The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 03, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Net Contrnts ljijidjtyj
alcohol-3 re.i.
i;.Lhc!oodb Kol t
Etattj myitis .
i Thereby rromolins
I neither Opiuni.Morphinc no.
! Mineral. Not AnooTIC
" I
t !
Ju-.pljJ .
.Ai.x ie.-"
Jj-.isr Sef.i
li.m Sod
V helpful Remedy for
;l aniVvcrUhncssimd
n w
K-t k-. ,v of Wrapr".
1 i ni V.- I n. 1 v't. Paily.
5.-.-st i:;rhtT ami fatuity from
n ir Murray wire tti the city this t r a short
Paulim (l!i!hnn! of Murray was
: vi-ii',r in Plattsmouth this tin ru
in.:. ri. ing to Ic m k after .some Imsi
Iii - !:i;v; t.--;; for tho il.iy.
Ki-I'i rt Met 'I. i-i of ;ior t ep
i!! ; Willi-- v:'s a visiinr in ihU city
tl-- 1 1 . r 1 1 i tig h:ti!r.r some matters
Id 1"h'k -ift- r 111 ibis city.
"i i (v. l.';iV l!.j!rs I' Alvn was
.- i :i. r in I I it I sriidiit li Mils iiinrn
n:: ';:;i'i-; ov r in liis car to look
;.iti.r M't.i tii-s at t h e court
'In. .ii.ii:: ro: f ami vhililrcn
arriii i; i!'rnin.: from ("
'r i'Tnl. ;:re vi.sitin; a' t!:. liomc
of Mr-. Thcirolfs parents ('. K.
' 1- In r a I'll w i;"c.
ri.-l; m-iiicr el" t 'c'r Cru k
v a - a lm-i-.ii.sN i i l .r i:i I I a 1 1 -M
!!!!: f t --r'I;i y a i"! ir:iooti . ciilnilli;
ilow 11 v i!h his car to'Iook alter vkic
I n. i it - s ma 1 tcrs.
'la!!' mi, wur. in the city
l i-; i v tiiiii; fri ;n n--ir Murray, and
oUinvr aficr himo lu in.:.s
maiii-r.-. haii!:; drivcii u;j in hi.-; cr.r
in th afternoon.
M i - Iri . Valloi y from -o;ith-wi-.i
of Murray v,-..s ;i is itrt- in
!'! -. 1 1 Mimiit ti Diis mcraiii sx for a
-Iirl ttiiie liHikin after ;-ome trail
ing for i fow tioiirs.
John K.i Itnh.-rr.i-r jr. irmii i'nit'1
t 'c:jr I'ri'i k was lookinir aftrr
:i:f In:-i:ie..;- ill t.-iiio-i! h Uii.
inornMir,. arrani'i. to tie;; in hi.
ha 1 vcr-1 in a : hurl t iti'f-.
:.-'-i;e Slimier l.e;;an Jii who 'it
hirvf'-t lure I-:-' eril iv. afol reports
from ih ursi are that the wheal will
t ready I'm re as : imn as he i-hall
have tin' ten lhroti;;h here.
.'o!h St.iioier was in jestmlay
;;-t I in in shap" for the har
vest w !; it !i is in n int; loilay. He
j 1 1 : t '-.ot hii corn mil of the way for
tho cuMinc of tho fall wheat.
Martin Sjore-i ami daiihter Mrs.
Kreil S' lirr. '.T'l-r. of near luiisvillo.
wore vi-itirifr in this city for a few
hours today ami were looking after
,'tome IttiMiMMs jit the court house as
S. . Cutner ai.d V. K. liawkeu
herry o:pared Ihi-i inoriiinic tor
I.f.ui vi'le wh'-re t!i"v ; to clear up
a vvrocki whieh occurred l:i;-:t ni.'Uit.
wlurejn one car wa.- derailed' in a
freight train.
L rr-ilfl
Vi. j, j 'x,a
Fac-Sicilc Si(5naturr
f -ME' fc,r Eica oprraoon. no e,nifroiorm. r.tner or other firoeral
(n t-rt-nrrit, v 4 r?o rnToT t- t paid cxtil rnmf
fnl if-!.iimon:ai:i 01 more in-ia li-vj prominent popi
nn. E. R. TAKHY
240 Deo Bullfllne
Dftach & Mach, The Dentists
III f llil
Tor Infants and Children.
Mothers Know That
Genuine Cattoria
. ...
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
Miss Klsio Tickotler departed
last c von i UK for Louisville where
slif will spend a few days with
friends and while there will be the
guest of her friends Mi:s Anna
Meyers of that city.
Peter Meisitif-'er was in the city
from his homo near Cedar t'reek,
liMkinK after some trading:, having
driven in with his team, and after
havinK concluded his business here
returned to his home in the even
in K-
YVin. Kiyfcs of Independence, Mo.,
was in tho city this afternoon stop
pin? between trains for a short time
on his way to Louisville, where he
poes to visit with his fon who is an
operator at the Durlinptou road t
that place.
August Pautsch and wife and ton
Ernest and wife ami their daughter
Lyilii. were in the citv this morn-
' invr. haviiiK driven over in their
I'uick. and were lookinK after tsome
business for a few hours here. Thcv
s made this otlice a pleasant call
i while here, and extended flie sub
j script im of the pap'jr ;oinK to both
j families while here. Thanks pentle
i n:on. call again.
i From Ttio:;ilay'K fially.
I Henry Slander of near tS-.mth liend
j visiter in l'lattsiuouth today
coming to look after some business
at the court liuuic.
J. Jofin.--'on of Kliuwood was a
i.-itor in Plattsnioiith this morning
havinir M-nic business matters to
look after at the county seat.
. D. Zaar f South Hend whf
ti'ijkin-; after some business matters
in the i t v last evening for a short
time bavins driven hero with his
Hoy Bennett was a visitor in
t'lattsinonth thus morning from his
homo near Alvo. and was consulting
with the board of county commis
sioners. titorge S. Smith of near Itock
i:!uf!s was a visitor in the city last
evening accompanied by Mrs. Smith
and their son corning to do sotnc--trading.
H. W. Ware of Murdock wa a
visitor in Plattsniouth for the day
coming from his home to look after
some business matters at the court
tit-urge Wall of L: Platte was
a visitor in Plat tsinout h for a few
hours coining over between trains to
look after some, business and to do
wiiiii! trading.
Mrs. John Parkeniug from Cullom
was a visitor in Plattsmouth this
morning where s.he is visiting for
3 "
i IlTIi M
Fistula-Pay When Cured
ivftr.m rtf Irrofmrnf that rum PSIm r..h.i. - i
i Dises-ies in short ti me. withtnit severe sur-
o-irn. j cure Knaraniccn i erroise acceDten
Writa for hook nn KrrtaiDinnws. with uarnf-a
Kdi nave been permanently cured.
Th largest and best equipped dental offices ia Omaha.
Experts in charge cl all wort. Lady attendant. Mod
crate Prices. Porcelain fillings just like tooth. Instru
ments carefully sterilized after using.
the day at the home of her parents
M. Hild and wife.
County Commissioner H. J. Miller
from Alvo was looking after some
business in the city this morniug.
coming to meet with the other mem
bers of the board.
John K. Wolf, of Cedar Creek, was
a visitor in Plattsniouth this after
noon, looking after some business
matters for a short time preparatory
to moving to this city.
C F. Harris county commission
er from Union was a visitor in this
city today, and was accumapnied by
his son who is visiting at this, his
home from Seattle, Wash.
(leorge V. Snyder of west of My
nard was a passenger to Omaha this
morning going to look after some
business matters at the live stock
market at South Side Omaha.
Ashley Ault, James Hessenrlow
aud Henry Heebuer, all of Cedar
Creek, were looking after some busi
ness matters in the city this after
noon, having driven down from
their home in a car.
W. A. Scott, of Murray, was a
visitor in the city for a short time
this afternoon, coming to do jsonn1
trading with the merchants, driving
up with his car and bringiug his
children along for a visit.
James t). Kimball who has been
relieving A. F. Moore at Oreapolis
while the latter was visiting a his
old home in Hucklin. Mo., returned
to his home at South Omaha, -where
he has been working since leaving
here some time since.
Frank Hull of near old Kock
Bluffs was a visitor in Plattsniouth
for a short time this afternoon
while on his way to Omaha, where
he has some business matters to
look after for the afternoon.
A. J. Hoover road overseer from
Louisville precinct was a visitor in
the city today, having some matters
to take up with the board of county
commissioners who were in the city
for a short time this morning.
From Monday's P'lilv
Mr. and Mrs. V.
,F. Oillisi
pie ol
Mynard. were visiting at the home
of Mrs. Joseph Adams in this city
Pen Pill, of near Murray, was a
visi'or in Plattsmonth tiiis after
noon, driving up in his car to Ions.
after some busi"ess matters.
Uoo. I-. Maston of lireenwoou was
a isitcr in Plattsniouth for tie. day
having some business matters to
look after at the court house.
-Mrs. lieynoius ueiies nernier o
Klniwood was a visitor in Platts
nn. ut li List Saturday coming over to
tee abo'it some Red Cross work, re
turning home- the same day.
Attorney Wiu. Delles Dernier o
hlniwcou was a visitor 111 this c:tv
far the moruing having some husi
r.ess matters to look after at tat
oflice of the clerk of tho du-trie
Fred Corder of Weeping Waier
was a visitor in Platsmouth for over
incut, corning down last evening
aud visiting with relatives until
tins morning, ana transacting sump
business matters:, during the morn
mg returning to ins Home later m
tho day.
J. A. MoNatl v.ii.s in this morn
ing from bis farm home near Kock
liluff looking after some urgent
shopping for the morning, and said
that while ho had gotten over
his corn but two times he would
navo id cm nis wneat ami later go
after the proposition of laying the
corn by.
Misses Poris Palnieter and tier
aldine List on, w ho was in tho city
last Friday and Saturday, taking
the teachers examination from Kim-
wood, returned homo last Saturday
evening having to go via Lincoln
as mere were no connections vie
weeping Water. It looks like a
long ways aroumi to get to tjieir
home in this county.
With special car number 0."., T
Koup superintendent of motive pow
er for the iines west of the Missouri
river, and T. A. Torrey general sup
erintendent of the motive power of
tho Burlington of all its lines from
Chicago, were in the city today hav
ing .some business matters to look
after for the Burlington, ami epch
this evening departed for their
Miss Kdna. . Morrison w ho return
ei from her school at Neligb. a few-
days since where she' has just com
pietea a successlul school year, was
a passenger to Omaha this morning,
where she is visiting with friends.
ansa t.dna Morrison has a very
good record of her school work, and
during the first portion of the school
year was kept from teaching on. ac
count of the prevalouco of the 'Flu'
which was very bad in Xeligh at
that time.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson
from near Weeping Water. drove
up yesterday in their car. and spent
th day at the home of Mrs. Joseph
Adams, in this city. They were ac
companied by Mrs. Jay Johnson.!
who has been visiting at their home ;
r vik,,t J rrz -- -?
: Jm"m: 2Y wPfi Mil P 'W ' - i
Walk into one of our Palm
wear yourself all
fabric is designed foi comfort, will give more days of wear and real satisfaction in hot weather, and require less
brushing than any cloth made. We can show you an assortment from $15.00 to $25.00. Come in and lets look
them over together - they're real 4th of July clothes. '
$5.00 to $7.00
Open Thursday evening
until 8:30
for the past few day-, and will re
main here until sli" returns to her
home in St. Josijih, Mo. Mrs. Jo::.
Johnson i.cccnip;. uieil her son to
their home whore she will remain
for a few days visit, making the re
turn trip yet-torday afternoon.
From Weilnesilay's I'aliv.
There aie tines when even the
best exercised care cannot avoid an
accident it seems. Lust evening
there occurred an accident at the
coiner of the orchard of A. L.
Iluifer, just opposite the Jean
W. II. Cilli. pie and wife wt re
coming from the south, having gone
that way in their trip to town to
i'void 'the had roads the other way.
and were ju-t at the corner, when
Mrs. Vv". S. Jean and Miss Mat tie
Capon, who were cominir from tiie
south, just i: round the corner, neith
er knowing the oilier was coming,
and noil her traveling over fifteen
t-iiles per hour, when they both evi
dently discoered each other at the
same time. Mr. fJillispie hugeed
the opposite side of the road, while
Mrs. Jean endeavored to ti:rn :;s
short as ixjssible, notwithstanding
the efforts, the bumper of Mrr.
Jean's car struck the hub of Mr.
Ciillispie's car touring same away,
but not hurting any of tho occu
pants. They both had exercised all
tho care they could but still tho col
lision occurred.
from M.Mi.lay's al!v
James Gamble and wife with their
son and daughter were visiting in
Plattsniouth this morning having
some business in the district court,
and also seeing about some matters
in the city, driving over with their
car from Kim wood. Forty years
ago. and a little more Mr. James
Gamble and wife lived in this city,
and at that time removed to Klni
wood. They have been here but
once since that time until the visit
this morning. Mr. (Iambic and wife
remarked at the change in the ap
pearance of this city. Many places
which were at. that time, covered
with hazel brush are now occupied
by modern buildings. They report
that the roads between' here and
Elm wood are rather rough, vhoy
having had more rain out that way
than bore. The harvesting they say
will be in full swing by the middle
of the week.
Plastering, Stucco, Mason, -l-and
all kinds of concrete
work. Strictlv first class.
Murdock, Neb.
f of niley Hot..'
Coates Clock.
Second Flror.
Beach Suits and realize what real comfort is, even on a hot day. You don't have to
out trying to celebrate and have a good time, clothed in an unseasonable suit.
-r -V -r T
ssssoasssspt JL f-V. jL 1VJ.
$4 to $10
Co E. Wescott's Sons
Auto-Intoxication. Or iow Self
Poisoning', Cause Of Ivlost 111
Health and Disease.
Advanced medical authorities as
sert that auto-intoxication is the
foundation eif most of the ills and
disease to which the human flesh
is heir.
This condition is nothing more
nor less than the slow- self-poisoning
of the vital organs produced by
the excessive mental and physical
strain which' we are forced to en-
vline. which renders the organs lame
ami inactive, mid permits toxins-actual-
poisons to lie generated
within one's own body.
I'sualiy the trouble; starts in the
intestines; somotimes it atartrj in
the stomach, liver or kidneys, but
in any case the blame lies with the
faulty method of living, and may
l-e traced to over-eating, extitsivt
nervous strain, lack of exercise, or
other causes. At any rate it is the
more important organs that suffer
the linal damages and when they
falter or fail in their duties the
body fills up with acids and poisons,
and the victim often yields to their
baneful influence. Bright's disease,
heart trouble, high bloexl pressure,
catarrhal affections. and other
troubles are frequently tho result of
self poisoning or auto-intoxication.
A tired draggy feeling of ihc
be'dy. a sluggish miud, and dull
memory, intense nervousness, head
ache, stomach and bowel troubles,
poor circulation, imperfect. elige
tion. constipation and despondency
are common symptoms of auto-intoxication;
and nine out of every
ten of the American people are
likely to be se affected.
Ta nlac. tho powerful rceonst mo
tive and systemic tonic wjis design
ed especially to overcome these very
troubles. There is not a single por
tion of the body that is not bene
fited by the helpful work of this
celebrated preparation, which be
gins its action by stimulating the
digestive and assimilative organs,
thereby enriching the blood and en
vigorating the. entire system. Com
posed of the most beneficial roots
and herbs known to science, it. en
ables the stomach to thoroughly di
gest, tho foad. thereby .permitting
the assimilable products to be con
verted into blood, bone and muscle.
It. overcomes that great exciting
cause of disease, weakness. It ren
elers the body vigorous aud elastic,
it keeps the mind clear and ener
getic, and throws off tho symptoms
of nervousness and indigestion. It
builds tin the constitution weaken
ed by disease or mental and physic
al lover-work. ciuickens convaois
cence of the invalid, aud is a sure
aud unfailing source of comfort to
those who are suffering from the
effects of nervousness and over
That Tanlac; does these very
things is proven by the fact that it
now has the largest sale of any
tonic on the American market. Mil
lions have used it with the most as
tonishing and gratifying results.
Tanlac is sold in Plattsmouth by
uy a
w k T v x -V T 1
1 Mis f-V JT i
3 for $1.00
F. G. Fricko & Co., in Alvo by Alvo
j Drug Co., in Avoca by O. 10. Copes,
in South Bend ny fc.. st urzenegger.
Greenwood by E. F. Smith, in
coping water ny Meier urug Co.,
in Elm wood by L. A. Tyson, in
Murdock by II. V. McDonald. in
Louisville by Blake's Pharnaey, in
Eagle by F. W. Bloomenkamp, and
in Union by E. W. Keedy.
Kioili Wi-itnesiiay's Pally.
Yesterday E. S. Mason and sister
Mrs. Martin Sheldon, were in Oma
ha, with the little daughter ef Mr.
.Mason. Helen, for examination by
the specialists who treated her dur
ing last winter for an injury in her
back. After having given her a
thorough examination, they found
her erudition to lie excellent. But
fearing something might develop,
they are requiring Mr. Mason to re
turn with the little one in two
months for another examination.
Itch! Itch!
Scratch! Scratch!
scratch, the worse
Dean's Ointment.
Itch! Scratch.
The more you
the itch. Try
For eczema, any
skin itching. G0c a box.
Lost: On Cedar Crook road be
tween Plattsniouth and my farm an
inflated Republic tire on demount
able rim. JOHN W. FALTER.
I It You Had a
7 T -
to $2.50
We will be closed all day
July 4th I
if I 'li ,T urn
from We.ln.-.vilay s Ially.
On account of Hie trouble which
the telegraph tor.ipa nies and th'-ir
employers, ex L-ting on account of
the trouble arising out of ihe I eh
phone situation, there was for a per
iod that there was dift.cult of get
ting a telegram through, when one
was desired tr be sent. The trouble
has been adjusted and now messages
can be sent anywhere without re
strictions. All offices are now re
ceiving th; telegrams and if you
have any send them along, they wi!l
bo dispatched with all speed.
Engineer to run
through threshing
steam eni-Mie
-ea-ion. P. A.
To feel strong, have good appe
tite and digestion, sleep soundly and
enjoy life, use Burdock Blood Bit
ters the family system tonic. Price,
want ad
anything? Try a Journal
A lazy liver leads to chronic dys
pepsia and constipation,- -weaken ;
tho whole system. Doan's Itegulets
(30c per box) act mildly on the
liver and bowels. At all drug stores.
Wagon Load I
of money, you could not buy
h ttcr or more stylish men's
suits than wc are showing now
Here are the new
models in waist seam and
double breasted effects. Rcg
ulai sack models for men who
prefer the conservative.
HEIMER have taken care of
our needs, and your suit is here,
regardless to size, sharJe, mater
ial or style.
From good old 100 clolhcsul
to the newest creations up to
We will rcmcain open until 8:30
(not 9:00) Thursday P. M.
Closed all day the
'f 31 litis