The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 21, 1919, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6
1 432 STY PLAITCT0T7TH STin-WEEZlT JOTTSHAX I.TGlfDAT: JULY 1, 1519. Men's Hose! &liilip Shia-icil Supply your Pall ami Winter wants this month. We shall be forc ed to a il van op our finer line of gent's silks li:-ps in the very near fu ture. Our cheapest silk hose will il.-n retail at $1.00 the p;;ir. Just Say INTERWOVEN 50, GO. 85 and $1.00 CHAUTAUQUA WILL SOON BE IN SESSION EVERYTHING IS IN READINESS FOR OPENING OF SUMMER ENTERTAINMENT. LAD BURNED BY EXPLOSION IS IMPROVING CASE DECLARED NOT TO BE A3 SERIOUS AS WAS FIRST PRESUMED. INJURIES WERE VERY PAINFUL severe than tlipy wore. The engine beloneing to Mr. Ililtl was out in the field and was not damaged. RETURNED FROM WEST. BOS SEEDS, THE FUNMAKER Is Scheduled to Appear the Opening; Evening, Saturday, July 2Cth Euy Season Tickets. And Will 2?ct Heal for Some Time to Who Fired Engine. From Friday's Dally. John Hi!d. the fifteen-year-ol I son of 1'hillip A. Hild. who wad burned Wednesday evening by the explosion of the boiler of a thresh ing engine belonging to Wm. Kauf man, is reported as making good progress, considering the Pericwsues. of his bums, and it is Imped that be will so.n be on the road to recov ery, although it will be a natter of some time before the burns are en tirely heabd. The boiler which exploded was one belonging to Mr. Kaufman and which had been left at the l:n;e o! Mr. llild vhn he had finished shel ling corn tliere. In some manner the report became current that it belonged to Mr. Hild and had been fired by C. X. (Mine, but this is in correct, as Mr. ('line was in Omaha with Mr. Ilild. they having gone up after some repairs for the threshing outfit on the day of the accident. Mr. Kaufman had fred the engine up to take it home, as he desired to use it, and while he was preparing to pull out onto the road, John Ilild came along ami unhitched his team, allowing them to go to the barn. while he watched the men working around the engine. Just then the explosion came that re sulted in his being badly Krun Friday's Hatty. August Noltitig George Snyder and W. E. Kosencrans returned t Ii i.s morning from the western part of the state, after having viewed the small grain crop there and investi gated prospects of the later ones to follow. They report prospects of a return manv times commensurate with the work of cult i vat ion. The gentlemen also visited in the r.crlht ni part i f Kansas while away. AP.EIVEL HERE YESTER DAY FROM NORWAY oni Friday's I Jail v. Last evening Archie Iiakke, wife and littl" son. arrived from Norway. vl,ire they have been visiting f : time at the home of his par ents, ami are now vi-iting at the home of his brother. A. I. Iiakke. fereman of the work room at the ollock garage. Archie has lived in Esse?:. Iowa, for three years. th? same pipce n is nrotno. resi :eu ;'- Jfore coming to 1 I r? t foment h to li ;. and he thought the time ripe r,r . trip to ;!ie i.ld count ry with the w;.r nver and opportunity favorable. RETURNED TO FORT RILEY From FrMny s Daily. Ambrose Smith, who has been "pending his furlough from the army .it the home of Grover Will, and in cidentally assisting with the har vest, departed this nievning for his station at Ft. ltiley. where he ag'.ii. takes up his duties as a soldier to morrow. Mr. Smith is expecting to receive his discharge within the next few weeks. WILL VISIT AT NIOBRARA, NEB. Ed Rrubaker and wife left this morning for Niobrara, where they will visit at the home of Carl Ilof aker and family, who moved thera from this city last spring and who burned Jure engaged in farming with exccl- and the boiler wrecked. j lent prospects of a bumper crop. Mr. Fortunate it was for the young, and Mrs. Brubaker plan to visit at man that his injuries were not more the Hofaker home for several days. a ESSES We have never offered more serviceable or more attractive Wash Skirts You will want one or more of these smart garments; in gabar dine, linen, pique and cordaline novelty patterns and plain white. Each garment is tailored in firdt class fashion. Some of the styles are shirred or pleated at the waistline, others have modest pockets, yokes and panels. $2.95 to $10.00 imM PS The Ladies' Toggery FRED P. BUSCH, Maneg-er From Fridays Dally. The committee having in ehargo the matter of selling tickets for the I'lattsmout u Chautauqua, wnicn is to open next Saturday. July 2fith, is meeting with abundant success and those signing the guarantee for the assembly are encouraged that the attendance will be far in excess of whet it has heretofore been. The season ticket is the popular way of securing attendance, for it entitles the holder to the entire benefits of the Chautauqua at a min imum of expense-. Exclusive of the war t x. tickets for the day sessions of the course would amount to $2.10 while the night sessions would cost S:'..ift. making a total of SS.IO for the six days' entertainment. Season ticket:; can be purchased for a little less than half this amount $2.r0. exch.'ivo f war tax. Thus is the economy of buying season tickets as well as Hie insurance of getting the benefit of the entire cour.-e :.t once an-ia rent . The Ii.-. t nu-ht Rub Seeds, the not d funr.iakiT. is scheduled to appear on the program. !!j has a reputa tion of l.-:i::g ihb to make the pro- verm::! cigar store Indian smiie ami vi-i to produce a grin on the face or t!" li'.ovt pronounce. i, straigm- larel "non-la ft cr." Common, ordi- lary pei.ple v ill shout with merri ment wiun he gets out n is jone uox in hi add rest; entitled. "The Way It Looks from the Road." Better come out the first night and hear him for you will be missing one of the best ntortHinmer.ts of the entire course if you don't. Tin.-, o contemplating an early vis it from friends living out of ho city are ur:i .1 t. invite them lo come during d u-.itawqnu week. The pro crams are so arranged as not to in-t'rfe.-c with housework and the en- tire family and its guests can enjoy i ("!; of pleaMire together. If yru haven't already seen them, you may be expecting a visit from ih- committee at an early date. Co.. secured a temporary Injunction against Sheriff Ratekin to prevent him selling one of the numerous automobiles taken by him " in the capture of booze runners. The com pany claimed lo hold a mortgage on the car for most of its value. The court dismissed the injunction hold ing that the claim of the mortgagee was not effective against the righl of the slate to confiscate the same under the circumstances. GREATLY ENJOYED THEIR TRIP From Saturday's p.-illy. After having spent about ten days in the heart of the Rocky mountains, viewing the wonders of nature as displayed in the great canyons, huge mountains and ever pleasing land scape, and enjoying the invigorat ing air, and the cooling breezes and climbing to the heights, George II. Black, wife and two daughters; Les lie McKinney, wife and two daugh ters as well as one son, returned home last evening. True they were tired, travel-stained and sleepy, but nevertheless happy at having enjoyed the time of their lives. For the crowd was large enough to enjoy the fellowship of travel, and to say they had a good time would only be telling part of the matter. HAS PURCHASED NEW THRESHING OUTFIT Puzzled As To How To Get It Out Of the City Where He Wants To Use It. VISITED WITH FRIENDS HERE Krom Friday' Dally. Walter Babbitt, of Draper. South Dakota, who has been visiting in this city for a short time with rela tives, being :r brother of the late ('. E. Babbitt, departed this morning for his home. Mr. Habbitt has just sobl his firm there and will dispose rt n is stock and other property ami d.part for the west, where he will look over the country with a view to locating. ARE SPENDING THE DAY IN OUTING AT MANAWA From Friday's Dally. Messrs. and Mesdames Thomas Wiles and Levi W. Scott departed this morning for Lake Manawa, go ing in the car of Mr. Wiles, which is being driven by Mr. Scott. The recent accident in which Mr. Wiles' arm was broken rendered him un able to drive. for awhile, which ac counts for Mr. Scott taking the wheel. WERE MARRIED AT THE PARSONAGE From Saturday's Dally. This morning Roy L. Brown and Miss Edith C. White, both of Oma ha, came down in their auto, and at the office of the county Judge re ceived a marriage license, then re pairing to the home of Rev. II. G. McCluskey, they were united in marriage by the ring service. In a short time they were whirling away in the purring auto, towards Oma ha, where they will expect to sur prise their friends. STATE CAN CONFISCATE. From Saturday's Dallv. Judge Raper of Falls City in the district court held valid the new law passed at the last session of the legislature regulating the confisca tion of cutomobiles engaged in the transportation of liquor into this state notwithstanding that they may be mortgaged. The question aro3 when the Robinson Cadillac Mo'.or From Saturday's Daily. George Stander living northwest of the city, has just received a new threshing machine today, coming to this city, via the Burlington. lie purchased it to help take care of the abundant harvest, which has just been gathered in the country adjacent to this city The other day he was threshing t the home 'of J. W. Tulene, and found it necessary to pass through the city. One of his men were ar rested for driving over the pave ment of Chicago avenue but relea-- d again, and told that he could riot drive a threshing machine over the pavements. It is claimed there is an rdinance against it. N'ow what is lie to do with the threshing ma chine, it Is here and he would like to get it out of town. Looks strange that a machine for saving the har- is forbidden passage of the treats and an auto which endangers eople's lives runs from forty to six y miles with impunity. It doe? -ck strange don't it now. Aprieo ii irk & g y " - - wa it. Ft rri m a ii mm m Our large shipment of Washington Apricots fo canning have just arrived! Place Your Orders at Once! Lemons 50c Dozen Oranges WHEN EVERY MOVE HURTS Lame every morning, achy and stiff all day, worse when it's damp or chilly? Suspect your kidneys and try the remedy your neighbors use. O. II. Tower, carpenter. Vine St. Plattsmouth. says: "I suffered from a dull pain in the small of my back. It got so bad, I had to get on my knees and straighten gradually aft er I got down. The kidney secre tions were much retarded in pas sage, too. I was told I had stone in my bladder and the medicine I took only gave me temporary relief. After taking one box of Doan's Kidney Fills. I noticed that the trouble was beginning to disappear and in a short time my health improved in every way." (Statement given April 10, 1912). On February 23. 1916, Mr. Tower Faid: "I gladly recommend Doan's Kidney Pills. I am stilt a strong believer in this old, reliable kidney medicine." Trice COc, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Tower had. Foster-Mil-burn Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, X. Y. Loss Of Appetite. As a general rule there Is noth ing serious about a loss of appetite, and If you skip a meal or only eat two meals a day for a few days you will soon have a relish, for your meals when meal time comes. Bear in mind that at least five hours should always elapse "between meals fo as to give the food ample time to digest and the stomach a period of rest before a second meal is taken. Then if you eat no more th3n you crave and take a reasonable amount of outdoor exercise every day you will not need to worry about your appetite. When the loss of appetite is caused by constipation as is often the case, that should be corrected at once. A dose of Chamberlain's Tablets will do it. Office Supplies? :. That's where Bhine. The Journal Printery. 50 and 60c Dozen Grape Fruit 10c Large Red Plums Watermelons Cantiiopes Peaches ECalamasoo Celery, Cucumbers, Kew Potatoes, Cabbage, Green Beans, Cooking Apples -P- v "-a Als,P ,?j 4 f' FA H. M OENNICHSEN TELEPHCWE 53 and 54 - J u mm s. S.P 6S0 OSS ICNIO A S000E mm dies at GASPER, WYOMING This 'lominqr Mrs I Robert Shrader deceived Word of the Death Of Sister. part of the state, and considered that the price paid was a good in vestment. Jlr. Hild makes another trip to Perkins county next Satur day evening, so if you are figuring on going, tell him now so that proper reservations enn be made for von. Chamber! lain ANNUAL AFFAIR ATTENDANT tittttt T,TTTrTT TT T? A QTTT T I'rm Pa t urdny's r:llly. FOR YOUNG AND OLD I This mcrning Mrs. Kobert Shrad er ot near Murray received a mes sage telling of the death of her sis- her, Mrs. H. I). White of Casper SOME TWO HUflDRED PRESEKT -on.Iff. where the ,5 a worker in the oil fields at that place. Mrs. White leaves her lius- ! band and three small children. Th i si To Participate in Sports and General! ;,ftornocn :jr. :,nd Mrs. Shrader de- Cclic and Diarrhoea Remedy This medicine always wins the good opinion if not the praise of those who use it. Try it when you have need of such a remedy. Good Time Supper Served On the Grounds. l"rom Saturday's Daily. The annual picnic of the Sunday school of the Methodist chiiirch was held yesterday afternoon. The weath er was ideal, just not enougn 10 make ice water and ice cream taste good. Several automobiles and two hay racks were required to haul tin; picnic party to the headquarters of the rifle range just north of the city. A barrel of ice water was ready when they arrived. Swings were soon in commission and were patro nized by youngsters and some older ones too, until time to take them dow n. A base ball game was under . way when the supper call came and it was a question of stopping one good thing and starting another. There were about 200 present and at least that many feeired to be hav ing a royal god time. There was something to do every minute even during the ride out and back. No accidents marred the occasion and even the ball game ended without blows except a few good hits by some of the stars. Those wlio were mere will have a fine afternoon to remem ber and those who were not will have a lost opportunity to remember. Special mention should be made of the good work done by the Superin tendent of the school, Don C. York. also Mrs. Hayes and Mrs. York, for planning and carrying out the afiair so nicely. Thanks are liKewi&e uu to Jesse Perry and Frank hiuoit. who sot the water, ice. ice cream and other necessities to the grounds and to George Kaffenberger and .ari H.ibbitt. who took bay rr.cks am. hauled the party, as well as others who used their cars and helped in rtf fllA various ways. rue success w T-l-ft f? 1 1 ball game is due to :ir. He also kept everyone cool, tor ne furnished the ice. parted for the west where they go to attend the funeral of the sister, if p?radvanture they shall arrive in time for the funeral as it requires euite a length of tine to make the trip. Stationery at the Journal oftV Good Auto Roads -TO- BUYS 160 ACRES IN PERKINS. i From Thursday's J.-ii!y. Philip Becker was among those going west with George Hild last Saturday night, and was also one who purchased a 100 acre farm in Perkins county. Phil, was pretty well pleased with the land in that Roads Have Been Repaired VIA T. H. Pollock Bridge 1 lie t.?:. M-.iv..v - scod torv that you will find on at the Journal office. Is i j sab j 4L THE UNIVERSAL CAR WITH BUILT-IN AT THE FACTORY Sslf Starter, Generator and Storage Bat- tery, Efecfric Lights! The Ford cars now have all the advantages that the large cars have always claimed and in addition the extreme low cost of up keep and the advantage over all other cars in that in every city and town is located a Ford Authorized Service Garage, where large and complete stocks of Ford repair parts are always kept, and where a Ford owner can always get immediate service no long waits to send to city or factory for repair parts, as is the case with every car in existence except the "Universal Car" the Ford. With these additional refinements added the Ford car will be more popular than ever before and it will be impossible to fill all orders promptly, therefore we urge prospective buyers to place orders at once. First come, first supplied. The following prices are for the new Ford cars with complete Self Starter and Lighting equipment delivered to purchaser, full of gas and oil and ready for the road: Runabout. $fir4: Touring, ?6C0; Coupelet, ?S17; Sedin. S947. Ton truck with farm stock and grain body (no starter), S77o. WE WILL SELL NEW AND USED FORI) CARS ON PART PAYMENT DOWN. BALANCE ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS AND WILL TAKE LIBERTY BONDS AT MARKET VALUE. J T. H. Pollock arage, Tebphone No. 1 -:- -: Plattsmouth, Neb. 9 1 4