The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 12, 1919, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    THURSDAY. JTTE 12. 1919
Safety First y
in Buying
Maybe you don't know much
about how cloth wears, but here is a bit of information
that will help you in buying clothes safely.
are made of such good materials that the makers place
a written guarantee of satisfactory wear and service in
the pocket of every suit or overcoat. We have some
unusual values priced as low as $20.
You'll believe this if you come
in and look!
Philip chiaicij
Carhartt Overalls $2.50
Hanson Gloves $1.25-$3.00
In Class Prophecy Read by Miss Jes
sie Moore at Banquet Other
Views a Decade Hence.
- i
!i si
OOK for this seal.
It is the label that
. i
went over the
top" in the Made-to-Measure
Uniforms of
more than 75,000 Amer
ican Army Officers.
It is the label that for
30 years has meant high
est quality and greatest
value in men's tailored
It is found only in
And these good
clothes are sold in this
community in our store
We can conscientious
ly recommend them as
the garments that will
distinguish themselves
in your service just as
they have distinguished
themselves in the service
of their country.
Let us take your order
now for ycur new Sum
mer outfit.
E. Barwick Who Was Taken To
Hospital Monday Evening
Passes Away.
Frr-m Wetlnrsd ny Pallv
Ai announced in the columns of
the Journal 'of yestedray, the ser
ious illness r.f J. K. Barwick, there
was no hope for recovery anl he
grew worse until the coming of last
evening at a littV after eight
o'clock. The funeral will oec,ur to
morrow at 2:20 c'rUck at St. Luke's
fhu.I., K-V. V."i!bur L'-cte. olficiat-
. ing..
j John Edwin IJarwick w&s hi.rn ii.
j Leeds. England. September 12th.
! ISfiO. and came to this country over
forty years aso and has lived in this
city for over thirty years. Ho was
for a number of years one of the
i clerical force in the supply depart-
! merit of the Burlington shops, and
i until a paralysis of his lower limbs.
' when lie could no longer work, and
' since then he had made his home
with his wife's folks W. J. White
j for a number of years, tdnce he ha?
' made his home at the Masonic
home, at which place he was when
taken to the hospital at Omaha a
few dav since.
Authorized Representative of
Case County.
From Xlonlav"s I.nllv.
The eighth grade of the city
schools had planned to have had a
picnic at St. Mary's lake near La-
Platte today and was to have taken
; the train this morning on the Bur-
Imgton at 7:1C. At that hour the
rain was falling pretty heavily, but
notwithstanding a number of the
Ftholars were at the station, and
departed for LalMatte and scon aft
er the .skies cleared seemingly in
recognition of the undaunted spirit
or the young ladies who de"rted
early for a day of pleasure. The
Boy Scouts were in evidence to
quite a number but had disbanded
on account of the unfavorable
weather, which prevailed at the
time of the departure of the train.
The boys and girls were both pro
vided with plenty of eats which
they expected to share, and the
lunch hour, and walk home in the
tuv nuuuiiD B &..
Ia41aal Aafc jrm "r"F?" ,TV
C M-claa-ter Ilaa.aaf Brn-Ly
Ivow-i. xvrd with Blua Rlbboo. V
?. Ak.ClrtJJ.-T.I
-can kaova as Best. Saicst. Alwayi RelUI
From Monday's Dally.
Word comes of the marriage of
Miss Lulu Welch formerly of this
city to Mr. Charles Allen a civil
engineer at Denver, to which place
Mr. Welch and family removed some
time since. The many friends of
Miss Lulu Welch will extend con
gratulations and best wishes for a
happy and prosperous Journey thru
life. In their good wishes
Journal Joins.
"All work and no play makes Jacti
a dull boy," was never more truth
fully spoken than of school life. The
demand for a certain amount of fri
volity and amusement is apparent
among scholars to a marked extent
be they kindergarden pupils or
post-graduates and it is not lacking
among pupils of our own schools.
As the time of commencement
drew near the members of the grad
uation class naturally fell to specu
lating as to what the future might
hold in. store for them. As a result
i class prophecy by Jessie Moore was
on the program of the J unior-henior
banquet, in which the life ambition
of numerou of the graduates was
gratified. In addition, a storyette.
the Unique Birthday Party." by
four pupil.--, looks Into the tuture
with more frivolous predictions re
garding the graduates but in all
probability as accurately forecast as
hose of that other and more staid
We give them both below and af
ter you have gotten a laugn ironi
the forecasted development. we'll
have it to you solely to determine
which you think may be most realK-
kullv fulfilled.
Was it the balmy air of the June
morning or was it the date. June 6.
that diturbed the thoughts of the
isually busy proprietor and made
lim restless? Ralph Holmes, owner
f the large plant for the manufac
Lure XjI motion picture films, could
not settle down to his day s work.
After a vain effort to work, he said.
I'll do it." His stenographer look
ed up in surprise. He continued.
'It is five years ago tonight that I
graduated from old P. H. S. I am
;oing to have a reunion of all the
:Iass who are near. Hilt (for it
was none otner than mil .Martin?
;o and call up the studio of Miss
"ay Crook and ns;k her if a few of
he members of the class of '19 may
neet in her studio this evening. I
mow she is busy, but she will take
ime for this, I am sure." Hilt soon
-etnrned saying that Kay gladly con
ented. Then Ralph at once sent out
he invitation as a radio message.
'mowing that all those in Chicago
r its environs knew the code and
vould receive the message.
That evening Una Crook Joined
ier sister and helped receive and
A'clcom the "old grads" for she
'aught in a school of elocution in
'be next block.
The first to arrive were Harley
'ecil and Charles Tulene, proprietors
jf a large aeroplane factory and
with them came Robert Kroehler.
though the Symphony orchestra of
.'hicago had to part with Its leader
for one evening. Niet Cook came from
"hicago university, where she was
tndying and said that Bessie En
Telkemier, who was attending the
.ame school, was too busy writing
i thesis to even think of coming.
Esther Godwin, secretary of the Y.
V. C. A., was also present though
he did boast," it is true that under
her leadership, 'Chicago university
had built up the largest Y. W. mem
bership of any college in the United
States. Helen Egenberger, wife of
a millionaire of the city, was pres
ent, as was Helen Roberts, who was
just returning from a trip abroad.
Mariel Streight, with her pilot. Mar
garet Parkening, had planned a
flight to Madison, Wisconsin, thr.t
day. In fact they were well on
their way when they picked up the
message Ralph had sent and imme
diately turned toward Chicago.- They
made a landing on the roor of the
studio building and came into the
reception rooms appearing as un
ruffled as though they had Just
stepped out of a 'taxi.
There was no ice to be broken;
no formality to be done away with.
How these members of that class did
enjoy talking over those days of
yore. An interested listener would
have gleaned from the confusion it.
mingled conversation these facts:
Merle Rainey was rear admiral of
the Atlantic fleet, now absent on a
the cruise around the world; Goldye and
( Gladys Kaffenberger were T. W. C.
A. secretaries, one in Minneapolis
and the other in St. Paul, Minn.
Lucille Bryan was the wife of a
prominent electrician, who had
charge of the power plant at Niagara
Falls. Elizabeth Ptak had realized
her nigh school ambition and was a
trained nurse. Roscoe Hill held the
world's record for . transatlantic
flights and was now at San Fran
cisco planning a flight across tha
Ethel Babbitt was a missionary
in Germany and Karl "Babbitt waa
instructor in mathematics in Har
vard university. Velina Elliott was
the wife of a young minister located
at Plattsmouth and Frances Seybert
was the mistress of a home in the
same town.
Jessie Bookwalter was a teacher
in the state normal school at Chad
ron, Nebraska. Mildred Schlater was
a noted chemist now doing research
work at Columbia university; Ke.
mit Wiled was successor to Mary
Pickford; Glenn Fitchhorn had made
the Orpheum circuit and was help
ing the audiences to forget their
troubles by his clever portrayal of
rural characters.
Jeanette Weber and Helen John
son were stenographers holding re
sponsible positions in Omaha. Lil
lian Spangler was costume designer
for a large firm in the same city.
William Sprecher was at the head
of a private school of oratory and
Harold Smith of a school of vocal
culture, both located at Lincoln.
Nebraska. Clara Rainey and Hazel
Sullivan were specializing in domes
tic science at Washington .univer
sity. Hazel was expecting to put
her knowledge to practical use as
soon as the Atlantic fleet returned
from its world cruise.
Karl Thomas was in charge of a
lumber company's interests in Can
ada. Some one asked. "Is he mar
ried." The answer was. "Xo." For
three years he tried to decide which
he liked best, who was his ideal.
Betty or Helen, and unable to de
cide he gave it up as too hard a
problem. Since then he seems to
have lost all interest in womankind.
The hour was now late and the
company agreed that they must
have a song by Robert Kroehler and
Helen Roberts. They were to be
allowed to choose their own song.
They sang "School Days." or "When
We Were a Couple of Kids." Alter
giving a H. S. .yell that made people
wonder if an Indian pow-wow were
being held, the members of 1919 re
luctantly went to their homes.
ways than one. William was pres
ident of the Jewish Junk Dealers
Union and sure looked sporty with
diamond studs and everything. Mr.
and Mrs. June Marshall arrived on
the ten-forty from Chicago, where
June played drums in the brass
band. Frances accompanied by a
dancing act. Goldye and Gladys
Kaffenberger arrived from Platts
mouth, where they were ardent
Christian Endeavor workers. Velma
Elliott was traveling on a carnival
circuit, where she was giving lec
tures on the subject. "Eat and Grow
Thin." but was able to manage to
Mtend. Mildred was next to arrive.
She had Just returned from her po
sition as instructor in the feeble
minded institute at Pinkville, die
having had a more alluring offer
made her by the Anti-Cootie associa
tion as president. Earl, of course,
was present and had many thrilling
incidents to relate concerning his
experience as a detective. He just,
then had a black eye given him by
Julius, the jailbreaker, who was the
first convict ever able to escape
Karl's ingenuity. Margaret Parken
ing, Ethel Babbitt and Heltn John
son were formed into a company en
titled, "Tipsy Trippers with Tawny
Tresses of Tarrytown Tavern." Evi
dtntly tawny signified red; anyway
it was tawny.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kroehler,
nee Helen Roberts, arrived from
Long Beach and also Mr. Harold
Smith; Mrs. Smith visiting her pat
ents, while Hap attended the party.
Mr. Kroehler and Mr. Smith were
still in the orchestra and had just
completed a trip around the world.
Kennit Wiles was a second Mary
Pickford and was admired by all
movie fans, as well as several other-,
not mentioning any names. Mariel
Streight was chief living model at
Madame Fitzem's shop at Cullom.
She had as yet been unable to cab
bage onto a hiaeband. Jeanette wa
next to arrive from Crosswig. where
she was cashier in the Cafe de li
Milo in that place. Una Crook ;-r-rived
from Washington, where s!r
was in the house of representatives.
She had the honor of being the fir.-:
woman representative from Nebras
ka and second in the nation.
Next to arrive was the Mutt &
Je;r f'o.. impersonated by Bub Mar
tin as Jeff. Glenn Fitchhorn as Mutt.
Lillian Spangler as Mrs. Mutt and
Charley Tulene as Cicero. Betty
Ptak arrived next from La Platte,
where she had been exhibiting her
talent as fancy diver and swimmer
at the beach at the Platte river.
Ralph had become world renowned
as a poet anil also as a prose writer.
His latest work was "Legend of
It was ou the date of Friday, IV-j
cember 3. 1930. and the class of
1919 was assembled at the home of.Slcepv Waterworks." He alo writes
Miss Woodburn's grandfather at! many of the popular stories now
Jerkwater. Nebr.. it being the occa- j running in the Bingville Bugle. He
sion of her seventy-seventh birth-j .arrived on the 2:5S.
day. Of course she could not have" Helen Egenberger arrived from
the whole high school and as 1919 all over the world where she had
was her favorite class she kindly j been making speeches on "Why the
condescended to invite us. It was hand that rooks the cradle should
in the nature of a week-end house rule the world." Honey Cecil was
party lasting from Thursday till
Saturday. The guests all arrived on
Thursday and were met at the sta
tion with a large limousitre.
The first to arrive were William
Snreeher and Roscoe Hill. Roscoe
had a ranch In South Dakota aud.
world renowned as an Antartic ex
plorer. He had discovered many
islands, the largest of which was
called Iloneybunch in his honor.
Fae Crook had become a wonderful
iirtist. her latest picture being call
ed "Fishie, Fishie in the Brook."
tady, Nerr York, here Nita kept
house for Fae while 3he studied art.
Lucile arrived from Lover's Valley,
Wyoming. She was also keeping
house, but we won't mention for
whom. Bessie Englekemier was at
the head of the normal training de
partment at Peru. She arrived on
the six-twenty. -Esther Godwin had
been on a debating tour, she having
cnaiiengea uaron de urgler to a
series of ctump debates. So far there
are three points for the affirmative
and two for the negative. We ;M-e
Lotting on Esther. Karl Thomas ar
iived from Boot burg. He had the
big head so bad be was unable to
v. tar his hat. But there 'were reas
ons for this. He had just won the
first prize at the state fair as cham
pion chimney sweep of the U. S.
Good luck to you. Karl.
Mr. aim .Mrs. Merle Rainey were
last to arrive, turning at midnight
from Lonesomehurst. They were
iiiab!e to arrive any sooner becau'0
the maid had just left and they had
no one with whom to leave the child
ret.. Clara Rainey was teaching in
Michigan anil war. unable to attend.
She sent her deepest sympathy. Jes
sie Bookwalter was unable to attend
on account of the recent death of
hor mother's uncle's son-in-law.
After the arrival of all the guests
we were ushered to our final rent
ing place for the night, where we
i.ll rested in peace on both sides un
til morning.
The next day the c la presented
Miss Woodburn with a huge hand
c:u veil rolling pin. We are not men
tioning for what purpose it was to
be used. Miss Woodburn exhibited
her thankfulness by chewing her
tongue. You know actions speak
.ouder than words.
As we hud an orchestra in the
lathering we thought it would be
r.iecto have a little dance, but Mis;;
Woodburn quickly put the damper
n ihis and we soon foj:nd ourselves
quietly playing casino. The typ:y
trippers favored with :ome of
the:;' typsy t rii, ;i v :. which was en -!ryid
by r!!. I'..iy :'..- exhibited
-,.nie of nor f ;:- swimming an 1
diving in "h bathtub. This was en
joyed by all excf t Earl. It evident
.'y shocked his modesty ami be sa:d
these women, were too much f:r
'aim. '
The entertainment for the evening
was very unique indeed. It was in
the nature of a pie eating contest
in which all the members of the
class participated. One by one the
contestants dropped out. until only
Velma and Roscoe remained. It now
became intense, terrible, terrific.
heartbreaking. Which could eat thei
most pie? They ate' for two hours
m succession wnen tima conapsea
after having eaten twenty-seven and
three-fourths pies. Roscoe continu
ed and ate forty-one pies. taking
three hours and forty minutes in
which to do it. He was awarded
the prize of a gilt edge toothpick.
The next day we all returned to
our homes wishing Miss Woodburn
another happy birthday.
has caused considerable inconven
.ience, as her father, Aug. Rako.v
who works in the Burlington shops
and her brother are compelled to
stay down town until the quaran
tine shall have been lifted.
"Wanted: Girl for general house
work, in small family. Must do
plain cooking; good wages. Write
Mrs. T. M.- Patterson. Plattsmouth,
One :;ix4 inch casing, with inner
tube, blown up and within a casing.
Last between Cedar Creek and Wil
lie Kreager's place. Call Herman
Otterstein, phone 2003.
Flag at the Jonrual Office.
III I man i aiaa
Guaranteed Mileage
Fabrics 6000 miles
Silvertown Cord... 8000 "
at the new low
Goodrich Prices!
We keep a complete stock of
Goodrich Fabric
and Silvertown Cord
had been very successful in
more' She and Nita arrived from Schenec-I
Mrs. Burl Biggs who is under
quarantine at the home of her
mother in the southwestern portion
of the citv with the scarlet fever,
is getting along nicely, and will,
soon be out again. Her sicknes.T-
Ve are giving away 1000 home
for advertising purposes.
Come in and Gel 0ns!
T.H, Pollock Garage
Telephone No. J
The Best Way to Judge Value is by Comparison
and so we urge you to compare
r 1 1 S2.50
Wirihmor Waists at $1.50
- When we secured the exclusive representa- And then-
. ; , , r f Welworth and Wirthmor. We would like to have you compare them with those that are
Uvil AJ.V.a C-v-'--' .
irk of prestage - shared
more expensive.
The latter comparison, we believe, will do more than anything
to' convince you of their desirability.
You may always depend upon Welworth and Wirthmor to be
representative of Dame Fashion's newest themes, for new de
cinrr.c are rrpatpA farh week and in I 2 dav from kA iC l
i w . jfe" v - J" . llllic I 1 1 f-
. .1 irHnrp some i 1 .1 I I 1 1 i . -
with the "weekly shipment uicy nt. designs are accepted tne Diouses nave oeen made, packed and
shipped then unpacked ready tor sale.
Every state in the union has its quota of Welworth and Wirth
mor representatives just one store in each of the larger cities is
looked upon as the "h ome of these widely known blouses.
fu .Lof if was a mai
equally by the manufacturers and ourselves.
-This week's new models -both Welworth and
WU now on display and as usual
Willi 1.11C W -j
entirely new style thoughts.
-Of course you will want to be among the first
t y see them
Call Phone 53 or 54.
PIatt3nloutht, Neb.
a. . M .aa. - - -