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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1919)
PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE TWO. THURSDAY. JUNE ti. 1010. ict Contents 15F luid Fracni 111 jjpgr r i - - . i, - -a rifiPH Ml A For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Ca ;toria ! similatinUieFoodtyKer 1 Jfng the ywnacis am w ijm :Thcrcti'Prom5inDicslion; Cheerfulness andRcsLContntf, ohPi- noitim.Morpninc nor Minwnt. Not ahootic JvpinSd V JtortUtSaU I d harm W tomlkrrrrrm lrrvr A helpful Remedy for and Foxrishness and 1 npSLEEr : AhelpfulRcmedyftr J c ! and Foxrishness and i j Loss of S"1": ' resaitinfheref fcu: Simile Srtnjrtu0'- Signature Always y . Bears the Jf' MEffiSSifiiaini Exact Copy of Wrapper. Tc co ..t. crrr. In Use For Over Thirty Years IB) LOCAL NEWS From Turs.lay.'s Dally. -Mrs. Mike Tritscl; who has been visiting at the home of relatives at Cedar Creek returned home this morning. Frank Schleistemeier from be tween -Murray and Xehawka. was tran .act ins; business in Plattsmouth this afternoon. Henry Sanders arrived in the city this morning frcm Cedar Vreek. and i looking alter some business in the city for the day. Harry Long of South Rend was looking after some matters at the court house this morning and visit ing with hi many friends. Edward Schulhof who has been looking after some business matters i'i Louisville for a short time re turned home this morning. Henry and George Theirolf were visiting in this cify today from their home at Cedar Creek and wre looking alter sonic business. C. E. 1 1 i 1 1 who lias been working at Ctillom. was a visitor in Platts nicuth for a few hours today, get ting supplies for his work there. Commissioner C. F. Harris or r.enr I'nion was a visitor in this city this morning, coming to meet with the board of eoiinty commis sioners. A. A. Wetteneamp of west of Mynard wa a visitor in this city last evening and was looking after tome business matters for a short time. Will Heniiings and wife were in this eity for the day. coming from the'r fcome at Cedar Creek on the IJurlingfon to pee about some busi ness in the city. J. (I. Meisingcr of near Cedar Crek was a visitor in this city for the day. coming down on the Schuy ler train to loolC after some matters j at the court house. county commissioner nenry J. Miller waa a visitor in this city this afternoon, coming over from his home at Alvo to look after some business for the county. George Lloyd of near Xeliawka was looking after some business matters in the city for a few hours la?t evening having driven up in his err during the afternoon. A letter from Samuel Rhoeten who has just returned from over seas and was at Camp t'plon. New York, states that he will be dis charged in the near future. E. B. Chapman of near Union was a Visitor in this city for a short time today, coming up on the early train of the Missouri Pacific to look after some business at the court house. Matt McQuinn of near Union was a visitor in this city for the day. coming up on the early train to look after some business matters and alo some business at the court house. August Kroehlt-r of near Mauley was a visitor in this city for a short time this morning, coming to look after some business at the court house and to meet with the board of county commissioners. Major Arries who has been visit ing for some time at Fremont and other places in Dodge county with former friends and relatives. re turned home yesterday morning, after having had an excellent time while away. W. F. Eau and wife of near Man ley are visiting In Plattsmouth for a short time, coming down last evening and being the guests at the home of county commissioner Jul ius Pitz who live in the southwest part of the city. Rev. T. A. Truscott formerly pastor of the Methodist church in this city but at this time being resi- Send Us Your Old Carpets 4 We'll Return You the Fin est Fluff Rug You Ever Saw. No Other Rugs or Process of Making Can Com pare with The Deen Special. Process Fluff Rugs Over 10,000 satisfied customers. 25 years experience at the old stand. Write to The Deen Loom Co., Harlan, Iowa, for circulars and shipping tags. r f A V 1 . t m . f . j e manuiaciure i-mims ana uug jiaenmery .ior omer weavers, iior I machines are in use all over the U. S. and Canada. Every rug we make is an advertisement for the efficiency f our machines'. Yon cannot go wronff in sending us your old carpets, rugs, etc . Wc use anything that will make a good fluff rug. Also make Colonials (rag rugs) and rag I carpet. Consult Dun's or Brads treet' commercial reports and send us our order.s. The Deen Loom Company (Cat thi address out and tare it before yot ly thU paper down.) J dent pastor of the church at Syra cuse, arrived in the city last even ing and was a visitor for over night with friends here, and this morn ing departed for Omaha, and will go from there to Sioux City, Iowa, where he will visit with his son who Is the pastor' at that place. ti- nnzn-iin who has been the 111 l - - - nrofessor of manual training in the schools of Holyoke. Colorado, arrived here last evening and is visiting at the home of his parents C. C. Des na in and wife. Professor Despain will not return to Holyoke for the i coming year, as they have a dormi- eveto in t li fro W hich is not meeting with the approval of the instructors. From Monrtay'8 IhI1v. Mrs. Mary Petersen departed this afternoon for Rellevue where she will make-her home in the future. Ren Sneck was a visitor in this city from near Murray this morn ing and was looking after some business matters for the day. G. V. Cheney of Union, one of the assessors was a visitor in this city this morning having some mat ters to look after at the court house. T. V. S. Rehtneier of Weeping Water was a visitor in this city this afternoon, coming to look after some business matters in the district court. George Wail of Lal'latte was a visitor in Plattsmoutli for the morn ing and returned to his work on the early afternoon train ' of the Rurlington. Fred Olderhausen Jr., was a visit or in this city this morning from his home near Cedar Creek and was looking after some business matters for a short time. Henry F. Kropp the assessor for Xehawka precinct, was a visitor in this city this morning, coming to I make his report, and confer with countv assessor Geo. I.. Farley. Geo. McDanield who has been home for the past few days, look ing after some business matters here, departed this afternoon for Chadron, where lie returns Jo his work. W. F. Keckler of Mauley was a visitor in this citv for a short time this afternoon, coming to act as a witness in the examination of T. Harms in obtaining his final papers of citizenship. G rover Parriott of northwest ol the citv. was a recent visitor at jPeru. where he was a guest at the home of his brother, Kd Parriott. who is. well' known here. Grover re porrs his brother as being in very poor health. Joseph Winkler and wife of Rurke. South Dakota. who have beetr visiting here for the past few I days, being guests of J. W. Riack land wife and John Micin ami wife departed on the early afternoon tra:n for their home in (he nr.rth Frank Valiery of Murray visited in this city this morning, and aNo was locking after some business matter::, departing on the after noon train for the west for "a fw days, and while in Omaha stopped to see his uncle J. U. Vallerv who is at the hospital. Dan I.ynn of Union was a visitor in I'lrt tMnoiii h t liN morning for a 'short time coming up on the Mis souri Pacific and after having look ed after some matters at the court House returned home with J. M. Patterson who was also in the city looking after some business. Mtes Htelle C. Agans. a nt:r? who has been serving with the Red Cross in France, arrived in New York last Friday on the Sixonia. Mi Agans went from her honie in Weep ing Water several months ago and has served faithfully, returning now after having done what she could for her country and humanity: Nebraska's Greatest Farm to Be Sold 35 Miles From Omaha 20 Miles From Lincoln 4320 ACRES HIGHLY CULTIVATED 19 SETS OF IMPROVEMENTS What is known as the Fitzgerald farms at (Jreonwood, Xcbr., for many years owned by the ISoston Investment Co., of which Charles E. Perkins, president of the Hiirlington Jinilroud, is president, will he Hosod out. THIS WOXDEJJFUL TKACT is rated THE BEST LAJUiE Tli ACT OP EAKM LAND CNDEIi ONE. OWNEKSIIIP IX XEI5KASKA. Tli ere are 127 quaiter-sertions of fertile bnd under a high state of cultivation, with 1! sets of improvements distributed with -special reference to the best division of the property. These farms, all in one body, are located in the northeast corner of Lancaster County, extend ing over the line into Cass Countv. lis southeastern corner is within ONE MILE OF OIJEEX WOOI) I5ETWEEX OMAHA AND LINCOLN. ON THE .MAIN LINE OF THE BUKLINO TOX, AXI) THE O. L. D. TRANSCONTINENTAL HIGHWAY. M John Fitzgerald, who built most of the Burlington from Omaha to Lin coln, picked this land as the choicest selection along the Burlington road. He operated it as a stock farm, feeding and growing large numbers of cattle and horses. At his death some years ago the property was purchased by the Boston Investment Co. Wc. have gone over the entire property very carefully, have consulted many of the resi dents n the community, and have had land examiners outside of our. company go over it in order to arrive at the proper value. In every instance OUR PBICES ARE BELOW the esti mates of our advisoi s. We did Ibis in older to effect a quick sale. These prices range from a mini mum of $200 to a maximum of sf27o per acre, the latter on a limited acreage. The property is offered in tracts ranging from 80 to ("40 acres. This is a wonderful property, gentlv rolling; with fertile, black, loamy soil, ideally located with reference to transportation and market. Koads run on the section lines, all graded and dragged. Parties will be met by appointment, if desired, at the First National Bank at Green- in r," I wood or will be taken bv auto from Lincoln. WRITE OR VIRE US FOR APPOINTMENT THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY The Whole Tract Will Sell Quickly First Come, First Served There Is No Better Land or Better Location Anywhere to be Had PRICES ARE BELOW ACTUAL VALUE v.- LINCOLN, NEBRASKA 132 South 13th Street mm ' ' u liming t-ima-irnii From Wednesday's tiatly. George Reynolds, of nuir Rock Muffs, was a business visitor in the city this morning. Henry Creamer and Oten Perrv both from near Murray were look ing after some business matters in Plattsmoutli. John Rash'man jr., from vest of Mynard was doing some trading in tho eity this afternoon, having driv en in with a team. Frank Ulatzer ' from north of the city was called to Omaha this morning where he is looking after some business matters. V'al Gobelman. of near Union'. was a visitor in tl7e city this morn ing, coming to look aft'rr some busi ness matters for the day. Will Smith from Rock Rluffs was a visitor In th eity this morning. cmoing to transact some business with the city merchants. W. A. Heil from east of Mvnard w calleji to the city this after noon whr h is looking after Fom buslne.'.-s matters for a short time. John S. Livingstou. from the west end of the county was a visitor in the city this morning, coming to. look after some business matters at the court house and also to visit with relatives arid friends here. Philip Meisingcr was a visitor in Omaha for the afternoon, where he was called to look after some busi ness matters from his home near Cedar Creek. Col. W. R. Young the auctioneer from near Murray was a visitor in Plattsmoutli for a short time this afternoon where he was called to look after foinc business. Watson I-ong and son from west nf Mynard were visiting in the city this afternoon, coming to do some trading and to look after some mat ters at the county seat. W. I. Wheeler anil son Percy of eart of Murray were looking after some business matters in this city for a . few hours this afternoon having driven up with a team. P.usinews of a legal nature called attorney C n. Graves from his home at. Union to this place, where he is interested in some matters at the court house for the morning. Mrs. Fred Jono3 of Ruskin arriv ed last, evrning from hr home in the southwest, and is visiting at the borne of her mother Mrs. J. T. Haird, as well as with her sisters. Miss Kstella Raird and Mrs. Geo. L. Far- lev. Miss Gladys Hall who has been teaching the srhool west of Mynard and which chmed a short time since departed - yesterday morning for Peru, where she takes up a course in the summer schools for teachers furnished by the State Normal at that place. .Captain Harrison h". Gayer was In city this morning from his home near Rock Rluffs, doing some buy ing of material and hardware for the new home they are erecting at this time. He arranged to have tLe Journal make regular visits to their new home. We are pleased to wel come this excellent family as clti-J zens of the county and to this vicin ity as well. REMEMBERED THEIR MEMBER. From Wednesday's Pally. The E. T. C. club which is a social-business institution and con duct their business at their social functions, their lines being embroid ering, tatting and crocheting, held a very delightful meeting last Mon day evening at the home of their member Mrs. J. C. Petersen jr., at which Mrs. Ed Storm was the guest of Jionor. the occasion being the tendering of this lady a reception prior to her departure for new home at Lincoln, where she is soon to move. A very beautiful and desir able remembrance was given this lady at the meeting which all en joyed. Eats, certainly they had an excellent, luncheon, which was en joyed by all. . HE WOULD CALL HER "MIKE. From Wednfsrtn y's Hatly. Judge M. Archer is in receipt of a letter, from his granddaughter Mrs. Orren McN'urlin. in the western part of the state, in which she tell? of there being left at her home the sweetest little daughter by the stork on May 7th. This is a great grand daughter of Judge Archer and when asked what is the name of the little miss, he said. "I do not know, but I think thev should call her 'Mike' in honor of her great grand-father. ' "Wanted: Girl for general house work, in small family. Must no plain cooking; good wages, unie Mrs. T. M. Patterson. Plattsmouth. :o: Impure blood runs you down '.il... fi,i flic. makes you an easy vicum - ea.ce. For pure oiwu " digestion Burdock Blood Bitter.. At all drug stores, Prices. $1.25. i a a a a if MM m: j 7.M TMzmm-zxrM.'iMsw.m : zm.i.u BASE BALL ? 1 1 ft ' Red Sox vs Filurphy-Did-lfs Amateur Champions of Greater Omaha. Ball Parkl 3:00 EVERYBODY CCME GUT! DnS. HACH & r.lACII, THE DENTISTS The largest and best equipped dental offices in Omaha. Experts - c n -n-1. i Ait; GTTpnnnr. iviui i r- kmh m i in charge oi an ww " Porcelain fillings just like tooth. Instruments carefully sterilized ir,,,nw FLOOR, PAXTON DlOCK, OMAHA . Fistula-Pay Vhen'Cureil IJLy 1 1 1 1 r L-Z. A mild srntem of treatment that cores PiT. Fistula and 1 II II I othnr Recta IDieam in short timft. without U ' LI Li VS 12J gical operation. No Chloroform. Ether or othnr general A " an.irh.tii ii.mI A rm-e an mn teed i ff ff.r mm .ywsn. i for treatment, and no moner to be paid until cored. Write for bonk on Rectal Diseases, with Damn and testimonials of more than 1000 prominent people who have been permanenUy cured. DR. E. R. TARRY 240 Bas Bulldlnff OMAHA, NEBRASKA Subscribe for the Journal. i Read the Daily Journal J3 4 1 a m a n to M a H ti a H VI H