The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 24, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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piATTs?.ioTrrn semi-weekly jommAi
THURSDAY. .TTILY 24. into.
paot: fou
Cbe plattsntoistb "journal
Kntered at rostoffice, Pluttsmouth, Neb., as second-class mall matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
KviT.v little viii!.' mhih' imc arises
"finri:! v :i male nersoll. and td-rOS
. . .-
v.-o-:i-:i motor drivers.
Keeently :i to f urivii! C""1'-'
v:.s: held in ti e : .i -.1. jested -.t:
of Detroit, ami t Ii -a (man rotites-.-carried
:f " lienors. -5.1-tl'dve
careful' !-n-. y. t ontro1.: -i
Iit macli iuo v.t'.l entirely
1 roved t!:e :'. (ry .i::.t no wom.i:.
can ban-lie a car as well as a man
Later :l:e was interviewed, am',
the runt ioned two faults rallier
comr.'on anion? women drivers. Tli
lirpt i- that I hey often expect to h.
Riven riicht of way 1y men becau.-e
tliey are women, ami lieiHf ero"'
or run into tiht places, unfairly
HieiiHciiuT others ami endangering
lhPinsel vo.
The second fan!?, this driver -a....
Is the tendency of women to
with f.ther persons in the car while
(Jrivimr. To this tendency she t
tril.utcs mc-t of I'.ie : -ir.asli-up.s :r.
which figure.
As faults in motor driving i4'.-.
points are well taken, out to pin
th-m upm the fair sex is most un
fair. Miiiy a ina driver "lios"
the road, f.ikii xr advantage and pre
cedence. ju;t lr.-ai:e he tl'ir.k-s he
cm et away with it. and cften
finds t !::s v. n dot her people's ror
n.'.v that he cuii't. Similarly the
man who ii t:i l.n.-y talking tc mo
where he is s; in?; is a-i "'iMi'nt a
jk -1 as the woman.
h":i it (mi.:"- to rn-.d :-lru'n:,'.
te has no pi. ice. r, r airy ri"i;t -; it
is ; kill all in' I. : t counts.
: o :
An Tir-iii f rin? exp
a t::'t :r tr-.-.r'; c ii:?
liottr r. ?!; hi'-":i v.-ny,
it'i .;,!. :v.; - j.- ft-ft'-Uu:
fri:r ' '
tin: os a mneq :;:,: -
it says t'.::it
ir'il's ;;
tin urh rvu-
- ft- " " a tr'.M.i-
..:: .' :-. !'.' , f- -r
:' to ',': r- :.-!-
i; ("'iillei n:vi:r.
:;: ! w i'i
m:;c!i as
If tl.e r p -I
making 1 mil -.
be 10 times as
there- was at the
c four-mile, j-ped.
r'-dueod to a mn'.he-
The fact
nmtical fcr!:iula. thu';: "Poundaie
on a road which amount.-; to tie
fame as dama:;e increases as t!:e
square of the s-peed." Thus vvei-l.t
is a far less intpndant f:'Ct('r than
The s-ame reasonin? naturall;.- ap
plies to a t.i:ri!i? car cr a waon. It
is. prolahly new to mst pop'.e. It
may be verified by any d-mMcr if
he will lake the pains to experiment
and observe as carefully as
One state has
fiii;incers have done.
partly r toi;iu:.ed it by char.qinp
liiuhr license fee for fa.t vehicles.
Such exporiTiien'al work u.-hers
in a new era in what the expirta
call "mobile J ran.-prtation." It
calls for thonmli knowledge not
only of the (let-true-five power of ve
hicles but of the reitinK power of
the roads they travel over. It is a
bi subject. ?nvin? more important
every day.
One of ! " hi." universities has
decided to establish a depart mi tit
Public Service Corporation
Can be had in amounts of
Investment Securities
First National Eank Bid's,
Omaha, Neb.
1 1
vt "transportation encineerinj;.'
(Ualinf; particularly with this sub
ject. If the knowledge already
were .generally difim-ed. it would lie
worth hundreds of nlillicns to the
The pome treaty is rccomiized,
even by its friends to be imperfect
and inconclusive. President Wilson
himself admits t' it contains many
unsatisfactory com promises :i!id
probably commits many injustices
in the adjustment of confMctins?
I is this very imperfection and
inconclusi veness that now appears
the strongest argument for a Leasue
of Nations. T"ie peace conference
could not fni.-h its work. It found
the tnsk too preat. -omplicated by
too many rivalries ami containing
too many uncertain factors. A final,
permanent settlement won':! have
'..:iled for superhuman wi:!--.m ami
foresight. The conference therefore,
recoenizint; its own limited wisdom,
seems to have reconciled it e!f to
drawing up the bef tentativ .1;
raj'.Kciiunt it could in the circum
stances, layitijr I'.nwti certain broad
I rinciples f policy and leaving it
to tlit future I.eauue of Nations to
interpret them and put the profe.-j-(d
principles into practice.
Thus the ta 1: of re-hapins tl;e
wt rid. instead of beinp: pronounced
'cmplcto at. the end of six months'
(!' li!erat ions, is I'-f t to be worked
out iu the course .f decatles by a
bodv which t!ie x, ace conference ; vi- i
ilently regarded as heir to its pur
puses and powers.
According to this the
'-; e tie f N:' u-.v.
! s ' ae 'om :
I he v. t
snccessf r of the i'ari- con
It i to carry 0:1 and li
there sw-irJi!.,
:; by Ii:t!e the m: ta'r.'s n:ii 1 1 i -f
!res and r.daptiig the!os
the set 'lenient to hew eond tt !:)
they arise.
This is something ; ate distinct
from tl.e vision of international
brotherhood generally associated
with the idea of a Le gm: of Na
tions. Its practical r. :ture will
commend it to mar.v ')e:ii)!e who re
mained cold to the more iaedli '. ic
toncept ion.
If i? works, it will serve both
purp le.:, knitting the nations closer
together and eliminating the spirit
1 1 v.ariare 1:1 tr.c rame time tnat 11
?ccr. n.pli.-he.s the concrete objects of
the pre.-ent war Fcttlenient.
I'o-ibly it will not work. Pos
sibly human nature is still too weak,
selfish and sort-sighted to make it
work. Put if it will not, with all
the hopes of an overburdened world
to 1 uoy up the workers, what will?
If it cannot be made to work, what
hope is there for civilization?
Another American army is being
prepared for early transportation
(fterseas. It is an army of milk
cows wanted to replace hundreds;
of thousands of cows killed during
the war.
Frr i:ce wants l."0,000 American
cows. There are lielgian orders for
1O0.00O more. Counting ether
scattered orders about f.00,000 are
wanted av$ early as possible.
Tim shortage of milk iu the war
ravaged countries has been one of
the great causes of suffering among
the children. When American, herds
get on the job in their new homes
there will bo a general improvement
iu clr.ld health and less relief work
needed for pitiful, starving young
sters. These placid bovines will
take an important part in the gi-
frantic task of health reconstruction
M In Europe.
Many and curious are the ramifi
cations of the liijuor question. One
of the latest phases is this: Waiters
in many cities are asking for higher
wages on the ground that their
earnings have fallen off since the
country went dry.
When patrons do not drink, the
waiters say, they do not give such
liberal tips. fr-o the waiters feel
obliged to make up the difference
by making employers raise their
It may be too much to hope that
prohibition will cure .the tipping
evil along with others. Hut it cer
tainly has a tendency iu that di
rection. If it only results in lower
ing tipping standards to a more
moderate ad sensible basis, the pub
lic will rejice. Most waiters, too.
will be glad if in the changing sys
tem they are enabled to get a living
income by the self-respecting pro
cess of drawing a regular and suffi
cient salary. Instead 01 having to
el.e out absurd! y small pry by a
ha If -disguised mode of beggary.
The average
about ." doses of
American takes
"lope"' ;i year. P;
ou get yours?
This may s- ta ; flippant and
offensive way of putting the mat
tir; but it serves a u-eful purpose
if it it (hues the reader to pause a
moment ami contemplate the full
scope of the body-wrecking, mind
wrecking tratlic in habit-forming
A ri tiiiniv-I'iii in. t igat ing con
ditions under instructions from the
P. S. Trea-ury Pepart inent reports
that from 1 to CO times as much
opium is consumed in the I'nitcd
Plates per capita as in any other
country from which reliable records
c;::i be obtained. The closest com
petitor for thi vil distinction i.
Polland. The average Hollander con
.'!ie -, :'. tj grains of opium in a year,
'i : e teerica n orsumes :'.('. irrain?.
Ttiat is tiie e(!Uiva!-,-nt of oil ib-:es.
?.;.). t of i: is taken in the form of
V--m at i.i'.s' ii!:;iii!f;ictuT.l from the
cade epiii!".. such as morphine,
heroin, codeine, etc.
If to this opium consumption is
I led t b : cetl.-'iirept ion of Co-"?. 1 11
r :! variou.-: dangerous oal-tar pr:
(':ct. it will be fv.und tlu't th.e
tc-fal i- prcdta'ldy enoeu'i to give ev
try iij:in, womati and hild in Amer
i; i no I-s.; than or.e dose of habit
forming drugs a week.
The extent of drug-addictions,
de.i)iip these alarming figures-, doe-s
l.c t ser;;i o have increased in re
cent years, owing to a growing ap
preciation of the danger and the
enactment of restrictive1 laws. At
present, it seems actually to be di
minishing, farther improvement is
expected as a re?ult of the amend
ments to the Harrison law. which
tablishes pretty thorough control
of tiie t rathe throughout the coun
try. Co-operative legislation is still
needed, however, from many states
and cities. And as the treasury de
partment commission suggests, pro
vision fdiould be made by federal,
state and municipal governments
for the treatment and cure of ad
el icts.
A healthy man is a king in his
own right; an unhealthy, man an
unhappy slave. Kor impure Mood
and s-lt'u:i;i:;h liver, u.s!? Htmloek
Plood Uittcrs. On 1 lie market ."
years. ?1.2". a buttle.
If you have anything to sell or
want to buy something use the Daily
Journal want-ads.
Journal Waut-Adt Pv
Mint i: 'lit 'iti:iriiits
The State f XrhrasUa, Cass coun
ty, ss:
in t h Con n I V ('ourt.
Ill the inatler of the Kslale ,,f An
ten Kank.'i. ili-ciiiscil:
To the creditors of s;iil estate:
'li are tnlehy notilli-d that I will
sit at the County Court i)ni in l'latts
inoiith, in said eotinty, on AuiLrust JL.
and Noveinher 1.:, 1 r 1 :. j.t 10:O
oi-loi-k ii. in. on raeh day to receive
and examine all claims against said
estate, with a view to I lo ir adjust
ment and allowance. The tinpj limit
rd for the iiris)iitation (of claims
against Siii.l esliito is three months
from tl.e J2th day of Auuus A. I).
1:11 :. and the time limited for pay
ment of dehts is one veiir from said
K'th il-iy of August. 1K0.
Witness my hand and the seal of
Ml'l immly Court this Ttii dav of
I j my. l ji j.
County Judae.
(Seal) J14-
i.rr.n, xvner:
T" tl.e unknown heirs, devisees.
i ,;;iles. ,ci s.!,;i l i-.Mirt-Ken!;iiivcs, anil
ill otliei ic!M,,is i n ten s te.l in the
--!:ite i.t liinie v. r.fslor: .Miss Jlaiy
.lane M"ori', ' Ijyinir. if ileccaed, tie;
ii:iknowii l.eirs, !fvisevs, letjutces, firr-
s' ! i ;.ist ii i ;: t i v-s jitiu all oilier
liersons interest' 1 ill tlio estate of
Miss Mary .Kim- .Moore; Joint S. Darley,
ii livinu. if ili e-as d, tl.e unknown
heir.--, devisers. Icfr: Ices. Iiersniial rep
M sriita I i es ami u 1 1 utlier pi-isnns in
terested ill the estate el' John is. Par
ley: S;u!iiii! I turt i-utn. If livinK. if de
ceased, the unknown heirs, devisees,
legatees. mt: n'ml represeatat ives and
nil other persons i lit erest ed in the es
tate of Salmon l :ii it ru in ; Mary Jane
I it re in. if li.inir. if deceased, the
u ii Ii now ii heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal ie jves and all other
persons in l v-1 ete. iii the state of Mary Hurt rum . the unknown owners
and unknown claimants of the imrth-
ast euai ter i.-;i, of .Section nine-t'-eti
(1!M. T.i n.-!iii twelve ( l'l . North
hiin-a- thirteen t-il.-t of tile (ith
I -. ."-!., ('ass nitty, Xehraska. and all
la r p i sons In i i i : ua' any interest of
an I: mil in said real estate, or any
pert thtrrof:
v mi and each of von ;ne hereby no-.
ti-'n-d that ori the ll'th day of July,
l!.);i, a ietilion was tiled in the ftis-
i- -1 Court of ('ass cuiiiily, Xi-lnaska,
iu which ,iia I:, la-stor. (,'liurk-s K.
Ci stor, lluy il. Kestor ml Kiaii) is M.
:-.' tor, wire i laintifTs, ;ind the un-ki.o-.vii
l.eirs. t . visos, h jia t-)-s, per
senal I )!-i )S)-n I a t i i-sr aiid ail othe
pi;s!-s iut' Nil in the estate :'
iMnicl N. lh-.-i-ir: Miss Mary Jmi)--!).
if i 1 v in;-, if deceased, the un
known heirs, devisers, lefrntcos, per
sonal l epi S) tit a I i is till)! all other
peisoiis itiierest'd ill the estate of
.M;.s Mary Jane Moore: John S. Par
ley, if living, ii d. eeasi-.l. the imlaion u
l,i lievi.-ces, legatees. jD-rsonal rep-
ri . t iitalivcs an.l all other jd-isoiis in
t... -led in tie i state of John S. Iar
h ; s.iliiioii IJiiitrum, if living, if d--
)-..s)-il, the unknown heirs, devisees.
Irv.a tees, )-plcs) Il t at I ves nli'l
: !l id her person- in!) ri slrcl iu tin- cs
taie of Salmon Kurlrum: Mary Jam
I'.iirlrum. if living, if ili-rcusi-il, t ! . -unknown
heirs, e.-v isees. leuat)-es, pi ; -;-)i:-al
i) pi .-) til a ! i es and nil other- per-i
so.-s irilr)-su-il in the stat)- of Jlary
,l;,ne tin; unknown owners
a:el uii k no v.-n laiiu. Hits of t lie north iuart-r ( N I 1 1 of Section time-
ti-.-i (la i. 'r)iwnship twelve (ljl. North I
I.-ji-ji- tl-.l itt-ii il::i. ast ))t the i;ih
IV M., 'ass county, .Ncl't aska, arid all
uiiier !' r.-ois liaimin-s" any interest
i f any kind i i said real -stite. or
ai part t he reef, were defendants.
i'.'.e object ai d pi a y r )if Wliieli pe
: ii'o:i are to )i iict the title in the
!.. i'.i;:':.-. Ai a C. It. st-r. Charles K.
Ii .-lur, ;u- I!, liestor and Kraneis- M.
I.. -!..! to the nietlnast iia-trr (X1P, I
of : t ion i on ! n !:'. Township
l.-..!)- tr.-i. N'oith Kanui- thirteen (111
:i ( of the : 1 1 1 i". M.. Cass ) )ointy. N')--luaska,
hieausi- said plaintiffs have
had tl.e actual, open, notorious. ).xclu
s:e :ind tnlvei.-e possession thereof,
and every pr-rt and parcel thereof for
i. -:! than i f -..ins hist past prior to
. eeni ni.-'n eiii' :i t of said ai I ion, and
I' i i ipill.l hie elicf.
'mil and .!! i -f you are f ml her
In lilied that voii arc ropiircd to an-swe;-
said petition on in' hef-oe Jlmi-.!...-
the liist da of Sept. -in her, fslD.
c.rv 1 1 . r.KSTn:.
l'KANCis M. i;i:stic.
I'laini ill's.
C. A. K.WVl.S.
.! i ' - .'. A . A I I oriiey.
i.i :c;.i. .Mi l in:
I i -1 rict Con rt of Cn .-
: ii the li-trut ourt oi Cass coim
I . . 'cl.- aska.
- illiaiii I :. I :.i n ii i ii lt. l'lainliff, vs.
' : r:u W. l-'e!H). If liviliir. If itead.
f' nii'-'iiiii' ii I i d) is)-)-.-, lri;.ilo s
o- i'i'iiihil i ei ir. sen I a t i ves of said
imr . I'iiIiIi ii. and the north half
i- the northeast iiuarier N' NKI4
' S'lCxu twenty-si-: 1J61, 'township
! , l '. Il.uiii" thirteen l !:'., in Cass I
iet. N hraska. siid! ;i!1 pi rsons
, . in.' a, iv ial er-st of ji ny kind iu
- ii estate or any pa I t t hereof, I
: :'. i..:a:its.
Yi Warner V. I'oiuen. if living, if'
: ill. tin- unknown heirs. devisers.
I- iter.-; or per-cu i.i 1 ri-pi)-.-'-!! ta t i ves of I
. ; d Warner Y. Kidden. cud t!:e nortiii
'. f -f tin- imi i :,-t coai O-i- (X'. XKj
'. of .--( tion t ."! t y -si ' -i'.i. Town-1
ten I I'll, lh.iti;.- thirteen il'Ii,!
j- ' -1 . renin;.. Ni Lrnska. and all per-!
- c'ainiiiiLr ai lnl"n si of anv lcii d!
i:i .-aid real estate or any part thereof,'
1 ' : i : 1 1 1 a n t s :
' and ae'u of you are herehy n
I : d II ill o;i tl i- Uth day of ".III! ..
' ' '). X illiam I'., liiinninc. plaintiff
i ! :-i. h is f il I I is petition in the
i tint Court of Cass i-ounty, Nebias-!-..-.
i ainst sa id )l)f)-'uhi n t s, the uli-
t ..iid pi;i.r of which are to can
c 1 of record a !. 1 on said real s
'. made hv ..'allies- l-'o'den iinil wi',-,
S 'r;ih. To W'.i rii'-r V. Kolden, on tl
' iii day of March. ISsi; and re. ordel
ii. hook tHilvi' ( 1 l" i at piiie three l.itn
ili d thirty-one c;;:i of the deed rec
ords of sit hi Ciiss roiinty, and to (pii. t
ir. idairitiff the title to the said in.rlh
1 if of tla- northeast niarlcr (X'i
M ! ' : I of Sictioii twenty-six iL'tii.
l-iis!.ip ton (Int. Kane th.irtee.'i
(1 rt. in said county. ;i;ii'ist all claims,
r :l h am! )le!iuin"' of all of said de
i . i,.i.,,i..
vo'i, iVi-i- reiiuind to answer sa id
p. tit ion on ir it -fore the :fst day of;
. i uust. U'19.
I'ated t! -N V'th ilav of .hii. Tli:
1. O. liWYKI:,
j ! I - hv. Attorney.
l.l'.(.I, MITICi:
To Calih A. V.'oolmiin. if livintr. if
di rraseil, the unknown heirs, levise;s.
h .ati-es, i-!soiiiil representatives umt
a'1 other persons Interested In the es-t.-'t-
of ("iihl. A. Woolman; Susanna
Woolman. if liviiit-". if leceas-d, the
unliiDiwri heirs, devisees, legatees, per-.-oiial
re;i eseti ta t i vis ami till other
I.-isons interested in the estate of
S"; iiuia Woolman: Autrnstiis c. Wool
ii:i!i. if living, if deceased, the un
1: 'VVii hi-irs, drv isres, U-Uiitees, per-s--:-al
representatives and all either
persons interested in the estate of
uulisltis C. Woolman: the unknown
iiivnris and unknown claimants of
llf southenst iiarler of Sertion eicht
i s i . To'.vii'.-liip twelve (11'), North
l:.lle twelve (KM. Kast (if the
I". M., Cass rouiity. Nebraska, and till
l rsons claiming any interest of anv
kind in said real estate, or any part
Vou and each of yu are hereby tio-ti'n-d
that on ihe :!rd day of June,
ini'.i. a petition Wiis tiled In the lis
tiiet ('ourt of ('ass county, Nebraska,
in which Kdvvard Wegener was jdaiti
ti:T and Caleb A. Woolman. if living,
if deceased, the unknown heirs, drvi
s. es, legatees, ersonal retresentatives
and all other persons interested in the
e-tate of Caleb A. Woolman. Susanna
Woolman, if living, if deceased. the
eiiknown heirs, devisees, legatees, in-r-sronal
representatives end all other
persons interested in Ue estate of
Susanna Woolman; Aueustus C. Wool
i.nn. if liviiiK. if deceased, the un
known heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and all other
persons interested i estate of
Augustus C. Wooliiiiin; the unknown
(iKiicrs and chi iine nts of the South
east iu;-.rter (SK'i of Section eitjht
(). Township tw elve (12 1. North
llancre twelve fl-M, Kast of the tith
I". M.. Casa counlv. Nebraska, and all
persons clnimii:;; any interest of any
kind In said real estate, or any part
thereof, were defendants.
The ohl.'ct and prayer of wiueli pe
tition air to oniet the title in
iiinlutiiT, Kdvvard
Si.iol l,i.;iv on:, il ISI'Ai Of tMJCUOII
eicht (SI. Township twelve (12). North twelve (KM. Kast of the Ctn
I'. M., Cass countv. Nebraska, because
said plaintiff has hud the actual, open,
notorious, exclusive and adverse pos
session thereof, and every part and
psireel thereof, for mor than ten years
last prior to the commencement of
said action, and for equuaDie reuei.
XoraSd. each' or 0 'liVtW
"They do more than
please your taste
they satisfy!"
nark.-'-c kcrpc
then nnn and
l'rc5ii, whatever
the weather
iilied that von are required to nn- 'idiiht: Catherine Cipen. formerly
r said petition on or before Mon- ' i.t ! evine h;ii!i;.r; Viola Wiley, form
- the lit's-t dav of Sept. mher. 1019. f i rl -,- Viola Vt-iiTi; Isabelle Voiiiik, liur
KHVAi:i WKuKMU:. I i'-a Voi. ni? and Arthur Younir. were
Plaintiff. j fendants. and William Heniiett. if
C. A. riAWLS, j i;-. ini.'. it deceased, his unknown heirs.
'J 1 ! s "
l.i:(il. MITICi:
i'o William llennett. If liviner. If de -
his unknuvvn heirs. m.-v;sees,
legatees, personal r -pr sen tat l ves anu
1 1 othci- prisons interested in the. es-
I. ue of William Uentiett: all persons!
inn-rested in the estate of Jackson Ci.
I i,i
iiin. iiccejiseii, lni-iuuin.v
iir, I cliiimants:
Voa and each of y..ii are hereby no
tiiied that on the K?h day -f July,
l."i:i. ii petition was tiled ia the Pis
tiirt Court of Cass '-jti.ity, Nebraska,
i-i which W. (I. hufiM-iT was plain-ti.i-
anil William Kcm.eit, jf livlnff. if
In eased, his unknowu iieirs, devisees,
legatees, personal r present a: Ives and
iiil other persons interested in the es
la te ot William llennMt a:u all per
sons interest! d in !'- estate of Jack
son C. (ihlhiim, deceased, lnelndimr
rieditors and claimants, vere Jerei
ihints. Vln- object and prayer of which pe
tition are to !iiiet the title in the.
plaintiff. W. (J. Itordeker. to Lot two
, -) in the southwest tpiarter of the
southwest iuarter (SV'4 SW'i) f
Section nineteen (10 and Lot one (It
iu the southeast ouarter of the south
west iuartcr (Si:'4 SV'..) r Section
thirtv ::cu; and the west half of the
northwest iiiait.-r (W' N'W'i) and
the west hair of the southwest emit
ter (W'i. SH ',i of Section thirty (:;n.
all in rl'ownshlp eleven (111. North
Canue thirteen (K). east of the 6th
I m Ciiss countv, Nebraska, because
.-aid plaintiff has "had the netuat, open,
notorious, exclusive ami ::d verse pos
MsstMi thereof, and every part and
parcel thereof for more than ten years
last past prior to the commencement
of said actioji, ami for equitable re
lief. , ,.
Vou and each of you are further
notified that you are required to an
swer said petition on or before Mon
day, the iirst day of September. 1M19.
W. C liOKOKKKl:,
jll-.-.w Attorney.
i,i:(; i. Minn:
To William It.-niiett, if llvlnK. if de
ceased, his unknown heirs, devisees,
legatees, personiil representatives and
all other persons interested iu the es
ta.e of W illiam li'-nriett: U m. II.
Shepard. if livintr. if deceased, his un
known heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and all other
persons interested in the estate of
Wia. II. Shep.ird: John II. Lurnham. il
liviiiu-. iT deceased, liis unknown heirs,
devisees, legatees, personal representa
tives and all other persons interested
in the estate of John 11. Burnham:
Vou and each of yon are hereby
potitied that on the 21st day of July,
li19. a petition was filed In the Pi.s-
triCt COUrt OI laSS tUUIll), .cuiaar.a,
' in whica Anna White, formerly Anna
iiimmM M If H
Chesterfields ' let you in" on an entirely
now Idnd of cigarette enjoyment
They not only please your taste, but they
do something else besides.
Know what a big, juicy beefsteak does for
your hcinger?
Well, Chesterfields do
th:::r; for your smoking.
'rrr-ioke-spot They let you know you re
cm oiling. They SATISFY!
Tr.c blend does it. And the blend is the.'ficturcr's secret. Unlike a patent, it
cczmci he copied or even closely imitated.
) I you want a smoke that really "satisfies"
:3k for "Chesterfields."
f n I v
w -ub aia rfi z.--i 4jf0s iVjw7
qf TnrldsJi and Domestic tobaccos ' blended
j '.evn cos. legatees, personal reprcson-
tttives and all other persons inter
ested in the estate of William Ben-
n it: AVio. 11. Sl.enard. if livins;. if de-
! . a -.--d. his- unknow n heirs, devisees.
j legatees, p rsonal representatives and
;nl olhrr persons interesten in me
estate of Wm. II. Sheiiard: John II.
Km iih.ini. if living, if deceased, his
i,ii;;iioivn heirs-. devisees. legatees.
personal ' epresentatives and all other
persons interested in the estate of
John II. ISurnliam, were defendants.
The object and prayer of which pe
tition are to quiet the title iu the
1 !n hit ifi's, Anna White, formerly Anna
V-jiiar?: Catherine Capen, formerly
Catherine Y owns; Viola AViley, form-eiiv-
Viola Youns;: Isabelle Younir.
Hjrton Younar and Arthur Younfr. to
Lot four (4i in the southeast quarter
!. tl;-' i pouthwest quarter (SK'4 SW'i);
l."t live (.) in the northeast quarter
the southwest quarter (NK14 SWU):
Lit fourteen (l in the northeast
qi artcr of the southeast quarter (NK'.i
Si';1;); Lot fifteen (15) in the north
west quarter of the southeast quarter
(NW'4 SK'.i); the south half of the
. - - - Tl
exactly the same
They touch the
southeast quartet- (S's Sl''i. nil in
Section thirteen (l.". Township leveii
(111. North Kunuc thirteen !.:. r.i-t
of the ;th P. il.; also the west hiCf
of the southwest quarter (W'j SV i
if Section eighteen (l.S.i. Tow ns!ii
eleven (11), North Kanue i'ouileen (111
east of the t;th P. il.. Cass countv, Ne
braska, because said plaint ills have
had the actual, open, notorious, r.
cliisivc and adverse mi..cssliin thrie
of. and very part and parcel thereof
for more than ten years last past
prior to the commencement of said
action, and for equitable relief.
Vou and each of you are further
notified that vou are requited to an
swer said petition on or before Mon
day, the Mh day of September, Pll'.t.
Formerlv Anna Yuiini;
Formerly Catherine Yoiini;
Formerly Viola Voting
Plaint iri s.
C. A. KAWLS, Attorney.
Wall Raper, Taints, Glass, I'icturc
Framing. Frank Gobelman.
(To H
v .
; .
i I
in ' ,