l 1013. PAGE rou. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL THUESDAY. 3VU T3be plattsmoutb lournal PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Entered at FostofTice, Plattsmouth, Neb., as second-class mail matter R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Very few men are so absent minded that they go around paying their bills before they are due. :o: Congress refuses to save an hour of daylight and we all thought ihia was to be an economical Congress, too! :o: Gen. Leonard Wood, while en couraging ambitions for better things in life, also says keep your feet on the ground. :o: Some men appear to be living in hope I hat a way w ill be discovered before they die whereby they can take their money along with them. :o: It must keep the profiteers of this country awfully bii3- thinking up good reasons for raising prices, now that they can't blame it on the war. :o: After Jiiiih .". the skeptics who have doubted jut-t how much golf was played for the game's fake will have a. chance to prove their point or remain forever silent. . :o: When you hear any man saying that the peace terms imposed on Germany are too hard, ask him if he ever heard of the sinking of the Ltisitania or of mustard gas. :o: Some one has received a vision on this road and transportation matter at Elm wood, and are acting there on. What's the matter with Platts niouth on this matter of transporta tion. We are only an hour or two from a central market. :o: Chairman Henry 1. Davidson of the Ked Cross, just returned from Kurope, says: "I would not give a damn for all the peace treaties in the world if something was not done to relieve the incredible, the un believable distress that exists in the world today." :o: Dallying with the peace terms ami n neglect to sign them by the Germans is putting off the starting of the giant derigible 11-3 4 for America as she has concluded not to start on the journey until there is something definitely known what Germany will do. :o: Henry II. Knilimtt. the well known Hotonian. said at a patriotic meeting in Trcmont Temple: "The plain 'nuts arc not the most dang erous. The most dangerous ones are the people with plenty of time, plenty of money and nothing above the collar. They are the faddists." :o: The president of the Democratic clubs of Massachusetts and 2 demo cratic members of the legislature sent tho following message to Presi dent Wilson: "The citizens of the CnitPfl States want you home to help reducn tho high cost of living, which ivi consider far more important than the League of Nations." Let the people think! :o: Thrift means simply getting your money's worth aDd your time's worth. It means disposing of your 'tiTgy and your income with In telligent regard as to how you can get th most long-run satisfaction out of them. A young gentleman of our acquaintance bought an over coat. To go without frould have been wasteful. : :o: A South Bend mother, who bas a popular and charming daughter. i3 not without her fine points- The boys Insist on hanging around the place and. as all are zealous in their efforts to pleaso "mother." not a cent has been spent on the yard or about the place, which Is In splendid condition. Next week spring house cleaning begins and the boys will do the Job. We have noticed that very few women criticise the judgment of the man who pays them a compliment :o: Most fathers know a lot about life and its temptations. but he finds it hard to make his children believe he does. :o: If the Germans had used the Kible for something else besides a medium for spies, this War would never have been fought. ' :o: Mexico might do well to reinem her, too. that there are a lot of American oilicers just itching to learn how an American tank be haves in action. :o: The mayor of Contreras. Mexico. has issued a public order making it obligatory for male residents and visitors to wear pants. He specifies that the use of underwear will not be in compliance with the order. -:o: s ' Twenty-fire bakers in a congested district of New York were recently boycotted by women who demanded that the price of bread be reduced from 9 cents to 8 cents a loaf and rolls from 20 to 18 cents a dozen. :o: Chinese students in Tokio signed with their own blood a petition call ing upon Chinese students in Eur ope to return to China to protest against the peace conference deci sion granting Shantung to" Japan. :o: Congressman Julius Kahn of California, just returned from the battlefields of France, says: "I do not see why American soldiers should be kept in the occupied area to serve as collection agents for Europe." :o: Five hundred leading women of Tampa, Florida, hrve organized a protective league to operate a bu reau to stamp out vice, and give any young girl inforniaiton about the behavior of the young man of her choice. ARE WE READY FOR BUSINESS, mans ought not to be elfish and keep the Austrians and Turks and How can business help being Bulgarians waiting in line any good meaning by "business" an longer. They should sign and pass the activities by which men gain a the pen along to the next customer, livelihood? Business, first and last, Then everybody can go home and is the production and distribution of face tne music, for if it will do the goods. Never possibly barring the Germans any good to know it they height of the war period with its are hot the only ones who will have abnormal demands for specialties to do eome tall talking to the home was there in the bulk such an ob- folks when they get back. vious demand for goods. About half! :o of Europe is to be more or less re- IX IS NOW AN AIR- built, stocked up with materials, PLANE FACTORY furnished with machinery. You That gracious writer and efficient hear it nearly everywhere, from I philosopher, which made Alexander Havre to Vladivostok: "We need Selkirk sav "How swift is irtnnre rails, locomotives, cars, machines, cf the mind compared with the houses, wool, leather, cotton, steel, speed of its flight" did not know at . i food. I that time how rnnidlv business mav Good imsiness requires not oniy change. The J. T. Stewart Motor the demand for goods but means of company of Omaha, has turned to paying for them. There is no in- making airplanes. They promise to herent difficulty there. Europe, have one on their sales floors earlv once settled down to sanity and next week, and will make the ma- . . I reasonable security ana engagea in chines for sale. The Omaha Flying orderly production, would create company has already given orders means of payment as it went along. for two of the machines which will nationally at work its credit would be used for paSsenger traffic and for be good for all its needs. This exhibition flying. The slow trans- seethe and ferment of the great war poTt of iarge volumes of money. will subside. Finally Europe must which causes such a loss of interest come back to the fundamental prob- hn the year is actuating people to lem of getting a living, which means use the ajrpiane for the transporta- sane. orderly production. That is ton of nioney to save interest while .a . . ... .. A I me Key to us iuiure ana me soivrm in tarnsit. It is estimated and cor- of its difficulties. Finally. Europe rectly so too that there ls in inter. win neea our gooas. est on the nionev transported be- I " But there is huge demand for tween New York and Chicago .a loss goods in the United States also during the year of $850,000. while building deferred, road making. tne los8 netween New York and . m . . .1 A. - t J I rauroaa oeuermeius ana me Liverpool is $1,800,000.00. The red million individual needs. This motor company has secured the year's crops promise to put a vast services of J. B. Caldwell who was sum into the hands of farmers. one of Uncle Sam-a fIyers in France. Labor is well employed at record f for an instructor. v dgta. r manually iiic: v.uumi y i - a. tremendously strong. Somewhat UTTLE CONVINCING ARGUMENT j like Europe, but in less degree, we I There are things which work just have gratuitously made ourselves I as well and some times better than some difficulties. The faint-heart- other things. It had been planned MMWm 1 iSili l i w Coprrfhf Hit R. J. fctrnold Tebcoco C. PLAY the smokogame with a jimmy pipe if you're hankering for a hand out for what ail3 your smokeappetite! For, with Prince Albert, you've got a new listen on the pipe qujestion that cuts you loose from old stung tongue and dry throat wirries! Made by our exclusive patented process, Prince Albert is scotfrea from bite and parch and hand3 you about the biggest lot of smokefun that ever was scheduled in your direction 1 Prince Albert is a pippin of a pipe-pal; it beats the band! Gi t the slant that P. A. is simply everything any man ever longed for in tolecco! You never will be willing to figure up the sport you've slipped-oi i once you get that Prince Albert quality flavor and quality satisfaction into your smokesystem! You'll talk kind words every time you get pn the firing line! j Toppy reJ bag, tidy re J tint, handtome pound and hat f -pound tin A ami- ' dort and that clotty, practical pound cryttal glatt humidor with tpongm moitttner top that keept thm tobacc in tuch perfect eonditien. R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, C,' BETTER THAN NOTHING. .John McCormack can tell stone as well as sing, it seems. IIere is one of his after-dinner anecdotes: Two Irishmen were at work when the whir of an airplane was heard. peddlers were never busier than the holding of the monster down Qne of the men st0ppe(1 work an(1 i tmf vnn tl i lint ro-jll V nOff I f MIa " i v i ' 11 1 j v-' nvi n line ii 1 t:. them. ed and the numerous friends of dis-I to bring the giant dirigible the R-C4 order naturally emphasize them. 1 of England to America, and for that With smoked glasses the bluest sky purpose a special number of large looks threatening. Smoked-glass concrete blocks have been cast for I h 11 jn'tsnns intfrcstP'l in said matter t.y li'i ish iiiir ;i cupv .of tliis Order in the 1'Ia t tsiiidu t !i .lournnl. a sfini-weck I v now s ;m irr j v j n t - 1 in said county for thii-i sin if.ssi ie tvciks prior to said day of lit-arinr. Witness mv Land, ami seal of said Omit, this Olli day of June A. It. liiiy. A1.1.KX -T. r.Ki'.SoN. t'ountv .Indite. I : y K I A ! i 12 NC i; Will T 10. o'eaM j::-:!v. Clerk. When the last treaty Ka7.ed up at the machine. Then lie was ready for delivery to Germany. said. ..ord not loike to ,)C up lherp -:o:- BRING ON THE PEN! Claims for damans against Ger many have been filed in the State department at Washington, aggre gating $800,000,000, but it is said that we will ask no money indem nity from Germany, and that our tax-payers will have to foot the bill. :o: A Massachusetts soldier killed in France made his will on two sheets of Y. M. ('. A. paper two days before his death and mailed it to his moth er, writing "If I do not come back then you will get $5,000." The court disallowed the will because of a technicality. :o: "About the nuwt effective way to commit suicide Is to try to kindle the fire in the range with gasoline. A pistol may miss the mark, the doc tor may pump poison out of you. someone may rescue you irom drowning, or the rope may break, but it is seldom, if ever, that gaso line fails to finish the job." :o: - According to the Brookficld Ga zette, the only controversy now be tween veterans of the civil war who wore the blue and gray is as to which shall show the most comrade ly feeling toward the other. And aa an evidence that all the veter ans of the '60s were warm friends and admirers of the young American soldiers in the last war. the Gazette points to a recent memorial day order of Capt. Louis Beneke. com mander of the Grand Army Post at Brunswick, which directs that a special mound be erected on the G. A. Ft. block to represent the graves of all the boys, children and grand children of all civil war veterans now sleeping in France or other foreign lamia. instead of coming to America, the giant was sent for a trip over Ber lin, to see how the country looks. 2 ii seems lime enougn. i ne uer- i ana now the people farel. It was i mans ought to be made to under- the intention to have the dirigible stand eventually that the rather land, but the conditions were not elaborate establishment the Allies the best as there was a fog. and are maintaining at Paris is not for after circling around over the city. the purpose of exchanging notes the aircraft returned. The visit with Count Von Brockdorff-Rant- j was worth considerable to the zau. charming as that occupation stiff-necked people of the father- . . is. ine governments contrinuung land, the government was soon over to the support of that establishment turned, a new cabinet was created don't want to deprive themselves and the word comes through Den- permanently, of the talents that go mark that the treaty will be signed to mane U'up, Dut wouiu nwe io i and unless we are wrong in our direct them to tasks waiting at guess not only the signing will be home as soon as tho Germans feel done but in the main the terms will themselves ufliciently convinced to jue Jived up to allow tne corresponuence io oe i :o; wound up. AMERICA'S CHALLENGE. We take it that the conference I t i.i! , j .1 : n" wanted tr. be nnlit and to allow uepuuncans auu uemocraia U...c. in that tiling, now." Said the other also gazing: "Well, Oi'd not loike to be up there mesilf without it." From the Outlook. A church supper given for the children has the same effects upon grown people as does the circus. The older people always go along just to see that, the children do not eat too much." :o: The thrift campaign means just getting the most in long-run satis faction out of your time and monev. "Don t waste - is me v nine of it. We need to press that cam paign year in and year out. oiiii:k or m:.itii mid ! of IVohiilo nt Will In the County Court of Cass county. Nebraska. State of Neluaska, County oi i ass. ss: ' To all. persons interested in ine lie- find out what was in the treaty be- accept the principles of the Consti- fore accepting It. The Germans tution and endeavor to apply and ought to be willing to admit that in Improve them each in their own this respect they haven't anything wy- Neither republicans nor demo- like the grounds of complaint that crats wolu change the form of gov- the United States Senate seems toernmcnt under which we live. The havi. Thev were allowed to read i socialist party, on the other hand. the Berlin visitors a fair chance to sharply as to public policy, hut both Fstaie of John i-uwi., r.a. wkk. On readme the petition ot Mima CnfTman prayinjj tliat the instrument tiled in this court on the llttli day or" June. 1!1!. am! ' purport inT 1 ,f last will and testament of Hie sal-1 leeeiised. Jnav ! lH'OVrd and allowed. anil recorded as the' last will and tes tament of .Lohn Kilwin MarwicK, o ceased; that said instrument he ad mitted to prohate. Jlnd the administra tion i: said estate he uranted to A. Kohertson, as executor; It ls herehy ordered that you, all" all persons interested m said matter; may, and do, appear at ine irnin'.; Court t' oe held in ami lor said coun- lv, on the 1'Mh day of July -. I . i:i:i at 10 o'clock a. m., to show cause, H any there he. why the prayer of the COmplished for a hundred and fifty petitioner shoi.M not he jr. anted and tliat notice of the pendency of sdiil years, and to bring to an end the petition and that the hearing thereof l,e given io all persons inf-rostcd in greatest experiment in republican- said matter by puhiisiiinu: a copy of I l II IS orii'i in uic i i.ii iini"iii ii ism and the greatest achievement in I nai, semi-weekly newspaper printed I in .tiairl i-niuity. for tr ice successive SOCial and political organization that I weeks prior to said day of hearing. Witness my nami, ami seai ui seiei Court, this KMli day of June .. XJ. 1913. .i.ui;. -'. iji.i;u.n, v Coiirtv Judge. My KLOKKXCrc WIJITL0, (SMI) j.'o-oW. t Cierk. the treaty at least, and having done so. and having been permitted to scream at the top of their voices at everything in it that seemed to call for such screams as could be properly heard in Berlin, the time now has come to go through with the remaining formality. The Ger- INVESTMENTS Public Service Corporation Paying ft a ft U 7 Can be had in amoiftitl'4t ttAA .f f 1UU PAUL FITZGERALD, Investment Securities First National Bank Bid ff, . Omaha, Neb. ""- "" ' ' ,L-J openly declares its purpose to wreck the present form of government, to undo all the work that has been ac- the world has ever seen. Let there be no mistake about the definiteness of this issue. America's existence is challenged. A BIG SAVING Besides the All American one tonlss: I 1 o 4tni)i:i or m:itiNr. mid - f l'rntr ' Mill In the County Court of Cass coun ty. Nebraska. stat? ot .Nebraska, couniy ni ljm, truck factory agency the Traffic all Tiersons interested in the Instate of Michael Timmas, deceased : Inn Ic.handlnH hv WpA K .Tnhnsoill On reading- the petition oi i.osina .. . . I Timmas praving that the instrument of Johnson Bros., Nebr. City. Bothlnied in this court on the 20th day of are the world's lowest priced stand- f",1 ard one and two ton trucks, bavin.5 deceased, may ;e proved and allowed. and recorded as the last will and tes- the Continental Red Seal motor in lam.nt OL Michael Timmas. deceased: the Traffir and Hip Ttersrhell-SDill-1 tliat said instrument t-e aumiueu io iue. iramc ana tue nerscnen oyi" ,.,,,.... ond tliw administration of man iu the All American. The Ross I s:1id estate he granted tv ltosina Tira and Torbensen rear axle, guaranteed ma.f iH'herebMdercd that you. and for 2 vears and all narts standard! all persons interested in said matter. units such as are used in tv. on the 19th day of July A. r 13i:. at ill o'clock a. ni.. to.fliOT cause, if costing over $500.00 more. Ask for catalog of specifications. See big display ad in this isc"" Mint i; r.r iu:vni; I 'or tlet vriitliin I ion of 1 1 i r Ii 1 1 In the Countv Court of the t'ounty of C;,ss. X braska. I n re Kstates of Jaeob Cai'ler. Oney 1. Carper. Anderson Jeo Carper and Alfred t.etnmel Carper, each deeased. The Stale of Nebraska, to all persons interested in said estates, creditors and heirs' take notice that Mattie J. I'orter has tiled her petition alleging that Jacob Carper, a resident and in habitant of the County of Cass, Ne braska, departed this life intestate on or alout the 14th day of November, 1S7J, lejvin.g him surviving as his sole and only hei rs-a t -la w, his widow, Oney i. Carper, and the fol low iriK . named children, to-wit: Anderson Lee Carper, a son; Annie I.ouise Pitman, nee Car per, a daughter; Alfred Iemmel Car per, a son and Mattie J. I'orter. nee Carper, a daughter; that said Jacob Carper was the owner in fee of the following described real estate, situ ated in the County of Cass, Nebraska: The smith half (S',i of the southeast quarter iSIO'jl of Section 32, Town ship 10, Kange 1", east of the tith I. M. .in the Cocnty of Cass, Nebraska: that said land was the homestead of the said Jacob Carper at the time of his death and descended to Ills said children in equal shares, each an un divided one-fourth, subject to the dow er and homestead right of his said widow whieh terminated at her death on May 1."., l!l'.i; that administration proceedings were duly had in the es tate of said Jacob Carper, deceased, by petition filed in the County Court of the County of Cass. Nebraska, On the 22nd day of November, 172, un der which said proceedings notice to creditors was dule given and filial set tlement duly made, but that by rea son of failure of said court to make a finding as to heirship and assign ment of said estate, it Is necessary that heirship in said estate be estab lished: that thereafter on or about the tsth day of April, 10:!. the said Al fred l.emmei Carper, being the owner of an undivided one-fourth of said real estate, departed this life intes tate, leaving him surviving as his sol" and only heirs at law, his widow, l-a.ira Carpel', who departed thjs life on or about the 14th day of June. 191 -I, and two children. I.ee Carper, a son, who departed this life May If, JJP-. unmarried and without issue. and Lena Carper, a daughter of lawful age, residing at Fairfax, Missouri, and by reason thereof, the said Lena Carper is now the owner of an undivided one fourth of said above described real es tate; that thereafter on May 10, 1913, the said Anderson Lee Carper, being the owner of an undivided one-fourth of said above described real estate, departed this life intestate, leaving him surviving his widow. Ccrtrude Carper and three minor children, to wit: Lm ian Carper, age thirteen years: Hazel Carper, age eleven years and Deleene Carper, age four years; that hv reason thereof, the said Certrude Carper, widow is now the owner of an undivided one-twelfth of said real es rate and -each of said minor children, to-wit, Lillian Carper. Jlael Carper and Iielet tie Carper, are entitled to an undivided eleven thirty-sixths of said estate. And that bv reason of the foregoing facts the Said Annie Louise Pitman, nee Carper, and the said Mat tie J. Porter, nee Carper, are each the owners of an undivided erje-fourth of said real estate. T iat on May 12, 1 :V. Carner departed thisvh being a resident and the County of Cass, N possessed of personat pr.. in of approximately the v,-.7 Hundred Dollars (10Ui, property was exempt from I hi V I VI 4 id Cney . I testate, I'.' ant of ka, and itV theft-- .ie of Finn' ivliich said i he lew of attachment, execution or Jtlier mcsn.j process and not subject to t e payment of any debts of said dt that at the time of t lie Oney 1. Carper, she left 1 as her sole and only heir daughters, Annie Louise P.radshaw, Nebraska an Porter, of t'nion. Nebrn 4 following named grantlcl.: eian Carper, Hazel Car pert Carper, children ot a decej derson Lee Carper, anuiv daughter of a deceas I. emtio I carper; mat rt Louise Pitman and flJ . t and the said Lena 'M'tft entitled to an umliviiv-d U the estnte of Oney 7. i'af ed, and the said lAician & Carper and I icleene tar entitled to an undivided of said estate; that mc years have elapsed since each of said decedents f cept. the said Oney I. Cn estate was exempt from attachment, execution or process: that no applieat ministration of said est;it had in the State of Nel .iscd. and fH of t,;,id f surviving law, her 'man, of lattie J. and tho en: Lu lleleeiui son, A ti Ca r per. Alfred ' Annie Porter r. t-ai h OUlIll of di-eas- r. Hazel are eiu!! -twclt t h lian two Until of and ex- r, whose B levy of lier mestii) I'l for ad- v lias 1 ,, "Ka; tlint each of said decedents were resident s of the Countv of Cass, Nebraska. t the time of their death anil possessed of nionertv therein, and tilat said Pe titioner as the daughte;- ad fcisier oC sakl decedents is enuiieu.io an divilel one-fourth of all tl ertv, and praying for a d of the time of the death said persons, to-wit: Jaljlj Carpe Diifv L Carner. AtiUetson and Alfred Leinmel Carp ceaseil; a determination of the degree of kinship ami des -ent of the real properl A Hald prop. i erm i nation t each of '"e Carper . eai h de thtdr beirw 'e right of belonging to said decedents in ine j line !r Ne braska, and for such ot h-j orders s mav he necessary In t'fl' premises, which saiil petition has ItJ'H set for hearing on the 2.!rd day ill July. l'Ji't, at J a. m., at ine t ouiii.v m, uuge s of- net; j ii iue erni l imji.- ' ass COUIliy, .M'uraMia. Dated at 1'la 1 1 sinoii t is JOt Ii ilav of June A. 'J ALLKN J. J this Coin Hy FLUltl-JNCK (Seal I j 2 :!-:!-. , !at tsillolil h, Nebraska, 1319. :i;sjn, V Judue VH1TK. Clerk. Mi'llt K TO i ni:iil osT The State of Nebraska, 'jjtrass coun ty, ss: i In the County Court. ,1 In the matter of the esVjte of Her. man Kupke. Iieceased. ( To the Creditors of s.-i id Estate : Vou are heriby notified. That I will sit at the County Court ro'.ljd in Plutt. mouth in said county, on . e 15th day of July, 191!i. arid on thej j,3th day of txtober, 191!, at 10 ot doc f a. m. each day. to receive and (,-xamii; j- all claim against saoi estate, wnn,a view f their adjustment and allcrva time limited for the presentation of claims against said esta'y'w in four mo.iths from the 10th 1; r of June A. I. 1fl0. and the tim payment of debts ls one year from nam I'JUl oay or June, i:j Witness my hand and said County Court, this June, 1319. I lie sea r 'th day of ALLKN J. t 5-:ksov (Seal) jl4-4w Cot Ickty Judgi. limited for 9. -4 f&3 n rl n . Fistula-Pay WheKCured A m!M ntfn n' frwaf mPfll f h n f rare! Pilr rla..il. A. mild KtRttm ni trmtmeiit that cures Pile .rFiamla other RecUlDiaeasM in a short time, withor I severe ur fiical operation. No Chloroform. Ether or jt'ther (eneral aaasthetie nril. A aire auaranteedin erer )liu.rr.n,i for treatment, and no money to be paid until cured. Write for book on Recta I Diseas with names and testimonials of more than 1000 prominent people who have been permanently c I Jed. 4 DR. E. R. TARRY 240 Dee Building OMAHA, H VBRASKA any there be. why the prayer of the petitioner should not ne srranieu ana that the hearing thereof be given to np.e.MArfMJ fi. 11 AMI THF IlFriTlXT R 1-1 1 cnninivH rlnntnl nffiCPS in OtTUn). - c Jnnrtr- J. I1C Idl fetal elliu in.01 tijuiK'"'-' "v.. ... in charce of aU work. Lady attendant. MODERATE .'CES. Porcelain filings just like tooth. Instruments carefully 9 rilized after using. If aTHIRD FLOOR, PAATOJI BLCt , OMAHA