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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1919)
MONDAY, APEIL 7, 1$19. PLATTSMOUTH STO-WTrXLY JOUBnAX g'J "-nmuaBBiaggaaa PAGE THREE. OVER THE COUNTY UNION Ledger r 4r 4r 4 r r r r Volley Frans came down from Omaha Saturday afternoon for a visit at the home of his uncle. H. M. Frans. Mrs. L. G. Todd and daughter. Miss Alice took the early train to Omaha Saturday, to spend the day shopping". Miss Ida Reynolds, who is attending- school at Peru spent the week end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Reynolds. Mrs. D. C. LaRue returned Mon day from Magnet. where she has heen visiting relatives and friends for the past week. Born, last Thursday the 27th. a fine baby girl at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Hoback. Mrs. Jack Chalfant and children left Tuesday afternoon for Talmage. for a visit at the home of her sis ter, Mrs. Fred Montgomery. Revival meetings are being held at the Methodist church this week. Rer. Morrison is assisted by Rev. Pontius of Plattsmouth. O. F. Morton was busily engaged in hauling ice last week, being un able to put up his own Ice this year he had it shipped in from Lincoln. Miss Rowena Pollard of Spring field visited several days with Miss Flora Garrison the last of the week. Miss Pollard is a teacher in the public school there. Mrs. Arthur Copenhaver left Tuesday afternoon for her home at Lamar, after spending the winter here with her mother Mrs. Addie Stokes. She was accompanied as far as Lincoln by her mother. The Farmers Unin began invoic ing at their new store the first of the week. J. T). Cross was elected manager and J. A. Talkington of Surprise, was secured as clerk and buyer for the firm. Mr. Talkington was a merchant here several years ago so neither the work nor the people are new to him. Miss Edith Frans will also assist in clerking. ELM WOOD Leader-Echo Charles Trenholm. son of Dr. and Mrs. C. R. Trenholm was sick sev eral days the first of the week. Elmer and Opal Dettman visited friends in Elmwood the first of the week. Elmer is just back from over seas. -' Walter Bogenrief had an opera tion performed at Lincoln having his tonsils removed. He isdoing nicely and feels very much better. Mrs. J. D. Brittell returned last Friday from Lincoln and will make her home here again. She has en Joyed her visit at Lincoln but says fhe is very glad to be hack in Elra wod again. A deal was also completed some time ago whereby Perry Cook be came the owner of the Ben Linch 80 near Alvo. The consideration price was $175 per acre. This is a good eighty and well worth the money. Mr. and Mrs. Sid James are the happiest parents in the world, for a houncjng baby boy was born to them on last Friday morning. Of course Sid is stepping pretty high and he has a right to do so for this is the first grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. James who are indeed happy. Ervin Carroll won a match from Jack Tolliver. of Omaha, known as one of the cleverest 135 pound wrestlers in the world. Carroll won easy from Tollivet with the head scissors and arm strangle, there be ing only one fall. Time 15 min utes decision given to Carroll. Car roll is booked for several more matches in the near future. Orley Clements arrived home from Camp Custer. Michigan, where he had been stationed for some time. Orley has received his honorable discharge. While he did not get over seas he has had much valuable training and experience having been in the medical department. He says he is not going to settle down for a few days but expects to do some fishing at which game he is pretty good. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Helms moved to College View the first of the week where they will make fheir future home having rented the Harry Waltz farm. Ira purchasd a fine team of mules of Dave Kunz and a well matched team of Wm. Mendenhall. We are sorry to see the Helms fam ily leave but know they will make good there. Fred Prentice will move to the Helms property. "J. P. Cobb returned from Hot Springs. Ark., on Tuesday evening after "having spent several weeks at that resort. He had a very pleasant tiro while there and was benefitted greatly by the privilege that that COUGHING SPELLS BREAK MJR REST Put a stop to them with old reliable Dr. King's New Discovery ThaKraw, hoarse throat must be toothed. That phlegm-loaded chest must be loosened. That cough must Le checked so you can sleep. Dr. King's Sew Discovery has been relieving colds, nnd coughsfor half a century without the least disagreeable after-effects. Your druggist has It beeaese it la Wcll-Laowa and in Lig demand. Try this for Constipation Keep the bowels on schedule time with Dr. King's New life Pills, the System freed Jfrom poisonous wasjes, the complextlon clear, the stomach Sweet, the tongue uncoated, the Dreath untainted. Mild ytt positive in action. place affords. Mrs. Cobb who es pecially went there for her health was also greatly benefitted. On the return trip she stopped at Kansas City and will make a short visit with relatives at that place. EAGLE Deacon H x4 Miss Lizzie Beck, of Clarks, Neb., visited here over Sunday with her friend. Mrs. Robert Alloway. Ed Ohlschlager left the first of the week for Chappel. and will probabily visit Denver before his re turn. Geo. Peterson began baking bread for the public the first of April. He has been baking home made cookies for some time. The proceeds of the High School plays will go toward the purchase of a piano for the new building. Ev erybody help. Miss Edna Hudson of Lincoln, is visiting with friends and relative? this week, taking advantage of the spring vacation at Lincoln. As one Eagle man said yesterday, the farmer still argues that farm ing doesn't pay but the automobile agent keeps right on trying to sell him a car. The girls who dance best get the most invitations but its been our observation that the ones who can make crisp breakfast muffins are the first to put in their order for a white satin wedding gown. Clifford Ohlschlager had the mis fortune to fall on a pitchfork one day this week and ran one of the tines clear through his foot. He is getting along nicely, but will not be able to walk without crutches for some days. Work is progressing nicely on the new school building. A car of ma chinery arrived this week for hoist ing material, etc., and cement is be ing hauled out by several teams. We are told the Corner Stone laying ceremony may be held the latter part of May or by the latest, the first of June. It is not too early to begin preparations for the momentous event. NEHAWKA News Mrs. Ona Carner, known by many as aunt Ona, who was taken sick last Thursday is no better at this writing. Ivan Reynolds of Los Angei. California, arrived Saturday foi u visit with his sister, Lovah. and Grandma Reynolds. Mrs. Lee Bates formerly of this place but who now resides near Avoca. was called to Villisca. Iowa, last Friday to the bedside of a sick relative. Mrs. Mae Stoll and two sons who have been, making their home in Iowa, was called to Nehawka Wednesday by the serious illness of her daughter Leon. V. P. Sheldon returned home from California Tuesday to look aft er business matters. The family who are there also, will remain un til a later date. Rev. Braymen was called to Bell ville, Kansas last Thursady to the bedside of his. wife, who is very sick with pneumonia. Her many friends here wish her a speedy re covery and that she may return home soon. Josh Sutphin. wh waos confined to his home the latter part of last week with rheumatism went to Lincoln Sunday afternoon where he intends to take treatment in the sanitarium, Ernest Kropp is taking care of the store during his ab sence. Tom Mason, who had been visit ing friends in Kansas City. Mo., for several days returned Sunday after noon. Glenn Whiteman, who had been carrying mail on his route while he was in the army turned it over to him -Tuesday morning. John 1. Long formery proprietor of the Nehawka News who has been conducting the Clarks Enterprise since leaving this place, recently sold his home there and moved his family to Columbus, where he has purchased the Columbus Daily News. He still owns the Clarks paper and will have charge of the two. ! LOUISVILLE Courier Frank Dufford. one of Vnele Sam's boys recently discharged from the service, was the guest of Mrs. Cora Thomas and family this week. Miss Edith Mayfield, who has been so seriously ill following an attack of influenza, is now well on the way to recovery and is able to sit up part of each day. Mrs. Mary Ragoss ha.s returned from Omaha, where she was called recently by the death of her little grandson, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Ilagoss. Roy O.ssenkop of Oconto, who was recently discharged from the ser vice has now located on a farm near Lomax and has ordered the Courier sent to him at that address. He was in town this week visiting old friends and with relatives in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Steinkamp have decided not to locate in Louis ville as they had planned, but have gone to housekeeping on the farm recently vacated by Herman Brun kow near Manley. Edward has pur chased a new Ford and will sell stock medicine and hog cholera remedy. Mrs. George Lutz left for her home in Custer county, near Oconto Wednesday, having been called here recently by the illness of her son Edward, at the home of John Gauer near Cedar Creek. She left her son much improved in health and gain ing in strength after a serious at tack of the Flu. V. M. Haddon moved his family this week to their new home near Fremont, where Mr. Haddon will conduct a 40-acre truck farm. Their many friends wish them success in their new home. Mr. Haddon has rented his Louisville propertyto R. C. Yant, but on account of Mrs Yant's recently illness with influ enza, they will not be able to move until next week. We are sorry to report the ser ious illness of Mrs. Arthur Schoe man at her home in the country. She is suffering with an attack of the "Flu" and is under the care of a trained nurse. Her husband ha also suffered an attack of the influ enza, but is now on the wav to re covery. but the condition of Mrs Schoeman is considered more ser ious. Their many friends hope soo: to hear of a change for the better. Mrs. James Terryberry and Mrs William Ossenkop left this week for Excelsior Springs. Mo., where they go to take the baths for the benefi of their health. .Neither of these ladies has been enjoying the best of health lately and they decided to try this popular health resort, thinkinr that at least the change would be pleasant. Their many friends hope the trip will be enjoyable and wish them success in their undertaking. Frank Echols, of Bluefield. West Virginia, was in town last week vis iting the F. H. Nichols family and other friends. Mr. Echols was on his way to western Nebraska, where he was going to put in 50 acres of wheat on his farm. He reports Mrs Echols in good health and says she sends her regards to all her old Louisville friends. WEEPING WATER Republican J. M. Teegarden is out again after a siege of the flu. Thomas Murtey made a business trip to Lincoln Wednesday evening. Mrs. Margaret Gruber of Ne hawka who was S6 years old and a pioneer resident of Nehawka died Sunday evening. The funeral ser vices were held Tuesday. Mrs. Thomas Murty went to Oma ha Tuesday morning and was ac companied home in the evening by her daughter, Mrs. Leon Stoker, who will spend the rest of the week here. Art Wiles bought through John W. Colbert last Friday, the Herman Specht eighty acres two and one half miles east of Elmwood. This eighty acres was part of the John Hayes farm. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Ranney and little daughter returned Tuesday morning from Lexington, Mo., where they had visited since Friday with their son, Glenn, who is attend ing the Military Academy there. Mr. and Mrs. Will Parks of Three Forks, Montana who have been visit irfg at the home of Mrs. Parks bro ther, J. W. Sperry, for some time left Wednesday morning for Kansas City to visit Mr. Parks' brother. Mrs. J. M. Thomas went to Ne hawka Monday morning to fix up her home, look after the garden and get the place looking like home again as she is expecting her hus band home from overseas in the near future. At the beautiful horap of Mr. and Mrs. George Towle their daughter Miss Lucille and Mr. Errett Wiles were unifed in marriage at 8:30 Wednesday evening by Rev. Riley of the Congregational church. A simple ring ceremony was perform ed. Miss Esther West came down from Havelock Monday morning for a few weeks' visit at the home of lr grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. West. Miss Esther has been in the hospital for two weeks where she Underwent an operation for ap pendicitis. Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Teegarden and little daughter Catherine returned Tuesday night from California where they had spent the winter. We were in hopes of getting some of Ike's experiences on the coast and whom of the Weeping Water people he saw out there. But Ike has been so busy at home we haven't seen him down town. Joe Malcolm of Dillingham, Colo., was visiting relatives here Saturday and Sunday. Joe was on his way to Leavenworth, Kansas to buy some machinery forjthe Otis Milling Com pany of Otis, Colo., who are build ing a large mill and electric plant at that town. The company surely made a good selection of a man to buy machinery for the new mill, as Joe knows a mill from a to z. The annual meeting of the Cass County Farm Bureau was held here last Thursday, March 27th. All old officers were elected for the coming year. Reports of last year's work seemed to be very satisfactory and County Agent L. R. Snipes was hired for another year on the same terms. This speaks very highly for Mr. Snipes' record in matters pertaining to his work over the county. PUBLIC AUCTION ! OF LAND. The undersigned will sell at Pub lic Auction on SATURDAY, APRIL 12TH ' The following described land and town lots: Sixty-six acres, more or less, ad joining Oreapolis on the south. 3 6 acres in prairie hay that cuts twice a year, balance farm land. Also joins the Omaha and K. C. Auto road on the west and is four miles northwest of Plattsmouth. This land will be sold to the highest bid der at Oreanolis station at 1:30 D'clock Saturday afternoon, April 12th. Terms. $2,000 cash, balance on terms that will be announced at ale. Possession can be given at once. This is an ideal piece of land, no better producing soil in the State of Nebraska. If you want a eood piece of land don't forget the date and attend this sale.- At 3:00 o'clock, on the premises, lots 1. 2. 3, 10. 11 and 12 in block 7. and lots 3 and 4. in block 8. of Duke's Addition to Plattsmouth, will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder. Terms, half cash, balance on terms to be announced. At 3:30 o'clock, on the premises, lots 5 and 6, in block 5. of Town send's Addition to Plattsmouth. will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder. Terms, half cash and balance on terms to be an nounced at sale. FRANK VALLERY. W. R. YOUNG. Owner. Auctioneer. TURNER HALL PROPERTY FOR SALE Sealed bids will be received by he committee appointed for the sale of the Turner Hall property up to and including the 10th day of April. 1919, at which time all proposals will be opened and the sale of the property made to the highest bid der. Mail or leave all bids with Adolph Giese, chairman of .the com mittee. The committee reserves the right to reject any or all bids. The property is located on Washington venue, of lot 10. and all of 11 and 12. in block 9. ADOLPH GIESE. Chairman of Committee. 0 DC DC 0 (Birvnimis: IPirMniieir aid (DDimMiffiieir The Livestock Producer Want -The highest prices hi cat tle will bring. -An assured market 12 months in a year. -Selling outlet that cover the entire world. The Meat Consumer Want Meat at the lowest price it can be bought. A stabilized, supply, winter and summer alike. Distribution that brings the meat fresh, sweet and in prime condition. These things Armour and Company are able to provide, because the Armour organization lias kept pace with international needs When Armour began turning waste parts into saleable by products, the farmer profited because it became possible to pay him on a basis for the uhole animal. Instead of for just the meat, hide and tallow. And as by-products provide for a large part of the production cost, the consumer pays less for tiis meat. When Armour and Company started building refrigerator cars on a large scale, fresh beef, pork and mutton became at once available at all seasons and in all consuming centers. And with Armour branch bouses to hold enough to make them independent of railroad uncertainties, and to distribute according to retailers require ments, stock-growers have the encouragement of sure markets and c6nsumers are assured a steady always-dependable sup ply. There is nothing to prevent any packing concerns from building and operating their own refrigerator cars. Nor are they barred from conducting their own branch distributing houses. - The big point is that Armour and Company, realizing that a national business could not be conducted except on a national scale, hate built these cars and provided necessary marketing facilities. The system is the outgrowth of necessity, and to render the service which is ex pected of it, mu6t operate as a whole. It cannot be efficient piece-meal, or under scattered management. The very nature of the business is against that. Time, and the utmost in co ordination and efficiency, are first essentials in the successful handling of food products. There can be only one way to realize the greatest efficiency under such circumstances, and that is to do it as Armour and Company are doing It with preparation and shipping fa cilities under one comprehen sive management. A ARMOUR Wsl COMPANY CHICAGO 307T 0 0 DC DCZZDOCZZDC DC How is Your Complexion? , A woman should grow more beau tiful as she grows older and she will with due regard to baths, diet and exercise, and by keeping her liver and bowels in good working order. If you are haggard and yel low, your eyes losing their lustre and whites becoming yellowish, your flesh flabby, it may be due to in digestion or to a sluggish liver. Chamberlain's Tablets correct these disorders. MRS. BROWN A WELL WOMAN ONCE MORE WAS CONFINED TO HER BED AND CHAIR FOR OVER TWO YEARS BEFORE TAKING TANLAC. "Some Strang things happen in this world and the change Tanlac has brought about in my wife's con dition is one of them," said J. L. Brown, a resident of College Park, Ga. "For -over two years," he contin ued, "my wife had so much trouble with her stomach that she could hardly take any nourishment at all but a milk diet, and she fell off till she was little more than a living skeleton. She got little rest or sleep at night, had no energy at all and was so weak and rundown that most of her time was spent in bed or in her chair. Her skin was sal low and unhealthy looking and he didn't seem to take interest in any thing. "In fact she was about as bad off as she could be to be alive when she started taking- Tahlac, and just a few bottles of this wonderful med icine have made her a well woman once more. She now eats anything she wants, sleeps like a child, has gained twenty pounds and is able to do all her housework as well as she ever did. "Tanlac is sold in Plattsmouth by F. G. Fricke & Co.. in Alvo by Alvo Drug Co., in Avoca by O. E. Copes, in South Bend by E. Sturzen- egger, in Greenwood by E. F. Smith. in-Weeping Water by Meier Drug Co., in Elmwood by L. A. Tyson, in Murdock by H. V. McDonald, in Louisville by Blakes Pharmacy, in Eagle by F. W. Bloomenkamp, and in Union by E. W. Keedy. LITTLE ROW AN A MEISINGER OPERATED UPON From Friday' Dally. Tuesday morning at the Ford Hos pital little Miss Rowana Meisinger the four year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Meisinger jr., was operated upon for an affection of the bone in one of her arms, it being found necessary to remove four pieces of -bone in the effort to get the affected portion away, in order' that the injured portion might get well. Her -father John Meisinger Jr.. is staying with the little one, while the remainder of the family, are at home on the farm near Cul lom. - N Last evening Jacob Meisinger. the father of John Meisinger jr.. went to their home to assist about the farm, and to stay with the folks while the son is away. Mr. Meis inger will stay with his little daugh ter during the week. Yesterday at noon he telephoned that she was getting along as well as could be expected. "Happy School Days" a beautiful graduation present for the class of 1919. You will find a beautiful line at the Journal office. IIIIORK OF HF.AHINO and Xntlrr of Probate of Will In the County Court of Cass coun ty. Nebraska. State of Nebraska, County of Caps. ss: To nfl persons Interested in the es tate of Harriet A. Sharp. Ieceased: On readinp the petition of Lee C. Sharp praying that the instrument filed in this court on the fith day of April. 191H, and purporting to be the last will and testament of the said deceased, may be proved and allowed, and re--nrded as the last will and testament of Harriet A. Sharp, deceased: that said instrument le admitted to probata and the administration of said estate be granted to C. Sliarp as executor: It is hereby ordered that you, and all persons interested in said matter, may. and do. appear at the County Court to be held in and for ?aid coun ty, on the i'Sth day of April. A. I. 1919, at 10 o'clock a. m.. to show cause if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted, and that notice of the pendency of said pe tition and the hearing- thereof be glvn to all persons interested in said mat ter by publishing a copy of this ord-r in the Plattsmouth Journal, a semi weekly newspaper printed in said county for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing. Witness my hand and the seal t said Court this &th day of April, A. I 1919. ALLEN J. BEESON. , Count v .lude. Ttv FLOTtF.NCK WHITE. Sal a7-3w Clerk. X(TK E OF llEFKHKITS SM.K In the District Court of Cuss county. Edward" Midkiff et al. Plaintiffs vs. Laura Irwin et al. Defendants. Notice is hereby erlven that by virtue of an order entered in the above entit led cause on March ;s. 1919. by th District Court of Cass county, Nebras ka. I. J. E. Iougla, sole referee ap pointed bv said court, will on the WMh dav of May. 1919. at 11:00 o'clock a. m.. War time or 10:00 o'c lock a. ni. reg ular time of said day. at the front door of the Bank of Union, in the village of Union, Cass county, Nebraska, offer for sale to the biphest bidder for cash, th following described real estate, to-wit: The of the SEU of Section 1. Twp. 10, N. Kgre. 13. and Lots 1. 2 and 3 in the NVV4 of the NE'4 of Sec. ;. Twp. 10. N. 14. and Lot 13 In th SW-4 of Sec. C. Twp. 10. N. Kge. 14. all In Cass county, Nebraska. Said sale will be open t for bids f-r nn hour. J. E. DOl'GI.ASS. Referee. CHAS. L. fj HAVES and A. L TIII. a"-",w. Attorneys. WILL HAVE A NEW HOME Frm Friday's Dally. S. S. Chase, the proprietor of the Chase Meat Market, is having work done preparatory to the removing of the house in which he lives to the lot just east thereof, where he is having a new foundation built and the necessary excavation for a base ment done. The old frame building will be changed completely and af ter the work is completed it will be almost a new edifice. It will make a beautiful as well as convenient home for the Chase family, being modern and up-to-date in every respect. Loose anvthlne? Ttv' a Journal want ad. ' "The Shepherd of the Hills" is a good story that you will find on sale at the Journal office. Hawkeye Tires and Tubes Vesta Batteries and Dry Batteries The Plattsmouth Garage J. E. MASON, Proprietor PHONE 294 AGENTS FOR REO CARS AND TRUCKS CLEVELAND TRACTORS We repair all makes of cars; do all kinds of welding and charge batteries. Bring in your cars now and have them in shape for spring. We have two of the best mechanics in town, Mr. Howard Ralya and John Frady. Also Do Livery Work to All Parts of the City and Country. JUST GIVE US A TRIAL WE'LL DO THE REST