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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1919)
f ?AG rvro FIATTSMOUTH COII-WEEKLY JOURNAL , MONDAY. JULY 21. 101J. CONDITIONS STILL ABNORMAL IN THE TELEPHONE BUSINESS, During the war c were all ail"eetel Iy the unusual prices a:il I't'ten !v the scarcity t" the jjihkIs we needed. A ue all know, in the year and a half the war lated, li ices io-e rapidly and are still very high. .And while prices kept going up, because of war condi tions it became more and more difficult to obtain materials aiif capable employees. The telephone companies, like most other industries, were hit hard by increased expenses and by the scarcity of labor and equipment. And things arc not yet back on a normal basis and probably will not be lor some time. While we hope it will not be long before all our former employees are out of the army and on the job again: and we expect soon to be able to get promptly all the equipment we Heed Still, the high price of materials and the generally high operating expeti-es are problems that we shall no doubt have to meet lor i-everal vears. LINCOLN TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY LOCAL NEWS 1- rem Ki i'iaj f ; I i y. J. tuns l.ainbirt. of Ivjck Idilfts. v-;is :i lrii' business visitor i:i I he ity thb- mnrninjr. .- p'i of Louisville, i i liiru i:i tln city at the home ( l.i lit plow. Frank K. Sehlaier. . 1 r.eil. of i a -1 t.f Murray, w ... a Inisiiit s i.-itor in 1'Iattt, ii.niUli lT ;i ft . Ist ivtiiin..;. ;i Khodeu vva.s a vi.ilor in I I . i ;(..c, it it tiiis morni:m. eoniiu;; i'. : Mine tra.iir,,. ami ivturn it ;: in 1 1; is .ifiiTnuon. II. .M.i ;-". iiL'jr "rie. .! is;tr i:i I'l:.ltsiuci!tli litis i i : 1 1 ; . .Jnvii.-, ::i with his lui,.v ; .. ! .nli " M'li.e irai'inji. eph i'.Iil uile til' n;ir t !i:i ii. v.trt- in ihi-. ciiy this al'tcr ! t: -i v s i. ,r drivi-n up in their ear I ! l.:.!'t r c iradi:;;;. '1 I.. Wi ! ! ui m i i' I ,o.;i: i lb-, wa , .i "i ''-r m: i !:S !'; a inrt t t' i -i i n-v ilri'.inu li.i'Aii in lct'.; iii' r m-ii.-uu-.: tetv. i ' i ii i 'j i !.! Ib-nnin;, and v.;V were i.. i l.i r.iy ir a -liil.' veil rrdny t-: . : i ; liters. 1.: diiva ii: v.i;!: (loir ear. car lo look after Mime matters of lii-.ine.-'s. Nicholas Opp anil wife. oT Ne havvku. were in the city last even ii';; for a short t i mo. roniinji to brins in a .al of poultry anl looking af ter some other business matt its as well. Marry ilinton ami wife, of Louis ville, wi re vbitiny in this city last evenin;:. guests at the tiome of Mrs. Minion's parents. W. A. Oliver am) wife, returning lo their home last e ven in?. Kreil Weidman. of I'lainv lew. who has been visit intr here for a short time, i turned this morning to his li'i'ne. t'ler having spent tome time villi Lis mother anil other relatives ami lrk-mls. Will Si-v holilt was a visitor in I '!ai turnout h last evening, coming: to li.i l. :iHr : onie matters. He intemieil j:oinu: u to Omaha, but :;-.rcd it might rain ami so did not continue the journey. . t". Carey, isr. ami wife, together .'. i 1 1 1 1 1 1 i r son. Serfant A. . Car : . of near Mynard. were visitors in e Siiil'li u: !: i hi -i a .' ! ' :i vi.-.iter m rn : r. . :m i . . '. a 1 1 r o 1 1 1 1 a le.v hoi:... V ! r ! ! .til ..t I'. 'ii ; : n:i rlur!'t. hitht" I :n i . tor : 1 : r: : ! I it v !., !: I I .lit" ; (r 1 : in-; l,.-. : an 1 .t..i.e ?li of .Mi;rr:'-. v j rial ismoul !i totlay. coining up this i morning in look alter some trading !v. it'.i tiie ioer.l merchants. ' fie-i. .Maston. of iJret-n woml. was ; a vi.-ilcr in Plattsmuuth this morn , in;;, coming down via the LJurlinf;- I"M ii Imili after tome business mat-;;- a; :l.e '-::ri I'.-.m:-- and ino'.ii: op voii'e I ;vv t:'a!i r-i as touehin n;i .'o.ue inatters. T i I . t Lambert I - re.'"rtel as be in..; very sick at the home of his sir-itT. .Mrs. .Ii.lni Smith. at old IJock Hlufls. haviu-; s:me lime ine-j j uvib I i;'!e an operation at a ho'-.-lir.-n v i -.! in;; pi ;il ii Omaha, and from which pa I dfpait'l !l'-r fully repaim'd his ;. U-t im"l b'.nif 11. Iiiki- , ;,i i i-iicl h. I a;: e.e. !i nt j r, j. . 'Iccurden of L'.roek. is i vi-iiiiiK in this city for a short time (-. imm miith-'the jL' at the home of her par in the citv i:i-! nits ('. II. Smith and wife. a has been ii I j tiallh - l!i i is past f'e I vi Mil: iinve-1 up m tin Mrs. .lull n Tvviss and son L'alpii UNITED STATES RAILROAD ADMINISTRATION infill TW AS USUAL 'I rnli.-c nllractive scheme of Rocky Mountain and Pacific Coast Summer Tours is now available, v;Lh circuit routes that embrace the West's mag nificent scenery. COOL SCENIC OLORik I'.ei a lev.- I, ii rs lo Peuvcr. Colorado Springs and I'lieido. the j:aievjiy ti hundreds of mountain v!:'.vi:-ii re-orts and for auiomobile tours. Very i vora hie fares. THE BLACK HILLS ui vmrnuG nnficn resorts loiii.-.j laics lo the Hot Sprincs resort of the -Hills, to Sheridan and K.iucliccter, in the Ijix Morn mountains, and to (he Cody Way ranch resorts. PA9IFI0 COAST TOURS H;" whole I'aeitie Slope is embraced in the Summer tours. Veil ran o ilirect er i:icluae lie I'acific Northwest. The world's greatest summer rail tour is available, just as usual. Abk your local ticket sigent to help you plan yoir trip and furnish you with descriptive booklet of pointa in whlca you are Interested. ZXSZ and wife drove down from Louis ville this morning and were look ins after some business at the court house. J. A. Kreuger, of near Cedar Creek was a visitor in this city last even ing:, coming to look after some trad ing at the stores here, ami returning home in the evening. Henry Winkler who has been visiting in this city for the past few days Avas a caller at the Journal of fice this afternoon and extended his subscription for another year. The children of Edward Ackerman of Wymore, are visiting with friends here. They were accompanied here by Mrs. Gobleman, their grandmoth er, who has been visiting at Wymore for some time. Edward Trumble and wife were visiting in this city from their home near Coleridge, and were look ing at a farm with the view of buy ing it. and returned to their home this afternoon. Miss Loretta I'rop.-t. Mrs. .1. E. Hallstrom of Avoc.a. who is visiting here and Mrs. W. E. Propst. of east of Murray were passengers to Oma ha this afternoon, where they are spending the day with friends and relat ives. George Brinklow from east of Murray accompanied by his friend Walter Sniffer, of Smithville. Texas, who is visiting at the Hrinklow hotue were visiting in Omaha for the day. ami returned home on the noon train. A. 11. Englekemeier and two tons Walter and Herbert, and two daugh ters Lena and Alvina. were in the city this morning from their home west of Murray and were looking after some business matters for a shcrt time, having driven in with their auto. From Tlnirsilay's l'allv. J. Ii. Seyboldt. of near Murray, was a visitor in Platte mout h la.-t evening, coming to look after some matters of business. Mrs. S. A. Parker and two daugh ters were vi.-iiiug in this city 'la.-t evening, coming from their home west of Mynard to look after some trading for a siiort lime. A number of Piattsmout h peojd were in attendance ;t the band con cert at Louisville last night. K I Sehulhof is leader of the Louisvii .' band and he has the boys well train ed in the art of d courting music. Earl I'aiiicr ami wife, of liavli:i-'. Wyoming, who have been vi-dting in this city for a short time, guests at the home of Mr. lVuzer s sister. Mr;. K W. Knurr and husband, dep.'.rti i tiiis merniiig for their home in W.:- rtC.-t. Jamt ; Henderson and family de parted 1-jsi night for Koch Pori. 1'-linoi-. where they will vi. ii i - ; week at the old home, both ban lived there in their childhood !;:. and they slill have numerni;; r-la-tivt.s there, at whose home-; they will visit. Henry A. Si h neider arrived hone this fnreiieon from an alncmje i t n wt'iv.i. during which time he at tended the nilional Elks on vent ion al Atlantic City. N. .1. Mr. S.hiui'i er savs the convention was one i" the most enthusiastic he 'has ever attended iMid he has been to sev eral Elks and otherwise in Win i inn'. Mrs. A. i; Vogcl and two child ren, of Omaha, who have been visa ing in this city for the past few- days, guests at the home of Grand father and Grandmother C. L. Diet;:, departed this morning for their home in the metropolis, after having h:-d a most enjoyable visit. The littie f lks were rather loath to depart, evincing a strong desire lo rem. tin for a longer visil with tlnir grand parents. Krniii S.i I iirilay'.s liaily. Charles Schwab from near N'e hawka was looking after some iiu: i nesK matters in the city today, hav ing driven from his home in his car. i Nicholas Opp of Nt havvka was a visitor in this city for a short time this afternoon, driving up in his car to look after some business matters here. 1 eidiuand IkiiningH of near Ced ar Creek was a visitor in Plat tu rnout h this afternoon having driven in -with his car to look after some business matters. H. A. Young and wife of near Murray were in Omaha for the morniug and returned to this city this afternoon, where they were do ing some trading. John True of Cedar Creek was a visitor In this city for a short time this morning coming to look after some business matters at the office of the county clerk. George Lnts of Louisville was a visitor in. Plattsniouth this morning coming down to look after some business matters and also is visiting ; 1 with his friends for the day. . j . James Stander was a visitor in Plattsniouth for a few hours jester-! day efternoon, coming from a trip to Omaha, and departing for his hone on the early afternoon train. James W. Holmes departed this morning for Lincoln, where he is looking after some business matters for the day and will also visit with his son who is now staying at that place'. Phillip Morn sr. of near Cedar Crtek was a visitor in this city for the clay, coming down on the train, ami visiting with his many friend3 here, as well as looking after some business matters. Rudolph Hanse', who has been in the mountains for the pest ten days returned home la ,i evening to re sume his work with the Burlington. He enjoyed a great outing in the very heart of the Koekies and v;:s down close to nature. Miss Anna Kys departed hist even ing for Malvern. Iowa, where she is spending the week-end with her friend. Miss Marie Svoboda, who is spending her vacation there assist ing her brother. Prank Svoboda. in the conduct, of his bakery. Mrs. J. K. Valhry and daughter Doris, departed this afternoon for Omaha, where they are visiting with J. K. Vallery the former's hus band and the hitter's father, who is convalescing at the hospital alter having been there for some time. George S. Kay. from east of Mur ray, was in the city last evening and purchased a new plow from th-r John V. Gorder Implement company, which John Bates took out to the farm for him with the delivery truck, and the plow is now doing its part on the Ray farm. Andrew Morrow and wife, of near Burwell. were visit :ng with friend in Iowa, having mad:' the trip in a i auto, and on tln-;r return came v;a IMattstnouth. visiting old friends and re! it ives here. They were guests at the homes of A. .1. Snyder. G. W. Snyder and '. L. Je;;u. Mrs. Morrow being a sister of the Snyder broth ers as well as of Mrs. C L .lean. ;;. .1. Bukacel. a In-other of Mrs. Aiitene Klabines of this city, who has just returned from the service, having put in jast eighteen mouths ivv.-eas. and counting the i!;ik' coin ing and i; maV:i"g it nearly 1 ;t iinnths away fmrn Am -r e-t. has been vidting in the city for the past few days with his sister and lamdy depuled this afternoon for hi hi.rr-e at Clnrl-.sou. Mr. P.u'i-.aek has seen some of the lin-s! severe ig!-ri!.g in the war being for ig'n' mi :.s on the ueti rn front at S:. (J'.-entiu to Verdun and was fort t:i:;iie ll;. i! he in ver received a .crat eh. 7.71 L HCT.D JKTFJ1- ESTHv7G MEETING RTN1GHT OF PLEASU AHEAD OF IIS CARNIVAL WILL HOLD FOUTH AT EALL PARK FOLLOW ED BY CHAUTAUQUA. LET ALL ENJOY THEMSELVES Ball Boys Sponsoring the Carnival, Which is Said to be One of Best on the Road. From Sal ii i il.iy s Iaily. Plattsniouth is in for a fortnight i of pleuMire, commencing Monday. All next week the Capitol City Amusement company will hold forth in the Red Sox ball park at the foot of Main ::trcet, with uoine twenty or more attractions and a dozen fea ture acts. This carnival company is deelaerd to be oue of the best on the road and the week's entertain ment is being sponsored by the ball team, which imurcs a good clean show being staged. The 'arnivi'l company is expected to ;.rrive here some time tomorrow, ami the late afternoon and part c.f .Monday will be utilised in betting up the variom- shows and attrae rioiis. The ball pari: will be light ed with large electric lights and a midway will assume pro portions in-fore time for the opening Monday night. H has been two years vince Piatt. -mouth has had a carnival, the hist one here staging its shows on t by streets. So. doubtless, loral people will welcome the coming of this at : rat t i n and see that it does not go iv. ay with empty coffers. Tin; closing day of the carnival i.s a !o opening t'y of the Chaut.iu- j-.ia. vvnii u vviii co v.-hiili v.iil continue for lays. i: pi chilly good talent lieen jir.e, ided for this year's se .t ud the sale of t ; favorable to one est cro!s haul a if ;;a mi i -. j I I . t v '!'he 'i,;;ei'.: ;i::ce i'nion ".ill m i -t i ti g 'i next ! ! : - v es. .ii' .- 'f'U 'I'e'UTT iiold an interesting Mentlay afternoon , at the In. me of Mrs. R. P. it vh!i'i time Mrs. M. Wlo- Jan will act as tw i st r in. -, t o is t i mei ti. Ariu- Gord'-n il" t he it t.rder (Hen! program a' which on" if is- i ' a ti t ho t e.-s. t he , t h rr. Tiiis meet in g ue on t lie date of ?Ir t hi na! ional ire" i d en I hirlhday. An ex has I'd n perfect i d I he feat urei of I he afternoon will be an address by the Rev. II. G. Mi I !; -y who was delegate lo the national eonventb'ii of the anti-saloon league, he speaU ing on lh-'t ubject. an.d will giv1 some oi ins oiiservat ions at ine ir convention. The afterio'on promises to be one of nioch interest SUES TOR OVER THOUSAND. SIX has ion e-.e on til k f the larg- in attendance at in Plat tsmoiii h. The celebrated humorist. Rob Seed-, i-. ihiuuled to appear on the opening night, and all are cautioned not to miss on his mirthful discourse, entitled. "The Way it Looks from, the Road." Season ticl.ct:. lo the cliaulaiupia ire on sale at $2.r. for adults, phis he ID''.' war tax. and to attend the "ogr.: m ' on the single admission !.l.n, v.i.;:l 1 (o l iiiiir; !h' a twite a ::i;:.d'. This tact alone is si:i'iei.-,:t irguuiei't tn favor of the huviag of ,s.;e.on ticke ts, v. Inch are good among any member of the holder's family. S i, Pla'tsi; outii poopK are due for a fortnie.l't of pleasure, and doubt less will avail themseivis nf every ipporiuniiy for en joy.iient . It h.o; been sugge ted bidding .i houie-couiing day, pos.silly on !it Sa i ii rda v. the closing day el 'ho carnival and opening day of I he .-kaiitauoua. Further arrangements to this end will be chronicled in 1 he coiiieins ef t lie Journal. -Oil l-'i-'iin Siil urilay's l.iilv. The Rank of Cass County has sued Fred Wynn and Adidph Gtuse for sotiiet hing over a thousand dollars on a joint note given by these two gentlemen, on which I hey have not leceivcd the payment, aii-liough it is long past due. Suit has been brought in the district court for the enforcement of the payment of the obligat ion. Summer Complaint i Children. there is not. an v thing lihe so many deaths from (bis lisea:-:e now as before Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy came into such general me. When this remedy is given with castor oil as directed and proper care in (alien as to diet, it is safe to say that fully ninety nine out of every hundred cases re cover. Mr. W. G. Campbell of But ler, Tenii.. says. "I have used Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy for summer complaint in children. It is far ahead of any thing I have ever used for tiiis purpose." CHICHESTER S FILLS TUB IMVVicM' I:HAi. y .mill-Hi Aftkycni llmia.O"f i CliWLM..r i lilammia Til n J III in I'ril an I .otJ mwallicYVy !.. i:h HIlo Rll tion. v T-iLa .... ... 1. Ii, iv nf V OTHER RETURNS FROM SERVICE l'Toiit Ha I iinla y'n r.-iily. Tiiw rvi niii-j- Claud Cavetidcr of New Market returns home from ser vice of nearly a year overseas. Mr Cavender i the brother of Clyde M Cavender the operator at the Rur- lington here, and will be remember ed as having visited in this city with his father last. year. Mr. C M. Cavender of this city could not get away to go greet tiie brother. lint Mrs Cavender denarted this morning for New Market to greet him on bis arrival and welcome him home again with the others of the family. WILL SOON REMOVE TO PLATTSMOUTH Krniii Sa I ii nl.i v'a T:i l'v. G. Ii. Olson who is located at Junction City. Kansas, at this tune arrived home last evening and visit ed over night and today looking after some business matters. ana will return to Junction City tomor row, -when he wil 1 begin the packing of the material and gootls vvnien they have at the plant at that pl.iCL- f,.i. liliininonl and will retlllll to Plattsniouth. The work ot ocmoo ilizing the troops is getting pretty well along and the excellent husi- ness wnicii nas come t me "u Photo Company is soon to cease en tirely at the cantonment, with his return here he will push the busi ness here harder than it has been possible with having to be away. Ir. -1 . r- ill . IfLw ,m m 1$ ii.:-j 7 j::jS. i'u.i V. f,.,' vj That's what vou'll find in the Jour SC10SyCf.,eC,jTStVP.V,.'.,:iWE al- 15c Per week delivered. j All the news when it is news 'Sr. mmmlm ALCOIIOb-3 re t CENT. Fct Iraarits fin tl Ch ildrcn. Mothers Know That Genuine Ca itoria 1 lino Unmads and Bovv.-lsJ pn y. ;- ' r.!;,'.-rfu! vss and UcsLCa'Jito I neither Opium. M''ph;"cni!r : Mis.ctol.KoTNAKOCTic Signature of -r.T fit htilr Sai! J t ; M SUand Diarrhea. fi VjOl 1 (.- j '-: ! Tr.oFiLFtP F-c'-ilcSivna-of r.irresTAratonv. I. 3 x Aw .; l i r i' III Ose over Fhiriv Years !.'.: ;u t doy cf Wrapper. tmc ciT.ivn Ft vctn f. Summer Comii'aint Quickly Relieved "About two years n;io when suff ering from :i severe rttacl: of j-um-mor coi.iphun' . I took'o (" lie and I ia rrhoi a Ui uiedy and it relieved me almo.-t iiisnnitlv," writes Mrs. Ilenry Jowett. Clark Mil!. N. V. This is an excellent remedy for colic and diarrhoea and tho'uld ), kept hand by every family. We invite YOU into the Dress Circle for a series il " 'mi 1 our Talks." fry COMFORT TALK NO. 5 has mvich to do with his peace of mindv and comfort of bodv HERE'S WHERE WE GET IN tfsir.Eook, knee Ic-nc-ih. all eizcs. zA 7t. 1.00, $1.25. $1.50, $2.50 Po:csvcavc tiie cooleit liiii ttcii jjarmtnt. nt vi.50 j)cr suit; 2 for ?.;i..9J Balui'i; ihovl c; I h sleeves, onkle ov ,1 tlnce quarter length $1.,00 to $4.00 y FANCY SUMMER HOSE A,. 35c; 3 for $1 Co E0 Wescott 'EVERYBODY'S STORE" " w. f .w- r : n m i t i v : n n .'.H:,.. K'-'S i".i S It l :sltL .V.-,- h-i hup kill 1 Bank EY IS MOT SAFE IN A RAG BAG ( oY0UR HOME IT IS PUT IT THERE IK IF THIS UNHAPPY WOMAN HAD PUT HER MONEY IN OUK BANK, INSTEAD Or HIDING IT IN A RAG BAG, SHE WOULD HAVE IT NOW. BURGLARS HAVE A WAY OF SPOTTING THE HOUSE WlltHI. MONEY IS KEPT; THEY KNOW WHERE TO LOOK FOR IT AND THEY WILL STOP AT NOTHING, EVEN MURDER, TO GET IT. PUT YOUR MONEY IN OUR BANK AND BE FREE FROM ALL WORRY. YOU WILL RECEIVE IN1ERE3T ON TIME CERIIFICATLS. Farmers State PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA ank f -'i V it --'-