THURSDAY. JULY 24, 1910. DRY BILL IS MADE A LAW Titan t;Mi!!iiai BY HOUSE .(.'(V - PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL,- njaa ii Haass m. 7 P -' -h..-- - I j i- '"7-- ---v-a -gx.y.r g?r-fi--f Ross Will Cossfinue T "Bring Borne The Bacon" THE profit in hog-raising isn't going to end with the war. It's going to take a long time for the meat supply to catch up with the demand. The business farmer will take advantage of this condition. He will equip himself to raise lioc;s and raise hog with the most profit. That means a good breed of hogs and a scientifically built hog house. A good hog house must be weatherproof warm in winter and cool in summer with plenty of sun on the floor at farrowing time. With such a house you can get two litters a year as easy as one, and bigger litters and healthier pigs. And t-uch a hoj house will pay for itself in one year in the saving of fred alone. The feed goes into pork production not merely to keep the hogs warm. White Pine buildings are a permanent asset they increase your ;-ecurity and add permanent value to your farm. White Pine used for any exposed surface docs not warp or twist or rot, even after years cf exposure. And it works more easily than other woods. Practical vrkir plans, specifications and complete bill of material for the boc riutc litiizs, or ny other type of farm building, will be furnished on retjuct, together with our estimate of the cost. V. B. Vil !. Secretary of Labor, says. "SAVE YOUR MONEY BY BUiLDJNG A HOME." We have been told that wc were ovcrlv mcdest but excuse us for adding, AND BE SURE AND BUY YOUR MATERIALS OF THE CEDAR CREEK LUMBER CO. That goes so well togeth er t1, i: yen ran almost ting it. Come in, and we'll let you try il o: our piano. 8 9 J r- mm i LU US! hU UrJ V MEASURE FOR ENFORCEMENT OF PROHIBITION ADOPTED SECTION BY SECTION. LIQUOR IN HOME IS ALLOWED Strike Out Amendment That Would Have Put Under Bond Person Con victed of Violating Regulations. Cedar Creek, Nebraska. EIGIES ENJOY GOOD TIME. -1 IV. : -M 11 r i t!. i . :.' -jr.:. ?.r-: y w;.r: ri' w -I i n :i t 1. T:;- i;;i c- ::t ri-f-w :i. :.'r. i n !.: v. . TI !' Mil 'I ; 1 1-1" v. a - had i I ' -ax !i r.t the - i !r.:-i'rr.iy cv(n--h t!." v, at I:." r wvi r :i v. ry ;co''l i : mi-! !1 S( ni (l i:'!tl KM.i tinif. !.':- l'.-r the i:.-t ! i.:.r-t all i:f thm jki: rc::;.c,I. UNEEnWEXT OPERATION AT (Mt:a!i;i vi;i a ut emuhile, v.-ht-ro it vas ilci'kd ly the attending physician that j't fip'Tat in would lx necessary an! tht hi 'iicc. This was done ir;; rn"i!iitf !y and the yountr men was rt iMirt-"! i!::rir. th- niht as xettin i!n;i;r as -.veil as could be expected iiii l -i thr circtmistances. TT.i niorn in Iii- j-.;ireiis. Mr. and Mrs. . Cr awcr and xi.Wer, Mias Hose !;. Cr -airier, dfparted for (imaha to cee the man s::. (t what they t il l f r hii.i. It i.'. Iioih-I lie iii iv jTi'i:re-; nicely and sMn be able to j r r in: to his work entirely recov ered. Ir'rr 'I'.;. !:! I.!.-i cvi'r.i;:-,' JMwan! "r r Mit!i- :; I;. ::ij. ri wi'h a .- -vi re jittat k :f :. i i c ir I.-. ::: v rushed to e:i:- ily. :',0c a box at all stores. Ikir.-li physics react, weaken the bowel.-, vil! lead to chronic consti pation. Doan's Ke&nlets operate 5222 raaa at the ft 0 South Sixth St., 13 Plattsmouth, Neb., Washington, July 21. llie pro hibition enforcement bill, drastic provisions and all, va3 adopted Monday section by section by the house, but a man's right to store liquor in his home stood up against all attacks. On the final count, only three votes were recorded in favor of an amendment to make some pos session of intoxicants unlawful. After all perfecting amendments had been adopted and others design ed to make the bill less severe were bowled over in a choru-s of "noes an attempt va.s made to adjourn ov er night. This prevailed, but there was a demand for a roll call and the prohibition force, summoned trom all sides by their leaders, piled into the chamber in sufficient numbers to keep the house in session for the tedious roll call vote on half a dozen amendments in dispute which had to be passed on before vote was taken on the bill as a whole. Demand for a formal reading of the engrossed bill which was not in shape for that purpose, forced ad journment of the home Monday night and delayed its passage un til Tuesday. First Fight of Day. The first light of the day was over the section giving courts the right to put under bond a person convicted of violating the liquor law. This was stricken out after lit prescntat ive tJard. democrat. Ohio, hud pointed out that it provided double punishment for the poor man. who might be .sent to jail. The vote was s:; to many prohibi tionists opposing its retention. When the house reached section of the hill dealing with enforce ment of constitutional prohibit ;;;:i and which co?itained the provision that it was not unlawful to store liquc.r ut home for personal u-e. the scene was not unlike that on a stock market on a high sales day. Everybody wanted to spe;.l: or offer an iinundment. fully ::nore clamoring for recognition at onie. Pirst consideration was given i'hairman Volvtcad of the judiciary committee in charge of the bill, who had two amendments. These fixed t ho time for reporting possession of intoxicants. In one Mr. Volstejid offered, and the house accepted, the time specified in the proclamation by the state department as to the effective date of constitutional pro hibition January 10. 1 !". w jus ac cepted without discussion. OPERATED UPON FOR AP PENDICITIS LAST SUNDAY says his store can be headquarters for the fruit canning season. Wc also carry a full line of the Fruit! If we are short in stock, we will take your order for next day's delivery, for we are receiving fresh goods every day. We also carry a full line of Li Abo a nice new line of 9 WE PAY BEST PRICE FOR PRODUCE Call by phone; and a long distance call we pay the charges. Telephone 1 16. First door south of Zuck weiler cc Lulz's old stnd. l'ioni Tuesday's Ially. This morning Mrs. Ida Keown. of Pleasant ville, Iowa, arrived at this place, and Is visiting at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Clem M-rritt and family awaiting an opportunity to visit with another daughter, .Miss Florence Keowr . who underwent an operation at Nebraska City Sunday for the removal of her appendix, and who cannot he seen until Thursday oT this week, although it is said she is getting along as well as could be, expected. We have reduced the Titan 10-20 price $225. You can now get the world's standard 3-pIow tractor for $!3Q00. Cash F.O.B.Fariory $1,050 on Time When you buy a TITAN the original price includes: inc iuii power 10 ire ,f tv r. , ', 1 . 1 10-20 can be quickly : f -TjSi Sf-rZ-' ;; . " - use of the location cf iW'. ' il . . X II clears the front whuls S F T . ' -V :ff- , THERE is no joker" in this price. We are not telling you one story in this advertise ment and then leaving it for cur dealers to break the sad news that the advertised price won't buy a tractor unless you pay extra for a lot of necessary features. The Titan dealer won't charge you extra for "starting and service" before he can deliver the tractor. He won't show you a machine stripped of many essential parts belt pulley, fenders, platform, governor, drawbar, tools and then tell you that you can have these things by paying extra for them. The Titan at this advertised price is a complete 3 -plow kerosene tractor. Then there is another thing. We are not experiment ing at your expense when ve sell you a Titan 10-20. There is real farm machine and tractor manufacturing: injj experience back of it. We have been in the farm machine business for S3 years and have been supplying; tractors for 14 years. Not another company in the world kno ws the farmer's power and machine require ments as the Harvester organization docs. Would you entrust your bank account to a man who had never had any experience in handling- money? Will you risk your farm profits in a tractor built by designers whose knowledge of farming is limited to books and a drawing board? It will pay you to think about these things when yen buy your tractor. Starting and Instruction Service Another j..l:crr ! 'oi;e trader concerns is to charge you a large "starting and service" f.-e extra. This is another way of petting a low price for adver tising purposes. 3;:t you can't ,et the tractor without paying this charge. They rr.ake it compulsory. The International dealer five t'vf fftis sgrtv'ee without asking yon to pap extra inr it wh?n ton bvy a Titan 10-20. Free tractor schnols inaugurated Sy us. ulsobenefitTilan purchaser in all parts of the country. International Harvester Company OF AMERICA inc. CHICAGO USA r irirf inn a i : i .i i . i -i i- r" j targe, wiue iricuon tiuu.i pinicy, niaac in nve sizes, equipped v.-itb safetrr shiild, is mounted directly on the crar.k-shaft of th low-speed, steady Titan engine and delivers driven machine. The Titan backed into the belt beca the pulley and the belt and other parts of the tractor by a ger.e'ocs margin. It is r.nt necessary to dig holes for the . . . 1 T i r--. " lrcmi wui-fis io dtii irnrr. i ne 1 nan pulley was not put oi sn afteithovght. The designers diii net ovrrioo'.i it i'i the first place. Some tractor buildeis comrr.itted this veiy M.-iii.Tr vrir,-,; due t . lack of farm i:novledpc and experience. To remedy tli'6 errf t.:i v dei.',nv J a Small make-shiSt pulley, in rue sire only, ettached it in an a: k-.vard place, ar 1 charge you $35 to $40 for it. The Titan 10-2Q frictinn ch-tch prl'rri i furnizhr l milhntit extra charce. Throttle Governor Some tractors are sold without governors because, perhaps, the designers did not know thatone was r.eeded. Which is the bert ecorotny to pay en operator a laryjusl to sit on the tractor and Ed just the fuel to the load variations when er-gared in belt work or let a throttle governor do it -.vth-out extra cost? do it automatically, perfectly. The Titan throttle governor saves fuel, prevents grain losses by delivering uniform power to your thresher and lengthens the life of trtcior and driven machines. Ynti get (Inn fnrernnr without extra charge. Drawh-ir orne tr3Ctor builders put a ICtWUCil hook enfi eye affair on the tail end of their tractors and call it a dr3whar! They seem to have overlooked the lact that a farm tractor not only pulls plows but also mowers, hay loaders, grain tinders, harvester threshers, etc.. each requiring different hitch ad justment. Perhaps they didn't know about these other machines. Look at the Titan drawbar. t n ZTt , Note the provisions for a wide range of adjuM- ment both up and down arid sidewitc. rV-j furnished without extra cost. The Titon drnubar fits every nerd and Fenders ; I ji; W ' IB? The designers of some tractors evidently did not know that the drive wheels thiow dirt, dust or mud over the operator and machine unless fenders prevent it. The Titan 10-20 has such fenders. They are also a "safety first" feature. The state of Michigan has passed a law prohibiting the sale of fenderkss tractors. Titan fenders are furnished without the $40 to $50 extra charge made by the "low-price" manufacturers. PJoftOVm Some tractor designers apparently never 6t in a tractor seat lCtlUJIIH ten hours a day or more, jolting over rough fielK, to they can't appreciate what a relief it is for the trrctor operator to rst himself now and then by tandir.g tip, without lors cf time. Voa will tppreciete the Titan 10-20 platform that enables you to do this. It is a comfort feature furnished regularly with every Titan 10--0 tractor no extra cost. TV-. "tic A complete set cf sixteen tools is furnished with every Titan 10-20. 1 OUiO This handy tool-kit is provided in spite cf the fact that Titan 10-20 tractors get out cf order less frequently than any other tractors in the world. Some tractor concerns whose tractors real"? need frequent adjustment and repairs, furnish nothing but two or three wrenches. They tell you tht their product is so good that it doesn't need adjustment. Do you believe this? As a matter of fact, they omit necessary tools for the same reason they omit the essential f?atures described above to make a low "camouflage price"! The Titon 1Q-2Q com plote tool hit is hirr-ished without extra charge. WARREN SURE SOME FARMER. iis. aifl liusii;ii!t. !fi;;irti-l t!;i.; moriiiiii; for tluir Ikhik- at McCool:. Mr. Jiiiriix aud wife liv-d in this phico years u;v, hist !::tvv been mak ing ttu'ir Iioum" irs I In- west ior Iuii.:; time now. The altitude at .Mc Cook is considtrab! v lusher and the air is drier, which fact was respon sible for t!iir early departure, as they had planned on remaining in l'littsiMoutli during carnival week, iiut were unable to do so on account of Mrs. Iludig's condition of health natural advantage of a I charged he will continue to make hi. ; home in Chicago. About two weeks si'lerint; t he i ;tuo weeks' advanced reason and 'oe- iieve tiioKe who buy here will make ! 1::mhI: inri sums I'ri rn their invesJ-i a ; ni'iit . i Herman Kichter. v. ho formerly lived here, and paid that he is prospering t!ure and inciiiired about the large number of friends he hss in this city. The entire distance of 07 miles (o Canton, was made over the Kin?; of Trails. .rn Tuesday's Pally. Warren Wassell, the monument man. is some farmer, besides bein;; able to do a fine job of work at his trade. We chanced pa.-t hi.s dace last evening and round that hi.-; cabbage patch had all been market ed, he having hail some t'ol ones. IUit tomato", you tell "em. lie had some that would (ill a ijuart cup. A total of thirty-nine vines, all tied tip on a stake and with tin cans sunk in the ground at the root of the plants in which to give the vines a drink. About as line u scheme as we ever baw and it works too. for all one has to do for proof is to look at I In elegant crop of tomatoes, whi'h is ripening rapidly. Mr. V.'asseil has a Rock of Anconu chickens .that lay at the age of five months. BACK FROM A VISIT IN SOUTH DAKOTA W. A. Swatek and Family Make the Tnn to Canton and Return via the Auto Route. RETURN TO TIIZIS HOME TODAY Prom Mt ndHy'n rnjiv. Mr. and Mrs. Gust Hudig. have been visiting in this citv some time past, guests at the lionu: P'rorn Monday's l;iiv. A few d ivs ygo Will A. Swatek and family, who have been visiting in the north, returned home, coinin;; vi.i lie auto route from Canton, S. Iak., and making the trips up and back in one day each- While at Canton tiny visited til he liome of Anlone Jelinek, who is u brother oT Mrs. Swatek, and they report having had a most excellent time. Mr. Swatek says there is about two weeks difference in the climate between here and there, but still tho land is soiling at about the cam figure as it is here, going from ?250 who 'to ?::f)0 uer acre, and raising good fT crons. j cuth Dakota owners think INJURES HAND PLAYING BALL Fmiiii Monday's Ually. Eddie Gradoville, the man who did the catching for the Ited Sox yesterday and made some brilliant "plays at that, is laid off from his work on account of injuring nis hand while catching a hot foul in the game yesterday. He is giving the injured member a good treat ment in the hopes of soon nawng the hand so he can go to work again. Mr. Gradoville is one of the best players in this city, and with every game is getting better. We expect to see him take his place with some of the best, teams in the not distant future. before his departure for overseas, he was united in marriage with a Chi cago girl, ami on his return he vis ited in Chicago for several days, be ing accompanied by bis wife to this place for a visit with his folks, be fore he returns to t;;l.e up his for;;. -er pujition in Chicago. In coming to IMattsmouth with her hu'band for a vi:t. Mr. York, war bride, left the windy city f ir tht? first time in her life, she having been born and raised there. IS VISITING WITH FRIENDS HERE From Tuesday s Daily. Frank York, nho was until just recently :i sergeant in the L-nucu strifes armv. has been discharged and returned to civil life. Mr. York, who is a telegraph operator, enlist ed in the engineers corps in Chicago the' and was in overseas service for many of their daughter, Mrs. Earl M. land is selling too cheap here, con- mouths. Now that he has been dis- BIO fEil1BRSH8P DRIVE QM in Plattsmouth by THE BROTHERHOOD OF AMERICAN YEOMAN YEOMANRY admits men and women on absolutely equal basis and terms. YEOMANRY fosters through its homesteads the most cordial sociality among its members. YEOMANRY INSURANCE the most solid and most attractive in the world. With full protection in event of death, it combines: Surgical Benefits Maternity Benefit Total Disability Benefit Old Age Benefits. YOU DON'T HAVE TO DIE TO WIN POLICY WORTH full face value from dale of delivery. THE RATE will never increase just high enough to be safe low enough to enable you to carry all the protection you want, need and should have. For further particulars, see, call up cr write to M. P. JACOBSON, District Manager. Wagner Hotel, Plattsmouth.