THURSDAY. JUNE 19. ir19. PLATTSMOUTII SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE SEVEN. VISITING CLRGY ENTERTAINED ON TUESDAY T3 1'hrilling Flying Exhibition AT NEHAWKA, NEB. Friday, Jimme 27th TWO MACHINES! TWO AVIATORS! Both a iators have seen service in the World's War and when fh ing icre w ill go thiough all the difficult war maneuvers such as nose dives, tail spins, loop-1 he loop, etc. One of the most thrilling exhibitions ever given in this part of the state. A limited numler of passengers will be carried. DON'T MISS IT! HECTOK CF ST. LUKE'S CilUECH KEEE. ISFCRfnAl JSKKUHL RECREATION The Nehawka Chautauqua Commences MONDAY, JUNE 23rd-Lasts Five Days! Two Goad Programs Daily. Everybody Invited to Attend! fcj Atieidrcl l Clciieus of Omaha. Ill rj c!nd::: Ttv Adjaocr.t Towns ; i of Which This is One 1 V lay' I 'ally. i large number of the Guild members (present to enjoy the hospitality of tin- Ikney home. During the afternoon Mrs. J. T. Eegley favored the gathering with a number of very beautiful vocal se St. Mary's Guild Ladies Entertained ! jt t ions and short talks were mad- FAREWELL GIVEN FOR MRS, GEORGE THOMAS! at Home of Krs. H. N. Dovey Saturday Afternoon I Krrn M"nl;iy"ji Iai1y. The S'. Mar.Vs Guild of the St. I. tike's church held a very p'ta.-ant mooting at the home of Mrs. U Iey Saturday afternoon, the oc- (asioti being given as a farewell in honor of Mrs. George Thoii::' . whose faniilv will remove to .'o- 1 raska City tomorrow to make their I work in that capacity There was ouitc future hoiiie CASTOR I A tor Lnfans and Children f n Uso or Over 30 Years Always bears -'J the by Father Leete and Mrs. J. A. Ionelan. expressing their deepest regrets in the loss of this most es timable member of the ioj:, to which Mrs. Thomas responded with, the same feeling with refer- to the severance of her Ions; connection with the St. Mary's Guild. She has been the treasurer of the Guild for many years and only lhse v. ho know the scope of her can appre- i . i ... ii . r l . . . . j 'Cjaie ihiu will i ill" inaii-" tn inv j lice have been looked after and tl- excellent manner n which I tie n nanc.ial condition of the Guild ha.; been guarded. She has made a good and faithful cdliccr. Numerous frames were playe 1 during the afternoon and the pur chasing power of the little navy was sunly demonstrated in ;liie game introduced by Miss Ear I bara Gering. in whiih eery iitil' bean was ahied at ?1.0 in h- pur i chase of the prize ottered in thi. ! contest, w hich was captured by I.Miss Alice Eaton. In the gum niould- ing contest, whic hwas in charge 01 Mrs. K. V. Clement. Mrs. T. E. liute-. captured the prize. In this conic-! all manner of little animals and flowers v. ere moulded from the tiny piece of cur... Mrs. George Thomas, the gue-"T if honor, was pro-cu'ed a gift in token of the remembrance or St. Mary's Gi'.ilJ. A di'.iciou lunch "as serv ed during the afternoon. The fieri ens of mah:i. which in- eludes f-ome of the towns a'.'jacel.t. (v.ns (. ute: tai::ed ""ird.i.v by thj church. The l':d!ov ins. cleray were present : The Very Kev. .T. A. Tancock. fi' . ii of Trinity 'a: ! dial. O.-naha. tiie Hev. Canon T. .1. Collar, rector of the Church of tlf Good Shepherd. Omaha, the Hev. 'url M. Word. n. ecridary of the .ii"ee:-e. the Hev. '.':ni:n A. K. Marsh, rector of St. .'l:.r 's church. I' ti;e Hi v. C. M. Hlakeslee. rector Si. Haruahus church. Omaha, tlie Kev. Jf,!in Al bert Williams. vi"' .r of Sr. Philip. AEE I.IOVTN'G TO ITEERASKA CITY TIIVIELY 0 n Farminghnplements In listed corn cultivators we have the J. I. Case Plow Co., John Deere Plow Co., and Rock Island Plow Co. In walking cultivators we have the New Depar ture and Jenny Lind; Riding cultivators, the Badger, New Century and Overland. In haying tools the Keystone, International and Emerson loaders; Keystone and International side de livery hay rakes; Deering and McCormick mowers, binders and hay rakes. Also just unloaded a car load of Peering Standard Twine that I will sell for 24c Per Pound CASH, UP TO JUNE 15TH Prom 'I'liisilay';: I'nily. This morning two truck 1-iaii- of household roods belonging to George V. Thomas were taken to Nebraska City by Fred in his big truck-. Mr. Thomas who has been emploed in Nebra.-V.a City for tome tiiiM'. with the packing plain, i.- now moving to that place to make his homo. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas in leaving this city are leaving a large number of very close friends who will miss this excellent family, as they hac made thir home lure tor a number of years, and have been interested and associated v. i;h t lit Uiingi which lias been the makiur of this the progressive town which it is. In their going t'tiis city is losing some excellent citizens, but what is our loss in this instance, will be the gain of our sister city down the river. We are wishing Ihem prosperity in their to-w hi. me which we are certain they v. ill have. 1.000 lbs. Swifts Premium Hams at Soenriichsen's. Special prices while they last. USED CARS I have one Monroe Roadster for $450.00; one 4-pas-cnrr Hupmobilc, model 32. good serviceable car, $220.00; one 1917 5-passenger Rco, good paint, '$700. JOHN F. ORDER, -:- -:- NEBRASKA PLATTSMOUTH a : diii Can't look v. ell, eat weii. or fel well with impure blood. Keep the blood pure with Purdock l'.'ood tt rs. Kat simply, take ixercise. keep clean, ami pood health i pretty sure to follow. $1.25 a bottle. Mrs. 1.. K. Pickett and children who have been visiting in II.tmb.irg. Iowa, for over Sunday, a guest at the home of her parents Sanm -1 Smith and wife returned home this afternoon, having had an excellent time. Don't use harsh physics. The reaction weakens the bowels, bads to' chronic constipation. Get l'nan's Kegulets. They operate easily. ::(c at all stores. 1.000 lbs. Swifts rrenium Hams at Soerniichscn's. Special prices while they last. J:'ie Dean's church. Omaha and the j v. Oliver Cleveland. Vicar of St. i John's church. Omaha. Dean Tancock ami Canon Collar em" down in the Dean's car. arriv :ig at seven thirty and the balance f the members arrived on the i tram at seven loriy-two. Immediately after arrival, the "lely Kucharist v. a ; celebrated in St. Luke's with Pat her Leete as ; elcbrant. Preakfast and lunch were served 'y Madam atid Mrs. Leete, assisted 'y Mrs. J. S. Livingston. at the rectory. The day was informally :h nt on the porch of the rectory, !'(! we are inforipe 1 was enjoyed by the visiting priests very much. The Olericus meets monthly at St. I'.arnabas church.. Omaha, with the exception of an informal day of recreation once a year in one of the rural parishes. I I 1 1 ; i 1 ; i i; :;'" Garr.brel Roof Barn Finished with While Pine Drop Siding B'ce Farm Boildins an in vestment or an Expense? "HE character cf a farmer's buildings depends largely on whether he looks at building as an expense or an investment. It comes down to this. Do good farm buildings earn more money than they cost? HAS A NEW SIGN. i "rem 'i .Inesi!;i v s Daily. As we sit at our dek and look across the street we are accosted with a new sign, wlo-re but a ihort time since there was sign ISarher Shoji Now we see. "CI. as. P. Mart in, Attorney at Law. Peal Estate. Insurance. Notary Public." That this man lias while attending to th.- honing of razors, cutting hair una shaving, improved the .--pare time, and been admitted to the bar as an attorney. 'u to his credit, a- cue who is endeavoring to improve his condition, is worthy of con gratulation. We a. re pleased to see his industry, and we are certain that in this new venture as in the pursuit of his former vocation he will succeed. We are pleased to ne him progress, and hope lie will meet with abundant success. JLEE RECEIVIKU A CAE LOAD OF STOVES "Tom "Veilneil:iv"s Daily. The enterprising firm of Dost or A: Swatek are placing I lie room on liwer Main street, in condition for the unloading of a car load of itoves, which they have on the road at 'his t::r.e. V.iey have ju T h:d . sign placed in the windows of their store room, which acts as an advertisement as well as telling where thev s-tore their s-toves. It Can Be Done!- UAiiFiY TEIS AFTEHNOOiN. 13 Yes you can actunll bs made comfortable for these hot summer days if you get the right "Q." Palm Beach Clothing is designed to give comfort and style. The fabric is rich in appearance durable in service and is the only material that is cool enough for the next three months wear We Can Show you a coat and pants of genuine palm beach cloth that will fit you whether you are regular, stout or slim in build. Comfort! MM.I.i; 1HflKIC of I'atm llrai-b. MM. I K TROI KK uC t'lanarl. M.M.I "F. THOI SKIIS of 1. MN4.1.K TKOI M.HS of lnk. Comfort! Waih Ties 35c -3 for SI. 00 C. E. Wescott's Sons New line of soft col lars quarter sizes. 'EVERYBODY'S STORE' 1 i 4 It' I'r erri Wcilncsilii f Daily. This afternoon ,ju; t as v. e g3 to press we learn of the wedding of two of Platt.Mnouth young people. Mr. Clan nee Favors and Miss May C'ltner. Tl e groom is a young man employed in tie Purlington shops and having a host of friends, while the bride i& the accomplished daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. John 11. Cotner of this city. ktoAv to a large circle of admiring friends. They have very quietly furnished a home in which thy will immediately begin heu-ekceping. The ceremony wan performed at the heme of Kev. and Mrs. Levi W. Scott this afternoon. The Journal joins with their many friends in wishing them a happy and prosperous journey thru lift. If carefully designed, well-built buildings make more money than they cost, every farmer will see the wisdom of having good buildings. Here are a few facts for your consideration. A rood horj-houss vill pay for itself out of the feed it saves in one winter, anci will then go right on paying dividends by making pcosible t'.vo litters of piS each year, and bigger liiters and healthier pigs. A good implement shed will double t h e life of machinery, and save in the upkeep and repairs. A good poultry house makes chickens profitable on the average farm. - - A good birr, increases milk and beef production so that the additional profits pay for it in a few years. If cattle are fed in the open, the saving in feed will pay for a cattle shed in one winter. These are not theories. They are facts based on the experience of every-day farmers. They answer conclusively that good farm buildings are an investment. We are prepared to furnish you with practical working plans, specifica tions, and bills of material for any type of farm building, free upon request, together with our estimate of the cost. And we have a nice assortment of White Pine, the best and most economical wood for use on the outside of any farm building. I' takes 1.-..IMM) feet of V.imh.r to build the average dwelling. Suppose the price of Iutu'ikt idvantes $1.00 a thousand. Suppose it advances $3.00. Or i-uppnsr it advances $i.00. The :iis! means an iii"re;oed construction cost of only $15.00; the i-econd, $45.00; the third, ?7;..0U. iioiie st jy, now, would that top anyone from building who really wanted to build? 1 IKKJ C edar Creek Lumber Company, CEDAR CREEK, NEBRASKA f f V idbral Special!! Xi. tlii is if it a news dispatch from Paris ann- 'uncinp; that Mx-Kaiser Kill was shot :.t Mtnii-e. Inn the information given here slnaiM arouse kindred feelings for the man who wants a screened porch for practically nothing. W'c had a mechanic make up lor us nine porch screens out of Clear Selected White Pine i J i inch stuff, oak tlowcl pins, screened with genuine PEARL Wire Cloth, and one priming coat of white lead and oil, with huok and eyes, and fasteners complete. These screei.s are it l second hand hut have been stored in our shed and it is a case of where e prefer the room to their co:ipany. Like some people, you know! We will not split or di vide t he assortment the lt must go together. The PRICK we blihsh to mention it. $25.00. Think of it. Less than the cost of the wire cloth alone. The sizes are tifveii in inch measurements lor vour convenience. LOST AUTO TIHE. One 31x4 inch casing, with ir.nn ! tube, blown up and within a casing, j I -mi between Cedar Creek and Wil-j lie Kreager's place. Call Herman j Otterstein. phone 2003. i Fancy box paper at tliis oSlce. I : I . 4t 1 I'OKCH SCIIKKN 4V x 97 1 POUCH SCKEKX 4S:;4 X J9 1 VOUCH SCRHEN 9 x 100 1 POUCH SCRKKN 40 X 100 1 TOUCH SC RKK.X 39 x 100 1 I'OKCH S' 'It KK 3:P'2 X 97 PO.HCH SCIIKEN 32"4 x 96 1 POKCH S( KEEN x 79 V 1 pouch scuee:; cou x. 17 60 mpoov t CEDAR CREEK, NEBRASKA 1 t V t y y y y y x y y y y y t y x y t a.