PAGE SIX. PLATTSM 0 TJTH SEMI-WTrKL? J0TTEI7AX THURSDAY. JVTL 19. 1919. a a a a a aaa a i . a mm if I."' a k v ' a a Iv:' -'. Jc -! a a' a 5&l . a i ' I 2a 5- : . . V a - ' r " ; .- ,ij a ... - ' - r . a a - a Famous Tra '.a ? a k Marks ThalM : a a aaa aaa 'a a a !a Va .,t. , a loo Ear . v frr W art Us - a a aaa COB 11 nii. rviwo Ji RCErSTErR CORSETS IH 0 8 ft TRADE MARK a HTHE Royal Worcester Corset Company - of Worcester, Massachusetts, owns the above TRADE MARKS which are granted by the United States Government' and registered in Washington; and they have the exclusive right to use them on corsets of these makes and in adver tising and publicity. These TRADE MARKS are your guarantee that the corsets are genuine and made in America's most sanitary corset factory, and that they have been carefully LAUN DERED and electrically ironed. These Corsets Sold Exclusively in Cass County a. FRED P. BUSCH, Manager THE 1 "V V 1 1 111. 1 a a I you Know wnere ana under wnat conditions un- branded" corsets are made and why they are sold under "funny" names? Simply because the dealer can make more profit. ; "If you do not put a trade mark on a thing it is be cause you are rather ASHAMED of the goods you are selling." We have never had occasion to feel pther than proud to put our TRADE MARK on every corset we make. Always insist upon the above genuine TRADE MARKED corsets. by Plnttsmouth, Nebraska This patented new corset clasp cannot PINCH, BREAK, TWIST, The cleanest and finest corset factory in the world employing highly skilled, well-paid operatives. Sunshine and pure air flood every nook and corner. '-ft c- !3i5. m All above named corsets have this practical corset clasp. : Va T. a a a : iv: a a. Va a a. a n a a a. a v r. a 1 a v a TV a a a a a a r, a a. '. a a aaa a '-!- a - " a a a a '.'a a a. aaa a: r. a a. a a Va SQUEAK, TEAR underwear, and always STAYS absojutely FLAT. ROYAL WORCESTER CORSET COMPANY, Manufacturers, Worcester, Massachusetts Why not have the best when it costs no more? v& :n iv: rz ir: :?s a a a Va a it aaa a a aaa V"a r. a a. ,.a a Va T-" a a. V" a LOCAL NEWS From "Wednesday's Daily. Attorney Armstrong of Peru was a business visitor in this city today having some matters in the district court to look after. Mrs. John Theirolf and children who hare been visiting here for some time past 'were passengers to their home at Cedar Creek last even ing. Paul "Winscott departed yesterday afternoon for South Bend, where he will engage in work with the Lin coln Telephone and Telegraph com pany in their .line work. Lee J. Mayfield and wife of Louisville were visiting in this city for the afternoon, coming to see about some business matters at the Journal office, and were also visit ing with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Uoedeker of Xehawka, the 'former the cashier of the bank at that place were in this city last evening for a short time, visiting with friends and also look- aJTSTRrMEXTAU-TIES OF TIIE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT" FARH LOAN BONDS ISSUED UNDER THE FEDERAL FARM LOAN ACT Dated November 1, 1918 DUE November 11938 Redeemable at par and accrued interest on any inter est date after five years from date of issue. Coupon bonds fully registerable and interchangeable. Denomi nation. $1,000. Interest psyable semi-annually, May 1st and November 1st. Principal and interest payable at the bank of issue in exchange Approved by the Fed eral Farm Loan Board of the United States government. Exempt from All Federal, State, Municipal and Local Taxation! This exemption includes the Federal Income Tax and income from the bonds need not be included in returns PRICE ON APPLICATION Bank cf Cass County PlalUmoulb ' - V ' Nebraska ing after some business. Mrs. Thillip Heil and Misses Zella and Laura Englekemeier from near Cedar Creek were visiting in Omaha for the day, driving into this city, via auto and taking the train here for the metropolis. Rev. Father Iliggins of the Cath olic church at Manley was a visitor in riattsmouth last evening, com ing to visit with his friend Rev. Father M. A. Shine, and departed on the early train this morning for Omaha. John Spangler from near Louis ville was a visitor in this city this morning, having some business mat ters at the office of the county clerk to look after, and driving ov er In his car. He was accompanied by Mrs. Spangler. Frank D. Hill of near old Rock Bluffs, was a visitor intPlattsmouth thi9 morning, having tsome work done, and doing some shopping, and said that the crops were growing very rapidly at this time, and that the farmers were all busy. J. C. Blanchard and brother G. L. Blanchard, formerly living near Eagle, but the former having lived near Los Angeles, and the latter near Enid," Oklahoma, were in this city for a short time today looking after some legal matters at the court house. making ready to move to the west, where they expect to make their home in the future. Wallace Hunter and Bryan Sny der have just made th trip from here to Imperial and found good roads considering the amount of rain which has prevailed during the past few weeks. The farther west they go, the better the roads were and the less rain there had been, still the crops were looking fine. Wm. Brinkman who was employ ed In Nebraska City for some time, Is again making his home at Platts mouth, having reiurncd yesterday nnd accepted an offer of employ ment with the Missouri Pacific rail way as a worker on this section of that road. Mr. and Mrs. Don II. Siever . have been visiting in the eastei i portion of the state for the past two weeks returned here yesterday, and will visit for a ehort liiae before From Tuesday's Daily. Glen Perijy, of near Murray, was a visitor in the city this morning, Iriving up in his car to look after some business matters. John Kaffenberger, Jr., of near Cedar Creek was a visitor in Omaha this morning, where he is looking after some business matters. Robert McCleary, of near Weep ing Water was a visitor in Platts- ruouth for a short time this morn ing, driving over, to look after some business. Earl Babbitt, who has been at tending the Epworth League con vention at Elmwood, where he was a guest of friends as well, returned home last night. A. D. Zaarfrom South Bend was a visitor in this city this morning where he is looking after some busi ness matters for a short time at the office of the county attorney. Burdette Briggs was a passenger to Cullom this morning where ho is working on a car belonging to C. E. Hitt, which went wrong at that place yesterday and had to be left there until fixed. In our rounds about town we dis covered Harley Cecil occupying a position in the C. E. Wescott Son's clothing store as a salesman. Harley is a bright yr.uns man, a graduate of High school and a lad whom we ex pect to see make good. He is pickr ing up the knacks of properly hand ling and displaying clothing to the prospective customer quite rapidly. H. J. Miller, .county commissioner from the Third district, was a visi tor in this city yesterday afternoon, coming to look after some matters of business, which, when he had con cluded, he returned home last evening. Louis Cole of Weeping Water was a visitor in this city for the day, having come over this morning to look after some business matters, and also is visiting at the home of his son Roy Cole and wife, while here. Mrs. C. H. Acton and little son. of near Louisville, who have been visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Statin, for the past week, returned home this af ternoon, stopping off here between trains. Walter Sans east of Murray is having his house done over on the outside, with a couple coats of paint, which is adding greatly to its appearance as well as caring for it against decay. Frank R. Gobel raan and his force of workmen are doing the work. C. L. Pitman departed this morn ing for Omaha, where he goes to meet and visit with his brother. Ward Titman, who was mustered out of the service in April, and whose home is in Omaha. C. L. Pit man has now visited all his relatives with the exception of his brother. since he returned from the service a couple of weeks ago. home of his daughter Mrs. W. D. Clock and family. George Wall of LaPlatte was in the city for a short time between trains and was looking after some shopping. Workmen are busy remodeling the building which was used for awhile by the M. E. Smith manu facturing company. L. R. Snipes the agricultural agent came over from Weeping Water, and is looking after seme matters for a short time. Miss Dora Meisinger was a visit or in Plattsmouth this morning, coming from her homo near Manley to look after come business mut ters. Phillip Meisinger was a visitor in this city for a few hours this morn ing, coming to look after some busi ness from his home near Cedar Creek. P. A. Horn was a visitor in the city this morning from his home near Cedar Creek and made a visit at this office, extending his sub scription. 1,000 lbs. Swifts Premium Hams at Soennichsen's. Special prices while they last. 13 a a a H ?3 Do irJot Sell or Trade Your u Li Lilsrfly liilsl y t y y y , y -i u If necessary to dispose of thembring H them to this Bank and we will pay you the highest New York market price. m a a if -3 ; a si Also let us explain to you how you may y n W i i n From lfon0ay Ddf.y. W. I Cook departed thi after noon for.Malrao, where he will be the class of 1919 of the riattsmouth the guest for. a . few days nt the ' Syaa;;- ti receive par for your Bonds. The Bank of Cass Plattsmouth, Nebraska County, a a i