rLATISlICIITH SEl-r7EKr? JCTTRUikX I II "I- II II B TWI M n ii B H a b n D R 14 M R II a a ' a n u t -3 M a M ".;... i.a ...a 2 !. -Mz a.ii 3 3 i;;a u i -u Do Mot Sell u . a a u a y i a u a If necessary to dispose of them bring them to this Bank and we will pay you the highest New York market price. Also let us explain to you how you may receive par for your Bonds. ii M H B ii M H ri H The Bank of Plattsmouth, .be:" m:zn.:, m my. kbit ::;:.:: m.m: OVER THE COUNTY 9 V ELM WOOD Lf.nler-K'ho Mis F.dith P.eest-. r Wnbasdi. w:h an Flmwood visitor mi Wednesday. C. S.' .Mdrich is bavin:; iiis resi -deuce property treated in a coat x i paint. W. X. Minlord and A. N. McCrory, T iatico'.n, wt-i'f Klmwood visitors on Jin--i!ay. (). M. Hint? and Ka!;li flreen were business visitors to Ashland Mmn! afternoon. .Mr. Canz and Mr. Jordan, of Alvo were visitors in Klinwrf.d on Tue ; lay morning. Kdwin Jeary, of Lincoln. w as visit ing wit'a his many friends in Lli:i wee ii on Tuesday. C. J. Ihtiley. who has !)"( n some what under the weather for several day.- is improving slowly. .Mr. nbd .Mrs. James (Jambol an I Walter IVi?-iu if were Plat ismout h i-it.r :i .Moniiav. C. S. Aldrich. J5. I. lements an 1 I'.'i mett J. ("noli were b'.:sine-s vi.-i- tors to Line, hi Wednesday after- l::ull. I 'o 1 ."'up 1 has bt-.-rl tl. li.'t- tf iUtCiitj s, haviii'c sfrai;.etl by tor S'V!-r--l d:'.y: !it-r ankle. A pb ;:sanf family l.ebl aT the li'ime Smith Sunday. June I! Mr. Terrente Collins. reunion was of Mrs. Ellen !i. in honor e' About fortv H' :-ts were f recent. Fr tl ltrifkfr.ii er is running ti: I.tt-'-rty :c: raf during the abi.erice ;f Mr. Co n, who is rji itniic rt idy lo run his threshirrcc ut(:ts. .Mr. and Mrs. I. M. List on and T. T. Liston and daughter. Gladys, mo- tor-I t'i (ni:ha luesdav to visit ;it the I. rune of Dr. pn.l .Mrs. O. E. Lis ton. Mrs. Grom A. .Miller is in Lin t .'n iielpinic care for tin children of Mrs. I'isher. who is t if k in the hospital. rs. I'isher is a si-ter of Mr. MiM'-r. Mr. ami .Mrs. Wm o!i Friday morning Kiw.s. returned from Imperial. c :c, c q: a a : a s "S ru .w.b ::a : TiftlELY Farming implements In listed corn cultivators we have the J. I. Case Plow Co., John Deere Plow Co., and Rock Island Plow Co. In walking cultivators we have the New Depar ture and Jenny Lind; Riding cultivators, the Badger, New Century and Overland. In haying tools the Keystone, International and F-merson loaders; Keystone and International side de livery hay rakes; Deering and McCormick mowers, binders and hay rakes. Abo just unloaded a car load of Deering Standard TwEne that I will sell for 24c Per Pound. CASH," UP TO JUNE 15TH USED CARS I have one Monroe Roadster for $450.00; one 4 passencer Hupmobile, model 32, good serviceable car, $220.00; one 1917 5-passenger Reo, good paint, $700. PLATTSMOUTH -:- rfi.u::a .-.a-'Lir. :S.i:.:I.'B .Ia.:::SV:S .B.' or Trade Your Cass County; Nebraska wzwrjmzw. mivmmjsmimainsms Kraxm Nebraska, where they have been for some time looking after land inter est-; una crops, iie reports the wheat crop fine there. Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Xeely we Lincoln visitors Wednesday and were accompanied home by the doc tor's brother. Win. N'eely,- who lms j'ist recently undergone an operation lor appendicitis. Tl.e order of Eastern Star held s .mi; meeting on T'iesda evening at thoir lodge- room. At this time a Iarj-c num'"r were taken into t:e order. It was a lame gathering and one of great interest to all members in atttmhtt.ee. Mi', an-.: Mrs. John Itamel. of Hardy. Nebraska, who have been visiting at the home of Mr. and .Mrs. Win. Stege. return d lu-me on last Friday. Mr. Hamel- is in the real es tate business telling the good land ol Nuckolls county.- Win. John is attain troubled with blood poisn iin. and ''is unable to as sist with his harvesting; work. had a very severe tima of it a ye-jr or Pvj aci a-i! it is hoped that proper treainu-nt fml medical skill will prevent : like experience. t Mr. I'Vniior, who worliad for Her :;:uri Ppecht, before lit? went to the array, was in town Tuesday anil re i.i'.ir.'J for a short visit at the ir-pecht home, lie i. now located in !.V!.-iv'.b at d i; a 'r. r.''..;i I.n..r. ZZi: ! wi.rt.- the iarue l (-lt and the foxy" tdlk hp. ndkerchief cdosely knottei'. about his neck. fB . 3fc 3fi 3fi LOUISVILLE Courier fc Miss F.orothy lander is attend ing summer school at the I'niversity ;f Xebraska. , Miss Hazel P.rmikow. of Ipswich. S. D-. is visitins with relatives and ;ri-Mi(!? in Cass county. C. G. May field went to Wausa luf week to assist her ton. J. K. May field with his corn pdowinje. Martin Sjogren and daughter, Mrs Siicriii Schmader visited John Sjo Kren and family near Craij; last w eek. William Wendt lost a valuable ;a :.:.a :.m r ;i n ? ".:,a j.bt."E'"''B!H''"-D.' ;B'3 k h u H f e i I jfi p n k K a i g B a if B y NEBRASKA B horse one day last week, which be-, came over heated while at work in the field. Kred Huff arrived home from over seas last Friday and' Was given a hearty welcome by all his old tima friends. He is looking fine. ' Misses Anna and Rose Scheel left on Thursday of last week for White. 3. I)., where they will spend tie summer visiting with" friends. Adam Kentschler, (!harles Crait; and Shorty Schoenian came down from Omaha Saturday for an oer Sunday visit with relatives and friends. William LehnholT. of Lincoln, came down on Tuesday to attend u business matters in this vicinity am', visited at the home of his cousin. Henry Ossenkop. Russell Thomas, youngest son of Mrs. Cora T'lomas, of Ibis e'.ty, went to Omaha last week, where he en listed in the-navy, Koins into the wireless department of the service. Mrs. Ellen liathbun and daugh ter, Mrs. Frank Tyo and two child ren, left Tuesday for Merriman o visit another daughter of Mrs. Raih bun's. Mrs. Denis Gardner and fam1 ily. H. A. Jacobson and Miss Maude narnette, of Omaha, were over Sun day visitors at the Elmer Sund strom home on Railroad avenue, re turning to Omaha Suiul-iy eeniu; by autJJ. C. E. Hurlbut. of Omaha, -who has recently returned from service in France, visited Miss Ruby Sfau'crd last week. Mr. Hurlbut is in ti e employ of the Burlington railroa.i in a clerical position. Mrs. C. E. Wood and Mr. and Mrs A. L. Wood drove to I'nivcrsiiy Place the latter part of last wts'k to visit their sister, Mrs. Lewis Ed.ly. Mr. Eddy owns a home southeast I'niversity Tlace, cloae to a car lin; During the rain and wind storms last Thursday and ! rulay Louis ville was without lectncat service for hours at a time which greatly discommoded everyone. Manasrer Scott McGrow was busy nisnl U'u .lav and did all he could to expedite matters. Miss Mamaret Seybert who is at - tendiiu; summer schol i.f the es- eyan, was an over, Sunday visitci with home folks. Sue was accom panied by her friend. Miss Joy Pay ton. of Cedar Falls, Iowa, who 1 also attending the same school r.r. t t; a student in violin.' II.' T. Wilfoii. traveling auditor or the Missouri racilic. -wlio ha een taking care of the station a! Falls City until the arrival ol new a??r.t. V!.-it. in i.o!vii.o ow-f . . . ... Sunday. Harry Tl.on.a.-, ot i'iatU mouth. who has been the freight ni ! passenger agent at that piaco f -l years, lias In en iromoted to t!'.'' Falls City station. T. E. Formele and a lanl seekfTrs party from this vicinity retur'.M.I Sunday in n; . ( uMer county. w)t r Mr. l'armele lias extensive land in terests, some of which he is offering for sale. In his party this- time were Si Latham. Ed Jochim. R. J). Iiishon. Waiter Dlake --.nd Pr. E. ti. Worthmann. Mr. Latham purchase! a section of the land and it. P. I'.ishop bought an eighty acre tract. This land has advanced wonderfully in the last two years and is rcou--: mi all the time in jumps, prices aii vancing over night. UNION Ledger Mrs. J. H. Frans and Mrs. J. Ii. Taylor were shopping N'ebrasku City last Friday. Oeorge Walker, of Omaha: came down the first of the week .for a visit at the home of P. P. Davis. Miss Flora Oarnson went to Ne braska City Saturday afternoon f r a sliort Visil wun reiaiit- lui-ic Miss Mary Austin accepted tlif position as bookkeeper, ior vv . ij. linning and began work Tuesday morning. Roy Gibson, who has been work ing the. third' trick at the depot for the past two weeks left weanesuay nfiernoon for Atchison. Kansas. N. II. Larsh came up from Rollo. Missouri, last week for a couple of weeks visit with his parents. Mr.! nn.l Mrs. John Larsh. who are re-' siding at "Springdale Farm" this summer. I Among the list of names of those j who arrived in the states last week from France was Robert Wolfe, son 1 of Mrs. Lucy Wolfe. This is cer tainly glad news as he has been ex pected for some time. Dr. Charles M. Swab went to Om aha Sunday to cail upon C. W Clark, who Ls recovering from a ser ious operation performed at St Joseph's hospital last Monday. The" v doctor reports that thus far Wes is j loir.g nicely. - I Rev. Morrison made a trip to Min den.. Nebraska, last week, where on ' Wednesday he officiated at the mar- riagc of Miss Nellie Ware to Mr. Ralph Wise. Mr. Morrison officiated at the marriage ot the bride's par ents in 1S93. Will Dodson, of Magn.-t. Nebraska, visited at the home of hid uacle. D. (:. La FUie la?t FrldaV- Mr. Dodsrm just recently 'returned home iri ; i France, where he was a cook in Ihe S7th hospital unit and spiiii about ten months over there. Earnest Anderson left Monday for Urule, Nebraska where Ed and Emil Fahrlaiider are located. Mr. Anderson likes the country line and expects to move his family there as soon as he can f,et a house for them, lie has lots of work and is dawimv big wagres. Vance Harris came over from F: Dudye. Iowa, last Thursday for a visit at the home of his 'rather, C. F. Harris. His- brother, Clint Har ris and family, of Washington, are also visiting there and it is the r.rsl time, in three years tlie brothers Have en each other. ('hancelh)r, Avery and wife. Prof. P.urr and wife and Prof, and Mr'-. Howard, all of Lincoln, spent Wed ii"sday of last week with Mr. and Mrs. W. .P. Panning. The alter noon w;;c fpent in me ;;rii;c wnn a picnic supper as the main feature of enjoyment. Did you notice how tight Roy Upton's hat was for him Sunday t-r the broad smile on his face? It was due o the arrivifl of a brand new jabv bov at his house, and who cai blame iiim for srailing.for his i the iinest baby ever. 1!" you don't believe it. ask Roy. E. Austin has almost completed remodeling his tenant home jut ast of town. Three new roovs have been added and a!! the rooms down stairs have hena remo-.lob'-1 making it more convenunt and bc--ides im;rcvipg the get -raI apiH-.:r-nco of tiie whole house. Dr. Chas. Swii) went to Omaha ot? Wednesday morning, where he to.k :Prs. Edith Shrader of Xehawl.a ta i hospital as she vas suturing from m attack f;f acute arttcin'-ic t is. It vvas not learned whether an opera tion would be necessary or not. but It is to be hoped that her conditio;: is not serious. . Mrs. c. w. Clark and daitght ; Miss Ora. went to miaka Friday ai- 'ernoon in see Mr. Clark, win is con valescing at the St.Joserh's Ik1 - pi tctl after a serious operation.- Air. ''lark had been in iil health a h:. lime before going to the hospital n3 it is hoped by hir.-tmruiy friends that he will have a speed v recovery The Junior Camp Fire girls. T-c-n;;: Tiled Vy ilii n irdian. : i i iry P'-ciier and assistant. Mos- 'rji Clark, went out ne-ir fit" I :arm Tuesday cening to spend light. Each girl had her own iow, blanket ami food sumdies. the I'ii- i; their arrival they made prepara- ions for the :figh and after par t.aking of a regular picnic supper hey took to their blankets with or. ly ' iie sky overhead. From the loo'. f, their eyes the morning after arid le "Wish I could ?b"o'' atmosphere 'which surrounded their presence. r they did not enipha t ically good time. ge-t nine declared rest they but i:V had a ' ''NEHAWKA News ji 9fi 3fi wfa pu Ollie Allis -returned home Tues day afternoon from a short business rip to Omaha. . -Mrs. J. H. StelTens and Miss Chris tina were in Nebraska City be tween trains Wednesday. ' Geortro C. Sheldon and wife, Mfs dames E. C. Jilos. Ernest Giles and E. A. Kirkpatrick" autoed to Ne braska City Tuesday afternoon. Mr. E. it. Cunningham spent Sat urday night with her father, J. R. Nailery, who is convalescing at the Immanuel hospital in Omaha. She returned home oti Sunday ami re ports her father is seme better. John )pp took his wife to Omaha Monday, where she was operated on i Tuesday at the Immanuel hospital I He returned home Wednesday af ternoon ami reports that his wife CASTOR IA For Infants and Children !n Use brGver30 Years Always bears OR. H. G. LEOPOLD OESTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Spei-lnl Attention to lllnenncn of UiirarD ACUTrC T1ISKASKS TRK.TKI x Eyes Tested -andTa lasses Fitted Night Call3 Answered After Hours and Sundays by Appointment 8:30 a- m- to 12:00 1:30 p. m. to 5:30 J, ,ua Plattsmouth; Neb 1 ' JpWas getting he left bar. E. A. Kirkpatrick went to Avoca Tuesday afternoon, where he visited ot the home of his sifter, Mrs. Mary 3. Ilarir.on. remaining over for th-3 picnic and homecoming for the re turned soldier boys, which was hell Vv'ed'iera'ay 'tight. Mr. and Mrs. Guy A. Rood, who have keen absent about two week, on a pleasure trip through th? Illack Hills. Vellowstone and Est.-s parks ami l ikes peak, returned home last Friday morning, after a most delightful trip. Mr. Rood, who re cently returned home from Francis left a few days: later for Atchison. Kansas, where he is now working at his old trade, that of te'egraph op erator. ' Harley Thomas, a brother to II. L. Thomas, of this place, arrived in N-'diawka Sunday morning Jie hav ing rect'irtlv arrived from overseas, where he saw service in France for several months, lie had only recent ly be.;i mustered out of the servic", and was taken to Palmyra the same afternoon, where h will visit hi parents. Later In to Xehawka- for a and relatives. intends to return visit with friends EAGLE Beacon 4:1 Mbs Lottie Renner was a Lin- coin visitor Tuesday. Conrad Crabtree and family spen Sunday in L;:;toln. Mr. and M-s. Robert Alio tended tir c reus in Lin j d -. as day. Misses Avis and Nyia Gardner re turned last Sunday from a fivi weeks vacation spent in Adams and Kearnev county with relatives and old friends. Mrs. Elsie P,rantner of Lincoln was here last week visiting her nephew C. W. Crabtree, and Hum crcus other friends. Mrs. Prantner formerly ran a icsiaurant in the buildiusr where The Hec.coa now makes its home. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Lytle and two children arrived in Eagle last week i?i an auto from, the Pacific north west coast. Mrs. Lvtle is a daugh ter -ef Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cooper. and since coining here Mr. Lytle, has purchased a property ami will mak( Eagle thei-' home. Air. and Mrs. Howard Mick were in Omaha last Sunday rom which place Mrs. Mick continued the jour ney to Rochester, Minn., for medical r--i'ment hv the Mavo l-lrotliers. f'.lie y.aj ncccmpanied by Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stah.l and Mrs. Roach and daushter of Pal my fa. Mrs. s'ttih.l and Miss Roach will also re ceive treatment. Mrs. A. P. Stewart came" last Sat urdav to spend a few days with her mother. Mrs. G. C. Trimble, before leaving for the mountains on a pleasure trip via auto. She had hop ed also to see her brother Clyde, be- fore iroiug on the trip hut he has not yet put in his appearance. She left little Robbie here with his grandmother and returned' to Fair mont this morning , and will leave Sunday for the mountains. Work on the new school house is going on methodically. The re-in-forced concrete floors for the first story were poured the latter part of last week tind this week brick work has begun to show the progress be ing made on the building. It is ex tremely doubtful ho,wever with the had weather and other prospective delays in getting material, that the building can be mn.de ready by the beginning of the school year. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Iletts were call ed to Kansas City 011 Wednesday of kist week by a message from Harry Hart man, a brother-in-law of Mrs. Iletts, saying that' in some way he had cut his right hand off. The home of the Hartmans is in Lincoln, and Mr. Hartman had gone to Kansas City to help in the butcher shop of the man for whom he works in Lincoln, who also has a shop in Kansas City, and in some unac countable manner Mr. Hartman brought the clever down across his left hand and severed it complete ly from his arm. He was able to he brought to his home in Lincoln Saturday night and at Jast reports was doing nicelv. SO ACHE EAEGAIII Non-resident owner will sell nice lnying upland SO r.cres at a rejl bargain or wijl -divide and sell in 40 acre tracts.--Stewart Investment Co.. C1G Dee P.ldg., Omaha. Nebr. IU. S. COUTD LAY CLAI7.I "TO ynzT' ri7 aofn T" PAY MERCHANDISE BALANCE Washinsrton, Julv 4. Already possessed of the greatest single stock of gold in hictbry, the United States could lay claim to most of the re maining free gold in the world in j payment of its favorable merchan- ' Watermelons and ORDER YOUR ON Skinner's or Burns' Bread Bulk Olives, 25c per pint Fresh Green Peas and New Potatoes Try us for all kinds of lunch goods for picnics ffresh Celery Plants for sale. HATTSc'SQR! TELEPHONE dise balance, the federal reserve bulletin will tay in its July issue. The balance approximated $D, 000,000,000 in the last three years, and Lids .fair to continue at the same rate this year, affording a problem to arrange payments with out bankrupting debtor nations, and still farther enhancing the cost of living here through' the importation of more metal- Under,, the gold embargo, w hich recently was lifted, making the United States practically the only free gold market in the world, the federal reserve board issued 1.14 2 licenses for the export of ir2.:52i. 070 of gold, and l.f.00 licenses for the shipment of $ii02,75G.003 in sil ver. FIKE EESTROTfS 21 EOATS IN CHICAGO YACHT 15 AS IN Chicago. July 4. An unidentified mar was missing alter fire destroyed 21 boats in a yacht basin and threat ened a crowded amusement park Friday. "Cap'n' Ceo.-' Wellington Street -er, the squatter who for many ye.ir.; ehiimel several lake shore acres ad ioii'ing the wealthiest residential iislTiet, now living in a river hoii'-e boat, towed about :." beats to saf ty. thus minimizing the loss. TWO WOMEN. FOUR CIIILDEEN. EE OWNED NEAR STEELING Sterling. Colo., Jly 4. Mrs. Ar thur Kistler, wife of a farmer at Stoneham, her fcur children, the oldest 15 years of aae, end her mother-in-law, were drowned while trying to ford Pawnee creek, f,0 miles east of Sterling, early Friday morning. They were driving to Sterling in a motor car for the Fourth of July festivities. ATTENDING PHOTOGRAPHERS CONVENTION AT KANSAS CITY Mr. and MrsT Ohrisf, of the Plattsmouth Photograph Studio, have gone to the photographer's an nual . convention, being held at Kansas City. Mo., this week. and while the studio here will he open for the delivery of -work and all other business. there will ' be no sittings made until Friday of this week, upon the return of Mr. and Mrs. Christ. Entertain your out-of-town friends during the Chautauqua by inviting them to spend a week with you. Journal Want-2.dg Yv! "IXSTIil Jli:T.l.lTIKS OF TIIIO I IVITFII STATICS (illVEIt.'VMIA T Wo FARM LOAN BOfOS ISSUED UNDER THE FEDERAL FARM LOAN ACT Dated November 1, 1913 - DUE November 1, 1938 Redeemable at par and accrued interest on any inter est date after five years from date of issue. Coupon bonds fully registerable and interchangeable. Denomi nation, $1,000. Interest payable semi-annually, May, 1st and November 1st. Principal and interest payable at the bank of issue in exchange Approved by the Fed eral Farm Loan Board of the United States government. Exempt from All Federal, State, Municipal and Local Taxation! This exemption includes the Federal Income Tax and income from these bonds need not be included in returns PRICE ON APPLICATION , ' has- - FarrrseSe, Bank of Cass County Plattsmouth Cantalopes X. CREAM OF US! NO. 4 OR 5 WHAT CHAUTAUQUA MEANS. Catch the Spirit. Chautauqua belongs to everybody. Whosoever will, let him come and have the best time of his life. That is the Chautauqua spirit. Chau tauqua is for the people; you are one of them, no matter who you are, you will find a great feast of good things on this Chautauqua program that will appeal directly to you. Have a good time, but don't g t noisy during the program. Remem ber the people want to hear. He liberal with applause. You'll get more out of the program if you show v ppreciat ion. Don't go to the chau tauquu (or anywhre else) with that entertain-me-if-you-can atti tude. It never pays. The Chautauqua is the most democratic institution in America. It is to the older people what the school is to the children, a place where all meet on common ground. The spirit of happiness is within you. It will grow by what it feeds upon. We are offering you a great feast for it. Have a good time, and above nil catch the Chautauqua spirit. Chautauqua week i-: coming. " days filled with the delight of splendid music, fascinating enter tainment, interesting and instruc tive lecturers. For a week the world is brought to your door. The best lecturers, musical companies, entertainer.-!, come io I e. ii'h, lo intpiove, to l4ighleii and lighten. "Tint Printer of Udell's," one of j Harold Pell Wright's good stories. ton coin n i flif .Tnnrnnl nfT.CP. For tasty printing yon can't wrong in having the Journal of turn out your Job. go "re Let oir carrier boy deliver the Daily Journal to your door. 15 cents per week 'for all the news. 2BV E.lf tttic Lljat aid Saves time and labor, Increases farm eftijiencv, I'avs for itself. -i I 1 O ri ri r -! ISY ROSENTHAL. Tel. D. oOt'S Omaha, Neb. Nebraska t 9 k y I -wer