The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 27, 1919, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Transact Other eBusiness and Take
Care of the Usual Routine
Work as Well.
The first thing to occupy the at
tention of the city council at the
meeting last eTening was numerous
communications asking that a per
manent wall: be placed in front nf
the A. W. Bradway residence. On
motion these were referred to the
Streets, Alleys and Bridges commit
tee for -investigation.
Then followed a petition signed
by a number of people in the west
part of-town, asking that west Mar
ble street be opened up from 14th to
Maiden Lane. This went the same
J Then came a petition from L. C
Scharp asking permission to move a
small frame house from block 46 to
block 33. which would place it in
.the fire limits. This was allowed
with the understanding that it was
only for temporary occupancy.
, , t Coming next was a petition ask
ing, for the vacating of the portion
nt Pearl street front on lots 1, 2, 3.
and 4 in block 33. to the curb and
that portion of third street facing
lot one of the same block, extending
forty.-feet south from the intersec-.
tion of Third and Pearl street. Af
ter much discussion it was conclud
ed to have the entire council go and
view the place before a vote should
be taken on the matter.
Harris then asked that Mike, Sed
lak be-given a hearing, and what he
had to 6a y was. that he could not get
the .water company to install water
service, in his place. His protest went
to the Fire and, Water committee..,
Claims, Committee
Two billahad gone" to the Claims
committee at the last meeting and
were, reported favorable by the com:
in It tee, one being to F. C. Fricke for
11.65 and the. other to Jess F. IVarga
for S5.2.5.. , . .
Then followed the reading. of the
report of,.-the Finance committee,
which , showed the following ;
Mike Lutz $
Q, K. F'armele ;
Sam Archer :
James 'Wyrui ;
: 6.30
John Maurer 36.40
A.-Nitka 36.70
John Zitka 20.65
George. Olson .65
Henry: Gentry 1.25
Platts. Gas & Klec. Co 218.71
Total claims paid $413.11
The petition which had been be
fore the council the week before ask
ing for grading near Henry -Herold's
place. was 'granted.
Wants Fire Truck
Councilman Harris, of the Fifth
ward, called the attention of the
council to the wholly inadequate fa
cilities for fighting fire, and'with but'
few members in the volunteer fire
company the- matter of getting the
hose carts over the hills of the city
is more than we should expect of
the fire boys and besides if they suc
ceeded there would, be a considerable
delay In getting there and much val
uable time might be lost. When every-minute
counts, as it does at a
fire, it would seem good business
policy that the city provide itself
with effectual means of conserving
time, and he cited financial condi
tions which he thought would jus
tify the purchase of a fire truck. Af
ter a bit of discussion the matter of
a fire truck was allowed to drop.
Wire Burned. Off
When It came (o the Lighting com
mittee's report, the superintendent of
the Nebraska Gas and Electric com
pany made explanation that the
cause of the lights being out Satur
day night was due to the burning out
of a light wire.
R. E, Patterson of the Finance
committee, gave a resume of the con
dition of the city's finances, which
showed us to be up against .the mat
ter of solving some pretty large fi
nancial propositions in the near fu
ture, in the line of refunding some
bonds which are drawn to mature
June 1st of. this year, an which it
will be Impossible to cancel by pay
ment thereof. The mayorr city-clerk -
and' treasurer were made a commit
tee to look after this matter.
Appoint Election Boards
The matter of the appointment of
election boards in the various wards
was next to claim the attention of
the session and the following named
were chosen:
First Ward: Clerks. Leonard Mel-
singer and James W. Holmes; Judges
John Corv. William Hassler and
Fred Black.
Second Ward: Clerks Jesse Brady
and George Weideman; Judges W.
B. Rishel. John Kopia and Claus Boe-
tel. Sr.
Third Ward:
Shopp and Q. K.
J. R. Kelly. M.
Do? pain.
Fourth Ward:
Clerks Frank B
Parmele; Judges
M. Beal and C. C.
Clerks J. C. Pet
Led geway; Judges
ersen. Jr., and J
Alfred Edgefton.
Anton Nitka.
and John Weyrich.
Fifth Ward: Clerks Robert Rich-
ter and B. F. Crook; Judges J. H.
Higley. Fred Heinrich and Aug Bach,
Award Sewer Contract
The next thing to claim tten
tion was the opening of bids ami
awarding of the contract for the con
struction of the new sanitary sewer
to be built in the third ward. . The
first bid to be opened was that of
Leroy W. Reuland. and two others
followed, all being on the entire
amount of work to be done and con
taining the required certified check.
The names of the bidders and the
amounts of their bids were as fol
lows :
Leroy W. Reuland S 9 95.95
Peters & Parker. 910.50
II. J. Peterson & Co 890.00
After the bids had been read they
were referred to the Parks and Im
provement committee, which report
ed in a short time advising the re
jection of the bid of II. J. Peterson
& Co.. which was the lowest, and was
by an Omaha firm for $890. The
committee considering the matter
was composed of J. M. Vorndron. F.
F .Buttery and R. Wf Harris.. After
somewhat of a discussion of the mat.-
ter. a motion was offered by Lusch-
insky to the effect that the contract
begiven to the lowest bidder, which
was Peterson & Co. On a vote the
result was Patterson, Weber. Lusch-
insky, Johnson and Beeson voting
aye; Kunsmann ana iarson voting
nay, while Buttery. Vorndron and
Harris passed. Another vote Was
ordered when the ones passing were
required 1o vote. The three not vot
ing before joined with Kunsmann
and Larson, voting nay, and the re
Biilt was a tie vote 5 to 5. Mayor
Schneider then cast his vote as by
law provided in the case of a tie. he
voted aye and the contract was ac
cordingly awarded to the lowest bid
der, H. J. Peterson & Co.. of Omaha.
for $890.00.
Cut This Out It Is Worth Money.
DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this
slip, enclose with 5c to Foley & Co.,
2S35 Sheffield Ave., Chicago. 111.,
writing your name and address
clearly. You will receive in return
a trial package containing Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound, for
coughs, colds and croup. Foley Kid
ney Pills and Foley Cathartic Tab
lets. Sold evereywhere.
Prom Tuesday's Dally.
Eugene Williams, who has been
feeling badly for the past few weeks.
and whose condition has become so
serious It was thought best to take
him to the state sanitarium at Lin
coln, was accordingly taken to the
capitol city this morning, being ac
companied by his sister. Mrs. Nell Jay
and Sheriff C, D. Quinton. "Shorty"
as he is familiarly known has come
to his enfeebled condition of mind
simply through intemperate use of
a nerve .medicine prescribed for him
a few weeks ago when his nerves
needed attention, and it is thought
that with, proper care and attention
in the hospital at Lincoln for a
few weeks he will regain his normal
senses. He is an excellent barber
and has been employed In various
tonsorial parlors about the city from
time to time throughout the years
when he continued to call, Platts
mouth his home.
Woman loves a clear, rosy com
plexion. Burdock Blood Bitters is
splendid for purifying the blood,
clearing the skin, restoring sound
digestion. All druggists sell it.
Price $1.25.
TLt complete Electric Light and
Power Plant
You can have all the comforts of a
modern home. Buy Delco-Light.
Tel. T). 5093 Omaha, Neb.
Give way before the pene
trating effects of Sloan
So do those rheumatic twinges ind
the loin-aches of lumbago, the nerve
inflammation of neuritis, the wry neck,
the joint wrench, the ligament sprain,
the muscle strain, and the throbbing
. The ea-e of applying, the quickness
of relief, the positive results, the clean
liness, and the economy of Sloan's
Liniment make it universally preferred.
Drury H. Phebus Writes Us From
Montana, Telling of the Coun
try and His Town.
From Tuesday's Daily.
We" are in receipt of a letter from
our friend. D. II. Phebus. in which
he makes mention of his brother.
Flace Phebus, who is still in the
army, and tens or mm miming a
cow to get something to put in the
radiator of his car, while climbing
the mountains.
We also clip from the Sumatra
(Mont.) Record, the following:
"D. H. Phebus. of Liberty Valley,
was in Sumatra Wednesday. He in
formed the Record that his brother.
Flace, who is weir known here, was
retained with two others when his
company was discharged and that he
now has charge of a force of 12 men
in making out discharges for sol
diers. Right here we take the lib
erty of saying that there is not a
town in the dear old U. S. A. that!
has any right to feel more proud of j
the record of her boj-s than Sumatra.
Thev have all done their, best and
we are indeed proud."
Glenn Neill, Leaves for New York,
to Resume Duties on Board
U. S. S. Rochester.
From Tuesday's Daily.
After having visited here for the
past ten days. Glen Neill departed
today for New York, where he will
resume his duties as a sailor in Un
cle Sam's navy on board the U. S. S.
Rochester. Glen has been" in, the
navy since tne Deginning oi ine
war, and has made an excellent man
in every capacity in which he has
been tried. He enjoyed his visit in
Plattsmouth and returns much re
freshed as a result of his ten days'
Sealed bids will bo received by
the committee appointed for the sale
of the Turner Hall property" up to
and including the 10th day of April.
1919, at which time all proposals
will be opened and the sale of the
property made to the highest bid
der. Mail or leave all bids with
Adolph Giese, chairman of the .com
mittee. The committee reserves the
right to reject any or all bids. The
property is located on Washington
Avenue, Vt of Jot 10, and all of 11
and 12. in block 9.
Chairman of Committee.
.There will be a box supper given
in School District No. 97, at the Keil
school house on Friday night, March
28th. You are invited to come and
enjoy the evening.
Will Rummell was. a visitor in
Omaha yesterday, where he was on
the market with a car load of cattle,
which he found ready sale for at a
good price, one which was satisfying
to the feeder of fine cattle.
Wall Paper, Paints. Glass, ricture
Framing. Frank Gobe'man.
Suffered For Eight Years.
Rheumatic pains, lame back, sore
muscles and stiff Joints often are due
to overworked, weak or disordered
kidneys. Daisy Bell, R. F. D. 3, Box
234, Savannah, Ga., writes: "I
suffered eight years with pain in the
back and could not do any of my
work, but since taking Foley Kidney
Pills, I can do all of my work." Sold
ifiinnnni imio
munuuuit ncma
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hite loft on
Wednesday for West Point,- Nebras
ka. where he will work on the farm
helping his brother-in-law, John
Krueger, for a few months.
Mr Depner returned from Omaha
last Tuesday, where he had been for
a week.
John Cakemeier and family are
nicely settled in the house recently
vacated by the Ed Jumper family.
Mrs. Edna Jones, of Ashland, was
calling on old friends here on last
Word has been received here of
the arrival of a fine new baby boy at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman
Kuejin. of Friend, Nebraska, form
erly of this place. k
Miss Mary Isabel Tool entertain
ed ten of her little girl friends at a
Slumber party at her home last Wed
nesday night. A very enjoyable time
was had by all. The guests were
the following little Misses: Irene
and Marguerite McDonald, Thelma
Kelly, Hildegard Baumgartner, Mar
vel Amgwert, Virginia Schewe, Erna
Williams, Frances Thiel, Henrietta
and Ruth Baur.
John Amgwert and family were
visiting relatives at Council Bluffs
over Sunday.
Sunday visitors at the Albert Thiel
home were Mr. and Mrs. Emil Rose-
now, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hill and
children of near Elmwood. and Mr
and Mrs. Joe Gustin.
Emil Kuehn returned to Burchard
Nebraska Monday morning after be
ing quarantined in for nearly two
weeks with flu. Mrs. Kuehn and
children were sick at the same time.
A nurse was with them a few days
last week, but at present all are do
ing nicely and they will be releas
ed from quarantine Sunday, as was
also the Jesse Tandholm family.
O. E. McDonald and family were
visiting relatives at Murray Sunday.
Mrs. Mira McDonald returned with
them for a few day's visit.
Grandma I.eis is on the sick list.
Miss Mary Bourke is visiting her
sister. Miss Olyve Bourke for a few
Mrs.- John Gustin and daughter
Grace, entertained the R. N. A. ken
sington on Thursday, March 13th
About a dozen ladies were present
and all report a fine time. Mrs. Har
ry Gillispie will be hostess this wVek
on Thursday. March 27th. .
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Landholm went
to Omaha Tuesday noon, to visit for
a few days.
Mrs. Ed Thimgan and children
returned Sunday from Elmwood, at
which place they have been sick and
under quarantine with the flu, at the
Harry Williams home. They are
getting along nicely.
Mr. and Mrs. Steele were in Platts
mouth Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Glanbitz were
in Weeping Water Monday.
Sam Pauska and Miss Florence
Sheller returned to their homes in
Omaha Monday after visiting here
for a week.
Mr. and Mrs. Merkel and Will
Rickli and family were Sunday din
ner guests of A. Rickli and wife.
Miss Wilma Pauska is recoverine
from an attack of tonsilitis.
Economical women read the news
papers in order to save money. They
read the advertisements, study them,
become acquainted with best things
that they need now or will need
sometime in the future, and then
buy always at a paving. Many of
our customers will never cease to
feel grateful for the service rendered
them by our advertisements by which
the remarkable properties of Trin
er's American Elixir of Bitter Wine
have been revealed to them in a con
vincing manner. It is a remedy
without equal for constipation, poor
appetite, flatulence, headache, ner
vousness, sleeplessness and other
troubles connected with stomach dis
orders. You, can get it at all drug
stores. The price has been raised
only slightly, although the prices of
some ingredients and taxes on others
are now very high. The price of
Triner's Liniment, the best prepara
tion for rheumatism, neuralgia,
sprains, etc., is unchanged. Accept
only Triner's remedies! Joseph Tri
ner Company, 1333-1343 S. Ashland
Ave., Chicago, 111.
Spring Cleaning Time Is Here.
If a house needs spring cleaning,
how about the human body after a
winter of indoor life and heavy
food? Don't suffer from indigestion,
biliousness, bad breath, bloating,
gaa or constipation, when relief can
be so easily had. Foley Cathartic
Tablets clean stomach and bowels
and tone up the liver. Sold every
where. Subscribe for the Journal.
A Column I-vot.-l to
4 l.ornl rnrmluK lulrrml 4
Young Lambs-May Need Aid.
The youiif? lamb may need aid in
getting started to nurse. It will need
little to eat until an hour or so old.
Then it should be made to imrfe,
and if it is weak and indisposed it
may need help. It is important thru
the shepherd see that the young
lamb gets hid of the teat and not
strings of wool. The careful shep
herd will trim the wool away l'rciii
around the udder of the ewe. At
the same time it is well to trim
around the tailhead of the ewe re
moving foreign matter that' may
cause worms. Likewise, the trim
ming operation may as v.e!l include
the toes of the .ewe, which should
be trimmed once a year to prevent
foot and rot. Iimhs begin to eat
grain feed early, if the ewes are
fed in a low box. As soon as the
lambs learn to eat they should have
separate feeding places.
Judging Contest For Hi?h Schools.
The annual - inter-high school
stock judging contest will be held at
the University Farm, Lincoln, Maih
20. Any high school may enter a
team, which should be composed of
three students, with one alternate.
The usual preliminary work-out will
be held at the farm March 2S. A
large number of classes of stock
will be available for the judging
teams. Senior students in the
school of Agricultural will act as
pilots. Ribbons will be distributed
to the prize winners.
The following suggestions will
summarize the essentials for suc
cessful chick raising: Do not feed
chicks until thev are at least 4S
hours old. Feed buttermilk or skm
milk for first feeds if possible. Keep
drinking vessels clean. Feed . only
clean sweet chick feeds. Keep
chicks busy. Feed green feeds in
small amounts. Feed earlv and late.
Keep brooder temperature regulat
ed fo chicks will not chill over
night. Allow chicks out of doors as
soon as possible. Feed all the sour
milk or buttermilk that they will
drink. Grit and ovster shells ore
necessary. L. R. SNIPES.
County -A sr. Agent.
Stopped Cough After Influenza.
"Foley's Honey and Tar is the
best cough medicine I ever tried."
writes E. B. McDowell. R. F. D. 1.
Box 119. Arlington. Tenn. "My
son . had influenza. He had th?
worst kind of a cough. I trie-1
everything but nothing did any
ood. God sent me a friend with
Foley's Honey and Tar. and in two
days his" cough was gone." Sold
JAKE, 12651
Jake is a black jack with white
points. Was foaled May 2S, 11)12.
Is 15 hands high. Sired by Big
Jake, and his dam was Lady Elgin.
He is an excellent jack, and ha: a
good reputation as a foal' getter.
Weight 1100.
TEDDY It. 9768G
Teddy R. is a fine IVrcheron
Stallion, black with white hind ftet
nd right front foot also white. He
was foaled March 30. 19 i: and
!igh3 1800 pounds. His sire w?s
Morton, 67203; by Epateur. 5IS3S,
4349); by Bolivar, 4011 J.
(46462): bv Amilcar, (10!i9); V
Sultan. (4713); by Bayard, '.9-195
by Estraba, 187 (736); ty son of
Jean le-31anc, (739).
Teddy R and Jake will make the
season of 1319 at my home, six rules
west of Murray and six nn'es east
of Manley, every day in tne wie.
Terms for Tddy R., $12.50 to Insure
colt to stand up and suck. Terms
for Jake. $15.00 to insure co.t to
stand up and suck. When rarties
dispose of mares or remove xrom ire
locality service fee becomes -iuc and
must be paid immediately.' AM care
will be taken to prevent acefdents.
but owner will not be held re
sponsible should any occur.
r t-' "f-V'U-V"'
Nebraska Storage Battery Co.
Does your Storage Battery need re-charging or
Do you need a new Storage Battery?
In either case come to us with your Battery trou
bles. We keep in stock new VVillard Storage Batteries,
also Rental batteries to be used while we are re-charging
and repairing youis.
We are the authorized Willard dealers for this ter
ritory. V e have just installed the latest and best equip
ment for battery work, and are making the Storage
Battery business one of the important features of our
Garage business.
Our charges will always be reasonable and our
services satisfactory to the public. In no other way
can we expect to build up a profitable business and
that is just what we are in business for.
Your money's worth here for your money.'
T. H. -Pollock G
Pkttsmouth, Kebr.
"IWI i:t MI-:. I'M ITII !-' Till: I Mli:i) STTKS JO VKH X M KXT"
Dated November 1, 1918
DUE November 1, 1938
Redeemable at par and accrued interest on any inter
est date after five years from date df issue. Coupon
bonds fully registerable and interchangeable. Denomi
nation, $1,000. Interest payable semi-annually, May
1 st and November 1 st. Principal and interest payable
at the bank of issue in exchange Approved by the Fed
eral Farm Loan Board of the United States government.
Exempt from All Federal, State, Municipal
and Local Taxation!
This exemption induces the Federal Income Tax and
income from these bonds need not be included in returns
has. C Parmele, . -
Bank cf Cass County
u --
t I FJ M
VfcSZ 'V'"'"
for treatment, and no money to be paid until cared Write for blKSlIS ?eTery ca,e ocepted
and testimonials of more than 1000 promlnentte who hlvVb JSSfZLX1 namea
Ort. C. R. TARRY 24Q Pee Building SSSfiS'Sl&nA?
BRS. FMCH & mmi),
H T-l 4. 4 -Ua. : l j.
j - ! w r .
B The largest and best equipped dental offices in Omaha. ' Experts
H in charge of all work. Lady attendant. KnnifPATP riTis
" 1
Phone No. 1
& Srof iff
Fistula-Pay When'Cured
system o: traatment that cure Pii n.., j
wirr ivecia lUiseasps iu a Bhort time withnnt -
em nn.. u . ""ji wiuiooi a severe inr.
. . ,
Instrume"ts carefully steiled