The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 28, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    . 1GZ TTTO.
MONDAY. JULY 2S. 1919.
Have Developed New Helium Gn
that i Non-Inflamable Re
lieve Game in Infancy.
From Thursday's Dally.
According to imotScial reports" of
.authentic inception, the War depart
ment is contemplating a $3,000,000
expenditure at Fort Omaha in the
near future in the way of a mid
continent ' dirigible station and oth
er' improvements about the post.
High officials from the east have
been In conference with the com
manding officer. 1-t. Col. Wuest ami
they have viewed a tract of land to
the south of Fort street and ex
tending to the river, a distance of
fcunie three miles.
linofficial reports have been cur
rent for tome time that the War de
partment has been considering t!
co-ordination of all balloon activi
ties of the army at Fort Omaha, and
also the designation of the fort as
a central station for dirigibles..
Government chemical experts have
only recently developed " a helium
gas. which is noninflamable and i3
,to be used exclusively by the gov
crnmett in its dirigibles. The use
of such a gas would do away with
such accideuts as that occurring at
Chicago Monday when the bag of a
large blimp exploded.
Col. C. Dj Chandler, chief of the
balloon and airship bureau, who was
the most prominent oThcial out from
the east, is Fauguine that trans-';
continental dirigible trips will bo!
an everyday event before long.
Fort Omaha already has been an
nounced as the great central train
ing station for balloonists of thoi
Sophia Seivers. They left here for
Fan:o. ". Dak. and visited for- a
while with another daughter of Mr,
Seivers. Mrs. William Hegland and
whom many Plattsmouth people will
remember. Mr. Solvers says that
the countrv arouud Fargo is very
beautiful and that the wheat is still
green. He also says that there are
hi:r fields of ootatoes such as we
would have corn, being forty or
fifty acres in extent.
From Fargo they went to Drain
ard, Minn., where they enjoyed an
other pleasant stay. After being
cone about two weeks he returned
to find that the court house lawn
had grown up In weeds. Mr. Seiv
ers got right to work on it however
and even now quite an improvement
can be seen. In a few days with his
able care It will look as good as ev
er. Mr. Seivers looks better how
ever and as If his trip had 4 been of
much benefit to him.
From Thursday's Patty. -
Mrs. Ed. Spies had a, smiling face
as she boarded the train for Omaha
this nfternoon and the reason for
the smile was worth while as she
had received a telegram from her
husband that he would meet her in
Omaha this afternoon. Ed has been
in France for a year now and about
a week ago landed in New York. At
that time Mrs. Spies received a wire
from him telling her of his safe ar
rival. He was sent to Washington
and from there was discharged and
hurried home as fast as possible. lie
will be in this evening.
From Friday's Dally.
This morning we were glad to
see that Sheriff C. 1. Quinton and
family had returned from the out
ing which they have been enjoying
for a little over two weeks.
Two weeks ago all of the family
started out in their car pleasure
bound. Turning their car -westward
they made for Colorado and
the cooling breezes of the Rockies.
They went as far west as llolyoke
and had a fine trip every foot of the
way. While gone they saw in one
county al;ot traveling overland the
Philpot family and at another place
the family of Judge Deeson. They
report both families as having a
fine trip and as looking as if they
were enjoying themselves to the ut-
array. and its additional importance . most Sheriff Quinton looks as if
as a dirigible station is believed tj t!,e (rip lirl nlm a world of good
to tl'c lc-sicar sequence of events. ? and we aro sure tliat he be on
: ' the job harder than ever for having
lr';mii Th in sihiy s . J;iily.
Yesterday afternoon at her home
Mrs. Harry Poisall entertained one
cf her sister, workers in the Brother
hod cf American Yccnien. She was
Mrs. John Salvator, a -member of
Enterprise Homestead No. 15S2 of
St. Paul. Minn. Mrs. Salvator is at
present visiting in Plattsmouth' and
a guest of the Wagner" hotel. She
expressed herself as having been
very pleasantly entertained by Mrs.
Toisall who is alo a member of the
Yeomen, belonging to the local
had it.
From Thursday's la!ly.
Hans Seivers, the custodian of
the court house has just returned
from a line outing which he had the
pleasure to enjoy. Mr. Seivers has
bco'u gone for two weeks and was
accompanied by his daughter Miss
Frnm Thursday's Iaily.
Last night at the library a called
meeting was held at which the new
library board was organized. The
following officers were elected: Miss
Vcrna Leonard, president; Miss Mia
tiering, secretary; A. G. Cole, vice
The report from the librarian
shewed that the patronage had in
creased over last. year. This too, in
rpiic of the fact that the hooka in
foreign languages were ordered to
be taken from the shelves by a state
law tOithat effect. This is very en-
viiir.n2inir to the librarian and to
the library board. It is to be hoped
that the public library will-continue
to grow at the same rate.
&4:SSC (SS -- --BmmBr . 4 friendly Pl
MM.f, ) B' Estate
'peful makes even.
seem almost human.
1 A
4i W
aged for eight seasons by Nature's wayin wooden hogs
heads. That's the true story of Velvet)
Judge Velvet with your eyes wideopen It is just the
good old honest tobacco that it looks and smeUsJf
But the mellow, mellow mellowness the coolness and
the comfort of it! The taste! . Well, a'pipeful of Velvet
proves more than a page of printt Play. Ball
Want a mild, tasty cigarette?
Roll one with Velvet.
the fiiendly-tohadeio
A oliiiun . Devo(x! to
Local Farming laterent
If you have anything to sell or
want to buy something use the Dailr
Journal want-ads.
" i i - ! i-.JS
With fill Their Wonders Are Yours
f sefrs. painted eanyirii3, forests and
-you can lour grand old Yellowstone
1::d1 c
ht rf::lT5-
in autrniobi'ejt. itiiervia tho Cody way or Gardl
;n r or V'!!') ionc ciilranc.-'. Through sleepers,
i t l rTi-l f-jurp jcc(miodalion ii n?ual. You ran
l- i.irtt; t.r v.a Scmic roloru'lo or Itocky Mouu
s 1 ii Natinial-Kste.s 1'ark.
r :.--i!ifi:l v::nlluii l.uid just north of
mr. f -nru r rli-j 'grounds of fifty thotr-
J t y i v,ii ran rtrtr'i l-?nvrr in the rnorn
: 3' i t jn ihr I'arj t noon.
;i'!'-r Ir--U"? rHnu of !!
I?' i t i o -. ! rrj n.'.f ur i .j. n f o tourists. Thru
;.rr t It." 'tk r srri.f. Tlt eilhrr dl-f-
r 1 1 l-tiT. X'iiir Cior;i'i, Willi l0';Ky
i!'i-:-, I i-l".l ii wu't Y Kol( nc l'arka
m il-- TJIltUK lWUKH t).V ON H TICKKT. -
A.k y t.r l .il liV". ts-:it in h-lp you jd-in
your (Mp 3:"l f 'ri;'l. you -mtiH dr.cripf ivt
of I'jlaa In uhlrii yoti r In! created.
Seed Wheat.
Several farmers have said they
wish to change to another strain of
fall wheat as the seed they! have has
been grown 10 to15'years.
The Kansas Experiment 'Station! ;
wrote that, they would soon send ua
the names of farmers . in 'Kansas.
where we could get a pure strain of
Turkey Red wheat. If . interested
write1 or call thi3 oiTice. ,
Harvest Hands.
Still placing a few men. A total
of 208 men placed, that we know of
and many ordered to places ; from
the Omaha office, which do not come
through this office.' -
If you wish to buy or sell hogs,-
cattle, seed and do not find a ready.
market, notify this office. We. will
be glad to help. you. L. R. SNIPES,
County Agrl. Agent
CruTl Eats r What He ? Waiiti -And
Sleepi Like a Log Eince '':
Taking Tanlac.
".VI y plnlon( of Tanlac In that it
ran't bo 1 nt."' rziA Y. II. :Oiull, a
wrll known traveling salesman, llr
ing at' ."512 Wert 31st "Street, '-India-nar),l!,
Ind.-. while dJ&caAsttg the
medicine, recently. Mr. Crull baa
lived In IndldnaDoli.i for the. bast
the Taggart Baking Company on
the. read for twelve'years and is one
of the:mo8t popular "Knights of the
Grip" traveling Indiana.
"I jan testify to both "the Immed
iate and 'lasting results that - come
from Its-vise," continued Mr. Cruli,
"A little over a, year, ago I got rid
of a bad , case of f tomach trouble,
from which I had been suffering for
two jears, by. taking Tanlac, and
do you know I - haven't' sufered a
particle ' f roin : indigestion to. this
good day. had . been ' having ' a
world - of.. trouble . with .-my stomach1
and'awf ul pains in my; right side
and ' was. finally operated ; on tor. ap-.
pendiciti8:v Aftr1 the ' operation
still suffered v-: with i ' indigestion.'
had no appetite - and what little
qjq . esit . would .sour, causing - gas.
bloating and intense pain. ' It look
ea uJte".: i would never, get my
strength back, and, ,1-was. as nervous
as .; a eat. V Many, a 'night; while out
on - the road 'I . could not ;dose"'my
eyes for sleep.! T This coiidition kept
up until I .went down" fos. one hund
red . and -thirty pounds "' in weight
and . was almost '.a' complete nervous
wreck.' ""-"-': '".;;; . ". 7. : '
- "About. this tlmeT.'reaG astate
ment, 'about -,Tanlacthat c described
my caf so .well' that I decided to try
a battle, of , the-.'medi9ne.. ."Well, the
first. bottle'.helped;me ea mueh.that
I got . another , and .It . wasn't Jbut a
few, weeks; until"!-5 was freest rpra' all
signs of stomach; trouble and found
that 1 'had factually, gal nod.'-twenty
pou n tbi 1 n we 1 gh t bes 1 d es,' go I n g " u p
from; en' hundred and i thirty to- one
hundred and fifty pound. I could
go out and; do;a; hard'day .work and
leep like a logat,nIghi, ahl It madp
no difference J whether I ;'wu 1 at Va
hotel on a PulInah!.o? home 1 could
sleep, iioundly' JustV the ' same. The
medicine ' gave : tae ' wonderful
strength and energy and such r big
aprviUto. thei...l ruH , hardly. eet ,
enough to eat. Well, to make it
short, Tanlac fixed me up in fine
shape and I haven't had the least
bit of trouble with my stomach
since I finished my first bottle, more
than, a year ago. I just got another
bottle of Tanlac the other day and
my wife and I are both taking it.
We had the 'Flu thispast winter
and neither of us had gotten over
Ihe effects of it. But Tanlac is go
ing to set us right, for I already
see-a great improvement, especially
In our. appetites. I "am only too
glad . to recommend Tanlac for it is
onevrqedicine that can be depended
upon' for results."
V -.Tanlac is sold In Plattsmouth by
G. Fricke & Co., in Alvo by-Alvo
Drujg Co., in Avoca by O. E. Copes',
in South ; Bend by E. Sturzenegger,
in Greenwood by E. F. Smith, in
Weeping Water by Meier . Drug. Co.,
In:Elmwood by L. A.. Tyson, in
Murdock- by II. V. McDonald, in
Louisville . by Blake's Pharmacy, in
Eagle by F. "W. Bloomenkamp, and
in Union by E. W. Keedy.
Uncle Sam at the front, I'erry Neal
returned once more with his dis
charge papers. Perry was one of
the. boys who managed to cross over
the pond and saw life as it is dur
ing time of war at the seat of ac
tion. Perry Neal Is the son of Mrs.
Dave Neal of this city. Mrs. Neal
has sent three boys to serve their
country, giving their time and
strength and had it been necessary
their lives for the cause. Now all
three of the boys are home again
with them there la a feeling of
happiness that all are safe aga'In.
Here's a hearty welcome to you.
Don't forget us when you want
meat or groceries for harvest. We
can take care of you. just call phone
No. 4 and we will have your order
up. II ATT & SON.
Wall Paper, Taints, Glass, Picture
Framing. Frank Gobelman.
. i . . -rr
From Friday's Dally.
Earl .Travis has been having to
make" a; good many trips to Omaha
lately ' as he has been ' bothered
a great - deal ' by his wisdom teeth.
They have never come through
properly and for some time has suf
fered with pains that run down the
cords .ot his" neck. It was . discov
ered upon examination that- the
wisdom-rteeth were in bad condition
and probably was the cause of the
trouble; They, will have to be cdt out
from ' the, gums 'and -this will be
quite a delicate operation.
Ftom Thurdtf Ellr.
Yesterday after two years absence
during which Ilia he wu serving
Telephone rates are based on the cost of jurnlshinn service.
To furnish the required grade of service it js essential that our
telephone plant should be well constructed, properly maintained and
efficiently operated. "
Telephone rates have to be high enough (i) to get efficient em
ployees and experts and pay them as good wages as would Ik pi d
elsewhere for equal skill; (2) to pay taxes; (3- to rebuild or re
place parts of the property when worn out or when it becomes obso
lete, and (4-'-to pay such a dividend to our present stockholders a-
will enable us to obtain the money necessary for making extensions
and improvements required by the public.
The public would suffer by a low rate that did not meet these
conditions. If we do not make enough money to hire efficient ami
sufficient help the public suffers from poor service; it we do ii''
make enough to invite new capital to invest in our property the pub
lic suffers because needed extensions and improvements arc not
We feel sure it is for the; public's best interests that our rates
ire high enough to pay our employees fair wages, to give goJ ser
vice, and to pav a fair return on the money invested, so that nr
'msincss may attract new money, which we need constantly for ad
ditional equipment to take care of present and proactive patron.