The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 20, 1919, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    TntiBSDiY. MARCH 20. 1919.
I ilium g
Prom Monday's Iarvy.
Edward Meisinger was a brief
business visito rio Omaha this morn
ing, returning at noon.
M. L. Furlong was a visitor In
Plattsmouth this morning, coming
to look after pome business for the
Col. V. R. Young, the auctioneer
falesman, was calletl to Omaha this
afternoon, where he has some busi
ness to look after.
Henry Ileebner passed through
this city this morning for his work
at Cedar Creek after having spent
Sunday at Murray.
Walter Hepenflow and family of
rear Cedar Creek were visiting in
the citv last Saturday with friends
and looking after some business for
the day.
P. E. Ruffner of Omaha was a
visitor in this city for a short time
And visit inff at the home of
friends, returning to his work last
John Ilirtz and wife departed
this mornine for Omaha. where
they are visiting for the day with
friends and will also look after some
Dr. E. D. Cummins, of Lincoln, ar
rived in this city last Saturday even
Ing and visited with friends here
over niEht. returning to his home
yesterday morning.
A. C. Carey of near Mynard. was
a visitor in Omaha This morning,
going on the early Missouri Pacific
train, and returning on the noon
train of the Burlington.
Lee Cole, of near Louisville, was a
visitor In Plattsmouth last Saturday
afternoon, where he was looking
after some business for a few hours,
returning to his home in the even
ing. Sirs. Kern Fogerty and son Kern
Jr., and daughter Katherine. of
Havelock, were visiting in Platts
mouth for over Sunday, being the
guests of Joseph Hiber. sr., and
Thomas Swoboda and families.
Mrs. A. J. Doerr. of Beardstown.
Illinois, formerly Miss N'ellie Cook,
arrived here last Saturday evening,
and is visiting at the home ' of her
parents. C. E. Cook and wife. She
will spend some time here.
George P. Meisinger was a visit
or in this city this morning from
hia home near Cedar Creek where
he is looking after some business
for the day, and also having some
business at the court house.
Father Higgins of Manley. where
he i the rtfcident priest of the
Catholic Church of that place was a
visitor in this city with Father M.
A. Shine for Sunday and returned
home this morning, going via Oma
ha. . Mrs. Agnes Chapman, who lias
been visiting in this city for the
past week, a guest at the home of
Mrs. J. W. Johnson and Mrs. Val
Burkel and other friends, departed
on last Saturday afternoon for her
home in Lincoln.
R. L. Propst. who fell from a hay
mow, sustaining injuries which have
kept him in bed for some time, was
able to be out again last Saturday
with the aid of a crutch and hopes
to be able in the near future to be
about again as usual.
Mrs. C. A. Vallery vho has been
visiting in this city at the home of
her sister, Mr. Joseph J. Johnson,
and with her father Henry Eiken
berry, for the past two weeks, de
parted last evening for her home at
Saint Joseph, Mo.
A. K. Graves, of Murray, was a
visitor in the city this morning, com
ing up to look, after some business
and to secure a hunter's license. He
gave his age as 73 years and stated
his mother is living near Rock Bluffs
and enjoying pretty good health at
the age of 99 years.
John Henry, who returned this
morning from a stay of several
months at Oklamulgee, Oklahoma,
tells of terifnc storms in that por
tion of the country, and at a small
town near where he has been living
there was one last Saturday which
killed five people and wounded nu
merous others. Aside from the ex
cessive storms that have prevailed,
the country is looking fine the crops
being well advanced.
Glen Campbell and wife from east
of Murray were passengers to Oma
ha this afternoon, where they are
viisting with friends.
Vm. Farr of southwest of Mynard
was a visitor -in this city for a few
hours, romlng to look after some
business for the time.
Mrs. Vm. Highers, formerly Miss
Ethel Tower of Murdock, arrived in
the city this morning to visit for
the day with friends here.
V. H. Heil of Louisville was a
visitor in Plattsmouth for the day.
coming from his home at Louisville
on, the early train this morning.
John V. Sutton from south of Old
Rock Bluffs, was In the city this aft
ernoon, coming to do some trading
with the Plattsmouth merchants.
RalDh M. Wiles and wire were
spending the day in Omaha, where
they were both visiting with friends
and looking after some business.
Alex Campbell was in the city
this morning from his home south
of Rock Bluffs, called here to look
after some business matters for the
Earnest Hutchinson from near
Old Rock Bluffs, was a visitor in
Platsmouth this morning where he
. . . .
was looking after some business
Mrs. Eulla Ivans of Portland.
Oregon, and children are visiting
in this city, the guests of her moth
er, Mrs. rannle Bates, anu nrotner
John T. Bates.
Hives, eczema, itch or salt rheum
sets you crazy. Can't bear the touch
of your clothing. Doan's Ointment
is fine for skin itching. All drug
gists fell it, 60c a box.
Mesdames Harry Johnson. Edward
Gribsky and Sherman Cole, were
visiting with friends in Omaha for
the day, having gone there on the
early train this morning.
J. R. Vallery from northwest of
Murray was a visitor in this city
this morning, where he is looking
after some business both at the
court house and in the city.
Mrs. Fred Spangler and daughter
Miss Nellie, who have been visiting
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben
Hites, of Hastings. Iowa, for some
days past, returned home yesterday
afternoon. Mrs. Hites is a sister of
Mrs. Spangler.
Adam Meisinger and wife and
Allie Meisinger and family were
visiting in the city this morning.
coining down to look after some
business for the day also, having
some matters to look after at the
court house and in the city.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ray of
Chugwater. Wyoming, who has been
isiting at Marysville. Mo., stopped
here for a short visit this afternoon
with Mrs. Ray's uncle, David Bab-
bington and at the home of Mr. and
Irs. H. X. Dovey and other friends.
James Vance, who was recently
discharged from the service where he
held a rating of cook in the Motor
Transport corps, at Camp Crane, Al-
lentown. Pa., arrived home a few-
ays ago. and was a passenger to
Omaha this afternoon, where he is
looking after some business.
George Sherwood, who Is traveling
for a wholesale shoe concern was
n the city yesterday, visiting the
rade and departed last evening for
Nebraska City over the Burlington,
where he will interview the shoe
merchants of that city and visit
with his brother Jack Sherwood who
la in business there.
Daniel Palmer who is making his
home at the-county farm, is report
ed as being very sick at this time,
and is requiring considerable care.
He came from Union a short time
ince, as he could not well be pro
vided for at that place. It is de
sired that he might be able to get
out again In a short time.
From Tuesday' Dally.
A marriage license was issued to
Fred F. Lorensen and Miss Helen L.
Coon, both from near Manley.
Watson Long from west of Mynard
was in the city this afternoon, look
ing after some business matters for
the day.
Dick Cbrisweisser, of near Nehaw
ka, was a visitor in the city for the
day, coming to look after some busi-
From Wednwlay'ii Dally.
W. H. Puis of Murray was a visit
or in this city last evening coming
to look after some business
Frank Vallery was a business
visitor in this city last evening.
having driven up in his car.
Uncle Ben Beckman of near .Mur
ray was a visitor in this city this
morning looking after some business
for the day.
J. B. Seyboldt of near Murray
was a visitor in Plattsmouth this
afternoon and was looking after some
business in the city.
"Will Seyboldt of near Murray
was a visitor in the city for the day
having driven in" this morning to
look after some business.
Charles Boedeker and son Glen
were in the city last evening from
their home in Murray and were
looking, after some business.
Glen Rhoden was in the city this
afternoon, transacting some busi
ness with the local merchants, and
looking after some business in the
Antone Meisinger and son Earl
ncttn here.
Mrs. Ralph Mullis who has been J were in the city last Monday look;
visiting in this city for the past few
days returned to his home at Louis
ville last evening. . - :
Cornelius Bengen of northwest
of Murray was a business visitor in
this ritv this mornine:. coming to
look after some business matters in
the city.
Lemon and Charles Bates were in
the city this morning from their
home near Rock Bluffs, and were
transacting some business matters
in the city.
Allen McReynolds of Nehawka.
was a visitor in this city for the
day, having come up this morning
to look after some business at the
court house.
Clarence E. Tefft of Weeping Wat
er was in the city today looking
after some business in justice court,
and was accompanied by his client
Geo. H. Dennis.
Deitrich Koester of near Weeping
Water was a visitor 'in Plattsmouth
this morning, coming to look after
some business in the court of M.
Archer Justice of the peace.
Albert W. Wheeler, of Murray.
was a visitor in riattsmontn lor a
hort time this morning, being on
his way to Omaha, where he had
some business matters to look after
Robert Patterson and wife, of near
Rock Bluffs were passengers to Oma
ha this morning, where they are
both visiting with friends and also
looking after some business for the
Harry A. . Meisinger of near
Cedar Creek was in the city last
Tuesday looking after some business
and was a caller at this office, where
he extended his subscription to the
Mrs. J. Elmer Hallstrom of Avoca,
was a visitor in me city ior a snori
time at the home of her parents it.
L. Propst and wife, and came also
o visit with her grandmother Mrs.
E. E. Goodwin.
Bert Fickler of Stanton arrived in
his city yesterday afternoon and is
isiting with friends and relatives
here, having had some stock at the
ive stock market in South Omaha
and ran down for a visit while so
J. T. Reynolds of near Union was
a visitor in this city for the day
coming up on the early train this
morning, to look after some matters
at the court house, and some busi
ness in the city.
Anderson Rouse who makes his
home with his daughter Mrs. Grover
Will, and who has been visiting at
the home of a brother J. P. Rouse
at Alvo, for the past week returned
home last evening.
. Louis Schultz who has been mak
ing his home near LeMars. Iowa,
where he is working on a farm, re
turned here this afternoon, for a
short stay, and will visit while here
with friends and relatives as well at
look after some business.
Thomas W. Keckler and son R. L.
Keckler. both of Manley were in the
city today looking after' some busi
ness for the day, having some mat
ters at the court house to look after
and also some business in the city
calling for their attention.
Mrs. S. L. Willis of Saratoga.
Wyoming, arrived this morning
from her home in the west "and is
visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. R. L. Propst called on account
of the illness of Grandma Goodwin,
and who is reported as some better.
Mrs. Frances Crisman of Lincoln.
who has been here for some time
past departed this afternoon for her
home, after having visited here with
her mother Mrs. George Shoeman.
and was accompanied by her moth
er who will visit for a. while with
her daughter.
S. O. Cole and wife with their
daughter Miss Opel who have been
in the west for the past few weeks
visiting many coast points, and stop
ping at Denver and other places of
interest arrived home this morning.
They enjoyed to the full the trip,
and had an excellent time while
Mrs. A. J. Doerr, 'of Bloomington,
Illinois, who is visiting in the city at
the present time, as a guest at the
home of her. parents, Mr. and Mrs.
C. E. Cook and with other relatives
in and near the city, went to Omaha
this morning to spend the day with
Spent A Very Enjoyable Evening at
the Red Pepper Class Entertain
ment at the M. W. of A. Hall.
From Wednesday's Dnliy.
The Red Pepper Class oX the
Christian Sunday School, which
gave an entertainment two night?
since at the Modern Woodman Hall
proved themselves to be entertain
ers of much' ability. Their pro
grain was a great success in its ev
ery particular, as substantiat
ed by the hearty applause, which
was the result of every number.
Not alone in the matter of produc
ing. a good program wer"e these
girls experts but their cooking was
superb as well. They fed the peo
pie whom they made laugh. and
surely gave them cause to enjoy the
very pleasant evening which they
From Wednesday's Dally.
Henry Batt of Gering, is in the
zity today, having been looking for
families to work in the beet fields of
that portion of the country.
The interests there have some
33,000 acres of sugar beets to be
cultivated this summer, and the
work which they will furnish will
last for all .summer and until the
weather is cold. The transportation
is paid for those going to work. Mr
Hatts will be at the Perkins House
intil tomorrow. He has secured
even families as he reports to work
Now is the time of the year when
one should have their Live Stock
and Buildings protected against loss
by fire, lightning and tornado.
I. write for the Farmers Mutual
Insurance Co., of Lincoln, the old
est, strongest and most satisfactory
Farm Insurance Co., in Nebraska.
Do not neglecf this. W. T. Richard
son. Mynard. Phone 2411.
ins after some business matters and
called upon the Journal while in
1 black fur mitten some time ago
between' Union and Murray. Finder
please leave at Hiatt & Tutt, Mur
ray, Neb. Jarvis Lancaster. l'T-2tw
-:o: .
Loose anything?
want ad.
Try a -Journal
From Wednesday's Dally.
During this morning a telephone
call came from the Jennie Edmnnd-
son hospital at Council Bluffs, Iowa
where Mrs. Mary Evers has been re
ceiving treatment, since her opera
tion, some time since, saying that
her condition was very serious, and
asking that all the members of the
family here hasten to her bedside
L. B. Beckman and wife, the latter
a daughter of Mrs. Evers departed
on the first train for Council Bluffs.
Her tJon Will Evers having gone
there earlier in the day. It is hop
ed that they may find the sick lady
From Wednesday's Dally
This morning in county court S
F. Andrews who was apprehended
and placed under arrest, charged
with being intoxicated, upon hear
ing was found guilty and given a
sentence of sixty days in the county
jail for the offense.
Taney stationery at this office.
JAKE, 12651
Jake is a black-jack with white
points. Was foaled May 2S. 1912.
Is 15 hands high. Sired by Big
Jake, and his dam was Lady Elgin.
He is an excellent jack, and ha. a
?ood reputation as a foal getter.
Weight 1100.
TEDDY R. 9768C
Teddy R. is a fine Percheron
Stallion, black with white hind feet
and right front foot also white. Me
was foaled. March 30, 19):'. and
weighs 1800 pounds. His sire wes
Morton, 67203; by Epateur, 5jS36.
(64349); by Bolivar, 40111
(46462); by Amilcar, (19979); by
Sultan, (4713); by Bayard, 1949. i ;
by Estraba, 187 (736); by son of
Jean le Blanc, (739).
Teddy R and Jake will ranke the
season ;f 1319 at my home, six rules
west of Murray and six miles oast
of Manley, every day in the vtek.
Terms for Tddy R., $12.50 to insure
colt to stand ud and suck. Terms
for Jake, $15.00 to insure colt to
stand up and suck. When panics
di?po.'ie of mares or remove from the
locality service fee becomes riue ar.d
must be paid Immediately. AU care
will be taken to prevent accidents,
but owner will not be held re
sponsible should any occur.
, A. J. SCHAFKll. ,
Do You Need a
Heating -System
aave it
10 to
By Acting At Once
If you want furnace heat if you want
the best pipeless furnaca on the market
if you want to save from $10 to $15 on the
system installed complete, it will be neces1
sary for us to have your contract before
March 29.
You yourself, and others make possible
this saving by concentrating- the sales cam
paign in this ten day period. By having
those interested come to us cuts our sell
ing expense. It enables us to buy in quan
tities both the heating systems and fittings.
It means our men can work without waste
of time. YOU receive the benefit !
In addition to the 10 Star Points listed,
we want you to know the advantages of
Round G&KPipeless Furnace
10 Star Points cf Round Oak
Pipeless Supremacy
(Th beat pipelett furnace on iht market)
"A 5.
vr 6.
Built Absolute! Fire Procf.
(See Catalogue.)
Imroved, Gas and Duct TiM
Bolted Construction.
Burns All Fuels Successfully
Strongest Lasts the Longest.
Heavier too.
Humidifies and Circulates Pure
Holds the Fire 24 Hours.
Cocl Basem-r.t Delivers All
t!.e Heat to the Home.
Responds more Promptly than
a Stove.
Easily Operated and Quickly
Wade by "Makers
Goods Only."
cf Good
It will hsat your home year after year with
a generous volume of pure, warm, moist, ever
changing air, free from dust, gas and smoke.
It will burn any and all fuels successfully
snd economically. It will hold the fire over
night without re-charging, even in zero
The System costs only one-fourth to one
third the price of steam or hot water, yet it
responds more quickly. Its results are positive.
It may be easily and quickly installed and
ready for service in les3 than twenty-four hours
from the time it is delivered to your home.
System on the
The patented, improved,
bolted and deep-jointed con
struction and its heavy cast
ings mean no dust or diit in
ycur home.
We are positive it is the
best built, most efficient, dur
able and satisfactory Pipeless
It is worth every cent you
invest in its purchase. Its
caving in fuel alone pays a
liberal interest on the investment.
You should secure one of
these free Round Oak Pipe
less Eooks, 9 x 12, profusely
illustrated, which proves all
of these claims and describes
the other distinctive advantages.
KxceMer Broth
Having sold my land ami expect
to quit tanning, I via ottering at ;
eneral clean-up puhlic sale all my
personal property. Kverything must
be sold. Sale will be held at the
A. K. Todd .farm, four miles west
of Plattsmouth, on
Commencing at 1 :00 0"Clock Sharp
At which time I will otter the fol
lowing described property fur sale:
One dark bay horse, five years old.
weight 1200; one dark hay mare.
nine years old, weight 1400; one hsy
hay mare, two years old.
Two Jersey cow?, one lieifer coni
ng two years old. one yearling
heifer, one heifer calf, one thorough
bred Guernsey bull coming two years
old, one Jersey . yearling heifer, one
Jersey calf. A few good brood sows.
'1 V tllJU, f-.'V"..
4-in. lire wagon and
iianure spreader.
SO rods
One hog rack
One Bradley
good as new.
One Case corn planter.
wire, new.
One New Century riding cultivat
or, new.
nnr .Inlin Deere riding cultivat
Two Avery walking cultivators.
One Hapgood 12-in. gang plow,
good shape.
One three-section harrow, good as
Two Deering mowers.
O-ie Mccormick' 10-ft. hay rake.
One St. Joe 14-in. walking plow.
One St. Joe combined riding list
er. One disk, nearly new.
One one-horse corn drill.
One 6 h. p. Galloway portable
engine, good.
One Challenge feed grinder.
One Enterprise ensilage cutter.
One fanning mill.
One Sharpies cream separator.
One lob sled.
One 60-gallon butchering kettle.
One Louisiana power eane mill,
1-16 evaporator and furnace front,
grate and smoke stack.
One two-hole self feed corn shelt
er. One corn shredder.
One Deering binder.
One furoteen-tooth garden liar-1
One five-shovel garden
Or.e shovel plow.
0:;e Hider three-horse wagon
One cypress stock tank.
One cement mixer.
One scraper.
About "0 bushels Recti's yellow
lent seed corn.
All sums of $10 and under, cusb
in hand. On all sums over .$10 a
credit of from six to eisrht months
will be given, with good bankable
paper hearing eight per cent mter
vt from date of sale. All property
must he settled for before being re
moved from the premises.
, A. E. TODD, Owner.
COL. V. H. YOt'NG, Auctioneer.
GEO. O. DOVEV. Clerk.
I have for sale, two young high
bred registered Ilerford bulls, four
teen and fifteen months of age re-
pectively. Inquire of Fred T.
-i r o r
Ranige. I'hones iv-' anu oaz.
Plattsmouth. Neb. 5-tfw
Kriim Wednesday's lally.
Tomorrow night, Thursday. at
0:45 will be the time when these
who are to attend the Epworth
League Banquet will assemble in
the Methodist Church auditorium.
The Banquet will begin promptly at
7 P. M. There will be a toast list
and an address by Hev. F. P. Quick
of Omaha. Following the banuuet
Mr. Quick will give a lecture to the
public entitled. "Making the World
Safe for Democracy" which will be
illustrated with 200 slides. This is
of special interest to Methodists but
all are invited. It is free. It will
be given in the auditorium about
S:S0 P. M.
From Wednesday's Daily
The family of John Vallery is re
ported as being sirk again with the
influenza, the little son Jack, who
was so sick before, being in the most
serious condition of all. He is not
in as bad a condition as formerly,
and it is hoped he may soon recover.
Stationery at the Jflumal office
, : y
; HOME BUILDERS' money is loaned only on
mortgage security on new properties in Oma
ha, erected by this Company.
4 HOME HOLDERS does not erect buildings on
its own account to sell or to rent for profit. It
builds only to order for reliable people for the
contractor's profit.
5 HOME BUILDERS' assets consist only, of
mortgages. Government bonds and cash and It
has not one dollar of mortgage or bonded debt.
Over three thousand people have received their dividends with
unfailing regularity on their money. Last year those wishing to
convert their Shares into cash received over $125,000.00 through
the American Security Co., Fiscal Agents.
Your money in HOME BUILDERS is tax-free in Nebraska and
available any time on short notice after one year.
6 Per Cent is guaranteed and paid you January 1st and Jul
1st on any amount up to $5,000.00. y
A part of your business is solicited by mail or in ,
it Share3,until the present allotment is exhausted
its C per cent
. P. LUTZ, Agent,