The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 16, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    PAGE FOUi.
MONDAY. JUNE 18. 1919.
Tbe plattsrnoutb journal
Entered at rofttofTlce. I'lattsmouth. Neb.. a second-class mail matte
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Every day puts us just that much
nearer to July 1st.
Who can blame little 1 -illy f .t ii t
telline his dear teacher where
shingles were first used?
The. American dollar is tt ill
worth 100 cents in gold, if that in
any comfort to you who dou't ct
gold at all and wear it only slight
ly. :o:
Any returned soldier who feel"
lonesome about not being ordered
around any more should use the
month of June for what it is fam
ous. :p:
A June dispatch says: "Denver
enjoyed freezing weather and
snow-." Penver appears to be or ?
of our most easily amused cities,
ranking along with Toledo.
There are times when one wond
ers why Uncle Sam is not made to
pay a war tax on his own govern
ment, which frequently assumes the
proportions of a very costly luxury.
A Nebraska City man whose wife
worked exclusively for the K-l
Cross during the war says darned
socks feel like such a luxury now
that he id surprised there is no fed
eral tax on them.
George Creel is going to launch
Into the promotion of memory de
veloping system. t5eorg is not sel
fish. .If he wished to benefit him
self, he would try to teach the- pub
lic to forget a number of things.
The more the farmer learns about
the town man's affection for the
daylight saving law, the more stren
uously he opposes it. Perhaps if he
finds out that its repeal will mean
more ftlec-p for the town man, lie
will consider the law- more favor
ably. to:
"Leaders of the Chines studi-nts
In drawing up a protect againvt the
Shantung decision. signed their
names with their own blood." Th
plan may be a little antiquated, but
it is better aTter all than the P.ol
sbevik process of using somebody
else's blood for the purpose."
The sight of Chicago University
girls lolling about in the park
smoking cigarettes is not one to in
spire the commendation of the old
fashioned majority, who believe the
clearette woman's place is in the
home, or at least in the back seat
of a motor car with the top up.
"Twelve Democrats Injured in
Collapse of a Grandstand in Pennsyl
vania." shrieks a headline. Im
oossible It must hav been In
Eome other state! Buffalo News.
Improbable, indeed, but not wo im-
nossible. ' Twelve democrats in
Pennsylvania would be an enormous
crowd one that would crush any
Perhaps this particular man may
be pardoned if he declines to serve
as best man at any more of his
relatives weddings. "When my sis
ter was married," he tells us "the
bridegroom asked me the day be
fore the wedding to be in the pro
cession. I had to quit work in the
afternoon to rehearse with them.
There was no time to buy the fall
suit I had Intended to get later, ih
I had to rush In and get a hand-me-
down; and after all the rehearsing
nothing "went right that night at
the wedding. During the charivari
my brother-in-law told me' to go
out and fix It up with the crowd
which cost me nearly $10, and to
this day he etlll owes me that
money. For the sake of friendship
I have never said anything to him
about it."
If you want to live in the kind of a
tow n
Like the kind of a town you like.
You needn't slip your clothes in a
And start on a long, long hike.
You'll only find what you left be
hind For there's nothing that's really
It's a knock at yourself when you
knock your town.
It isn't your town It's YOU!
Heal towns are not made by men
Lest somebody else gets ahead!
When everyone works' and nobody
You can raise a town from t he dead.
And if, while- you make your per
sonal stake
Your neighbor can make one tio.
Your town will be what you want
to see.
It isn't your town it's YOU!
iritannia may rule the waves.
but American aviators have ruled
the waves out of the game.
Father Van Ijucntin says he
shouldn't wonder if a good nianv
Americans would try to beat the
N"U-4's speed record to Kurope
shortly after July 1.
However, it appears that women
can vote in the democratic primar
ies in Tcxin. and after the pritnar-
les, the general elections don t
amount to anything anyhow.
If it is a dog 'you do not wi-tit. y-'i
can't lore li im, but if it's one vou
wouldn't take a hundred dollars for,
if h; turns the corner ahead of you.
you can never find him.
The sudden appearance of a hortc
ami buggy on a boulevard now
t brews the motor driver into much
the same sort of a panic a., the early
motor cars did the horse drivers.
:o: -
What is more natural than that
in the gradual reaction toward
normal prices, tires and motor cars
should be first, nobody knows how
many miles ahead of meat, woolens,
rents and other necessities?
You might as well spare your
self the pain and consequences of
drinking home made liquor produc
ed from a kitchen still. The anti
saloon league says it is not going
to pay any attention to kitchen
stills anyhow.
The German national assembly
proposes to set up a court to inquire
into who started the war. Per
haps the court will find a helpful
hint in the declaration ju.-t made
by General Von Bernhardt that the
only fault attaching to the ex
kaiser is that he didn't start the
war soon enough.
My dear friend, it is -only about
three weeks till we will be fadfe to
face with the glorious Fourth of
July. And while taking a glimpse
of the future, just remember that it
will be only about eight weeks
thereafter until you will be build
ing a fire in your furnace for the
winter. Gee, how swiftly the sum
mer has passed.
B. P. 0. E.
J A dry Fourth or July in store
i this year, unle.s Congress gels bm-.y.
The letters "II. P. O. K." :'
stand for a good many things. The
Elks themselves like the interpreta
tion "Host People pn Karth." And
every once in a while they try to
prove it. Their latest stunt is one
of their best.
Undo-Sam is offering vocational
education to disabled men in his
army. It's a line thing. So are
most of the other countries.
Put there is a class of lighters
who do not come under any of
these classes. They need and de
serve assistance.
There arc a lot of Americans w ho
enlisted with the Ouuadians. th
French, the Knglish and Italian
.. i . .i
armies. When they were woimueu
and disabled their first thought was
to get back to God's country. They
fought our battles first.
Uncle Sam has not yet authority
for educating cripples though that
is coining. Legally these returned
soldiers are civilians. The KIks
have stepped to the front and vol
unteered the money necessary to J
provide vocational training for
these men along side the boys who
'ought for Liberty in our own army.
And so. the Journal is mighty
glad to give credit where ccedit is
due to the 1L P. O. F.
i The man who never fought his
'own battles, never enjoyed his vic
Lots of wheat will bo raised this
year. That. ?2.2 guarantee is get
ting in its work.
-:o: ' .-
In passing over tiff city we have
discovered that the goat is now on
the lawn instead of on the bock
beer sign.
Now and then a booze car ruii3
the gauntlet and gets through on its
way to the metropolis, but there is
a marked lessening of the number
who are willing to take a chance at
braving the dangers of going thru
riattsmouth. Many of the big car-
goes are going up the other side of
the river and Into Omaha over the
Tlllnoia Central of Douglas street
Bolshevism's economic .and po
litical failure cannot be too strong
ly emphasized. Had Lenine suc
ceeded in establishing his system
upon a firm basis it would take
more than a handful of Finns and
'sthonians to endanger Petrograd
ind no army could be sent across
Siberia that would seriously threat
n Moscow. The combined efforts of
those actively engaged in fighting
Md.-hevist troops would be negatived
f Lenine had succeeded in erecting
government capable of function
ing in Ktissia in such a way as to
... . m .
win the commence oi ine masses- 01
the Russians. And he might have
et up such a governniMiit if he
ould have made his social theories
Lenine has been absolute dictator
f most of Kussia for a year and a
half. lie has had evwry opportunity
for trying out his rxpivinicnt. He
has tried it and failed. That is the
most important thing to consider.
Had he succeeded tho terrorism and
the outrages might -have counted
loss heavily against him. Ctrtainly
it would have taken large armies
a long time to .dislodge him. even
if the European governments had
decided upon a real campaign
against the bol-heviki.
Oomo to think about it we have
hardly noticed the changed time.
There are other kinds of smoke
less powder that are fatal to mankind.
The boy who has to pay a little
more for a ball, a bat or an ice
cream soda also knows what it was
that Mr. Sherman said about war.
. :o:
The state Masonic home is a big
ger institution for I'lattsmouth
than some people think. And Supt.
Scott is a good man fo be in charge.
Whcn a fellow comes around
with mouth filled with sweet words
of flattery, remember how mother
used to give you, when a child, a
spoonful of jam with a bitter pill
concealed in it.
"I reckon you had a right lively
time in Omaha?" insinuated an ac
quaintance. "Tollable, ' replied
Gabe Gosncll of Grudge, "but noth
ing like what I probably would
have had if I wasn't .considerable
lively on my feet. You see, up
there, if you meet a respectable"
looking man after 4 o'clock in the
afternoon, anywhere the least bit
off to one side, he's a hold-up and
robs you. And If you meet that one
that don't look respectable he's a
plain clothes policeman, and pounds
you because he thinks you're a hold
up. So I was practically on the
keen Jump all the time I was there,
dodging one or the other."
Thank fortune Herbert Hoover is
still in Europe and this year we can
return tr the old. fashioned reunion
with "dinner on the ground."
It remains c, :e seen if we learn
ed enough from the war o make
every foreigner show a clean slate
before he is allowed to land tn our
When the frost is on the pumpkin
And the fodder's in the stack.
We don't know -we're just suppo.-in'
That's when Woodrow will get back.
Medicine Lodge Republican.
A whole lot of men could raise
themselves in the estimation of
their wives if they would. ay to
them, "let's get along without as
many warm meals as we can during
the sununer months."
A cartoon is being printed in
Kansas showing that if the Kan-as
wheat crop were sacked and piled
up oil a bar-o six liiliniled feet
square, it would bury the Eiffel
Tower. It also puts the tower nut
of further consideration as a price
What digerenco docs it make to
the Germans whether they are told
now how much they mut pay or re
ceive the information after the
treaty is signed? It ought to be
.-u iVicient for them to know that it
will bo more than they are likely
to have any time soon.
li s'
of(itt:it oi' n i:it i ;
nnal Hie- f lrlne tf Will
III -ii!ilv I'.ii.'lt of ;is.s iKUll-
l. N-l.r:i-kii.
State of Nel.raka, County of C'.is.:.
T Ann. i y.itku. l.i'li:in .liiske. ller-itii.-
S'-.ll;ik aii'l Miirv Jclin.k. .iimI t'
'-i!i in t en-st fit in tt.e estate of
laiix-s .lilinik. It('i'i':ii(l:
in ri'.'ot ing ttio iK-litioii of Marie
lilink t'TMvitig that tlir i ris t r'l men t
ii'! in lliis coirt on tin- Uitli lay or
Mav, IMl'.t aii'l pn rporl i n. to .i- th
last will ;t',.1 t.staiuelit of the aM
li i i-as. it. m.i le iiii il ;inl alluweil.
.ukI ri'i'iii'li .1 as tlie la-'t will atnl t--l.iiiii
iil of s.iiil James JeliiM-k, ihiias-
l: Itat sanl in-1 1 nnniit l.e ;olmitteil
lo ifff'Mkie, an-l Hie a. I m in ist I a I in of
ail .-.-tale l.e . ra i:tl ! Kiiwiin!
l"'nal. as ailm init ra On- with the will
It i.-s Iierehy orileleit that yon ami
ill " ismis i ntiest.'l in sai.l niall'-r.
mav, ii ml h. api-;ir at the 'iintv
foint t he liel.I in ami f'r sai.l
eoimty, u the L'lth ilay of June -. I .
tri'.t. at r i ill.- im l.ii k a. in., to show
raiise. if ativ there he. why the iuaei
of the pel it hour shonhl not he giant-
1. ami that notiee of tin- mlen y of
aiil petition ami that the hearing
thi rent' he nien to all persons inter-e.--le.l
iii mimI matter l.y pultlishimr a
.y of this ni'ler in tju- I Ma I tsmotlt h
Jouriial. a legal yemi-wei kl v m-vs-paper
prinli'il in sai.l eomitv. for three
v m i-ss i e Weeks pi ior toaid lay of
Witness inv haml ami seal of sai.!
eourt, this ytli lav of -May .. 1.
Cnlllilv .lll.lge.
t- n.) win ri:.
Seal) jj-:;v. Clerk.
no i m i: 'l it ntKiM'toiis
Tl Stale of Nehiaska, I'.iss coun
ty, ss:
In the fi.nnty Court.
In I'... matter of Hi..- estate of Her
man KupV.e. ie teaseil.
To the I're.lititrx of sahl Instate:
Vou are herehy notltie.l. That I will
- it af tin; t'.iimty t'.mrt room in I'lalts
niouih in sai.l eoiinty. on the ilay
of-.lulv. t:i!i, ami on t lie IMh tay of
Metiiher. !ili). at 1" o'elm k a. m. each
la. to re.jve ami examint- hII elaitn.
against sahl estate, with a view In
their :ol insi in. nt ami si I Iowa tie-. The
titue limili.l (or the presentation of
liiims ayainsl sahl estate is four
months tr.iui the 10th ilav of June,
A. I. t'lln, hii.1 the time for
payment nf ileht.4 is one vuar from
.-.ii.1 H'lh .lay of Juno, 1 :!!.
Witness n,v liHX't ami tlio of
sat! Ci.'oitv "foliiT, 'this loth ia" f
June, 1 0 1 1.
Seyl) County Judge.
Public Service Corporation
s . - " . v . sir r
-,r , ss C W
V-Tdr -ar
-2-Ur.--!c ' "
aO. Silver Grc
Paint your house
for beauty and wear. .
Paint renews the pleasure of possession
you fee! in your home, beraute it make
Tonr home more beautiful. Paint alto
rer.evrs t.e life of the wood and metal,
Kecau .e it guards them from the chemi
ciJ action of the weather.
Certain-teed house paint resists
disintegration longer and holds
its beauty of surface because of
the quality of finely ground lead
and zinc used with pure linseed
oil. Skilled proportioning makes
the body just right to give great
est protection and spreading
power. You will find that your
painter is glad to use Certain-teed
and makes a better job because
of its quality y due to scientific,
up-to-date manufacture.
And you will take pleasure in its
extra satisfaction and durable
beauty whatever the surface
you wish to paint.
Certain-tccd Products Corporation Offices and Warehouses in Principal Cities.
I -J- ;1' t ". - --V' - -. - .;
ti'&A : 1 ' '
i r -
m - i . . - - i . -
-1 W : .': .' 4 'i:r-
If yo-.i linve your palatini .'one, a-k the pa:nter ta tt:e
Ccri,un-t,tJ-e will gft it f r y.u. If ymi i!o the puint-ii-e
yourst !f , on rnn luy CtrUmi-ireJ in any si.e ran, ar.d
in all poj.-lr sliade:;. C.rt.iin-I., J Pair.ts aiv.l Vran.i.-.he
are in:.i!e for every exterior i:.tcr;or surface . IC.k U is
socially pri-parci! to jjivc ti'.e lf..t ::iul most last'.r results
for its use. Ask for Ctrtain-UeJ wherever paiiiti arc solJ.
WiiyiK' Swartz w;is niiioitir tin
Lincoln vi-itois Stitulay.
Master Jay Ke;ir is rei-overin
nicely from hi serious uccideiit
May .'J. ' '
Gcoro Hull .-liipped ;i car load
nf cattlv to tlie S;.t;th dmalKt nmr
luts tlie firt of tlie week.
Tlie- Friday clu' meets with Mrs.
Win. Timhlin I'liiLty, June A
pioneer h;y program will lie car
ried out.
On May 21 i In Junior-Senior l;:n
HHt -was Iield in the Ilih School
!nildin: with all the teachers as
quests. The decorations .were in
Persian blue and K"Id the tuni;r
clwfs colors which were also carried
out In the menu.
Miss Klla Vincent was toast mi;-tre-s
ami th'os ropiMidin. er.'
Mi-.s I.aura Vickers, Miss farrie
Peterson. Mis Marie Appltnan.
Mi-s"Maldc Dayton and Klnur Ko.-e-tiow.
On the i:venin;; of Ma
m . r.
Can be had in atnoutit of
Investment Securities
Hut National Bank BId'g,
Omaha, Ntb.
haccalaureato sermon was p
hv Kov. ('. i:. 1'i'iineM o:
church. . The suhjn! ' h ;
l,clns "MoftinK Io l:;i;i'r';i,'''f 4t
On the cvinin- t' .';
senior class play cniith d "M s-
..... nlvi'll III thO ll'.Cl
School auditorium to an appro-'!-five
audietirc. th. -v w "'h
amounted to ?IL'I.pi. Tho m :
presented .O.Oo tj rtio --oh-.-i p:.v.-
fund aiid toik ;uianl.!-;J el !io-iV
Day to -auto to Lincoln v!:io t Uo
purchased the he.niiiiul l-'11'"'
"Aurora" which thc i't ontod t
the school.
Tho comme-iiciinent oxetci e- Jo. -place
on May 'J!Mh when th- v !..s
of: 1310 ionsii-til' of l'io-to.t.
Jordan. O. LMmer Kosenow, II. I.u
cilo McKinnon and Laura tL u K
ers 'flushed the- hilt school cuur:o
very creditably. TJie former ru..l
ing highest. Prof. F- l-'" tM
tha Nebraska state university -fiav.
the class addresson May 2'!. A
program was presented by the school
a part of the proceeds of which was
invested in a picture for each room.
Notwithstanding the closing of
our schools for the third time dur
ing the past school year on account
of the influenza, the pupils have
averaged splendidly in their grades
which they accomplished by much
extra study and attending school
on Saturdays part of the time. The
untiring efforts? of their teachers
were very encouraging to the pupils
who for a time feared they could not
possibly make their grades, after
losing so much time. The schools
closed -May 31, with a picnic din
ner in S. C. r.oyles' grove, the
school board furnishing the ice
Parly with car or horse and
buggy to work in west end of coun
ty. Work congenial with good pay
and no trouble to make $10.00 per
day. If interested, address It. T. W.
Mynard, Nebr. 16-2wksw
"Happy School Days" a beautiful
graduation present for the class of
1919. You will find a beautiful line
at the Journal office.
Let our carrier boy deliver the
Daily Journal to yourdoor. 15 centf
per week for all the news.
Journal Want-Adi Fay I
ii im ii m i
if li
i . i mm
n My-m Jit
iwn untv twtt? Tinmww
-ta yrottdf $nir family
5 y rt
. . . . . .ar-f lire ca kit f I V 11 IM ITV "V t r r. , m
r. w -rr trill CIl TH BT nilTY TS TO fOMP tU e-r r.-
TIU- WAY TO rULML inni uu i i 10 ij umu in, STARTvA
Farmers State Bank