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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1919)
r-i. j-ijuouiii trial-v; 'A' M if i i v r A '2 E..- :s . 2 .. u b . :c '. S - Et ... . r e :n ,:.3 ; .3 .. :c .:.:2 S'. . '3. : IE.:. :s : 1 . : '. &::' R .j. Lincoln visited at th.- Tito. Hall I I a a t r" pa? r hJ i O thJ Ua La MOHOGGK ITEFviS 0 5 M p fi II f ( jy. V a'. home Suuday. ln.le licylvfs is droing a new ' Liberty Six. having his oM i in ..n the den!, i ! Milton and Mamie .-i;i:ivt-iv mm'IiI ' thf v-.-t-.-k inl in Lii.e.Mu v,i:I, Hi .i r I r.n?5Sr,5g3 1 ' Mr !.? (1 Mr. !!m'i. it Vi nc.-l. :' si. flit , ... ........ c. .. i.. I & - ' '-' "'' - .snn.'av ill '::y ill Lincoln. Mrs. I'iara Piv.uly w r a &u-:t ai . . t. ilit -; i,-! Sal unlay :M1,.)t.r Sunday evening at the home 'U The Eled Sex vs Union Guifiiting Co, everinv, from Lincoln. 1 ,,r ir -,t,,l Mr-. Vied I'ivumv X ; lr. St-j-.rt Mclnmiott of Omaha , Misss K.x an,i i;;.t McK.ill cl" C v.-a-i a r ' i :.: ih- L. Nfitzt-i lu.jnf ; i:i,)lW(M, at-Jiuf-:l .Mrs. I :-.yl. fcJ i-.';i . ! fu'ioral .rvifs- PrMay ai'if rnnnii. ) A.r. at. a ..i : s. .iiir.- -wun.. - r. ml ; Ir. J.,niiM!ti .Mrs. ,H l5"rVfli. :;-!!.. wt r.' Monday HUfvt.-; , NV( ,,ov,.r of ijni.0ln c.iicJ Si:im!;iv , . I.. XtD Oiiiii aii't i .Uiii.y. !. 13 .1 i t fl'IUiOll at thf OF OMAHA I 'oi'f luan ii Ball Park EVERYBODY G0!E OUT! Miss IM-n llaln: iii'd Miss Kathry jirrl)P J :.'-ary -i Omaha :r-v.X Minucy witn ( ,orn l0 jr. alui Mr,. noy Su.xv. m Of thf lat'or's fti!';s at this pia j-;;, a flau? !: ! t r. AVfiJi.e -!;: . July ' - .Mr. L. T. Tool r-:ur:iel Sum! ay ! j ; i;,ir, Au 0:):u-f ri,-.l are (i.lnsvti I; !' .,! 'f " V.'a'cr ain! Lincoin niC0iy. I 1; v l.-Ti si hnl ht---n with lelaf.vts.. : v(:iV( r and ( hari - M-' s Kva :.!ii':r-J Soric-k r- ,!;:JU Ul0,0rfd to South 1 " turufd t . Lincoln Sunday .-voniti day t.vt.nin, r..; un, Sun.h.y VS af!-;- a n;;rT vh:: v.iili home folks. ( veil ins. N fi Mrs. . Sfhi'.'-der ' has reeently Mr. ami Mis. Will Casvy. Mr. uiid '8 q !'-i-ia.:- a lodre rradsK-r of the :!rs Ki r., , y ai.-i .i..:h.-r Ca ny M iar'e j Fore- . w Hi n.l Sattir- l a a. a ' h-:s" a -s -ra "s 2'rs -"c:ji.' a.E s -.a. r .e -::c :x. . tj r r?i. :;fl,r riK.-ored to Mnrdoek en :iraW(K, n a a .-" 'lan ii-f v.tiif.i is tmiefu t v.tre vi.-it itifr rnends "ii, our vicinity r ear. : v.ct-k. H f? l-n.'l Km-hn and fai.ii'.y of l!ureh- i r. and .Mi3. ilerinan Itojr-.v of rm- "5 and W Parsell an.i daughter . ine I'rrp?'.! of Linc(diis Sundav for a brief visit with reia- er's Fister !rs. H. F'roemer and a ; iv's and friends. I familv Friday evening. in .Tf--e I .and hoi in aCi' i m- : . .... I T A V I "Ti:: rn 'I ' w A : .. .1 i : . 7i nn to Omaha hust TSiursday fnmi ; FpC.1:t the wrek end h rc with .Mrs. 'ii which i-lace they wen: tn their f::- 'red ITcuty and family. t i-ier ho:re in North Platte. Xehr. ; Maurice Kc-fer. who i - frlns? i v. M Mrs. V. Hite and j-on I'l''the C. P. & Q.. ll. I'-.. 10-20 Tilan kerosene burner, with three-bot- tcm plow, dehvered $1,300.00 Alfo the i 2-25 Huber Linht Four tractor with P.ovL-. S Henry Tf 1 returned F-.tutr-'ay vvi-ieh w., - l.el'i Prid-iy affrnon. jfjj :.. i. : ... . .....rt ! Tl.n T .. ' ; ,r. ! .1 Cn. :.. .. ... i i ; i.i . fi iree-bGttcm p.ow included, Delivered. .. .51,640.00 f A f:::e 1)OV arr;v-d a; U fo.,.; sal- Saturday af.ernr.on i&f pa t K. 12 n n r. DODGE BROS. CARS AT $1,1S5.00 Delivered ? CHANDLER CARS AT $1,975.00 Delivered ia I. K. C. Tracks DeLaval enc! P:irnrcce is Cn the C. P. & Q.. fi. i!.. out of L:n-' coin, ate Frituiav dinm-r with l.i:; fi - returned lact Thursdav from a wft'hs visit with r!r.vives in Oah- ; j,ur n": Mr. ar;l Tlrs. ('. Kevfer. ill !ar.d ami West ic::ir. .-...:. i !.'- ; V,r?. .Nettie Hnicr c: V . r io imitation an oe As Good as tl nai .:r. Thf ; M i vt :i.o visitea r. ; a Lives at n.tan. . fr,,m Lincoln V,-Jiieday to attend ;f 9. ( Nf hr. lie funeral of Cra: WE WILL NOW EE IN A POSITION TO MAKE DELIVERIES ON DODGE BROS. AMD CHANDLER CARS. v ' u," '. f Mr. a::-! Mrs. Jo- c: u?t!- evdiir. July iMt at the P.u-!es hnild- 3 ? ::; We d iie'a'.ay iii" r. M an ! in.T former! y ocettj-ied ly ("lark & ; 5 !uh-e :rn )ir.i'. nicely ard Cira"! !;! Svii. ! ?-irF. John Murtiy rft urned hrm.- jg j. i .est in wt r.r c oT "i Mr. a:.-l . smile that v.'- from ('lav CentT la t T::tir?da v '.! rs. Tler.ry T. o! an-! : c-mranied !y : nioiher Mrs. II. Ill - ...ns I! r-M-:. and Itichr.rd a! J. Pri :. They leave il.Is we- k fr.r ifc -. l-ry.-.r '. U ! , n?.!u mo?"r"d to S?,r:iif- a vi- it in N'ew York Mate with re'. a- jg Orville It'.herts,n v.l-- in Li::c-r.ln ' S o;i sunt say. a""r vi ;am Separators. Iiryn r- - ' tives. ! '.U'T: early, almost rvrv it'-rni: I-ahfli Tr I a.; ! ; Si i 3 Sas' w. a- Vju jr C ii t k Fivf -pc-fcrrer Ford to-j.rir. rar. ;lor.rce roadster, a bar-rain at. . . cor0 05 . . 'j -... . . c 0 . 0 3 a 1 ' werlc. The demand for truck rer- i -V ! V:ce :s in erea-'i tic snul Orvlli" i tr ii i huy to fill a!! orders. jgj ".i- Michael Ai'-n-ft v af- hor:- j r. am!" Mrs. Albert Foreinrni ' i" l-". -'t! S .vit-f 'atirl am' j Y2!pari-. f pent Sunday vvitu ti-,.- ;ti :ied Fr: '; v. .Tu'y I1. 1! :". j '.em,, folks .r re and Ceo. Foreman 1, Wabe.--d;. N r. ' cam - to A-- j jr.. pad family sp-nt Sunday wr!. Tr Mr! lonaid. AUTOMOBILES FARJvI :.?:!?LE?;IENTS C'-c n -a s -:.a ::r?:-s "z: . r: s u a r: r rv; I :: 1.: A n ! .:.;. r:r ; roc i .on ; - vi ' i 'A lit .",,( v.m. . Ii. v '. j. : ,T : i . ; r - ' 5 i'-der p'ea-e ...; :,; . a ; ar- t i or-, it; . diatci v at. i ::.-!.t ;.!.;:, : r.i r, -. . ..l; 1 !'v ye '.. n a y-ui't; man '.; . 4 ' ir '"'!lH in ll'.iU'vs -- "-.. i... : r.', r: ttntf . t1 wevt to iv'dr-r .'M-. -')".r:. r.r-1 Ar?."?! , v. unite-.! in on rna"" with y. i t -yn A ?' r. !tat mnn. t-. ! ; ' otioTi v.""re -- t :i ' dr-'-n . t' hrv'vr ;.re.--:e.-l '.'-. ''a:!.-r ' : 1." e; -'.t ;:;':r'"1 r,-::;r. i i; ;;r-.T-d;n Anttrw-. Mttrd.'.ek. .Mr.. T.;-':. I.i.ft. ?;!.--';. Il-'-" M:d .- v. f r.!l of C o-.-.i. i: pt.jfrc Xnthiy Di'ierrio. (ln;a!::i : Mir- ;;:;:i Am -v- t. !. v.--. ('.!..; 7v I : : ; M r-ra'- M'd 1 '!; ry .:-:rr v-r, : r: : l,o;.e-. ail l-.-;ror f-n To- '1 X:r e-;il v. i'h tl'- v. ii'.V.v . f.-l-r t'.'.i! eh;!dr-:! ; i ;1 ' u i v-; s;r- M ' F:,rl Peumett. j i" i !. ; .1- i:i '. 1 1 . (;;:' ; - : i. ren:; .T. . Ca -e tepa. rater r. "f::My. jp 'v;'-! '' ' wr t :tr?!iinv !C afier. Ore--! Cw i: purchase 1 a v ! to tractor, which will bt- u-erl to r ' ' t l e f narat or. ! 3 n. P. p I 1" Mis- Mari- in ! Prutitv and Mr". J. A. Fha:T- r rr.-'-i i ii t .-. i.nif'ti ' edn"vt:ay m .- t ti e former'?, ear. Mrp. J' h:i Foreman. Mrs. Ceo. Foreman and drjehr Mi. V.':r "m n :.',;: i:ei"e Mis; WE DON'T LIKE TO KEEP harping on the fact that Reo was a pioneer in this industr3' os many of the pioneers have failed to keep pace with the progress. BUT IT JUST IS a fact, and, as the science of automobile engineering aiid of manufacturing progresses, somehow 3'ou always see Reo in the van. ULTRA CONSERVATIVE in some regards we are considered by the more adventurous in the industry. For example, we still adhere to the police of doing all our experiment ing at our own expense, not our customer's. AND WE NEVER adopt as a part of cur standard product or offer to a buyer, any feature of which we are not absolutely sure. THERE'S A DIFFERENCE between courage and daring. DARING is taking chances and de pending on bull luck to get through. COURAGE is the propensity to assail obstacles when sure cr the ground after the most careful survey of con ditions and with a full knowledge of its difficulties. REO IS COURAGEOUS in that sense. If cur -engineers have convinced themselves that a certain principle is rig-Lt, our sales department is per leclK' willing to meet an- opposi tion to convince ycu of its super iority. c" .' ti prr r" - . .j.. a vi.j lvr.u is conservative but progressively conservative. THIS REO "SPEED WAGON" is a case in point. DO YOU KNOW that the very fea tures that constituted the strongest sales resistance when we first brought out this truck, are now the features that most strongly recommend it to AND3 HISTORY REPEATS itself in thio case also, for the very competi tors who then flouted the very idea of electric starter and lights; and pneumatic tires; and speed qualities in a truck, are now Reo's closest imi tators. SO AGAIN the soundness of Rec engi neering is demonstrated. WHY, THE VERY TERM. "Speed Wagon," used to differentiate this type of Motor Truck from all others, is as much the rightful property of Reo as is the very design itself it is ours bv right of priority. BUT WE DON'T MIND others using it imitation is the sencerest form of flattery, and if they find it necessary to imitate as nearly as possible Reo design, why should they not also take the Reo term to designate their imitations? BUT WE'D SUGGEST to you as a buyer that an original is always bet ter than a copy the real, superior to any substitute. SO IF YCU CAN SECURE a Reo "Speed Wagon" the quality of which has so thoroughly proven itself that rivals habitually proclaim theirs "juct as good as a Reo" if you can get an original, why accept an imitation? J. E. gSasors FfattGrnouth Garage P'sttsmouth, Nebraska ! Itoy Conirrmn r.'m V;,i. C -:- j Si :.' o ; ich rtrivinjr tu w Hupm-'.if'" i v.-hi eh the-' reer.ilv purchas-.u ".m. i Itl.e F..-;!... arc:;:. Price. ! r A m '' ve- I UGH! TIAI-IS GC'ITG U? 1.": ht - : : - -!. tl .T-.u-mil v ;: ! r ! : :i ad;. ; .::t : .r tl ' .) ':.( !.: i.t p.'ant. ." v ::;r-!i I-y il , (i...u2.a. a ' t i: ;,;u", t vi." ;'t""j '" i. ; t Y"-p If. v.h'le in the ( ; .-Vh '.).; Lr '..'i r.a' ' f w i.. f :; ' h -. was rot co: t-i ":e h: s:-p-rel (iane'rof- ,...) j, I rr- t'i:e cv t d t !. e ; ' v ; e - IV- !.' -y (i- . ..,-, ,JV y.-as -e :e he- p-'-f.'- tl. ::. ' : r.:; 1 Mr.-. Vi.:. V-.-ou .- r ;i .. r.-.. 1 f ; o:. r. ; ,i m -r. .1 - . "That Pr '!.: r-r ef F(i i: . . U . . pi..: . o:: lit. 1 1" v n s.-!le Ht t. r CTi: t S K' . one . 1 f rries ;rt ; i on ce. r r a? s!ie k - the l'..mily an-' . fri'-nd-. He v:: ; hauLnc wbe -. ' f.-eui the thr-hitc- machine only ! r tn!!-- f rr r:. hN i.ou-c. vheu : j prr.ilytic strele caused his death.1 P. .T. Li'Kh and Mas ita !.. "'!. y l. ft Mommy m'-r?:inrr for t '.(. me on aecr.-.vt r f Their 1 ('ruphter not lieins: well. i j Mr. and Mrs. John elites and Mr. Z I r5V i! -;;. ;; ' : ii. i n p n r n r, yi hii ii i; if' -i n Ti r j! e l-j v h u i irr i JL nni 1 . LT. J--' TT J k- L f.f T.-J V --.r -1 1 . I ftJUi fill! j ,?m;-,yl '? i ----- ' an:! caused to fall fr .m hi ! Mr?' Kn'r ltfrnett an1 th"Ir! j load".! w K.eaii. ;- a hind 1-f --hand, j a lev! ne- f-. iher. n f .?d rrra r m " . and a pun! m ichbar is rc-.v i ! from our midot. j rut-eral serv:rm were h' 1 1 families tc 1: Fur. da v; with ! r i ' 'i. ' . V I r- . .f:e ,. , i-.. . or iTJisii'B uno taiittitu f iu;.f.i j,) -I o rd -"V: T!-e ;-rv'e' were onduct f 1 by Lev. A. 1 1 . K-hwn!. Tii" body was laid to rest in V.'iiha?!: i-Miscary, Kouth cf th";-. pi. ,;. Prices is F. O. B. Lansing and the Special Federcl lax must be added. flwayt; bears the i. C?rd Of Thanks. We d-'ire to ;!.nl: the kin 1 fnendi and ii'hliw, in t'n rt . a!' 1 1"!-- whn were so I I'l.i to ti dur-:- the death hurifl of ou- l.-vei' 'me. Al.-o f--r the riar.y batitifi'l flowers. mp. l. :t. AMcvnr.T. I ive Poultry r AXn eillLDKEN-. v. .-;, TAKE ft PFCTL .Tier; PJT ?OWH V 1f?.r FVRY CENT OF YOLT. Lr&T rONEY W fc MT YtMJ WILL SEE HOW MUCH W F NT FCR EXTRf.VAGSKCtS AND THINGS lOU REALLY DID NOT NEtD. IF YO'i PUT THIo !OrEY TN O'JR SRHK. IN A YEAR IT WOULD MAK A GOOD roiIWR f l M. DO IT. OU KNOW YO'J O'JSHT TO. vo'l W ILL PkECCIVE 1-2 ' INTERESTS ON SAVIN '3 D f'C-CO'JKTS. V y. $ NF.Vk'S FROM ALVO " " Ffiecial Correspondence a 3-;. .yi .-t tf. :0 t y-, it. -rti -kaiak? .. : -Mi l-.-.,,; ir-,...t.r n.,,i fn,. t - - . . . . 1 . . . . . 1 . 1 . 1 ... V. A .kLk.T t . . .(111. ily. Little Misi Eva elites remain ed to spend the week with her aunt. Mrs. I'aul Prouty. Friends here were .shocked to learn that Grandma Doyle:; had died in South Dakota. Wednesday, July Ifi, at the home of her brother, where she hid pone to visit. An obituary will appear next week. Walter Collin-, bought the crop-, and entire farming equipment of George Anderson, and will tahe charge immediately. Mr. Ander son's plans for the future have net been m?de public yet. and we hoo? they decide to remain in our midst. Itch! Itch! Itch! Scratch! f? Scratch! Scratch: The more you mgu Llw scratch. the v.-or?t the itch. Try's Ointment. Por erzemn. anv il u. w.ii-.r.r.TT was in uineotn A rr innfl of Vve Trniltrp tn h 1 ..,. .. - - - - J. w w " 7.1.141 I k. i i ' I ' delivered poultry car near Eur- i". C0c a box. V.'ef yip- d: y. Mis- rmmi Jordan was a Lincoln lirsri02J J-rf;,vt jjepot, PlattSEOUtll. vi-itor Thtt-sdv. Kefcrt cn Xhay Tuy 31 cne day j Tt. K. P.eitz and family autoed 0nJy. lor which tve vrJl pay in cash !ni1 I! O ICOOniTi ovm- froi, W-.verlv Sunday. follows : U N I Hi Ul L L U VJ L U e. II. Jr.rdan and L. Lauritsen PVt; ne- lb or;., i. C .1 L't 1SJ. - ftTPTTATlTTTT1 T7TTTrC"T1T -T ..,.,! . I inrnln Ttiodnr mr.rn. e : u. n ; Uijjk JjUXAimiy IfllSltllUI w "-.... c ;u iiiirs. ptr 10. i3c r in Old Hccster. per lb. 13c -- r t-ot. n, or..,; aot-ti: t t st;s Tr:KTr:r oti ... tJv. , r,(:s Teste-' ami Glares Kitted 5- ??ef prr lb. G2c ' :4ate PLRTTSMOIJTH. NEBRASKA M. T.. M-k!e ef Praire 7Tnn-" v;?ited Mrs. Sam Hardnock Tues- Eorse Hides, each $14.00 N'ijht Calls Answered After Esurs Mr?. Erie Larson, nee Hipirias. Eemcnber the date, ve v.-ill be r.a i 9SA St-idavg by Anointment - AICUIU iOUl UX C-XIU LCLXV j - r " tare oi an poaim' cirTrea icr sale. ; .-sir. ana Airs, w . r. Minford of tn it. 1 2 on liMi t-. .ii to w:'E.EY;- j fr::. b,SS Plattsmouth. Neb. Jj V iT77r YOU into the Dress Circle for a series of "Comjokt Talks." COMFORT TALK AK, NO. 6 .A tact or ot real t nit.)rt fv n vour 'icati"ti trip i YOUR LUGGAGE V cal! vour ::Uenti n to ur eat in!tv. wiicre yiiti will lithl a di-jtlay i t rim. travelimr liat:. anv ne t wliicli v u he ;!-ond t lake with von to mount: BELBER BJS68H6E IS BETTER Dloer "anlro)e Trunk 87.50 Ilellier Bas. priced from Sro to Others Cheaper vv esco tt's Sons EVERYBODY'S STORE SpasiJtT"