The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 15, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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THURSDAY, MAY 15. 1919.
Cbe plattsmoutb journal
Entered at Postofflce, riattsmouth. Neb., as second-class mall matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Toor weather for spring.
Drag the roads, and then again.
The soldier boys still keep com
Politicians are sent to rule us as
punishment for our foolishness.
We are now warranted In accus
ing the purchaser of a corkscrew of
, being an optimist.
Thieves are endeavoring to get
the upper hand of Nebraska officials,
and they may do it yet.
Tresident Wilson maintains his
fourteen points are adhered to in
the treaty presented to the Germans.
Just imagine what Austria's feel
ings must be as it starts into the
peace chamber and gets a look at
Germany coming out.
As long as no one can ever tell
what verdict a jury will bring in,
the proper method of dealing with a
man who eats onions for breakfast
will always remain a problem.
Italy gets Flume, Japan gets
Shantung. Britain gets Egypt,
Krance .gets Alsace-Lorraine, Ger
many gets the terms of peace, and
glory be. the Yanks are getting
It is hard to understand why
underpaid employees are so often
dissatisfied. It is next to im possible
for an underpaid man to get him
self fired, and. when he does, he
doesn't lose much.
It is the small boy's earnest con
viction that the peach crop would
fail with less regularity if the trees
were permitted to retain more of
their switches, which, lie says, the
Creator intended to grow peaches
on, not to train boys on.
It is hard work these days for a
person to save his own auto, if out
on the road. The thieves are liable
to take it from you and make
you walk home. Keep j-our auto at
home after dark, and stay there
China is up in arms over the pro
visions of the peace treaty. It went
out the other evening and burned a
minister's home and when China
does that there is no mistaking the
situation. That is the way China
has of declaring war.
N'early five thousand Chicago
aliens, according to a news report,
have made 'application for passports
home within the last few months.
Since the city election, we should
say, recalling the election of Mayor
Thompson last spring.
Some times when your imagina
tion is working see if you can think
of anything more futile than a man
in civilian clothes trying to strike
up a flirtation in the crowd which
gathers at the station to meet a
trainload of overseas 'men.
Coffee is going higher in price,
the better grades increasing as
much as 100 per cent, says a Chicago
importer, who offers to give reasons.
If he had been in the price raising
business through the 'war as most
food producers have, he'd know
that nobody ever waits to hear food
reasons nowadays.
We are glad to learn that the old
story about John D. Rockefeller hav
ing been condemned to an eternal
diet of crackers and milk was a
falsehood. We never placed much
credence In it to start with, and
abandoned it entirely when milk
approached as much a quart as gas
oline sells for a gallon.
The doctors are kept on the go.
Holland to give up the Kaiser.
Now, it is said, coffee will cost
more. Coffee must be grooming it
self to take the place of booze.
Crap shooters In Fairfield. Iowa,
get 10 years in the penitentiary.
Pretty heavy fine for a little sport.
Governor McKelvie would per
haps fare fetter if he didn't have
so many irons in the fire at one
German peace delegates show
signs of yielding, but are trying to
lessen the harshness of the peace
Germany had all the instruments
necessary to preserve peace in 1914.
The trouble was that she didn't de
sire to preserve it.
Mother's day was pretty well ob
served in Plattsmouth Sun iay. Flow
ers were not as plentiful ac on form
er occasions of this kind.
A New Jersey town is reported to
have kept itself free of Bolshevism
by threatening to wash any red card
agitator found within its limits.
All towns of importance are pre
paring to give the soldier boys a
grand reception on the Fourth of
July. Let not Plattsmouth be be
hind o:her towns.
You have a few days yet to sub
scribe for the Victory Loan. And
you know you ought to have all or
more than you can afford. Last
chance for a paying investment.
As forewoman of the jury that is
to try the ex-kaiser, II. M. nomi
nates the German woman who gave
nine sons and received the kaiser's
signed photograph in exchange.
It appears that the United States
may be asked to accept a mandate
for Armenia. If a mandate gives us
free privileges of manhandling the
Turks to our jolly Western satis
faction, the proposition is worth
Recent history tends to show that
there is Just as much grief and just
as little real romance in the elope
ment of an heiress and her chauf
feur as there used to be in the
elopement of an heiress and her
' :o:
It is possible that a resume of the
Peace Treaty Was fallen under the
eye of the ex-kaiser by this time.
Does he discern anything therein
that might fall under the head of
"nonsense from America after the
Dr. Alexander Graham Bell is
quoted as saying the telephone has
become such a nuisance he almost
wishes he hadn't Doctor
Bell Is too conscientious. He should
cheer up in the knowledge that he
merely Invented the telephone, and
had nothing to do with inventing
Burleson controls
Except for the trifling formality
of Germany's signature, the work
of the peace conference is over, and
everybody wears a smile except
China, whose facial expression still
leaves doubt as to whether she is
smiling or crying. We really wish
China would cheer up a little. She
ought to, for now that the negotia
tions are over, China can reasonably
expect to keep what teeth she didn't
lose while the conference had her in
the chair. China has every bit as
much reason for optimism as did
the old lady who remarked that she
had only two teeth left, but thank
God, they hit. i ,,:
China Is much fussed up over
what has happened to its province
of Shantung in the Peace Confer
ence. Germany had virtually ap
propriated the province before the
war. And now Japan has taken it
away from Germany and nobody is
on hand to get it back for China. If
this fireside companion were con
ducting a little class on interna
tional relations it would call on
China to stand up and would then
address it as follows: ,
"Its pretty tough, China, and we
Americans are sorry for you. We
had much rather Japan hadn't done
it. But that's as Jar as our sym
pathy goes. We remonstrated with
Japan in the secrecy of the Peace
Confreence and said the grab didn't
harmonize with the Fourteen Points
at all. But that's all the good it
did. Japan was polite, but firm.
"While we sympathize deeply
with you, we don't see our way
clear to go out and get shot at on
your behajf. That sort of thing
would be noble, but it isn't being
done this season. In the long run
Heaven helps those who help them
selves. When you have developed
sufficiently, as you will some day.
vou will take bark Shantung and
we snail all cneer. .ueanwnue m:
should advise you not to put too
much confidence in what the League
of Nations or any other philan
thropic organization will do for you.
"What you do for yourself you can
be sure of. What you expect some
body else to do for you well, it
won't fetch much on the market.
We might be much more consoling
if we should discuss the brother
hood of man. But we think in the
long run you will be better off if
you face the facts as they exist. And
the facts mean that the millennium
hasn't arrived, at least not so that
anybody would notice it." K. C.
. :o:
The Chicago joyriders who stole
a hearse to ride around in were
pulling off John Barleycorn's funer
al a trifle ahead of time, weren't
Prunes are said to excel other
fruits in alcoholic content, but it
probably will not be advisable to
use them for the relief of the im
minent great alcoholic discontent.
n -
Were it not for the unfortunate
fact that there i3 so little difference
in value between a penny and a dol
lar nowadays, the government might
quickly overcome the penny shortage
by printing off a few billion 1-cent
bank notes.
of Plattsmouth, Nebr.
Charter No. f. 12 in the State of Ne
braska at the close of business
on May :;ri, lyiy.
Loans jirel discounts
.;:! 1. 11
.-.; -i
lo.n iri.r.r.
' 4 ; . k n r . ( i r.
IS, 224. 'Ml
Honda, securities, judgments,
claims, etc-
other assets,i-rty lion. Is
ItHnklns house, furniture ami
Other real estate.?
Current expense, taxes and
interest paid
Cash items
Due from National anil State
Checks and items of cxeh'jo
Cold coin
Silver, nickels and cents!!!!
. $77J,7as.:;r
Capital stock paid In
Surplus fund
I'ndivideil profits !!!
to check !.!!!!!!
Time cerl idea tr s or dc'p'os'it !
Cashier's checks outstanding
mils ayaie !!!!'.!!!
Due to National and State
Depositor's Ruaratity fund...
no. ooo. oo
22,2 IS. 77
2 1.701.71
0.121. l'J
. . .$77w,io8.u.
State of Nelirnska)
County of Cass ) fs:
I. 11. V. Patterson. Cashier of the
above named bank do hereby swear
that the above statement is a correct
and true copy of the report made to
the State Banking Board
... . It- PATTERSON.
Attest: Cashier
CHAS. C. PAHMELE, Director
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 12th day of May. 1919.
(Seal) Notary Public.
My commission expires Sept. 22, 1923.
A Ford Touring car, in good, run
ning order. Priced to sell by An
drew Stohlman, Louisville, Nebr.
Sloan's Liniment 6catters
the congestion and
relieves pain
little, npli'cd ztithoul ruhbirtg, will
penetrate immediately and rest and
soothe the nerves.
Sloan's Liniment 13 very effective in
allaying external pains, strains, bruises,
nehe3, still joints, sore muscles, lumba
go, neuritis, sciatica, rheumatic twinges
Keep a big bottle always on hand
for family use. Druggists everywhere. .
We are assured that the close of
the war with Turkey is certain to
revive scientific interest in excava
tions in the Holy Land.
Why not turn our attention, also,
to the pastime in this countrv? We
have a few buried traditions in
America which might be uncovered
by digging diligently in the right
The scientists of the Democratic
National Committee, for instance.
might furnish employment for some
of the employed of that party who
have recently boon relased from
serving the country in soft jolts in
Washington, by setting them to.
digging for the good old party doe
trine handed down from ' Jefferson
that "the least governed, the bst
The public, utilities commissions
of something like forty-eight states,
having been relieved of any ollicial
duties by the taking over by the
federal government of railroads.
j telegraph, telephone and other forms
of transport at ion am! transmission
could very profitably occupy tin
time wliilo they are waiting for
Ihejr next month's uary by discing
down under the wreckage- of the
past two years in a search for the
once cherished doctrine of states'
In the meantime, the lion. Hill
Hayes, chief director of operations
for the G. O. 1'. what an interesting-thing
if he could excavate and
discover for the public paze the
old-time arguments in favor of the
rayne-Aldrich tariff.
Let us dig deep and see if we can
linl underneath the earth some
where the old theory that govern
ment ownership of railroads would
mean cheaper transportation.
And that old notion about the law
of supply and demand ah, what
fame for the excavationists who are
lucky enough to strike a pick into
it and drag it fortli from the grave
into which it has ,becn buried by
statutory price fixing.
And the old timer who used to
s-pread the American eagle before
the crowds on the Fourth of July,
and tell us that wo could raise an
army overnight and lick the world
before noon the next day but he's
buried so deep, no doubt, that we
are expecting too much from the
fine old sport of excavating for the
lost treasures of history. K. . C.
Cut This Out It Is Worth Money.
Don't Miss This. Cut out this
slip, enclose with 5c to Foley tc Co..
2833 Sheffield Ave., Chicago. 111.,
writing your name and address
clearly. You will receive in return
a trial pacakgo containing Foley'p
lloney and Tar Compound, for
coughs, colds and .croup. Foley
Kidney Pills and Foley Cathartic
Tablets. Sold everywhere.
For earache, toothache, pains,
burns, scalds, pore throat, try Dr.
Thomas' Fclrctic Oil, a splendid
remedy for emergencies.
u n i rnnni n
li Hi U. LEUrULU
le-lnl A rul ion to Il)M-ne.H of '-Hitmro
Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted
Night Calls Answered After Hours
and Sundays by Appointment
4:30 a. m. to 12:00 1:30
nt. to 5
K.U' Plattsmouth, Neb.
I demand an alibi for wheat
when the high cost of living conies
up for indictment. Wheat, the
source of the staff of life; the
cehapost and best of all our Ameri
can ioous; me deciding factor 111
the war; the greatest single ele
ment in the conclusion of peace.
and today the strongest-bar against
Bolshevism! Wheat, the great staple
food of man, the civilizer of hu
manity, the greatest single find of
all time, except iron!
Since the Stone Age and the
Lake Dwellers man has worked and
fought for wheat as the most prec
ious of all Ii is possessions. He for
gets it from time to time in the
press of other matters, hut he al
ways comes hack to wheat and to
the land for its production.
That is why there are grown to
day on all the earth no les.s than 4
billion bushels annually, produced
upon a greater variety of soils and
under a wider range of climatic
conditions than would he possible
with any other crop.
Four billion bushels of wheat
with half a million seeds ui every
bushel! Ahout two bushels a head
for all the earth, when there should
bo six!
A solid trainload reaching around
the world! Rivers of wheat for,
in motion, these 4 million bushels
would make a stream over twenty
feet wide and a foot deep, flowing
four miles an hour continuously.
year in and year out, forever and
a day, for the feeding of the na
tions! Blessed be the Wheat! K
Davenport in the Saturday Evening
From Wednesday's Itaily.
The tocial meeting of the Wo
man's Relief Corps, which was held
at the home of Mrs. Thomas Glenn
vesttrtiav afternoon was well at
tended, and also well enjoyed, by
the large number of people Mho
wore present. The time was very
enjoyable spent in social conversa
tion, and one of the features which
was productive of much pleasure
was t ho delightful luncheon which
was served by Mesdames Thomas
(jlenn, Robert Troop, Wm. McCau-
ley and John Fight.
Takes Hold And Helps.
Marie Heisler. 1-reenort. 111..
writes: "I had more or less or a
cough for 10 vears and I have tak
en quite a number of medicines.
None of them takes hold and helps
like l oleys Honey aim lar. inis
l.l f.i;-i),;. fimrri, svnin nrnnmtlv
...... ... ......... . .
belns coujihs. colds. croup and
whooping cough. Contains no opiat
es. Sold everywhere.
A good 240 acre farm for sale.
Four miles northwest of Murray,
tfd&w - O. A. DAVIS. .
One way to relieve habitual con
stipation is to take regularly a mild
laxative. Dunn's Regulets are
ri.nmmMhll for this THimOSO. 30C
I t wiiiiiiv lint - - - -
a box at all drug stores.
I 1 . .
To .leptha H. C.llbert, non-resi.i.u .
Vou 'are" hereby notified that on the
.mil "lay of" January. HMD. Ida .Hbert
riled a oetition a era i list vou in the
tii. t ('ourt I,? Cass county. Nebraska,
defendant :
. i ... iwnvei- of wiilcn i "l
tn! ""j i- thu I
t.,;,. ., .1 vtin e l rom vou '! I
.. o .iv- nn- I
IZ. t'OU 111 OI I . '1 1 1 U re l( - ---i i ainn mi- ....... i .......
port for the plaintiff or her children, I o,,, -ninty Court of Cass county. Ne
iilthoush amply able to do so. and tor I ,r;lska, on the 21th day of April. A.
order that the planum ' " i
(he care and custody 01 mc (he Issue of sanl nmiiiimc.
........... -
Vi.ii sir,- reiiuireil to answer .-ei i" -
Ml ion on or bclore tlie ..iu "
June, 1 1) 1 9.
OltPEII lli:"IN(i
ni.d tlee of Probnte of Mill
In the County Court of Cuss count j.
Nebraska. ... -
State of Nebraska. Countv of C.iss,
""to ll.-rman F C K"V?"' V KuT-ke
E Kupke, Christian W . A. K'ipK
Kupke. true name . mil la K upKe. Au),
:,t J. II- Kupke and "",r?:
Kupke. and all other persons Inteii : -t
ed in the c.-tate of Herman Kupke.
d ceased: . Tt..n-.n
in reading tli' pom ion m
! C. Kn.Vk- praviitg that the Ins ru
m. nt liled i'i this court on the lJtn
I v of 1 ! 1. "' purporting ,'o
e- the ult will and testament of t .
said deceased, may ho proved and
lowed, and recorded as the Inst yviU
and lesiiinipiu '". ' ... ...t i.r
instrument be ail-
rire 'to' nrobale. and the admlnfstra
urn tiled to
,Jeo,KO J. K. Ku- c. a - ;
I iwii .-- - - ,.
It Is herei.y.o,.. Me,. - .
all in-rsons lt,i.:.-sr.-. . -
may. ami . ., ,,.
Court to be he-la in an '- .
IV. oil the. Klin oiy ox ... -
1.119. nt 10 o'clock a. l n.. to s now
..... if nnv there lc. wny m" "-
.iu.-, .... ,,., t irrani-
he'Vve to nil pel sons invested in
iKl'nepaper printed in
Children Cry
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been
in use for over thirty years, has borne the signature of
- and has been made under- his per-
cZjCs6tfiZttjf sonal Peion nce its infancy.
uztyjrt. -t Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good " are but
Experiments that trifle witb and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience agdrst Experiment.
What is CASTOR I A
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric,
Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains
aeither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its
age js its guarantee. For aiore than thirty years it has
been in constant us for the relief of Constipation, Hatulencjv
"Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising
therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowe's, aids
the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
iBsars the
In Use For Over 30 Years
The &ind You Have Always Sought
said enmity for three successive weeks
priiir t' sall il;iv of hearinjr.
Witness m- hand ana the peal or
said 'urt, this 13th day of April, A
i. 131 a.
Countv Judge.
(Seal) a21-4w. Clerk.
oicdkk of m:itiu
mid .llee on Petition for
Settlement of Arrmint
In the County Court of Cass conn
ly, N-lr;skn.
State of Nebraska. Cass countv.
To ail persons interested in the es
tit to of tins Splitt, Sr., deceased:
Ort I'cadintr the petition of Cus Splitt
lr., praying a ltnal settlement and al
lowante of his account filed in this
Court on the !'th dav of May. 1919
tnd for distribution and assignment.
It Is hereby ordered that you am
all persons interested In fald matter
may, and do. appear at the County
Court to be held in and for said eoun
ty. on the l!th dav of Slav. A. IX 1919
it in o'clock n. m., to show cause, if
iny there be. why the prayer of the
ictnioricr should not be uranted, an
that notice of the pendency of said
petition and the hearing thereof bo
:iven to all persons Interested In said
matter by publishing: a copy of this
order in the I 'lat tsmout It Journal, a
-(nil-weekly newspaper printed in said
ounty, for one week prior to said day
u hearing.
In witness whereof, I have hereunto
-ct tnv hand ami the Seal of said court
this Oth day of Ma v. A. IX 1 9 1 !.
County Judffe.
Seal J Clerk.
TJlo state of Nebraska, Cass coun-
I ". ss:
,n thp Collnty court
In the matter of the Estate of Tier-
on T. Walton, Itecenfed
To the Creditors of Said Estate
You are hereby notified that I will
-it at the County Conrt room In Platts
mouth, in said county, on the lith day
if May. A. I). 1319. and on the l!'tn
day of Aiijrust, A. IJ. 1H19, at ten (10)
clock in the forenoon of each day, to
receive and examine all claims against
aid estate, with a view to their ad
justment and allowance. The time
limited for the presentation of claims
mnst said estate Is three months
from the 17th day of May, A. IX 1919.
:ind the time limited for payment or
debts Is one year from said lvtli day
of May, 1919.
Witness my hand and the seal of Paid
County Court, this 14th day of April,
A. 1). 1919.
(Seal) County Judge.
In the County Court of Cuss county,
State of Nebraska, County or Cass,
To all peninn,
t(' r John I
both creditors an
Interested in the es
Pecker. Sr.. deceased.
and heirs
vou. oni f ae l or you. are nerei.iv
..... .. .. i .-i i.... . i. m...nij
noiineu umi r.i ie i n unuM" "w
M -. , thoir net it Ion in
p., j:m:i. anemiiK nun juim x. j.niv..
Mr., ucpancn mis mt- m
I. Miens ,roe, ai ms noun; in int.-
. . i . , .. nr iiiin.ii
tv or Mason ami oi.tie i. jimon.-.
the lfith dav of Decern ner. j . i . Jm,
leaving a last will and testament; that
. . . tit . . 1 ,n..,nmAn. llQB hAAt?
Sillll nlSl Will tlllll .......
duly proved and allowen as me lasi
will and testament of said-John I.
Pecker, Sr., deceased. In the County of
Mason and State of Illinois; that a
eoliv ot sit Hi win aim uic luuunic
thereof, duly authenticated. Is here
with produced by said Elizabeth Man
old and Catherine- Mayer, persons In
terested in said will; that the place of
residence of said John P. Becker. Sr., de
ceased was the town of Aliens Grove, in
the Countv of Mason and State of Il
linois; that said John P. Pecker. Sr.
died seized of the following describ-
Drs.lVJach & Mach, .The Dentists
nr n
for treatment, and no money to be paid until cured. Write for book on Recta 1 Diseaae. witii name
and testimonials of more than 1000 prominent people who have been permanently cured. ,
m am ara 1 - 1 1 J V mm aaat af Ktf a J A ffal apa mm mtm. ah
DR. E. R. TARRY pew """'" ntuitASKA
for Fletcher's
Signature of
ed real properly in Cass countv, Ne
braska: The North half (N'i) of Sec
tion Twenty-three (2.!) in Township
Twelve 12 North of Range Twelve
(12) East of the tli 1'iinclpal Merid
ian: tha.t according to said will, the
Northwest ijuarter (NWVi) of Section
Twenty-three (2:5) in Township Twelve
12l North of Range Twelve (12 EaKt
of the 6th Principal Meridian, was de
vised to Elizabeth Mangold and she
is the owner or naid tract; and that
the Northeast quarter (NElil of Sec
tion Twenty-three (2.1) In Township
Twelve (12) North of IlaiiRe Twelve
(12) East of the Ct Ii Principal Merid
ian, was devised to Catherine Mayer
for and during the term of her nat
ural life, with remainder at her deatli
in said land to co to and be the prop
erty of the children of said Catherine
Mayer in fee-simple absolute, and said
Catherine Mayer Is the owner of a
life estate in said last described tract:
and that the following Is a copy of
the prayer of the said petition: "Your
petitioners, therefore, pray that the
court shall fix a time for bearing tip
on this petition according to law; that
notice of the time and place of said
hearing sTiall be given to all persons
interested In said estate, both credi
tors and heirs, for three weeks suc
cessively, according to law, to show
cause, if any there by, why said In
strument should not be proved, allow
ed and probated as the last will and
testament of said deceased; and that
said will may be allowed and probat
ed as the last will and testament of
said John 1. Pecker, Sr.. deceased, and
that such other and further orders and
proceedings may be had in the prem
ises as may be required by the stat
utes In such cases made and provided."
It Is hereby ordered that you and
all persons Interested In the estate of
John P. Becker, Sr., deceased, both
creditors and heirs, may, and do ap
pear at the county court to be held In
and for said county, on the 21st dav
of May. A. IX 1919, at ten (10) o'clock
a. m., to show cause. If any there be,
why the prayer of the petitioners
should not be jrranted. and that no
tice of the pendency of said petition
and the hearing thereof be given to
ill persons interested In said estate.
both creditors and heirs, by publish
ing a copv of this order in the Platts
mouth Journal, a semi-weekly newspa
per printed in said county for three
successive weeks prior to said day of
Witness mv hand, and the seal of
said Court this 2-ltli day of April, A.
IX 1919.
(Seal) a28-3w. County Judge.
From Wednesday's Dally.
Henry Kaufmann Jr., of Kansas
City is visiting in the city, corning
on accqunt of the illness of his sis
ter Miss Nellie Kaufmann who is
in the hospital at Omaha. Mr.
Kaufmann and father Wm. Kauf
mann were passengers to Omaha
this' afternoon where they were
visiting with the sister and
daughter and also with Henry
Kaufmann sr., brother of Wm.
Kaufmann and uncle of Henry jr.,
who is also doing nicely, as well
aa Miss Nellie. Miss Nellie Kauf
mann was very sick for some time
but is improving now. '
You will find a complete line of
School Day books at the Journal of
fice. A beautiful graduation pres
ent. We have an excellent line to
select from.
Journal Want-Ads fay I
The largest and best equipped dental offices in Omaha.
Experts in charge of all work. Lady attendant. Mod
erate Prices. Porcelain fillings just like tooth. Instru
ments carefully sterilized after using.
; Fistula-Pay VheifCured
A mild system of treatment that cures Filet, Fistula anf
other Recta 1 Diseases in a short time, without a severe sur
gical operation. No Chloroform. Ether or other fleueral
snaathetie naed. A cure Snanmteedin aver m. J. .