The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 07, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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riArrsMoirrn semi-weeklt journal
MONDAY. JULY 7. 1313.
'Che plattsmouth lournal
Kntered at l'ostofflce, I'lattsmouth. Neb., as second-class mall matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
'brought her into being. She stands I the people go to the city parks. We
The goose that lays the golden
rgg don't do very much cacklin;
about it.
Kwms like we arr always talk
iiig about good roads and traveling
rocky ones.
Thousands of men are booze fight
ors, Imu we never be:rd of one who
von the fight.
A woman's tears are small things,
but they scare a fellow worse than
a gun carrying an ounce bullet.
There are only three places 'where
the climate is perfect heaven, this
count v and a real estate office.
There Is so much g':im made now
adays that no girl should try to
chew it up all at once not in the
street cars, anvhow.
A bachelor does not know how
mean he is but a married man gets
:o: .
The policy along the Mexican
border has been changed to watch
ful shooting.
:o: ;
upon the threshold of a future so
full of possibilities, so full of re
wards for enterprise, so abounding
in avenues for achievement that it
dazzles the mind.
Of course there will be the most
carefully planned celebrations ev
erywhere. In many places this day
has been set apart for welcome to
the returned soldiers. Every pub
lic-spirited citizen, every being in
whose breast dwells a real love for
freedom and for his fellow-men,
should join in these festivities. We
should show ourselves publicly,
frankly happy and proud to do hon
or to the anniversary of the nation's
God bless our country, and may.
Although this is a free countrv it her inline year be the best that she
is not a J.:il i.i:i n.f tr h t,w, I has ever known !
independent to do a day's work oc
casional! v.
A geologist, says a scientific pa
per, thinks nothing of a thousand
years. lied be a bad one to lend
money to.
Republicans began by asking
"reservations" in the treaty of peace
and have ended by proposing "reser-
a lions" in the Knox resolution.
The dispatches state that a south
crn editor has just built a $20,000
riw-idcnee. We believe it is a lie.
No list of subscribers on earth ever
paid up that good.
Henry Ford is going to give back
his war profits, he says. Fine busi
ness! Then the government won't
nave to levy such heavy in
come taxe.s, and people can afford to
buy more flivers.
Afler a month's control of legis
lation, the only good measures the
republicans in conirress have passed
are those which their filibuster pre
vented the democrats from enacting
in the last session.
It seems odd that the Cernian
?merninent .should have so much
trouble finding somebody willing to
sign the treaty for it. When be
fore have German statesmen ever
taken a treaty as seriously as that?
A Tendon doctor testified at an
inip'.est that the deceased "drowned"
himself, by taking a deep breath,
faster drinking, and thus drawing
bei-r into his lungs. The prohibi
tionists should add a pair of water
wings to their insignia.
A cr b-hratf d woman kidnapper,
freed from the penitentiary on pa
role, announces magnanimously that
she is "not going into the movies."
If she does, the movies she goes itito
should stop moving and the heroine
should be sent back to the pen. It is
no part of the scheme of justice to
Capitalize evil celebrity.
A farmer purchased a revolver
for his wife while tramps were
plentiful a while back, and insisted
upon target practice, so that she
could defend herself during his ab
sence. After a bullet was dug out
of his leg and the cow was buried
be said she bettor do her shooting
with her ntotith. which although ex
plosive more or less was not neces
sarily fatal.
Public Service Corporation
Can be had in amounts of
Investment Securities
Fir&t National Bank Bid's,
Omaha, Neb.
No satisfactory reason has ever
been given for having family
parties. Relatives are queer. They
are hard to get along with. The
sharp eyes and tongue of Cousin
There are four hundred billions of Imuel's wife play havoc with the
people on this earth and none of i i" "f
them will loan a fellow some money, AUnt Jane or nesitant, seventeen
'Twas. ever thus. I year-old Sally. Youth is so quickly
:o; J bored with the tales of old.
Dispatches today stale that the 11 ls work to prepare the table
corkscrew skirt is the latest thing for so many people. There are in-
out in Paris. If anv Amer'can c'rl I numerable dishes to be done next
attempts to use it her mothe.- ought morning. Everyone has saenhced
to stopper. something bit or work or recrea-
:o: jtioii, business trip, reading or rest
It is expensive to maintain a "ecause, "since Cousin Sarah is go
team of horses, an automobile or an mg to all that trouble, it seems a
affinity. In fact we can't think of P'' t to do all we can to make
anything worth having, just now, I it a success,
that is not expensive. I The men gather in a corner and
. ... . . .1
:o: ismoKe aim uiscuss: t i ne iniquity aim
We object to any fellow hanging greatness of the president; the dull-
over our desk and explaining what I ness of business and. overwork due
the country needs when what he to prosperity; the difficulty of meet
needs himself is a bath and a disin- ing the payroll; makes of automo
fectaiit for the breath. biles and the tires thereof. (Xo
. .........
:o: lone nas to own a car to get in on
mere wont ,e near so much ap- this the less one has driven, the
plause at convention banquets from more be knows
The women form a circle, after
now on. Sobriety is so disillusion-
list, it enabvs ammeters to
how rotten the speeches are.
The big city papers tell of u
woman wearing twelve diamond
rings on one hand. She ought to
wear a band around her head, also,
to keep the crack from widening.
Seems like when we want good
singers we have to import them
from Italy or some other foreign
snore. The native won t suuander
his vocal energies on singing he
wants to save them f r baseball.
This is a fairly old world, if you
bunt out the jolly spots and don't
everlastingly be snooping around
among the glooms or embrace a 'mis
sion like the tumble-bug to push a
ball of manure no hill with the
hind Iegp.
. :o:
What makes a woman wan! to
uggle the furniture around the
house about once a month, and put
one piece where another piece was?
It is very disheartening to come
home late and try to go to bed on
the chiffonier.
The new German premier is sorry
about that scuttling of the interned
German fleet, because it was a
blunder." It. was that; but. it nev
er seems to occur to him, or any of
the other Germans, that it was also
a deep disgrace.
This may well be called the "Glor
ious Fourth" for sun rises upon
a world once more at peace.
True, tho peace is not all that
men hoped for. The treaty has
been signed by the Germans with
protests and grumblings which
promise little for their honest, ful
filment of its terms. But the deed
is done. The world stands free at
last from the immediate presence or
threat of war.
The birthday of our country, al
ways a time for signal rejoicing. In
comes doubly so this year, since it
marks the birth of new hope for the
America has justified once more
the courage and the foresight which
the workers have stacked the dishes
and joined the shirkers who have
been talking crochet. They discuss:
How to get rid of ants; the terrible
experience they once had with bed
bugs; the greed and iniquity of
landlords; the greed and destruct-
i veil ess of tenants; the-cost of food;
the narrow skirts; the suspicions of
Arabella that the laundress is mak
ing off with the handkerchiefs.
Xobody has a very good time. N'o
body says anything interesting,
helpful. worth saying or worth
listening to.- Everybody is relieved
when the party breaks up.
Yet, deep down, everyone has a
vague warming, a little outflow of
affection for. the family as a whole
and for its individuals. There is
something about the homely hos
pitality, something about the meet
ing of the clan that comforts that
curious object, the human heart.
Cannot somebody "reconstruct"
the family party? Cannot some
genius assume that relatives are
people, with real ideas, real inter
ests, real things to talk about, real
gifts to share?
So soon will childhood be youth,
youth maturity, old age silent!
THAN 7,500,000 LIVES
The world war cost the lives of
","82, 300 soldiers of all countries;
the money cost, was between $185,
000,000.000 and $195,000,000,000;
in shipping, the toll was 23.005.383
tons of merchant vessels and 1,882,
125 tons of war vessels.
j These figures were compiled by
the war department at the request
of Senator McCumber, republican, of
Xorth Dakota, and were made pub
lic by him as the most telling rea
son why there should be a League
of Xations.
should provide real music for them.
It will cost little in proportion to
the pleasure it will give. We econ
omized on limbic during the war,
but the war is over, and this is vic
tory year. Iet us celebrate a bit."
It is an excellent way to celebrate..
The value of music in the scheme of
life, its influence for good and
happiness and recreation, have
steadily advanced in people's under
standing during recent years. Com
munity singing helped to win the
war. Community listening to good
music classic as well as popular
will help to insure the fruits ofvic
Parks and playgrounds, the pub
lic librarv and the park band or
orchestra are all factors in a free,
happy, normal community life. They
can all be supported and enjoyed
this year with greater freedom and
satisfaction than ever before,
cause they help us to express our
joy in victory year.
:o: -
iiiiDcu or nf:.niNi
nml ll.-- of l"rlnt f Will
In the County Court of Cass county.
State of NVhiaska, County of Cass
To all persons .interested in the
Rstate of John Kdwin liaiwiik, de-
I 'f-M S.'tl '
On reading the yotitma ot mum
CnfTman trnvintr that the instrument
tild in fhis court on the l'tth day of
.Tune. 1910. and purporting to he the
last will and testament or the sani
deceased, tnav be proved and allowed
and recorded as the last will and tes
tament of John Kdwin Hurwick, de
ceased; that saiil instrument be ad
mitted to probate, and tho administra
tion or sai! estate granted to w
A. llobertsrui. as executor:
It is hereby ordered that you, and
all persons interested in said matter.
mH- and do. appear at the County
Court to be held in and for said coun
ty, on the IStb day of July A. I . 1S1J
at 10 o'clock a. in., to show cause. If
any there b why the prayer of the
petitioner should not be granted, anil
that notice of the pendancy of said
petition and that the hearing thereof I gj
he given to all persons interested in I
said matter bv publishing a copy of
this Order in tJie I'lattsmouth .lolii-
nal. a somi-w noklv newspaper printed
in said county. for three successive
we ks prior to said day of bearing.
"Witness my band, and seal of sail
Court, this il'th day of June A. 1J.
County Judge.
(deal) J:.':-:iw. Clerk.
the Word Commonlv
Heard These Days
Whether it applies to the individual, the commun
ity, the nation, or the world, it will be discussed at
the Chautauqua. Chautauque ideals are in har
mony with world movements, therefore boost the
Chautauqua that way boost your 'community.
Best Music, Entertainment, Oratory!
- CHAUTAUQUA for the Farmer.
CHAUTAUQUA .for the Merchant.
CHAUTAUQUA for the Professional Man!
CHAUTAUQUA for the Laborer.
CHAUTAUQUA for Men, Women and Children.
' CHAUTAUQUA, in fact, for Everybody.
The only disappointed ones are those who do not attend.
The cost is so small as to be within reach of all.
Plan for the Entire Session
Since this is an enterprise of our community, let us
all support it and boost as one man.
Remember the dates Beginning July 26th and lasting 6 days.
0 oi- in-: m;
nml Nvlic-i- u( I'ralmlr of Will
In the Countf Court of Cass coun
ty. Nebraska. Ksat'
State of Nebraska, County of Cass. f;reg
ss :
To all persons interested In tl.e
t of l ifl.:il Timings dei-ejiseil :
On reading the petition of Kosina I -aid real estate.
Timmas praying that the instrument
filed in this court on the 2otb day of
June, 1!H'J, and purporting to he the
last will and testament of the said
deceased, may proved and allowed
and record'-;! as the last will and tes
tament of Michael Tinnnas, dc-ce.ised:
that said Instrument be admitted t
probate, and tho administration !
said estate be granted to liosina Tim
mas, as executrix;
It. is hereby ordered that you, and
nte aipl each of said minor children,
to-wit, I.iiciiin Carper, Hazel C;trpcr
ind I ii !(fiii' Carper, ale entitled to an
undivided eleyeu thirty-sixths of said
-nd that by reason of the
going Iucts Ihe said .nnie Louise
ritman, nee Carper, and the said Mat-
tie J. I'oi ter, pet- Carper, are 'each tile
owners ot an menvided one-tourth ot
i persons interested in said matter,
may, and do, appear at the county
That oi; May 1;:, Unv, said Oney I
Carper departed this lite intestate.
iieing a resident and inhabitant of
the County of Cass. Nebraska, 'arid
possessed of personal property there-
n of approximately the value of Four
Hundred 1 'oliars $t.Hi. which said
property was exempt from the levy of
attachment, execiith-n or ether ni-siK-
process and not subject to the payment
f any debts of said deceased, and
that at the time of the death of said
If You Have, the Statement of llus
Plattsmouth Citizen Will
Interest You.
ffet Doan's Kidney Pills the samo
that Mrs. Kuhney had. Ko.ster-.Mil-lmrn
Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, X. Y.
oney l. t arper. sl- lelt her surviving
8 her solo and only heirs at law. her
Court to be held in and for said cmin- I daughters, Annie Louise I'itman. of
tv. on the Ifith day of July A. I . 1!1', liindshaw. Nebraska - and Mattie J.
at l'l o'clock a. m.,i t show cause, if Porter, of 1'nion. Nebraska, and the
inv there be. why tbe prayer of thel following named n ra ndeb ild ren : Lu-
petitioner Humid not be granted ar.'l rian Carper, Hazel Carper aid I !eene
'hat the hearing; thereof lie given to I Carper, children of a deceased son. An
al! persons interested in said matter I derson Lee Carper, and Lena Carper.
by publishing a copy of this Order in I daughter of a deceased son. Alfred
the. I'lattsmouth Journal, a setni-week- I.eniinel Carper; that the said Annie
y newspaper printed in said county,! Iuise I'itman and Mattie J. Porter
for three xu;cessive weeks prior to I and the. said Lena Carper are eael
lid day of hearinsr. ' I entitled to an undivided one-fourth of
Witness my band, and seal of said I the estate of Onev 1. Carper, lieceas
Court, this J0t It day of Juno A. 1) I'd. and the said Lueian Carper, Jlaz.el
Il'l'J. arper and 1 eb-ene arper are each
County Judire.
(Seal j v.-. Clerk.
MITK i: OF Ki:Itl(r
I 'or llrteriiilniitioti of HeirMliip
In the County Court of the County
of Cass, Nebraska.'
In re Kstntcs of Jacob Carper. Oney
I. Carper, Anderson 'Lee Carper and
lfred Lemmel Carper, each deceased.
The State of Nebraska, to all persons
interested in said estates, creditors
and belts take notice that Mattie J
Porter has riled her petition alletriiiK
that Jacob Carper, a resident and in
habitant of the County of Cass, Ne
braska, departed this life intestate on
or about the 11th day of November,
1872, leavlner him surviving as Ms sole
ind only beirs-at-la w, bis widow, Oney
I. Carper, and the following named
hildren. to-wit: Anderson Lee Carper,
son; Annie Louise Pitman, nee ear
lier, a daug-hter; Allied Lemmel Car
rier, a son and Mattie J. I'orter, nee
Carper, a dauirhter; that said Jacob
Carper was the owner in fee of the
following described real estate, situ
ated in the County of Cass, Nebraska:
Tbe south half riVi of the southeast
njarter M-J', of section 32, Town
ship 10. I'an:;e i::. east of the tth 1
M. ,in the County or lass, Nebraska:
that said land was tbe homestead of
the said Jacob Carper at the time of
his death and descended to bis said
hildren in eoual shares, each an un
divided one-fo-irth. subject to the dow
er and homestead risht of his said
widow which terminated at her death
on May 13, 191!: that administration
proceedings were duly had in the es
tate of said Jacob Carper, deceased,
bv petition filed in the County Court
of tbe County of Cass, Nebraska, on
he i2nd day of November, 1S(J, ini-
ier which said proceedings notice to
reditors was duly Riven and final set
tlement dulv made, but that by rea
son of failure of said, court to make
finding as to heirship and assign
ment of said estate. it is necessary
that heirship in said estate be estab
lished: that thereafter on or about the
18th day of April. 1903. the said .Al
fred Lemmel Carper, beinpr the owner
of an undivided one-rourth or said
real estate, departed this life intes
tate, leaving him surviving as his sol"
and only heirs at law, his widow,
Laura Carper, who departed this life
on or about the 14th day of June, 19!".,
and two children, Lee Carper, a son,
who departed tins life May 14, 1!T.
unmarried and without issue, and
Lena Carper, a daughter of lawful aire,
residing at Fairfax, Missouri, and by
reason thereof, 'the said Lena Carper
is now the owner of an undivided one
fourth of said above described real es
fate: that thereafter on May." 10; 191"j.
the-, said Anderson Ie (.'arper, beiti;;
the owner of an undivided one-fourtji
of sah"! above described real estate,
departed this life intestate, leaving
him "Kurvivinp his widow. Gertrude
Carper and three minor children, to
wit: Lucian Carper, age thirteen years;
Hazel Carper, age eleven years and
Deleene Carper, age four years; that
! by reason thereof, the said Gertrude
' .. n mm 1,1 I . I . -. T. . ll St,.nA,. f On
Tho city council of Seattle, Wash.,
is about to appropriate $lf,000 ad
ditional for the employment by the
park board of prood hands to furnish
free summer concerts to the people.
Says one champion of the proposed
Ordinance: "The vast majority of Carper, widow is now the owner of an
' undivided ono. twelfth of said real es-
ctititbd to an undivided one-twelfth
of said estate; that more tiian two
years have elapsed since the death of
eaep ot said deceuenis save and ev
ent the said Onev I. Carper, whos
tate was exempt lrom the levy or
ttachnu-nt, execution or other mesne
:rocess: that no application ior ad
ministration of said estates has been
hml i:i the State of Nebraska: that
"ach of said decedents were residents
of the County of Cass, Nebraska, at
the time of their death and possessed
in property ineiein, aim s;ihi pi
lit inner as the daughter and sister of
said, decedents is entitled to an un
divided one-fourth of all the said prop
erty, and pravimr for a determination
f the time of the death of each of
said persons, to-wit: Jacob Carper,
oney I. Carper, Anderson Carper
and Alfred Lemmel Carper, each de
eased; a determination of their heirs,
.lie decree of kinship and the riirht of
lescent of the real property belonsinfc
o said decedents in the State of Ne
braska, and for such other orders as
nay be necessary in the premises,
which said petition has been set for
hearing on the -3rd day of July, 191!,
at 0 a. m., at the County Judge's of
lice n the court house at Flattsmoulh,
Cass county, Nebraska.
lated at I'lattsmouth, Nebraska.
Shis o tli dav of June A. I . PU0.
County J ud so.
(Seal) ji3-:jw. Clerk.
The Suite of Nebraska, Ca'ss coun
ty, ss:
In the County' Court.
In t he -matter of the estate, of Her
man Kupke. Deceased.
To the Creditors of s;iid Kstate;
' You are hereby notified. That I will
it at the County Court inum in I'latts
mouth in said county, on the 15th day
..f Julv, 1!U!. and on the loth day of
October, ll'pi. at 1) o'clock a. m. each
lav, to receive and examine all claims
apainst said estate, with a view to
their- adjustment an.l allowance. The
time limited for the presentation of
claims against said estate is four
months from the l'Hh day of June,
A. I. 1019, and the time limited for
pavment of debts is one year from
said lath day of June, 1919.
Witness mv band and tie seal of
said County Court, this 10th day of
June, 1919.
(Seal) jl4-4w County Judje.
Ever have a "low-down" pain in
the back?
In the "small," right over the
That's the home of backache.
If it's caused by. weak kidneys,
Use Doan's Kidney Tills.
I'lattsmouth people testify to their
worth. Read a case of it:
Mrs. Harry Kuhney, Eighth &
Pearl Sts., Plattsmouth,. says: "I
couldn't .say anything but good
words for Doan's Kidney Pills for I
know from personal experience that
they are all that is claimed for
them. I use Doan's when my back
aches and my kidneys are not act
ing as' they should and they never
fail to give quick relief. We use
Doan's Kidney Pills in our home
when necessary for kidney trouble
and they always give good results."
Price )0c, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedv .
Republican leaders in congress
began by promising "economy," but
they are wasting much time and
language in their opposition to tho
League of Nations and time, at
least, is valuable.
Lost: On Cedar Creek road be
tween Plattsmouth and my farm an
inflated Republic tire on demount
able rim. JOHN W. FALTER.
Stationery at the Journal office.
-l' Plastering, Stucco, Mason,
J and all kinds of concrete J
J work. Strictly fir6t class. f
-I .
I Murdock, Neb.
4 4
Kirjt of Riley llot.i:.
Coates Clock.
Second Flcr.
undivided one-twelfth of said real es- : I'yv-I4i4J"'',y 'yT'V
The entire attractive scheme of Rocky Mountain
and Pacific Coast Summer Tours is now available,
with circuit routes that embrace the West's mag
nificent scenery. . ,
I'll a few hours to Denver, Colorado Springs and
Puebio, the gateway to hundreds of mountain
vacation resorts and for automobile tours. Very
favorable fares. - -
Tourist fares to the Hot Springs resort of the
HilK to Sherida.ii and Ranchester, in the. Rjc
Horn mountains, and to the Cody Way ranch
worlds greatest summer rail tour is available. Just as' usual
Ask your local ticket agent to help you plan,
jour trip and furnish you with descriptive
booklet ,of points in which you are interested'