The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 07, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Cbc plattsmoutb journal
Entered at I'ostoffice, Plattsmouth. Neb., m seconcl-clasa mall matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
It i.s pprin
Hy jing.
is spring.
Uy J ins!
Did you set your man?
Many changes in the council.
The women were out in full force.
Women are
and did.
not afraid to vote
The women in Chicago voted wet
with a vengeance.
: :o:
Your friends will stand ly you if
you are certain they are your
The Imildins loom is opening
pretty lively for this early in the
reason in I'lattsmouth.
And there are slacker hens who
fail to respond to their duty. In
tern them till they pet fat and then
cat them.
Has the War Labor Hoard been
dissolved? We don't recall that it
lias precipitated a Ids strike for sev
eral weeks.
For once, at least, the expected
has happened in Mr. Hurlesou's ad
ministration of the telegraph lines.
The rates have been raised.
The Wichita Iteacou fears that if
there will not be any nations in
Kurope to form a league. But we
don't know so much about that.
It is said that the German women
have been srowins rabbits in the
parlors durins the war. Crowded
out of the city halls, eh, by the
Soats? ;
Another reason the highwaymen
have left Potrograd is probably that
it doesn't pay to hold up a man and
take 100,000 rubles that won't buy
Franco's demands in the peace
settlement are f"v but precise. One
of these is that I'russia must not
own the left bank of the Khine, and
thus stand as a constant menace to
Western Kurope.
Dame Kumor wasn't killed after
all. She was on the streets the oth
er flay with the news that the 1oys
would soon bo called by the draft
boards to march asainst the Keds
in Fastern Kurope. lint we suess
-he has sot the wrong pis by the
It appears that another great
diplomatic victory has been attain
ed. Italy, which wanted Fiume
much and Ualmatia a little, threat
ened to withdraw from the Peace
Conference unless one of those
claims was allowed. Our statesmen
have skillfully reached a. compro
mise, however, by which Italy will
get Fiume and will drop the Dal
matian matter.
One reason why Bolshevism
spreads so rapidly in Fastern Eur
ope may bo that constant warning
against its horrors may have made
the morbid, war weary Europeans
receptively curious. If Bolshevism
had been introduced as something
mildly unpleasant, like washing
with soap or brushing the teeth, it
might never have spread beyond a
few squares in Tetrograd.
is the slogan.
It is not what the legislature does
so much as what it don't do, pleases
the people.
We are still in favor of the com
mission form of government for
Flat tsinouth.
Don't forget the Victory Liberty
Dond drive and those who have the
cash should buy.
When a bride arrives at the end
of the honeymoon she thinks there
is uo romance in the world.
Don't hide your Adam's apple.
Keep it in plain sight, for it is said
to be a sign of brains and courage.
Jvmie can him a rounder, some
call him a bounder and there are
those who call him something worse
than that.
:o: -
Maybe one reason verse is so hard
to sell is that so many editors re-J-
gard comprehensible verse as repre
hensible stuff.
If napkins are ironed on loth
sides and folds pressed in
'Build now,'
with theresldence PrPerty-
hands they will last much
and look quite as well.
Did you ever see a defeated candi
date that was as well pleased with
the election as the successful candi
dates not in Plattsmouth.
The trouble with the organizing
of the league of nations is they all
or nearly all want additional terri
tory ceded to them. The United
States wants the indemnity that is
corning to her, and the loans she has
favored other countries with.
At nrst we favored publicity in
all matters relating to the Peace
Conference but we see now that we
were wrong. A young Missouri
farmer has killed his wife and com
mitted suicide from worrying about
the League of Nations.
:o:- 1
There is a town in Asiatic Russia I
r . . , v - , I
ni iuen uui). .o v. omen are ai-I
lowed to enter there. It is said to
be as gossipy a town as any other I
in the world but exhibitors of films
featuring the "eternal triangle" do
not count it as their best field.
:o: 1
A Columbus nature student savs
man is to blame for the damage
storms and floods do. Storms did
no damage until man came along
and cut down the forests and di-1
verted the streams. "Which is all
very well, but there was little for
the storms to damage until man
came along and built things of value
to him and his neighbors.
Most men are supposed to have
their hounds trained to work to the
satisfaction of the master, but when
the Mckelvie booze hounds seized
the liquor belonging to the actor,
Drew, while the latter was a guest
of the city of Omaha and while the
governor and his wife were assist-
ing in the entertainment of the not-
ed stage star, it would seem that
something jumped a cog somewhere,
The manner in which the affair was
later "healed over" would indicate I
that the hounds were pulled off by
somebody somewhere who knew how
to handle them. Hounds are a good
thing when fully under control of
their master, but when they break
away unrestrained they can do a lot
of mischief. The governor and hisln.
- I
wife are quite willing that the booze
hounds should tree the small game,
but they never dreamed that the anl-
mals would trail down the noted
theatrical friends whom they were
entertaining. Aurora Sun. I
It is simply a practice going to
It takes Old Dame Gossip to make
a mountain out of a mole hill.
Some people think it smart to be
seen going to Omaha to buy.
The recent lull in German disor
ders is shown to be only temporary
The legislature will soon adjourn
for good, and the people will not
How the peace. loving Russian
must sigh when he thinks of the old
Nihilist days.
All free governments are manag
ed by the combined wisdom and folly
of the people.
This legislature may be a success,
but the constituents are few who
look at it in that light.
Clams, unlike oysters, are in sea
son all the year 'round. Don't, for
heaven's sake, be a clam.
:o: -
Nqw Villa speaks kindly of the
United States. We had no idea the
poor fellow was as hungry as all
It is said that Mr. Burleson is per
fectly honest and sincere in every
thing he does. And that, if any
thing, makes the situation worse.
From present indications there
will be more improvements in
Plattsmouth this season than for
several years, but will mostly be on
Our sympathy goes to the New
Jersey man whose wife has been in-
' dieted as a common scold. No man
similarly afflicted likes to think he
has a common scold for a wife.
You probably never heard of a
lazy newspaper man, but we once
knew one who, instead of copying
his Biblcial quotations. clipped
them out of the Bible and pasted
them on his copy sheet.
Everything has been remarkably
quiet since the election. Perhaps
the ladies are vicing with each oth
er over their power at the polls
They evidently do hold the balance
of power at the polls.
'Petrograd a Quiet Shell Streets
at Night Are as Safe as Those in
America," says a headline. In that
case, we'll stay here. We might
iiavA wimn chance, to oscuno from a
robber by reasoning with him in a
language he can understand.
:o: :
We have one member of the legis
lature that has proved the "right
man in the right place." And his
name is Hon. R. B. Windham. Al
ways "Johnny on the spot when
any important matter comes up.
Otoe and Cass are proud of our part-
n oreh i r rnnracAfi fat I va
The reasons for the enforcement
of the daylight saving law which
went into effect at 2 o'clock Sunday
morning, March 30, are given at
great length by the Washington
authorities. They say that it will
save 1.250.000 tons of coal, and coal
production in this country having
been at a low ebb for the last five
months. thr ar far ,
shortage next winter particularly if
the weather should be cpld and
stormy. The economy which will
be etTected by the "daylight saving"
law this year therefore may prove to
be a direct .dnnt.
The plan was not adopted in the
ifi.j o. ....... . .
uuucu cinit-s uiiin us success naa
been demonstrated in Great Britain.
France Ita,y, Germany. Austria,
Holland. Denmark. Sweden. Norway,
Portugal. Australia, and Iceland and
the same or greater saving of coal
h3 reported In those countries as In
irni o a
rta iu i iie snort-
age in production in this country
the official report is that during the
week end March 8. the total loss by
all causes from full-time production
of bituminous coal was 47 per cent,
It would be refreshing if it were
not so disgusting to hear a lot of
the cheap politicians in the legisla
ture making loud claims of their
ultra-Americanism. One. of the
tribe who has insulted many citi
zens of the state, far better men
than he ever was, should sing his
song a little lower, or some one will
disgrace him before his associates
This fellow who disgraces a seat
there reDresenting a sturdy and
honest citizenship of one of the best
counties in the state if he had his
Just deserts would be serving a term
in the penitentiary instead of occu
pying a seat in either house of the
legislature. This fellow, a default
er of public funds, saved by the in
tervention of friends from a prosecu
tion and conviction of this heinous
offense, is about the most blatant
demagogue of the whole crowd. It
is fellows of his ilk who will at
tempt to dictate just where honest
fathers and mothers will educate
their innocent little" children and
even prescribe the books which they
shall study. The next election will
witness a house cleaning at he
state capital and this class of cattle
will be among the missing. York
Will we have a circus this season?
"April showers will bring forth
May flowers."
The man who is too lazy to make
garden ought to starve.
The office doesn't seek the man
half as often as the man who wants
There is said to be a keen de
mand for census jobs at Washing
ton. roi
ls If Bolshevism is a disease.
not vaccinate against it with a ma
chine gun?" '
' Most people have sense enmigh to
attend to their own business but
only three out of ten do it.
Remember that looking daggers
and making pointed remarks doesn't
necessarily indicate a sharp intel
lect. "
The capital of the League of Na
tions may be located at Geneva, thus
it will be convenient for German
ex-royalty to join it or intrigue it.
as they choose.
Too much cannot be said in favor
of home ownership by the individ
ual. If only he has a lot to build
upon, he could get the money to
build, if he hasn't it himself.
If wealthy people in Russia are
having such a hard time getting
enough to eat these days, how do
you suppose the Russia paragraph-
ers are getting along, if at all?
School districts are being con
solidated almost every day now, and
by school time next fall there will
be but few solitary and alone school
districts in Nebraska, . and there
ought not be.
California blames the immigra
tion laws for the fact that Japanese
are steadily appearing in that state,
but it may be the Japs have been
reading some of those, "Come to
California" advertisements, which
are conceded everywhere being
well nigh irresistible.
Speaking of paying taxes, an ex
change sums up the whole philoso
phy of public finance as follows:
"When the people get tired of heavy
taxation the government can always
borrow the money, and when the
people get tired of paying the debts
the government can always increase
the taxes."
There is economy in owning one's
own home; and, more than that, the
pride of ownership is a constant
stimulant to higher effort. It makes
a man happier, more contented with
his lot. more courageous. In short,
it makes him feel himself to be an
entity in his community a. "land
lord" among landlords, a real man
among men!
The state supreme court has ap
plied a "rule of reason" as well as
a rule of law to two important cases
which it decided this week.
The court held that United States
bonds, held by national banks, are
not deductable from the taxable
value of shares of bank stock. At
first blush, this may seem to be an
indorsement of direct taxation of
government bonds, which is illegal
and unwise. But it does not take
the techinical legal reasoning of the
court's opinion to justify the deci
sion. The taxable value of bank stock
closely approximate the amount of
the bank's capital, plus its surplus
and undivided profits. That may
be but 10 per cent of the bank's de
posits. And there is nothing to pre
vent the bank from investing half
its deposits, or all of them, in gov
ernment bonds. The situation may
very well be in fact, it does exist
in some banks that the bank owns
government bonds in excess of the
amount of its capital, surplus and
undivided profits. In such case, if
it were allowed to deduct this item
from the taxable value of its stock.
the state would owe it taxes in
stead of its owing the state. And
yet the bank might be prosperous,
paying a high dividend. lhe at
surdity of the situation proves the
wisdom of the court's rule.
The other case where the "rule
of reason" applies is the decision
that the interest of a mortgage on
an automobile, confiscated because
used by bootleggers, must be pro
tected when the mortgagee is inno
cent of the unlawful use to which
the car is put. Our booze hounds
have many and wonderful powers
necessary, it is declared, to keep us
from imbibing alcohol. They may
arrest us without warrant, confis
cate our property, open our suitcases
ind muss up their contents do
many things, in fact, that would
arouse resentment if it were direct-
d merely at a nordinary criminal
instead of at a man who is suspect
ed of having half a pint of Sunny-
brook in his possession. But there
is a limit to all things. lhe su
preme court wisely sets one such
limit when it protects an innocent
property owner from the loss of his
property for reasons beyond his
knowledge or control. World-Herald.
The result of the municipal elec
tion in Chicago foreshadowed at the
primary. William Hale Thompson
was named as the republican candi
date because of divided opposition,
and was re-elected as mayor for the
same reason. This is unfortunate,
because of the unsavory war record
made by Mayor Thompson, who
showed pro-German sympathies all
the way through. Had the patriotic
elements of the Windy City united
in support of any one of several
good men who were suggested, vic
tory might easily have been theirs.
As to the national significance of
the result, it scarcely can have any
effect on the country at larse. One
year ago such a result might have
been held to reflect a grade of pub
lic sentiment opposed to the course
along which the nation was mov
ing. At this time it has no such ,
value, and indicates only the com
plication of affairs local to Chicago's
city politics, and nothing more.
Thompson already has been rejected
by the voters of Illinois as a candi
date for United- States senator, and
this verdict must be accepted as
disposing of him as a factor outside
his own bailiwick.
Some little interest may be found
in viewing the position of the candi
date of the newly organized labor
party. Out of a possible 240.000
union labor votes he secured 50,000.
or about one in five. This does not
indicate a lack of solidarity among
the labor unions on economic ques
tions, but does show they are not
ready to confound their labor prob
lems with political aspirations.
Omaha Bee.
-:o: "
How about your seed corn? Re
member that, good seed corn is half
the battle.
i I Ji I ii wyi
"mm ifl tm
Children Cry
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been
in use for over thirty years, has borne the signature cf
and has beea made under his per-
C&XSttjtts Sonal suPervision fince its infancy.
uzr?x sCtf,CSU4Z aiiow no one to deceiVe you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good are but
Experiments that trifle witb and endanger the health cf
Infants and Children Experience agcirst Experiment
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric,
Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains
neither Opium, Morphine aor other narcotic substance. Its
age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has
been in constant us for the relief of Constipation, flatulency,
Wind Qolic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising
therefrcm, and by regulating the Stomach and Howe's, aids
the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural eletp
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
? Bears the
fl Use For
The Kind You Have Always Bought
mill No li- uf J'rolttitr of Will
In llio foimty Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
State of lM;i5.ka, County of Cass,
s :
To all persons intfi-pste 1 in tlx- es
tate of I'ir-rson T. Walton. I if ceased :
n reuilintr the pitition of Tlieoilorf
A. Walton luayinir that the instrument
tilt-rl in this i-ourt on 1 1 1 17th ilay of
March, and purporting to Pe the
last -will and t-stanient of the said
riereasfd, may lie proved, anil allowed
and recorded as the last will and tes
tament of I'ierson T. Walton, deceased:
that said instrument be admitted to
pnihatf, and the administration of
said estate P.- granted to Theodore A.
Walton and James 11. Walton, as ex
ecutors ;
It is herel.y ordered that you, and
all Trsons interested in said matter,
may. and do. appear at the Countv
( unit to lie held in
ty. on the
lll'l 111 filial 1 UU II-
14th dav of Anril A n
1 ..1,1 i.. f-
r.Ufl. at ten o'clock a. m.. to show
cause, it any there tie. ivhv the prayer
fo the petitioner should not tie viant-
of the petitioner sho-ild not bo jrrant-
nid petition and that the hearing
thereof he Riven to all persons in
terested in said matter Pv publishing
copy of this order in the Plattsmouth
Journal, a semi - weekly newspaper
printed in said county, for three suc-
issivi weeks prior to said dav of
l.ea rlnyr.
Witness my hand, and seal of said
Court this litli day of Zuarch, .. I).
i Seal m!Ml-.'!w. County Judge
notici: .f ni:AiiNr;
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty. Nebraska.
In the matter of the Kstate of An-
lrew Kaufmann. Deceased:
To nil persons interested in said
Kstate, Creditors and Heirs-at-Itw:
You are hereby notified that Marie
K. "Kaufman has t.'iis day tiled her
petition iti this Court, alleging that
Andrew Kaufman, late of aid coun
ty, died intestate in Cass county, Ne
braska, on or about the ltitn cay oi
Anril. l!lti. being a resident and in
habitant of I'lat tsmouth. in said coun
tv and the owner of an undivided one
half interest in and to Lots 10. 11 and
l' in I'.Iock 7 , Htike's Addition to
Plattsmouth. Cass county, Nebraska,
and leaving as his sole and only lieirs
at law. Klisa Kaufman, his widow, and
.Marie I-:. Kaufmann. a daughter, both
MSI .vr'i
- r ' tr r v.- Zdi
SliiijffiWhere the walls are
,MyiS:inic unci xrie tcu
fUglfgf are
4 !
'- " :-.L"fc.':-'S
Farmers State
for Fletcher's
Signature of
Over 30 Years
of leiral age, residing at I'lattsiimul
Nebraska, who are interested in sa
property according to the deceOe
laws of the state of Nebraska. a
praying for a determination of t
time of the death of aid Audi
Kaufmann, deceased, the names of 1
heirs at law and the degree of kins',
thereof and the right of descent
the real property belonging to said n
cedent in the State of Nebraska,
for an order barring claims agaii
said estate and for such other orde
as may be necessary for a corrc
disposition of said matter.
Said matter has been t for hca
ing at the County Court room in I'latt
mouth, in said county, on tie II
day of April, I'Jl'J. at nine o'clock
the forenoon, at which time and pia
all persons interested may appear a:
contest said petition.
Hated this JJth dav of March, 10J
Hv the Court,
i .ll.ll.. .' hi. r..-i '..
4 T T T . V T . 1 ' I V-
1 . . , . . t . . , 1
J"HN I.J'.I'A. County Jude
Atty. for Petitioner.
The State of Nebraska, Cass. Cou
ty. ss:
In the Countv Court.
In the Matter of the Kstate of Ma
dalena Vallery. Deceased:
To the Creditors of said Kstate:
You art- hereby notified. That I w
sit at tin County Court room in Piatl
mouth, in said county, on the 14th di
of April. li'Jf. and the 14t!i day j
July, iyl!, at 10 o'clock a. in. on caj
day to receive and examine all clai
against said Kstate, with a view
their adjustment and allowance. TJ
time limited for the presentation
claims against said Kstate Is f
months from the Hth clay of Mari
A D. 1319, and the tune limited
pavnient of debts is one year frd
said fitli day of March, 1919.
Witness my band and the peal 1
said Countv Court this 6th day
March, 1919.
(Seal) mlS-r.w. County Judge.
Single combed Buff Orphingt
eggs for hatching'. One dollar
setting of fifteen eggs, or five dolli
per hundred. See or call Sam Co;
man. Alynaru, eor. is
sfnronq cnd -
ii Safe from