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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1919)
riATTSMOUTn SEMI-WEKKLY JOURNAL MONDAY. JULY 21. 101?. Che plattemoutb journal PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY AT PLATTSilOUTH. NEBRASKA Kntcrrd at l'ot office, i'lattsmouth. Nob., as nccond-class mall matter R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 TEH TEAR IN ADVANCE CONTINUE VIGILANCE. I'.tris physicians have decided tt raise their fees to twice Hie pre-wnr rale. N'inht calls are 1 he three liius the rate formerly tleiiiumk'tl. This will prolialdy jnvo one of the ii:-t effective health measures ever tru-d in I'arij-. : o : Th- human liodv is Mihj'Kt to L'liHt tiiseases. lut the normal per-f-oii Niddoiii develops more than 17 of litem, while many set off with six. This is one of the ca-'-s where very lev p will in.-is: 0:1 having all that is comiiii? to them. :o: A i::an named Yarnel. who live?' i:i ! nh Anihoy. N. J . declares a c:r which tarried r: miles i:i a i-.i'. an. 1 men reiease.i 111 m- nope money. 31 on than monev. thev ... .1 (.f walkeil l:uk home ail'! , lu.,,,j attention and commo.i tense -. t there in fini" f r lunch the next I turned in their direction. !.!. Who put the yarn in Yarnel? ;n. :o: i TRANSCONTINENTAL The Imtch formerly liked to refer j Wtlhelm as '"the royal boarder." !':! lately he !:as ta!;-.:j to ilelivir 11.; :(i-li'iur lec-t'!fs on s-cient itic s!'i jeets. to which all callers :it'-!! ;ire f.-.rctd to listen, a id t .v his victims are vondrrinsr who i- tin In red r after all. :o: lie dependents becomes more hopo ftil. What is liiilt today i.s-r.ot so likely to be swept away by the ;-et tide. Another liiccnme is that n.-vt r lil the world need producers s. much as now. Kveryone wlio t:.;i be taught to prinluce in anv way shoubi be given his opportunity, for the community.s Kood as well n-j for his own. Helpless blind. helpltss dtaf. hclpk..s obi people are .'.ti uu-nece.--ary disgrace. Kach. if prcpor ly taught and cared for at the start, can learn to earn at least p..ri .f his own I i t i 11 ic. With earning 'ones se!p respect. With self risnect conies happiness. All public institutions need II0T0R TRAIN K.t! y,m-'.. f'irui' r !':ner !" tl." ;. .-toil .yi.,;,::ouy .r i.e-t ra . v. i.ti f fu' il to play "The S v r S;i uiled Ilaiiiier" because ;i wasn't I : 1 1 . 1 1 !i nuisir for him. is bi - inc ibporttd to Jerin ; ;y. Woti'ti r w' he'll play over t'o-r. . The ""'Vateii 11 t't- Kline" i - A p : -i i ( M i-.'.. and i-i-n.'d:ow "li.-il " '!"!. . ii' it.. X'ii'tirs Wreath" ! ;es:i t m- m lit the kaiser any :o: THEY NEED THE JIONEY. w, j-.;.-d tltrn 1 T! n r - v ti y : . .-bare of t he ir is that w v bd .lie;r'r i!ty ir.'.. oiir n.itf's !! a' ' ' . " :'.: ' I -i ;.- i 1 1. .. ... j V.V .;.; !- 1.1 . r : -p: ' ! ei s -it 01 w '-.mi. : 1 : . 7 . 1 'in 1 0 ra 1 'Ii tl.e tin 1 io.i .' I tboiivh upon thai 1 purpt.-e v.,r what nia!" ever' t '1 i iiu n'ovc --o .vii; and. on ;!: . !.!. mi i;c- e i'ul I . One of lb'- thin- v.hb-h it v. .1 1 isy ti iit"b 1 t ia -i siine f -u'di p:"-:-in need was ill.- toial; ics. th' local ill - " Appro - priatl-.ns for pub':- in n : it ims of all i.-'nds were cut .b'.vn r;if s !: ltx.ii iharilies di!,i;, t-'-n ; abno-t to tiie vanishing pir:". ' tTi : it was t.pcessary to ::.i-. I' Thiiti-. bad we not won til.- ' tliert wool 1 have been :! ch iri'ies n.'t correctional institution-. Ti:e iti h.ibitants miht biv sutier'-d :i more crud fate than our neglect. Whether nect..-.uv or 1111 reiy areb-.v.--, the fact remii.i; that ali t!ies i n.-t it ut ions :,r 1 tielp ri-.lit now. They do 11. tilt litip-baza-d. offhand t:i--:' of ermi.b: whieh they used to K' t. "I ll.-y need anl must have somevvlia. fd .-.line ommunity concentration v."; Siivr I lie w ar. With tho fliiainat iot! of p"hcl all over the country, work fo: pub- Intcre-t in the 1". S. .V'.tor Trans port Corp?' "Victory Tr.iu" will urow that train ro'N v est ward. It is n its way from the national capital to the Pacific coast, and in its progress across the continent will probably constitute tin most impressive parade ever organized in this country. There are sixty motor trucks, of i'!l makes and si:e--. loaded to ca pacity and manned by 20 enli-ted t.'cn f the transport corps and nine oi'icers. The i-aravan is as complete ir itself as any army unit could b". j It carries all its own provision-.; camptr.LC equipment, repair oiiih ' tc. The men eo ! thiir o. rve.:!-; and sleep by the roadside :i titsht. I I? intended as a construct i v i'p'T!!ii''iit. Tl.e e'i.:i:ifer.-: attach el to t!;e train an- in.i'iiii.;' a can ft'l jr::dy of true!: ' ! ml a : let.- p!. The rcs::!t will be civerur.-. n. They valuabb- for ti e Contrary to all cxpev;i,t ions, tt.c Fourth of July passed wttliout u- y marked lied outbreaks, or homo throwing:. Whether any had been intended, and then abandoned b. cause of announced preparations fo I dealin;? with it. is hard to tell. lhere was, on the other har-d. a fireat demonstration of patriotism which would seem to indicate n'-.-or certainly that the people of this country are not generally in f.ivor of any anarchistic uprisings or any overthrow of the government. This is reassuring, and there may be a natural tendency to relax vigil ance a little. It will not be safe. The Keds may be sleeping, but tto-y are not dead. The?' aro hiving their plain, making their plots, and simply biding their time, just awa't ing that very relaxation of vigil ance. Kyes must be kept open. ears strained to hear, for this is an in sidious enemy which the country must conquer. Just as every loyal citizen constituted himself a com mittee of one to be on guard against traitors during the war. so must all Continue watchful against this s;s deadly if not so numerous a foe. I ' lit i I the ring leaders of the Red activities are caught and punished and the foolbh followers educated to better thing?. America cannot af- 1 ford to relax. :o: ALL WEALTH NOT LISHONEST. Kvery institution which limits supply and unjustly levies tribute from the people should be taxed to 1 death or conliscated for the general val. and failing in this, then the people should destroy it by force, ! the same as thev would kill a rattle snake crawling its .-limy length ;-.fross their path. I' If gnat magnates of trusts, cor j porations and pools shall accumu . 1-ite hundreds of milPons by 1 1 1 -: 5 1 -j of bribery, corruptly creating I monopolies upon necessities which ' bit ed a helpless people of their litvncii-.l life blood, then such a man 'iioubl he forced bv !.r.v to pay sii ii l.l;, MITICR To the unknown heirs-, devisees. ..:;:!!. s, perse. ;i. I re I ' re. - e 11 1 ; t i ves, :iml .ill ti e''l.--t..! i .1 ten sted in the estate of Lank- x. !' stor: Jllss Mai y .I.Hlie Mouli', if l.vil.e. if llf.'Oiist'd, the 1 iitiiumwa ceil -, iiia i.M'.-s, legatees , .er stiict! re.i e-f.o a I i ves aiel all other ii.rst.'is i ii t re t etl in the c.-tjte of Miss Mary Jane Moore; John S. Iiarloy il lii'):. it il, ... i-as. tl. the uiikiiowu heirs. .Ic i;;e. s, I.-eatees. personal rep resent :i t : ves ami ail other .e!sns in teiestttl in the t state ef John lur lev: Salmon i iirt r'.iin. if living, if de eeastil, the i.nknowii iieirs, tievisees, unities, p.-:.-on. 1 1 1 t-resiii t a t i vt s an.i all other persons interest c-tl in the es tate of Salmon Tantrum: Mary Jane I "i; r! r,' 111, if living, if deceased, the unknown h.-irs, i.ev isees, legatees, pel -.-..nal if ,re-e 1, ; .n j , s ami all otht?r . rsons iatert-sici in the estate of Mary lane 1 ::: rt in in : the unknown owners iinl iini;e,,wii claimants of tl.e north east tj it;t it e 1- 1 Mj 1 1 1 of Section nine teen ll'.il. 'I'tiw us 'i i p twelve Xoi I i: l:a.".i;e thiil,-. 11 i::i. east of the Otli I M., 'ass eoiiiitv. X. hrtiska. atid ail oii.t r pel sons t laiminvr any interest of himl in sael real estate, or any pa 1 t t hereof: o:i ;!liil each of oil are herehy n" lille.l that on the'li'th ihiy of 'July, r.i 1 :. a petition was liletl in the lis trict Court of 'ass county. Nehraska. in which Atla I:, liestor. Charles K. I'.estor. lluy If. Ilestor aiel Kiancis M. ISestor, .rt ; hi in lift's, ami the un known he, is. .l.-visees, legatees, per sonal repit-st 11 ' a t i vesr ami all olhe pel soils j m 1 rest .il in ti.e estate of Ihiliiel X. Itesior: Miss Mary Jnne Moore, if living, if tieeeaseil. the viu 1 riown heirs, il.-visees, legate-s, per sonal re pi es.:i la 1 1 ves aiitl all Other I c rsons interested in the c-talt; of Miss Mary .Ian.- .Moore: John S. lar- y, if iivirt., if tieeeaseil, the unknown eirs. ih viset s, legat-.'es. personal rep resentatives an. I ail other persons in- t ! est cil in the t state of Jahn S. Uiir- !; Sainton lhsitrum. if living, if tie eeaseil, the unknown heirs, tievisees. ! -iratees. personal I epltsen t at i is ami ail otiier pels-. ins i n t eres t e. ! in the t :- I ile of Salmon l'.urtrum: Marv Jam- I'.u rt run!, if iiviasr. if lee ase-l, t!;e unknown heirs. t!eisees. Jegatets, pei--s ual repi t seiit at 1 i s and ail other per s ns int. r.-stctl ii the estate of Mary la :f I turt rum : the unknown owners aa.l unknown claimants of the north east i;;iarier t . 1 1 1 1 of Section nine- . n (!:. Tnwiiiiii twelve OJ. North I !r,:;e thirteea i I'll, east of ti e I . M., Cass county, Nehraska, and all other p. rsons r aiminj; any interest "t any kind in said real estate, or anv part I hereof, were defendants. Tin- oh.ject .11. d piavtr of which pe. : timi are to tuiet the title In the pi:: i ii t ill s. Ada I:, l'.tslor. Ciiarles K. lit stm, iluy II. I'.oMor and Fi ancj s-'-"M IN slur to tin- m: theast euai'U r (Ni;i of S. t lion nineteen (l:'i. Township .vi-l.-e il-'i. Xurt'-i Kair-. 1 1 1 i rt .., cist of the titli IV M.. Cass eoniity. N-- luaska. hitaii-e said p!ainti:is hav. 1 id the actual. ote!i. notorious, cxcl.i s.e and ;oier-e possession thereof aa.l cvti v part and ) art el thereof fo; i.ore than ii n a i s las! past prior t " th.- t .no :. . n. . r j i - i : m said action, ami .'I e'l'llahle relief Von ( !!icie?'cy :' ri'- cin d i : ion -. valucb'e to Tio sbou'.l ;:;-t 1.' -1 r i i i :C1 i r i of the INVESTMENTS Public Service Corporation Paying Can be had in amounts of $100 PAUL FITZGERALD, Investment Securities First National Dank Bid's, I Omaha, Neb. .... ...LJt.-.u- V.WjmT'. public, and ft r t he way improvement from the tour. -t'is to bigl: !!:it i'i;iv come VHERE ARE JOIC, AND SIMON? Kvery IMtJe uiilo an echo, like (! refrain of a sad old s:hik. comes! t.. remind us or th- dr . Iiul days of w a r. There is now in thi- ?oi:i..ry : l'tlian soldier named John !) (root. Me is se"l.intr h : v in Iioa-.-. lo!in and Simon, whom ho h -; not seen since 1 It 1 I . Ilf had a little mot ort t li"ti in Antwerp when he joined the Kian army at the bn. -in'; of the war. lie left his wife in hjrt;e of the thop and with the llrjle twins, then ten mouths old. T'i- wife was frail, and soon after tin: husband left, she died. Ilefore her .; t ii ; h--iiad heard that her hus'oaml w , dead, :o he av; the chil-l.-eu to j!i American minister and his wifi. f ater the boys were brought to America, but all trace of 'hem ha been Inst. After bein wounded, and then enduring the horrors o a. (it-riuu prison. Ie Grrxit at last was i'r f to return t(i his home, only to f ni it abandoned and his, family i-ono. All h could learn was that his boys had been brought t j Aiucric:;. So now he is here, huntiu-.r for them, and has offered a r,,va!d of 100 for information abour them. They are six years obi now. but they will riot know their soldier father when he finds tlcm. 13 Jil ways jsays "when", never "if". he i loos find them, he tip'ris s t iblish a home right heu in Amer ica. "I wan my beys o tie re .1 red a I American citizens," say?. John De I Groot. j tax a.s witild prohibit his method ;':id reduce his illotteu millions, to ! nf b-::st t i, ),i -and.-, and i:i the sa;ne ', Hi p.rtion that h- i ' : x .1 the burd jet, be lifttd from tb:; backs of ilio.c j whom he has robbed. And if his ! L-rca! wcaltii of id shall prevent courts and law -makers fr m Kivin;; prop'-r relief to those oppressed by him. then it is risht and just that they treat him exactly as they treat the other hind of thief the one who enters their homes and rob them of whatever (if value he can find. There is no poor man's home in all this broad land where co'.d-stor-a:re pirates and other public plund erers do not etiter and steal a por tion of the sweat and blood earned wane, and they are a.s much burg lars as the low-browed brutes whose methods differ only in that they necessitate skeleton keys, jimmies and dark lanterns. Exterminate them like you would body lice, and. as I'atrick Henry or somebody has before remarked: "If this be treas on, make the must of it." Hut there are decrees in every thing, and it makes a jrreat differ enee how a man came by his wealth. Ile may livn in a mansion and wear diamonds and have a perfect Itnal and moral rih to it all. Let u?. then, be manly and Rcnerons enough to rejoice that such a man can be happy and prosperous, even if we can not: Ii V IS i. ;.!;! c;e o; you are turthei n .tihed that V'"i are ie.iiied to an- v. r said pt titi.-a ii or hcler.- Mon ti. iv toe tirst d.i of Selit.-U. hir, ItU'J. ADA Ih liKSToi:, i'm.i:i.i:s k. m:sTiii:, I'.I'Y il liKSToi:, KKANCIS .M. UKSY' !:. I "ia ' n I : It's. C. A. I1AW1.S, I ! - " u . At torney. ii:i;i. Miiiii: la th" (iNrriit I'ourt of Cass eoun l . Ne ii a.- l;a. William I :. Iliiiihi'itf. I'iaintiff, vs. '. 1'el.i.n. if living, if thad. lit l:'l,M)ll II lei-s, iM-H., I. ;.lli. . . r pei.-oeal v Pi . sen t a t i cs of sail T artier W. i t.'.t?;i. ami the north hail' ot toe mot! .ea.-t .iiiaiter i N 1 .. Nh', i Si i h.'ii i u i i, -s i i.'Oi. 'low i. 1 : . i . on i tin. Knnio' thirteen l:!i. in I'iiy UDtv. .Nehraska, and ail j-ei-sofs l.iitain- any i merest of any hini 1:1 I n c-t.'te or anv nart thereof. I ' ft its. 1 it rm r . r olden, u h the unknown h'ir-. ,ej.,...s if--o;, ret ri-!i t a ' i . s if said W. I-.. l.:e;i. .i:el t not 1 I . if ' lie ::o: ! I.- a.-t p.-.-lt r lX'. Ni: I . 1 of s-cetpo: : -.v.'i.i; -s: , (- ', 'l'o'.vv j ! i ; ! e n i 1 '- ', I ;; 1. -c t ;:.! 1. 1 .: 1. Iia i'ass e..i.r.;. .Ni l 1. .-ha. a:: 1 ail p. r--1 I.s t h. i 1 . : .' 1 1 ir aii.- : i; l.-rt .- t of a m - kit"! ! 111 -aid real t stale or anv Part thereof. I o-i 1 tula ii I s : Vmii and ea.-h of von are h. rchv no I 1 aetl thai 1 ! ,. 1 -2i h tla y of .1 1, 1 v . I : I !'. William 1 :. I :.! n 11 i ni.-, plaiutitt herein, has hied. In.- petition 111 i!" t i rn-t I'.iinl of 1 ass county, N.hras-a-rainst s:, 1 It f mia n t s, th1; oh ie. t a. id piaer ef w hich are to can it 1 of rein. I a lce:! 011 said i.-al ate in. id. he .latins Kohl, 11 and wife. S.rrah. to Warner W". 1'ol.icn, on tie vt.i tlav ot .March, ivmi and iteori!-'. in look tel-e ( 1 L- at pa a' three htli! dltd ll.irly-oae ti;:;i of tiie deed re. - nils of said I'ass county, ami to t:ih t in plaintiff the title to the said north I all' i. the northeast iii:iil"i' i.N'i j X.'l'i I "f Section t wen t y-si v (l''ii. I'o.v iish i t fen (lei, llatii;.' thirteen tl:ll. in sa it! eoii.u y. against all claims, iijhts and tleman of all -of said th -1 clehi lit s. Vmi are reipiii. .1 to answer tali! petition on or In-fore the :i!st iiav of ..'I -'.lis I. t!Ul. lifted this 1 Jt h ' da c of .till.-. l:il!i. WILLIAM :. I'.ANVIMl. riainlilT. I. O. liU'VHIi, j 1 I - 1 v. A t tt.niey. :o: Ff you have anything to sell or want to buy something use the Uaily Journal want-ads. Mlilt ll Til ItKIMTOItS The State of .t hraska, l.'ass coun ty, ss: In 1 h " 'n 1 j 1 1 1 y !o 1 1 r t . In the matter of ti.e Kstale of An I'oi Kanka. di-t eased: To the ere.ii'.irs of said estate: Vo l are hoi-ehy not Hied thai I w!'l sit sit the IV.iinl v I'ourt 1011111 in I'iatts moiith. in sai.l county, on Aunast 1 :'. i:i: ami Noyciiiher j ::, HUH. t lrtoia o t lock h. 111. o'i eat h day to receive ami examine all claims asainst said estate, with a view- to their adjust ment and allowance. The true limit ed for the preseti t a I ion of claims acainsf said estate i three months from the K'th tiny of Aucust A. 1 1. l:lt. and the time limited for pay ment of itelits is one vear from said 1JIH day or Angiisl. IKl Witness tny hand ami t;,p seal of said feu 11 1 v ''ourt this Tth dae of I.Iulv, I !i in. ALLKN J HKKSO.V, (Scitl) jli-? County Judge. 1.1:; i. miik 1: To I'ale!. .. ",',0'iltiia n. if living, if ii eeascil, the nnknown heirs, tievisees, Ii jnli'os, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the es tate of I'.ileh A. YVoolruan: Susanna Woolman, if liyine;, if decensed, the unknown I t-irs. devisers, legatees, per sonal representatives ami nil other persons interested in the estate of Susanna Woolman: A UK 'list us I'. Wool 111111, if living, if deceased tin; un- kiviv 11 heirs, tlovisei s. letrat.e-s, per sonal representatives ami all other persons interested in the estate of A mustus '. Woolman; the unknown owie-is and unknown claimants ol ti.e southeast tuarti r of Section oisiht IM , Towtisiii, twelve ll.'l, X'rth Kliiiie twelve II; 1, Mast of the tit h I'. M.. ('ass eoiinty, Nehraska, ami all persons elaitnini; anv inteiest of linv kind in said real estate, or any part tl ercof. Vim and each of ".'l lire herehy 110 titicil that on th,. H.".rd day of June, 1M!. a petition was tiled in the lis liiet I'ouit of Ca.-s county, Nehraska. in lii'-li Kdvvard Wettener was plnin tiff mid t'aleh a. Wootuiiiti. if livim;, if ileeeased, the unknown heirs, devi sees, legatees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of Caleh A. W'nulinan. Stisanea Woolman, If livit.e-. if ileeeased. tie 11-iknown Jieirs. flevisecs. legatees, per sonal rcprescn ta t i ves end all other persons int'-resi,.,) in the estate of Susanna Woolman; Augustus l". Wool man. if lix ins, jt ih-t -esiseil. . the un known hi Irs, devisees, P-natces, per sonal representatives and all other persons interest,., 1 in the estate of Augustus I". Woolman: the unknown o Anils and cl.i j r.1.1 n ts of the South east tpiarter 1 S i: 1 , 1 of Section cijiht IS 1. Township twelve 111'), North l:aiiL;f twelve 1U1. K,it of the ML I". if.. Cass county. Nt I raska. ami all persons clainiiiii; anv interest of any kind in said real estate, or any putt thereof, were defendants. The oh.ject ami prayer of which pe tition are to fuiet the tille In the plaintiff, Ltlward Wegener to the Southeast .platter ISKUI of Section isht 1 Si. Township twelve fljl. North HaiiKf twelve ilJi, Kasl of tiie th I. if.. I'ass county. Nebraska, because s.iiil plaintiff has had the actual, open, notorious, xclusje jtzvl ad vers pos "ession thereof, and fvfty part ami parcel thereof, for more than ten years last prior t tho commencement of said action, and for equitable relief. fir c:.:4te iJ7 A T3EGINNING July 1st, 1919, the 1920 price of the Titan 10-20 kerosene tractor is $1,000 CASH F. O. B. Factory $1050kvhen time is ffircn Reasonable terms will be given to any man who needs the Titan now and can not pay cash in full. These terms are new. W TB have reduced the price of the Titan 10-20 from $1,225 to Vy $1,000. This big cut is not justified by present prices of ma terials and labor, but is made in anticipation that the largely increased volume of business developed will offset the reduction. The Titan now becomes the world's most popular priced 3-plow tractor. If you have been holding off buying a tractor because $1,000 was your limit for a good 3-plow machine, your price will now buy the best one. To sell the Titan 10-20 at this low price, not a single necessary feature has been taken off to be bought at extra cost. The Titan comes to you complete. The Harvester Company is too oM at the business to offer you a trac tor which is not 100 co efficient at the draw bar and 100 9c efficient on the belt. Remember, the Titan is a 3-plow tractor. Don't confuse it with low-powered 2-plow machines. For a fair comparison as to price, add one-half the cost of any 2-rlow tractor to its advertised price, then add the ccst of all the extras you must buy, and that will put it on a par with the Titan 3-plow tractor. Then compare values. In addition, remember the Titan is a genuine kerosene tractor. Gasoline as tractor fuel is unwarranted extravajjance. Don't forget that. V e give you a written guarantee that the Titan operates efficiently on kerosene. You can't make a mistake if you select a Titan 10-20 at its present low price. It will give you power satisfaction that will stand by you steadily season after season at draw bar and belt. You may rely on Harvester reputation for good service and fair dealing. Go to your dealer. Arrange for immediate shipment. This price reduction may make delivery difficult later. Place your order now. These Features, Regular With Titan, Are Charged for Extra by Some Tractor Makers: Friction Clutch Pulley V?9 wide friction clutch pulley, put in the rigM place by a company that know where it brlonzs. It is prr-v-deci w:t.'i a salttv tl.ielj The Vit'.t work scasou is c n. Ar, cTtTa chnrr for Tiffri fiuffey. Throttle Governor jv """n K'.ves you r'.?dy sf-ed for telt wo.-k, saves fuel, prevent? fain iosse?. works automatically and rer-fccl!-. A .-, rxrra chaic?. Friclion Clutch Pulley Governor Starting avd Sr-rvicp You Eet ,he Titan Uiuiuila Ul.a kJ'I iCt; tra;ter without tho cc-r p-'si-ry "starlinK and st rvice cha.-pe"' m3de by sorr.e companies. Complete instruction in s:artintf and c peratir.j is given iree. Sn rr'-i rharr. T) rm ")nr W'ith the Titan you pet a convenient xfuwiuf drawbar, adjustable side-ways and up-and-down. Fits every cced. Compare it witii otiiers. Af o erfr cTrge. Pnnriorc With the Titan you tret drive-wheel x tliutis fenders. They stand for safety. They a'so prctect the engine and operator from mud and dust. A-'-- exf'-r r.irce. Plnffnrm With the Titan you eet a rear plat. lui,u"" form. You can stand up and run the tractor, put in more hours with less fatigue. A'o extra charge. rt mm -m Platform and Fenders maim i Drawbar International HarvesterCompany OF AMERICAN. CHICAGO USA i."i;'u-i! that y. ;iri' iCfiuirO'l in an--..t it iti "n r l.ffuie Alon- la . t!i- liisl l.i v nt H.-pt.-Pi tin-. 1!H'J. i:iu.i:i) wi-:i ; k.vki:. I'laintii'f. c. a. i:auxs, ji ;-.iv:Mtla s. Attonu-y. i.i:;r. Tl: ';" W'iMiani i: M'.'tt. il" living', if K--i-il. lii mikmiu ii Iivirs. ilcvifa'cs. 'fuati'i-s. iMMsmial r-pi i sont a t i vs and ill t ..'ii.i!s interested in t!ie ps- lale ol" William liemiett: all lierson.s iiiterestd in tl.f estate of .Jaeks-"ii . l.ll;ain. -1. t a.-e.l, j nel ul i mk' ereditors imI i 1 a i ma ii t s : Yoii and om 11 of yin are lieret.v- no t i i i -- 1 tl:ai o;i il,- nth day of July. tl'l!'. a jietitioii was iiled in tl.e li. ii'i. t i'ouit of ("ass eoiinty, Nehraska in vl.i h V. t ;. lck.-r was ilain- till ai:d William Kennett. it living, Il i.-. e ls.'.l. I. is iinknmvi; I. t-irs, tl. i.-ees leiratees. I.eoonal 1 e ; . resei. I a t i ves ami i.llo!ii'i',i,i-i:is i'lleresleil ill the es la'e of Willi;: in ilenneft nnd a'J HT- -o:is int' iesr.d in tin; estate of -laek- yiin ;. Oldham, deeease. 1. inelndinK ri".liln!s and i la ima tits, were del'eu i l.i il ! The ol.j.M t ami r""aer of which pe tition are to mjiet the till.; in tin piainlill'. V. (I. Hot il. ! !-, to Lot two i i. in ih.- southwest .piardr of th;- . in t i . west ou.Mler ISW'i S U' ' i ) of S.-.-tiori ninetteii (I'll and L.t one fl) il. the s.nit heust iinaitei- of the soulli- vvest iiiart-r iSi-S l-'W'i I ot" -'eetior. tnirt cm; and tin- west half of tiie hoi thw-v-t ou.irtir V X W 1 1 ) ami the west hail' of tiie southwest 'lual t.T 1 W 'i ,V', of S.ttitm thirty ::in. all in Township eleven till. .Norm Kanie thirteen (l::. east of the tilh I". M.. i';is.t eoiintv. Nehraska. hetanse s.ii.l idaintiir h;:s i.atl the aetual. open, not irions. eeliisiv( and adverse pos N,.ssjei thereof. i::.d every part and par. e! thereof tor more than ten veals last past prior lo the i ommeneemeiit of said ai tion, and for t'l'Jitahle re lief. Yon and f a h of you are further notified that vim are required to an swer said petition o;i or before Mon day, Kit; first tlav of September. 1 ! 1 9. W. G. FODEIvi:n. riaintiff. C. A. RAWLS. !l (-:,.v Attorney. You and each ot you are further Morgan, praying a naal t IllClliat IllvtKIMi nuil ilrr on f'ptiliou tor Se , tlemrnt of .c'-iiii. . In the Countv Cturt i'as couu Stc-te of Nchiaska. Cass eoontr. s: j To all persons i-.tert steil in t he j .'iiii of liavid Stotler. tlpi-i-ased : ! " On readiim the petition of !uy W. 1 seitieraeni and allowance ef his a'-coinit tiled in i his court nil the li'th day of July, i'.ilP. end for his dischar.' as admin-i.-' r.iTor said estate: it is her.-!.- ordered that oil and til persons interested in said matter ;:av. an.! do. appear at the County Court lo he held in and for said coun iv, on the nd day of ,lulv .. I . 1P1P, at ten (I'll oil. ii-k a. in., to show ansr. if anv there he. why the prayer of the petitioner should not he fram ed, ard that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hearing' there of he tfiven to all persons interested In said matter l.y pit hi ish i ntf a copy of tiiis order in the I 'la 1 1 smou t Ii Journal, 1 scmi-weekl v newspaper printed in -aid county, for one week prior to -aid dav of hcarintf. ' In witi.ess wliertof, I have hereunto jet inv hand and the seal of said court his 12tli dav of July A. D. 1019. ALLKX J. BKKSOX", Seal i County Juiiiie. Throe rousini; viv.'is! says he's not Koinj; to president again. :o: Car ran.:i rtju for W. A. ROBERTSON, Lawyer. Eist of Riley Hota:. Coatw? Elock, Second Flrxr. TflfOSn I HAVE THE GENUINE FOR THRASHING! TELEPHONE 138 1