The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 07, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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inz two
1 f
do rot realize that a penalty is at
tached to the offense of leaving
dead animals unhuried within tho
limits of the city. The ordinance
provides that all dead animals shall
be hauled one-half mile outside cf
the corporation limits and buried
and also that no animal shall be
buried within one-quarter of a mile
of a dwelling house. Chief of Po
lice Manvpeaker will see that the
ordinance is strictly enforced as a
measure of safety to the health of
the public and anyone who violates
the law will be taken up and prose
cuted. h
"That's just what I've
always wished a
1 fii!2siti!s
wit id d
4 J
--P --rrri
Ss Farm Machinery
Worth Protection?
THUl average farm has somethrig over $2000 invested in farm
machinery. And cu most farms some of the machinery often
the greater part of it is left out-of-doors the year round.
A weather-proof implement shed doubles the life of farm machinery
and cuts repair bills to a minimum.
On that basis it doesn't take a Philadelphia lawyer to figure that an
implement shed is a good investment. A man can easily figure the
value of the machinery he leaves out-cloors and sec how nn:ch he
could afford to pay for a shed without its costing him a cent of extra
And then machinery when it is protected is always rcaV for u. c
when it is wanted. No time lost in the busy sca?on, p-.iltirii; it in
shape. Any way you figure it, an implement shed ij a
and money maker.
There's economy, too. in holding well. 'hite Pine for t!- outside cf Urn-. 1t;iLI-ins-
means permanent buildings. F.very board stays where you put i vv-thcut
warpine or rotting or shrinking. Weather doesn't affect it so repair bill.- are
practically cut out.
We can give you practical working plans of the implement shcv.n
A hove or of two other types -or any other type of farm building. ios-ether
with specifications, bill of material and estimate of cost, free of charge.
Whatever your bui'ding problems, talk them over with us. We are here o helpycu
Cedar Creek Lumber Oonpn;
Cedar Creek,
r.rf or r?n&
Li I ur J; of This Unit of the 89th
rivf-ie-i from Slate n Nebras
ka Thai Organization.
I i ..mi '! il.iy l.'.iily
J I,, '.'.Koty '!' !' .;."..".!(
J. orr.ini.i? i m tonne 1 by
t!.. ae-'ivo imn-liers -.vln remained
v. it!i t In r lit elnri::;- is stay
iii li:" : r 1 1 ! y eii" occupation, while
m,i!ut.' i! st; ta.trl.-ari;. Ccrmaiiy, has
i - 1 it-; i; .iu t rs ::i Lincoln. Xe-b::i:--i-a.
preparatory to eipenint the
j!,c:i!!.-.-hip campaign for men who
is- I at (U'r time or another.
li:rt win! hit the regiment before
l!t.- hnl the or,H-rt i:ult y of liecoin
iti:; a n; r..1;or of the pertrancul or
ruiizat ion.
).''.'-r' man who ;.'.rvi'i iioiirabiy
a :' 1 j:m witn I lie M.VMh lifa?:tr.
j- fliuitj'p t ni mere hip ami is in
. 1 to yet in touch with the I: rati -
Vuri' t hati a t liousaii 1
1 : ; ri 5 'T: were enroll' 1 at the' fir.-.
r-p-. r.f :, iuss iii CJrtnany after
vhi'li v.ork ha 1 to he delayed on
a'n nut .!' tie movement home of
(!:' H;i;liy-iiir!tli eli.i:-ion.
The s' ! is preparing mr.v to
P'lh'hh for its members a compl'-i:.
p'-'iT of all t:iiu who were- with tbe
r,Kiiu--iit at any tii:;e as well as :
li-l ii ra-'iialit i's and th reprinted
!;i.-tcry of ilu division and regiment
iio p'tMishe l in (i'Tmiiny. It is in
tended to hold th" first convention
tiii.-; fall prohah'y in Lincoln. Om;.
lia or Kansas City on or about Xo
venilier 11. the exact place and date
to he made public later, and it is
hoped and expected that a larjre ma
jority of the five th'oiiffand men en
rolled under the name of the Zo'jlh
at one time or another will come
there to renew acquaintances that
i ill do
caiitio' 1" kept alive without wiiii"
such system.
Karl M. ("line, of Nebraska Ciiy.
formerly captain with the regiment.
was chosen first iresi'lent when tl.e
society was formed in (Jeniiany;
Charles Y. Hill, of K.ivcnna. m
sergeant vith T company, was rta.Ie
vice-president and Carlisle L. Jones,
of Lincoln, corporal of heitdquarters
company, was made secretary and
treasurer and o him all applicatioi
;'or n. i nthcrship or information may
te addressed. Meinhership fee for
the first j car. which include.; the
publication; the society is preparing,
is a dollar with provision that the
yearly u;:os may be anything adopt
ed at the convention un ler a dollar
a year.
This is of particular interest
N'ebra.-!-.:. nu-n le au.e the tli It -fa
a try was the I sin--ii unit
known as a Nebraska unit that
readied active service. It i-ufTcrel
I lie heaviest equalities o" any rcgi-
:it of the divi-io:; a;id v .".". ""in !'
ally in the thifl. of i!ii;:-4s and was
known tin re as (tie Nehrarka
fanr. All members from all tat--are
included in the sweit ' y a: d s ever
al hundred m-j:i and ori'uers from tli-
other states an already enrolled,
hut it i; hoperl that fjr Nebrasl;a
the regiment may come tr mean
what tavori!'. regiments have i;e.n
t.o other states in previous wars. To
this end it is especially desired thst
all Nebraska men once id- ntihrd
with the :;j.jlh Infantry. i;el :ri
touch with tl'.e pernianjnt organiza
tion this siiiuiner.
Men from Plattsmont o in the
neighborhood ,f I'lattsmouth. who
have been identified with the regi
ment can fain information concern
ins its formation in Luropo and the
good it is hoped to do of William 11
Holly, of I'lattsmouth. a former
member of the .1.r,th and an active
member of the new society.
Office Supplies? That's where wf
-.hlii The Journal Trlntery.
?-A li-1
Real liascball Game From the
Start to the Finish With Our ,
Eoys Working Hard.
from M'MMljy'.s 1 Lilly.
The 'Dutlaws," an aggregation
from the big city up the river, com
posed largely of players who had
just recently returned from chasing
the 1 1 ti n along the 1th inc. came
down yesterday afternoon to take on
the local Hed Sox and got away
with the long end of the gate re
ceipts Ly a score of 7 to R.
The game up to the ninth inning
looked mighty soft for the Ked Hose
lads a.s they had a lead of i to l!.
but when the smoke of battle had
rolled away the result was hard to
take as the visitors put four runs
acr.xs the plate in the opening half
of the ninth that the Sox were un
aHo to overcome.
In the opening inning. Joint
Shields, the center fielder of the
visitor:-. and also a former .veil
known IMammouth lad. made the
first score for his team by a two
;.'.cker into the left garden and on
a wild throw to third base Cfeinc
across the plate with a run. In the
Sox half of the inniim. Ileal secured
a walk from Curt Peterson, the slab
art it of the Outlaws, and peered
when Maher threw wild to O'Neill
at third ha-o. Christie as well a
Mason were passed to first and both
scored en a wild throw to third.
Lawson and OPonnell lth hit in
this inning hut died on the bases as
I'eterson steadied in the last of the
inning. The visitors added amfher
run in the second inning when
Maher who was walked by Atkins,
scored on the drive of Curt Peteriou
to center field. The Outlaws sii juld
have received tw- tallies in thi- in
ning but Kossitter failed to touch
the third sark in his race feu home
and was call "d out.
In the fifth the Six added to their
had by timely hitting by Mason and
Lawson as v-eU as the gift of a basn
on hall-. ChrL-tio. was walked by
I'eterson. advanced by Hcrold to
M-cond. Mason hit safely and both
runs were tallied on a wild throw
and a hit by Lawson to center.
In the tixth the visitor .scored
oti when Itossittcr wa.s saf'. ri an
error by Heal and scored on the two
hmjor of O'Neill to Toff field. The
Sox a!i' got busy in this inning
when Ileal scored alter he was pre
sented with a walk by Peterson and
came over the plate on the three
sack drive of Pete llerold to left
It was in th" ninth and final in
ning that th visitor? carried away
the honors I y a hat tins; rally that
netted them four runs and enough
to i-pell victory for fhcni. O'Neill
opened for the Outlaws with a s-afe
rap to left field and scored on the
hit of Lindernan to left field, as well
as a wild throw to' the plate which
hit the runner ae.1 allowed him to
register. Curt Peterson drew a pass
and was advanced by Shields with
a drive to left and both men scored
when 15. Peterson hit safely to the
left garden. This lead proved too
much for the locals to overcome al
though they were able to fill the
bases in their half of the inniflg
when the wildness of the visitors
allowed Christie, Mason and llerold
to reach first base. Christie was
caught at home when Smith batting
for Lawson knocked an infield ball
to O'Neill at third. O'Donnell and
drassinan were both retired by the
strike out route and this completed
the story of the conflict.
Peterson, the pitcher of the visit
ors gave five bases on balls and
struck out eight of the Sox while
Atkins, the pitcher officiating for
the Ked Sox gave four passes to
first base and retired eighteen of the
visitors by strike outs.
ITietfi Tuvsibiv'F flatly.
Yesterday afternoon John liana
sek was brought up before Judge
Archer on a complaint chirgiug
him with having thrown the carcass
of a dead dog into a ditch within
the corporation limits of tho city in
violation of the city ordinance, cov
ering such cases.. Mr. Hanasck was
assessed a tine of $5 and costs
mounting to ?S which was paid.
Tiiere ha-; been considerable com
plaint of cases of this kind made in
the past and probably a great many
Front ilomlay's lafly.
Hubert O. Ames, one of the Platts
mouth boys who has been in the
service of his country since the out
break of the war with Germany,
was a visitor in the city over Sun
day with his many old friends.
"Hob" has just recently been dis
charged from the navy and this has
been his first opportunity of visit
ing the old home. He enlisted at
the opening of the war in the navy
and after a short time spent in the
training camps em the coast was as
signed to duty on the bat tleship
Florida, on which he served his ei;-
li-tment. Mr. Aries was given a
chance to see a great deal of ser-vice1
as he was with the grand fleet of
Hie Cnited Slates and Kncland.
which was on giurd in the North
ten. and which fleet kept the Ger
mans safely bottled tip in the ports
until the close eif the war. The ex
perience has been one that P.ob will
'.rr.ur renet iher and his friend--; were
all delighted to see him back sate
and sound. Ho is making his home
for the present in Council Hluffs.
Iowa, where he is employed.
from Monday's imlly.
I'pon the. arrival d" the new ma
hogany hack-bar which will com
rlete the installation of his new
rountaiu. Guy V. Morgan. ci-'i-.'tctiouer.
wiil increase th- s-izo of
lie rofr-'-hmeiit parle;r upace in his
lore by niovini; the fence separat iir
t freun the rest of tli; store ton.e
ught feet further to the, front and
tlurv.ise improving hi; place of
usines:-. Guy doesu't believe in do
ir; things by halves and his increas
;:g trade is a rtriking vindication of
lis progressive spirit.
i.i:e;i, miiic k
In the Court -'t Cass
' v, N-t'i ask.i.
" William P..
.Varmr W. I
I,e : ii I. ! v. n
r isotial
A a i :er W. V
Kaiu'.in-. Plaint in", -.
.;.o:i, if liviior, if de;ol.
In-its. .!. isf.M, b-uatf s.
i i-oi sent ; t i i s of sai l
' !hii. and tl'.e n"tth
( tl..
f St .
nuillotst q'-.-'irtT e.N'-j M.M
in'i iwenl.--i i''. i im .:ii
i ti elili. Ilanw thirteen e !''. in Ca
..niilv N.-lil-iisk:' illlll all t.ersoslH
l.omitr-r any interest .if any kind i i
aid i-al e-.-talu ur any Iart thereof,
f em'.a li I s.
'I'n Winner W. Koiden. If livimr. if
fud. the unknown heirs,
.filters i.r ji. rsotial repreveti t a t i Vis :f
W.inii'r V.". Koideti. and the north
:ilt' of the tiort'tr.u:t oitarter N"-2 ML
,) of Section t ,. Mty-six L.'il. TeWti
!,n t"!i l". Kanve thirteen ill'.i.
n Ca.-s eoiinty. Nebraska, and all l r
ons !a im inn anv interest of any Kind
:i paid real estate or any put t thereof,
ten. la nt s :
Yon a tot each of you are hereby n
'ified that on the 1-tli day of .Inlv.
!!ll. William 1. Haiinin?:. idaintilT
ii'iein. has tiled his o-tUioii in the
listrh t "eiirt of Cass county, Nebras
ka, iiuainst said liefetidants, the ol-ei-t
Mild prayer of which are to can
el of iPcord a ded on said real -
ate made hv James Kedden and wife,
-.null, to Warner W. Kolden, on t h
iith lav of Mar.-h. and reorel d
n t.ook twelve at paifea thre-e htm-
lr. d thii ty-otie (Sail of the de.-.l re--.rds
of f.-iid Cass county, and to iiii-t
ti tdaintitf the title to the; said north
ialf of
the- northeast eiuierter tN'i
N'l-:) of Section twenty-six je,.
iownhit tn etui, Katme thirteen
'131. In aid countv, a;; all claim?.
-iKhts Hinl demaii of all of said de
Lendants. You are reiuired to answer said
edition on or l.efore the ilst elay of
Vuiist. 1519.
Hated this f.'th luy of July. 19l'..
I -4 w. Attorney.
i.i :c;i. mitk r.
To William Bennett, if living, if de-
ease.l. bis unknown heirs, devisees,
ie-jateese. personal representatives and
ill other persons interesteel In the es
tate e.f William Bennett: nil persons
nterested in the estate of Jackson ti.
Oldham, dece a.-ed, including creditors
net claimants:
You and each of you are hereby no-tili-d
that on the ll'tli day of July,
llllil, a petition wa.s tiled in the Dis
trict Court of Cass county, Nebraska,
: ...i.;..h w Pnuilriltpr wits idain-
tiff ami William Bennett, if livins. ff
leeeaseel, his unknown heirs, devisees,
h-tcatees, personal representatives and
all e;ther persons itite'iesieo in mt- e.-.
tale of William Ilennett -and all per
i ............ .i i.. iii, ..vl;ile o t Jack
-ill inn i c.-ii ii iii - - .1,
4im ;. Uldham. eleeeased. including
rreilitors anil e-laimanis, ntm wti.-n-Ja
nto. . , . ,
The object and prayer of which pe
tition jire to quiet the title in the
dainti'T. W. c;. Hocdcker. to Lot two
(21 in the southwest ipiarter of the
southwest nuaiter (SW'i SW-i) r
Section nineteen (19) and Lot one 1
In the southe ast ipiai ter ef the south
west iiiuirter iSK't yVVi of Section
thirty 1Uii; and tne west hair of the
northwest ipiailer e W NW'd and
the west half of tho southwest entai
ler Wi.'. SW'i) of Section thirty (oil),
all In Townsdiip eleven (11), North
KniiKej fourteen (II). east of the 0th
C. M Cass cnunh. Ne-nrasKa. because
said idaii tllT has bad the actual, open,
..,.i.., v. i ii ml adverse pos
session thereof, and every part and
pareel thereof fyr more inari ecu jem
last i.ast prior to the comniencement
of said action, and for equitable relief.
You and each of you are runner
notified that voti are required to an
swer sstid ixtitlon on or before Mon
day, tha 15th dav of Septemher. 1U1.
jH-6w Attorney.
lie. i.
'I'o the lin'.il'o.
lesatees. person. i i
..II otle r V I ''IIS
MrrM'i: I
vn i.e i i, i V.s es.
1 . - j i -. on a live.-, a eil
1 iito-i-st-il ill the
e.-tat- of I'ilii-1 X. l"e
J; tie .Mii iif. if liviii-:
unknown loirs. d. i.--
soual tept' titativ. s
iiersons int.-ro.-ti'.l in
.Mi-- Marx .lane .Mi'.ti .
tor: -Miss Mary
i f det asi-J, t he ,
j. -i;a t '., per - i
anil all other i
II'- .-.-late of
John S. I arle .
ti e 1 1 ii k no u n ;
livinu. if il". i .IS"'I
lu'irs. iii-vi.-rcsi
ti tat i i'i-s
:r: csli il in
s. I-.
a ml
uat' cs. personal reo- j
a 1 1 oi l..-r pcr.-otis jn - '
ti e . .- .1 te of John . I '.i i
ley: Salmon
.'.Kill li:.-
null linn, i f I i i u.-r. it' !
unUnowM heir.-, di visce
h-'-Cat cos. perMOial r pi es. n I : 1 1 ves an.
all other i" rsotis intiiesiid in II -'-
tale of Salmon Hurt nun: Mary .lane
t'.uriruni, if livinL.-. if deceased, the heir.-, devisee.-, ieuatees, per
sonal representativ.s and all oilier
.el-sons: intci isted ill the estate of Mary
Jane .ut tri;ni: the uiiknown owtn-rs
and unknown c! 'imani of the north
east quarter iNl)', I of Section iiiii--te'cn
(l!il. Towtiship twelve (!"J. Xorlh
trance thirteen It:; I. ea.-t of the lit h
P. M., e'ass ii.utity, Nehiaska. and all
olhe-r persons chiimin:; any interest ot
any kind in said real estal", or any
part the'ieot':
You and each of .veil are here",
tilled that on the 1-th day of
llllil i.etiliiill U:i4 tlhd ill till
V 1 1 o -.lulv.
triet Court of
tss county, Nehiaska.
. lies tor. Charles K.
:. s"or and Fram is M.
lintili's. and the un
In which Ada
Ri'stor. liuv II. I
Hestor, weie pi
known heirs, ilcvisees, l. anes, .. . -sonal
representativesr and all olne
persons interested in the; estate of
fanii'l N. ru-j-tor: Miss Mary .Inie
Moore, if llvinp. if deceasoel, I he u:i-
i , i,..i,.u .levisees. leiratoes. ter
,n.l I-..1.1 evetltMt VCS Pllll ail OL11CI
MIVl II ' -
'. , ; .. i ... i ...I in i ne estate of
IM linn. , . ,
Miss Marv Jane Moore: John s. liar
ley, if living, if dee-cased, the unknown
hed'rs devisees, 1-e ;. le'i-s. personal re p
resentatives and all other persons in
terested in the estate of John S. Par
ley; Salmon Burtruni. if livinir. m o
tVased. the unknown hens, devisees,
letiattes. personal representatives ami
all other P'-rsons Intel est cd in the -s-tate
of Salmon Hiirtriim: Marv Jane
Burt rum. if living, if eleeeased. the
unknown heirs, eievisees, leKat-es, per
sonal rcpreseii'atives anel nil per
sons Interested In the estate of Mary
Jane Uurtruui; the unknown owners
and unknown claimants of the north
east ouarter (NKUI of See-lion iiine
teen (i:i. Townshi twelve fl . I, iort h
Kan so thirteen 13). east or the tot li
j ji. c'ass county. Nehiaska. and all
other persons claiming any interest
of anv kind in fa id real estate, or
..tiv ii'art thereof, were defendants.
The ohject and joaver or which pe
tition nre to quiet the title In the
plaintiffs. Ada It. 1 Vstor. I liar es
Bestor, CUiy Jt. liestor aim '"''Vf - V
Bestor to the northeast ouarter (.M:i'jI
of Section nineteen (ISM, row us i e
twelve c 1 2 , .North Kantie iinin-in
east of the rith 1. M.. Cass county. -Ne-
hrtiska. lu-eause saio piainin-a '
had the actual, open, notorious, exc.u-
ivo and adverse posses.-,n..i v.. .
i ,.,..f iinrt ami farce thereor ioi
more than ten years last past prior
n j
The feature of Chesterfields is that thsy
begin where other cigarettes leave off.
In clhcr words, besides pleasing the taste,
Chesterfields go 'em all one better they
satisfy! Just like a long drink of cold water
satisfies when you're downright thirsty.
No other cigarette can give you this new
thing- in cigarette enjoyment because none can
copy Chesterfield's blend.
It's a blend of the finest TURKISH tobaccos
from Xanthi, Cavalla, Smyrna and Samsoun
and several varieties cf the choicest DOMES
TIC. And the blend itself the skill with
which thesj tcbacccs have been proportioned
is a real discovery in cigarette making.
of Turkish and Domestic tobaccos blended
j sr & - ,.'- s.-y as ) ji
!.. e.uni'o:cor.ent of said tilth. li, and
l i r co :r i.;. h : ri Iii f.
Von .,!ei each of o:i iire- farther
noti'ieii that . : i an reign ed to an
swer said I'ttMioi el or hetore Mon
day the lit it ii.iv "f S.;iteti!her, 1 1
in.r:i.i:s k. i'.i;sthi:,
(U'Y II. Uli.ST'.'U.
1'K ANOls M. LIKSTi iK.
I'laint i'Ts.
(.'. . KAWI.S.
.-II- . Atto; ne .
For Iwliy's oroun. Willie s naily
:nts and lirni-ses, mother's sore
throat, gtaiulma's lameness. Dr.
Thomas Eclectic Oil the household
-einedv. :'.0e and fiOc.
t -g-vr.
for Sale by Owner
160 AeStES '
40 acres in alfalfa, 20 acres in excellent creek pasture,
25 acres until lately in clover and alfalfa. Balance
bottom land deep rich soil.
This farm has been enriched by stock and crop
rotation for years. Located in Cass county, V4 miles
from proposed State Highway, 20 miles from Lincoln,
312 miles from Alvc, 5 miles from Greenwood.
Owner wishes to retire from active farming and
will take $250.00 per acre if sold during month of
August, 1919.
A 36-year Federal Farm Loan of $9500.00 could
be transferred to purchaser. Address or call
R. F. D., Alvo, Nebraska
For a mild, easy action cf the
bowels, try Dnan's lie.iiltt:;, a mod
ern laxative. V,0c at all st jie.-.
" i"."i'.
I) .n't forget us when you
want meat or groceries for
harvest. We can take can- of
you, just phono Xo. 4, and e
will have your order tip.
'u4. i,u..'A.'-guviiuriiv any interest of any