The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 07, 1919, Image 1

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    Nebraska State Histori
cal Society
No. 4.
And Many of Our Citizens Journey
ed to Neighboring Towns
Neb. Citv Drew Crowd
Frrn Saturdav's Dnily.
The fact that Plattsmouth dwln't
celebrate this year did not d-ter her
citi.-.ens from enjoying a most pleas-
and Fourth. Some found their pleat-
lire in spending the day quietly at
home, others in picnic parties to the
adjacent woods and still cithers in
journeying to nearby towns tha
celebrated, where they enjoyed par
ticipating i:i paying tribute to the
14"rd anniverr-ary of American in-i!-ifi!(It
This was the frt Fourth in threi
years to be celebrated with th na
tion i-t peace -victorious peace for
the signing of the peace treaty only
a week before the event lad official
ly ended the recent war in which
America's sons had fought so vul
liantly againrt the Hun.
IYace. prosperity and prospects o:
a large crop contrived to bring ru
ral and city residents together in
a general jollification and every
where the eagle was made to screech:
large crowds gathered to pay hom-j
jig" to the national bird.
One of the largest near-by cele
brations was that at Nebraksa City
and no few of our people journeyei
thither to tke in the sights. Ueau
tiful decorations those used at th"
Shenandoah home-coming celebra
tion" were displayed on the princi
pal streets and four or five bands
stationed at the street corners, fur
nished an abundance of music. The
principal attraction was the aero
plane Right in the forenoon, when ;
daring aviator did numerous tail--pins
and spectacular stunts, re
maining in the air for fully half a;:
hour. A big street dance and tne
usu:l display of fireworks wound up
the day's celebration. A very large
crowd was present. Among those to
go from Flat tsmouth many drove
down while a few went down on the
The wrestling match and other
atractions at Omaha served to draw
a goodly numl'er of our people. there.
The various amusement parks ot the
city were crowded and everywhere
people were indulging in the cele
bration of a "safe and sane" 4th.
In the afternoon Platttmouth peo
ple were treated to a good game of
base ball between the Holmes team
of Omaha and the Red Scrx. An ac
count of the game its to bo found in
another column of today's Journal.
Picnic parties were also in vogue
t.) a marked degree. Some "who re
mained at home through the heat of
the day chose to get out iur:ng th
evening and either drove or went on
the train to other points, principally
Omaha, to enjoy themselves.
rtt Fonlenelie park in Omaha an
excellent display of fireworks took
place, which was witnessed by a few
people from bere. General Pershing.
Miss Liberty, President Wilson and
other characters were produced in
hi illiartly'lighted fireworks, said to
b the fnert ever seen in the me
tropolis. The absence (in large numbers of
firecrackers is doubtless responsible
fr.r minimizing the Accidents coro
rron to independence day and in this
jiciyity no serious accident occurred
to mar the pleasures of the day.
From Saturday" Daily.
Edward C. K'pple returned from
the celebration at Nebraska City
and had much to say about the euc
cess which attended the celebration
of the day there. Immense crowds
be said was the result, and every
body decorated for the occasion with
the exception of one place, jhich
was painted vellow and labeled
'Pro German'. The returned sold
iers, hoy scouts and the members of
the G. A. R. were especially cared
for. and all in all they had an ex
cellent time.
From S.-it unity's Dally.
Frank lieeson who has, been here
for the past few days visiting with
friend?, departed a few days since
for his home at Alliance, and Mr.
and Mrs. X. H. Isbel accompanied
him as far as Lincoln, where they
visited for a short time and cele
brated there yesterday, returning ;
home last evening. They had an
elegant time while there.
From Saturday's raily. !
Among other interesting events
on the program of Nebraska City's
celebration yesterday was a fine ad
dress at 2 o'clock by ('apt. Earl M.
("line, of that city, who was with th
S."iath U. S. Infantry. S&th Divisio".
ana wno received a severe wound, a
bullet passing through his head in
the vicinity of the forehead, and by
a miraculous operation his life was
saved, ('apt. ('line is a highly edu
cated man and iu scathing langu
age denounced the pro-German sen
timcnts that prevailed in some lo
calities during the war, turning a',
so to the case of conscientious objec
tors who had been granted honor
able discharges, back pay, bonuses
and lew civilian clothing at the
hands of Secretary of War Baker.
From Saturday's Dally.
Edward Burns the fireman in the
Burlington local yards, who serves
the swicthing on the first trick.
surprised most of the people when
he hopped into the ball game yes-
terdav instead of Clarence Beal who
had to work. His fielding was ex
cellent and his batting away beyond
that of the average, and from the
way he played, jt appeared he might
be a good addition to any ball team.
From SaturdaVp Daily.
Our Col. M. A. Bates editor of
the Journal, is making some good
progress towards recovery and is at
this time able to sit up a good deal
cf the time, can walk about the
house, and hopes soon to be able to
be about on the street and at the
office again. Col. Bates was a very
sick man for a long time, but with
his excellent constitution and the
best of care he has been able to
throw cff the baleful effects of the
sickness with the assistance of the
physician who has so carefully
watcb.ed over his illness.
From Saturday's Daily.
Even before their completion, two
of the three modern cottages being
built by James Sage on south Sev
enth street have been sold. The de
mand for tenantable houses is far
in excess of the supply and the con
dition is improving far from fast.
Plat turnout h can record a very sub
stantial growth if she could but ac
commodate the desirable families
who are willing to cast their lot
among us. if they can but find a
suitable place of abode. A forty
thousand dollar street improvement
contract has Just been let and it is
very probable outside labor will have
to be imported to do the work, there
being few or no residents of the city
at leisure just now. This will re
sult in bringing in more citizens for
the time being, but not in securins
them permanently for they will be
forced to continue their homes else
where for lack of a place to live.
Every business man in the city
should be vitally interested' in the
matter. as every family in our
midst is certain to be productive of
some revenue which doesn't now
From Thursday's Daily.
Kenneth Y. Craig and wife, of
Omaha, have just moved to this city
and will make their home here for
the summer, having leased a suite
in the apartment house. Mr. Craig
is the engineer employed on the road
brting constructed between here and
Nebraska City.
Neat printing Is assured If you
have it done at the Journal office.
Free From Disagreeable Altercations
Which Have Marked
Other Games.
From Saturday's Daily.
We had but one game of hall yes
terday although there bad been two
scheduled, but the fickleness of the
weather put it over on the boys.
The game between the Holmes team
of Omaha, and the Plattsmouth Red
Sox. was called about four twenty,
and then the grounds were damp
enough. The game was very hotly
contested, and was an open guess
until the final, which would win.
The visitors did not get a run in
the first inning, while our boys had
two. In the fifth inning the visit
ors by a bunching of their playing,
got four more runs and things look
ed a little in their favor, while in
the eighth inning with good play
ing our boys found three more runs
and two men on bases. Herold on
third and Mason on second, and no
one down. O'Donnell was given a
walk, while on a passtirt ball Herold
was able to score and Mason vent
to third and O'Donnell to second. It
was hoped that Janda who is a good
batter would bring the two men on
bases in, but as it occurred he was
fanned. Grassman who i3 also a
pretty sure batter, after one strike
and two fouls, got a good swat at
the ball, but it fell into a fielder's
hands. Adams got a strike and a
foul, and a grounder, and was
caught at first and the opportunity
was gone. The runs now stood five
to five.
The visitors were able to make
two runs during their half of the
ninth, but there was nothing for the
boys here and the finale showed:
Red Sox 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 f
Holmes 0 1 0 0 4 0 0 0 2 7
Blacksmiths and the
Rip Track Monday
There will be a game between the
workers in the freight department
of the Burlington shops, and the
blacksmith shops, both flushed with
victory in their first game. and
there is reason that the contest will
be exciting, with at this time the
result in doubt as to who will be
the winners, anyway they will play
ball with a will and a determina
tion to win. Remember the date and
the time, will be soon after six
From Saturday's Daily.
The different unions of this city,
comprising almost all of the men
employed in the Burlington shop.
are preparing for a monster meeting
to be held at Garfield park on Thurs
day. July 17th, at which time there
will be speakers from out of tho
city as well as those of Plattsmouth.
All the unions will be vepresent'l
and invitations will -be extended to
the citizens generally, as it is de
sired that everybody become ac
quainted with the ideas, intents and
workings of organized labor.
More will be given in uiese col
umns regarding this meeting at a
later date.
From Saturday's Dally.
A goodly number of Plattsmouth
people take interest in and enjoy
yiaiu& icuuis. nisu iiie iuwii nas
two excellent courts just off Chicago
avenue. Notwithstanding, no ef
forts have been put forth the last
few years to keep the courts fixed
up and the writer has noticed large
weeds growing on their level "sur
face. A little work expended to
keep them in shape would be well
repaid by the chance afforded of in-1
dulging in this pleasant game. We iee skating park for the winter.
would suggest a rejuvenation of tho! .
tennis club that existed a few years You will find a nice line or popu
ago or the organization of a new iar copyright books at the Journal
jdub imbued with the pep necessary!
to fix up the courts and get tne'
I f:iTne eninp these lull"- viunmer ei-- i
enings. Plattsmouth can bodrt o:'
a number of excellent players and
lot more who like to play, but aren
'so excellent. Let's get something
started along the tennis line before
the snow flies. What sav vou?
From Saturday's Daily.
At Gibbon the ytning ladies of
that city and vicinity had what they
termed "A Girl's Yankee Club
which on the arrival of a bunch of
boys from overseas, cr elsewhere in
the service, prepared for them an
entertainment which welcomed them
home. They did not have to be of
their set but that they were soldier
boys, they were S;en a welcome, at
a dance, a recep ion of something
which showed to It hem the apprecia
tion of a grateful citizenry of the
work and sacrifices which the bovs
had made.
j T
Jlayor Schneider .Left Thursday for
Atlantic City 'p.s Delegate of
the Loctl Lodire.
From Saturday's D.iilr.
II. A. Schneider left Thursday af-
'err.oon for Oman;1, to join the Ne
braska delegates to the national B.
O. E. con vention at Atlantic City.
ev Jerrev. The Nebraskans ver'
mable to get the special train o'!t
i Omaha they had hoped for due to
tringent regulations on the part of
be railway adrairri-.trution. but in
tead were given exclusive use o:"
two Pullman cars, a :econd pair in
which were o,ua.rtered the California
Elks also going east on the same
train Thursday night. It was th?
iope of the delegates that they b?
Joined in Chicsgt by -n ..number of
other state representatives and po
Mbly would be given a special train
out of the windy city.
The national Elks convention will
open the first of the week at Atlan
tic City and continue some, four or
five days, a big time being provided
to occupy every minute of the dele
gates' stay at that popular summer
pleasure resort. The Nebraska del
?gates go prepared to boost the can
iidacy of Frank L. Rain, prominent
Dmaha Elk for grand exaulted ruler
tnd in cae of his election it is
very probable that the next or suc
ceeding annual convention might be
pulled to Omaha.
From Saturday's Daily.
J. D. Wassham and wife, of Have-
lock, were visiting in Plattsmouin
for the Fourth, coming down via the
Burlington, for whom he works, and
visiting with friends and relatives
here, being especial guests at the
home of John Rotter and wife and
Fred 15. Egenberger. I hey cieparteu
this morning for their home, going
via Omaha, where they will make
the purchase of a car, and their
next trip will probably be overland.
jnd will be enjoyed very much.
From Saturday's Dally.
This afternoon Mrs. Hazel B.
Smith, matron of the Order Eastern
Star "Orphanage home in this city,
departed for Omaha, having in care
two of the girls who are making
their home there. Misses Joan and
Sylvia Klossner the last of the
children to depart for their sum
mer vacation, and who are depart
ing for Fremont for the summer.
Mrs. Smith will close the cottage
for the summer next week, and will
be gone until near the first of Sep
From SaturdaVs Daily.
A young man has suggested the
matter to us. that it would be a
good idea to make a bathing pool
on the river bottom, just off the
city, which .would be a good place
for the young ladies and elder ones
to go bathing'in the summer, which
be constructed for a nominal
sum, and would also service as an
Dodge County Wonder Shows Much
Speed and New Holds Scis
sors Still Do Business.
From Saturday's Daily.
A crowd of !ive thousand Nebras
ka and Iowa wrestling fans, among
whom there were numerous Platts
mouth devotees of this popular sport,
witnessed the fastest bout ever stag
ed in Omaha yesterday, with the pos
sible exception of the Stecher-Car-
dock match, when the Dodge count,'
wonder pinned the shoulders of
Stranrler" Lewis to the mat twice
in succession.
The match was held at the Omaha
auditorium. Steelier winning th?
first fall in an hour and 47 minutes
f fast going, with a body scissors
nd wri-: lock. The second fall was
von wit ti the same hold in 14
The bout Started at and un-
:e its predecessor that resulted sn
2 draw and thousands of dissatisfied
frr.?. at the end of seven minutes
the wrestlers went to the mat. Af
ter the match had been going 22
minutes. Lewis clamped on his fam
ous head-lock, but was forced to re
lease it by Referee Earl Cad'docfc. !
when it slipped into a strangle hold.
Stecher did not get behind until
at the end of 29 minutes. He im
mediately commenced trying for a
body- scissors but was unsuccessful.
For the next hour he did not at
tempt to secure the hold which mace
nim a world's champion, but worked
almost entirely with his arms.
Three times Stecher brot groans
from Lewis with an arm lock, but
was unable to hold it long enough to
force his opponent down. Lewis tried
continually for a headlock. but when
he secured his favorite hold. Stech
er managed to wiggle out. Twice he
was ordered to break the hold whe-i
it slipped into a strangle.
The two men mixed practically
from the start, and the match was
replete with many thrills, although
it was evident from the start that
Stecher was the better man. Stech
er showed a wonderful improvement
ever his last appearance in Omaha.
That he has developed his speed
greatly and does not depend entire
ly on one hold was the concensus of
opinion among those who saw the
match. He mixed them up con
tinually and on several occasions
he hid the Californian in dangerous
holes, but he managed to crawl out
of all but the body scissors.
Stecher was the aggressor thru-
out the match and the efforts of hi
opponent to wear him down failed
utterly. As the match progressed
Joe seemed to gain strength, rather
than show the effects of the gruell
ing but exceptionally clean event.
After the first fall Joe came back
a veritable whirlwind. With a speed
that was dazzling he rushed Lewis
to all parts of the ring and at times
his rapidly changing holds mystified
the Californian.
Throughout the match it "was the
old smiling and confident Joe, that
won an army of friends in Omaha
by the rapid trip he made up the
championship ladder. He looked
far better than he did during his
career. of placing the shoulders of
all comers on the mat in less than
30 minutes.
From Thursday's Dally.
Our attention was attracted this
morning to two 6tore windows,
which appealed to us as being very
nice and which seemed to us would
attract a great deal of attention.
The ones were the windows at the
stores of C. E. Wescott's Sons and
Phillip Theirolf. The ones at the
Phillip Theirolf clothing store were
designed and dressed by Bruce Ros-
encrans and showed a good deal of
originality and taste in the manner
of the arrangement of the goods,
which are displayed. This window
being on the north side of the street
is subject to strong light and care
ful selection in colors have to be
made to make the desired effects.
The windows at the Wescott's Sons
store were designed and arranged by
Victor Krivanek and surely show a
good selection and arrangement.
The dressing of the windows on the
two sides of the entrance being dis
tinctive, one a Fourth of July one,
the west window, while the one on
the east is a Metropolitan shirt dis
play. Look at them all.
From Thursday's Daily
Mr. and Mrs. George Marks, of
near Weeping Water and their
daughter, Mrs. Mearle Kivett, were
in the city from their home a few
days since, and visited with friends,
also looking after some business.
While in the city they called at the
Journal office and extended their
subscription for another year. Mr.
Kivett is the proud possessor of a
new Dodge car. a present from her
husband, and drove the car to the
city on this trip for the first time,
making the trip in excellent shape
and having no trouble with the car
at all. She handles it with all the
dexterity of a veteran driver.
From Thursday's Daily.
A short time since from a home
at Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. W. G.
Brooks f Nebraska City secured a
little four months old girl baby
named 'Betty' which they took with
the intention of adopting, which
they have the privilege of doing,
any time within three months.
Some two weeks since they with
the children departed for Superior,
where they have been visiting at
the home of a sister of Mrs. Brooks,
Mrs. Isaac King and husband. While
there the little one 'Betty' was tak
en sick and this morning John W.
Crabill received a message from
Superintendent Brooks announcing
of the passing away of the little one
at the home of the Kings, whree
they were visiting.
From Thursday's Daily.
Just at this time Jess F. Warga
is busier 'than a hen with one duck,'
with numerous furnaces to install
and bathroom outfits to put in. both
in new construction and other hous
es. He is just at this time installing
a bathroom in the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. K. Staats. which is going
to add to the comfort and conven
ience -of their home. He has just
been installing light and power
works on the farm of Luke L. Wiles
and Geo. Snyder, which is making
for the better conditions in both
the homes. Mr. Wiles is having the
water pumped by electricity, as 3
also Mr. Snyder. There is other
work coming his way which has
necessitated his having a car load
of plumbing and bath room supplies,
in order to care for the business.
I have some snaps in lands In
Gage. Pawnee and Johnson counties,
Nebraska with easy terms. It will
pay you to see me for a home or in
vestment. Mockenhaupt Land Com
pany, Sterling, Nebraska. 26-4 wksw
Ojj "' "" '" ' ' "" V N D E R (fs) M??
' supervision' ' a
...... ggg .
A Practical Short Time Investment!
Certificates of Deposit provide a practical and profitable place
for money on which the owner desires to earn an income without
tying up his funds for any great length .of time.
These certificates are issued for large or small amounts; earn
a liberal rate of interest; can be converted into cash at any time.
Their safety is backed by our entire resources.
First National Bank,
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
"The Bank where
As Now Proved by Three Successful
Overseas Flights Pacific to
be Traversed Next.
Mineola. N. Y.. July 4. The saf
ety of transatlantic flvir has :igsnii
been demonstrated w'th the
today over Novia Scotia of the giant
dirigible R-4, which left Fast F.i -tune,
Scotland. Wednesday morning
lor America. It is being cccompauied
from Novia Scotia by a fat-f1yin::
Handlc-v-Pnitte bipii.r.t. and the t
craft should land here home time
before noor. Saturday morning.
At S:;;( o'clock. New York time,
the hope biplane, breezing along it
a clip of about M miles an lion
was reported abreast of the slower
moving dirigible, about ".) mile - oi"
Novh Scotiii. At that hour tli'v were
about sr-O miles from Mineoh;.
Two hours and live minutes late'
ilie speeding plane ' was reported
over Antigonis. N. S.. more thai!
150 miles from Sydney, far alie;.d -if
the R-34. but apparently travel':! ,
somewhat slower thKii before.
Barriiis further trouble v.i'li fou.
the dirigible is expected to arrive
Saturday forenoon and by three r
four o'clock Saturday afttriionu u:
the latest.
From Saturday's Daily.
This afternoon Mr. J. C. Yara
bough returned from a visit at Lim
stone. Tenn.. where he was called a
fhort time since on account of th"
extreme illness of his afther Daniel
Yara bough, who is well advanced
in years, but uhor-e condition at th"
time of the departure of his son for
Jiome was considerably improved.
From Thursday': Daily.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Wolff were in
the city yesterday for a few hours
from their horae in Cedar Creek,
looking over the city with a view
of buying property and finally
settled upon one of the new house.-
now being erected by James 3age.
They bought the one on the last lot
south. So with this deal it u' uu
assured fact that Mr. and Mrs. 'ot
will move to Plattsmouth ju.-f as
soon as the house is completed. Mr.
Wolff is putting in a nice line of
Studebaker cars and trucks. .'Is-.
Maxwell cars and trucks, and went
to Omaha today and will re'urn
with two fine new Studebaker cars.
He will also lay in bis line of sup
plies today and will soon be r'dy
for business in the sales and sup
ply department of the old Propst
Garage on Vine street.
"Wall Paper, Paints, Glass. Picture
Framing. Frank Gobelman.
You Feel at Home'