The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 09, 1919, Image 1

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    Nebraska State Histori
cal Society
No. 104.
On Late Train Will 'Return Later
for Visit, but Will Reside
in tlie West.
From Saturday's Daily. "
A very quiet wedding will occur
this inn at the home of tlie par
ents of the bride-to-be, A. K. Sey
l rt and v ife. in the west part of
tli' city, uiien Misj Ethe! Seyber
v ill bt-cor.K- the bride of Ion 11.
!iwr. a returned oversea;; r-oidier.
Ti e pretty ceremony will occur at
(r.'.'.'f o'clock. Rev. A. V. Hunter oi
the ir t M-thodh t church otlic-iut-i
Ti:t happy couple will depart
on -i late train t:.U-ht for Madrid.
r.'".ra-i..i. v. here they will visit rel
atives, including Mr. and Mrs. J. V.".
Kievtr. parents of the groom, for
some tin.e. after which they will re
turn to 1 "la! tsmout h for a short vi-
it uiiii relatives ami iner.u... ncior!!g up their home in the we-t.
The circumstance surrounding
tin- w '(Villi? of thi; popular y.:ig
couple worked out to s-iidi a nicety
it almost looks as though they had
been pi '-arranged.
Miss. Keybort, a graduate of the
class of 1S1C. of the Plattsmout!i
high school, lias leen the leather cf
"the school at the edge of di-trict
number one. near th" cemetery, and
closed her schorl yesterday. Coinci
'ert wi'li tlif closinc of her school,
the groom. IKui 11. Sievers. a return
ed i ver- i as soldier, arrived home on
a la?e train the day bt f re, after re
ceiving Lis dicharge from th.- ser
vice at Camp I)di:c. Certainly the
two events coiini not have been timed
more suitable.
The bride i a daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. A. V. Seybert. who live
on the west edge of the city and lias
made an
well lil. !
excellent teacher, being j
by both pupils and pa-1
irons ox cue uisinn. ..ur u u: - i j
of the district. She is a m . t
excellent young lady ami has a ho-'
of friends who with her happinesi
The groom enlisted in the army
nearly two years ag:. being sent to
Camp Fuarton. and in due course ol
time fou:.d hlm-self in France, where
he experienced sonic- of the mo-t I desire to extend to the many
strenuous righting of the war. lie! kind friends who ministered to my
arrived back in the States about ten 'dear mother Mrs. James Archer sr.
days ago. land assisted at the Jime of her death
The Journal is pleaded to unite burial, also to the members of
with the host of friends of the'e IV-gree.of Honor and to those
H.m.lar v.n.-m Pe-u-le in w isl: in I di1 t,!p sinin" and contribut-
w r- - -
them a long and happy journey on
the seas of matrimony.
During the excitement attendant
th wrestling ai r on luouna ,
r rniay .nisnu. c ormus .-i.-. i-
p.ietor of a grocery store at Tbir-,,
fifth and Hamilton streets, who had
been suffering from heart trouble
for a number of years, swallowed a
piece of chewing gum and while
coughing, his heart failed him and
he died in a few minutes.
The cheering cf the crowd seem
ed to excite Nelson and he joined in
the applause until suddenly he fell
to coughing to dislodge the gum
and told companions what had hap
pened. He fell to the ground and
spectators tried to revive him by
faming and ehpfing his hands.
From Patnrlny' I'allv
Yer.terday was a happy time in
M ritv when Wavne Lewis from
overseas jumped off the stub from
the Junction into his mother's arms .
who wept for jov. that her son had
been returned to her and thanked
God for the answer to her prayers,
From the Junction he had been
leooking out of the window of the j
car. and a rmile stretching from
ear to ear. lightened up his coun-
tion and saw his dear old mother j
awaiting to welcome him. he was i
out on the steps, leaping to the;
ground had mother in his arms
while father and brother had to
await later far the greeting.
; We like this manly young sold
! ier, who cherishes such a love for
I mother, with that no one could go
wrong. Mr. Lewis departed with
one of the largest quotas of Casj
county loys ever sent away, goini
to Camp Dodge and from there over
seas in a short time, and has been
in many of the hardest contested
battles v. hile there. He comes back
to take up his place as a citizen
again and well and glad that the
war is over. We. that are loval
citizens welcome him home again
Frin Patnrrlnv's Dally.
Yesterday while in Council Bluffs
Clcn Mendenhall was endeavoring
to alight from a rapidly moving
strett car, when he lost his footing,
and was thrown to the ground,
scouring his hands and face in the
cinders with which the track was
ballasted. The skin was rubbed off
his face and one hand cama in for
a pretty bad skinning up. Glen had
the face and hands dressed and
when he came lwuue looked like he
had on a flu mask. Thki morning
the "face was pretty sore, as well as
the linnd. but he went to Glenwood
to play for a dance just the same.
Friirn FriClny'p I:iity.
Exalted Ruler 11. A. Schneider of
Platts.mouth Iodge No. 7. B. I. O.
E-., returned this morning from at
tending the state convention of Elks
held at York, on Wednesday and
Thursday of this week. Mr. Schneid
er reports a large number of dele
gates In attendance at the conven
tion and the enjoyment of an excel
lent time provided at the hands of
the York lodge. Incidentally, also,
lie became acquainted with a large
number of delegates from Nebraska
lodges who will represent their
ledge at the national convention at
Atlantic City in July, and gained in
formal iui concerning the plan of
procedure to be engaged in by Ne
braska delegates to elect a fellow
Mate.-miMi. Frank E. Hainey grand
exaulted rqler. Mr. Schneider will
i ..... ....
represent the t'Jatismouin louge ai
Atlantic City and the Nebraska dele-
gates win iravei iy special cram
from Omaha on the night of July
4th. He enjoyed the convention at
York very much. as well a the
brief respite from his work here.
! ed the floral offerings.
From Friday' Dally.
I!ert Despain who has been en
gaped in teaching at Holyoke, Colo.,
during the past few years, and who
f(r Uje past wpek hag bwn visuing
in tnis citv ine g!
,,arents c c
. am wUh o,her r
. . . , f f . f
Despain and wife.
relatives and a host
j of friends, this morning departed
i for the west again, where he has
jsome work to do for the Board of
Education at Holyoke, after which
he will return to the east, and will
accept one of the many offers which
he has fcr engaging in the schools.
From Friday' ral!v.
The work of cutting away the side
of the hill opposite the Western
Machine Works is nroeressine: ouite
r.!)i(jjV As soon as the dirt haa
been removed sufficiently to accom
modate the new building, construc
tion work will commence on the
'Alfa - Maize mill which is to be erect-
ed on this site during the comin?
summer, it is nopea to rusn tne
Job to early completion in order to
rermit of operating the new mill
a bit this season.
- Office Supplies? That's where we
shine. The Journal Prlntery.
First Continent To Arrive This
Morning;, Others Follow On
Later Trains.
From Thursday's T'aily
This morning on the ten o'clock
Burlington train, Fred Stoll of Ne
hawka and C. True of Cedar Creek
hopped off of the steps as the train
slackened and with happy smiles on
their faces greeted their friends at
the Burlington station. They after
having come up town told of the
discharging at Camp Dodge yester
day of thirteen of Cass countv's bovs
all of whom- are expected to arrive
hoifiH today. There were'from this
city: Edward Bashus. Don H. Silver.
Emil J. Hild. Ernest L. Stenner and
Louis Baumbard. Although they
never arrived on the train 'with the
other boys this mornina. Wni.
Wiggs of Elm wood, was also dis
charged. Edward Nickels of near
(Ireenwood. Raymond Malcolm of
Nehawka. Guy H. Todd of Weeping
Water and Martin Lohnes of Cedar
Creek. These boys have gone over
from time to time, but all have been
over nearly and some more than a
year, and have been away from
home nearly two years.
Sorfe were sent to Camp Cody,
others to Camp Funston and a por
tion to Camp Dodge. They arrived
from over there on May 24th and
have been in Camp Dodge but a
couple of days when they were dis
charged. The boys all express them
selves as being glad to be back
home. The friends and relatives of
these young men are surely glad
that they are back home again and
all welcome them back to the homes
and associations from which they
went, hoping they will never again
be called away cn a like errand.
When Emil J. Hild hepped off
the incoming noon train. Oliver
Harvey has just preceeded him by
a few steps, having been discharg
ed at New York last Monday, and
was looking big and browned by the
sun. and as strong as an oxjt ap
in his native land and at home
in his natice land and at home
again. A peculiar thing in his case,
he went overseas in April. 191 S. and
from the time he landed on foreign
shores, until he took the train at
Omaha this afternoon for Platts
mouth. he had never seen one per
son whom he knew. He has been
in the fight with strangers all the j
time and no familiar face to lighten
with a friendly smile of recognition.
He pays he is glad to get back to
his home and friends again.
Counter-balancing Weights on As
bestos Curtain at Parmele Be
come Loosened and Fall
From Thursday's Inlly.
While the practicing for the class
play was in progress at the Parmele
during, the course of yesterday
afternoon, an accident occurred that
came near proving fatal when Ralph
Holmes, one of the members of the
graduating class, attempted to raise
the asbestos curtain. The curtain,
being very heavy is counterbalanced
by a series of heavy iron discs, sus
pended, on a rod at each side of the
stage, a wire cable running from the
rods over a pulley and to the cur
tain supports. In some manner the
jrod was broken, allowing the discs.
the combined weight of which is
several hundred pounds to fall a dis
tance of nearly forty feet. Passing
within a few inches of Mr. Holmes
they struck the floor with such force
as to cut a hole through it like a
cannon ball might be expected to
make. Nor was their force broken
here, but continuing, they passed
through the floor of the dressing ' f p 1 1 f fti ft
rooms below, and finally wound up'XVIK I a 8 flXX
v t,.wv.. ' 111. tit IV
ing a deep depression in the earth
Had not the close distance of a few
ijiches separated ' Mr. Holmes from
the di?cs in their fall, he would un
doubtedly have been killed instantlv
so great was their weight and mo
nieMum. So whi?e these three inches
made the young man t-.ufe. the near
ness of the call of the death angel
was much too close for comfort.
From Tliursitav's laily.
Those advertisements which come
from Florida, exploiting the coun
try and the climate, as well as the
lands for sale has nothing on this
country. Yesterday W. H. Alex
ander of the Alexander nurseries,
brought to this o!!ice a quart of
Ft raw berries and we can testify
that they were fine large "Black
Prince" strawberries, just taknig IS
cf them for a quart. They were a
very delicious variety, and if any
one wants some things that is worth
while, get some of these berries, or
better still get some plants and
raise them.
From Friday's 'Oai'v.
Lieut, and Mrs L. W. Whitacre
are visiting in the city with friends
f ir a short time, having arrivej
from Nebraska City last night. Dur
ing the past year Mrs. Whitacre has
been teaching in the schools at No
braska City. Lieut. Whitacre wa;
discharged from the service some
time ago in the east and at oner
came west, to visit his wife. Aftei
spending some time with friend-
here they will depart for Hasting
for a visit at the home of Mrs
Whitacre's parents, before going t'
Ohio, in which state they will mak
their home. It wHll be remembered
Mrs. Whitacre was one of the teach
ers in the high school last year, am'
accepted a position in the Nebraska
City school this year, making an ex
cellent instructor.
From Ttuirsflav" Tiail'e.
At the meeting of the board of
county commissioners yesterday it
developed that in this county there
were just 1" bridges wushed away
by the storm of Saturday night and
Sunday morning, and in one pre-
cinct. South Bench there were nine
of the. bridges gone.
Of course these cannot be left
out and must be replaced. A few-
storms like this would swell the
bridge expenditures. It begins tc
look like some manner of building
should be enmloved which would
prevent the recurrence of such a
disaster for disaster it seems to be.
when one storm can carry away
that many of the county's bridges.
From Thursday's Taily
Yesterday at Newport News, Va.,
there were four Cass county boys
returned from overseas, they being:
Corporal Howard G. Andrews, of
Manley, George A. Ossenkopp of
Louisville. Howard Ravencroft of
Weeping Water and Ralph A. Ar
rons of Greenwood. These boys
have been overseas for a number of
months, and are now returning tolfreshman from Splinterville and laid
. . . 1 1 i . . . . . . f
America and will be sent to some
camp in the near future for dis
From Friday's Dally.
Will J Streight was telling us
this morning of the aquarium which
he has at his home, and in which
the waters are absolutely alive with
young gold fish. He says that any
one who has never observed the fish
in a hatchery after they first hatch,
will be much interested in the way
the fish are hatching, especially as
regards their size and number. Here
tofore he has not had much success
hatching them, but just now there
are countless numbers of young
spawn coming to life.
A Ford Touring car, in good run
ning order. Prioed to sell by An
drew Stohlman, Louisville. Nehr. .
W. T. Jtichardson & Son
Case Tractors and Separators.
Although Some a Little More Clever
Than Others Very Good
3-Act Comedy.
From Thursday's Pally.
The crowd was a little slow in ar
riving at the l'armele last night,
but when they finally got there they
filled the house comfortably. As the
c-urtain rot-e on the first act of the
senior class plav, Aaron Hoggs,
Freshman," and the opening song
was fcung. it was received with ap
plause from the good natured audi
ence who lu'd come to see the boys
ana girls ot the class oi ivi'J pre
sent their play.
Roscoe Hill, as Beau Carter, a
prominent senior; Merle Rainey, as
Pepper Jarv is, studying repose at
ollege and Karl Thomas, as Pepp.
a student, occupied the stage at the
beginning of the play, and engaged
in a discussion as to how the college
would soon fill up with s.tudents,
-:till being engaged in speculation
Alien Robert Kroehler. as Happy
Jiniinie Jamieson, a susceptible jun
:on. whose one controlling passion
was fo.r "Gladys," of whom he could
jnly talk or think, walked in on the
irio. - After indulging in a bit of
conversation he produced a picture
)f "his girl" and also, by his talk of
love an' everything produced many
i lausrh from the audience. Robert
might even yet be talking about the
many crow ning virtues of "Gladys"
had not Miss Mariel Streight, as
Klyzbethe Maudelie Feeney, nee Liz
;ie Feeney, a waitress but a perfect
.ady, passed by and the boys hailed
aer. joking with her a bit. but ac
cept ing iu good spirit the sound ad
ice she chose to give them. Miss
Streight proved herself a most clev
er actress and carried out her part
o perfection.
After she had gone her way. in
popped Glenn Fitchhorn. as Second
Hand Abey, a typical Jew clothier
who does his friends good. This
young man surely made a hit, out
doing the jew he sought to imitate
and creating many a laugh. As he
left the stage a beaatiful boquet
was thrown him.
Next to appear on the stage 'was
Earl Babbitt, as Epenetus P. Boggs
a pillar of his home town, Splinter
ville. and father of Aaron Boggs,
(Harley -Cecil) whom he brought
with him to enter the college. These
two characters were filled with fun.
and seemingly no better choice could
possibly have been made than the
two young men who were picked to
play the parts. They kept the audi
ence in good humor whenever they
The young men took the matter
in hand of hazing this uniniatiated
plans accordingly. They were suc
ceeding admirably when a chance
meeting of Lizzie and Aaron devel
oped the fact that they had been
sweethearts at Splinterville; and
with the shrewdness of a diplomat,
Lizzie sends a fake telegram that
saves Aaron a ducking in the lake,
while Beau Carter gets the bath in
stead. Later Aaron is elected pres
ident of the freshman class, due
largely to the efforts of Casey Jones
(Ralph Holmes) a college politician,
who did good work in securing his
new friend's election as well as on
the stage Miss Mildred Schlater, as
Cherry Carruthersr-the girl with a
changeable -heart, was very home
sick atfirst, especially for "Herold,"
but she finally made a hit with
Jimruie, who likewise forgot the
"Gladys" of his home town midst the
frivolities of gay college life.
Mrs. Chubb (Velma Elliott) and
Mrs. Pickens (Esther Godwin) both
boarding house keepers had their
share of troubles and if such are
typical of real life, we can readily
understand why no one in this day
and age wants to keep boarders
not even when thev're school teach
ers. Mrs. Pickens was a widow and
Mrs. Chubb could only wish she
were, for Mr. Chubb (Charles Tu
lene) was a "born-tired" man. These
three characters were filled with
mirth and each of the actors repre
sented his or her part most ably.
Evelyn Newcomb (Betty Ptak), a
college belle; Lois Hunter (Helen
Roberts), a girls friend; Loretta
Rhea (Frances Seybert), a romantic
junior and Miss Dollie de Cliff, nee
Chubb (Kermit Wiles) the Chubbs'
daughter and a "vod-o-vil" queen,
completed the cast and played their
parts most ably, yelping to attain
the success that crowned the efforts
of the class of 1919 to give a play
considerable "heavier" in its char
acterizations than most home talent
comedy-drama productions.
The events of commencement wee!;
will terminate tomorrow night when
the class of thirty-five seniors will
be graduated midst fitting exercises
at the H. S. auditorium. No admis
sion fee will be charged to these
exercises, and although a portion of
the house will be reserved tor rela
tives of the graduates, many seats
will be available to the general pub
lic should they care to attend.
From Thursday's ralty.
Karl Droege. who has been em
ployed in the blacksmith shop of
the railroad company at Kansas
City, Mo., has been compelled to re
sign his position, owing to his con
dition of health, resulting from a
severe surgical operation he under
went while serving in the army and
he returned home a few days ago
He has accepted his old time posi
tion with the A. G. Bach grocery
house in this city, and will remain
at "home for the present.
From Thursday' Dai.
Albert Schuldice and wife with
the mother of Mrs. Schuldice, Mrs.
Rueland, Mrs. Wm. Clarke and
George Schuldice who is making
his home in Chicago as well as his
brother, made, a trip from that
place to Plattsmouth in ah automo
bile, and are visiting at "the home
of Albert Schuldice sr., father of
the two boys. They will expect to
start on their return as soon as the
weather and the roads will permit
of their traveling.
From Friday's Dally.
Major Isaac Hall and sister, Miss
Elizabeth, were over from their
home in Iowa this morning, looking
after some business and doing some
trading and visiting friends. They
tell of being very busy at this tim
with their building, as they are hav
ins the home torn up and rebuilt
with additional rooms, and also re
finishing, plastering, painting and
papering, which makes a lot of extra
work and especially with it raining
all the time, as it has been doing of
OrO KS under On
hft " GOVERNMENT 'fyC 1 ''tfj
Prosperity and the Farmer
. What business man would be satisfied with a return of 3 on
his investment if he had to work from 14 to 16 hours a day to
earn it ?
Yet, according to government statistics, 3 is all' the farmer-;
of this country have made for the past generation.
Some people are complaining about the prosperity of the
farmer, but these complaints are not coming from those who know
anything about the farmers' problems.
If the iarmers make 10 or even 20 on their investment this
year they are entitled to it. They have certainly waited a long
time for -even a fair profit.
First National Bank,
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
"The Bank' ZL'hcrc Yon Feci at Howe"
Which Will Not Convene in Time
to Hear Case Before Expira
tion cf the Lease.
r'rom Thursday's Pallr.
In the county court todav was
a very , peculiar proceeding, uhe-i
the Metropolitan Really company,
an offspring of the Baulo-rs' Realty
company, and owner of the 'uroua.l.t
apartments in this city, brought
suit against T. B. Petersen f.m pos
session of a suite of rooms in the
building which he has been oeiup-.-ing
for ;()Tt!e time. According t the
story, Thomas Young ::t-cu:-d i
lease with the holding company f r
the suite of rooms in question lr a
period of one year, the 1st of la t
September and on January I t re
leased the suite in question t.i .Mr.
Petersen for a term of four month.-,
which action. although tot i:i
conformity with the t:-rin of hi;
lease, wa.3 acquiesced in by the com
pany. At the expiration of the In ir
months, Mr. Young signed 1 1. re
mainder of the lease ov r to Mr.
Finally a tender of rental n.oi.vv
was -refused and action brought to
dispossess Mr. Peterson, this apart
ment, according to the J:-.:iitor hav
ing been promised to another party.
The plea was allowed by Judge Bee
son, but having no pluc-e In whicli
to live Mr. Pefcerson appeal the
case to the district court, which will
not convene in time to lr.-ar the- case
before the expiration of the lea.-e on
September 1st.
The case, peculiar as it may se.-m.
is demonstrative of the shortage of
suitable places in which to lie an!
the demand for such suites of nmm.;
as occupied by Mr. Petersen, kiuht
here in Plattsmouth there is nt-.-.l
of a second apartment house and not
only does the shortage exist here
iut seemingly elsewhere as well. It
looks like the proper thing to do is
to own one's home and thus he on
the safe side.
From Thursday's Daily.
Mrs. H. B. Howard of Waterloo.
a sister of J. S. Rhoades arrived
last night and is visiting at the
home of her brother, and will visit
here for a few days, and will then
depart for Denver, where they will
make their home in the future. Mr.
Howard has already departed for the
mountain city and will endeavor to
have a home for Mrs. Howard and
the children when they arrive.