11 i. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL .. 1 THURSDAY. MAY 15. 1919. PAGE TWO. at Tlainview, and is moving to Chi cago. Yesterday M. B. Chamberlain, who lived near Cedar CrVek was in Omaha where he went to have his arm dressed, which he had injured with the cable at the sand pit sev eral weeks since, and was accom panied by his .brother Elmer Chamberlain, who has just return ed from .the service at Camp Funston. i ! fMgiufei M . . . if Wi 111 lifc! MFSi Tobicco CO. 'I I II' : I frW flV fcJ, X-.-. 1 2 i It "V ..-- YOU can't help cutting loose joy'us remarks every time you flush 3rour smokespct with Prince Albert it hits you so fair and square. It's a scuttle full of jcy'us jimmy pipe sunshine and as satisfying as it is delightful every hour of the twcnty-fcurl It's never too late to hop into the Prince Albert pleasure pasture i For, P. A. is trigger-ready to give you more tobacco fun than ycu ever had in your smokecareer. That's becauze it has the quality. Quick as 3'ou know Frince Albert you'll write it down that P. A. did not bite your tongue or parch your throat. And, it never will! For, cur exclusive patented process cuts out bite and parch. Try it for what ails your tongue 1 Toppy red bag tidy rrd t:r.s, handsome pcttnd and harf pound tin humidors and that clever, practiced pcr.J crystal glass hamidor urith sponge moist ener top thai keeps the tobacco in such perfect condition. R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, N. C LOCAL NEWS From Wednesday's Dally. I!. J. Miller, coniniissioiior from tin- 3rd district, is in the city nieet int with t lie other members of tile board of county commissioners. JK-nry Kcil. who is visiting here for a few days, was a euen at the home of Cam Seybert over night at Louisville, and returned here this morning. Ui(-rt McCleary of near Weep-in-.; Water was a vi-itcr in IMatts Tuouth this morning and was Hok i:i after :;ome business matters for the day. Sam (Joodman of sc.uth of My r.r.nl was a visitor in this city yes terday afternoon. where he was looking after some business for a lew hours. Antone Meisin;;er of west of this city, was a vitor in I'lattsmouih for the morn inc. romins to look after some business matters with the merchants. W. U. liannin; of I'nion who has been visiting in Omaha and look ing after some business for a short time stopped here this afternoon on his way home. j Will Smith. John Lambert and Sam Henderson were in last even ing from near Rock Muffs and were looking after some business in the city for a short time. "i .!. V. Harris, county commission er of Nemaha county, and making his home at the city of Nemaha, is in the city this morning. having some business with the county board of this county which is in session at this time. (. I. Kuyt -of Auburn. was a visitor in this city for the day. coming, to visit with his friend J. A. Pitz. and to meet with the county commissioners of this comi ty, he being a member of the board of county commissioners of Nemaha county. I From Tuesday's Iaity. A. (I. Hackenberg was a pas sentrer last evening to Cedar Creek whet-? he is engaged in working. A. A. Wet encamp from west of Myiu-rd was looking after some business matters in this city last evening. (ieorge Horn who has been in Omaha, looking after some business 'The Greatest Thing in Life' is to Have a Savings Account at a Good, Reliable Bank Every ob one? ri m m 1 1 m v v w s c i aw EVERY MAN KNOWS THAT A WOMAN IS A BETTER BUYER 1HAII ME IS; SHE IS MORE CAREFUL OF MONEY. THAT'S THE REASON EVERY WOMAN SHOULD HAVE A BANK ACCOUNT. SHE WILL MAKE HIS MONEY GO FARTHER AND WILL SAVE HIM MONEY. CMOE IN AND OPEN A BANK ACCOUNT FOR YOUR WIFE. SHE WILL HELP YOU GET AHEAD. Farmers State Bank PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA at the live stock 'market, returned home last evening. John Schel! of Murdock was n visitor in this city for the day. coming to look after some business matters at the court house. Yesterday afternoon ileury Sund ers was a passenger to Cedar Creek, where he is looking after some business matters on the farm. John MelTord the assessor from Salt Creek precinct was a visitor in the city today, coming to report to county assessor Farley the comple tion of his work. Kaymond Henry frun south of Murray was a visitor in this city yesterday looking after some busi ness matters for a few hours.- Mr. Henry is farming below Murray. Messrs. Chase Fatterson and Walter layers from the noted place of Hock Illuffs were in the city yes terday afternoon and were looking after finnr business matters for a few hours. Samuel I). HomU-r.-on of Aftun. Iowa, wars a visitor in I'lattsmouth, for a short time, coining in last evening fn m the oast and depart ing for Hock r.iun's, immediately thereafter. Hryan Snyder and I) wight Prcpst departed this afternoon for Imper ial in the western portion oT tin's state, wilh live car loads of cattk which George Snyder is shipping from his farm here for feeding in the west. ' . 7 V. A. Cook was a visitor in Phittfmouth yesterday, coming to look after some business for a short time, and has moved nearer to Cedar Creek, he having been this side some distance where he was doing some clearing. Mrs. J. p. Kcil Who has been visiting at Huron, R. 1)., for some time past, was taken sick while there and on her return was ac companied by her son Henry Keii. whom she was visiting in the north. Mrs. Keil is feeling much better at his time. Jamos Spcncc who has but a short time since returned from overseas, was a visitor in this city for over night, and a guest of his friend John I'armele. departed this morning for Omaha, w here ' he is looking after some business mat ters for the day. A r George W. Snyder the progressive farmer is having electric , lights placed in his home, carrying the circuit from Mynard, which is a mile and a half away. Mr. Rnyricr is also shipping a large number of cattle to his farm in the western portion or the state from his farm here. Henry Weidman who has been visiting in this city for a short time, a guest at the home of his mother. Mrs. Emma Weidman, de parted this morning for Chicago, where he will make his home for the present. He has just sold out ! From Moi'ilay's lally. Phillip A. I Hid was n visitor in this city last Saturday afternoon, looking after some business matters. Ferdinand Hennings and family, from near Cedar Creek were in the city last Saturday 'afternoon, doing some trading. Henry It. C.ering was a visitor in this city for over Sunday returning to his home and work at Omaha yesterday afternoon. Mrs. Mike Tritsch who has been visiting in Cedar Creek and Louis ville for the past few days return ed homo this morning. Mrs. John Murray was a visitor in Plattsmouth for the day coming down from Omaha this morning, and is a guest of friends. Phillip Fornoff of near Cedar Creek was a visitor in this city for the day. coming this morning and is looking after some business. Win. Puis of Murray was a busi ness visitor in Tiattf mouth last Sat urday, coming to visit with friends, and to look after some business. Frank Grauf was a vi-itor in Plattsmouth last Saturday Oventng from his home east of Murray and was looking after .some business matters. Peter V.. KufTner of Omaha, was a visitor in this city for Sunday. i--iiin:r with friends and returned last evening to Omaha, where he is employed. Frank K. Schlater and wife ac companied by their two daughters Misses Margaret and Mildred were over Sunday visitors in l.oui.-ville. returning home this morning via the Hurlington. Phillip Schaefer of near Nehawka was a visitor in Plattsmouth last Sat unlay, looking after some busi iurA v ud while here made the Journal glad by an extension of his subscript ion. Charles Warren of Cedar Creek, was visiting in thov city, a guest of his son Frank Warren, for a short time and departed this afternoon for Omaha, where he is looking after sonic business for the day. Kd Parker of Syracuse who has been visiting with friends in this city for the Sunday departed this : fternoon for Omaha, where he will look after some business before re M:riiing to bis home in Syracuse. Will Oliver jr.. and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Pesack and Mrs. Fred Newman. :'U of Louisville were over in their car hist Saturday afternoon and culled at the Journal office while here, advancing their subscription, .-.nd returned to their home in the afternoon. Clyde Jones and wiTe who was just recently back from the service was a visitor in this city for the day. being the guest at the home of his father J. H. Jones nud with his brother Sergeant Robert Jones and wife of this city, they have been at Omaha for a short time. Kd Horan of near F.agle who is one of the assessors for the pounty, is reported (quarantined with his household with the small pox. and while he had finished his work of assessing, there is only a little yet to do, some six schedules which the people sent in themselves. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wagner of New Pet hleheiiu. Pa., who have been visiting in the west for the past, six months arrived in this city this morning from the west and are en their way home, stopping here for a few days to visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Hall. Mrs". Wag ner and Mrs. Hall being cousins. This morning Harry Gayer who is building a home on his farm south of this city, near the historic place of Rock muffs, arrived from Lin coln and brought along with him Joseph Dohner. contractor who is building tho house for him and Fred Wilson. another carpenter. The gentlemen will immediately begin work on the building. mmmm Site nor jy Big Increase in Fisk Sales Due to Fisk Durability and Value MOTORISTS today ore buying tires on the basis of actual results. Here is a condition that is leading to a great demand for Fisk Tires for Fisk visible value stands out today in terms of greater mileage, longer life, more distinctive appearance and greater tire economy. In every line of business there is always one product that stands out head and shoulders above the average. Experienced motorists know the difference in tires, and they know the superior mileage and wear delivered by Fisk Tires. You'll like the type of dealers who specialize in Fisk Tires alert, foreseeini men who know comparative values in tires, and who know that success comes to those who serve their public. The Fisk dealers in this community have a message for you. Next time Buy Fisk FOR SALE BY L. F. TERRYBERRY AKE INSTALLING SIGNAL SYSTEM UNDERWENT OPERATION. From Tuesday's Dallj. Hie Hurlington nas a gang of workmen, how on th installation or an electric blo-'j: s;. &ttm betv ecu this place and Pacific Junction, which connects up with the system Frot Tuesday's Pally. Yesterday at the St. Joseph Hos pital Arthur Sheldon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Sheldon under went an operation for appendicitis. The father and mother were with their son at the time of the opera tion, and on their departure last in use on the other side of the river and which has been in prog- evening for home, the young men WILL MAKE HOME IN PLATTSMOUTH ress of extending to Creston for some" time past. By this system when a car of any kind shall be on the track between this place and Pacific Junction t,he blotck will show at both places. A force of workmen are now at work on exca vating for battery wells some dist ance southeast of the passenger station. was coming out from under the in fluence of the drug in nice shape. and with prospects of feeling very well when the effects of the drug had departed. This morning the parents went to Omaha on the early train to see how the young man is progressing. It is hoped that they may hnd him getting along niceiy From Tuc.la y's Dally. Albert Creamer and wife arrived yesterday from Kurcka yprin:;s, Arkansas, and have engaged with the O.. K. Oarage, and will move in to one of.the houses owned by Mr. McMaken, going to work for (he institution today. We hope in their moving from the south to thin place they will like the city and country well, making it their fu ture home. She Finds Herself Much Better. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF TUB FARMERS STATE BANK of Plattsmouth. Charter No. H-0 in the State of Nc braska at tlie elose of business on May 3rd. 1!19. Loans hihI (I isi-iiiin t s . ; v-r1rsifts ttotiils, -eiirit lew. Judgments, claims, ct-- tl:i- assets l.iherty Homls taulcinv house, furniture and 11 tu res "inrent expenses, taxes anl interest ail - t'asli items Iue from National :inl State hanks ,'liecks ami items of exchange "tirienev 'old coin Silver, nickels and cents .- -4 I, 0!. J'.t Lame back, rheumatic pains, stiff ness and soreness in muscles and joints can be quickly relieved. Mrs. L. Wavue, 2726 3rd St., Ocean Park, Cal., writes: "I used to have pains in my right hip. I could hardly turn in bed. Now I find I am much better by using Foley Kidney Pills. Likewise, pains in my back left." Sold everywhere. "Spring Fever" And Common Sense Instead of giving tip and spying you have "spring fever," it is more sensible to tnke a good, wholesome physic. Hiliousness. sick headache, sour stomach, bloating, coated tongue, all are banished by Foley Cathartic Tablets. II. U. Haward, Unadilla, Ga.. writes: "Foley Ca thartic Tablets give" quick relief. Sold everywhere. Stationery at the Journal office. '. lo. t 6. 000.00 ll.S.-.Ti.SO :?.::7:Mfi 2.!t:tl.so 6.U-.'.0 20o.no 1.13J.37 Most disfiguring skin eruptions, scrofula, pimples, rashes, etc.. are due to impure moon. nuruocK Blood Hitters as a cleasing blood tonic, is well recommended. ?1.25 at all stores. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children In Uso for Over 30 Years Always bears the Sit rnit - .CI DECLAMATORY CONTEST. The Daughters of th American Revolution are arranging to have their usual Declamatory Contest on he evening of May 30th. The High School , students are urged to take part in this contest. The usual prizes will be Riven and it is hoped much interest will be shown, both by the students, and the general public in being present. Contestants please notify Mrs. Mao Morgan this week- G-2tdltw Just Received: The new line of Easter Greeting cards, nt the Journal! office. TOTAL .fS.VJ.-'Ol'.SS LIAHIMTIKS TapitHl stock tiM in.... Surplus fuiin I'nilivirled profits Individual deposits subject to dieck . . $ 1 6 1." J0...1 Time cert illcntes of deposit S3. 777.fi i 'ashler's checks oiitstHndinsr 1,021'. 41 liie to National and State hanks.. 47.1"t.Sfi Depositor's (fuaranty fund... TOTAL . $ 00. 000. 00 1,000.00 4,s:.o.us i".t::.:.5-.,.r.o -j.79:. 30 State of Nebraska I T. M. Patterson, President of the ...,ifwf hunk, do hereby swear ii... ..!..- statement if a correct and true copy of the report Inade to the State 15ankinff ""r4JI,r,,riV. T. M. PATTERSON, Attest: President. MAl:K WlllTK, Director K. P. LUTZ. Director. Subscribed and sworn to before me thl Ktl day C ;ocriANK (Seal) Notary Public. My commission expires March 24. 1022. SEED CORN FOK SALE . ...i,i0 varipfv. nicked 1 ne large unc ' , before the frost; 100 per cent test. $4.00 per bushel. C. C. Farrioii. COMING SATURDAY! Gem TheJxe2 W. A. BROWN'S Tennessee Minstrels With His Great Jazz Band and Orchestra! IS PEOPLE15 Watch for the Band! ADMISSION Matinee 15 and 25c Evening 25 and 50c 1 V, 4 nr z - rr