The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 21, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3
Jui.' PLATT5M0TTTH 5EK-v7IZELY J0HRIA1 Your Business Partner I It is a food bank's duty to assist its clitrts in the solution cf their problems v.heibtrthey be the prob!err.sof a mer chant cr a farmer. Ecth are businessmen. In fulfilling this morel obligation, we like to ccn-icitr our organization as your business interested in ycur success and eager to forward ycur plans. Confidential Counsel y u wish sound advice in seeking credit, trg investments, or even the more personal problems of yo-r busiress you v.ili be welcomed here. Ycu will find a talk with cur officers helpful. Thi-. service is in add-on tothoecc:r. ir.'y attrib uted to barks a:.d in a ruark oi cjr E;-.r.,rec:l:o lor ycur account. J ! I visit with relatives. She experts tendance nt the National Eelncatior. cNS'to be pnne a coupl-- of weeks. fal association. They visited Mr?. Airs. Liss Austi:i and son. Yernie. Raker's mother. Mrs. Marv m of Wnltliill uhn mtfnt ihe nrisf v.-ei; in Louisville, over Sundav. V wr.rt to how ycu tht this bsnk w?.r.ts yojr l.u?ine5. And we v. ant to f-:;ow yt u the rr.acy trcc ti.Til her.e"ts "on rr.-eiv threvgh piecing it here. fL' 1 ' tk X. M W w s- mm 1 m BMIi WITH US She Dank Plattsmculh. 5i Css Loip-y. Nebraska viriitins at the lionie of II. Austin, j returned home Pnnday iifti rnoon. j H Miss Virginia Harris, who has ' iecii visiting the past tun we.l.sjy with rehitivas in lrt I'mdce. lowa.l. itrr.riied home Tiiesuav s-.l I err.oon. 1 if. (. H- .v. if. if. At y weeping water Keptjbliraij H H t H Dr. Charles M. Swab find I;r. - ! .i. liarritt attended t lie Medical eonveu! if;i Tnexh.y which wjs l:eld at tlie fitliet' i f Ir. Tl:(.'iias oi" W.-"i-iilV ';::e;-. Mr. and Mrs. Morrison Monday al'ternoon for a trip thru N Lraska and Colorado. They expect in lie tone a couple of weeks anil will visit ario;ts places in b.jt h j states. I Hoy Woods :uid Connie Ash lock,, v. ho have been with th' A. K. i iij France, returned home last week, i There are only a few I'nion boys lei'i , over there and most of them ex pec: to le- honie soon. Miss Verna Harris, who is enjoy ins a week's vacation from her dit ties at the Sheldon Mia. Co.. offic-: i.. i..-. i i Wednesday tor i'awiit'C ( !ty. v!'er." slie vv:;l vis it friend, Mrs. Joe Wheeler.- Corporal C. 1'. Ai'plepate came j down from Lincoln on Wednesday) morning lor a vi.-it with relatives :iti( friond-i rm is back ill civil-! f.(1i?pc!::d the day at the Dome oi .Mrs. Mrs. Hormmi Hillman left Satur day mornins for Sioux City, Iowa, to visit relatives. Miss Mildred Travis went to Sht! bert Friday to visit a irl friend and schoolmates. 15. L. and W. M. I'hilpot went to Omaha Thursday morning to drive down three Maxwell auto trucks. Mrs. J. M. Ranney returned homo Saturday night from a three week;' i.-it with home folks in Illinois. Mrs. Kmma Harry went to Fall City Friday morning for a visit at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Kd Moeser. Frank McNurlin. of Sunny Sifle. and his brother, John, from JMatts- nouth, were business vi.-itors in town i A. Skarmis. who nas tieen clew:; j In m Omaha shocking wheat during vacation returned to Omaha Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. (I. K. am! f.imilv autoed to Lincoln Sunday to ian clothes again having receiv frr.m the rvic e las', i T: s- r; I ? V ISY ROf.rKTHAL. ;.d ; i ) is- . I T.i C! S' '! a I :i a ; v.- : fr.-t 1 ' I liar I ' . ' ! i jr.- I'.; j; tl. ' ' i ; i .! tl.i ot t he ( rm: - i l"' :-l : i ::. . of towr. i v v.e-l -,! : r c roj. ,:s uiscnarge wef-k. Lrtice Wolfe returned hoi day night from camp, where ! has '.: stationed since his return from France. l'.ruce was one of the li r; :a : to enlist in the service. h ii;,. bet-Mt:" a men. her .f t!:e Cth Nt luas !; T:achi:ic sun co:ipa::y at Flat: -mou'Ii, in June, 1117. if. LOUISVILLE Courier fm y y 3f ir f- I 1 ' i; !. v. . (;::.:it. : h r- 1::: ' r:.sKa. vher- r.: : :.: :i .:. drove Ij:- y ::; Jaie tie v. l-;t l!:t i:et tl:" . ' . i I t jjnsSl- li Si . -. r 'at!'-. it:"- th ;,r. 1 H- H A V News -S ': a . r 1 ho:: e a. j 'it r V- ; ! n u : . it v: on :::e ' rs (!:. -tr.iniy a -:rt:. .- vr. - rr..rt-.t tr ,' it::' i-avy. ai :y :::; : . h.i- I : Th.- s rvic-l':-h cf t':i 1 his iir t-clas-h.-t May r;-at credit arid hou'.l he pre;;.; . .: i i:: il v.: ! I: . ellt c-, i ; r"! u: oi i:, :!.:, i. i en t;, . ie.i V.. I,;. -lr ! i "::!' S: .! h-.:i-I. Ci:ri, i -1 family tuv.-n ' rt o." last we. k yed as t rm! ' ;'he:ie r..:.!p".'!V ar.-l thi place home. ;.n h -re wo : hot: I ' r-! j C-.ri-e i:.-.-::i::Tt , r. C'lrh;;:- '. e.U . a rr i!- t :-: ; e. s to Mk ! h a trc ihie ve son." t,.tt'-r s-rv;e than in t!; : !( all the work done at this ';'.. ' r.ere:.-f.-re was taken ca re o'. u-.: th" l;e:u!. ;:;;:rt .rs at Wet p ! ::. ' V.':it-r. !-"rt 1 I'. F.i"ch. proprietor of th.e j !.!'!(? To;:: cry (lent.1 Tailoring it:' I'hattMu: n'h. was i;i t'.wn -n bu--;:.-:- . : -).;,ri time t lu- ;:r:-t of t he :v. e,-",;. ; ! -. l;-,!-rh has nil'.- ( ' the t s'. re- and stoc'.s in the coua :;y and i , e:;joyii2?r a spl-iiilid busi- L. Fal.iit-r. of fJ:iiahr. it:.! rt 1 : i v .Mrs i! to v. r. .1 J. 1. V. v.'-.a a C'i:::ilv ::.. la. t Saturday, where rhe t d Ik:, in'1: s. 1. llarti.iat! was at S'-otts- .-It; it over Sn.itlay. w!;ere he preach (i a ti. i - sio::;. ry i.crimm. ! r. f. A. L. Flecker. v':; is atfii''.-::-r .- scho.d ii Lincoln, vi-ii-1 dv. S 'e;i wtiu his L.mily. O. .ir i-Uhi.ic:..: Ivft Saturday for :;:; ard. ?.'orrill -unty, for a wv"k . : i; v. ;:!, the- I '. A Jarrdr-on fa::: - ningcr's parents. John Wise was in town this morn- ting between trains whil" en his way i'rom Atchison to O'Neill to visit hi oldest daughter. J. M. liarkhurst came up fro::. Xebrsisku City this morning to as ? i:-T ui-. bro:he. C. 1! . s! hi. a heat and oats. Ar::Ol.l Fitzj.atrick, of the M-.rray ii iiiity. returned Wedt.s.L.y eveu- Ciiug ! null i raiiir. iws si i'. i i mi.i :.t the tram acre. ! Mr and j.'rs. Al N. Hafoe and sot:. i ;. r.iotoro; over iru:u utui:.- .1,..'; tl:e i! i v : ' : t 11 k-'lli.WJ.. MM' . i . . . . - . - , he F. L. Hunter hot:.". Mrs. Mary Hohack r; .-ei -,-ed a :.:r---..-;-ge from Oxlord T!:ur-!ay f:,r r.o.. : ::n.o;:iii!iir the death of her broth er. No particulars were giv-n. Mr. W. F.liis c: ti e up fro:r. ' lis.'iuiri Saturday evti. ir.g for u ihree weeks' t isit at the home of hi )ti. (leorge K. Ellis, the jeweler. IVter Lund went to Omaha thi: morning, expecting, to bring home is wii. who ha? breu takine t rt-a t eej.t at a hospital there the last : mr weks. Mr aed Mrs. John Curey ai.o r? ) 1 -(;-. o,ii r drove i.i from FraJ haw Wednesday evening. Mr. Curcy ELMWOOD Leader-Echo ft ffm i 9 fi rjji v Bizwrffl rwrmzwraTa ;:::e:':':b:il:q. r;Bra::i::a m m :;:: ran mim i TRACTORS! Miss I.' Fitzgerald has 'U.n c'iiy io vi-ii :.t the Frank 1". Wal.-h country hr me for a fev Wet ks. licnrv Stat:d:r made a Imsincss ::ie loj'.vill assitt his aunt, Mrs. J. L. Hit! him? in settling up the estate. Mrs. Guy Newton and baby c es Moines, Iowa, arrived Saturday vening for a visit with her .moth trip to l'lattsmouth last Saturday or. Mrs. George liunyan ami her . 1 t S: ail ' :i a i: r. rac iao- .1 : h ' ge; t i 111 h T ' n a a I I . n to do '.1 parts of 1 1 Con:;: re rt chav.ka ladies ati 1 uular custo-mers t: : a very agreeable be .: it; ess with. V- H- .v: ; i tf. fi. f. UNIO N Ledger 5 rf 9, 5f i.':'";fJ-'i;; hi J '.'i Frvi-i : r.d Li lis LaLu? lei": '!..y afternoon tor Grant. 1 r. t'i.arles Swab was lutsy Wed- ef t ions. performed three op- Cf . .Xnletst n. of Omaha, is the ef Mr. and Mrs. M. G. .Mr this wtek. A car load cf live poultry, to be c,';livered at poultry caj Ear- j l. !a thark visited Saturday r.nd , r..:r..h'.y v. i'hher sister. Mrs. O. V. Fi.n.ey. -f Auburn. W. L. Taylor, of ?'anning. Iowa, was hT friends and rela- v.h're he was looking after so::o' business at the ce'.:rt l:ou.-e. Ir. I. M. Neely. of Flmwood. h is sold his practice to Dr. 1 Jeering, formerly c f Sjtton. !r. Neely i a pic tit-er physician of Cass county. James Stander ami niece. Mi- F-lith Stamhr. have returned the Centenary celebration of Meth ii;.t missions at Columbus. Ohio. I'.ev. Samuel K :ser, pastor of the T.i. K. church, has gone io Cleveland, Ohio, to visit his daughter, ami lii brother, and will be gone-about two' week::. Ir. and Mrs. Will Clark, of Lin coln and Dr. Clark's sister, of St-w-ard drove down Sunday to visit a' ihe home of Mrs. Clark's brother. :. Ii. Nichols. John l'rhart. son of Mrs. Cather ine Frhart, of Manby. is at the St. To: nil's hospital in Omaha, recover iug from a recent operation L;r ap r enuicitis. Charles Schlcppy. of Indianapolis, indiana. has returned to his home ;iter an cxtendtd si ay with his sis ; r. Mrs. J. M. Jackman and fam ily at the I'latte river toll lio:w. Marv Shockle, of Li need n. was the guest of Miss Fdith May I'cdd and other friends last week. id:e was accc mpanied by her broth er. Orpheus Folk, who recently re turned from France. .Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Fankcnin and children and Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Wood and children drove to Omaha last Sunday to spend the day in Fivcrvlcw park. They report a de lightful outing. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Ilichcy and son, Marion, cf Omaha, are enjoying an auto trip to Chicago, where they go on business for the Katler Fot- a t-randnarrnts. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Mc Grady. The horse shoe pitching is taking 'ii considerable interest these day rnd we understand that Isaac Wile and II. I). IteeJ showed the boys how to pitch Tuesday in a f-gam bout. Mr. and Mrs. John Crozier and .'.!'. Thomas Crozier and daughter Mice, accompanied by Rev. W. F. Haskins, autoed to Omaha Wedne .'.ay to take Miss Alice to the Metho .ist hospital. Howard Record returned Satur- t1 :y evening, having received hm dis charge from the service in the navy, low ard made - four round tripi across the pond, one trip as a cor.- toy and three on transports. Oscar Mack, one of our returned ildier boys, win saw actual service in France and received two wounds v as in town Wednesday on his way to Lincoln to be examined by a physician as his wounds were giv ing him some trouble. Oscar ha I cen working near Auburn since re i.irning home. ITe expects to go to Manhattan. Kansas, to take school ing in electricity. tivvs the t.rtt of the v.-ck. C barter. V. Severvn. of Srl'iivlfr. I iirv enmnnnv makinrr the trin I:::t-icn trein. epot. ria.isoutj, i , ;rp(.(1 (.ver here Monday to visit , combination of busine-s and pleas- fir., on Thursday July er.e csy . . vhn on hi, jy home from ! ure. :tVv. for v!iich ve V.VJ pr.y :n ca:h j ..i(o,n I GeorFe r. Recd and mother, of .3 1 "Wurd has been received by Floyd Weeping Water and Mr. and Mrs ii-ns. vxT l. Gc ! rrintrs. :r lb. -c ( '1 Co-, pr lb. 1 14c r-.cks. r?r Lb. 232 I- cf Hide?, per ib. Z2: Ii'orse Ilide;, each 1 "slo.CO PwCUicnbcr the elite, we will bi cr. 1 r.nd cr shin ar.i talis all c ie cf poiiltrv cfTered for rale. V. E. KEE1IEY. i i,. $Ps M. . ... Zrjr' Poultry Wanted! I will-pay the folloTrinj prices Saxon cf the safe arrival of his! Henry Ashley, of California, were in I i brother. Ruben, w ho is just return- town last Sunday and were supp?r iing from France. ! guests at the home of Henry Ragos.s , delivered at Mynard, Wednesday, : Mrs. D. C. Lakiif and son. Lu- in the cnintry. Mr. Reed and Mr. Rn- Thursday end Friday cf tllis week : cian. r--tnn:ecl home last Thursday goss being old time school friend;. Hens 26c from Magnet, where they visited for Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Raker, of Roosters 12c several weeks with relatives. Tellurite, Colorado, arrived the lat- Springs IV2 to 2l2 DS 32c Mrr-. -.1. U. Ai. yuma ieii iua'i:. ter pari 01 msi. weeK iroru -vin-aftcrnoon for Chanute. Kansas, for waukee, where Mr. Baker was in at- Ralph Green was on the sick list r.everal days this week. 11. A. Williams has a new Ford car equipped with a self starter. J. L. Ring celebrated his C4th birthday on Tuesday of this week. Dr. J. S. Deerjng is having the in terior of his office painted and papered. II. C. Heath and family of Lin coln, were visitors in Elm wood . on t Monday. Henry Stanford is still quite sick at his home with little improvement in his condition. Mrs. Reynolds, of Kansas, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Liston, is visiting here this week. R. W. G recti having a cellar dug under his house this week. Ib is also adding a front porch. Floyd Coon came down from Oma ha Friday for a short visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Coon. Frank Warner returned on Mon day from a trip to points in the west, where he had been looking at land. Will Comer, wife and son. of Ma sesta, Kansas, visited several days with Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Comer of this place. George Gorham and wife, of Dun lap. Iowa, visited at the home of John Gonzales and Clark Gonzales Sunday. J. Ik Sutheralnd went to Lincoln Saturday to see a sister, who is in a hospital and is very low, suffering from cancer. Mr. and Mrs. Trosser. of Rloom fiehl. Nebraska, arrived Wednesday night for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Railey. Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Fast returned on Monday evening from an auto tirp out near Fairbury, where Mr. Hast went to look after his land in terests. Mr. and Mrs. Chris F.ackemcyer i:d children, of Waco, Nebr.. motor d to Flmwood and spent Sunday with his parents. Rev. and Mrs. F. Rackemeyer. Mrs. A. W. Neihart returned 0:1 Monday evening from St. Louis, where she visited her daughter. Mrs. "irt Kilmer. and Ottumwa. Iowa, she visited tre Loom is family. Mr. ami Mrs. Oxley. of Carroll. Nebraska, arrived Thursday evening ir: their Oakland roadster for a -hort visit at the home 01 .Mrs. x-'ey-5 parent-. Mr. and Mrs. John Lea n. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gustin. son Clark ?.nd Mrs. G. G. Douglas and daugh ter, Ellen, left Monday in the Gus tin car for Gresham and will visit short time with Dr. W. N. Hyl ten and family. The ice problem is a big one. It is impossible to procure ice at all at present, except in very small quan tities. The ice plant is the satisfac tory method and would be a paying thing for our city. 10-20 Titan kerosene burner, with three-bottom plow, delivered $1,300.00 Also the 12-25 Huber Light Four tractor with three-bottom plow included, delivered. . . .$1,640.00 WE WILL NOW BE IN A POSITION TO MAKE DELIVERIES ON DODGE BROS. AND CHANDLER CARS. DODGE BROS. CARS AT. CHANDLER CARS AT. . . . .$1,185.00 Delivered . .$1,975.00 Delivered I. II. C. Trucks DeLaval and Primrose Cream Separators. Ii h m r- m li B B to M f - B 1 M D 1 - 0 B f f U Used Cars! Five-passenger Ford touring car, Monroe roadster, a bargain at. . $250.00 , 450.00 JOHN F. GORDER, I AUTOMOBILES wa.x.a::' .H;.;:;:'n e.E'':. B;: e; ;"a: ' ' 3. FARM IMPLEMENTS i s: , 2 :c:::: e." ar:. s. :;:a: a ra: i 3 si n .- w je VV. T. RICHARDSON i.i:c;i. xtiTK'R To William H.-nnett. if living, if lc-ee:i.-e.!. bis tinknown lit-irs, rtevisees, i.-irs.lees. !M-innjl re; rfMii t a I i ves and I! eiiiei- iieisens i ii t f rc 1 1 il in tlie es irtte ef W'iltiriin l'.einieti: Will. II. -j.;t t !. if lixiiie;, if tlt t-ease.l. Ids 1111 :;eiv.;i heirs, iieviset-.-, lt-e:atees. fer vunal repi eentat ives ami all other .erstms i uteres ted in the estate of Y-.-m 1 1. Sl.ei.uril: .John H. ifurnham. il liv ing, ilei eusel. his unknown heir?' 1. leiriitees. neisonal reiresenta 'ives ;il:l :;!! ether I'ersons intereste.l o ii,.- estate of John II. lliniiham: Ven :ieit e:ich of von are hereby ,:itit'.eil that on ti t- Jlst (lay of July J'.'iH. a iH-tition was filed in the . liet Court of Cass county, Nebraska -.rt whit h Anna White, lininerly Anna Viuintr: Cut herine t'.apen. formerl? C'athi-rine Ynuni:; Viola Wiley, forin rls Viola Yonns; Isahelle Yeanff. Bur--111 V ..uTiir and Arthur Youns, were left ndants. and XVilliam Itt nnott. if liviiiir. if deceased, liis unknown heir iicvisees. letratees. personal represen- .utives and all otiit-r persons inter ested in the estate of William Jien- mtl; Ym. il. Shepanl. if living, if ile ease.l. his unknown heirs, devisees legatees, nei sonal rein esentat ives and ; 11 other persons i nt ! est en in liu estate of Wtn. H. Shepard: John 11 I:t!i nliam. if liinu. 11' ileet-ased. his uiinimvi'ii lien-s, iit-visees, leyaiees, personal representatives and all other I'Koas liiteresieo m the estate 01 o.lin II. 1-tiirnhatn. were defendants. The object and prayer of wjiich pe tition are to ijuiet the title 111 the ;.!ai:it ift's. Anna White, formerly Anna uiuiif;: Catherine (iaiien, formerly Catherine ltiunj;; viola Wiley, lorm- erly viola luung; lsabelle loun tlurtun Vouns; and Aitluir Younp;, to i.ot four (41 in the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter (SE1, SW'',4): Lot five ( ." ) in the northeast quarter 1 -f the southwest quarter l.NE'i t ) : Lot fourteen llti in the nortlieast iiuartt-r of the southeast quarter (NK'i :4: Lot liftecn tir.i in the north est qui.rter of the southeast quarter (AWL Si-;1.); the south half of the southeast quarter s.L',4). an in .-e tion thirteen (t:). i'ownshir eleven (11). North ItaiiKe thirteen (13), east ot the (ih I M. ; also the west halt of the southwest quarter (W'z i?W'4) of Seeiion eighteen (IS), township eleven (11), North liatiire fourteen (14) east of the fith 1. M., -tjass county, Ne braska, because sanV plaintifts have had the actual, open, notorious, ex clusive and adverse possession there of, and every part and parcel thereof r more than ten years last past prior to the eomniencenieni 01 sani action, and for equitable relief. 1 du anu tach of you are further noliritd that you are required to an- er said petition on or before Aion y, tiic .th 1 ay of September, 191s). ANNA WHITE, Formerlv Anna Young' CATHKKINk GAi-KN. Formerly Catherine Young Y1UL.V XVILKY, i-'ormeilv Viola Young: . ISABKLLK YOUXG. BL'KTON YOUNG. ARTHUR YOUNG, Plaintiffs. C. A. RAV.'LS. Attornej. BIO rErrlBEBSUIP DRIVE ON in Piattsmouth by IHE BROTHERHOOD OF AMERICAN YEOMAN YlOMANRY admits men and women on absolutely equal basis and terms. YEOMANRY fosters through its homesteads the most cordial sociality among its members. YEOMANRY INSURANCE the most solid and most attractive in the world. With full protection in event of death, it combines: Surgical Benefits Maternity Total Disability Benefit Old Age Benefiis. YOU DON'T HAVE TO DIE TO WIN FOLiCY WORTH full face value from date of delivery. THE RATE wrill never increase just high enough to be safe low enough to enable you to carry all the protection you want, need and should have. For further particulars, see, call up or write to M. P. JACOBSON, District Manager. Wagner Hotel, Piattsmouth. SHIPPING EOAPlD VESSEL EAHMED AED GROUNDED Philadelphia, July 17. The ship ping hoard steamer Scantic was col lided with early today hy a loaded Large and forced aground. The Scantic, with a cargo of coal for Rotterdam, was anchored off Glou cester, X. J., ready to fail, when the harge. whose captain lost his hearings in the fog, crashed into her side. The sailing of the Scantic will not be interfered with. The bow of the barge was smashed. WILL VISIT IN THE NORTH CREAM. I an operating a cream rtation at Mynard. Will appreciate your busi ness. Bring in your cream and take your check and empty can home with you. W. T. RICHARDSOX. 21-2tw2td Read the Journal for all the news. From Saturday's Dally. Mrs. T. U. Hates departed this morning via the early Missouri Pa cific train for Minneapolis, where she will visit with her sister. Mrs. Ct'y French for about a month. Mrs 1'ates has not seen her sister for two years and is contemplating a most enjoyable visit amidst the co.d climate of Minnesota. OR. H. C. LEOPOLD 0ESTE0PATHIC PHYSICIAN --tl Attrntloo to Ilarm f YYomr ACUTE PIS CASKS TRKATKD Eyes .Tested and Glasses Kitted Night Calls Answered After Hours and Sundays by Appointment i.30 a. m. to 12:00 1:30 p. m. to 5 :."! Piattsmouth. Neb Contra P o Watermelons and Gantalopes ON ORDER YOUR CREAM OF US! Skinner's or Burns' Bread Bulk Olives, 25c per pint Fresh Green Peas and New Potatoes Try us for all kinds of lunch goods for picnics Fresh Celery Plants for sale. TELEPHONE NO. 4 OR 5