li . AGE.5TS. PLATTSMOUTH EVEinHG JOURNAL THURSDAY. APP.IL 3, 1913. t ' : r -i . I ' t r r Hawkey e Tires and Tubes The Plattsmouth Garage J. E. MASON, Proprietor PHONE 394 AGENTS FOR REO CARS AND TRUCKS CLEVELAND TRACTORS We repair all makes of cars; do all kinds of welding and charge batteries. Bring in your cars now and have them in shape for spring. We have two of the best mechanics in town, Mr. Howard Ralya and John Frady. Also Do Livery Work to All Parts of the City and Country. JUST GIVE US A TRIAL WE'LL DO THE REST . Jta rL yNf rs ' JAKE, 12651 Jake Is a Mack Jack with white points. Was foaled May 2S. 1912. Is 15 hands high. Sired by Bis Jake, and his dam was Lady Elgin. He is an excellent jack, and ha .1 pood reputation as a foal setter. Weight 1100. TEDDY R. 97680 r Teddy R. is a fine Percheron Stallion, black with white hind ftet and right front foot also white. He V. as foaled March .10. 1&5: and weighs 1800 pounds. His sire w.-s Morton. $7203; by Epateur. !S36. 434B); by Rolivar. 40111 (4462); by Amilcar, (19979); by Suit air. (4713); by Bayard. '9i9.-; by .Rstraba. 187 (736); by son of Jean le Blanc. (739). " Teddy R and Jake will nnke the season f 1319 at my home. six rw'e. west of Murray and six mi'es cast of Manley, erery day in the week. Terms tor Tddy R.. ? 12.50 to Insure col. to' stand up and puck Terms for -Jakei $15.00 to insure colt to stand np' and suck. When pariies dispose of-roares or remove fror. tbe locality service fee becomes -ir.e and must be paid immediately. AM care will be taken to prevent act 'dents, but owner will not be held re sponsible should any occur. -' ." A. J. SCHAFER. vJ .rHow is Your Complexion? ? A woman should grow more beau tiful 'as" she grows older and she will with due regard to baths, diet and exercise, and by keeping her liver and bowels In good working order. ' If you are haggard and yel low, your eyes losing their lustre and whites becoming yellowish, your flesh flabby." it may be due to in digestion or to a sluggish liver. Chamberlain's Tablets correct these disorders. Doug. Fairbanks, Gem. Saturday. FRESH ORDER YOUR ALFALFA SEED NOW! ULK GARDEN SEED S OUR SPECIALTY! Miaow ' IB Vesta Batteries and Dry Batteries IS CONFIDENT VICTORY BONDS WILL FLOAT DEPRECIATION OF LIBERTY SE CURITIES IS ARTI FICIAL. PATRIOTIC MOTIVES PREVAIL Renewed Life in Commerce and In dustry Will Naturally Follow Removal of Restrictions During the Wan Washington. April 1. Confi dence in the financial condition of the country and its ability to float the forthcoming victory liberty loan was expressed today by Secretary Glass in replying to the suggestion of Senator ('alder of New York that a special session of congress should be called to stop depreciation in the market price of liberty bonds. Far from agreeing that the de cline in outstanding bonds might Jeopardize the popular campaign Tor flotation of the victory issue this month thereby tying up credits by forcing the banks to take the new, bonds, Mr. Glass declared that he was assured the treasury's efforts to solve the financial problems of the country would have the support of a "united and victorious people.' Depreciation in bonds he said, has been the result of artificial causes and he knew of no one who did not believe that all libetry bonds would sell above par before maturity. "There is todiy no sufficiency of credit for the needs of any useful enterprise or insufficiency of gold to support our credit structure." Sec retary Glas declared. Echoes of the political fight which occupied the closing hours of con gress were contained in the secre tary's reply which was in the form of a letter to the New York senator. He quoted from a speech by Senator Calder on the victory liberty bond bill in which the senator declared that he saw no reason ."why we should not feel certain of the fu ture." Mr. Glass said there had been no adverse developments since the bill was passed, which would make necessary a special session as Mr. Calder advocated. Raster Greeting Cards at the Jour nal office. Doug. Fairbanks, Gem, Saturday. tfh . n n mm U, S. ENVOYS AGREE WITH ROOT'S IDEA AMERICANS ENDORSE IDEA OF SIGNING TREATY WITH RESERVATION PROTECTING MONROE DOCTRINE. Paris. ADril 1. Commenting on the six amendments to the covenant , of the league of nations suggested .'by Klihu Koot, it was stated today .by one of the legal specialists asso Iciated with Jhe American peace con ferenee delegation that he believed all the amendments were acceptable to the American delegation. The suggestion that the Ameri can representatives sign the cove nant with the reservation that the United States does not relinquish Its traditional attitude toward purely American questions Is apparently re- jrariled with considerable favor in American official circles. The dele gates alsoare well impressed by the nronosed amendment providing for the revision of the convention with in not less than five years nor more than 10 years. Amendments Carefully Considered The suggestion for the signature of the covenant by the United States with reservations designed to in sure the safety of the Monroe doc trine and safeguard American immi gration laws, it was pointed out. in volves no new procedure, as the res ervations would be somewhat simi lar to those with which the Algivirar treaty was signed. Mr. Koot's six proposed amend ments to the covenant were in the hands of the American peace dele gation for several days before they were published in the Cnited States. They had been carefully considered by the delegates, who expressed their appreciation of this definite and constructive criticism. Several of the Root suggestions are believed by delegates to be cov ered by the covenant as it now stands in its amended form. Socialists Present Suggestions. Ixrd Kobert Cecil, the British au thority on a league of nations, to- dav met a committee from the in ternational socialist conference, re cently held in Berne, and received various amendments. which the members of the committee desired to be included in the covenant of the league of nations. The committee was composed of Arthur Henderson. G. II. Stuart Dunning and J. Kamsey MacDonald for Great Britain; Jean Longuet and Pierre Ronaudcl. for France; HJal- mar Granting, for Sweden, and Ca mille Huysmans. for Belgium. The committee claimed to speak for the socialists of 2G countries, represent ed at the Berne congress. Among the principal amendment that the socialists proposed was the introduction of a provision facilitat ing the entry into the league as soon as possible of Germany and Russia which they believed to be essential to disarmament, and the prevention of the spread of anarchy. To this Lord Robert replied that it was impossible to admit states without stable governments. The committee proposed the supervision of disarmament, to which Lord Robert replied by giving the reasons which had led the league of nations commission to reject a proposal for the continuous international inspec tion of armaments. Advocate Election of Delegates. The committee also had proposals respecting the method of choosing delegates to the league, expressing the belief that nomination by the governments would not be represen tative. They said they preferred the elective system. Lord Robert explained that this question was for the various states to decide them selves. Regarding war, the committee thought that it should be totally abolished except where the league Itself made war to enforce its man dates. Lord Robert agreed in prin ciple, but tlfbught that the world had not yet attained the develop ment to make it practicable and possible. Other points presented were the belief that mandates should be de fined in detail before territory was handed over to a mandatory gov ernment and that no mandates should be given until all nations had been admitted to the league. In reply. Lord Robert said he be lieved that all mandates would be Are You Happy? To be happy you must be well. If you are frequently troubled with constipation and Indigestion you cannot be altogether , happy. Take Chamberlain's Tablets to correct these disorders. They are prompt and effectual, easy and pleasant Jo take. Doug.' Fairbanks, Gem, Saturday. ENJOYED SPLENDID - EVENING PARTY Frci Wednesday's Dally. The Warga nrothers and sisters living south of the city last Saturday evening, held a very delightful gath ering at their home, at which there were a large number of their friends present. The guests began arriving at an early hour, ami the sociable event continued throughout the night. There were games, music and dancing, with a, delightful lunch served, which was enjoyed by everybody present. Thoes who were present and enjoyed the occasion being Claude, Vern and E. B. Hutch inson, Herold Manners. Professor Seney who was visiting In the neigh borhood from the Pti State Normal school, Wayne Wilson, Georgie and Gilbert Hull, Mary Wilson, Lucy Stave, Frances Lepert, Jesse Fltch- orn from .Wyoming, who is visiting here. Gleti, Samuel and Happy Fitchorn, Rose, Cora. "Jesse and Willie Baker, Edna. Robert and For est Rainey. Walter and Lewis Fur long, Karl Smith, Charles. James Albert. Josephine. Rose, Stanzia and Johnnie Warga. These on their de parture extended wishes for a large number of such happy meetings as those which had been given. SPEND PLEASANT EVENING. From Wednesday's Dally. Last evening at the home of George A. Kaffenberger, were gath ered a large crowd of young people, called together to enjoy the occasion of a reception in honor of Misses Gladys and Golda Kaffenberger, the accomplished daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Kaffenberger. The evening was pleasantly spent in games and music. the taking feature or the evening being a game of progressive pitch. The playing was spirited and full of real life from the start the first prize being won by Mr Hilt Martin, while the consolation prize went to Mr. Chester Wel- shimer. At a late hour a most de ightful luncheon was served to which all present did full Justice n departing the guests expressed hemselves as well pleased with the evening's entertainmnt, and cited he Misses Kaffenberger as being princesses In the art of entertain ing. VISITING HERE FROM THE WEST From Wednesday's Dally. Mrs. J. L. Mulhall of Oakland 'alifornia. who. has been visiting in he city, for the past few days, the guest at the home of her aunt Mrs. If. Booth, at the Masonie Home departed this afternoon for Omaha where she will visit with friends and also look after some business for 1 few days before her departure for the west again. MRS. ANDREW KAUFMANN IMPROVING VERY NICELY From Wednesday's Daliv. Mrs. Andrew Kaufmann, who has been very ill for the past few weeks with bronchial pneumonia, has been improving very nicely for the past two or three days, the continuation of which means that she will be re stored to her former health with a few weeks. This will indeed be good news to this excellent lady's many friends in Plattsmouth and eastern Cass county. DID NOT HEAR HORACE GREELEY From Wednesday's Dally Yesterday afternoon Joseph Tucek a'nd wife with their little one de parted for the east, where they go to make their home. They will go first to Westfield. Mass., where they expect to purchase a home for them selves. They have resided on the five acre tract, southwest of town, known as the Vorndron Place, for the past five years. Mr. Tucek evi dently did not hear Horace Greeley, when he said "Go west young man. Go west." Or if he did. he did not heed for he is going in exactly in the opposite direction. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. The great benefit derived from the use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has been gratefully ac knowledged my many. Mrs. Benja min F. Blakeney, Decatur, 111., writes, "Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy Is by far the best medicine for colds and coughs we have ever used In our family. I gave it to my children when small for croup and have taken it myself." s ' Wall Paper. Paints. Glass. Picture Framing.' Frank Gobe'man. CHICHESTER S PILLS W THE DIAMOND BRAND. A. DIAlioNDV imAND PILL. f kaun. Uf-ct. Sliest. Aly RclUM SOlDBYDRUGG'STSEYtWMFW NEWS FROM ALVO L. Friend went to Lincoln Tues- day. Ed. Casey of Lincoln was in town Monday. Chas. Appleman went -to Omaha Saturday. Ben Weaver spent Sunday South Bend. W. O. Boyles of Lincoln was town Saturday. Dr. L. Muir and wife autoed in in to Lincoln. Monday. N C. M. Jordan returned from Lin coln, Saturday. Geo. Clark of Lincoln was in town Monday 011 business. Mrs. John Box returned from Lin coln Saturday on No. 28. Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Wylfe of Denton were in town Saturday. L. Lauritsen and daughter Miss Clara went to Omaha Saturday. S. C. Boyles and son Dale S. Boyles were in Waverly Saturday. Jake Kahm was in Omaha and Lincoln on business the first of the week. snavely and Hayes of Lincoln were in town on business last Wed nesday. Jae Kahm sod lull of his live stock last week. He went to Oma ha on No. 38 Sunday. .Mr. and Mrs. John Rcasoner ot Ashland were visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Rouse last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. John Murtey havt returned from their winter's sojourn in southern California Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Davis of Syracuse an toed up Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. -J. P. Rouse. ine lieu 1 toss received a new quota 01 Kniiung recently, wincii is for the little folks of 'Belgium. Mrs. Hattie Kear is able to be up part of the time now. She suffered a severe attack of quinsy recently. Hubert Strong begun delivering the IT. S. mail on Alvo's R. F. D Tuesday. Chas. F. Rosenow havin resigned. Mrs. J. B. Elliott sr.. Mrs. Earl Slothower and Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Elliott motored to Lincoln Friday in the latter's car. Mrs. C. M. Keefer is very sick with erysipelas and her daughter Mrs. Roy Cole of Mynard. is here taking care of her Miss Ida Thomas and brother Leo Thomas came in from Pickrell Sat urday to visit their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. H. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Rogue of Elmwood, autoed over Tuesday even ing. visiting the former's sister Mrs J. II. Stroemer and other relatives. Frank Rathbun who recently re turned home from over seas army service visited his brother Walter Rathbun and family Tuesday and Wednesday. Mfss Hoffman went to Ashland Timrsriav to attend the funeral 01 her grandma Hoffman on Friday Mrs. Hoffman having passed away on Wednesday. Ai-tlmr Skinner and family, Alva Skinner, Delbert SKinner. airs. Waiter T?ntlil)iin and son and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Clark went to Lincoln Saturday evening. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. W Vickcrs was gladdened last Tuesday with the safe arrival of a perfect i.oKv tt Thfi mother and Dane "J o 1 1 - 11 .. are doing spienuimj. T.kP K.ihm sold his residence nroDerty to Miss Alice isenoyg. n. ... n c and Mrs. W. H. Suders win occupy : na ennn ns Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Reitz get moved to Waverly. ' Mr. Orin Lanning of Eagle and Miss Laura Vickers of this place at tended the Golden Wedding anni- vorsnrv 01 HITS. mene xaiiumti 0 . . . r I T n n .1 1 v rr e parents in Plattsmouth last Friday ! evening. Mrs. J. A. Shaffer went to Lin- . 1. tuiu - ' cousin Mrs. L. B. Lackey who was enroute to her home at Minatare. Neb., from a month's visit at South Bend with her father Fred Weaver and sons. A liWle son was born March 2Sth to Mr. and Mrs. Orville Quellhorst and passed away Saturday evening March 29. Funeral services conducted at the home Sunday an- ernoon by Rev. M. E. Stair, uuriai was made in the Alvo cemetery. ' Mrs. J. P. Rouse had the pleasure of entertaining all four of her sisters last Sunday. They are Mrs. B. II. Davis of Syracuse. Mrs. Eva Rouse and Mrs. 'Ida Marshall from Nuckols county. Nebr., and Mrs. John Weichel and they all enjoyed the day very much. Mrs. Eva Rouse of Nelson has been visiting her sister Mrs. J. P. Rouse and Mr. Rouse the past week and her sister Mrs. Ida Marshall of Nelson came in the last of tbe week to visit at the J. P. Rouse home and other relatives. She went to Ash land Monday morning to visit Mr. ami Mrs. John Reasoner. The funeral of, Maurice Cashmer, who passed away in Lincoln Sun day, was held from the M. E. church Thursday afternoon at two o'clock conducted by Rev. C. E. Connell. Burial was made in the Alvo ceme tery. Maurice was born in Alvo, !ec. 17, 1 SI7 and was the son of Sherman Cashmer now of Denver. He leaves beside his father one brother, Alvin Cashmer now in Ok lahoma, his mother having passed away when he was a child. The father and brother attended the funeral. Their many friends extend sympathy. A wild and wooly Fairbanks com edy full of excitement and thrills, Gem, Saturday. MURDGCK iTCiao iit-mo Gordon Black was in Omaha Sun day. Joe Taylor spent Sunday with Ed Guehlstorff. . Mrs. Goetz and son Ed Guehlstorff were shopping hi Omaha Saturday. Will Schewe was an Omaha pas senger Monday noon. Mrs. II. Reeve vnt to Lincoln last Tuesday evening. Miss Everett spent Sunday with Mrs. Carl Schlapoff. Miss Helen Ilaur is spending a few days in the country. G. Baur and John Gakemeier went to Ithaca kis Friday evening. Mrs. Mary Williams of Elmwood was visit iris relatives here last Fri day. Win. Reuman and his father were down from Omaha on business last Friday. Mis Hattie Renwanz of Green wocd spent Saturday with Miss Clara Woltzel. Miss Margaret Amgwert was a guest of Miss Gladys Sorick last Friday. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Neitzel early Tuesday morning. Mr. Reherelins of Ithaca, Nebr., was visiting friends here a few days last week. Mrs. F. Lau and daughter Anna returned from Omaha last Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Mills were Sunday guests of relatives near Weeping Water. August Panska and family were calling at the Fred Cordes heme on Monday afternoon. Rev. A. 11. Schwab and August Panska were business visitors to Plattsmouth Saturday. Misses Lydia Weiichineck and Ruth Sorick are spending t heir spring vacation at home. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tool and children and Mrs. J. Ooehry motor ed to Weeping Water last Thurs day. A few of Miss Margaret Amgwert's friends were calling on her Sunday evening, the occasion being her birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Panska and daughter Helen Irene, were calling at the John Gakemeier home on Sunday evening. John Amgwert went to Burchard Nebr., last Friday where he will do some papering and varnisning ror Emil Kuehn. and expects to be gone about ten days. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Sanders and daughter Gwendolyn of Wann, Neb., Mr- and Mrs. John Gakemeier and daughter Dorothy Alice, Misses Helen and Jennie Baur were Sun day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Panska. Emil Kuehn returned to his home tt Burchard. Nebr.. Monday. He of tJje (o take Mrs. Kuehn and children to their new home. We hate to lose this estimable family from our midst but our very best wishes go with them to their new location. Mrs. R. Lawton came in Thurs day fro Davenport, Iowa, where she has been visiting relatives. Mrs Lawton has just returned from Vir ini wi,ere she has spent the wint- &nd after vjsjting friends here for a short time went to her Home jn Wabash. Cut This Out It Is Worth Money. DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this slip, enclose with &c to i-oiey v 2835 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, Ill writing your name and address clearly. You will receive in return a trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar, Compound, for coughs, colds and croup. oiey iviu ney. Pills and Foley Cathartic Tab lets. Sold everywnere. Doug. Fairbanks, Gem, Saturday. WAS BURIED IN OAK HILL CEMETERY HERE THE REMAINS OF EUGENE WIL LIAMS LAID TO REST AT OAK HILL CEMETERY TUESDAY. From Wednesday's Dnlly. The funeral over the remains of Eugene Williams, who died recent ly at Lincoln, and whose . remains arrived in this city Monday after noon, were held at 4he home of his sister Mrs. Leonard Jay yesterday afternoon at two o'clock, the Rev. II. G. McCluskey of the First Pres byterian Church officiating. The burial was made in Oak Hill ceme tery. Mr. Williams has lived in Plattsmouth all his life, and was engaged as a barber and had been working for E. G. Shellenbarger un til Just recently. MEMBER OF THE DELCO- LIGHT KILOWATT CLU3 Isy Rosenthal, who has Just re- turned from the Third Annual Del- co Light convention at Dayton, Ohio, is a membei of the Delco-Light Kilo watt Club. This club is composed of the first rank leaders of the Delco Light sell ing force and the local Delco Light representative feels greatly honored in having secured a membership. Delco Light, as most of our readers know, is an electric light and power' plant for farm homes, and the "watt" is the unit of electrical work, which explains its use in the name of this Delco Light salesmen's club. For each unit of business of a fixed amount a Delco Light salesman is credited with "one watt," and when he has one thousand such watts 'to his credit he automatically becomes a member of the Kilowatt club. Out of a total selling force of 2700. there are only 52 Kilowatt men for 1918. which indicates the high standard of the contest and is a measure of the honor conferred upon the local man. Mr. Rosenthal says, he finds mem bership in the Kilowatt club so big a thing in the Delco Light organi zation that he intends to make an even better record for 1919 and thus become a Kilowatt member for this vear as well as last. Doug. Fairbanks, Gem, Saturday. PUBLIC AUCTION! OF LAND. The undersigned will sell at Pub Auction on Ik SATURDAY, APRIL 12TH The following described land and town lots: s Sixty-six acres, more or less, ad Joining Oreapolis on the south. 16 acres in prairie hay that cuts twice a year, balance farm land. Also joins the Omaha and K. C. AutcT road on the west and is four miles northwest of Plattsmouth. This land will be sold to the highest bid der at Oreapolis station ct 1:30 o'clock Saturday afternoon, April 12th. Terms, $2,000 cash, balance on terms that will be announced at sale. Possession can be given at once. This is an ideal piece of land, no better producing soil In the State of Nebraska. If you want a " good piece of land don't forget the date and attend this sale. At 3:00 o'clock, on the premises. lots 1. 2, 3, 10, 11 and 12 in block 7. and lots 3 and 4, in block S, of Duke's Addition to Plattsmouth. will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder. Terms, half cash. balance on terms to be announced. At 3:30 o'clock, on the premises. lots 5 and G, in block 5, of Town- send's Addition to Plattsmouth, will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder. Terms, half cash and balance on terms to l nounced at sale FRANK VALLERY. W. R. YOUNG. nn. Auctioneer. Rid Her Of All Her Pain. ;Mrs. L. Wavue, 27 2 C 3rd St. iff . T- 1 m a uqean rarit. 1 aiir.. writes: "I am thankful to say Foley Kidney pui3 rid me o fall my pain. I advise any one to try then after the good they did me." - Bachache. sore muscles stiff or swollen Joints, rheumatic pains are Indications of kidney trouble. Foley Kidney pju, are safe, reliable. Sold everywhere HIGH GRADE FINE CATTLE I have a few cpmlng Short Horn bulls which yearlinar Which o . tered. and are for sale.. Call C T Peacock. Phono 2505 Plot. " xru. ' 1 la,tniouth. regis- ni20-27d 2tw People who think thev d moving pictures should see ti' 1