The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 27, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Tbe plattsmoutb 3burnal
Entered at PostofClce. riattsmouth, Neb as second-class mall matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Bolshevism Is on the run.
Election is but one week off.
Two good tickets are in the field.
Being mayor of Plattsnioutu is a
man's size job.
'Choose ye this day. whom ye
will hare to serve you."
l'olitics in municipal electoins
are a thing of the past.
There are a lot of beer substitutes
on the market, but most of them are
no good.
The base ball season will soon be
here. Let's support a winning team
In riattsmouth.
The "No beer, no work" rule is
a poor way of protesting against a
thing we don't happen to like.
There's a marked scarcity of good
residence properties in riattsmouth.
Why not start a building campaign?
Woman's suffrage is a reality. If
you don't believe it just visit the
polls in riattsmouth a week from
The Elks Lodge in riattsmouth is
growing. They have a nice club
and a lot of nice fellows to fill it
up. Why shouldn't it?
We hope to see the talked-of hos
pital in riattsmouth become a real
ity. And it will if the Commercial
club can possibly put it across.
We are told that free love reigns
in Russia. But who the dickens Is
there to love, even if its doesn't cost
- :o:
We have heard stories of bogus
twenty dollar bills being in circula
tion, but we don't ever expect to
have that much come in all at once,
so we should worry.
When a man tells you how easy
it is to get in a cargo of booz-j you
can depend upon it he has never
had any experience or else is a
darn liar.
Remember that picture of a full
schooner that used to sit In the
window of your favorite saloon? It
will soon be a masterpiece of art in
dry America.
Those weekly dinners enjoyed by
the Executive committee of the Com-
mercial club are a good thing. They
afford an opportunity of getting to
gether and talking matters over.
It is said of an old maid in a
neighboring town that the reason
she never married is because her
gallant young lover wrote his pro
posal and she hasn't got the letter
Thcre are lots of business men in
riattsmouth who spent as much
valuable time figuring up their in
come as the amount of tax tbey
paid. Why not have better book
keeping systems. Every man ought
to know how much he is making
and his wife usually knows how
much he's spending. So, it would be
easy to strike a balance. .
Catairh Caunct Be Cured
cannot reach the seat of the disease.
Catarrh .a a local disease. Kreatly in
fluenced by constitutional conditions, and
in order to cure it you must take an
Internal remady Hall's Catarrh Medi
cine Is taken internally and acts thru
the blood on the mucous surfaces of the
svstem. Hall's Car.-rrh Medicine was
preset ibed by one of the best physicians
in this country for years. It is com
posed of some of the best topics known,
combined with some of the best blood
ptiri.lei-s. The perfect combination of
the ingredients in Hall's Catarrh Medi
cine is wat produces such wonderful
results in catJrrhtl conditions. Send for
testimonials, free.
F J. CHENEY & CO.. Props.. Toledo, O.
All Dru agists. rU
Kail's Family Pill tor -oDs!isaUon.
If the Bolsheviki snake is not
smothered it threatens to sting all
of Europe.
Clay county farmers will them
pel"e provide the necessary funds
to keep the farm bureau in exis
tence. '
The legislature will not have so
many bills to fuss over after the
sifting committee gets through with
its work.
"Where there's a will, there's a
way," sang a paragrapher long ago.
And where there's a Wilson, there's
a Wilson way.
Hungary has declared for a so
viet form of government and an al
liance with the' Russian bolshevists.
More trouble brewing.
"If we don't pay a tax for hard
roads, we pay one for mud roads,"
the Salina Journal rays. "The
difference is that the inx for hard
roads gives us something in return
and the tax for mud does not."
"Who is the genius who wrote
the peace terms?" is a question they
are asking back East. Well, J list
considering all the peace we're en
joying thus far, it appears that
Marshal Foch had a strong hand in
Is there any religion whose fol
lowers can be pointed to as dis
tinctly more amiable and trust
worthy than those of any other? If
so, this should be enough. I find
the nicest and best people generally
profess no religion at all, but are
ready to like the best of all relig
ions. ror
The kaiser is reported to' have
earned thirty dollars sawing wood
since he deserted his wretched old
throne and went to Holland. They
are paying better wages to wood
sawers in that country than we had
supposed, assuming that -the kaiser
saws wood like he did some other
I have taken great pains, with
what success I know not, to correct
impatience, irritability and other
like faults in my character not
because I care to straws about my
own character, but because I find
the correction of such faults as I
have been able to correct makes life
easier, and saves me from getting
into scrapes, and attaches nice peo
ple to me more readily.
Ncw Jersey is tied up in the tight
est transportation knot of all its his
tory. It is the old fight of the.trolley
men for recognition of their union.
To this is added a demand for a
nine-hour day at the pay now re
ceived for ten hours. The automo
bile has greatly 'modied the incon
venience or the public. Thousands
of "jitneys" have appeared on the
scene to take up the passenger
traffic which the trolley lines have
laid down.
The United States department of
agriculture announces that a large
tonnage of fresh fish of excellent
quality accumulated to provide .for
war needs but now released for gen
cral consumption may be shipped to
the interior of the country as fast
as the consumers make demand. The
bureau of chemistry finds that fish
frozen hard Just as soon as they are
drawn ut of the water and kept
covered with a jacket of ice until
they reach the consumer are fresher
than the so-called fresh fish, that go
to the market packed in ice. Just
now prices ought to be reasonable
as the stock on hand, due to the
release of the military stores, is
about twice the normal.
What about women's dress?
Shall the law step in and lay
down rules in a field that properly
belongs to modesty alone?
Women themselves are raising
these questions, and women are
answering them. Some of them, not-
ably the Lincoln (Neb.) Women's
club, have appealed to the legisla
ture of the state to enact laws that
shall oblige women to do under pen
alty what their sense of propriety
should lead them to do of their own
motion. The Lincoln women declare
that many of their sisters girls
and matrons are going to an inde
cent extreme In the low cut of their
bodices, fore and aft, in the brevity
of their skirts, in transparency of
fabric. In disclosure of body con
tour and in the broad expanses of
bare epidermis.
Note these words from the lips of
Mrs. James Griswold Wentz, presi-
dent of the Women's Republican
club of New York words spoken
by her to the Federation of Women's
"We are welcoming the soldiers
who have returned from the rain of
shot and shell. Shall we face them
with a greater danger here? Every
woman who leaves her home in a
half-nude state to attend a dance or
dinner represents such danger."
Mrs. Wentz's question is more
pertinent than Impertinent. Her
choice of the adjective "half nude"
is not mathematically irreproach
able, but from the standpoint of her
purpose it is well within the bounds.
Bodices that provide no covering in
the back from the umteenth vertebra
up and only a part covering in front
from the continuation lines of the
th (number deleted by censor) rib
are open to question as well as to
"There should be no doubt in the
mind of any person of clean life and
high ideals," added Airs. Wentz, "a3
to what constitutes indecency in
That seems to be the meat of the
truth, and it also seems to be up to
the individual woman, rather than
to lawmakers, to decide where the
line should run between propriety
and impropriety. Minneapolis Tri
bune. '
There are 273,000 women farm
ers in the United States, according
to the annual report of Mrs. W. II.
Hubert national director of the
woman's land army. The largest
percentage of women engaged in
permanent agricultural pursuits fol
lows poultry raising; there are oth
ers who have undertaken- orchard
ing or the management of alfalfa
ranches in Oregon, Colorado, etc.;
truck gardening is followed to a cer
tain extent. Mrs. Hubert speaks of
a "remarkable movement of women"
toward the farms and away from
the factories.' But it would seem
hardly fair to rank as "farmers"
those women and girls who volun
teered for farm service during the
war and who returned to their occu
pation, if such they had, when the
season was over.
There is nothing on the surface
which leads to the hope that Ameri
can women arc going in for farming,
but it must also be remembered that
the majority are used to city life
and have no 'leaning toward the
country save as a place to visit occa
sionally. It requires courage and
confidence to start out in an untried
direction, especially if lacking in
both knowledge and capital. No
doubt these city women would be an
asset to a country community. They
would bring new ways and new
ideas, and might easily be a develop
ing force.
And there are some people right
here In Plattsmouth, who, after pay
ing $2.50 for a pair of silk hose, try
their level best to show $2.48 worth
of them.
Mils ia K-d and J tnetlUcV
run kaea as Bast. Si tat. lim n-ii.i .l.
- I
The country has had much oppor
tunity of late to observe what may
be called the impractical mind in
operation. What we mean is, the
man who used to protest against the
United States taking part in the war
on the ground that force could never
be cured by force. It Is the woman
who insists that critics of the pro
posed League of Nations are the ad
vocates of war.
These impractical minds are us
ually exceedingly idealistic. The
trouble is they don't know what
practical measures to adopt to make
their ideals come true. They will
stray away after all sorts of un
workable propositions because some
how the instinct ofr reality seems
to be left out.
When Henry Ford set sail on his
fantastic peace expedition he gave
a perfect example of the impractical
mind in operation. He wanted to
get the boys out of the trenches by
Christmas. He was so naive as to
believe that all that was necessary
was to get the leaders to discuss the
matter and reason would at once
prevail. His aim to get the boys
out of the trenches was fine, his
method impossible.
The case of Mr. Ford is especial
ly interesting because it proves that
a mind may be built In water tight
compartments. His is practical
enough in automobile manufacture.
It slips in the realm of social rela
tions. In general, however, the im
practical mind reaches its finest
flower when it develops in a more
or less artificial world. Tolstoy was
a conspicuous instance. In Ilus-sia
he was out of touch with the main
currents of progress and his genius
developed on eccentric lines.
College teachers, clergymen, Chau
tauqua lecturers arc under a pecul
iar temptation, for they naturally
deal with theories many of which
cannot be tested by actual exper
ience. In addition they are in con
tact with immature mind.4, or with
uncritical minds, and so fail to get
the wholesome corrective of keen
criticism. Some of these men, of
course, keep their feet on the ground
and grow into that exceptional and
wonderfully useful combination of
the practical man who is at the
same time an idealist. Many, how
ever, fail to gain the experience
with which to check up theories,
and so go off on curious tangents.
The minister may preach a ser
mon on abolishing war, and if he is
eloquent his congregation will go
away saying, "What a splendid ser
mon." The few dissenters rarely ex
press criticism. It Is so much pleas
anter to be agreeable. The profes
sor may tell his class that hereafter
We are to substitute a just concert
of the powers for the old, bad bal
ance of power, and so are going to
avoid war. And there may be no
body In the classroom with sufficient
experience and detailed knowledge
of European history to point out
how the concert of thepowers al
ways has brokn down into a balance
of power. '
In the campaign of 189fi we had
a classic illustration of how the
theorists plumped on free coinage
of silver. The issue, however, was
so presented that it attracted only
the most undiscriminating of the
impracticals. The issues of pacifism
and of the League of Nations in its
extreme form got the higher circles.
With some notable exceptions
who were strongest against the
United States entering the war have
been the most ardent supporters of
the next patent remedy for war.
The world situation of the last
four years has been a fertile field
for all sorts of theorists to exercise
themselves in. A flood of ideas has
resulted, which call for cold and
perhaps unsympathetic scrutiny
from the realists who "understand
something of the nature of this
striving, passionate, unreasoning
world we live in. K. C. Star.
Single combed "Buff Orphington
eggs for hatching. One dollar per
setting or fifteen eggs, or five dollars
per hundred. See or call Sam Cood
man. Myuard. Nebr. 19-tf
Stationery at ths Journal office.
Publicity Committee Pegging Along
to the End of Getting Some
thing Definite Done.
from Wednesday's Dally
What about that night school,
anyhow? !Vnd it was to teach Ameri
canism, at that. Has it gone the
way of the world? We should have
the school in operation and doing
good work by this time. Committees
were appointed to look after the
various phases incident to its estab
lishment, but nothing has as yet
been' heard from them. The library
was suggested as a place for hold
ing the school. As the publicity com
mittee, we will have to keep hump
ing if we get the others awake. Per
haps we had better get a "Big Ben"
alarm clock anyway we had better
get a move on ourselves. The mat
ter of getting this thing moving is
up to somebody. Will they make
the proper move?
From Wednesday's Daily.
The Masonic Order of this city
have been very prosperous, in the
past and have been getting a num
ber of members as also have other
orders, for instance the Elks had to
obtain a special dispensation in ord
er to be allowed to Initiate the class
which applies for admission. Last
evening at the Masonic temple there
was some work in the advanced de
grees, and two candidates were giv
en the mysteries of the Royal Arch
Mason degree, they being Harris
Cook and C. C. liespain. With t he
renewed building, which should
commence, now the war is practical
ly over, this Mason business should
be profitable, t hat a good mason
should be in great demand. Anyway
these two estimable gentlemen have
been advanced to places of responsi
bility in the order of which they
are members and acquainted with
the n.vsteries of the order. Follow
ing the instructions in the class
there was a banquet at which there
were many witty retorts and re
sponses and at which all present had
an excellent time.
Frank Dugay was a passenger to
Omaha this morning, where he is
looking after some business matters
and will in a short time go to work
for an association known as the
Joint Agency, an institution which
handles and accounts for all the
freight cars which enter and leave
South Omaha of all roads. Mr.
Dugay being an able young man an
veil qualified by experience should
make an excellent man for the posi
tion which he has been asked to
I have about 200 bushels Of the
celebrated Marquis beardless spring
wheat, and about f0 bushels of the
bearded spring wheat similar to the
blue stem variety, for sale on my
farm near Mynard. Excellent quality
and clean of foreign seeds. Call
Sherman Cole, phone 4011. daw
:cr -
Why grumble at the shortcomings
of your neighbor when yours needs
so much fixing?
-:o: -
The average American my idea
of nothing to worry about is civil
war in Germany.
We hold that this Nation affords
the only hope for democracy and that
patriotism is the bulwark of the na
tion. -
Jim Heed who was the democratic
pride or Missouri is not any more and
failed to "show" the Missouri legis
lature. ror
The fact that a New York boot
black pays tax on an income of
$ IS, 000 is a great temptation to
get out of the newspaper business,
but as we speak no foreign language
we guess journalism is about the
only line we can take a chance at.
Kczema spreads rapidly; itching
almost drives you mad. For quick
relief. Doan's Ointment is well
recommended. 60c at all stores.
Subscribe for the Daily Journal
and keep abreast of the times.
Children Cry
r m mmm m a 1 l
I'he Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been
in use for over thirty years, has borne the signature of
z5L sonal suPervisin since its infancy.
'&6CC'' Allow TIO nn tn loi-eiira irmi .'
AU Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good " are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience agairst Experiment.
What is CASTOR I A
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric.
Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains
neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its
age is its guarantee. For niore than thirty years it has
fceen in constant us for the relief of Constipation, Ilatulencyv
Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising
therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids
the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural eletp.
Tbe Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
iBears the
In Use For Over 30 Years
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Buy a Victory Bond.
Get the right man for mayor.
One that is for the city all the
Joarnal Want-Ad Favf
Mll( i: TO f IlKDI'l'OltS
The State of Nebraska, Cass Coim-
I ii tin- V;inty Court.
In tiie Matter of the Ktate of Ma&
dulena Vallory. Deceased :
To the Creditors of said Estate:
You are horoby notified. That I will
it at the County Court room in IMatts
mouth, in said countv. on the 14th dav
of April. i:l:. and the 14th dav of
.llllv. 1M1? at TO oVlorlf n m on oafli
iiiy to receive and examine all claims
nirainst said Ksl.ntp. with n vlow to
their adjustment and allowance. The
time limited for t lie presentation of
claims aarainst said Estate is four
months from the 14th day of March.
A I. 1U19. and the time limited for
payment of debts is one vear from
saiil ;th dav of M:irfh 1 0 1 'i
Witness my hand and the pea! of
said oiitity Court this 6th day of
March, 1!10.
(Seal) ml3-5v. County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty. Nebraska.
In the matter of the Estate, of An
drew Kaufmann, Deceased:
To all persona interested in said
Estate, Creditors and Hefrs-at-Law:
You are hereby notified that Marie
E. Kaufman lias this day filed her
petition in this Court, alleging that
Andrew Kaufman, late of said coun
ty, died intestate in Cass county, Ne
braska, on or about the 1 fit li day of
April. 191(1. beinK a resident and in
habitant of I'lattsmouth. in said coun
ty and the owner of an undivided one
half interest in and to Lots 10. 11 and
1-. iu ltlock 7 , Duke's Addition to
I'lattsmouth, Cass county. Nebraska,
and leaving as his sole and only heirs
at law. Elisa Kaufman, his widow, and
.Marie E. Kaufmann, a daughter, both
of lej"l age, residing at I'lattsmouth,
Nebraska, who are interested In said
property according to the decedent
FURING the war of course all
building patriotically was re
stricted to essential construc
tion. Today it is patriotic to build as ex
tensively as you will.
There is no reason for delay at this time.
To consolidate the prosperity of Peace BUILD.
for Fletcher's
HI t K
has beea made under his pr.
laws of the state of Nebraska, arid
praying lor a determination of th
time of the death of said Andrew
Kaufmann, deceased, the names of his
heirs at law and the degree of kinship
thereof and the right of descent of
the real property belonging to said de
cedent in the State of Nebraska, and
for an order barring claims against
said estate and for such other orders
as may be necessary for a correct
disposition of said matter.
Said matter has been tet for hear
ing at the County Court room in I'latts
mouth, in said county, on the 14th
day of April, 131!. at nine o'clock iu
the forenoon, at which time and place
all persons interested may appear and
contest said petition.
Dated this l-'th day of March, 1'J19
l!y the Court,
JOHN M. LEYDA. County Judge.
Atty. for Petitioner. (nil:!-3w
oiti)i:it ok m:itix;
fi ltd otlce of I'robate of Will
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
State of Nebraska, County of Cass,
ss :
To all persons Interested in the es
tate of Pierson T. Walton, Dei-eased:
On reading the petition of Theodore
A. Walton praying that the instrument
filed in this court on the 17tli day of
.March, l&l!, and purporting to be the
last will and testament of the said
deceased, ' may be proved and allowed
and recorded as the last will and tes
tament of Pierson T. Walton, deceased;
that said instrument be admitted to
probate, and the administration of
said estate be granted to Theodore A.
Walton and James E. Walton, an ex
ecutors; It is hereby ordered that you, and
all persons Interested in said matter,
may. and do, appear at the County
Court to be held, in and for said coun
ty, on the 14th day of April, A. D.
HMO, at ten o'clock a. in., to show
cause, if any there be, why the prayer
fo the petitioner should not be grant
or the petitioner shoild not be grant
said petition and that the hearing
thereof be given to all persons in
terested in said matter by publishing
a copy of this order in the Plattsmouth
Journal, a semi - weekly newspaper
printett in shiu county. lor three suc
cessive weeks prior to said day of
hea r ing.
itness my hand, and seal of said
Court this 17th day of Marcli. A. 1).
(Seal) mJ0-.1w. County Judge
L i I
i r