THURSDAY. JULY 10. 1919. FIATTSMGUTII SELII-WEEST? JOURflAt PAQS THRU t iiTHrii:TiMTii: or tiik imted mt.te ghvehxm r.s t ISSUED UNDER THE FEDERAL FARM LOAN ACT Dated November 1, 191S DUE November 1, 1933 Redeemable at par and accrued interest on any inter est date after five years iromvdate of issue. Coupon bonds fully reenterable and interchangeable. Denomi nation, $1,000. Interest payable semi-annually. May 1st and Novembei 1st. Principal and interest payable at the bank of issue in exchange Approved by the Fed eral Farm Loan Board of the United States government. . Exempt from All Federal, State, Municipal and Local Taxation! This exemption includes the Federal Income Tax and income from these bonds need not be included in returns PRICE ON APPLICATION Ohas. . ParmeS Bank of Cass County PlattsmoutK 5 Nebraska St. U. X, X, NEWS FROM ALVO Special Correspondence V- Mr. ;;r.d Mrs. Kd Strotmer autoed to Lincoln Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Drobst wt::t to I-incola Saturday morning. John M-trtey v.-as in Lincoln n business Monday afternoon. H. A. William"? of Klin wood was li re on business Thursday. Wheat harvest is about over a,nd lie oats harvest is on now. The Friday club will meet with Mr.--. J:hn Wood jr.. Friday July IS. A. Urohst. J. A. Shaffer and Bum Vawr autoed to ?.,t::h DenJ Sun da v. Mrs. Mart Nickel and daughter l'.frni(v v ere - ? I! - in K! in wood Thursday. Juki- Kaliin and I-Vim V.'eav.r :i'iTt-d to Kirifi la Tuesday morn ins on b'lsiiit-'. Ji--' l)'.r:i'iii- f V.Yep'Tijr Water v :.s transact!!).: bi!ine.-s in our iriitify Wfdne!;:y. Mr. Frank Gladf. Iter ( f Lincoln. vi it 1 l.. r hro'.h-r Oril!e UoV.-rt-fia and family the first cf the week. M .: yor ('. I !. (Jib on and family of Weeping Water v.vre renewing af iuai:it;::ic - with oi l fri?i:Js litre tli- 4th. Mis l'.i.ily Strons: will have chartr-'of the yrvif' on July 1:1. lb" topic is "Tin Christian and His Uecreatie n." The people ;f Klmwood ar.d vi cinity turned tut on ioafs? Friday afternoon and evening to our -4 1 !i cf July co'ebrat ion. Dr. I... Muir and family sper.t the 4 tli with friend.; in Council F'-.iff". having autoed rp Thur Jay. They returned home Sunda-y afternoon. The Kpworth League will con duct a special series of nietiinirs on "Ktereatioti." every Sunday evening- thrcughout the month of July. James McKinsey of Var.dalia. Mo., came in Saturday to visit his sister Mrs. K. I,, rptegrove and daughter Mrs. Harry Appleman and family. Mr. sml Mrs. Chas. F. Kosenow tok Sunday dinner with Grandma Ilctenow- and were accompanied home by her and Mr. anil Mrs. Aug ust Host now. " Fred Weaver and fn (Hen. A. Sturenfircr and Virgil Kitrel of South Ilend tool: dinner at the J. A. Shatter home July 4. Other fctnjs'.s were 11. K. Iteitz an'.!, family of Waverly. Mr. Ceo. Foreman, daughter Miss Aurel and Mrs. J. A. Shaffer autoed to Lincoln Monday afternoon. They --re r.ccon ponied as far as Green wood by the former's son Joe Fore man who went-to Omaha on busi ness. Mrs .Monte Baldwin of 1'iiiversitv spent a very pleasant day, returning j Sunday in the country home late Sundav uight. Other Mer's parents Mr. and Kuests at. the Oris Foreman home, where they partook of a splendid dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Lou i'eef er, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Keefer and ith the lat Mrs. John Arres. Mrs. Stuart McDermctt and daughter Dorothy Jane, of Omaha sDent last Wednesday l;er with children and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence I relatives Linch and his mother Mrs. Arvilla Linch. Our 4th of July celebration was held as planned except for the rain and harvesting keeping part cf the crowd away until afternoon. Hon. J. M. McCarthy of Lincoln spoke in the afternoon. The ladies quartet Fang a group af songs and Lee Prouty sens a solo. Various kinds of races- took place. A good frame of base ball was played between l'lmwood and Prairie Home result ing in n score of " to 4 in favor of Elmweod. Twelve innings were played. The Louisville band furn ished some excellent music A iood crowd was in attendance. MURDOCH ITEMS 3F H" ( "fi Mrs. G. V. Pickwell went to Lin coln Tuesday evening. Mrs. C. Mooney was shopping in Omaha last Wednesday. ' Dr. and Mrs. Hornbeck motored to Lincoln on Tuesday. Kev. A. I!. Schwab returned 01 Saturday from his trtp to Colorado. Miss Jennie Baur is visiting h ! sister Mrs. Dan Panska this v.oc!;. Mrs. Henry Kohrdanz of Lincolr visited relatives h'-re la-1 -Wednesday. Mrs. Chas. Lonsr and Mrs. -Mt-Thimiran were shopping in Lincoli Monday. Kmil Kuehn and family of IJurch ajd. Nebr.. srent Saturday and Sun day here. , Miss Kose Ainguert of Counci' P.lUiTs cp0nt last Thursday wit! relatives here. Mis,s Fdith Kelly of PlaUsimutl rpent t!:e week end with ive.' at this place. ' A. J. Tool and family mot red t Weeping Water Sunday evening t Visit relatives. Harold Tool and wife. Mrs. H.-tirv Tool and E. W. Thir.igan motored t Lincoln on Monday. Mrs. Kate Mcliunh of Fall; City Xebr.. i.s visiting with iu-r so;i J rr viciteil with Iit brother lid icii- and family la.--t week. SV.e , K. MoHuuii and family, and her son-in-law assis'ttl tv.ov- i Misses Kt ht 1 an l L:.l it-g Grandma Slonc' household ef-'l.ft Tliursday f forts to Vniversitv Place Mr-mti-y. ' ;iv-; at C'ay i' wher-? Grandma will make her h.trae for the pre.-ent.. Mr. and Mrs. Krnest Conn of Oma ha and .Mrs. Coon's niece Miss Poit Sp'-or.ovt-r of Washington. Ohio. at:to'd out Thursday evening to fpfiil the 4h N-i t li Kllis C'on aiul fan:iiy. O.ving to the r;?iti Friday nion they left immediately after dinner for their home. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. P. Foreman ard peri Joe. of Alvo. and Mrs. Mubje Foreman and s-on Dick of Lincoln, antoed t: Valparaiso Sunday to visit the former's sons. Allrt. Oris and Geo. P. jr. and their families. They Sch wal u visit v. i: rv!a :ter. Nchr. Mr. ad Mrs. Henry Guthriur. i ie tuined last V'edno: day fr-ri t.u-i: tr:p to (..".:1a hi and T--;s. Mr. i-ud Mr- Wm. K::s o:' Co-:noi' lilrffs. I owe. l:t -t Fri lay with Mr. and Mrs. Auctt P:':i--I:p.. .Trs. JCath.ryn Di n !n;;:.o of (..ah is vi-diing her parties L. A:: - wer: and wif- and other relatives here. Miss. Mary litis h came hor.te frora Omaha hist Wednesday evt-nin where site had fr-pont .several v.ech". Miss Anna An'frwert arrive! horn Thursday morning from overseas liaving been in France since jfept. Mr. and Mrs. Lewi Hite tp;-n: yssrszTiirs. t'. Airs w& rrJli Cti' V J H i w eek M La i- ' : : w ,v i an,i!S ' ii 1 i Mrs. Jonn (jakeme-ier and ter Doroihv Alice, al-o .Mis L'aur spent a fe-.v day.; last in Omaha. Miss Vera Ki.-enhut e.:me from Lincoln Monday evening days Mvhh relatives 1 1 iejiu-. - I Miss Knth P.aur returie-d Monday from Omaha, where she ha visiting her sister, also bavin dental work dftne. Mrs. Lena Lett and children ie-! '"IB some j ft turned Monday to their home ut j J Council PluHd alter fvverai das: visit with home folks. Mr. aad Mrs. C. Gurr went to l-:imwx;d .K.nday to fp-'-'id the day with th.cir daughter Fn.-ii Hackemeyer and family. Edward Mollugh of Fails City. Xebr.. and Thos. Wallitir; of Pintts mouth came in Monday evening f r a short visit with Jerry i:. Mc!lu;;h ind family. ' Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kelly came down from Lincoln Snt".rd:'y even ing to visit at the O. K. McDonald heme. Mr. Kelly retur::e(! Sunday i evening out .irs. Keiiy reii;aineu uii Wednesday. Mrs. Hague, daughter Miss John nie, and little neic? Ktr't liagu,'. of Ft.- Worth. Texas, who h ve sper.t Ihe past, month wit'i Dr. I'ornit-ck ind.v.i:-?, left last Tl.::rsday for Denver and other wester'; :'or returning to their -outh. 1. last year, where lied Cros- nurse with 1 :: unit 4 9. S!ie tells tisHn;. things, having visited ! front, was fhrin;--h 1 aermany, and cjines i "in1 r.nd sure was glad to te-; back :o the State-. Thursday was cet.e of a f:nt!y r. -airi.'i: at mgnert item, all icin g lictue ne si'ter Mi--' I.!l'::.u. who tnr.-o in C:;t:r.cil I.'lu:T? ::ncl v a l !e .f be pr?. nt. Mi-'; An.ta larted Th'ir.-day evening ier D.-n .vlicrt se i-. bi'!ng s. ti! o he harmed, which s he tliii.ks will nvir future. P nts in- t.i ill I ft went a-- a j H -e hrpital j :ntere:-i "ng t ;-i ba'tl iir.i me feeling and it! 1 1 t ie. 4 bnt !.1 mi- !U .verirt As Good- as WE DON'T LIKE TO KEEP harping on the fact that Rco was a pioneer in this industry so man of the pioneers h we failcJ to --keep pare with the pro gress. BUT. IT JUST IS a fact, and. as the science of automotive engineering an d r . 1 inuracturinor progresses, somehow the van. you aiways see Keo in in th '.VOSID'S LOWEST - - 'm 'i - -'if s4 Work Clothes for Those Who Wort! Here are some of the clothes you need for every day wear. This is not a sale, but a reminder a reminder that you may save on your' purchases. WORK SOX Best grade of cotton wo i k -sox 20c 3 for 50c not a seam. Philip Shiwcll 0jmtl' i ' '""""Hi Tl Tho SifiJJSEN work gloves is our stand by we pelieve in them.. Our glove customers say we have the best $2.00 gauntlet t glove they've struck. 3 fit r A SJook Up On Work Shir!s! We fell the famous Kenwood, Red Diamond, . Ferguson-McKinney woik shirts in blue, gray and black. You must have, an honest shirt for hard work, and if these not honest "they aint none." Garharii Overall s in waisf or bib, in heavy blue This is the overall that is guaranteed D3 the makers -to go over a new pair for you if they fail to make good 52.00 Good value in a lightweight union mae overall at $2.00. i 1 .v: 2 you ur" inttre-,tfi: . v.-rit!- me, ; :: ! I v a ml If ;ri;e ,:ti;; :nc ri::. I vi'.i drive w it ii tin o! a iH 1 :! ; :i :1 i .t:.'. rf 1':.' . l:5U-r----. . ,1 1 truck to your ". i.v.-.i. . inn s a y. ,- rt . .- ;,' Cit':e;-1 t i. ... - 1. t 1 ra ..: r ; it l .1 j f j 1 j .11 - - f - ! u.'! s!kv m-.'i the butee. t !:.'. r-::: : n i v. all tho truck line-". in;: y.n J ..-Go.oa to .? .V(o0 behnv t . nial.t having the fa.ue uni: li:.e Coi:!:i:varai i:ec! S.:;l ;i . . r. it:ch fratue, firings -Ix"1". T.f ')enr?n axle. etc. Iioa't v. ait ititil the big Ui:ian'l. as th" he-t tiiakes will be e.ver .rchintn. Nehr. Ciiv. 1-1. i t v li '-r-?T -r r. V TTfTr-- EE KEF AT TVT 1 1 ULTRA CONSERVATIVE in some re gards we are considered, by the more adventurous in the industry. For ex ample, we stiil adhere to the policy of doing all our experimenting at our own expense - not our customer's! AND WE NEVER adopt as a part of our standard product or offer to a buy er, any feature of which we ate not ab solutely iiure. THERE'S 'A DIFFERENCE between coinage and daring.' DARING is taking chances and depend ing on bull luck to get through. COURAGE is the propensity to assail obstacles when sure cf the ground - after the most careful survey of con ditions and with a full knowledge of its difficulties. REO. IS COURAGEOUS in that sense If our engineers have convinced them selves that a certain principle is right, our sales department is perfectly will ing U meet any opposition to convince you of its superiority. SO YOU SEE Reo is cor.' ervative -but progressively conservative. THIS REO "SPEED WAGON" is a case in point. DO YOU KNOW that the very features that constituted the strongest sales re sistance when we first brought out this truck, are now the features that most ..strongly recommend it to buyer;? AND HISTORY REPEATS itself in this case' also, for the very competitors who then flouted the very idea of elec tric starter and lights; and pneumatic tires; and speed qualities in a truck, are now Reo's closest imitators. SO AGAIN the soundness of Reo engi neering s demonstrated. WHY, THE VERY TERM "Speed Wagon" used, to differentiate this type of Motor Truck from all others, is as much the rightful property of Reo as is the very design itself it is ours by right of priority. BUT WE DON'T MIND others using it imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and if they find it necessary to imitate as nearly as possible Reo de sign, wh' should they not alo take the Reo term to designate their imita tions? BUT WE'D SUGGEST to yon as a vbuyer that an original is always belter than a copy the real, superior to any substitute. SO IF YOU CAN SECURE a Reo ' Speed Wagon" the quality of which has so thoroughly proven itrelf that rivals habitually proclaim theirs "just as good as a Reo" if yoj'rnn get an original, why accept an imitation? m tr e j! j jj . a sk Piattsrnouth, Nebraska I t I Tor ns here i:i thi- I'nit r? hi ;:e .1 S-.; ; ! ,Ve hav,'!? d fron: t!;e war with ial and erononiic n v cr which five 'ears a"o wot;l.l have' -eetned inrred-Kve-ry re of i;- e;;n p:-e:i;t ly this opnewi unity, ii" hi.i enersy i .'.(.t r.a pi'O.-l by exhaii-iien. Triner. nj:eliea Iiitter I'.nii.- i- the r i!:etl -.vhifh, re'ntihts I lie vitality and th-v nersj'y. It in:Uires healthy fle..;i, !riehte ns the mind an 1 therefore, i - especially now, in ht.t her, an invaluable st renr-.thener. For tsprains. strains, fatirned r.r.sscles and fe-i. etc.. Tr: iter's Liniment is the be.-:. rentedy. It penetrat.'.; to the root of the jiains .and fives a ouiek reli.-f. For threat tro.iMes Triner's Anti- pntrin is the best parule. It is al-o .to MKisemie lor toe cieaiiL-'insr wound.-?. Ke..-p it always on hand. i. very drt'-urt has 1 niter s reme- die-i on fctoc-n.-- J5"ph Triner t -nni-Ian"v, .",4:: . S. Ashlanri Ave., Chieai-a, HI. jK'. F-tai!i bed in 1 . untler tht laws ct li: ; r.tatr oi hraska, a vak !:ih(" -.-f the Aniern-ati Feilt ration of Accredit -d Ceinmerrtal sclny.l:'. ant1 the ! II !l p--.- n n n r n n 7f i siyj u li Price is F. O. B. Lansing and the Special Federal Tax must be added. t peratio;i for appendicitis and now her friends will be plad' to note she ; ; s.-i;rrU'iently recovered to perroit o) returning home. Mr. Rolirdanz will cjine eiown tc.niqht on .u. -1!, driving from here to their far. a ho:n? southwest iii the cool, pleas ant hours of the evening- josrpininj uEimcir goes HIGHEH WITH GAGE BS0THER3 tir-t v. tern f-cho.ii to prove? that! "? coiild ! guaranteed end s-eetired fi r jrrarlu ates. Send for free catalogue. A:- LTj j t'.ress: Grand Island Crriness Col Grapd Island. Nebraska -Xe- braska's: oldest, largest af.d lead in .t Dullness Training Ftb.ool. jlO. Kfom itpnilny's 3;ii!y. ' Mi.-s Jv.-ephir.e I'lilrich, who we made nieutir.ii of last t-prinj; as ;ro in.s: down to Xew; York with one c.f the iar,e millinery houses to pre pare herself for a position at the very top of the millinery line, has now returned to Chicaso. She i still in the employ of Gajre Broth ers antl now located in one of their In rsb stores on Michigran Ave. Her position is that of a designer, and in charge cf a larare circle of co workers for tbi large millinery es tablishment. It is needless to say j that this petition carries an excel lent salary and requires her atten- who was i xi the service for ahou' two years re -Xirned home last week, bavins jnst been difchargod from the .service at Caiup Dodee. lie return ed to the states on Jur.'f 27th, but di I not get his discharge until the ".nd cf Jul', j.lthottzh that is speedy a-; compared to the length of time af ier arrival in the U. S. It takes some ;f the boys to tret out. Joe says bo is sure ulaii to pe t .ack to the I'nit sd States and that he would not trade Plattsniout h for the entire country. People live there. ;te savs, btit it is not like the l'i;it?d states nor are tne customs ol the people. All tney desire is to ijeL a ioaf of rye bread and a little to drink. lie declares that France i rertainly behind tiiis country in ev--.-rythins. Doan'o Restulets -re recommend ed ly matiy who say they operate easily, without frripintr and without bad after effects. :j0c at all drtr; ttorei. Live Poultry SUPERVISING AT DAVID CITY. O'.T HOSPITAL rtrpTTiv. ' 1011 -" J'-r rcund. Her many PTft f s-jntnith friends will be pleased Prom Tuesday's I"):iily. This morning Mrs. Helen Wal lack, who has been the chief oper ator at this place for the Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph "company, departed for David City, where she goes to supervise the work at that Wholesale prices on Work Shirts and Overalls have started back up the ladder, and they are going to continue in the sarnie direction. A raise in the retail prices of these goods is certain, ir. the near future, so you're doing yourself a bit if you don't buy at present prices. t From Ttif sda jf's Hall). i John Hohrdan?, of west of M - line cf w ork. ;... nard. was a vi.itor in 1'lattsmouth . .. t i. . . i. .. I , , j u-.n, ut-. Mxee i uer ceioseu , , Mrg vallach is an expert on switch board operation, and is fttlly T p this morning, taking the afternotoi JOSEPH J. STANEK AR- Burnngton train for Omaha, wher; EIVES FH0-I FJtA2?CZ ! L'i be goc3 to meet and accompany his . competent for the work for which she has been selected. WW daitghtcr, Miss Vera, horr.e. She has From Monday's Dally. -1 been in a hospital in Omaha - for Joseph J. Stanek, who has brer, iu 3 time, where she underwent an France for about nine-' months, 1. ! For any pain, burn, scald or bruise, apply Dr. Thomas' Eclectic ! Oil the household rertedy. Two t sizes COc and COr at all dru:r stores. A car load of live poultry, to be delivered at poultry car near Eur lingtcn Trsight Depot. Plattsincuth, Xebr., en Tuesday July 17f!i one day only, for which we ".vill pay in cash as follows: Ileus, per lb. . 25c Springs, per lb. 32c Old Roosters, per lb. ' 13c Ducks, per lb. 1 19c Beef Hides, per lb. 23c Kcrse Hides, each $12X0 Remember the date, we will be on hand rain or- shine ard take ell care of all poultry offered for sale. W. E. IIEENEY. i r t r'- i. i r f