T. s MONDAY. APRIL 14. 1919. TLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL TAGE SEVEN. M E B m n e B a a n u E K2 n n a H ii "IXSTIM'irVTALITIUS tIF THE IMTLU STATKS UOVEU.NMUNr b FARfti mm BONDS ISSUED UNDER THE FEDERAL FARM LOAN ACT Dated November 1, 1918 DUE November 1, 1938 Redeemable at par and accrued interest on any inter est date after five years from date of issue. Coupon bonds fully registerable and interchangeable. Denomi nation, $1,000. Interest payable semi-annually. May 1 st and November 1 st. Principal and interest payable at the bank of issue in exchange Approved by the Fed eral Fiirm Loan Board of the United States government. Exempt from All Federal, State, Municipal and Local Taxation! 1 his exemption includes the Federal Income Tax and income from these bonds need not be included in returns PRICE ON APPLICATION C. w l Q S Bank of Cass County Piattsmouth E -HAS- A FULL LINE OF FRESH AND CURED MEATS FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES FRESH MILK AND CREAM METZGER OR SKINNER'S BREAD and Rolls of All Kinds. Orders taken for any Kind of Cakes Desired. 3. HAL 0 SSM PROPRIETOR UNION BLOCK Auto Delivery k. b S B i s c : -3-"ir'a- c e TILL KAKX THEIR H0!iIE IH WEST I'r"iii S;i I i A.i v - I a i v. La.t n::iir ( '. A. Atkmr.on and v. if. u-parted via T li e Missouri Pa ri fit fur Omaha, from win re this tii-y departed for the west grdiiir to the Pacif.c roast. here Mr. Atkinson has a pood pa vine; j o it ion as a barber in t :ie Iel Mouie he.t.1 which is a sunnier re .'ort. a short di-ta''"e outside of M oi. t . ra y. Mr. AtHnsoti who has s;' ;.t some tin:-- ilifrc thinks that a vi rv des:ral place to live and a go.d place ir hu.-inf You will find a complete line of School Dsy Locks at the Jormal of fice. A beautiful graduation pres ent. We have an excellent line to select from. Ileai tii? Jourr ial Ads It Pav? : D a fe Are face the era of our greatest national prosperity. F c vciy possible way to take Trie man who cle'ays nz loser. We will help vou on h or small. PHONE A-O 1 Lumber and Building Material Piattsmouth, Parmele, Nebraska H E 15 W K b M H a is tS Hi IB e 5 Phone No. 12 B z "B" q v's. E::a; -:sr : sr; x: 1 W: - s " ar:a How Diphtheria is Contracted. O;io often hears the expression, "My child cans lit a severe cold which developed into diphtheria." when the truth was that the cold had simply left the little one par ticularly susceptible to the wander ing diphtheria germ. If your child has a cjld when diphtheria is prevalent you should take hir.i out !r-f school and kerp hint off the istrett until fully recovered, as there is a nunuren tines more flanker ri his inking diphtheria when he has a rold. When Chamberlain's Cou-h Remedy is riven it quickly cures the cold and lessens the danger of diphtheria or any other perm dis ease being contracted. FOR SALE. Four room house, electric lights, city water and pas. For particulars rail phone 27C 7-1 wkd m 5 ri I V at Peace advantage of that prosperitj''. Iis building todiiy will be j your building plans, large h S R B B Jl K RICHEY, J PROCEEDINGS Ul GOSIMIIISSiONERS OF CASS COUNTY Ollice 'f County Commissioners of Cass countv. riattsmouth, Nebraska, April 1. H)l 9. Hoard met pursuant to adjourn ment. I'rcent Julius A. I'itz, C. F. Harris and Jl. J. Miller. County Com missioner.1; and Geo. II. Saylos, Coun ty Clerk. Minutes of ia.-t session read and approved, when th' following busi ness was transacted in regular form. Petition of Karl J. Quinn to oper ate a pool hall in the village of Mau ley. Nebraska, approved and license .'Trained. Otticial bond id" W'r.i .15. Ilishel, as Constable for the city of Piattsmouth Nebraska approved. Official bond of Edward Poran. as sessor for Tipton precinct approved. Official bond of J. I. Allen, road overseer in road district No. 1G ap proved. Omcial bond of James Y. P.rob'-t for Justice of the Peace in Iuisvi!ie precinct approved. Oflicial bond of Henry Creamer, road overseer in road district No. 10 approved. Oflicial bond of 1.. P. Appleman, assessor for Greenwood precinct ap proved. D-yiository bond. Kir.-t National bank of Greenwood, as depository for county funds approved. Application of County Assessor Georpe L. Farb-y appointing Kdward iioran asses.-or for Tipton precinct, examined and apprcved by the board. Petition of YY. li. Jieil for the ap pointment of James W. Probst as Justice of the Peace for Louisville precinct examined and approved by he Poard. County CbTk Geo. K. Sayls tib,l 1 i- r; pdit o: fees coll"(-:ed and earn .! fi.r the lir. : (.rartt r of I'M'.K to :he amount of $LTl.'oi with the Poard. County Asstsor Geo. 1... Farley ! le.l his application reiiuestintr the i'.oard to allow the sum of ?1Mmhm1 for citrk hire in the year ll'iy and the same was approved. County T&VZTI Supt. Report j J. I!. Ta'm.s. superintendent of the .'onnty farm, filed his r-Mrt with 1 the Hoard f ir the year ending March, 1 :!!'. as f(dlov.s. Total receipts :", . 1 f. ::. CO Total expt nse -.r17.J:: Km'ci-s receipts ? C 4 Ti . 1 7 PKOIUVTS ON HAND j Wheat (jOo oul Fiour ;r,.00 ! corn ::oo.on , Oats ir.o.oo ; liav ur.-oo. Meat and lar.l oOO.OO 1 Tetal Sl.r.41.00 i.ivi: stock ." 'a i irk horses. 1 calf. vi'ars old. I 7 milk cows. I ! i,;ii.t; -atiie j T. Poland China brood sows. 1 Pol.'tid Chin-', male ho:j. j P.:'.and China pips. loo chickens. ; Inn. ales n,a i n ; ;. i i: 1 durini; year '2h . N'liMi'iiT of deaths 1 , Number ef; the farm in Number at larm at present 1-i Register of P-eecs Revert i Import of Het;i.-:.'r of Heeds l-'diii: j P. Sna.nnon for 1st quarter. 1 It 1 ! . I j-liowir.t; 1 l"iuni:er d' instruments tiled 74''. ; Fee.; cdleeted ?SU.Wi j PlSiUKSll.VKNTS i Salary of d.puty : ti().('0' Postage C.7". j County Judge's Report County Jiui-e Allen J. Peeson file,! hi- r Jiort oi" fees 'oileCted for the fir:-; quarter. 1!HJ, as follows: i Mouth d January $J2.fu; Montli of February :: I'.T.l I j Month of March :;i'2.!0 j Total for the quarter $!US.('! Order of Countv Judtre peeson re-1 vokiup the Mother:.' pension of Lo rd', a PriC". witnesses examitied iiav sworn that said I.orettn Price had remarried, fled, examined andj approved by the Poard. Claims Allowed The lollowinp claims were exam ined and approve'! by th" I'.oard: GLXKPAL FI'I I). Sexton, nercha inline to Mrs. llmmons $ Ht.h'i V. T. Hutchison, taking Pal mer to county farm ".00 Omaha Printing Co.. supplies to Cotmty Recorder and to County Jutiye S.fid C. D. (juinton, salary for the month oi Marc!:. l!lft 145.8" C. I. (pain'on, boardtn? pris- (;i.er. March. 1 1 It lit. 00 C. I), (juinton, ('has. Smith to Lancaster 1 .'5.4.7 P. 1). (juinton. jailor's fees for March. 1 !i 1 7.00 Opal Fit :per;i'd. salary for March. 191H f.o.00 G. H. Manners, assisting Co. sheriff, March, 1 ft 1 : 10.00 Mrs. 1). i'lei:.chman, cart; of blind brother. 1st quarter of the yrar. lid't .",0.00 Geo. L. Farley, salary, rxp. and postape. March. 1 !!! &0.H0 C. V. Crabtree. mdse. to T. II. Adams 10.00 A. G. Cole, salary lor month of March. 1!1D 100.00 11. M. Socnnichsen. mdse. to Collins. Hart and Vorden 25.00 C. G. Fricke. coal to Mrs. Worden S.CTi II. Sievers. salary for janitor. htg jail, laundry for month of March. 1 ! 1 ! 11 "00 Geo. It. Sayies, salary, f;es, frcisht and express for the month of March, 1919 212.19 Mr.. Clara Mazke. mother's pension. April. 1919 20.00 Mrs. Cora U. Tower, mother's pension. April. 1919 15.00 Martiia Franke, mother's peti tion for April, 1919 20.00 Lucy P. Lyle, mother's pen won for April. 1919 10.00 Chlora. Alk-n, mother's pen sion for April. 1919 10.00 Ida SchleisUe. mother's pen sion for April. 1919 . 20.00 F.sther M. Heneger, mother's pension. April 1919 20.00 Marv Thompson, mother's pension, April, 1919 8.00 Pari C. Hyde, mother's pen sion, April. 1919 25.00 Ldith Duckworth, mother's pemion, April. 1919 25.00 Martha Haddon. mother's pension. April. 1919 20.00 Susie Frwin .mother's pen sion. April. 1919 15.00 llihei Poetel, mother's pen sion. April. Ilil9 25.00 F!len Davis, mother's pension for Aprii. 1919 20.00 Mo'.lie Hansen, mother's pen sion. April, 1919 S.OO James Robertson, insane case Adolph Iladeke (i.25 Pr. P. F. Prendel, insane case Adolph Kadeke S.OO M. Archer, insane case of Adolph Iladeke ;5.00 C. D. Quinton, insance case Adolph Kadeke 17. SO J .11. Tarns, witness, insane case Adolph Padeke 2.20 Fred Schroeder. witnesf. in sane case Adolph Kadeke 2.20 The "Worrell Mfp. Co.. liquid and scrubbing soap furnish ed to court house 17.50 S'ute Journal Co.. supplies to county sheriff 4.08 James Kobertson. salary, fees 1st quarter. 1919 243.40 Alpha Peterson, salary and :;; n.-'e. March. 1919 137.57 .'aiiie Kohortson. inebriate ta.-c Kunene L. Willia;ns 5.75 ! r. P.. F. Prendel. inebriate case Htmenc L. illiams S.OO M. Archer, inebriate ease of ;: 1 1 12 ne L. Williams 3.00 ('. D. (Juin'on. inebriate case Kui-ene L. Williams 24.10 Pr. P. J. Flyiui. witness in ebriate citse Kutene L. Wil liams 2.00 Mrs. Nellie Jay, witness, in ebriate 'ase Kupene L. Wil liams 2.00 i . W. Crabtree, mdse. to T. P . Adams 10.00 j lent Kemp Co., 1 bid sweep t.. compound furnished to . our; house 7.25 ". aterman Lumber A; Coal ("o., coal to county farm and ; .liners 9 9.55 c. p.. Hartford, fuel furnish ed to court house 149.95 "dna Ti. Shannon, recording 'Cllveppe tb'ed attd postape 5.05 ;lil!'urd Chem. Co.. soap and door dressing furninshed to county farm 28.25 Worrell Mfn. Co.. one bbl. of vcrminpo 120.00 . li. Lewis, haulins; rubbish .50 Am Her Pros., mdse. to Mrs. P.iJheld. Febr.. 1919 7. S3 .-' n-.l-b-r Pros., mdse. to Mrs. Pudleld, !ec. and Jan 14.00 . . 11. Tains, salarv Supt. Co. farm. March. 1919 120.00 !. C. tarquariit : Co.. mdse. :o Mrs. Cot t inVham, month .;' February, lit 19 10.00 . uiius A. Pitz .salarv and mileape. March. 1919 67.00 P. A. Wurl. mdse. to Monroe, Febr. and March, 1919 17.00 :.. A. Wurl. mdse. to Hobson : isters. February. 1919 5.00 P.. A. Wurl. mdse. to Hobson .: ters, Jar.uarv. 1 ft 1 9 5.00 DRAGGING FPND II. A. Meisincer. drajrpins in road district No. 2 ? 93.25 .'. . W. New sham, dragging in road district No. t 7. SO ;"ieuii Perrv. dragging, road district No. 10 24.00 A. J. Hoover, dragging, road district No. 3 C.75 J. Johannr.en, dragging, road district No. 7 GS.SS M F.arnM. dragging, road district No. 15 15.00 Henry Creamer, dragging in road district No. 10 4 8.75 A. D. Zaar. dragging in road district No. 4 10.20 Aug F. Krecklow, dragging and 2 drags furnished road district No. 8 53.25 Walter Pyers. dragging, road district No. 27 17.15 R. P. Lender, dragging in road district No. 9 2.25 It. P.. Leftler, dragging, road district No. 13 12.75 Fred Haflke. dragging, road district No. 1 32.99 Sv Snii'h, lrat-ing in road district No. 1 3.00 c F. Vallery. dragging, road district No. 1 16.50 c. L. Wiles, dragging, road district No. 1 16.50 J d'ii P. Mchdiieer. dragging, road district No. 1 18.00 ('. C. Parnard. dragging in road district No. 1 47.25 ROAD FUND H. A. Meisinger. road work in ro-id district No. 2 $ 20. SO Johannsen. road work in road district No. 7 20.00 A. W. New sham, road work in road district No. 6 G.00 Glenn Perry, road work in road district No. 10J 1.80 Nehr. & Iowa Steel Tank Co.. 1 Little Western grader to road district No. 13 220.00 Louis H. Helming, road wk., road district No. 15 8.35 Nebr. Culvert &, Mfg. Co.. one drag scraper, road dist. 13 13.65 P.. It. Chapman, road work and scraper handles, road district No. 11 29-40 A. D. Zaar, road work in road district No. 4 7.20 C. F. Vallery, road work and dragging cow, dist. No. 1 21.00 Aug F. Krecklow. road work in road district No. 8 45.30 Nebr. and Iowa Culvert Co.. one 2S-foot culvert in road district No. S 115.00 BRIDGE FPND H. A. Meisinger. bridge wk.. road district No. 1 $ 19.10 J. Johannsen. bridge work in road district No. 7 5.00 Walter Byers, bridge work in road district No. 27 4.05 Otoe county, one-half exp. of new bridge on county line, 8 miles north and 13 miles east of Dunbar 266. 4S On motion the Board adjourned to meet on the 2nd day of April, 1919. Attest: GEO. R. SAYLES. County Clerk. Office of County Commissioners of ('ass county. Piattsmouth, Nebraska. April 2. 1919 . i Board met as per adjournment. Present, Julius A. Pitz, C. F. Harris and H. J. Miller. County Commis sioners and Geo. It. Sayles, County Clerk. I The following business was trans acted in regular form: On motion Charles H. Spangler was appointed hail adjustor for Cass county. Taxes for the year 1911, amount ing to $11.94 on the Wi,2 of Lot 3. and all of Lot 4. in Block 62. Weep ing Water, Nebr.. paid under pro test as property owned by Weeping Water Academy and used for educa tional purposes, were ordered re funded by the Poard as property not subject to taxation. Report of Soldiers Relief Com mission tiled with the Poard show ing the amount of money expended during the year 1918 to be $1,076.00. On motion W. B. Banning, of Un ion. Nebr., was appointed Justice of the Peace for Liberty precinct by unanimous vote of the Board. Order of County Judge Peeson re voking the Mother's pension of Mrs. Dora Denson. as Mrs. Denson had re married, was examined and approv ed by the Board. James Robertson. Clerk of the Dis trict Court, filed his report of fees collected during the first quarter of 1919, amounting to $711.10. County Judge Allen J. Peeson filed an order with the Poard renewing the Mother's pension of Mrs. Martha A. liaddon, of Louisville, Nebr.. for care of he dependent children for a period of six months from May to Odober. 1919. inclusive, at $25. (hi per month and same was examined ami approved. An order for Sheriff C. D. Quin ton to remove Freidrich Dietl from the County Hospital to the county jail and to hold said Dietl at said jail until called for by the govern ment authorities, was signed by the Poard. Petition signed by August Ruge, of Wabash, and 25 others for a new ridge in Kim wood precinct on road running west and east between Sec tions 11 and 12, received and placed on file. Claims Allowed The following claims were exam ined and approved: GENERAL FUND Dr. J. W. Prendel. pauper practice. Dist. 3, 1919 $ 65.09 Omaha Printing Co., six A-79 mortgage forms to Register of Deeds 1.60 Allen J. Peeson. mother's pen sion application 3.00 John Kopia, mdse. to Burian for March. 1919 5.00 II. O. Lindsay, certified copy Opinion. State vs. Jones Hanser. Co. 5.20 James Robertson, fee bill of Helene llilbert et al vs Cass County 20.60 0. H. Tower, carpenter work at county farm 9.00 Hillyard Chem. Co.. 5 gal. of liquid soap furnished to the court house 10.00 H. J. Miller, salary and mil eage for March. 1919 72.20 Avoca Lumber Co., coal to Mrs. Cottingham 9.50 J. M. Jirousek, mdse. to the county farm 2S.50 R. A. Bates, printing and sup plies to county officers 106. 7S Hammond & Stephens, 200 Library certificates to Coun ty judge 9.32 Peters & Parker, four ballot boxes to county 12.06 Pestor & Swatek, mdse. to county farm 7.35 Morgcnsen Ac Hart, mdse. to Mrs. Allen. March. 1919 5.00 Morgensen & Hart. mdse. to Brown. March, 1919 8.00 W. C. Grebe, assisting sheriff one day and three nights in month of March 16.00 Catherine Meyer, mother's pension, March, 1919 20.00 Catherine Meyer, mother's pension, April, 1919 20.00 Ilatt & Son, mdse. to Lambert Jan.. Feb.. and March. 1919 38.12 C. F. Harris, salary, mileage for March. 1919 63.55 Nebr. Gas A: Elec. Co., service to court house, county farm and jail 32.37 Lincoln Tel. &. Teleg. Co.. tel. rent for April and tolls for March. 1919 65.14 Fannie Dill, mother's pension lor April. 1919 15.00 Lessie Hopkins, mother's pen sion for April, 1919 15.00 A. L. Tidd. surtax on Policy No. 954 at 10 per cent 1.71 Mrs. Lillian Baker, mother's pensiou for April, 1919 15.00 ROAD FUND Nebr. Culv. & Mfg. Co.. one Armco culvert, road district No. 16 $ 82.56 Nebr. Culv. & Mfg. Co.. one Armco culvert, road district No. 6 27.99 1. T. Rover, road work in road district No. 13 53.25 Nebr. & Iowa Steel Tank Co., one 20-foot 16 gauge culvert in road district No. 11 90.00 W. J. Partridge, for blasting ditch in rock, road district No. 12 130.00 W. J. Partridge, for blasting ditch in rock, road district No. 12 40.00 DRAGGING FUND Fred Neumeister, dragging, road district No. 13 $ 7.50 I. T. Rover, dragging, road district No. 13 44.24 Win. Bornerueier, dragging, road district No. 7 5.20 BRIDGE FUND Avoca Lumber Co., bridge material, road dist. No. 13?112 Avoca Lumber Co., bridge material, road dist. No. 14 102 Aug. Krecklow, bridge work, road district No. 8 9 Monarch Eng. Co., bridge work, S. 25, B. No. 6, Elm wood precinct 732 Monarch Eng. Co.. bridge work. Sees. 26. 34, B. No. 5, Elmwood precinct 7S4 Monarch Eng. Co.. bridge SI 17 00 59 work. Sees. 7, 8, B. No. 13. Liberty precinct 144 .62 Monarch Eng. Co.. bridge work. Sees. 13, 24. B. No. 19, Rock Bluffs precinct 357 Monarch Eng. Co., bridge work .Sec. 31, bridge No. 36, Liberty precinct 353 COM. FUND, DIST. NO. 1 J. D. Adams & Co., repairs for road machinery $ 31 Claims Refused City of Piattsmouth, claim for dragging road district No. 17, 1917-18 $000 Lancaster County, insane case of Grace Hall 16 H. A. Funke, coal to Mose Parr 10 Claims Held Over C. D. Quinton. two sheriff's directories $ 6 F. H. Nichols, mdse. to Mose Barr 17 E. J. Uichey. lumber to coun ty farm, Feb., Mar.. 1919 20 Remington Typewriter Co., rent of typewriter for use of County Judge 7 29 02 39 00 00 24 t o .- 00 No further business appearing the I'.oard adjourned to meet on the 15th day of April. 1919. Attest: GEO. R. SAYLES, County Clerk. Sec "31ue Jeans" at the Parade Tuesday and Wednesday. M. B. CHAMBERLAIN ENTANGLED IN GABLE RECEIVES BROKEN ARM AND MANY CUTS OVER HEAD AND BODY. TAKEN TO HOSPITAL Prom Saturday's t'iitly. Yesterday while working at trie Sand Pit near Cedar Creek, Melvin U. Chamberlain became entangled in a cable which is u.sed to transmit the power from the engine to the hoisting apparatus, in such a man ner that he was thrown down and dragged, breaking one arm, and cut ting his head and body in many places. Dr. Wort hen was not at home at Louisville, and the doc tor from Springfield was summoned, who hastened to the pit to render what assistance he could. He only gave first relief and the unfortunate man was taken shortly afterwards to Omaha via Ashland on the Schuy ler train which passed there in a fhort time. t Mr. Chamberlain seems followed by ill fortune. Last year while he was coming from Versailles, Mo., in an immigrant car shipping his goods to this place, the car in which he was traveling was ran into by an other train, killing two mules and destroying much of his property, and bruising him up. crippling him for a number of months, this following makes his misfortunes greater. Nothing has been heard since his going to the hospital. IT IS A GIRL AND EVERYBODY HAPPY from Saturday's Daily. The stork made a visit at the home of Howard Cannon and wife a few days since and left the dear est sweetest blue eyed little girl baby that one can imagine. The little Miss, and her mother are get ting along nicely, and the good na tured father, is all smiles, and sees much, brightness in the home, with two sweet hearts there now. "That Trinter of Udell's," one of Harold Bell Wright's good stories, on sale at the Journal office. Hawkeye Tires and Tubes The Piattsmouth Garage J. E. MASON, Proprietor PHONE AGENTS FOR REO CARS AND TRUCKS CLEVELAND TRACTORS We repair all makes of cars; do all kinds of welding and charge batteries. Bring in your cars now and have them in shape for spring. We have two of the best mechanics in town, Mr. Howard Ralya and John Frady. Also Do Livery Work to All Parts of the City and Country. JUST GIVE US A TRIAI WE'LL DO THE REST 4N':"''"V- " ' " ,Trt r ! 1,S , b JB"W . t , . - V v' '-' : ' -if 7' " , -;:.:i . 'i ' -t. "j. "v-.,- -1. I '' IMPORTED STALLION JALISCO, 8407 Recorded by the Perelieron Society of America. Record Number 84.077 COLOR ANE DESCRIPTION P.lark. white stripe in forehead Weight 2.000 lbs. Foaled March Is. 1909: lred by N. Nuircan. depart ment of Ori:e. This horse has been ovned by the Murray Horse Co., and has previous- !!y stood servicn at ? '".('. ANDAIN III, 104940 Recorded by the Percheron Society of America. Record Number 104.0-10 COLOR AND DESCRIPTION Chestnut sorrel; stripe in fore head. Weight l.HM) lbs. Foaled Jan uary 5. 1914. Pred and owm-d b W. II. Kerr, Tekamah, Nebraska. THE CELEBRATED JACK SPANISH WARRIOR (20.412) Spanish W arrior is jet blaek; ha -mealy nose Uiid belly. He stands 15 hard-; high and weighs 1.0o V.-.-. Was fori led November 17. 1911 a: I was bred ly J. H. Hardin, i f N'e hawku. Nebraska. Service Terms, above Ani mals $16 for Standing Colt Will lake lien on mare and c; It un til fees are paid. Fee1; become due at once if mare is Fold, parted with or oth- rwi-e haves the ci.mmunii . Care will be taken to prevent accident?, but v,ill not be responsible should any occur JULIUS RUM MAN, al0-ot w i Owner. ARRIVES AT NEW YORK. From Saturday's lai!y. A message from Verdcn Vroman. from New York City which was sent last evening told of his arrival at that place and going t Frt Mills, on IvC.ng Pland, v here he will stay fcr a while, ami will write telling when he will prohab'y i at home. Mrs. Vroman al.-o l as a message from her son Eugene who was at that time at Liverpool. Eng land, but lie had no i -1 "it w l :i he would be at home. A card from her nephew Lester Vrorian told f hi-; joining Hie regular army inn! was sent to a Fort in California for training. LAYING THEIR CORN BY. From Saturday's I'ilv. Last evening C. H. Fuller r turn ed from Texas where lie ha-, just a fhort time sinee became the pos sessor of a farm. Thee he t' ll of the wheat being about two and a half feet liit'ii and headed out. whib the farmers are layinsr by their corn, the blades of which float over the hack of a mule, and the plow man's hat can just be seen over 1 1n waving field of green. Quite a con trast between this and where Max well Adams came from ye-'erday with snow drifts three fet deep. For Sale: Two Ped Short Horn bulls past one ear old. Libert Wiles, i-hor.e 1T.21. all-tfdA-w Vesta Batteries and Dry Batteries