The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 14, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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and antafopes
Skinner's or Burns' Bread
Bulk Olives, 25c per pint
Fresh Green Peas and New Potatoes
Try us for all kinds of lunch goods for picnics
Fresh Celery Plants for sale.
- ' r
Eit-clric Lihl ud
Power etzn
Clean. safeel-tric Jijrht and pow---r
Ht th" to-ach of a conveiiirnt
Tel. D. o:C Oiunha, Neb.
3fr 3fr r T f r
Miss Kuth Jacobson. the popular
a-liir of the Bank of Commerce,
i-ited over Sunday in Omaha.
Frank Miller of Omaha, vbiied at
the heme of his old-time friend-?,
Mr. and Mrs. I'. P. Katier, over the
Mrs. August Carl-on went to Om
aha !:it Friday to spend the Fourth
with her daughter, Mrs. Hugo Oberg
aid family.
. i' Peu-l yaa-. t Omaha, visit
ed ..t the he r..e of h:r tinc. Wil
liam Newman in the c6uutry and
with other relatives and friends re
cently. Frank SV-hmader has returned
home after an extended service in
the navy and has received his hon
orable discharge.
Loads are Jn excellent condition
between Louisville and Omaha and
the Louisville bridge is doing a
pood business.
C. M. Seyhert left Tuesday even
ing for Benhelman. Dundy county,
to look at land with the object cf
purchasing a farm.
Judge A. J. Corn is-h and family,
of L'.ncoln. who hpend part of .i-very
summer at their bungalow across
the river, were Louisville visitors
last Sunday.
County Crmn1is.icr.er3 Pitz. Har
ris and Miller were in Louisville
Monday looking aft-r some bride-
over Mill creek that have been clos
ed for repairs. ,
Mrs. 15. O. Stevenson and two
daughters. Leota and Barbara, of
Ot aha. are en joy ins .a few weeks'
Visit in and around Louisville with
relatives and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Au:ru?t Fautseh.
Mrs. Krnet Pautsrh and Mr. and
Dated November 1, 1018
DUE November 1, 1938
Redeemable at par and accrued interest on any inter
est date after five years 'from date of issue. Coupon
bonds fullv resisterable and interchangeable. Denomi
nation. $1,000. Interest payable" semi-annually, May
1st and Novembei 1st. Principal and interest payable
at the bank of issue in exchange Approved by the Fed
eral Farm Loan Bo'ard of the United States government.
Exempt from All Federal, State, Mumcipad
and Local Taxation!
This exemption includes the Federal Income Tax and
income from these bonds need not be included in returns
Oftas. C Parmele,
Bank of Cast County
NO. 4 OR 5
Mrs. William Schliefert drove to
Lincoln last Tuesday, combining
business with pleasure.
Fred Huff, recently returned from
overseas duty, left Tuesday for Bev
erly, in the vicinity of McCook, to
assist his brother, Clarence, in op
erating a threshing outfit.
It. Helm, of David City, has been
Maticned here as wire chief for the
L'.ncoln Telephone and Telegraph
company tnd will move his family
here as soon as he can secure a
hou-e to live in.
Mrs. Earl F.auni and nephew, Roy
r.aum. of Prague. Nebraska. and
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde l!erg. of South
Bend, spent the Fourth with Mr.
and Mrs. William An'Ierson. par
ents of Mr. Baum and Mrs. Perge.
Mr?. K. C. Yant and two children
will leave in the near future for
Los Alleles. California, where '. hey
will :-it her rister and family .md
wil' 'p.-nt a part of the time at :he
ti-H thoe, returning home in tie'
f..ll ir. .time for Master KicharJ to
ater i '1 ool.
Mr. and Mrs. George Lutz arri ; ?d
hist K-tk from their ranch horn
near Oconto, in Custer county, to
visit with relative.-? and old friends.
Mr. Lutz has not been feeling very
well ui. d came down thinking the
change might prove beneficial to
G. II. Woods has arrived home
from an extended visit with his
daughter and family in Colorado
Springs, Colo., and left again Wed-nt-dav
fur Milwaukee. t vi-it his
son. H. C. Woods, teacher cf civil
engineering in Roberts college. Con
stantinople, w ho will sail from Ne w
York about the middle of August.
Mr. Woods was accompanied as far
?s Omaha by hi.s daughter, Mrs. II.
T. Wilson.
J J. J 9$ V
Mr. and Mr.'. Harry Trunkenbolz
went to Omaha for the Fourth and
stayed over Sunday with relatives.
C. Trunible last week Fold his
Perkins county farm and we under
stand made a nice little sum from
the der.l.
Calvin Ilol lycr went to Weeping
Water Wednesday, to vis with his
brother. Major Roblyer t.nd family
for a few days.
Mrs. N J. Vincent returned from
Lincoln. Saturday. where she has
been for some time. Hec daughter
Mrs. C. A. Fischer and pabe return
ed with her.
Dr. Dihel left Monday morning
for Oak. Nibr.. where he has located
i Dihel will remain here at present
. looking after some slow collections,
j Eugene Van Sittert, a nephew of
! Mrs. Thad Adams, and Mrs. May
Kaufmann an ojl friend of- the
family, of Des Moines tpent a few
days here week at the Adams
Mrs. Chap. Renner and daughter
Ixttie. went to Union Saturday for
a brief visit with daughter and lis
ter. Mrs. Renner returning Sunday
evening and Lottie remained till
Tuesday morning.
C. W. ,Young, an old resident of
Ragle, who now lives at Clarks,
Neb., came in Wednesday afternoon
and was shaking hands with old
friends. He stayed in town over
night going to Lincoln this morn
ing. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Trunkenbolz
and two daughters left Tuesday
morning via auto for Nuckolls ctain
ty, where they will attend the fun
eral of an old time neighbor, and
visit with old friends for a few
Captain Wayne Soper. superin
tendent of the Eagle Consolidated
schools for the coming year, arriv
ed in this city the first of the week
with his family and will reide in
the Mrs. McDonald property for the
Mrs. J. A. Gardner and son Clare
left Tuesday morning for a two
weeks visit with relatives in Adams
and Kearney counties, and also in
Kna?. Clare returns to the hos
pital at Ft. Sheridan. 111., the last
of this month and it will probably
be six months before he gets his
discharge from the army.
Claude Barrett bfgan threshing
his wheat today. There seems to be
a feeling of disappointment about
the yield throughout the entire
state, as it is as.-erted the berry is
imperfectly formed and in many
ea-es very light. There are spots
where the whent is very heavy, but
he wheat is far -from good.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Kin
ney a son on July Cth.
George HItchman Jr.. left Monday
morning for Chappell. Nehr.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Nett
a baby girl Saturday. July Z.
Mr. and ?drs. Will Cooper return
ed Monday night from Lorton wh'e
thry had visited a few days.
J. M. Teegarden left Monday rv
niiig for Furnas cc-ur.ty to laok
ui.or his land i'.it'-rests theie.
Mrs. Frank Baldwin went tr
Omaha Saturday morning for a few'
days visit with Iter son Francis and
Bert Collister came up from Ne
braska City Sunday and i helpinc
cut with the wheat shocking this
Mr. and Mrs. George Marl: left
Sunday evening for Grant to look
after the harvesting of the grain on
his farm.
Fred Lorenson of Manl'-y has fnk
en the position at the Binger Lum
ber Yard vacated by the resignation
of Dick Cox.
Mrs. Theo. Davis left Monday ev
ening for Milford to see her father
who is quite rick at the soldiers'
home there.
Mrs. John Fitzpatrick ir.. lett
Monday morning for Pender to viit
her daughter. Mrs. M. J. Thacker
and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grable and
fpmily who have been visiting rela
tive's here returned to their home at
Waterloo Tuesday.
Troy Wiles who had been at Oma
ha where he underwent an opera
tion for appendicitis returned home
Saturday evening,
Mr. and Mrs. James Collister of
DeWitt visited at the home of Mrs.
Emma Collister from Thursday ev
cnine until Monday morning.
Mrs. Creda Trammer went to Falls
City Friday morning to visit her
Fister. Mrs. Jessie Morton and hus
band until Monday evening.
Mrs. Homer Jameson and the
little boys of Arcadia arrived Mon
1 clay for a vjsit with . her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. John Domingo.
I Mrs. lary Rockwell was up from
Avoca Wednesday to ppend the day.
She reports her son Gifford making
good on' the rifle range practice.
S. I. Armstrong left Monday for
a visit with his daughter at Deming.
Nebr., and expects to go from there
to Washington to visit his daugh
ter there.
Fveett Fisher who has been hav
ing a serious time with hrokrn
arches in his feet went to Nebraska
City Tuesday morning to se au c
tcoon . r. doctor.
Mrs. Helen Wallick 'came over
from Platteraouth Saturdav evenine-!
to visit home folks and meet her old
fn'PTiri mi?s Mnmio TTtttman -a-Tn ?c
heme on a visit from Washington. J
W. S. Bateman came down from
Lincoln Monday morning to look
after some business matters. Mr.
fcr the practice of meJicine
! Bateman says they are just getting
; start their bakery.
ffi ff. 2jfi rf. ff- Y-
V- V
Nehawka needs an i -e plant a:. 1
cold storage.
The Nehawka restaurant
again be re-opened by parti
Is 1 o
i Brock, Nebraska.
Guy Snyder and family,
place, visited relatives in
Water over Sunday.
Miss Laura Lanry. of
of this
W repjnj,
Dun ha r.
who had been visiting Miss
Chappelle here for several Jays re
turned home Sunday evening.
Dr. J.'W. reports t he
arrival of a little "girl at the hon.e
of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Siurk. near
Avoca, Tuesday morniJ:g. July sth.
John Lloyd has had a very pain -
fi;l loot the last week, from ha v i ng
tteMed Xn a nail. The .'...uiul h'--
i-Mtiic infected, vhich causeii liiiu n
Mule trouble.
Guy A. Hood left Monday m:ru-
iug.for Shannon. Kansas, where h -
has secured a steady position us a
ttlesrranh operator for the M h-.ioiu i
He came up from Atchison,
Kansas, Friday night wi
he hadt
regular !
been substituting
for l!
I operator.
Clarence Mason an 1 .io'..:i Frans
.fere Oa:aha visitors Monday.
Born. Wednesday. July '.. to .V r
enJ .Mrs. E. L. Shoentaki-r. a fine
. aby boy.
Mrs. J. A. Talkie? t u, of
Pas been here the past week vi'it
!:.g Iter husband and
Mrs. Lecl.i A. D.Tieg. or Linen!. ,
n:e clown Friday morning to vh'li
..ith friends a few dpy...
Miss Jessie Told went to Omaha
Friday to' spend the Fourth with he;
:riend. Miss Mary Foster.
Jim bejvis cinne down from Cole
ridge to spenu the Fourth and visit
.everal diys with friends here.
Miss DoTothy Hall, of Nebraska
: ;ty is here this week visiting h r
:.-ter, Mrs. D. B. Lyndc. and Uiiiy
ri i ends.
The annual Old S-itlerii' picnic
v ill he held here 'his year on Aug-
1''id and 2'".v at tiif u.-ual pk
i if gr'-u'Mls. K-.-a. Haihaw.. retitr:.'.l
'.-.ame Wednesday from Hartingto.-,. she has been visiting relative.-.
. r:d friends several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Rider, of v .i
o tit ipri v,..i i r-re t'l-itt-iv af
ternoon for a visit with Jack Lio
net t and other friends.
Mr. Fuller, the third trick opera
tor, who relieved Boy Gibson, ex
jcts to move his fa:r.i!v here fro:r:
Omaha as soon as he can get a
Yoiiev Frans cam" dawn from
Omaha Friday morning to spend the
Foiyth at the home or H. M. Fran...
i.'e rtle.riied home Sunday aftt rnoon.
Dr. Schwab invested in a new
i't-rd coupe last week Vv ft ii which lo
make his professional calls. It is a
vjry neat appearing car and was
purchased from the local garage of
T. 1 1. Pollock.
Wm. DuBoi?. for:ver c'.tizcn of
cur village, visited here a couple c-f
days last week. From lure he wen:
to Omaha and visited relatives and
f;!ends before returning to Meruu.
Nebraska, where he is engaged in
the autoTnobile business.
The first meeting or the B. Y. IV
V. was held Tuesday evening and a
;.- od sized crowd was presents An
Army and Navy contest for atten
dance was started which lasts derin-T
.,:ly and August and at the end of
that time the losing side must ban
;uet the others.
A party dance was given at the
M. W. A. hall Tuesday night by
rome of the hoys he re in town an U
the -young people enjoyed them
: elves very much in cpiic of the ex
tremely warm weather.. G. W.
Cheney. John L. Barntt and Arnol i
Fahrlander furnished the music on
the piano and drums.
Frank Lorenz cut 60 acres of fine
wheat, fcr his son. Arthur, finishing
up' on Tuesday. .
The Farmers Co-operative Uniou
association have installed a new set
of scales at their elevator.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Leffler. of
straightened around and reaciy
Cretna. were in Elmwood-on Tues-jtion
dav visiting relatives and friends,
George Shackley, of Avoca, was the league cf nations has invariably
assisting with the invoicing at thaheen transmitted to the preiideat
Saxlon store the first of the week, j through Secretary Tumulty and thrt
Mrs. Earl Horton and children Mr. Tumulty has been the medium
went to Verdon, Nebraska, to "visit
Powers for a
. ays.
1. M. Ward, of Avoca, was a vii
lor in Ehnwooii viu Tuesday and
jvai? lookin?: after his property in-
it rests.
Gf-orge Mc-Fall, of Eriiiiswitk.
came i.i nil ia-i Friday lor a IV w days
visit at tin- home Of his father, A.
.Mrs. .Ice Holderness, who is in -
!-ii in Linc-i.ln for treatment, is
pel lint1, .slou" nicely and improving
Rol.uiJ Tyi.o.i returned Monday
afternoon frota several days' visit a'
Omaha with hi.s brother. Cyrus Ty-
s"1 "n'- wife.
. ' Wm. Kimz left on Monday for Im-
jperial. Nebraska, to look alter his
farms and the harvesting of his
f"- ! thru plate.
j .Walter Stol !m:.n mov.-d his hrus--
jhi.hi goods from Miiniey. Nebraska.
! i' nd is occ-upying. the Lem i'aris'i
' h -w e in v. est Elmvood.
Rei.ohli i)e!e:-j Dernb-r, v
F. ban;
I horst Depart ment store has gone to
v. oik again on the Missouri PaeiJ'c
!irid?.e irang.
! Mr. and Mrs. George V. Blessinv:
' : nd two little sons. Georg-e, Jr.. an I
Richard, were .uiUurn Visitors vun
- lr. Blessings parents, returning on
Monday afternoon.
Miss Mor.a Miller came down the
fri of t ,. week from Ravenna. No
i '
I : .raska
where she has charge of th
t- lephone oflice, to visit her parent".
,r. ;.nd Mrs. Genrge A. Miller.
Mrs. Herman I'entertnan and son.
Mf rris left on Monday for Elba.
Colorado, where they will visit her
P art tils. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Shad
ley. Herman will join thtin later.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Steele left on for Minneapolis. Minn.,
(ther points where they will visit
f r about two weeks. Dan is tak
i:ig hi.s vacation from the Fuller
i tore.
Mrs. W. O. Garbrick, and littl?
grandson and Mr. and Mrs. E. A.
.Miller and family, of Pittsburg. Kan-
v!.a w-erf" visitors tit the home cf
.Mr. and Mrs. George A. Miller the
T.rst of the week.
Mr. and Mrr. Milton Kiedy. I. M
jWard and his srva. Troy Ward, win
and little child, of Kansas City, wirj visiting at the home of the fori::
e-'s father, motored to Elm wood or.
Sunday evening for a thort visit.
Wm. Buster, Elmwcod's rtand-pat
citiztr. and friend i? still visiting hi;
friends here. Mr. Buster is Etron;
on his demcjeratic principles yet and
r.;:iy are the argutucr.ts he is aW?
get. and we will say that he is
a.i:pl able to defend them.
Ti'e ice famine seem:; to have hit
Elm wood pretty hard and despite
the fact that we have always had k-e
' . ,)! le are "ing their very best to
do without ii. Those who have
' Lcn hauling ice hope to be ah!e t.i
::et some in the near future.
President Ilolds ITo Conummicatioa
with Spokesman Since His Re
turn from "France.
Washington. July 11. The Wash
ington correspondent cf the New
York Herald in his story of Presi
dent Wilson'3 address before the
tenaie Thursday, prints a tircum
tantial account of the president's
nul) of Senator Hitchcock, notwith
standing ho has been everywhere
recognized as the spokesman of the
administration during the days when
the league of nations has been the
subject of most-severe criticism.
The Herald correspondent eays:
"Senator Hitchcock, of Nebraska,
who has been known as the presi
dent's spokesman in the senate an !
who has borne the brunt of the re
juflican attack during the absence
( f Mr. Wilson in France, has not
yet been consulted by the president
inr has be received any word front
the White House since the presi
dent returned. He was not anions
those who weat to see Mr. Wils;m
after the speech was ended.
"Senator flitchcock was plainly!
verj much provoked not only be
cause the president gave his follow-
til? Twitliino- villi xvliir-ll t f Tnft 1 1
her rister, M
republican onslaught but because heiM
had ben neglected by the president. ! j
lie left the capito! to play golf ini-jy
mediately after the president had g
finished and it was stated at his ?i
c "ice that he would leave for hls;i?
summer home in r.lassachur.ett- S
late at r.ight." ill
In this connection it is well H
known among newspaper men wno'jf
come in almost daily contact with
Senator Hitchcock that cc mmuni??.-
with the president upon mat
hers in controversy growing ou
cf I
through which communications have -
Yoar Business Partner
It is a good bank's duty to assist its
clients in the solution. of their problems
whether they be the problemsof a mer
chant or a farmer. Both are businessmen.
In fulfilling this moral obligation, we like
to consider cur organization as your
business partner interested in your
success and eager to forward your plans.
Confidential Counsel
:( cu wish sound advice in seeking credit,
rnidng investments, or even the more
personal problems of your business you
will be welcomed here. You will find a
talk with our officers helpful
This service is in addition to thosecommoniy attrib
uted to banks and is a mark of our appreciation tor
your account.
We wart to show you that this bank wnr.ts yoar
business. And we want to
show you the many prac-
through placing it here. JB,3
Ii tt.-.'-. :-.! in ; tf..-TT
The Bank Of
been made to the Nebraska senator
from the president.
There has not been any direct
: emnnniica'.ion between the two at
any time since Hitchcock espoused
'..he cf the president and it is
;!ated that when Mr. Hitchcock, us
a member of the committee of the
:euate appointed to escort the pres
i.';;ni t; the rostrum in the sena'e
chamber, informed the chief execu
;ive of tite purpose of the committer
he was mei with a cold "thank
No warmth of greeting of the
; ;rri:pioii of the president's position
. to t'ne league of nations Avas a
: r.led the former" of tl.e
foreign relations committee a-vl who profess to know say Sen
r.'or Tiitehcoek left for Mr.srac huset t .-,
Thursday nisrht vejry greatly wimnil-
! i:: his P'ride.
Paris, July 11. Robert Lansing.
rnerican secretary of state, said
good-bye to President Poincare on
Friday night. He will leave Satur
day evening for Bre-t. where he
will board the United States steam
; r. America.
Secretary Lansing expects to see
Acting Secretary of State Polk be
IV. re the latter sails f'r France to
ii.V.e his place at the peace confer
ence. Jontnal WaDt-AtT yavl
rnrjE:::;!i:;:'3 :,.:;::'E:;;;a::
arming Implements
In listed corn cultivators we have the J. I. Case
Plow Co., John Deere Plow Co., and Rock Island Plow
Co. In walking cultivators we have the New Depar
ture and Jenny Lind; Riding cultivators, the Eadger,
New Century and Overland.
In haying tools the Keystone, International and
Emerson loaders; Keystone and International side de
livery hay rakes; Deering and McCormick mowers,
binders and hay rakes.
Also just unloaded a car load of
Peering Standard Twine
that I will sell for
24c Per Pound
I have one Monroe Roadster for $450.00; one 4
passensrer Hupmobile, model 32, good serviceable car,
$220.00; one 1917 5-passenger Reo, good paint, $700.
F 1?S
irii irascN. jk h-ii s.ri i Hii-piHi(:t:.. jF : ... : ! i
ft--.X. 1 "I t:,. -,iJ
Cass Coirfy.
Paris, July 11. The supreme
council of the allies examined the
question of the Austro-Czecho-Sio-vania
frontiers in conformity with
the desire of the commission bavin-'
the matter in hand, which proposes
to leave to the Ozecho-Slovaks the
(tsenticl portions of two reetif-ca-iions
which were ma:!e in their fa
Los Angeles. J lly 11. Efforts
will be made to bring Harry S. New.
who admits he s-hot and ki'.b-d b:
iiancee. Miss Freida, in Top-
ango Ciinviin last Friday night, io-
fare tlie state lunacy conimission n
pn insanity complaint, according :e
his attorney.
I have some snap in lands in
Cage, Pawnee and Johnson counties.
Nebraska with eay terms. If will
pay you to see me for a home or in
vertment. Mockenhaupt Land Com
pany, Sterling. Nebraska. 2C-4wfcsw
Let our carrier boy deliver the
Daily Journal to your door. 15 cents
per week for all the news.
Ham B