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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1919)
Agfc $ES, PLATTSMOTTTH 8MtWJJKLt, j6tTBNA WILL KEEP THE TRAIL PLAIN LY MARKED 'meeting yesterday at noon PERFECTS PLANS J: UK v WELL MARKING. OF POPULAR AUTO HIGHWAY ! Committees Are Caring For Expense Inside Of This County At Present. The New Idea in Underwear! There is a way to be comfortable even when the day is sweltering hot. Use underwear that does not cling to the skin, but acts as a bellows with every move ment of the body. This removes perspiration and gives com fort. There is no garment that will fulfill these re quirements like Vassar Athletic. Try them. $1.25 $1.50 who ace RECEIVES DIPLOMA FOR EFFICIENCY Fred P. Busch. Local Representative of Kahn Tailoring Co. Gets EngTaved Parchment. From Wednesday's Ia!ly. Fred P. Busch. manager of the IJusch Tailoring ' Co., local repre sentatives of the Kahn Tailoring company, of Indianapolis, has re ceived a few days since a beautiful ly eugraved certificate of his skiM and ability in taking measurement: for tailored suits that fit without al teration. This diploma is awarded only to dealers who have had a cer fain number of orders, each meas ured so accurately as to not even require the customary "try-on." Mr. Busch has had the diploma framed and it hangs in his private sanctu ary of sanctoriums where it may be seen by all visitors. Fancy stationery at this office. CASTOR 1A For Infants and Children In Uso for Over 30 Years Always Dear the iit iwnw " HAVE TWO VERY 'FINE CAIIS. From M't dnf sday'n I.liv. When it was necessary for W Kosencrans to have a new auto though of Mrs. KoL-encraiis a . K. l.c and so while he was getting a car got two. one for business for him self, while he purchased a fine Buick chummy roadster for the wife. The one which he made pres ent of to Mrs. Hoencrans is an ele gant car and a wonderful piece of locomotive mechanism. It make a very nice gift and is ueful for the ladies of the household as well. This car like the one which he has pur chased for his own use was purchas ed through the O. K. Garr.ce which handles the ISuiks her They an both excellent piece tf machinery, well conserving the purposes for which they were manufactured. From Wednep-.iny'R lnii. ). S. Davis of Minneapolis has been chosen general uciai, A 1. of the different routnH over me country end who was first interest ed in the King of Trails, .whicn . . - - ... f ' .1 1 ? t pa?ses trcm wmiiipey iu was in the city yesterday, and met with the members of the commercial club, when the matter or me ium cf Trails was taken up and discuss ed at considerable length. It has onlv been a short time as per the article in this paper of yestedrty that interests m .Missouri anu jowa have, been endeavoring to have the route deflected, made to pass thru Mowa and finding the old trail again. at St. Joseph. This matter was disposed of at a meeting in Kansas lily a iew uaj since. Vs'ow if we are to' have this King of Trails here we should demonstrate what we appreciate. It should be kept marked through this county "and the marking kept in good condition. There is some ad vertising which we should be will ing to assist in doing. We enjoy the matter of added traffic this way Jhv reason of that trail and should show our appreciation by keepinp the 'rail well marked for the' trav eling public. At the meeting yes terday it was considered that it vrould probably require about S2T0 for this purpose. This is to be rais ed bv memberships in the associa tion costing $10.00. President Bestor of the commercial club ap pointed the following committee tc cover the county for the solicitation of these memberships-, they being: W. B. Banning. Union; T. . H. Pol lock. Will A. Swatek and J. P. Sat ler. who with himself are looking after the soliciting. HAS FINISHED HER SCHOOL. From Tuesday"? Daily. Last Sunday Miss Ruby Winscott who has been teaching near Re liance. South Dakota. returned home having concluded her school and is now enjoying her vacation Miss Ruby has made a good success of teaching at the place where she has beenand has the urgent request to return for the coming year, but as to yet has not concluded to ac cept. Miss Winscott is veil quali fied in the avocation which she has chosen. OPENING NIGHT AT DEN BIG SUCCESS More Ak-Sar-Ben Knights on Open ing Night Than In Any Previous Year. VANDALS ABROAD IN PLATTSMOUTH Destruction of Property and Viola tion of Others Rights Their Idea. GUY MORGAN NOT REELING WELL From Wednesday" ally. Guy W. Morgan who has been suffering considerable from rheuma tism for some time past has not been able at all times to attend to his work, and has been compelle.l to rest. Mr. Fred P. Busch his friend has been trying to assist to some extent in the work, as well as looking after his own. Mr. Morgan is also troubled with some affection of his tonsils a? well. THE UNIVERSAL CAP Because of its all-around utility, the Ford One Ton Truck vith worrn. drive' has made itself an absolute business ne cessity. It's so dependable in service wherever placed, flexible and sure in control and low cost of operation and mainte nance and possessing that vanadium steel strength, it has become the want in every line of business from retail merchant to manufac turer, from engineer to contractor, from corporation to farmer. Let us tell you de tails and give you a demonstration. Truck with Grain and Stock body and Winter cab, $775.00 delivered. Ford Truck Your Need T. H. Pollock Garage, Telephone No-1 -:- - -:- Plattsmouth, Neb. l'orr. Wednesriav'a liay. The park and improvement board in an effort to beautify the citj have furnished flowers for plantinf along Washington avenue and the citizens living along that popular thoroughfare have done much worV to keep the parkings along the ave nue looking the best. The board which consisted of Phillip Theirolf. II. B. Hayes and Wm. Schmidt mann but a few days eince expended $6.20 for flowers and plants to place alonr the avenue, which were used for the beautifying the place. Andy Kroeh ler has worked hard to keep the place in front of his home looking nice, while some vandals have come along and plucked" the plants and flowers up carrying them away. These people who do this have very little respect for the rights of th people of the city who have expend ed money for the purpose of mak ing the town more agreeable to live We do not know who they are, but be it man. woman or child, a branch from the water elm a half inch in diameter and about three feet lonp dexterously applied to their west elevation might aid them some. WILL REPORT FOR SERVICE SOON From Wednesday' Dallv. Edward Fogerty, who has been on a furlough for 'the past forty days or more from his duties on the cruiser MarhleheajJ, on account of that vessel being used for the pur pose of furthering the Victory drive has received notification that he. is to report at San Francisco on the ninth for duty. He had been at hir home at Havelock, and ran down here last evening for over night to visit with relatives and friends be fore he departed for the west again. Edward is a son of Kern Fogerty and a nephew of John and Thomas Swoboda and has other relatives ir this city. Itching, bleeding, protruding or blind piles have yielded to Doah's Ointment. COc at all drug stores. Prnm Tuesday's Pally. The opening night of the Ak-Sar- Ben show at Omaha last "evening i.s Jescribed as having been a perfect cream. The big show is one of Jus uenz prime enorts anu fur vears past tie lias oeen staging it ind looking after the decorating of the floats that go to make up t he 'all parades. The den was jammed to capacity tnd the last membership card issued eglstereu J.14 1 more man were ver secured in an entire season be- bre and indicating. that the 5,00 nark will undoubtedly be reached y fall. Mr. Henz" newest show is up to he minute, having to do with the lanishment of King Booze from oil' he earth and is staged "in three acts. !n the last scene the only remaining afe place for dispensing liquor-- lamely, the bottom of the sea is ihown most realistically. Prior tc ;eeking refuge there, the dispensers lave even been driven from hell it- elf. During the production various nitiatory stunts are indulged in at he expense of some few picke I goats" from among the candidates. ater in the reason there will un- oubtedly be the usual Cass county light, when residents of Platte .louth and vicinity will be invited to iew the artistic settings and clever icting of their Omaha brothers, di- ected by Jolly, big-hearted Gu.i Uenz who is known to not a it our townspeople. few SETTLED OUT OF COURT Prom Wednesday's Pally. The matter arising ouf of the usiness of an elevator at Manlev ;ome time ago, wherein James L. Wiles secured a judgment against . Keckler for the value of grnin vhich he had stored in the elevator, md he having a lien upon certain ands in which Mr. Keckler was in terested, was settled out ofcourt a ew days ago, thus taking the mat er out of the channels of legal pro cedure in which it had been drift ing along for some time. THIS HASN'T BEEN SWORN TO. A schoolboy in London turned this n as a composition on Christopher ,'olumbus: Columbus was a man who could nake an egg stand on end without 'rushing it. The King of Spain sent for him and asked him: "Can you, discover America?" "Yes," Columbus answered, "if you will give me a boat." He got his boat and sailed in the direction that he believed America was. The sailors mutined and In sisted there was no such place as America, but presently the pilot rame to him and said: "Columbus, land is In sight." "Well, It's America," Columbus aid. When the boat ncared the shore. Columbus saw a group of natives. "Is this America?" he asked them. "Yes," they replied. "I suppose you are Indians," Co lumbus went on. "Yes," the' chief answered, "and ire you Christopher Coldmbus?" , "I am." The Indian chief turned to his companions and 'said: "The jig is up. We are discover ed at last." BUILDING MANY NEW HOMES I PLATTSMOUTH CONTRACTORS ARE KEPT BUSY ANE HAVE TIME ENGAG ED FAR AHEAD. XKvRfSf? Tuirz 5, 1312. PETER HEROLD BUILDS HOME I James W. Sage Also Erecting- Three Modern, Up-to-Date Bunga lows on 7th Street. i EVER YBODY is compelled to be out more or less in this wet weather. WHY GET WET? When you can buy a garment, good or just such weather, and a sure pro tection for clothing and health. BUY A RAIN COA T $6.95 to $27.50 ber, slicker and twill fabrics OR A SLICKER SUIT $8.50 for roust-about work where a long coat cannot be worn ATTENTION RETIRED FARMERS I have charge of an 80-acre tract f land which has just recently been Sub-divided into 5 and 10-acre tracts and which is located on a paved road nd Just outside of the city limits i f Lincoln. The ground lays beauti fully. This is just the right place for a nice home location and 5 acre? can be bought at a price no higher han Just one city lot would cost in Lincoln, and the taxes are much lower. , Jf Interested, write or see me for particulars, Frecl. L-- Clinton, 207 Little Bldg., Lincoln. Nebr. From Wednesday's Pnlly. The new home of Peter Herold and wife which is being construct ed on the site of the old one. which was recently torn down, is going up as rapidly as uossihle under ing conditions, with the securing if material difficult. The new homo, when completed will be one replete with modern conveniences and com forts and will make an 'excellent abiding place for the fainilv as well is add much to the attractiveness of that portion of the city in which it is located, and will be one of four that will, add to the attract ivvness of South Seventh street, the other three being the new cottages under construction by James T. Sage, and which like that of Mr. Herold. will be modern in every respect. Seventh and Sixth streets have been curbed anu guttered anu an ordinance pus , already been passed providing forii.v.,rr Mnn.i;iv'i naiiv. like improvements on the intersect- During the storm of Saturday ng cross streets, which will enable night a bolt of lightning struck one property owners to keep up the ap- corner of the house- at the home of pearance of their residences by nice- B. B. Warthen. doing considerable lylkept parkings. ' dannee by tearing the plastering The three rental properties being ; from the wall and splintering up constructed bv Mr. Sage have been the w&odworK somewnai. a oiaze FOR DRESS, in assorted fabrics ind colors, FOR WORK, in clear rub- tf A OCT t C0 CA LADIES AND CHILDREN'S ALSO C. E. Wescott's Sons EVERYBODY'S STORE HOKE STRUCK BY LIGHTNING. repeatedly spoken for as there are many people nowadays who are 1:1 v. as started g wished. In search of better places in which to entered live. Not alone is this true in the ; and Calvin city of Plattsmouth but all over the "ountry as well. i The man who is in some way pro viding himself with a home of his own is considered most loresignteu. whether he acquires it by purchase outright or by payments negotiated through a building and loan society. There is a great amount of joy that romes through ownersnip oi ones; home, and which is lacking in rent-j al property, be it ever so welf fur-. nished. Perhaps it is the uncertain-) ty of the length of time one may hold onto the place he likes, but probably but was soon extin the. room where the were sleeping Norma n Warthen, neither oi whom were injured or as much, as received a shock. While tlu a o done was smiil, the excitement va considerable. MUCH RAIN AND MUCH SNOW From Wednesday's Paily. This morning Oliver Osborn who has been in the west for some time returned home and reports that he has just completed the planting of 200 acres of corn and twenty acres of cane, and that while everything is looking fine, that it is pretty cold out that way. It has been raining and snowing for the past few days. Wall Paper. Paints, Gla-ss. Picture Framing. Frank Gobe'man. PASSES 77TH MILE STONE. he house in which we live. It is the height h of wisdom at this time to purchase a home or buy suitable lot and erect one thereon. There are several good building and loan association which will provide From -Monday's I'atvv. Today our Col. M. A. Bates is 77 years of age. and for over fifty vears was engaged in the newspaper name, having been editor of some live papers during all that time. He as been a resident of Plattsmouth frr the past seventeen years, and has during all this time ever work ed for the best interest of this city. He has now for the past three weeks been confined to his home on ac count of sickness and is just at this time showing some slight improve ments. Here is to you Col. M. A. Bates, may vou socn be able to be INVESTMENTS way to acquire a home and that on . j;,ck"to your post again and enjoy the happy greetings of your many friends and see many years or use fulness and happiness. easy terms. FOR SALE. A Ford Touring car, In good run ning order. Priced to sell by An drew Stohlman, Louisville, Nebr. Henry Horn was a visitor in the citv this morning from his home a number of miles west of town, driv ... j .1 t... . . . . . . - ing in witn a team ami nusi-, u- EGGS FOR HATCHING. Single combed Buff Crphington eggs for hatching'. One dollar per setting of fifteen eggs, or five dollars per hundred. See or call Sam Cood man. Mynard. Nebr. 19-tf Public Service Corporation Paying ii f Can be had in amounts of $100 PAUL FITZGERALD, Investment Securities First National Bank Bid'?, Omaha, Neb. the roads are not in tne condition for a buz wagon. best of Office Supplies? That's where we ehine. The Journal Printery. OR. II. C. LEOPOLD 0ESTE0PATHIC PHYSICIAN Sprclitl Attention to Dlaeasra of Womea ACUTK niSKASKS TRKATED Eyes Tested and CJIasses Fitted Night Calls Answered After Hours and Sundays by Appointment m. to 12:00 1:30 p. m. to T,:?.n Plattsmouth', Neb. 8:30 a ( iialra lllitrk I1 b o i e '2IH B)e June Trousseau CALLS FOR THESE S'TTT jLTQ ill tsadL Xk.lM Georgettes Taffetas Mousselines Foulards Crepes Chiffons Sillc Ginghams Habutais Wash Satins Crepe de Chines Palm Beach Satins Lousines Silkj U-f was our Silk slock so right with varieties. .rv nurnose-Suits. DressesBlouse.", Underwear - and such - w - j g 1" designs and colors. the reasonableness of prices. juiu-i - . You'll be astonished with their beauty and H. M. SOENNICHSEN Phones No. 53 and 54