THURSDAY. JULY 21. 1919. PIATTSSIOUTH SEMI-V7EEKLY JOUHNAL PAGE SEVEN. r jcif r a ;.A 7 y .'h? Ula. Y..-. Have Always Bought, ancl v.i::.!i has been lii :tC fcr over tliirty years, has borne th? signature cf . ana has beea mace '.".nrer his per- ' scnal supervision Eir.ce its infancy. vr-'-'- v.. xcw no one to deccivj cu ia this. Ail Counterfeit?, I-nhaticns and " Just-as-j,o. i f aie but Zzrcr:x.r.?S that trifle with and endanger' t!:c health of Ir-i-n:.; Children Experience acairst r-psriinent. . Wast ss CASTOR 2 A Cast(t4i i.3 a harmless substitute for Caxtcr Paregoric, Drops una locthiaj Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains i-u-ihcr Opium, IIcTphias aor ether narcotic r-L...fincc. Its -g2 Ji its suarnruee. For more than tT-.irt ;- -?.-irs ft has l ee ' in vorartant us for the relief of Cs-tlrr,.:.-:: Malulcncy-7i.-.j C-Iic and Diarrhoea; allaying Fev.r.' :-.':e:s arising t :c rcnorn, and by regulating the Stomach oca- Howe's, aias t'ae asiinaticn cf 5ood; giving healthy an i . au ral sleep, lie CLiidrcn's Panacea Tre Ilcthci's lrricu:.. sswne j.4S a Ok always pBears the SlgTiatu: nil ubu JS.U1 xVCl ty The Kind Vou Havs Always LOCAL NEWS be,o. :i rx : 1 i' visit i n ?r :t' th1 li'iiins u !. r mother. Mrs. J. M. Ymin., and hi ; parent.:. K. M. Godwin an-! wife. " i I v.: ii l::t ! r 1. ( f west of MmiTii, i l'r. T'i r.i'-- i. s i rii. i'""" a i . ; r r i:; l'L: tt ?;:iini!ii tlii-' Mr- !M v ;r.' I.--v. i.-. T 'Wu : . ! -.ruiir:. !iiic sotnr r,.-t --;ir l':y- v ! h:t i;i i i. ti.i i u j.j r; to f-t im t !i 1 h-r.- for a short t it...-. ri tnri.i- i Jl.i . t :ir-l;i:ip cr-w v hich c:;n'S t ) hi.- aitr:ioo:i to !.. r li tj i !i u.-i toii'.-'-rr v. A. I.. I'..ik.r. of Murrjy, was a Mr-. T !. or Ii:lir.. of Orlt 1::-. vi-itor iri i' -ti-o-nh l.t.-t t vt-;.i:iu. ' w;-i . ;. --n ;.- itiv.z U-r- f r rov't ::; t ::i l!;- ..;r?ii.i! . -'t v.- u":n: on. K. . . -ok. of i ..',:,- Crtt l .'h v.i.-- a i.-itor i;i i ' . :i i -i;i ' n i i for .". !: f : u hour.- to.:. .v. .. ui::i: ! n t n. ;.. Sinitii is iiin his lion- lro' ;l'tir so;-, i- -..-r. Mr.- !!a!!i 'I - r:. O :.:! .. ca'i n ti:i- r: .rr.!,'P from her j- v. !, ainl w !m ;i;iio n n'H i:-! :!. ' f:-jM-ral f lu-r si t.r. Mr.-. Wr.i. !. ivari'.l lh.-t tvenii' l.r i:- ih" w-t. h i.l :-t..).l- i" ir.-il ?;!uf;s. ami i::u!;v hn !.': :'' thoro. w! ot'uaf in t!:o carpctitor lusi- I r..:ss. haviiis? rerisiu d hi'; pcition in Wn. F;.s.:rror was - ;: s.-iior. in the r-'irliiivto:'. tlioj.. r'.iiiLiici;;1) frr;i; ii'-nic n.'ar J. P. Falter. wI,o has bet n ..pon-i-! Miitr: y Saturday t. iii.i :-ciuc ti:;i: at I vils l.:.k-. M:;in.. . K. H. New ai;d little .sou . here he was cujeyin a brief out-, arriveJ this inornliiS from I.onis iuur. returne:! home this afi ern('Oii. ; ville atii are vi.-itini? with friends in having lial an e.'ellont tiuie. Jal"this iiy. d: 1 :ioi tell i:s h(w many rh-h he) j;irpy was :i Jni.-iuess visit eiuifcln. J or j,, tj..js ..jty frui;i his hn).- siutii- Charles K. Mitt and wife dt-part.-.: j we; t of My-tard. eouiir. in to do t'sii inornitii, for Uroken lluw, when-1 ?Mhe trading. they went to bejiin work on the! A. (iainliu was a visitor in tiiis house and barn for t lie l'arnulo riiy fn-iu his home at '"uiioui this brothers, on the Parniele ranch. i!'o-:i;i;--. eoniinsr to loik after tome which is to be usd by one f the l l.j.-i;iws matters. renters. I I'Hriie Kii'.in who ha-- !"n vh-it- h'.ie r t u r:i -"J I'::- i : i":j.!o:i t-ar i i-r In; is T!:. :a;iN Yonn.r. v!.o formerly liv. 1 v -:y on a farm. !:rro. ht:t wh.o eo-ik time v.y.a moved Miss Mabel of Mai'.by, to Omaha to reside. Mr. Koheti had wa a visitor iu Plat tsnii-tt h last Sat emae from Minneapolis yesterday r.r.-'av. ret'.irnin.iv home via Uouis inoruinjr and tells of their bavins a 'ville o:i the aftiT'ioon train. :::;d heavy r.'.in there ar.d every-J ;.;;s. Jo-in TI..iro!f ; ru eliil lren tiling lookius fine. ,,r c.-hir (."reek were visltin:; in Mr.. Ccuii? ("uu'.tin.cham and ;-i;n.jti;!J city for the day, .:.;;:is down liarr.i-. of trhenan.Ioah. armed iiijen the Curly p.vrlinsto:' train, the city b'ft evening, and aie vi-iv j , s 1Mtuan of e;- Ncimwha. J. C. Kohen. of Omaha, arrived in iv the ity yesterday, comins to s-e-eji' Se;ti: Pend in-v for a thort time at the home of Mrs.;h:; ni's i-i.Utr, Mrs. S. L Co'iu-r. Mr. Cunningham, who is a .,, . afur busines- at ti- court was a v;-:itor it: thi.? city for a r.liart ': lp-t Saturdav v fteraoou, look- pl.'taber iu Siu xih, had the h,: -fortune to run a nail in one of hi. feet, wlwch is ma'.ine, it very incon venient to work, although lie is .e" tia aloni; nicely. I.ouis O'Neill, of Mt. ("hire. N. .1 . arrived iu the city yesterday mora ine, coming for a visit and v-heily unaware of the death of hi sister. Mrs. Win. Herold. who had be n buried ks.v than a week. He wa -uxtatly .'tirpris 1 on arriving htT to learn of her demise. Mr. O N. hi will visit here for ome time ai- well as with oilier relative-; in the- v.esl. bet ore ret ttrnins to his koree :n t;:e t. where he is t:i:;a. d in th.e auiomobih' leisiness. house --I., II. Puis cf M-:rray was a visit or iu thid city for a short time to day, driving up with one of bis track5, with which Le was hauling a load of hogs to Omaha and stopped here for a short time on his way kmr.e. Kiul.en Poster and family and Mrs. L. C5. Larson, who have been visiting in Vnion with the Foster family came up last evening driving in Mr. Foster's ear, they visiting bore for the evening and returning home while Mrs. Larson remained. G. K. DeWolf. superintendent of the lity t.rhools. departed Saturday (veiling for Lincoln, where he vis ited with friends over Sunday, re turning to resume his work this fore noon. S'i;i;- Me Wolf has about com pleted his work of conducting sum mer school and will depart soon pre paratory to entering college in the et in the fall, lie is a most pleas in'r eentletm.ui. and has made an ex cellent ruperin'.endent during the I wo years he had charge of the bL-al schools. BUY YOUR VASSAR ATHLETIC c to secure thr.t desired comfort ct.'oiness during tltete hot sum mer days. A b ttcr froei Furl Sh .r!. who h: I e. n ov.-r.-ea.'j f.r setee time and a Mm cf Mr. aid Mr. J. II. Shor t::'d t!:t iie .v.:"I 1 le '. the ho.r:d f.,r home on the L'l.'th of .Tel. which v:i-? last Sunday, aiel th; t ! ..... . . ! C . . .,..1 t-x -i. T-1- r f i.r future. i !.is i tee lourin son idiiiu-ii. jji . ". am fr en the sorvice, he l;ei;i-; . . - i l-'r-.-.-.c rrr- nrrht nnri its nilJ t I :. : to t'-' l a- e'i a : .u. in: v , i - - homo 1- r a visit as soo.i as h business to Jit 'OU Tlht. reieaseil and will probably man: Platlsrnouth his heme. j't- h ive doT:e our part to as sure vour comfort by having on i .jhand a complete s'ocl: to select Fftn M'n l.ivs Imity. - M:ss MaM" r;-iiur:-.-r ir :.i near Mrniey was a i.-:tor in tlii.; city for i short time this afternoon. hihuSTusizclL From irieslay' l;iilv. Jidiu Kduard Johnsun of Weeping Waier spent the day in town at tending to some matters of business among which were naturalization papers. Mrs. John Spec':. of Casper, Wyoming, arrived in this city last evMiing and b; visiting at the home of Mi--.; P. He Speck and other raem b rs f t he family. L. D. Hhitt, of Murray, was a visitor in the city for a short time today, while on his way to Omaha, where he is looking after same busi n. . s: for the day. Mrs. M'Crary. of LaPiatte, was in te.-.v:-. this morning, attending to f 'laa bra-ine.-s matters ith the lo c;' merchants. She returned to her hi .lie on the afternoon train. Mr. Miufard . of Murray was a vi ito ia this city for a short time la. i evening stopping after having vi irel at Omaha for the day and where he was looking after some business matters for a &hort time. Mr. and Mrs. Major II?1I were v: iters at the home of Mrs. Hall's p.-rrr.ts. Mr. and Mrs. G. It. Sayles. Tkty are now living at Pacific Janet ion w here they returned after (heir brief visit. Mrs. Mary Peterson, who was in !.c'n today visiting at the home of ie - daughter. Mrs. Owens, returned L" I'.'llevue on the afternoou train, v, ' ere she is living with her sister at the present time. ISTKt'MKXTAMTlK I' THE l.MXr.O STA1KS VI-.K ' M !"." V V-1 RAH lii i m-- tf. ISSUED UNDER THE FEDERAL FARM LOAN ACT Dated November 1, 1918 DUE November 1, 193S Redeemable at par and accrued interest cn any inter est date after five years from date cf issue. Coupon bonds fully registerable and interchangeable. Denomi nation, $1,000. Interest payable semi-annually, May 1st and November 1st. Principal and interest paj'able at the bank of issue in exchange Approved by the Fed eral Farm Loan Board of the United States government. Exempt from All Federal, Stele, Municipal and Local Taxation! This exemption includes the Federal Income Tax and income from these bonds need not b included in returns PRICE ON APPLICATION Chas. G. Farcirzeie, Bank of Cass County Plattsmouth Nebraska Miso Claire Creamer was a pas senger for Omaha this mornine. where she goes to visit her brother. Edward Creamer, who is in the hos pital, having undergone an opera tion for appendicitis there a few days ago. J. C. Ceuiitoek. of M',eresilh ?.Io., who has been visiting in thi city for the past few days, a gue t t the home cf hi;; shuer, Mrs. T. W. lluggins. departed la?.t evening for his heme, after having had a imi.l xreilent time. Attorney Matthew Co-ring depart ed last evening for Peat rice, where he goes to get the judgment set aside in a suit for divorc and ali mony, because of evidence wi'eh j claimed will defeat according to the statutes, the granting oT a judgment with the consideration of ulimeny. Louis O'Neill, who i; vLiiinir here frem his home at M iinit Clare. N. J.. departed last oven in?; for Clkeiwood. Iowa, where he '..ill visit at th-j home cf Art Mva;i-, Mrs. Fvans be it:e a niece of his. After a s!iei time spent there, he will return her and go to the we.-t and northwest to visit with other relatives. SAW MUCH GOOD COUNTRY Subscribe for the Journal Fioii; Tim S'iay'.s I'ail.v. C. Mof kenha apt , who has been ;i-.ll'ig nith his brother. Ilenrv Mocketihaupt. at Steiling, for I h pa;t wee',:, reiuriM iI home last ven ii". Imviii- had an xcelb-nt vi'-i: while avay. Jb-nry is in the real estate I-a-.-.inets and in the p-irsuit of !r- aoeali(ii. huds, it noce.-ary t travel (j-.-er much country. One d.iy la. I wei !:, with his brother as hi . ue-i. he drove his car I'.'.'i mil over three adjarfut -ounties, visit ing re pi'ct : ' . Tec in:1 -eh. j-oiin!1.--'at of Je!,!;.-).j eoiinty; Peatrie . eo-.:i;iy :at of Cage county. and l'r. ii. e City, coiuity Mat oi I'awni'- o-!i:t. t C"ili-r with the intervet: in.'T cnr.try and back to his hon..- t Fteriine. Chris dei ht;a j he saw more good farm hi:: I rovi red with excellent T'-p ; than In- has ever belore seen In a sincle day. His iiuat ion of Nebraska as a fait or for feeding; tl world b;e, fi-rip. a pn-a' impuhse. Henry Weidman -,.s a visitor ;i: '! e home of his ? e;ter. !r M'a'; i' r. !! is at present making his heme in Cliicapo. rT?ZTe-T2! tTZZZZZZZTZZ gr?V!V.5 SZSSTB C3S -V; :eVi Vet -.1 U'-.-.-Ok !-: vzzzxz?zi ijrzti vA iii iy ll"7 Yifi. JrSSlHZ? CZZZ2Z3 CS ..r.-.t.-m.,, -: - - k j . v i. ..... rr-V - Willi l1 11 3 : if - : . : T J V- v v- ---'"4 , "'-''S-i'if" ..'v.S TA'- '"''-'-''-5"f 4 V-'-i ' '' a-'.sV g.iY; y 5S" 3auTi ,r jTf.Ors.tT'aiOfl Qua. , y-t . rv -r-x -s. Bv.rvrv?a..itkifcAAi '-9. l-l k o, t-ii L'J Farmer Tells Bankers and Lawyers What Consti tutes Happiness Lr-' v : ' - ... jr. '' e,.v' i-. mm v.. l -V PC: fv'f. Ve rii-- c- ..;-.t I i vr i : r. ' '- i.-s.;v t--i-.? tv.f F;l . "TT 'C .... I "' ! l-l H". ? i- '-y ; cm " ; ' 2 ..t-.-.. -3. j. am.."; v v3v;:;'.J . - :.:.i?-" : ';Mf JUL W,7 Vj( NSW u ADRIAT M. NEWOJS Famous Impersonator. Hear him second night in his rendi tion, "A Message from Mars" BOB SEEDS He'll tell you "The t Way It Looks from the Read." Laugh v.'ith Bob on opening night. Piattsmoulli is to be given another aim v id treat by the Chautauqua route. To make this a success, cs in forrrer years, it is necessary that everybody in this community boost for it, talk for it, do all you can for it. It's good for you and it's rjood fcr ycur children. It's the cleanest of enter tainment; it's recreation that builds up character ar.d rrJnd. GO BUY A SEASON TICKET AND SEE THAT YOUR NEIGHBOR DOES THE SAME THING. A season ticket at $2.50 for adults and $1.25 for children (plus war tax) entitles you to both afternoon and evening performances. Were ycu lo attend but half ihe numbers you would sill be ahead financially if you purchased a season ticket. WE WANT THIS LARGE TENT FILLED and if the committee lias not called on you as ye!, go lo one of the following business firms ar.d purchase a couple of season tickets: BESTOR & SWATEK POPULAR VARIETY STORE JOHN W. CRABILL GUY W. MORGAN, Confectionery WEYRICH & HADRABA B. A. McELWAIN PHILIP THIEROLF C. E. VVESCOTTS SONS ,rj::4:je:o 1 ' I e "VV 3tH. .Jfj?. iVSi -5 -i.; 'i:.:4V'-'''.oi .1 eS - -'e' : pys Need Your Help na loti Need Chautauqua9 s Help! ADRIAN M. NEWEPS SSSSJ taSSZS gg3aSi4Vi!KS gE?S!!y2ggg??