ing as it is delightful every hour of the twenty -four! It's never too late to hop into the Prince Albert pleasure pasture! For, P. A. is trigger-ready to give 3'ou more tobacco fun than you ever had in your smokecareer. That's because it has the quality. Quick as you know Prince Albert you'll write it down that P. A. did not bite your tongue or parch your throat. And, it never will! For, our exclusive patented process cuts out bite and parch. Try it for what ails your tongue! Toppy red bags, tidy red tint, handsome pound and half pound tin humidors and that clever, practical pound crystal glass humidor with sponge moittener top that keeps the tobacco in such perfect condition. R. J. Reynolds Tobac.eco Company, Winston-Salem, N. C. pi 1 1 act i Y not: r to t!:i' e oinnienee r.itnt of said e.r.. and for equitahle re-Iief. on ami eji'di of yen are further irie.i tinit ou are re.uireel to an i said p.-tilion on or he-fore Mon , t. e stli dav of Septemhc-r, 191!i. Oil V ANNA WIIITK, Formerlv Anna Young CAT1IKKINK UAI'KX, Formerlv f'atlierine Youtiif VIDItA "WIItKY. l-'niniHi'lv Vieda Young isai:i-:i,i.i: yocnx;, i;ci:tn Ydrxn, AltTHl'i: YCiL'N'i. I'laintirt's. A. KAW1.S, Attorney. To Cili li A. Vt'oolnian. if iivimr, if deeeased, the unknown heirs, devisees. !e-.,t-es. personal repreen ta ti vci ami all otl er lei.-ems iateiestel in the es tate of Caleh A. Woolman: Susanna W'oi. Mnan, if living, if eleeeased, the uiiki.own l-,e-irs. elevisees, legatees, per sonal repress-n tit t i ve s and all either persons interested in the estate of Susanna, Woolman: Augustus C. Wool man, if livinsr. if eleeeased. the un known l.eirs. devisees, letra te-e-s, per sonal representatives and all other persons interested in the estate e.f Augustus C. Woolman; tiie unknown owneis and unknown claimants ejf the southeast i(uarter eif See-tion eicht S) , Towns;liiji twelve (11), North llaii-e' twelve (12i, Kast of the lith V. M., I'ass et.unty. Nehraska, and all persons i'!uiminsr any interest of anv kind in said re;il estate, or any part thereof. You and e-ae-h of von are lierehy no tified that on the L'Srd elay of Jane. 119. a petition was fileel in the J'is- s A. nterna i -.s "V -r- - "7 - " . ew t WHEN mnd or ruts are deep, then comes a hard test of truck efficiency. Fulton Trucks are equipped with the Internal-Gear-Driven rear axle. They have greater road clearance, sturdier axle construction to meet the strains and 92 per cent, of the mo tive power is applied directly to the rear wheels. Unfailing road ability has made Fulton the choice of great national concerns such as Standard Oil Co., Borden Farm Products Co., Jones : Laug'hlin Steel Co., and others. L. H. PULS YOU can't help cutting loose joy 'us remarks every time you flush your trie-t Court e.f Cass e-m.'l.t v, Ne-l.ravha it, whiih IMwiM'l vi-:.i. r vsas p,iu n - lift" and ("a!. '.' V. '. eo!t!i:i'i. if In n.t. if dee.-Hse.!. tl.e l:l,kliO !l hells. I ' . I 1 .'Lra t ... -' i. i-i .-eii.i! i t iinst'ii t a I 1 '' and all "tier " i -m-i.s in. er. -I. d in the estate .,f I'ahl. A. V, W oi.iiiaii if ! . '. i ' . e ' I i 1 1 r 1 1 . S- 1 " - . i li ii.i t I O if .:. t. unknown l.eiis. .1 s. h '.'.it. .'.-, i" r- s. mil 1 re or. s- ii I a I i v. s lla i 11 ' I e.ti. el J .1 I S ' ' 1 1 lli I i.- it .1 in . . Susiiima Woolinari. Aimu-liis ( '. Wool I in mail, ti ii.iiir-. ii ......i- ... .. known l.eirs. iiev I se.. - le;. it.es, . I'll lUll l el'Vesel;! at i and lit I T'ersons i n i p ie. 1 1 d .n tie- t.-tat if A UiTUStUS '. Weeil'ia 11 ; If owners and ch i nia 'it .- of east ej lav'er ' i ' ' . ' "1 S (Vi. To wrs h i p t wel ' e 1 .a mre t we ! e I 1 1 I. I ai s t n k now n Si.uih- t .. ei i'i; : hf 1. . N'Otli "I the I, I, 1 M. Cass- eonnl v. N' l'i aska. iind all persons ila:nii!i a:i- irittr.-.-t t.f au ktnd in said leal estate, or any pa i t tlli-ieof. Wile lie I.-Ilull lll." T! :.. . 1 1 i. a -111 t '7-;i Ver f wl.hh p tition are- to ipiit-t the- tit! in t h'J 1 he plainti'T. I.dwar.i .".' i,. r to ,i.uaii. .ti i . i i ii '.ii . . . ' i n i-inlit i si. Tow lis' i p t v. e i ! J i. N..i!li Kaim.- t.ele- (l-i, I last of th" '.th . , . v . i ... . i. .. i t liea.-l after ( S I-; 1 , 1 i S. i I ion 1 . . l ., a s s ..eiiii. ii ... I.... -.'. said phiintilf has had the a.-tnal. op. notorious, exclusive i.tid adverse session lh.-ie.'f. and c ;.' s 1 1 t panel thereof, for lil'ii" I ! .. leu . last pi i"r t" 1 1 e-.-m'-i. i" eiei.t .m t a r -i of said action, ami f"r e. p 1 1 1 a : ' i r-1 1 r Von He. I eaeh of r.il I e flirlher muiti'd l.'.at on it if re'iii:.l to an swer said petition i"i or I . , "if M"ii dav tilt- lirsf dav id' S.-et- m h t . 1'.' 1 'I. i:i)v.i:ii wi.i;i;.'Ki:. riall.tlT. C. A. JhWVl.S. i ji 4-sv:;'i.a s. At tort., y. ! $7. n ii ;.i rN " a .1 ;.. v Nebraska rr '