SEifl-vTRXEXT JoTTRNAl THURSDAY ten fflt Ai-IE-H.. racxrr 1 " PROBLEMS CONFRONTING brighter future, in which equal and j exact justice shaJl give labor its just j dues. I F. W. Warren announced the; coming of a real labor day celebra- j Hon in the near future, in which j they would not ask the business j men to contribute. While this is, Aoricots 4, Hanson Work Glove one fi v; id THE LABORER tt-ell in a wav. the unions must : Oar large shipment of Washington Apricots foi canning have just arrived! Place Your Orders at Once! Lemons SOc Dozen recognize the merchant, and the artisan is a lalorer Just the same is the one who belongs to the union, and they are interested on the same oroblenis which confront the mem bers of the union, and are willing to lo their part in the solution of them. TKEY CONCERN ALMOST THE ENTIRE POPULATION OF THE WORLD. ALL MUST WORK. cJilUip untune.- MOST INTERESTING MEETING AT REST IN QUIET CEMETERY. FtA-FTEIIGITTH .1. B UJ-lAjX TUIY 17 o n Yi.i .-:a'l fn:' rejoicing, brhi; ii:;: ii: I I i - : IicjHv. if yixi wca: : . . :i ! Ii :. -n :vk yi is'tr ' r ti.f I.: , ': 1 wi'ik. i:: !l" hi;-; 1J At Garfield Park Last Evening: Good PvtgTam, Great Labor Day Guaranteed. YCUNO WII1L1I.I STEWART zic:.XLiT AiisrED i.:o:iday I. orn Wc.l - liy's Daily. Iteii:-; s h'y ri.lertaining hU ::-.-.- .Mm. William S't-wart Mc M.ik"?i. v!m ;.r"ivJ o:i Monday ct t'.- -.' ! if if h;? p;ir-:i?s I i. Mc M i!;m :!: w :f-. !,.? yr::;r ir.::; f-iIJf.J t :.;;-:- r. cf his ar t! r f .r- th l-U't''- f 1'"' r.c i.t" !: 1- arrival. I!.' i; :.!!:' 'i-i.l.v y iiir; ma::, v.::': . e-y i i: 1. .i ( )i i!: '. un I U rt-ri:i::.. :! .1 o u : a. Man of ex-!i-n ( ::::r:. : at tV. tii:ie i: .l:i- v-;-; : '.: tu (ii'irtin a:ul .;. '.1: i : ;.;.v ir'-?:-i ::) v ' HARVEST NEARLY COMPLETED. : 'ir: -.; l ; t li :i ; .''' -e anvt r. ir?1 vr.t a1 Tit a Journa' t -orn Aiiinday's Dully The W. II. Alexander Nursery r.i-mpany. which has its gardens ir tin- Eoutli part if the city, is ju.-i ctnplrting the gathering oi' th ma jor part f the crop of berries for this year. The prospect tor a lnr:r? crop continued i-.u ller.t throughout the sprlnr. r'.r.d r.p until a v i- i-s :go. v. hen a heavy wind lirui-o.i an! 1 1 i -- ?i i t-i much t tha grow: hi.' crop. Mi.l l!:u- rediice! what would othtr .I lT:Ve h.'ell a Vi TV 1'r.e ie:I. A:-, it was. (i.e. crop is p:iite !:;r.';e ..n! i. rei:::reil n. small a.moTif f : i ! lo J. vil; after uat he.-' r it a'.il l.r:r!.( ! ii:., it. 'i'iiere remain:-, yet a I-- v t,':rrn t';at i vradaully ripe;--;:: I :t tl- ?.re :t r part Lc-f-r. : i.-po:-e;i ( I . in Picittsmoulh by 7 YEOMANRY arlrr.its rr.fn and womeg on f.'osoluttfiy equal bais nrui terins. YEOMANRY foite-rs through its honier-leadr, the most cordial st.-ci-bi!ity iirnon its rnerr.berg. YEOMANRY INSURANCE thn most solid and most at tractive in the woi d. V'iih fiill protection in event of dt-a'b. it r' inl.jnti!-: Surgical Benefits, Mdiernily BeneHt. Total Disability Benefit, Old Age Benefits. YOU DOfJ'7 HAVE TO DIE TO WIK! POL-ICY WORTH full face value from date of delivery. THE RATE will iever increase - just high enough to be safe low enough to enable you to carry all the protection you want, need and should have. For further particulars see, call up or write to M. P. JACOBSON. District Manager. Wagner Hotel, Plattsmouth. Wa have never offered more sprviceable or more attractive W ash kiris You will want one or more of 14 these smart garments; in gabar- Rdine, linen, pique and cordaline novelty patterns anu plain wnite. Each garment is tailored in firt clas3 fashion. Some of the styles are shirred or pleated at the waistline, others have mcdest pockets, yokes and panels. i Li ill wm I 'i' Ifff w mm 1 $2.95 to $10.00 'he Ladies' Toggery Li FRED P. BUSCH, Manager i Prom WelnoMlnys Ia"i?y. ) As per the arrane.enu nts the hand j proac o:!.'.! th paratle which went to jtho park hut evening to hear the aUi:o.e.s vh!ch were to leal with the prolilem .f lahor. aiul the con !itif!M of the laborer. The hand furrlihpl excellent music for t lie occas'oii. as a!M v.ere the numbers ,f nnisic led by D ti t'. York. Tatrictism and a love of country vp.s demons! rated by the standing: duriiir: th.e reuditicn of patriotic music. Ir. B. J. Wright Makes Address. The r.ia.n who was in interest of the b!::c':. niith-. Mr. 15. J. Wright .f C.:lebur. Ii'.. was present and oiTer-d eMplanation for not being to eiv? the addre?s wliich he vi! c'lvitieed that the people were titer- trpctant to hear. His re mark,. r.Jo:;g t!ic line of what should tie done to m ?.!: t!ie laborer lot the i,.,ttor. v.rre time and to point, but fe,'ii?i;; liaf 'Ciiii? one else could tell the t(.'" I 'tt. r than- he gave way to the ii How ing sper.ker: Cr! A. Rawls Speaks. Carl A. Kavls the popular attor ney was greeted with applause .vi:r:i he arose to address th.e people oi the Fr.hjec which '.vj? nearest : :i. -ir hr-?rt. The ruhjeat of lalor art;", its cotapen'-r.tiop. is one which is :.ttracting the hest tho'.ichts and "r:-les rf the het thinkers of the irnid. Tii" p"'il'!'!ii has been one which h's tl'cited jnuch interest all ' durit!" ihe yi'ps. Ci.ilds, associa :ti(.n. and union organizations have ' ..y'.-iod tY." leginning of the ccnw' world. All kinds and coheir ion1: ct lr.en have been Inter ! cited in labor. Ileginning without even the rtcne hammer or the i - h a r n v. f d stick for a plow, man has ; ;;ene after 'iH!cult process of re i it -icing- tiie hard cold and refractory ; r!.--nints to such conditions as r,u!d sniiTve hi-; use. All wealth has been produced by i lahcr. first the utensils for the per forming cf labor, then the product of the labor for use of man. part of which he used, the remainder pur chased bv man and trafficked in. j and a measure made for it. known ! a.s the dollar, the accumulation of i the product and the measure has ! finally been called capital. The ' labor which has been done, has been arrayed by shrewd people, (against the labor which necessity j had driven the man with the labor (for sale to place on the market, for j what lie can get, and what he must have, a living. Such has neon the experience of the world from times immemorial. To solve this problem and get a just distribution of the proceeds of the labor now r being placed on the market, and that which had been previously perform ed, capital, is the mission of organ ized labor. The matter of getting all that it can will be cared for by capital, it is labor's business to look out for itself, and to get just what is justly coming to it. it may take politics to do it but if it does, well and good, use politics to a good pur pose. Mr. Rawls espoused the cause of labor, and said that he would vote for a National Labor Party, when one was organized. He said the laborer needed to be educated to their needs and how to obtain them. As labor won the war, it could also solve the problems confronting them. As experiences laws were enacted during the war, which should be discontinued at this time. V.'e need a broader vision and the teachings of the master said the speaker. Change the money that it may bear an equal portion of the burden of the expenses of the gov ernment. The forming of the sched ule of the income tax he said should exempt the first five to seven thous and income, and place the heavier percentages on the larger incomes, like those which ran into millions, and if necessity take it all over a certain amount. He said all must work in ths re construction period, and that labor must see to it that in the making ! over of the affairs of man after this great cataclasm of the word war she must have and aesert her rights. We must love our fellow man, and all work for a better day, for a Trom We1nsilay'H Daily. This morning from the St. John's "atholic church, was held the cere monies over the mortal remains of the late Joseph Droege. and there were paid honors to this man. who has lived in Plattsmouth for many years. Here he and wife came ai.d to them came a fine family of ahildren. who have grown to man hood and womanhood to bless their parents. The ceremonies were con hicted according to the ritual of the church, and the remains given rest in the Catholic cemetery we.-t f the city. WILL GET AFTER OFFENDERS. ?rom Weil n est! ay's Dally. Yesterday George Masney from Greenwood, was in the city, and re mained over night to look after some business matters which he has in hand at this time. lie was look !ng up the federal statutes touching 'he white slavery question, and in vestigating the scope an l extent of the Mann act. with the idea of bringing some offenders in his neighborhood, before the bar of iustice. He seems to have plenty -if facts, and was looking up the irovisions of the law. WILL VISIT THE NORTHWEST. From Wednesday's Dali'. This morning L. J. Mayfield pub lisher of the Louisville Courier, ac companied by his son I'earl and Charles Drake, drove down from their home in a car, and tooic home with them the type set for the Courier, as they were desirous ot getting the paper out today, in ord er that they could depart tomorrow morning for O'Neill, where they go to visit with a brother of Mr. Pearl Mayfield and son of L. J. Mayfield, Mr. K. D. Mayfield. who makes his home at O'Neill. Mr. Pearl Mayfield and wife and L. J. Maxwell and wife will make the trip in an auto. Mr. Pearl Mayfield having just re turned from overseas, and has not seen his brother and family as yet. V t--;V . V ,? i vi-- r- tc'J -' "j'v . ' , ' " EACH OF THEJI RE CEIVED APPLES ALSO From WeitnesiJay a Dally. The other evening three of the young (?) of this city went out in the country and for exercise help ed Wm. Venner shock wheat for a short time, in fact until it was all shocked, and then they were shock ed when on returning to the home of Mr. Venner a nice lunch was served to Attorney C. A. Rawls. County Clerk Geo. R. Sayles and Will T. Adams the genial deputy. They enjoyed the trip, the work and the luncheon nicely and today were surprised on recojring a box of apples each, making an enjoyable affair all around. i ATTEND FUNERAL TODAY. Henry R. Goring. Thomas L. Mur phy and a friend from Omaha, all friends of Mr. Henry Herold and Mr. H. R. Herold. drove down this morning and attended the funeral of Mrs. Wm. Hercld which occurred at the St. Luke's Episcopal church, returning before dinner. They were accompanied by I. J. Lane and Wm. Peters, business associates of Mr. Gering. y.i j-5- jgS 50 and 60c Dozen Grape Fruit 10c Largo Red Plums Watermelons Canfilopes Peaches Kalamazoo Celery, Cucumbers, Kew Potatoes, Cabbage, s e rta fs. a- w 'P 1 en ans. Cooking Apples H. M. SO ENNICHSEN -TELEPHONE 53 and 54 WILL WORK WITH THE GHRIST STUDIO .rom Weilnesilay's Daily. M-iss Alba Zimia of Wahoo. where she has been employed with Ander son &. Co., the largest photographer of that portion cf the country has accepted a position with the Gh.ri.-ts Studio, and arrived recently to be- "in her work here. Miss Zimla while an expert retoucher and tin- I i?her of photos, has had more than ! ordinary experience in this line of work. The business at the Christ Studio has been so heavy of late ?hat they have been compelled to send som of their work elsewhere to have it done. With the assist ince of this young lady who is skill ed in all parts of the photographic Tt, they will be in position to in sure quicker and better service, and J lake pleasure in extending an invi tation to the trade to place their work with the home studio. J'V inzili' YOU into llic J)rcss Circle for a scries of "Comfort Talks." WAS BURIED THIS HORNING. From Wednesday's Daily. This morning from the St. Luke's church was held the funeral of Mrs Wm Herold. who departed this life a few days since. The services conducted bv the Rev. Wilbur S. Lrete pastor of this church, of which Mrs. Herold had been a meni- for .1 number of years. The story of the life and the excellent deeds of Mrs. Herold are held in memory by her many friends here. It is with fond remembrances that her good deeds and kindly acts, which have characterized her had held by those who now have only a memory of the friend who has been one of the factors which have worked for the bettering of Plattsmouth. M 1 IN P -- to 4 yc: Sailors-:, Ik COMFORT TALK NO. 4 Cssp YcEir Head Cool! in assorted shapes iKtat; ;i paiiama- eiive . . . rut 1 1 j !ati"ii leyiiorn. mil nat)e. verv iii;ui. w iiie ritu . - 0"c . ki. entiiateil crown, soft and pliable for 't i .ar.amas. ail shaiies. 'Jhh lor ? s: wear -nnppy dress hat .one .84 lo S10 .Si to $5. Ion CASTOR I A For Infants and Children In Uco for Over 30 Years Mways bears the GoodAutoRoads -TO- Roads Have Been Repaired VIA T. H. -Pollock Bridge HIM HAND NOW DOING NICELY. fmm Wednesday's KaW. Mrs. George Perry who some five weeks since had an accident while engaged in doing the family wash, catching one cf her hands in a pow er driven wringer, stripped the skin and flesh from the hand and which she has been having treated since with the result that a delicate skin is now covering almost all the wounded hand, and the wound is healing, fcr better than it was sup posed from the nature of the wound it would be possible. It was thought that skin grafting would have to be resorted to but the wound lias done so nicely that noth ing of the nature was required. Mrs. Perry is to he congratulated on the fact of her nice recovery. E. W escott's Sons "EVERYBODY'S STORE Don't forget us when you want meat or groceries for harvest. We can take care of you, just call phone No 4 and we will have your order up HATT & SON. Fancy box paper at this office. universal car WITH BUILT-IN AT THE FACTORY Sslf Starter, Generator and Storage Bat tery, Electric Lights! The Ford can; now have all the advantages that the large cant have always claimed and in addition the extreme low cost of up keep and the advantage over all other cars in that in every city and town is located a Ford Authorized Service Garage, where large and complete stocks of Ford repair parts are always kept, and where a Ford owner can always get immediate service no long waits to send to city or factory for repair parts, as i3 the case with every car in existence except the "Universal Car" the Ford. With these additional refinements added the Ford car will be more popular than ever before and it will be impossible to fill all orders promptly, therefore we urge prospective buyers to place orders at once. First come, first supplied. The following prices are for the new Ford cars with complete Self Starter and Lighting equipment delivered to purchaser, full of gas and oil and ready for the road: Runabout, SC34; Touring, $(J60; Coupelet, $S17; Sedan. S'Jil. Ton truck with farm stock and grain body (no starter), $775. WK WILL SELL NEW AND USED FORD CARS ON PART PVYMENT DOWN. IJ A LANCE ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS AND WILL TAKE LIBERTY PONDS AT MARKET VALUE. T. H. Pollock Garage, Telephone No. 1 -:- -:- Plattsmouth, Neb. 4 j i-4 '3 EX hi 4 id