The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 05, 1919, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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tage itve.
Murray Department
If tnyof the readers of the
Journal knoT" of any social
ent or it-em of iuterettt In
this vicinity, and will mail
tme to this office, it will ap
pear under this headuiav We
want all news Items Knrroit
j Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murraj and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
Your Earnings
Having ready cash for
sudden emergencies is possible
only when you have saved a part of
your salary or wages.
Start with a small deposit if
necessary. Increase it as you
can and soon you will
have a substantial inter
and a feeling of
safety, content
ment, pride and
Safety Honesty Courtesy Service
Four pr cent interest on time deposits.
Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law.
All basinet transactions held in strict confidence
Your Personal Bank.
Duck -ggs for sale. Oldham
S(ck . Farm.
.!r. ;unl Mrs. O. A. Davis were in
lTittMiioulh la -si Friday.
Mr. Dull and Mr?. Oldham. I'aul-?n-
and Fay Oldham and Fred Con
don attended the Memorial services
in 1'Iai tsmout h on Decoration day.
.Vis. Lizzie Cabel. sister of Mrs.
Kennedy, is her" visiting at the Ken
nedy home. Mr.s. Cabel is well
Ki'nwii lter-, where she lived a great
iniiiy year'-:, an! lier many .friend
are ;! id to see her nzain.
.Mrs. Lulu lou:: hridjro is home af
ter two year:; of n ursine; at the
Vml-ey rtu: nar Ni hrasKa Cit.
Mr.-". LoucliriMco is in need of res;
arid vi!l njy the time with her
iLiuchter. Miss Mae. and her inotli-
r. Mrs. Brown. In Murray. Mae will
iio .ii be Ii nii- froii. Lin-dn to spend
her Minini r vacation here. Stie has
-en very attetitive to her musical
s' ud !. i;i tti- capital city during
t'n past winter and has mnde excel
lent progress.
This is the reason for graduation
and invitation cards ami among the
number that have hern received in
Murray thH season announcements
are made of the graduation of Ralph
Holmes from tlie Plattsmouth pub
lic s bonis and Roy Klaureiis. from
the ' Ncliauka schools. Both of these
vo'inc men were Murray hoys, and
liieir fro nds here are glad that they
have reached this mark in (heir
t lucat ion.
Boys' Dress
A recent shipment of boys high grade, stylish Eng-li-Ji
hst shoes enables us to offer you the best, and at
the least money. Compare the price and see if we are
not saving you a dollar a pair on these.
Boys' chocolate color English bals, sizes 2Y2
to 5V2. Price per pair $4.00
Little Gents, same as above. Sizes 1 to 2. A
splendid value at $3.50
Little Boys' chocolate color bluchers. Come in
sizes 11 to lZy2. Price per pair $3.15
Meek Davie and Ernest Meltmrn
were I'lattsmouth visitors Monday.
NOTICE Miss Ogla
teacher of piano. Now
pupils for summer term.
Mrs. Frances Drendel went to
Omaha Tuesday evening to see her
father. J. R. Vallery, who is in the
hospital in that city.
C. E. J'ettit and wife were in
Omaha Monday with their little
daughter who ia receiving medical
treatment in the city.
Frank Moore departed for Oregon
last Thursday In response to a tele
cram announcing that his sister,
Mrs. Clara Gray, was very sick.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hansen 'and
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Vantine, from
south of Nehawka. went up to the
Horning cemetery lat Friday for
the decoration of graves of friends
and relatives. They drove on in to
TMattsmouth where they spent a few
hours. Christian Church.
Sunday, June 8. there will he
regular services, except in the even-
10; on A. M. Bible School.
11:0 A. M. Morning Worship.
Sermon topic: "Tho your Sins be
as Scarlet."
S:00 T. M. Children's day pro
gram. You can't afford to miss hear
ing and seeing the hoys and girls.
Come. You are cordially invited to
come and worship with us.
C. E. HANN'AN", Minister.
- Up Shoes!
. Tutt,
Miss Eva Latta. from Lincoln,
will stay with Uncle Sain Latta dur
ing the summer.
Miss Clara Young was down from
I'lattsmouth last Sunday to spend
the day with home folks.
The Library Association have de
cided to serve ice cream at the us
ual price, at the library rooms on
Saturday afternoons and evening
during the summer. This was
thought of to creat more sociabil
ity, and a meeting place for you and
your friends to chat and visit. So
when in town drop in and get a diuh
of cream and be sociable.
The Murray High school pupil
enjoyed a real picnic down at Ne
braska City one day last week. They
spent the day in Morton Tark. and
it was a most enjoyable trip for
them. This was an outing given
with the closing days of a most
sucessful term of school. Many of
the number went in automobiles,
while the greater number took the
Walker Gilmore. who graduated
from the Roonville military school
last week, has returned home. His
mother, Mrs. O. 11. Gilmore wai
present at the graduation exercise'
and returned home with him. Walk
er thinks a great deal of the Boon
ville training. th experience and
teaching very valuable to a young
man and he is much pleased over
the fact that he entered this col
Return With War Experience.
Eugene Taylor, brother of Mrs
Walter Minniear. arrived home
from Germany last Monday evening,
where he has been in the service of
hi country for more than a year.
He spent four month' in the front
line trenches where he saw and ex
perienced all the terrific flchting of
the closinsr davs of the world war.
He helped take Mount St. Mihiel
was in the Argonne battles, and
helped make the big and last drive
against the German army that clos
ed the war. Since the armistice
was signed he has been in Germany
He saw and experienced a great deal
of army life, and is no doubt plea
ed to get back to the old home, but
at the same time the experience of
the past two years will be worth a
great deal to him in future years.
He was mustered out at Camp
Gathering of Church
People At Lincoln
C. W. Pucsley in an editorial in
the Nebraska Farmer says, the HOlh
of Mar will go down in historv of
the state of Nebraska, as an im
port a nt dale. On that date there
convened in Lincoln oS representa
tives of 15 church denominations
rrom ill dincrent Nebraska com
munities. The object was to de
termine the advisihility of perfect
ing some plan of co-operation be
tween denominations.
This movement is an outgrowth
of the new conception of ideals of
religious service emphasized by the
recent world war. On all hands
there is the feeling the Christian
church working through 1 SO de
nominations is not reaching its pos
sibilities. Everywhere there is talk
of federation. The conference went
on tccotA as favoring a Nebraska
inter-church council to make ar
rancements to perfect a local coun
cil in every community.
The movement is fraught with
wonderful possibilities for the ad
vancement of church work. One of
the draw backs felt by the mission
aries in foreign field was to get the
natives to understand the raluc of
Christian religion when it. was pre
sented to them in so many different
interpretations. The church people
are growing more and more to be
lieve, that the big and central thing
which Christ stood for was the lead
ing of a moral life individually and
the practice of the golden rule.
All denominations are beginning
to center on this point as the big
thing in Christian lif and are learn
ing to the individual the privileges
of interpreting for himself the best
method of formal worship.
The federated church is the
church of tomorrow, should be the
church of today, to be a Christian is
the important part. Co-opera f ion
has done wonders in other lines.
Why not in the Christian churches.
Think it over.
Mrs. Robert Rallance of Denver,
who has been visiting in this city
for several days departed this after
noon for Sidney, Iowa. where she
will visit 'for some time at the home
of her cousin Leonard Bailor and
family and other relatives for a few
days before she shall return to her
home in the west.
Riots Among: Automobile Company's
Employes Culminate in Fatalities;
Mayor Wires For Troops.
Toledo, O., June 4. Two men
were dangerously wounded in a riot
growing out of the labor disturb
ances involving 13.000 employes of
the Willys-Overland automobile
company. The victims, presumably
idle employes of the company, were
killed by discharged soldiers who
are guarding the plant. The killing
was the culmination of three riots
today and tonight that resulted in
injury to thirteen persons.
The killing occurred in front of a
hre station near the automobile
plant, where a discharged soldier,
with a woman companion. had
nought refuge from a threatening
Soldiers Answer Calls.
Calls for assistance brought two
motor truck loads of soldier guards
from the automobile plant. When
they arrived one of them fired a
'istol into the air. The guards then
Ired their rifles and pistols into the
Mayor Schreiber at, 1 o'clock
nnnouneed he had applied to Gover
nor Cox to send troops here and
that he expected the governor would
comply. The house adjoining the
mayor's was stoned and its windows
mashed presumably by sympathiz
ers of the idle automobile workers,
who apparently mistook the home
for the mayor's residence.
Mayor Wires for Troops.
Columbus, O.. June 4. At mid
night last night. Mayor Cornell
Schreiber of Toledo wired Gover
nor Cox saying. "Send troops im
mediately to Toledo."
The mayor said all available dep
uty sheriffs had been sworn in but
that he was "unable to cope with
he situation."
Charles E. Morris, secretary to
'.he governor, who received the mes
sage, said he would inform the
mayor that Ohio at present is with
out troops and that all it can do is
o request the government to lend
-oldiers. He said he would not
make this request until he had con
sulted the governor1, whri if said
to be out of the city.
Mr. Morris said he thought there
were H.000 troops at Camp Sher
man awaiting discharge, who prob
ably would be available.
At 1 o'clock this (Wednesday)
morning Mr. Morris said he talked
with Mayor Schreiber at Toledo on
the telephone. He said the mayor
told him rioters had driven him
fmm his home by threats and that
he was under guard in his office at
the city hall.
The mayor told Mr. Morris that
no attempt would be made to op
erate the plant today.
George Washington said, "To be
repared for war is one of tire most
effectual means of preserving peace."
new war is again in sight the
war willi summer stomach troubles.
Errors of diet, changes from hot
lays to cool nights, changes of
.vater, etc., are causing acute stom
ch and intestinal diseases. To be
nrepared for this war is the best
ncans of preserving health, and can
von get anything better for this
purpose than Triner's American
Klixir of Bitter Wine? By the help
if this remedy you can compel your
lowels to normal activity, your di
gestion will be faultless, and so yoii
will have nothing to fear. And by
Uie way, Triner's American Elixir of
Bitter Wine is very palatable and so
delicate that it does not hurt the
most sensitive stomach. You can
get it at all drug stores. Are you
troubled with cough? In these days
great many people complain about
solds and coughs, hut Triner's Cough
Sedative gives quick and sure relief.
At all drug stores. Joseph Triner
Company, 1333-13 43 S. Ashland
Ave., Chicago. 111.
Misses Neva Smith and Golda
Mead of Hamburg. Ia.. arrived this
afternoon and are attending the
commencement exercises at the
Plattsmouth High School and are
the guests of their cousin Miss Vel-
ma Elliott who is graduating.
Needed in Sunday School Room
All of Five Circles Went
Over the Top.
From Wednesday's Iaily.
The 1're.sbyterian Ladles Auxiliary
met in the church parlors Tuesday j
I'. M. June 3rd. j
The meeting was in the nature ,
of a jubilee meeting and in spite of;
Iho i ii lm ti t woullipr ihrro wac: a 1
large attendance.
Especial interest centered in the
report of the five circles who have
been making the drive for the piano
fund during the past three months.
The neat sum of $339.56 was turn
ed jjn. All circles having gone over
the top. Circle No. 1 leading with
The piano was placed for use and
all rejoiced in the tone of the fine
new instrument, which will mean
so much to the activity of the
A catchy little program had been
arranged under the direction of
Mrs. MeClus-ky and Miss Heisel.
Mrs. Gorder gave reading entitled
"The Aid Society Will Do the Rest"
which everyone thoroughly enjoyed.
Mrs. Farley then gave n piano solo
which did greaf credit to the new
piano. This was followed hy a
Medley, sung by nine little girls,
which was especially appropriate
for the occasion. The Medley was
a very clever parody on the tune
"Coming Thru the Rye." "Good a
Morning Mr. Zip. Zip, Zip'' and
"Smiles" put together by Mrs. Mc
Clusky. Catherine Schneider tak
ing the solo part and the rest re
sponding. The Medley follows:
Will yon listen to the story of the
circles five?
How they crowned themselves with
glory, these brave circles five.
Each one has her fullest given, time
and golden store,
Fies and doughnuts, aprons, bon
nets, caps and plants galore.
We've met them on the market, in
red crops rooms and home
The prettiest plants you ever saw,
were sold by circle one
When they received the order, it
seemed so big, oh dear.
But when they counted up the
cash, this is what we hear
Hurrah for circle one. one, one.
With the plants of beauty rare to see
Hurrah for circle one, one. one.
At the top of the list you'll be.
Porch-box and gardens will your
praises sing.
All through the city, in the days of
Hurrah for circle one. one. one.
With your plants of grace & beauty.
Here's to you, ladies of circle one.
And your loyalty to duty.
And talk about hot coffee and sand
wiches the best.
The ones they served on Saturday,
surely stood the test.
These Presbyterian ladies are very
much alive.
And when you want a piece of pie
Call circles 2 or 5.
Hats off to circles 2 and S, with
their aprons and their eats.
When cooking enters in the race,
you surely take front seats.
Doughnuts and cookies, cake and
coffee too.
Pie al a mode if that suits you
We'll cheer for circles 2 and 5
whose work brought in the
Ah ha. it is so funny, how the eats
bring in the money.
But when you want a day of fun
and frolic grand
With circles 3 and 4,
Jump into a car and ride to country
homes just a mile or more.
Where to while tlfe time away and
sip the coffee fine.
Just go to the country on a fine
spring day, ' .
If you want, a good time.
The, flag drill under the direc
tion of Miss Heisel was beautiful
and well rendered by 12 girls. As
ever the red, white and blue thill
ed the audience, while the steps
and poses Were especially att rac
tive. Then followed a song by
Martha Gorder and Thelma Kroeh
ler entitled "The Circle Ladies"
which was very well received.
The program closed with a repeti
tion of the Medley, by request, and
Do you know that we hare a complete line? Wc
make a specialty of the famous John Deere line and it
is complete. We want to figure with you on all your
farm needs this spring.
Our stock of staple and heavy Hardware is in ex
cellent condition to supply every demand. Come in and
see for yourself.
:b ::::b.;;.'k:;::b ; im :.x n .: 'S 2.1 . a
Will Always Carry a
Complete Line of
If It's in the Drug Line Wc will Look after
Your Wants at Ail Times
m: m-m.;.m ,ms v m !; - a
a Round that represented the whirl
of the last 3 months drive. A take
off on the activity of the different
circles. This certainly made a hit
with the ladie3 and caused much
laughter and merriment.
After the program, ice cream and
cake were served to the ladies to
which they did full justice.
It is such an occasion as this
that brings the society into closer
bonds of union and good fellow
Report of Killing. Sunday, of Miguel
Otto Confirmed by Discovery of
Corpse With Bullet Thru Head.
Nogalcs. Ariz., Juno 3. The re
port of the killing. Sunday, of Mi
guel Otto, an American, by Yafjuis,
near La Colorada, Sonora, was con
firmed today when Otto's body was
found stripped of clothing, mutilat
ed and with a bullet hole through
the head.
Otto had been making his home
with a Mexican family at La Colo
rada. His body was discovered a
short distance from their camp,
which he had left on a hunting trip
Acting under instructions from
Washington, Col. Earl Carnahan,
J tl
We have a very large line of shoes for every .netn
ber of the famil3 and bought at a price considerably be
low the present market price fully from 75c to $2 00 per
If You Buy Now Wc Can Save You Money
on Every Pair!
A Pew Broken Lines to Close Out at a
Great Reduction!
Sec Us for Your Spring and Summer Shoes
Right Now!
The Service Store.
' c : a n s .. : s a; , n :. a , :
c b &
" a: "W!:w v ca w a :. mrm: w a a a "
commanding tlio military sulniU
trift of Nouales. accompanied by
Collector of Customs Charles T.
Hardy and former Mayor Writ G.
Bowman of N'ogales, crossed tlio in
ternational border yesterday and
obtained the permission of I'resi
dente Cardenas of Nogalcs. Sonora,
for offices of the Fnited States army
in uniform to enter Nogales. Sonora.
This official announcement was
made here today.
The presidente gnve the American
officials a warm welcome ami im
mediately granted their reunest.
The visitors also wore received v
General Alvaro Obregon and Col
lector 'if Customs Diaz of Smi'ira.
both of whom announced they were
pleased to see the Fnited States re
newing its effort to promote frind
lv relations with Meico.
George Born was a p'ussener tliH
afternoon for Omaha, wher- he i-;
looking after some bu.-iness matters
at the live stock markets for a
short time.
Always Ready for Sal
Dates far or near.
Telephone 1511 Murray Exoranfe