The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 09, 1919, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    MONDAY. JUNE 9, 1919.
TAGE rrvE.
Returned Soldiers Carry Out a Pro
gram That Wins Applause From
Great Crowd of Admirers.
Ies Moines, la.. June 6. Wound
ed hcroe of European battle field.
! cTre of them with only one leg. or
one arm and a few without any legs
Friday played base ball, ran races
ami took part in other events of a
track and Held meet at Fort Ies
Moines, the first athletic carnival
ever held exclusively for wounded
When a downpour of rain broke
tip the baK0 ball came between the
oiio-lopired men and the one-armed
men. the spectators were well
t at ir-fied. that while the wounded
soldiers nir.y he handicapped, they
decidedly are not downhearted. In
fact, one man, who left a leg in the
Argon no forest, seemed to regret
that a little more of hi leg hadn't
on amputated. "If that mump
lad been a little shorter. I'd have
v. en that last race." he said after
ini.-hinc second in one event. "It
;--it in the way."
Some Ease Ball.
The ft at lire of the day was the
Ki-e hall panic, which the one-arm
ed men won. 2 to 1, in three innings,
rain stopping the contest. The one-
lecsred nu n cot off to an early lead
by some reckless base running in
th- first jiniimr. the opposition ap
parently expecting them to hue; the
la es. The first man up knocked
out a clean sinsle and then stole
:-end and third and enme home
v.' "'i' the one-armed pitcher made
a v ild throw.
The one-armed men td the score
in the next inn inc. however, when
the men with amputations found
f;i: fielding difficult, and won in
the third mi a score of siife hits.
One-Legged Star.
The individual star of the day
was I. It. McGiboney, Springfield.
M.. who lof a let; In the 9 1st di
vision's offensive in the "5rgoime.
He won the 30-yard hop for one
lceed men. finished second in the
manual of arms drill, which also
was for one-legged men, and with
Td Hasie. Danville. 111.. was
second in the two-legced race for
two men. each man having one am
pul at ion. He hopped the 30 yards
in ' seconds.
I... Mead, rittsburp, Kan., won
the manual of arm? drill, which re
quired more than thirty minutes, so
ctf.cient in rifle work were the men
Mho had had amputations.
A potato race for one-legged men.
a ins of war for shell shock pat
ients, a ."! yard dash for. one-armed
men. a. case hall came, a wheel
chair race for nun with r.o legs and
a hao ball throwinp contest for
men who had lost their natural
throwing arms, were other events.
A greased pole climb, shot put
and w ret line match between one
Jeced men had to be called off be
cause of the rain.
Two NfiMwka Young People Are
Joined In Matrimony By the
Rev. Wilbur S. Lcetc.
I-"rri S.'t 1 ur'b v's I'altt.
A licnM' was issued at the office
of the county jndce today, prtnit
in Walter J. Wonderlirh. a return
ed overseas soldi'T and Miss Gladys
S'e.'.t. of Nehawka to marry.
The weri'iine is to be performed by
the Kev. W. S. L'-etc. after which
ti happy coup!" will depart for
Omaha. f( r a short time before they
rrturn to thfr home at Nehawka.
The two young people are of
the frst families of the villas'; of
Nehawka. where they both have a
host of admiring friend. Walter
WonderHch is the ?nn of Mr. and
Mr-. John Wonderlich, of Nehawka.
and a brother of Mrs. C. A. Rosen
crpns of this city, and has Just re
turned from serving in the army
ovorreas. Walter was in the battle
zon for many months and saw
ronie of the severest fighting of the
war and now returns to peaceful
scenes, and to a happy wedding with
one of the most accomplished young
ladie? c;f this county. Miss Gladys
West, is the daughter of I). C.
Vest of Nehawka and a very win
some young lady. The Journal
joins with the host of friends in
Tvishine them a happy Journey
through life with an abundance of
prosperity and many life long
From Saturday's Dally.
Say, you "who do not care to do
anything about assisting in keeping
the band going, will you please step
up and put up $62.38 for an instru
ment, put in Beven hours practicing
a night with the boys and 11 hours
at home, and let the other people
get by without paying anything and
jee how you will like it. That is
about the way pome people do get
out, and still they complain about
what kind of music is had and also
want to dictate the place where the
concerts are to be held. The thing
is to come across or shut up.
Postmaster General Says That Order
Issued Thursday Was Misconstru
ed; No Action Contemplated.
Washington, June 6. Postmaster
General Burleson Thursday sent to
Chairman Cummins a letter declar
ing that his order had been miscon
strued; that he had not turned back
the wires to private ownership and
that no such action was con
Mr. Burleton's letter follows:
"An order issued by me Wednes-
dav relatives to the operation of
the telegraph and telephone systems
has been construed by some as act
ual return of the properties to the
owners. No such action has been
taken by me nor is any contemplat
"This order simply dissolves the
operating board appointed by m
under date of December 1H. 191S
and directs that the systems again
be operated by the regular operat
ing officials under government sup
ervision. Responsibility of the gov
ernment to these systems in no
wise ceases. It being evident that
these properties are to be returned
in the verv near future. it was
necessary for the postmaster gener
al to take steps immediately to set
up the regular operating organiza
tion of the companies, so that when
the properties are turned back it
can be done without confusion or
interruption to the service which
was the purpose of the order.
Steps to Prepare Data.
' "This order In no wise affects the
legislation pending before your
committee or before congress. It
will enable the companies to begin
steps immediately to prepare the
data and collect their information
to be submitted to the state com
missions for the rate cases, which
will probably le taken up imme
diately after the period of govern
ment rcontrol ends."
Unanimous decision to press leg
islation for repeal of the wire con
trol resolution despite Postmaster
General Burleson's order was reach
ed bv the senate interstate com
merce committee. Chairman Cum
min1; announced that the bill would
be called up in the senate next
After a further hearing. how-
. . . . j i
ever, tnc committee ameriucu
the bill so as to continue existinc
telephone toll rates in effect for 00
davs after the wires are turned back
instead of CO days as originally pro
There are very few people who
are objecting at this time to being
called hayseeds, as hay is selling at
from fortv to forty-five dollars per
ton. Some times there is a distinction
and then again a difference.
Plattsmouth People Have Found
That This is Necessary.
A cold, a strain.. Fudden wrench,
A little cause may hurt the kid
Spells of backache often follow.
Or some irregularity of the urines
A splendid remedy for such at
A medicine that has satisfied
Is Ioan's Kidney Pills, a special
kidney remedy.
Many Plattsmouth people rely on
Here is Plattsmouth proof.
Mrs. S. L. Cotner. Fourth & Mar
ble Sts.. says: "I don't hesitate to
recommend anything I know is
rood and I know Doan's Kidney
Pills hare merit. I have taken
them on several occasions for back
ache and kidney trouble and they
have always done me good. Doan's
have been used in our family off and
on for a long time and the results
have always been satisfactory
Trice 60c. at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy
get Doan's Kidney Pills the same J
that Mrs. Cotner had. Foster-Mil- .
burn Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y.
Will Soon Remove to Nebraska City
with Parents Pleasant Time
Had Luncheon Served
From Friday's Daily.
Thu imo ntiful lw.,.11. ,,f Mr filwl
i ,
Mrs. John Schirk was the scene la;t
evening of a merry gathering of
young people schoolmates of Iter-j
nard Schirk and his friend, George'
Thomas, in whose honor Master Le-1 ( f f(mr ypars tjnie now
nard was giving a reception, as t he fnm ob
Thomas family is soon to remove frpnrtv tQ he yerv ,)innacIe of PUC.
Nebraska City, to live, Air. l nom
as having located there some; time
ago. but the family continued to re
side here until the close ' the
school year.
That the young folks had a go d
time goes without saying. Mr. and I
Mrs. Schirk are somewhat of children!
themselves whenever the occasion!
so to be arises, as it did last night.
G :;.m cp. tongs, music, etc. were but v
few or the nnimements indulged in. ,,f (ho country the story of its suc
and the affair was appropriately rt,ss Would be hard to believe,
topped off with a delightful supp-r. j x'p in January first. the total
The speeding hours passed unnot -: ,aos nf Tanlac amounted to ap
iced and before all had gotten away J proximately twelve million bottler,
it was proverbially lat "two" late, j The demand however is increasing.
The young folks all wished George! for during the frst ten weeks of
a most delightful time in his new this year over one million bottles
home at Nebraska City and express
ed delight at the hospitality i f their
young host. Those present were 1hv
Misses Kstelle and Florence Tritsch.
Viola Archer. Cleone Meisinger. Al-
eta Stenner. Fern Neill. KHeen .Mc
Carthy. Mary Margaret Walling and
Emma Wohlfarth and Masters Georye
Thomas. Jack McCarthy. Heroin
Fitt, Donald Dickson. John Kgen
berger, Lloyd Meisinger, Harold
reters, Karl Yurl and IScrnard
The Women Workers Of St. Luke's
Church Hold Interesting
From Friday's Paily.
The Woman's Auxiliary nf the
St. Luke's church met on Thursday
of this week at the home of Miss
Dora Fricke, where they had an ex
cellent time and a large number of
the members were present to re
ceive the annual report, which was
given showing the amount of work
done by this department of the
church and the plans for the com
ing year were discussed. making
the meeting filled with interesting
subject matter during the entire
session. the report or tne annual
meeting of the state societies which
was held at Omaha on May 19th
was read and discussed. This being
the last regular meeting until Sep
tember as there are no meetings held
during the excessively warm weath
er. There was much interest shown.
Miss Fricke was assisted in serving
a very delightful luncheon by Mrs.
J. H. Donnelly. All c.-pecially en
joyed the occasion. The newly
elected officers of the society will
give a tea at the home of Mrs. J. T.
riegley on next Wednesday after
noon from r. to T to which a cordial
invitation to attend has been ex
tended to all the members of the
From Friday's rally.
Hiss liesf ic Slapnicka, who was
born in this city and lived here for
a number of j-ears with her parents.
until they removed to Omaha several
years ago. died Wednesday afternoon
at her home in Omaha after an ill
ness of short duration. She was IS
years of ase and H survived by her
parents. Mr. and Mrs. IJenjamin
Slapnicka, four brothers, Frank,
Charles, Benjamin and Jame3 an 1
two sisters, Helen, of South Omaha
and Mrs. Anna Heck of St. Peter.
Minn. The brother, Charles, is on
board ship returning from service in
France. In addition to those enum
erated, another brother of the de
ceased young lady gave up his life
in the recent world war.
If you want a real Tractor or
Thresher buy the Case. See W. T.
Richardson & Son.
From Saturday's Daily.
Mrs. Geo. Lamphear departed this
morning for Omaha, where she goes
to meet her daughter-in-law, who is
arriving from Yankton, South Da
kota, coming to this place, where
f he is expecting her husband Henry
Lamphear, who is just returning
from overseas. Henry is coming
here to meet the family, and after
a short visit he and wife will re
turn to South Dakota to make their
Bottles Sold In Four Years Would
Reach From New York to
Denver, Colorado.
Four years ago very few people
' had ever heard of Tanlac. Today it
' ... ... " ,
unquestionably nas me largest saie
of any medicine in the world, and
is as well known in Canada as in
iii i-mintrv In the brief neriod
i cess. Its fame in fact, has long
! iince spread beyond the limits of
:the continent, and numerous inquir
ies regarding it are now being re-
reived from many foreign countries.
Very few people, however, fully
realize what a really wonderful rec
ord Tanlac has made. Indeed, if it
were not for the unquestionable
facts and figures given out by the
largest and best known drug firms
were sold and distributed in th-e
United States and Canada, the exast
fg:irc being l.r.0T.iSr, in three
At this rate, therefore the sales
for the present year will amount to
more than five million bottles. This
will mean that 17.nno bottles of
Tanlac will be sold every clay of the
year or 2.100 bottles for every hour
of the average working day. -
These figures are too stupendous
for the average mind to grasp, hut
one may visualize what twelve mil
lion bottles mean by imagining
them laid out in a single file end to
end. Thus laid they would make
a track of Tanlac from New York
through Chicago, and on to Denver.
Colorado; or they would form a
double track of Tanlac from the
Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico.
Piled end on end they would tower
1T.S times a? high as Pike's Peak, or
rise 1C.333 times higher than the
Wool worth Ruilding in New York,
the tallest building In the world.
The demand for Tanlac has be
come so great that its sale instead
of being measured by the gross as
other preparations have been, is
now reckoned by the carload, and
even by the trainload. In proof of
this it is a noteworthy fact that the
leading druggist jobbers everywhere
now buy Tanlac almost exclusively
in car load lots. To supply the Pa
cific coast trade alone requires from
forty to fifty car loads per year.
Jobbers of the middle west are sell
ing from seventy to eighty cars per
The well known drug firm of
Hessig-Kllis Drug Company of Mem
phis. Tennessee, has sold over forty
car loads since the introduction of
Tanlac in that state four years ago.
Within the past ninety days, ten
car load.s of Tanlac have gone to
supply the demand of British Co
lumbia, 'Saskachewan, Alberta and
Manitoba. Canada.
The Owl Drug Company of San
Francisco, the largest retail drug
sists on the Pacific Coast, state that
they have sold more than 180,000
bottles at retail, which surpasses
the remarkable record of the Jacobs
Pharmacy Company of Atlanta, who
have sold approximately SO, 000
lfottles at retail.
Tanlac Is composed of the most
beneficial roofs and herbs known to
science. The formula complies with
all national and state pure food
and health laws of both the United
States and Canada; and absolute
merit and merit alone is responsible
for its phenomenal and unpreced
ented success.
Tanlac is sold in Plat tsnout h by
F. G. Fricke &. Co.. in Alvo by Alvo
Drug Co., in Avoca by O. E. Copes,
in South Bend by E. Sturzenegger.
in Greenwood by E. F. Smith, in
Weeping Water by Meier Drug Co.,
in Elmwood by L. A. Tj-son, in
Murdock by H. V. McDonald. in
Louisville by Blake's Pharmacy, in
Eagle by F. W. Bloomenkamp, and
in Union by E. W. Keedy.
School Dav books in a large va
riety at the Journal office. You will
rrrart re fnr tbat fTJldTi flf-irm friend.
I Call and see the line.
Roll a Velvet Cigarette
VrH rt's nutnit-aci d rr. lHr
and rrcnt irirs inniit: it junt
r- i
Say Female Employes Are Mentally
Well Qualified for Work. But -Lack
Physical Strength.
Prom Friday's Haily.
Omaha delegates to the postal
employes convention, which was
recently held at Lincoln, are anti
feminists. On their return from the conven
tion where they placed themselves
on record as being opposed to poli
tics in the postal service, they be
came interested in a statement that
had been made by Postmaster Fan
ning to the effect that there were
very few persons who were now
willing to work for Uncle Sam.
Postal employes are making the
assertion that this is due to the
employment of women on jobs in
the postal service for which- they
are physically unfit. They say the
women pass excellent civil service
examinations and that they are
mentally fit for the work but the
tasks imposed on them are beyond
their physical ability.
Ignore Seniority Rule.
They assert that the local post
office officials are utterly ignoring
the rule of seniority and that there
are veteran employes who are now
doing night work in order that
women new in the service can hold
the day jobs.
They also say that there are 45 or
more uncertified employes in the
office and that these employes are
absolutely without discipline or effi
ciency. "It is almost impossible for the
government to get men to go into
the service now," said one of the
delegates to the convention.
Wajres Too Low.
"The wages at which they have
to start are too low and as no in
creases can be made in salaries ex
cept by act of congress, the only
way the postomce department can
retain, the men of proven worth is
' " III I F I
1 IIS X It mm
Smoke over your problems. A
little drawin9 on a fren'ly pipe
often saves a heap of drawin9
on a bank account. '
Velvet is a friendly tobacco in the
truest sense, because, like friendship3
it has been allowed to ripen natur
ally nothing forced or unnatural.
There are "hurry up" ways with tobacco but
only patient cueing (two years in wooden hogs
heads) can bri:2 cut the mellowness that sets
V elvet apart.
You know what mellow
ness is now think of a good
friend who is never harsh to
There you have the big thing
about Velvet
mellow friendliness.
You and Velvet begin
your friendship today.
by granting to them their seniority
j and all the rights they should en
joy as veterans.
"The department is losing its
most efficient men because of the
competition of private employers for
their service and this condition, is
becoming so acute that it is crip
pling the local service.
'Skip," as He is Familiarly Known.
Arrives with Wife This Jlorn-
-In 89th Division.
From Friday's Dally.
Sergeant Carl Dalton, a member
of the famous Sfth division, who ar
rived with his unit from overseas on
May 24th. and participated in the
parade in Omaha on Decoration day,
feot his discharge at Camp Funsto:i
a few days biter and. being joined
in Kansas City by his wife, they
went to Liberty, Mo., for a short
visit with relatives, arriving home
this morning on the early Burling
ton train.
As he stepped from the train, thi
veteran of the world war, attired ir
civilian clothes, presented a picture
of happiness at having once more
the companionship of his good wife,
who remained at home while her
husband was away fighting the bat
tles for liberty and democracy, and
who kept the home fires burning by
remaining at her post ' as a teacher
in the city schools.
Changes have come since Carl of
fered his service-, to his country.
The father, whom he left in the best
of health, was called by an unfor
seen accident, and he returned to as
sist in burying the deceased parent
and to offer comfort to the mother.
The stork brought blessing to his
own home in the way of a little son.
hut again the angel of death called
ind claimed this bit of humanity
that had brought such joy to the
Tamily. And n--w with the Ftern
ealities "of war that kept the hus
band and father at his post of duty.
safely over, may we not hope that
the rising sun of peace may briip;
blessings of joy and happiness in th.'
lamily of this young veteran, an I
kIso to our fair land as well.
From Tliiirsiliiy'p iMily
Newton r.r.-inson. w h l.a ' Iwen a
resident al the county I.irni for some
time past, died a few days and
was buried in Oak hi II cmeery. Mr.
Ilram-on was born ne:ir Yintcr;-i t, i:i
Warren county, Iowa, living "in that
state for a number of years. After
wards lie came to Nebraska and re
sided in Louisville fur some thirty
SiiiKle combed Luff Crphincton
eggs for hatching. One dollar per
setting of fifteen esgs, or five dollars
per hundred. See or call Sam Good
man. Mynard, Nehr. lD-tf
Plastering. Stucco, Mason.
J. and all kinds of concrete J
I- work. Strictly class.
Murdock, Neb.
Public Service Corporation
Can be had in amounts of
Investment Securities
First National Bank Bld'e, R
Omaha, Neb.