immSPAT. JULY 10. 1919. FLATTSMOUin PXHII-TVEyLT JOURNAL. FAGF. TITX. Murray Department repared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Headers If mr of the readers if the Journal knor of any social efnt or item of intprvst in this vicinity, anci will mall fimc willm-ix-ar under this heading. We want all newsltenis koiTOu J in Your Savings Make your bank book show some headway for erery pay-day. The man who cultivates a sys tematic savings habit when young reaps prosperity and happiness when old. Why not figure now just how much you could put away every pay-day, then start your savings system hv nneninrf an - - account with us on next pay-day. m V Safety Honesty CourtesyService Four pr cent interest on time deposits. Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law. MURRAY STATE BANK All business transactions held in strict confidence Your Personal Bank. Duck eggs for sale. Oldham Stock Farm. Ted Harrows was a IMattsmouth visitor last Saturday afternoon. John Yardley has been numbered with the sick for the past few days. W. II. Puis and wife and Fred Hild and wife were Omaha visitors Mfiiday of this week. .Mr. and Mrs. V. II. Wart her are rejoicing thi week over the arrival of a baby girl at their home last F.tMirday. Albert Wet encamp from near My iisird was in Murray Tuesday, look ing fr the well boring man. Al bert wants a new well on his farm. The Meier Drug Co. are expecting ll.eir soda fountain every day so it at ill not be long before the people of Murray and vicinity will be able to fcurc the very best in the line of soft drinks right here at home. Dr. and Mr?. Jake Brendel and little son. and Mrs. Ii. F. Brendel returned home this veek from their three weeks visit back to the old Indiana home. In and near Zions ville. They report a very pleasant trip and a vne visit with old friends and relatives. Alex Graves went down to Peru. Nebraska, last Monday for a fdiort vi-it with his mother. Grandma Graves, who has been ijuite sick for the past few weeks. Mrs. Graves will be nft years old in September, arid of course owing to her advanc ed ape. her present condition is con sidered nuite serious. NOTICE Miss Mae Loughridge, teacher of voice. Opening for sum mer term. Mrs. Lee Oldham and daughter, Mis Pauline were Plattsmouth visitors Wednesday. I). A. Young was vudting with county seat friends for a few hours Tuesday afternoon. It. C. Oldham departed last Thurs day for his home in Canada. Mr. Oldham was here to attend the sale of land of the George Oldham estate. Remember the social dance at the Puis Hall in Murray tomorrow Fri day evening. You are invited to join in the good time. The best of music. Miss St. John, of the Nehawka Mills, was in Murray Tuesday in the interests of her father's high grade brands of flour. She met with the usual success in the way of sales. The Nehawka Mills make good flour and the people of this community are beginning to know it. Tom Smith was taken very ill a few cloys ago and his attending phy sician. Dr. B. F. Brendel, advised that he be taken to Omaha for treatment, and perhaps an opera tion. On Monday, Dr. Brendel. Will Contryman and J. L. Smith took him to Omaha in the auto, where they consulted a specialist. He was placed in the hospital for a few days treatment, and in rase of necessity an operation will be per formed upon him within a, few days. Crepes and Voils! An exceptional offering in Silk Stripe Crepes and Voils made possible by 'wholesalers close out, and we are offering them at a price that you cannot beat any where: Silk Crepe, 36-in wide, regular $1.50 yard goods; green and navy combination stripe, per yard, 69c Same as above in light blue stripe, per yard .... 69c Silk Stripe Voil, 27-in wide, Copenhagen blue, regular 65c value, per yard 42c Same as above maize with small red stripe, per yard 42c Don't miss these specials buy them now! liatt & Tutt MURRAY, NEBRASKA Be sure and can a can for the li brary. J. W. Yardley is on the sick list this week. Mrs. Sam Schwab was visiting in IMattsmouth Tuesday. John Sutton was a business visit or in Plattrmouth Monday. Pauline Oldham was a IMatts mouth visitor last Saturday. Mrs. Jennie Klimm was a IMatts mouth visitor Monday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barger spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Yardley. Albert Young made a few days visit at Brunswick and Neligh last week. Uncle George Shrader has not been feeling the best for the past few days. Scott Hare was visit inn a few days the past week with J. W. Yardley. Homer Shrader and Miss Vera ardley were IMattsmouth visitor? last Wednesday. Mrs. Walter Sans and son Har land spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Creamer. NOTICE Miss Ogl.i Minford. teacher of piano. Now enrolling pupils for summer term. Word lias been received from 15. A. Hoot that he is enroute from Bic Springs to the Yellowstone Park. Major Hall, of Pacific Junction, was a Murray visitor Tuesday. spending a few hours with old friends. Frank Vallery and family made an auto trip to Grant. Neb., last Fri day, where Mr. Vallery has some land interests to look after. Miss Vera Yardley was called home from Omaha this week owing to the illness of her father, who has been quite sick at his home east of Murray. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wehrbein en tertained Mesdames J. A. Walker. G. H. Gilmore. Arthur Sullivan and children. Mrs. Tom Sullivan and Miss Margie Walker at dinner last Sunday. L. II. Pul went to Omaha Tues day of this week, going up after an other one' of those popular trucks, t lie Fulton, that he has been selling so many of during the past few months. John Lambert. residing down near Rock Bluffs, has hern quite sick fi.r the past few days. He recently re turned from the hospital i:i Omaha, but has been quite sick for some time. Our old friend T'ncle Adam lli'.d. of IMattsmouth. celebrated his seventy-fifth birthday at his home in Plattsmouth last Sunday, and a por tion of his excellent family gather ed at the home to spend the day. Some of the family were unable to attend the occasion. Following were those in attendance: Mrs. L. II. Puis and children. Philip Ilild aiid family. Iouie Friedrich and wife. Mrs. George H:;d and family. Jake Hild and family. Mike Hild and family. The day was a very pleas ant one for all. preparation for uncertain numbers is'also expensive when it is not eat -T!!. This coupled with the shortage of help who are willing to work i.u Sunday, lias caused Landlord Wag ner to announce the closing of .his dining room on Sundays. DEPART THIS MORNING TO THE PHOTOGRAPHERS ANNUAL CONVENTION Merchants Need A Few Evenings. We. the undersigned business men of Murray, have decided to close our stores three evenings out of the week at six o'clock. The closing nights will be Monday. Wednesday and Friday evenings, and will re main open the other three evenings of each week as Ion:: as our patrous desire, allownig them ample lime fotransact all their business. The hours will prevail during the month rf July and August. commencing with July 1st. ALF. GANSEMEK. I1IATT & Tl'TT. W. R SMITH. W. II. PULS. FOR SALE. 7 j horse power Chopie ga..oline engine, good as new. Inquire of C. L. Ilerger, IMattsmouth. TO CLOSE DINING ROOM ON SUNDAYS LN FUTURE From Mc nday's Daily. Elsewhere in this ip.snc of th Journal appears an ad railing atten tion of the public to the fact that the dining room at the Wagner will be closed Sundays in th" future. Mr. Warner's commercial trade is cnl throughout the week but drops n'f Saturday and very few traveling men speed Sunday in Plattsmouth. preferring to run into Omaha, only a mere twenty miles away. Accord ingly the patronage of Plattsmouth people in large numbers is necessary to operate the dining room without a loss Sunday and while it has.beeu found that the number of local dinerr, From Monday's Da II V. Mr. and Mrs. Ghrisr. who have so successfully conducted the local photograph studio for several months past, departed this morning for Kansas City, Me., where they wil! attend the Photographer's An nual Convention, being held in that city this week. Mr and Mrs. Christ have made a splendid suc cess of the photograph business in i hi;- city, they are up-to-date in tl.eir line of work, and expect to gain a great deal id' valuable in formation at the annual convention this week, where all that is new in the line of photo work is brought before the meeting and discussed to the best interests of all, with but one end. to a better and higher .'lass of photograph work. They will return to PlattMiiout h the hit- er part S the week with renewed nergy from their few davs of vaea iiin, new ideas in the photo lito-. and fully prepared to render the very best results in their line. The studio will bo open all this week 'nit no sittings will be made until "rid:i v. 3 -r tK.r-t yi aft-HMMTSPf Which Plant i!i Serve You Best? One is the noisy vibrating kind. The other is the Silent Alamo One is a plant that is noisy. It rattles and bangs it shakes and quivers and jump3 and bumps. The whole thing is in a continual state of severe vibration all the time. The other is the Silent Alamo. It runs noiselessly like a little electric motor. This is due to the noiseless, rotating, sleeve-valve motor the quietest type cf motor ever built. And there is no vibration. This is due to the scientific balancing of weight. Remembering that the motor is the vital part of any electric light and power plant; nrl. remembering, too. that vibration which shakes everything out of alignment. rlrrrnvs adjustments, etc.. is certain ruination to a motor which electric 1 . -M .! 1 " "V - tU plant will give you me Desc service.- i awsvt,i m VriLL RETURN HERE SOON. 'rfm Monday's Iady. Y.'-uerdav G. ii. Ol.'or.. who ha; een at Junction Ciiy. Kansas. f;v :;e T.isr Pro year:; or more, eatne i:i 'i the Missouri Pacific ar.-l visi'-.-d for tb.e day, returning last eveninv to Junction City. Mr. ()!s:n came to look after some business matters, l.ut as the party v.hotn lie came ? see was out of the city he returned to Junction City. Mr. Olson tells n; that business is rapidly failing oi. in the kodak finishing line at th" branch there and that he expects ii short time to close i;p the business tt that point as ail the soldiers will oon have been returv-d to civil li'v M'-iain. Ipo:i the closing up of i'i;e 'ranch there. Mr. Olson will return o Plattsmouth to give the manage neiit of the business here hi:' person '.1 attcr.tion. 4 ktof'KAfr t ' Tr'i';A hmt. J - ' - - . 3 , '-I 1 - . 'Or question for light yourself. Eiecisic Light zntl Power PSsni The prent question today is: "V hat plant shall I select?" And wise buyers will always look at the motor first and at the precautions taken by the manufacturer to safeguard the motor and assure dependable service without trouble or delays. Investigate the Silent Alamo We have canvassed the entire field. We have selected the Silent Alamo because we find that it is everywhere proving itself to be the leader. Every part is built with the care of a high priced automobile. It is a sturdy, oinplrt'- und. all enclosed, and on ore base! rxrept the batlcnr .) and is the most perfect running machine we have ever seen. MURRAY 3 NEBRASKA ARRIVED AT NEW YORK FROI-I TRANCE YESTERDAY Prein JJonday's Daily. Corporal llaymond Wool, wr.o WE NEED GOOD ROADS. , 'rrn Mnndn-'s IHily. ! The movement for good roads is j horn out of something more than a j mere desire to have some place for j nice riding. Some of the mail j routes are almost impassable. We I are told of a certain route in this county that is badly washed out. j with one bridge which is almost impassable, and that the weeds over i hang the track, no that they are continually brushing the cars, as they pass and preventing the driver from seeing the ruts until he has "tin into them. The need of good roads are a real thing with the car rier, hot an 'ridescent dream. of what they would like to have, but what is ab;olutely needed to get by. They have to go every day, and if the roads are bad they are bad all the time, and should be repaired Just as well have good roads as some that are impossible. The good ones come the cheapest in the long run. went to the service "early hist year, j iti I v ho lias now seen about ; ear d 'v"r"r:s service arrived at X v.' York jesterday, ami will be assign ed to seme can;, for discharge in a liort time. At the time, of his de ar;i:ie fur the service, he wa unit d in marriage, the wife remaining .ehitid to keep the home (ires burr ing. Mr. Wood is a fine vou:;g man we are certain he has made an xcellent soldier and will, up"" b" return, make one of the best if cit izens as well. EACPI HOME FROM THE NAVY. From Morula y's Dally. i.a-t v, e; K John M Creary. who enUsted in the service of the govern ment in the navy and who has been .it San Francisco for the past year. AUCTIONEER Always Ready for Sale Dates far or near. RATES REASONABLE SATISFACTION OR NO PAY! REVERSE ALL. CALLS Telephone 1511 Hurray Exo range is large some weeks on other occa-, Men's Overalls AMD SHIRTS Men's Staple Overalls and Jumpers $2.00 " Heave Blue Overalls and Jumpers 2.25 " Finck's Detroit Special Overalls and Jumpers 2.50 Men's Shirts.." '.90 " Heavy Shirts 1.25 " H. D. Lee's Unionalls, striped and solid blue 3.50 f"Dont forget this store closes on Monday, Wed nesday and Friday nights during July, and August. Allcthsr nights we will serve you as late as you need our service. 1 hie tgervoce tee9 ALF GANSEMER, Proprietor vtume l home, having been, liise'i irg ed from the service at Denver ; week ago. John went to Pun Fran cisco about a ye?r ago, at th" stir': time nine more from this place en listel in Ike navy, and he rema'ti-d in the service long ';d. lie was lo cated on (ho is'and in San Franc is;-o bay during his entire term of servi'-c "nut finite recently thought he v. a -going to have to go to Chir.'Te wat ers. Ilowcvr the c. ill didn't cole and his diseh;' rge order arrived i ti-ue t accompli. -h his di charge, a related above. Itching, bieeding, protruding o b'ind pilt s hae voided to lnii; Ointment. IOc at all drug stores. Yon will find a nice line or popu lar copyright books at the Journal THE W. H. PULS ware 'oa will always carry a complete line of Hardware, Pasnis, Oils, Farm Srnplements, Tractors, GASOLINE EMGSTiES and REPAIRSI We do all kinds of tin work, heating and plumbing, and will also save you money on furniture orders. Come in and get our prices on anything in our line. We will treat you right and save you money. n MURRAY NEBRASKA Phone No. 24 ':sj.,:e::a:.';3.;.;E.;;,;s'1-s;;.:E.L;:H.::'fl,:':ii' :a::"S:::B ;.iJ:::B'.;::a-i"C.' b;;b Eire, . m H a ! I? M n a n a r a in 'One unuu h Will Always Carry a Complete Line of DRUGS, PAINTS, GILS AND VARNISHES WALL PAPER AND SUNDRIES TOILET ARTICLES AND CIGARS If ItVin the Drug Line We will Look after Your Wants at All Times n a n n u u K D a B a u Si TELEFHONE Z'.C. 2 B sions it drops very low, and food :c.:.E....,Ji;: ia .':s:.;:.E.::n.:..s: :;ei;e::,eukzjs: lloz